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Ponies with recurrent airway obstruction (principal ponies) and their controls were given aerosolized Micropolyspora faeni antigen via endotracheal tube during a period when the principal ponies were in disease remission. In both groups of ponies, we performed bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) and measured pulmonary function at base line, and 5 hours after aerosol administration of 30 ml of 0.9% NaCl solution or 30 ml of 1% w/v particulate M faeni antigen in 0.9% NaCl solution. In both groups of ponies, aerosolized M faeni antigen increased WBC count, neutrophil numbers, and albumin concentration in BAL fluid, but macrophage numbers decreased. In the principal ponies, BAL mast cell numbers were decreased 5 hours after administration of M faeni antigen. The M faeni antigen had no effect on the mechanical properties of the lungs or on gas exchange in the control ponies, but did increase respiratory frequency minute ventilation and pulmonary resistance, and decreased arterial oxygen tension in the principal ponies. Changes in pulmonary function were apparent only in the principal ponies, which suggests that neutrophils, per se, do not cause pulmonary dysfunction and that M faeni may be one of the etiologic agents involved in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.  相似文献   

The dose of aerosol pirbuterol that could be administered safely to ponies (weight approximately 200 kg) was determined by observation for sweating, trembling and excitement and measurement of heart and respiratory rates during cumulative administration of the drug. Sweating, trembling and excitement were first observed following a dose of 2,400 micrograms and became more severe at 3,200 micrograms. These effects were accompanied by an increase in heart rate but not a change in respiratory rate. When 3200 micrograms was administered without prior administration of lower doses, side effects were trivial. This dose was therefore tested for its bronchodilator activity. Pulmonary function was evaluated in ponies that developed airway obstruction ('heaves') when housed in a barn and fed hay. Measurements were made when ponies were in clinical remission (Period A) and during an acute attack of airway obstruction (Period B). At Period A, pirbuterol had no effect on pulmonary function. Barn housing increased pulmonary resistance and decreased dynamic compliance. At Measurement Period B, pirbuterol administration significantly reduced pulmonary resistance and increased dynamic compliance and minute ventilation. These changes were significant 5 min after drug administration and lasted for the 30 min duration of the study. Vehicle administration had no effect on pulmonary function. It was concluded that aerosol pirbuterol has few undesirable side effects and is an effective bronchodilator in ponies with recurrent airway obstruction.  相似文献   

Recurrent airway obstruction (RAO) or heaves is a manifestation of a hypersensitivity to dust, moulds, and spores in the environment of a susceptible horse. Although in the majority of RAO-affected horses, clinical remission can be achieved by keeping horses at pasture to reduce their allergen exposure, this often is not practicable. For this reason, we investigated if changing the environment of a single stall in a 4 stall stable was sufficient to improve lung function and reduce inflammation in RAO-affected horses. In addition, we determined if addition of oral prednisone provided additional benefit. Twelve RAO-susceptible horses were stabled, fed hay, and bedded on straw until they developed airway obstruction. At this point, bedding was changed to wood shavings and they were fed a pelleted diet for 2 weeks. Lung function was measured and bronchoalveolar lavage was performed before and 3, 7, and 14 days after environmental modification. In a crossover design, horses were treated for the 14 days with prednisone tablets (2.2 mg/kg bwt, q. 24 h). Horses then returned to pasture for 30 days. Airway obstruction was greatest before environmental modification. Significant improvement in lung function occurred within 3 days of the change in environment and continued to Day 7. Airway function was best after 30 days at pasture. The clinical response achieved by environmental modification was not significantly improved by addition of oral prednisone. The total number of cells, total neutrophils, and percent neutrophils was greatest before environmental modification. In the absence of prednisone, total and percent neutrophils did not decrease until Day 14 and total cell number until 30 days at pasture. In the presence of prednisone, total cells and total and percent neutrophils decreased by Day 3 and again at pasture. The fact that lung function can be improved within 3 days by environmental management alone emphasises the need for allergen reduction as the cornerstone of treatment of RAO. Although prednisone induced a more rapid reduction in airway inflammation, this was not associated with a more rapid improvement in airway function.  相似文献   

The effect of IV administration of the alpha 2-adrenoceptor agonist xylazine hydrochloride (0.5 mg/kg of body weight) was examined in ponies with recurrent obstructive pulmonary disease, commonly called heaves. Six ponies with the disease (principals) were studied during clinical remission and during an acute attack of airway obstruction precipitated by stabling and feeding of dusty hay. Six control ponies were also studied. In principal ponies with airway obstruction, xylazine administration significantly (P < 0.05) decreased pulmonary resistance and increased dynamic compliance, but did not affect PaO2 or PaCO2. The alpha 2-antagonist yohimbine blocked the pulmonary effects of xylazine. Administration of saline solution was without effect in both groups of ponies at all periods and xylazine did not have effect in controls or in principals in clinical remission.  相似文献   

