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OBJECTIVE: To establish pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic properties of a racemic mixture and individual R(-) and S(+) enantiomeric forms of ketoprofen (KTP) in sheep and determine pharmacodynamic variables of KTP by pharmacokinetic-pharmacodynamic modeling. ANIMALS: 8 female Dorset crossbred sheep. PROCEDURE: A tissue cage model of inflammation was used. Carrageenan was administered into tissue cages. Time course of cyclooxygenase (COX)-2 inhibition was determined in vivo by measurement of exudate prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) concentrations. Time course of COX-1 inhibition was determined ex vivo by measurement of serum thromboxane B2 (TXB2) concentrations. In addition, plasma concentration-time course and penetration of KTP enantiomers into inflammatory exudate and transudate (noninflamed tissue cage fluid) were investigated. Four treatments were compared: placebo, racemic mixture (rac-KTP [3 mg/kg of body weight, IV]), S(+) KTP (1.5 mg/kg, IV),and R(-) KTP (1.5 mg/kg, IV). RESULTS: Both KTP enantiomers had elimination half-life and mean residence time measurements that were short and volume of the central compartment and steady state volume of distribution that were low. Clearance was rapid, particularly for R(-) KTP Elimination of both enantiomers from exudate was > 10 times slower than from plasma. Both rac-KTP and the individual enantiomers significantly inhibited serum TXB2 concentrations for 12 hours. Rac-KTP and S(+) KTP, but not R(-) KTP, also significantly inhibited PGE2 synthesis in exudate for 12 hours. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Inhibition of serum TXB2 concentration and exudate PGE2 synthesis for similar time courses after S(+) KTP administration indicates that it is a nonselective inhibitor of COX in sheep.  相似文献   

Pharmacokinetic parameters were established for enantiomers of the nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) ketoprofen (KTP) administered as the racemic mixture at a dose of 2.2 mg/kg and as separate enantiomers, each at a dose of 1.1 mg/kg to a group of six horses (five mares and one gelding). A four-period cross-over study in a LPS-induced model of acute synovitis was used. After administration of the racemic mixture S(+)KTP was the predominant enantiomer in plasma as well as in synovial fluid. Unidirectional inversion of R(-) to S(+)KTP was demonstrated but the inversion was less marked than previously reported. It is suggested that this reduction could be because of the influence of the inflammatory reaction on hepatic metabolism. The disposition of KTP enantiomers after administration of the racemic mixture was similar to those observed after administration of S(+) and R(-)KTP. The S(+) and R(-)KTP concentrations in synovial fluid were low and short lasting. After administration of R(-)KTP significant concentrations of the optical antipode were detected in synovial fluid.  相似文献   

Pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic parameters were established for enantiomers of the non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) ketoprofen (KTP), each administered separately at a dose level of 1.1 mg/kg to a group of six New Forest geldings, in a three-period cross-over study using a tissue cage model of inflammation. For both S(+)- and R(-)-KTP, penetration into tissue cage fluid (transudate) and inflamed tissue cage fluid (exudate) was rapid, and clearances from exudate and transudate were much slower than from plasma. AUC values were, therefore, higher for exudate and, to a lesser degree, transudate than for plasma. Unidirectional chiral inversion of R(-)- to S(+)-KTP was demonstrated. Administration of both enantiomers produced marked, time-dependent inhibition of synthesis of serum thromboxane B2 and exudate prostaglandin E2, indicating non-selective inhibition of cyclo-oxygenase (COX) isoenzymes COX-1 and COX-2 respectively. Administration of both enantiomers also produced partial inhibition of β-glucuronidase release into inflammatory exudate and of bradykinin-induced skin oedema. It is suggested that, although S(+)-KTP is generally regarded as the eutomer, R(-)-KTP was probably at least as active in inhibiting bradykinin swelling. Pharmacokinetic/pharmaco dynamic (PK/PD) modelling of the data could not be undertaken following R(-)-KTP administration because of chiral inversion to S(+)-KTP. but pharmacodynamic parameters, E max, EC50, N , k eo and t 1/2(keO), were determined for S(+)-KTP using the sigmoidal E max equation. PK/DP modelling provided a novel means of comparing and quantifying several biological effects of KTP and of investigating its mechanisms of action.  相似文献   



Ketoprofen is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug which has been widely used for domestic animals. Orally administered racemic ketoprofen has been reported to be absorbed well in pigs, and bioavailability was almost complete. The objectives of this study were to analyze R- and S-ketoprofen concentrations in plasma after oral (PO) and intra muscular (IM) routes of administration, and to assess the relative bioavailability of racemic ketoprofen for both enantiomers between those routes of administration in growing pigs.


