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肉种鸡育成期对一批种鸡来说,是一个承前启后的过程,育成期主要目的是培育出体质健壮、均匀度高、能按时开产的后备鸡群,均匀度、体重控制、健康状况以及日常的饲养管理的好坏,直接关系着以后种鸡生产性能的高低,所以说育成期严格、认真、科学的管理将是至关重要的。1均匀度的控制种鸡具有良好的均匀度,是种鸡获得高生产性能、提供优质雏鸡的必要条件,它包括体重、体况及性成熟均匀度三个方面,三者既相互关联,又相互制约,不可孤立存在。均匀度越高,则预示鸡群的生产性能越高,反之则低。我们了解了鸡群均匀度的重要性,同时更应…  相似文献   

均匀度是反映肉种鸡饲养管理情况的一个重要指标,它决定着鸡群能否适时开产、肉种鸡生产性能的发挥以及产蛋高峰的维持时间,是种鸡饲养管理中的一个重点和难点.现阶段肉种鸡后备期的培育主要工作就是体重和均匀度的管理.通过均匀度来衡量鸡群限饲效果,预测鸡群开产整齐性(可用产蛋上升幅度快慢来衡量),蛋重均匀度及产蛋数量的指标,是为饲养者提供一个能准确确定生产情况的尺度.  相似文献   

种用肉鸡是用来生产肉鸡种蛋的种鸡,养好种用肉鸡是获得优质肉用雏鸡和提高肉鸡养殖效益的基础,也是促进肉鸡养殖业健康快速发展的前提,那么怎样才能养好种用肉鸡呢?一、鸡场建造,1.鸡场选址。种鸡场应建在通风良好、环境干燥、空气新鲜的位置,其与居民区、学校、医院等公共场所以及铁路、公路等交通要道的距离1000米以上,其与动物诊疗、屠宰及其他养殖场距离3000米以上。  相似文献   

1. The food intake, rate of food consumption (g/min) and behavioural time budgets of individually caged broiler and layer (white egg) males were compared in the early morning (1.5 to 3.5 h after onset of photoperiod) and afternoon (5.5 to 7.5 h after photostimulation) on 4 different days at 11 to 12 weeks of age. Correlations among rate of consumption, the proportions of time on different activities and previously estimated scores for fearfulness were calculated.

2. Food intake and rate of consumption were two‐fold greater in broilers than in layers. The proportion of time spent feeding in the morning was lower in layers compared with broilers and was similar in the afternoon. Rate of consumption was higher in the morning than in the afternoon in both lines.

3. Overall, a similar proportion of time was spent feeding, standing and sitting in bodi lines. The birds were more likely to be sleeping (eyes closed) in the afternoon than in the morning.

4. The proportions of time spent on preening, pecking and stereotypic pacing were greater in layers than in broiler breeders. The proportion of time spent drinking tended to be higher in broiler breeders than layers.

5. Two measures of fearfulness, aversion to a looming human and a novel rod were respectively positively and negatively correlated to time drinking and stereotypic pacing.

6. The time spent in stereotypic pacing was negatively related to rate of consumption and time spent preening.

7. The results suggest that low food intake is associated with increased arousal, fear and frequent feeding and drinking. There was no evidence that beak related activity was related to fearfulness.  相似文献   

An experiment was conducted to determine the influence of three grower systems upon the subsequent performance of broiler type breeder pullets. The grower systems were full feeding a 10 per cent protein diet, full feeding a 16 per cent protein diet, and a skip‐a‐day feeding of the 16 per cent diet. One‐third of the pullets fed according to each of the feeding programmes were fed on each of three different layer diets. The use of the low protein and the skip‐a‐day feeding resulted in delaying age at sexual maturity. Total rate of egg production was not affected by the grower diet; however, the number of “ settable “ eggs was increased when maturity was delayed.