During a trial to determine the dose response to the beta2-adrenergic agonist pirbuterol, we judged the severity of airway obstruction by use of a clinical scoring system and compared this to objective data obtained by quantitative measures of lung function. Six horses affected by recurrent airway obstruction were used in this trial. Four hundred and sixty-eight measurements of lung function and clinical scores were obtained from 13 measurement periods when horses received each of 6 doses of pirbuterol. Scores of 1-4 were assigned to degree of nasal flaring and abdominal effort and summed for a total score. The veterinarian scoring the signs did not know the dose of pirbuterol received by the horse and was unaware of the lung function data. Nasal, abdominal and total scores were significantly related to changes in lung function and changes in breathing pattern. There were significant differences between total scores greater than 5 in indices that reflected changes in breathing strategy (peak inspiratory and expiratory flow), peripheral airway obstruction (dynamic elastance), and effort of breathing (maximal change in pleural pressure). Below a total score of 5, there were fewer significant differences in lung function even though measurements of pulmonary resistance and dynamic elastance indicated considerable airway obstruction. Failure of clinical score to reflect this low-grade airway obstruction suggests that airway disease is underdiagnosed and its detection would be helped by the availability of a convenient lung function test.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Horses with recurrent airway obstruction (heaves) are described as exhibiting "increased abdominal effort," but it is unknown whether this translates to an effective contribution to ventilation. HYPOTHESIS: We hypothesized that heaves is characterized by asynchrony between rib cage and abdominal motions, and that the abdominal component is the major contributor to ventilation. ANIMALS: The rib cage versus abdominal motion in naturally occurring heaves (n = 15) was compared to controls at rest (n = 7) and during hyperpnea because of lobeline treatment, and the effects of histamine-induced bronchoconstriction in controls (n = 10). METHODS: Flow patterns, phase angle (theta) between the rib and abdominal compartments, abdominal (Vabd) contribution to tidal volume (VT), and lung mechanics were measured. RESULTS: Findings unique to the heaves group included the loss of biphasic expiratory flow, severely increased theta with the abdomen consistently lagging behind the rib cage, and a reduced contribution of the abdomen to ventilation. A subgroup of heaves (n = 5) with abdominal paradox showed a significant (P < .05) reduction in tidal volume, and increased respiratory rate. Bronchodilation reduced theta in heaves (P = .06), but theta remained significantly higher after bronchodilation than found in controls. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL IMPORTANCE: We conclude that breathing pattern in horses with heaves is characterized by severe rib cage/abdominal asynchrony, with the rib cage motion in synchrony with flow, therefore dominating ventilation. In a subset of heaves, the abdominal compartment (diaphragm, abdominal muscles) was completely out of synchrony with flow ("abdominal paradox") despite the clinical appearance of "increased abdominal effort."  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine the capacity of pulmonary mast cells (PMC) to degranulate in response to various potential allergens and other secretagogues in horses with recurrent airway obstruction (heaves) and clinically normal horses before and after exposure to moldy hay. ANIMALS: 5 horses with heaves and 5 clinically normal horses. PROCEDURES: Heaves was characterized as an increased clinical respiratory score and maximum change in transpulmonary pressure of > 20 cm H2O after exposure. Bronchoalveolar lavage was performed during each period. Washed and resuspended cells were exposed for 20 minutes at 37 C with whole reconstituted freeze-dried preparations of Aspergillus fumigatus, Alternaria tenuis, and Ambrosia elatior, fungal extracts of Aspergillus fumigatus, Alternaria tenuis, and Micropolyspora faeni; A23187; and compound 48/80. Histamine release (HR) was used as a marker of degranulation. RESULTS: Compared with clinically normal horses, HR was significantly greater from PMC from horses with heaves during remission and exacerbation in response to whole preparations and extracts of Aspergillus fumigatus and whole preparations of Alternaria tenuis. Extracts of Alternaria tenuis caused significantly greater HR from PMC from horses with heaves during exacerbation. Histamine was also released from PMC in response to A23187 and to changes in osmolality of the medium, but only as a result of cell lysis by compound 48/80. CONCLUSIONS: Increased degranulation of PMC after antigenic challenge may contribute to the pathogenesis of heaves in horses. CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Strategies for prevention and treatment that attenuate degranulation of PMC may assist in the clinical management of horses with heaves.  相似文献   