Eleven pigs received racemic ketoprofen at dose rates of 4 mg/kg PO and 3 mg/kg IM in a randomized, crossover design with a 6-day washout period. Enantiomers were separated on a chiral column and their concentrations were determined by liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry. Pharmacokinetic parameters were calculated and relative bioavailability (Frel) was determined for S and R –ketoprofen.


S-ketoprofen was the predominant enantiomer in pig plasma after administration of the racemic mixture via both routes. The mean (± SD) maximum S-ketoprofen concentration in plasma (7.42 mg/L ± 2.35 in PO and 7.32 mg/L ± 0.75 in IM) was more than twice as high as that of R-ketoprofen (2.55 mg/L ± 0.99 in PO and 3.23 mg/L ± 0.70 in IM), and the terminal half-life was three times longer for S-ketoprofen (3.40 h ± 0.91 in PO and 2.89 h ± 0.85 in IM) than R-ketoprofen (1.1 h ± 0.90 in PO and 0.75 h ± 0.48 in IM). The mean (± SD) relative bioavailability (PO compared to IM) was 83 ± 20% and 63 ± 23% for S-ketoprofen and R-ketoprofen, respectively.


Although some minor differences were detected in the ketoprofen enantiomer concentrations in plasma after PO and IM administration, they are probably not relevant in clinical use. Thus, the pharmacological effects of racemic ketoprofen should be comparable after intramuscular and oral routes of administration in growing pigs.  相似文献   

Non-depolarizing muscle relaxants can facilitate surgery and anaesthesia in numerous species, and volatile inhalational anaesthetics such as isoflurane potentiate their action. We studied the effect of isoflurane on the pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics of metocurine in six goats. Each was studied twice: once during barbiturate-opiate anaesthesia and once during isoflurane anaesthesia. The evoked response to sciatic nerve stimulation was measured using a force transducer attached to the hoof. Metocurine was infused until approximately 80–90% blockade. Plasma metocurine concentration was determined by high-performance liquid chromatography. Isoflurane increased the potency of metocurine significantly; IC50 (the concentration in the effect compartment at 50% paralysis) was 70 ± 15 ng/mL during isoflurane anaesthesia and 129 ± 42 ng/mL during barbiturate-opiate anaesthesia ( P < 0.03). Volume of distribution (63 ± 18 mL/kg), clearance (1.6 ± 0.4 mL/min±kg) and elimination half-life (99 ± 9 min) during barbiturate-opiate anaesthesia were not significantly different during isoflurane anaesthesia: 64 ± 25 mL/kg, 1.5 ± 0.7 mL/kgmin, 116 ± 16 min respectively. We conclude that, relative to barbiturate-opiate anaesthesia, isoflurane potentiates metocurine in goats.  相似文献   

The pharmacokinetics (PK) and pharmacodynamics (PD) of ketoprofen (KTP) were studied in calves following intravenous administration of the drug racemate at a dose rate of 3 mg/kg. To evaluate the anti-inflammatory properties of KTP, a model of acute inflammation, consisting of surgically implanted subcutaneous tissue cages stimulated by intracaveal injection of carrageenan, was used. No differences were observed between disposition curves of KTP enantiomers in plasma, exudate or transudate. This indicates that in calves KTP pharmacokinetics is not enantioselective. S(+)- and R(-)- KTP each had a short elimination half-life (t1/2β of 0.42 ± 0.08 h and 0.42 ± 0.09 h, respectively. The volume of distribution (Vd) was low, values of 0.20 ± 0.06 L/kg and 0.22 ± 0.06 L/kg being obtained for R(-) and S(+)KTP, respectively. Body clearance (CI8) was high, correlating with the short elimination half-life, 0.3 3 ± 0.03 L/kg/h [R(-)KTP] and 0.32 ± 0.04 L/kg/h [S(+)-KTP]. KTP pharmacodynamics was evaluated by determining the effects on serum thromboxane (TxB2), exudate prostaglandin (PGE2), leukotriene (LTB4) and β-glucuronidase (β-glu) and bradykinin (BK)-induced oedematous swelling. Effect-concentration inter-relationships were analysed by PK/PD modelling. KTP did not affect exudate LTB4, but inhibition of the other variables was statistically significant. The mean EC50 values for inhibition of serum TxB2, exudate PGE2 and β-glu and BK-induced swelling were 0.118, 0.086, 0.06 and 0.00029 μg/mL, respectively. These data indicate that KTP exerted an inhibitory action, not only as expected, on eicosanoid (TxB2 and PGE2) synthesis but also on exudate β-glu and BK-induced oedema. The EC50 values for these actions indicate that they are likely to contribute to the overall anti-inflammatory effects of KTP in calves. However, claims that KTP inhibits 5-lipoxygenase and thereby blocks the production of inflammatory mediators such as LTB4 were not substantiated. PK/PD modelling has proved to be a useful tool for analysing the in vivo pharmacodynamics of KTP and for providing new approaches to elucidating its mechanism(s) of action.  相似文献   