Performance of the laying hens was not influenced by the composition of the layer diet. Fertility or hatchability was not influenced by composition of either the grower or layer diet. These data would indicate that the low protein diet or the skip‐a‐day feeding system can be effectively used with feeding replacement broiler type birds.  相似文献   

在近期召开的DSM会议迈向光明和可持续发展的家禽生产上,刊发了许多让读者感兴趣的文章,我们将在这里概括呈上。第一个报告由南非Spesfeed公司的Rick Klein提出,题目为利用混合酶制剂设计肉鸡高效的饲料  相似文献   

Salmonella enteritidis was identified by serological and bacteriological techniques in two clinically normal breeder flocks in an integrated broiler organisation in Northern Ireland. The organism was transmitted vertically to clinically affected progeny flocks. The infected breeder flocks were slaughtered and the infection throughout the organisation controlled and subsequently eradicated. A working group, consisting of the senior management of the broiler organisation and veterinary staff from the Veterinary Research Laboratories at Stormont, was formed to establish procedures to minimise the risk of the reintroduction of salmonella infection, by preventing vertical transmission from grandparent flocks, or lateral transmission from personnel, other animal species and fomites, or transmission through the feed. All feed was heated to a minimum of 70 degrees C for 12 minutes immediately before it was pelleted and subsequently transported to the flocks through a dedicated system of conveyor belts, bins and lorries. A comprehensive system for monitoring the efficacy of the preventive procedures was established and is now used throughout the poultry industry of Northern Ireland.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to detect the reasons of rooster's fertility decrease at 50 weeks of age. Therefore, the reproductive system of broiler breeder roosters was laparoscopic, macroscopic and histopathology evaluated, and a comparison of the anatomical aspect with the sperm analysis and birds’ age was realized. Cobb roosters (n = 59) were distributed into two groups (30 and 50 weeks). Evaluations were performed with laparoscopy, macroscopy and histopathology, and seminal quality, blood serum testosterone concentration and weight were also determined. The old roosters presented smaller testicle size, higher intensity epididymal lithiasis and lower testicle sperm production, compared to the young roosters. The use of the endoscope could easily distinguish a normal‐sized testicle than an atrophic one. Four old roosters with severe testicular atrophy did not show spermatogenesis, although three still had sperm in the ejaculate. This would falsely indicate a wrong diagnosis of normal fertility before the testicular atrophy took place. In conclusion, in addition to the weight increase with age, the testicular atrophy and impairment of sperm production seemed to be the main reason to the decrease in the rooster's fertility at 50 weeks of age. Therefore, the use of the laparoscopy as a way to detect the roosters with testicular atrophy before 50 weeks of age and their removal from them flock could be useful as a diagnostic tool to prevent the birds’ fertility loss.  相似文献   

An epizootiological survey of necropsied cases (1993-1997) at University of the Philippines was performed. A total of 368 cases included 238 avian and 111 porcine cases. Amongst avian cases, the major cause of death was infectious diseases in 212 (89%) cases including 97 (41%) bacterial, 36 (15%) viral, and 21(9%) parasitic diseases. The majority of the avian bacterial diseases presented as septicemia (73 cases) and the viral diseases as Newcastle disease (17 cases). In porcine cases, the major cause of death was also infectious diseases, in 100 (90%) cases including 52 bacterial and 29 viral diseases. Porcine bacterial diseases were classified into 36 septicemia, 4 hemophillosis and 4 colibacillosis. Amongst the porcine viral diseases, most cases were diagnosed as Hog cholera (22 cases).  相似文献   

1. 480 Broiler breeder pullets, kept in individual cages, were subjected to different rates of increase in food allocation during the period 18 to 30 weeks of age. From 80 g food/bird d at the start of the experiment, the 5 treatments comprised linear weekly increments in food allocation to reach a maximum of 150 g/bird d at 21, 23, 25, 27 or 29 weeks of age respectively. 2. Body weight, liver weight, fat pad weight and alimentary tract weight were influenced by the rate of increment in food allocation. 3. Rate of development of the oviduct and the ovary was not influenced by these treatments. 4. Although the amount of fat and protein contained in the liver increased most rapidly on the treatments where 150 g/bird d was attained first, by 25 weeks of age there were no meaningful differences in these two variables between treatments. It is unlikely, therefore, that a high protein intake during this period would allow sufficient protein or energy to be stored in the liver to sustain a higher egg output later in the laying period. 5. It is concluded that the amount of protein required by a broiler breeder pullet for maintenance and for growth during the pre-laying period is about 10 g/bird d.  相似文献   