A controlled experimental system for the evaluation of pulmonary immune responses in horses with "heaves" (recurrent airway obstruction) has been developed. We hypothesized that the humoral immune response to an inhaled antigen in diseased horses would be different from that of healthy horses and that chronic pulmonary inflammation would bias the production of IgG isotypes in diseased horses as compared to healthy horses. Healthy and affected horses were housed in a natural challenge environment (stabled, fed dusty hay) and exposed by inhalation, to a nebulized solution of keyhole limpet hemocyanin (KLH). Sera and bronchoalveolar lavage fluids (BALFs) were collected from horses prior to and following their inhalation exposure to the antigen. Differential cell counts were performed on the cells in the BALF. An enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) was used to determine the concentrations of IgGa, IgGb, IgG(T) and combined IgG specific for KLH in the sera and BALF. The percentages of neutrophils in the BALF of diseased horses were increased 4-6-fold over healthy horses. Combined IgG specific for KLH was significantly greater in BALF and serum from healthy compared to diseased horses. Differences in isotypes were also evident; however, only IgGb specific for KLH in the BALF was significantly increased in healthy versus diseased horses. Possible explanations for this difference include: (1) increased destruction of antigen before it could interact with lymphocytes, (2) down-regulation of IgGb production by inhibitory cytokines in diseased horses, or (3) binding of IgGb to Fc receptors on the large numbers of neutrophils in the lungs of diseased horses. In contrast to the prevailing notion that horses with heaves have exaggerated immune responses, our data suggest that diseased horses exposed to an aerosolized protein mount weaker IgG responses compared to healthy horses.  相似文献   

Recurrent airway obstruction (RAO) is a multifactorial and polygenic disease. Affected horses are typically 7 years of age or older and show exercise intolerance, increased breathing effort, coughing, airway neutrophilia, mucus accumulation and hyperreactivity as well as cholinergic bronchospasm. The environmental factors responsible are predominantly allergens and irritants in haydust, but the immunological mechanisms underlying RAO are still unclear. Several studies have demonstrated a familiar predisposition for RAO and it is now proven that the disease has a genetic basis. In offspring, the risk of developing RAO is 3-fold increased when one parent is affected and increases to almost 5-fold when both parents have RAO. Segregation analysis in two high-prevalence families demonstrated a high heritability and a complex inheritance with several major genes. A whole genomescan showed chromosome-wide significant linkage of seven chromosomal regions with RAO. Of the microsatellites, which were located near atopy candidate genes, those in a region of chromosome 13 harboring the IL4R gene were strongly associated with the RAO phenotype in the offspring of one RAO-affected stallion. Furthermore, IgE-levels are influenced by hereditary factors in the horse, and we have evidence that RAO-affected offspring of the same stallion have increased levels of specific IgE against moldspore allergens. The identification of genetic markers and ultimately of the responsible genes will not only allow for an improved prophylaxis, i.e. early identification of susceptible individuals and avoidance of high-risk matings, but also improve our ability to find new therapeutic targets and to optimize existing treatments.  相似文献   

The effects of an oral preparation containing an extract of thyme and primula (Bronchipret; Bionorica) on the lung function of five horses suffering heaves were determined in a longitudinal study. The horses accepted the product well. The plasma concentrations of the marker substance, thymol, indicated that at least one of the substances in the extract had been absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract. The compliance, pulmonary pressure and airway resistance of the horses' lungs were all significantly improved after one month of treatment However, the severity of their clinical signs and their arterial oxygen partial pressure had not improved significantly.  相似文献   

Bronchoalveolar ravage (BAL) fluid was collected from control ponies and from affected ponies with heaves which were in clinical remission. Significant differences were not detected between the two groups in total nucleated cell count or relative percentages (relative cell counts) of small lymphocytes, large mononuclear cells, eosinophils, or mast cells. The mean relative neutrophil count of BAL fluid from the affected group was statistically greater than that of controls; however, the difference between the two groups was not sufficient to be of diagnostic significance.  相似文献   

We determined the effect of IV administered beta 2-adrenergic receptor agonist clenbuterol on pulmonary function and on the response to histamine in 12 healthy ponies. Measurements were made at base line and after saline solution or clenbuterol was administered IV at a dosage of 0.2, 0.8, or 1.6 micrograms/kg. The dosage of clenbuterol used in each study was unknown to the investigators until all the data had been analyzed. Intravenous administration of saline solution or clenbuterol did not alter base-line pulmonary function significantly. Aerosol histamine administration significantly decreased arterial oxygen tension and dynamic compliance and increased pulmonary resistance, respiratory frequency, and minute ventilation, but had no effect on arterial carbon dioxide tension and tidal volume. The magnitude of change in these variables was unaffected by previous administration of clenbuterol at any of the dosages tested. We conclude that clenbuterol at the dosages tested is not a bronchodilator in healthy ponies and does not exert a significant protective effect against aerosol histamine-induced airway narrowing.  相似文献   