The pharmacodynamics of ivermectin in sheep and cattle   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
The concentrations of ivermectin in the gastrointestinal tract of sheep and cattle were determined after subcutaneous administration of ivermectin. Ivermectin was not detected (limit of detection 1 ng/ml) in abomasal and ruminal fluids either after a normal therapeutic dose of 200 micrograms/kg or even at an increased dose of 2000 micrograms/kg. It was also not detected in abomasal and ruminal fluids of a sheep infected with the abomasal parasite Ostertagia circumcincta. However, ivermectin was detectable at similar concentrations in abomasal mucus and in small intestinal mucus. Excretion of ivermectin was high in bile but the concentrations in small intestinal mucus, distal and proximal to the bile duct opening, were similar. It is hypothesized that the low efficacy of ivermectin against small intestinal nematodes compared with abomasal nematodes is not due to differences in ivermectin concentrations in the predilection sites but is probably due to tachyphylaxis in the nematodes allowing the small intestinal nematodes to re-establish before they have left their predilection site. Ivermectin was excreted in the milk of ewes at concentrations similar to those in plasma. Lambs suckling ivermectin-treated ewes received about 4% of a normal therapeutic dose (200 micrograms/kg) via the milk.  相似文献   

Abdennebi, E.H., Khales, N., Sawchuk, R.J., Stowe, CM. Thiamphenicol pharmacokinetics in sheep. J. vet. Pharmacol. Therap. 17, 12–16.
The pharmacokinetics of thiamphenicol were investigated after intravenous (i-v.). intramuscular (i.m.) and oral (p.o.) administration to sheep. It was found that the drug is almost completely absorbed following intramuscular injection, with a bioavailability of about 8 7.5%. Thiamphenicol appears to be widely distributed into extravascular compartments, yielding a volume of distribution [V(b)] of approximately 1 1/Kg. Elimination from the blood is relatively rapid, with a biological half-life of about 1.5 h. Oral treatment showed that thiamphenicol is absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract yielding very low plasma concentrations which were maintained for at least 24 h. Although only 30% of the oral dose was systemically available, in contrast to chloramphenicol, thiamphenicol is truly absorbed when given orally to adult sheep. One possible reason for this observation is that rumen flora do not biotransform this drug as they do for chloramphenicol. Metabolism investigations are, however, needed to confirm this finding.  相似文献   

AIM: To determine the half life (T1/2), time taken to reach maximum plasma concentration (Tmax) and maximum plasma concentration (Cmax) of thalidomide in sheep following I/V, oral and topical treatment with a single dose of thalidomide.

METHOD: Three groups of 4–6-month-old ram lambs were treated with thalidomide dissolved in dimethylsulphoxide (DMSO). The first group (n=10) was treated I/V with 100?mg thalidomide in 2?mL DMSO; the second group (n=8) received 400?mg thalidomide in 2?mL DMSO orally, and the third group (n=8) had 400?mg thalidomide in 4?mL DMSO applied topically. Plasma samples were collected up to 36 hours after treatment, snap-frozen at ?80°C and analysed for concentrations of thalidomide using high performance liquid chromatography.

RESULTS: Following I/V administration, T1/2 was 5.0 (SEM 0.4) hours, volume of distribution was 3,372.0 (SEM 244.3) mL/kg and clearance was 487.1 (SEM 46.1) mL/hour.kg. Topical application of 400?mg thalidomide did not increase plasma concentrations. Following oral administration, thalidomide bioavailability was 89%, with T1/2, Tmax, and Cmax being 7.2 (SEM 0.8) hours, 3.0 (SEM 0.4) hours and 1,767.3 (SEM 178.1) ng/mL, respectively.

CONCLUSION: Topical administration using DMSO as a solvent did not increase concentrations of thalidomide in plasma. The mean pharmacokinetic parameters determined following oral treatment with 400?mg of thalidomide were similar to those reported in humans receiving a single 400?mg oral dose (T1/2 7.3 hours; Tmax 4.3 hours and Cmax 2,820?ng/mL). There is potential for thalidomide to be used as a model for the treatment of chronic inflammatory conditions in sheep, such as Johne's disease, where tumour necrosis factor alpha plays a pathogenic role.  相似文献   

Pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of tilmicosin in sheep and cattle   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Tilmicosin is a long-acting macrolide antibiotic currently approved for treatment of bovine respiratory disease in the USA. Serum pharmacokinetics of tilmicosin were compared between cattle (major species) and sheep (minor species) after subcutaneous injection in order to evaluate a new potential application of the drug in currently nonapproved species. There were no significant differences in the elimination rates, maximum serum concentrations, half-lives ( t 1/2), areas under the curve ( AUC ), areas under the first-moment curve ( AUMC ), and mean residence times. Volume of distribution ( V darea) and clearance ( Cl ), when normalized by body weight, were also similar. The only significantly different parameter was time at which maximum drug concentration was reached ( t max), with sheep having the t max of 3.9 h, compared to 0.5 h in cattle.
  Although macrolides are considered to be one of the safest anti-infective drugs, adverse cardiovascular effects of several macrolides have been reported. The cardiopulmonary effects of tilmicosin were monitored in healthy adult sheep after receiving a single subcutaneous (s.c.) injection of tilmicosin at the dose of 10 mg/kg, and no significant changes were found. The study indicates that tilmicosin can be used safely and effectively in sheep at the given dose, with no adverse cardiopulmonary effects.  相似文献   

The non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) carprofen (CPF) contains single chiral centre. It was administered orally to Beagle dogs as a racemate (rac-CPF) at a dose of 4 mg per kg body weight and as individual (-)(R) and (+)(S) enantiomers at 2 mg per kg body weight. Each of the enantiomers achieved similar plasma bioavailability following administration as the race-mate as they did following their separate administration. Only the administered enantiomers were detectable when the drug was given in the (-)(R) or (+) (S) form, indicating that chiral inversion did not occur in either direction. Higher plasma concentrations of the (-)(R) (Cmax 18 μg/ml, AUC0–24 118 μg h/ml) than the (+)(S) (Cmax 14 μg/ml, AUC0–24 67 μg h/ml) enantiomer were achieved following administration of the racemate. Both enantiomers distributed into peripheral subcutaneous tissue cage fluids, but Cmax and AUC values were lower for both transudate (non-stimulated tissue cage fluid) and exudate (induced by the intracaveal administration of the irritant carrageenan) than for plasma. Drug concentrations in transudate and exudate were similar, as indicated by Cmax and AUC values, although CPF penetrated more rapidly into exudate than into transudate. Neither rac-CPF nor either enantiomer inhibited thromboxane B2 (T × B2) generation by platelets in clotting blood (serum T × B2, or prostaglandin E2, (PGE,) and 12-hydroxyeicosatetraenoic acid (1 2-HETE) synthesis in inflammatory exudate. Since other studies have shown that rac-CPF at the 4 mg/kg dose rate possesses analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects in the dog, it is concluded that the principal mode of action of the drug must be by mechanisms other than cyclooxygenase or 12-lipoxygenase inhibition.  相似文献   

As a part of ongoing research to further elucidate frequent and species-specific causes of differences in oral bioavailability, a 3 mg/kg dose of racemic ketoprofen, a high permeability/low solubility compound in the human biopharmaceutics classification system, was administered intravenously and orally to different species. Due to possible enantioselective disposition kinetics and inversion, enantiomers were quantitated separately using a stereospecific HPLC assay. The absolute bioavailability of R(−) and S(+) ketoprofen in chickens, turkeys, dogs and pigs was 31.5% and 52.6%, 42.6% and 32.5%, 33.6% and 89.1%, and 85.9% and 83.5% respectively. Incomplete bioavailability in poultry is probably due to incomplete absorption in addition to first-pass elimination. Low bioavailability of R(−) ketoprofen in dogs, strongly indicates first-pass metabolism. High bioavailability of S(+) ketoprofen in dogs and both enantiomers in pigs confirms that absorption of these substances is complete and controlled by gastric emptying rather than dissolution.  相似文献   