Background: Abnormalities in lung surfactant are well described in human respiratory diseases including asthma, but are poorly described in horses. Hypothesis: Lung surfactant is abnormal in horses with clinical signs of recurrent airway obstruction (RAO). Animals: Six healthy horses and 5 horses with RAO. Methods: Bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (BALF) was obtained from all horses by standard procedures. Cell‐free BALF was separated into crude surfactant pellets (CSP) and supernatant via ultracentrifugation. Phospholipid and protein content was analyzed from both of these fractions. Phospholipid composition of CSP was determined using high‐performance liquid chromatography with an evaporative light scatter detector. Surface tension of CSP was measured with a pulsating bubble surfactometer. Results: Compared with healthy horses, surfactant from RAO‐affected horses was characterized by significantly decreased phospholipid content in total surfactant (median; range: 23.2; 14.7–62.2 μg/mL BALF versus 172; 111–267 μg/mL BALF, P= .0062) and CSP (20.2; 6.4–48.9 μL/mL BALF versus 155; 94.4–248 μg/mL BALF, P= .0062), and a significantly lower percentage of phosphatidylglycerol (PG) (4.5; 3.6–5.6% versus 6.6; 4.1–7.6%, P= .028). Furthermore, the ratio between the percentages of phosphatidylcholine and PG was significantly higher in RAO‐affected horses than in healthy horses (20.9; 16.6: 25.9 versus 13.9; 11.8–22.8, P= .045). Conclusions and Clinical Importance: This study demonstrates that surfactant from RAO‐affected horses is abnormal. Further studies are needed to determine if these abnormalities are related to an increased tendency for bronchoconstriction and to a decreased ability to clear airway mucus in RAO‐affected horses.  相似文献   