As a part of ongoing research to further elucidate frequent and species-specific causes of differences in oral bioavailability, a 3 mg/kg dose of racemic ketoprofen, a high permeability/low solubility compound in the human biopharmaceutics classification system, was administered intravenously and orally to different species. Due to possible enantioselective disposition kinetics and inversion, enantiomers were quantitated separately using a stereospecific HPLC assay. The absolute bioavailability of R(−) and S(+) ketoprofen in chickens, turkeys, dogs and pigs was 31.5% and 52.6%, 42.6% and 32.5%, 33.6% and 89.1%, and 85.9% and 83.5% respectively. Incomplete bioavailability in poultry is probably due to incomplete absorption in addition to first-pass elimination. Low bioavailability of R(−) ketoprofen in dogs, strongly indicates first-pass metabolism. High bioavailability of S(+) ketoprofen in dogs and both enantiomers in pigs confirms that absorption of these substances is complete and controlled by gastric emptying rather than dissolution.  相似文献   

The non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug ketoprofen (KTP) was administered as the racemate to cats intravenously (IV) and orally at clinically recommended dose rates of 2 and 1 mg/kg, respectively, to establish its chiral pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic properties.After IV dosing, clearance was more than five times greater and elimination half-life and mean residence time were approximately three times shorter for R(-) KTP than for S(+) KTP. Absorption of both S(+) and R(-) enantiomers was rapid after oral dosing and enantioselective pharmacokinetics was demonstrated by the predominance of S(+) KTP, as indicated by plasma AUC of 20.25 (S(+)KTP) and 4.09 (R(-)KTP) microg h/mL after IV and 6.36 (S(+)KTP) and 1.83 (R(-)KTP) microg h/mL after oral dosing. Bioavailability after oral dosing was virtually complete. Reduction in ex vivo serum thromboxane (TX)B(2) concentrations indicated marked inhibition of platelet cyclo-oxygenase (COX)-1 for 24 h after both oral and IV dosing and inhibition was statistically significant for 72 h after IV dosing. Both oral and IV rac-KTP failed to affect wheal volume produced by intradermal injection of the mild irritant carrageenan but wheal skin temperature was significantly inhibited by IV rac-KTP at some recording times. Possible reasons for the disparity between marked COX-1 inhibition and the limited effect on the cardinal signs of inflammation are considered.In a second experiment, the separate enantiomers of KTP were administered IV, each at the dose rate of 1mg/kg. S(+)KTP again predominated in plasma and there was unidirectional chiral inversion of R(-) to S(+)KTP. Administration of both enantiomers again produced marked and prolonged inhibition of platelet COX-1 and, in the case of R(-)KTP, this was probably attributable to S(+)KTP formed by chiral inversion.  相似文献   

A tissue cage model of inflammation in calves was used to determine the pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic properties of individual carprofen enantiomers, following the administration of the racemate. RS(±) carprofen was administered subcutaneously both alone and in combination with intramuscularly administered oxytetracycline in a four‐period crossover study. Oxytetracycline did not influence the pharmacokinetics of R(?) and S(+) carprofen enantiomers, except for a lower maximum concentration (Cmax) of S(+) carprofen in serum after co‐administration with oxytetracycline. S(+) enantiomer means for area under the serum concentration–time curve (AUC0–96h were 136.9 and 128.3 μg·h/mL and means for the terminal half‐life (T½k10) were = 12.9 and 17.3 h for carprofen alone and in combination with oxytetracycline, respectively. S(+) carprofen AUC0–96h in both carprofen treatments and T½k10 for carprofen alone were lower (P < 0.05) than R(?) carprofen values, indicating a small degree of enantioselectivity in the disposition of the enantiomers. Carprofen inhibition of serum thromboxane B2 ex vivo was small and significant only at a few sampling times, whereas in vivo exudate prostaglandin (PG)E2 synthesis inhibition was greater and achieved overall significance between 36 and 72 h (P < 0.05). Inhibition of PGE2 correlated with mean time to achieve maximum concentrations in exudate of 54 and 42 h for both carprofen treatments for R(?) and S(+) enantiomers, respectively. Carprofen reduction of zymosan‐induced intradermal swelling was not statistically significant. These data provide a basis for the rational use of carprofen with oxytetracycline in calves and indicate that no alteration to carprofen dosage is required when the drugs are co‐administered.  相似文献   