Platelets contribute to the pathogenesis of human allergic airway disease. The aim of this study was to compare platelet activating factor (PAF)-induced platelet aggregation and thromboxane (Tx) production, plasma Tx and 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT) in ponies with recurrent airway obstruction (RAO), an hypersensitivity to inhaled antigens, and normal ponies, before and after antigen exposure. Plasma 5-HT was significantly higher in ponies with RAO but was not further increased by antigen challenge. There was no difference between PAF-induced platelet aggregation or Tx production, or in plasma Tx before or after challenge. These data suggest there may be a difference between platelet 5-HT uptake in RAO and normal ponies but do not provide evidence of platelet activation following antigen exposure.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Recurrent airway obstruction (RAO) is common in horses. Although pulmonary artery (PA) pressure increases during RAO, cardiac function in horses with RAO has received limited attention. HYPOTHESIS: The purpose of this study was to noninvasively determine the cardiovascular effects of acute pulmonary obstruction (APO) in horses with RAO and their reversibility. ANIMALS: Five geldings with RAO, inducible by exposure to moldy hay, were studied. METHODS: Pulmonary mechanics, echocardiography, serum troponin I concentrations, arterial blood gases, and hematocrit were obtained before and after 7 days of APO. Heart rate, PA diameter and flow characteristics, right and left ventricular luminal dimensions and wall thicknesses, global cardiac performance, and evidence of myocardial damage were evaluated. Pulmonary mechanics and echocardiography were reevaluated during remission. RRESULTS: Severe, transient APO did not induce chronic cor pulmonale in horses, because cardiac anatomy and function were normal between episodes. An acute episode of APO produced anatomical and functional cardiac changes in both the right and left heart (including increased PA diameter, abnormal septal motion, and decreased left ventricular diameter and estimated stroke volume), possibly because of the development of pulmonary hypertension, without apparent myocardial damage. The decrease in stroke volume was offset by the increase in heart rate. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL IMPORTANCE: With APO of 7 days' duration, cardiovascular abnormalities and the functional airway changes that produce them are reversible when the offending allergens are removed.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To investigate relationships between cough frequency and mucus accumulation, airway obstruction, and airway inflammation and to determine effects of dexamethasone on coughing and mucus score. ANIMALS: 13 horses with recurrent airway obstruction (RAO) and 6 control horses. PROCEDURE: 6 RAO-affected and 6 control horses were stabled for 3 days. Coughing was counted for 4 hours before and on each day horses were stabled. Before and on day 3 of stabling, tracheal mucus accumulation was scored, airway obstruction was assessed via maximal change in pleural pressure (deltaPpl(max)), and airway inflammation was evaluated by use of cytologic examination of bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (BALF). Effects of dexamethasone (0.1 mg/kg, IV, q 24 h for 7 days) were determined in 12 RAO-affected horses. RESULTS: To assess frequency, coughing had to be counted for 1 hour. In RAO-affected horses, stabling was associated with increases in cough frequency, mucus score, and deltaPpl(max). Control horses coughed transiently when first stabled. In RAO-affected horses, coughing was correlated with deltaPpl(max), mucus score, and airway inflammation and was a sensitive and specific indicator of deltaPpl(max) > 6 cm H2O, mucus score > 1.0, and > 100 neutrophils/microL and > 20% neutrophils in BALF Dexamethasone reduced cough frequency, mucus score, and deltaPpl(max), but BALF neutrophil count remained increased. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Because of its sporadic nature, coughing cannot be assessed accurately by counting during brief periods. In RAO-affected horses, coughing is an indicator of airway inflammation and obstruction. Corticosteroid treatment reduces cough frequency concurrently with reductions in deltaPpl(max) and mucus accumulation in RAO-affected horses.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine the onset, magnitude, and duration of bronchodilation after administration of aerosolized salmeterol xinafoate in horses with recurrent airway obstruction. DESIGN: Randomized controlled study ANIMALS: 6 horses with recurrent airway obstruction. Procedure Horses received aerosolized salmeterol (210 microg) or no treatment, using a crossover design. Salmeterol was administered, using a mask designed for aerosol delivery in horses. Subjective rating of airway obstruction (RAO), maximal change in pleural pressure (deltaPplmax), and pulmonary resistance (RL) were determined at baseline; 5, 15, and 30 minutes; and 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, and 12 hours after administration of salmeterol and in horses that did not receive treatment. RESULTS: The deltaPpl and RL were improved 15 minutes through 6 hours after administration of salmeterol, compared with values obtained from horses receiving no treatment. The RAO was improved 15 minutes through 2 hours after administration of salmeterol. The maximal response to salmeterol was evident 30 to 60 minutes after administration and was characterized by a 59 + 19% decrease in deltaPpl and a 56 +/- 13% decrease in RL. The deltaPpl and RL were not different from baseline values 8 hours after salmeterol administration. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Duration of action of salmeterol in these horses was approximately 6 hours. Maximal bronchodilation was somewhat delayed (30 to 60 minutes), and the magnitude of response was similar to that of short-acting beta2-adrenergic agonists. Salmeterol provides moderately sustained bronchodilation in horses with recurrent airway obstruction and may be an effective drug for long-term control of this condition.  相似文献   

Platelet activation in ponies with airway inflammation   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
REASON FOR PERFORMING STUDY: Platelet activation occurs in human obstructive airway diseases and in laboratory animal models. However, there is limited evidence that platelets may be involved in equine recurrent airway obstruction (RAO) and other inflammatory diseases. This study investigated whether platelet activation also occurred in RAO. HYPOTHESIS: Platelet function is altered in ponies with active RAO. This alteration can be detected ex vivo by measuring platelet adhesion. METHODS: An in vitro platelet adhesion assay measuring acid phosphatase (AcP) activity colorimetrically was adapted for use with equine platelets and responses to selected agonists were established. Platelet adhesion and aggregation was evaluated in vitro on platelets isolated from 6 ponies with RAO before, during and after a 7 h natural antigen challenge. Three ponies with no history of airway disease were also studied. RESULTS: Adhesion of equine platelets to serum coated plastic was detected at concentrations of 10-100 radicaló 10(9)/l. Adhesion increased in response to stimulation with platelet activating factor and thrombin, but not equine interleukin 8. Prior to the antigen challenge, adhesion of nonstimulated platelets was low and increased significantly (P<0.05) 24 h after initiation of the challenge in RAOs, but not in the normal animals. No changes in platelet aggregation were noted in either group. CONCLUSIONS: The described assay offers an alternative method to evaluate platelet function in healthy and diseased horses and can detect changes not observed using a classic aggregation assay. Circulating platelets are activated 24 h after antigen challenge of ponies with RAO and may play a role in pulmonary inflammation and/or the pathophysiology of RAO. POTENTIAL RELEVANCE: Investigating platelet function in RAO and airway inflammation may reveal new aspects of the pathogenesis of inflammatory lung disease in the horse.  相似文献   

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