There have been few studies of the pharmacodynamics of nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) using PK-PD modelling, yet this approach offers the advantage of defining the whole concentration-effect relationship, as well as its time course and sensitivity. In this study, ketoprofen (KTP) was administered intravenously to goats as the racemate (3.0 mg/kg total dose) and as the single enantiomers, S(+) KTP and R(-) KTP (1.5 mg/kg of each). The pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of KTP were investigated using a tissue cage model of acute inflammation. The pharmacokinetics of both KTP enantiomers was characterized by rapid clearance, short mean residence time (MRT) and low volume of distribution. The penetration of R(-) KTP into inflamed (exudate) and noninflamed (transudate) tissue cage fluids was delayed but area under the curve values were only slightly less than those in plasma, whereas MRT was much longer. The S(+) enantiomer of KTP penetrated less readily into exudate and transudate. Unidirectional inversion of R(-) to S(+) KTP occurred. Both rac-KTP and the separate enantiomers produced marked inhibition of serum thromboxane B2 (TxB2) synthesis (ex vivo) and moderate inhibition of exudate prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) synthesis (in vivo); pharmacodynamic variables for S(+) KTP were Emax (%) = 94 and 100; IC50 (microg/mL) = 0.0033 and 0.0030; N = 0.45 and 0.58, respectively, where Emax is the maximal effect, IC50 the plasma drug concentration producing 50% of Emax and N the slope of log concentration/effect relationship. The IC50 ratio, serum TxB2:exudate PGE2 was 1.10. Neither rac-KTP nor the individual enantiomers suppressed skin temperature rise at, or leucocyte infiltration into, the site of acute inflammation. These data illustrate for KTP shallow concentration-response relationships, probable nonselectivity of KTP for cyclooxygenase (COX)-1 and COX-2 inhibition and lack of measurable effect on components of inflammation.  相似文献   

The correlation between pharmacokinetics and dynamics of furosemide was investigated in anaesthetized dogs. After intravenous administration (i.v.) of furosemide (5 mg/kg), the plasma concentration declined rapidly with bioexponential decay. The half-life (t1/2 beta) of the late phase of elimination was 0.931 +/- 0.187 h and the apparent volume of distribution at steady state was 0.25 +/- 0.043 l/Kg. The total clearance (Cltot) was 0.435 +/- 0.031 l/h/kg, in which the renal clearance was 0.260 +/- 0.020 (about 60% of Cltot). The change in rate of urinary excretion of furosemide was similar to the plasma concentration decay curve. The diuretic effect of furosemide was accompanied by an extreme increase in the excretion rate of sodium and chloride, but not potassium. The relationships between the diuretic response and the plasma concentration or the urinary excretion rate of furosemide was depicted by sigmoidal dose-response curves in both cases. The half-maximum effect was obtained at 1.5 micrograms/ml of plasma concentration or at 80 micrograms/min of excretion rate of furosemide.  相似文献   

Dose-related changes in the pharmacokinetics of gentamicin sulfate were investigated in 9 sheep given 3, 10, or 20 mg/kg of body weight IV in a crossover design with a 24-day washout period. The pharmacokinetics of the 3 mg/kg single dose were compared with that of the terminal phase pharmacokinetics of 3 mg of gentamicin/kg IV every 8 hours for 7 days in 8 additional sheep. Serum concentrations were monitored for 21 to 24 days after the dose. Polyexponential equations were fit to each data set. The number of exponential terms was determined by optimizing the fit for each data set. The pharmacokinetics of the 3 mg/kg single dose were mainly described by triexponential equations. The 10 mg/kg and the 20 mg/kg single doses and the 3 mg/kg multiple-dose data were described by a tetraexponential equation. The elimination rate constant was significantly smaller (P less than 0.05) after the larger single doses, and the serum gentamicin clearance increased as the dose increased (P less than 0.05). The crossover design sequence had a significant effect on serum gentamicin clearance and the area under the curve normalized to unit dose (P less than 0.01). The final exponential phase was not detectable with the present assay sensitivity under the 3 mg/kg single dose. The triexponential equation underpredicted the terminal serum concentrations determined after the 3 mg/kg multiple dose, whereas the 4 phase equation overpredicted the same terminal serum concentrations, perhaps reflecting saturation of the tissue pools that were mirrored by the serum gentamicin concentrations after 24 hours. The present study emphasized the complexity of the terminal phase gentamicin. pharmacokinetics and acknowledged the need for a long-term washout period when using the crossover design for gentamicin pharmacokinetic studies.  相似文献   

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