Ornithobacterium rhinotracheale is a pleomorphic Gram-negative rod shaped bacterium of the rRNA superfamily V that is associated with respiratory disease in poultry. This study was conducted to determine the seroprevalence of O. rhinotracheale infection in broiler and broiler breeder chickens in West Azerbaijan (Urmia lake region) by using a commercial enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. In this study, 463 serum samples were obtained from 50 broiler flocks and 472 blood sera from 42 broiler breeder flocks. Results showed that 41 broiler flocks (82%) and 39 broiler breeder flocks (92.8%) were positive. Ornithobacterium rhinotracheale antibodies were detected in 205 (44.2%) of the 463 broiler serum samples. Of the 472 blood sera examined from broiler breeder, 340 (72%) were positive. The results of this study indicated that the prevalence of O. rhinotracheale antibodies is high in the broiler and broiler breeder flocks in West Azerbaijan.  相似文献   

目的随着加入世界贸易组织,我国海关检疫压力增大,为了维护国家主权和国际声誉,加强出入境检验检疫势在必行。衣原体病是一种重要的人畜共患病,也给养禽业带来巨大的经济损失,必须给予足够的重视,鹦鹉热衣原体对多种动物宿主有广泛的寄生性引起不同动物的多症候群疾病,是世界动物卫生组织动物名录疾病。方法对入境的一批肉种鸡进行抽样检验,按照中华人民共和国出入境检验检疫行业标准用间接血凝检测鹦鹉热衣原体病,做出试验报告。结果经检测出现阳性,肉鸡携带有衣原体病毒。结论根据中华人民共和国进出境动植物检疫法第二章进境检疫第十六条检出二类传染病、寄生虫病的动物,退回或者扑杀,同群其他动物在隔离场或者其他指定地点隔离观察。  相似文献   

1. An experiment was conducted to determine the effects of self-selection of dietary protein and energy by turkey hens on reproductive performance in a warm environment. 2. Dietary self-selection had no significant effect on egg production, egg weight, or body weight of turkey hens. 3. Fertility and hatchability of eggs produced by self-selecting hens were significantly reduced compared to eggs from control hens fed on a complete diet. 4. Protein intake was significantly reduced among self-selecting hens when compared to control hens fed on a complete diet (P less than or equal to 0.001). 5. Food and energy intake decreased as the ambient temperature increased. Nevertheless, protein intake of self-selecting hens increased over the course of egg production despite decreasing food intake. Therefore, self-selecting hens preferred a diet with a greater protein content (g protein/kg diet) in the last 10 weeks of egg production than during the first 10 weeks of egg production.  相似文献   

Ornithobacteriosis is an infectious disease of avian species that has been reported in almost all countries around the world, except Thailand. The objectives of this study were to determine the seroprevalence of Ornithobacterium rhinotracheale (ORT) and to isolate and identify ORT in broilers and broiler breeders in Thailand. Chicken antibodies had been randomly checked from 17 farms (19 flocks) of broilers and 23 farms (28 flocks) of broiler breeders. The seropositive flocks were 63% and 100% in broilers and broiler breeders, respectively. The sera analysis showed that the individual 280 broiler sera antibody responses were 67.5% negative, 12.9% suspect, and 19.6% positive. The individual antibody responses of 510 broiler breeder sera revealed 12.2% negative, 38.0% suspect, and 49.8% positive samples. The bacteria were isolated and identified by polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Bacterial isolation and identification revealed that nine isolates of the 12 PCR analysis samples showed positive results to PCR analysis. All the positive PCR samples were collected from the broiler breeder farms.  相似文献   

1. A factorial experiment was conducted with females of two broiler breeder and one layer strains. The birds were fed ad libitum or restricted and were provided with free or limited access to water to simulate commercial rearing practices.

2. There was little difference between the broiler breeder strains except in body weight at 16 and 18 weeks of age.

3. Food intake relative to body weight was higher in the broiler breeders compared with the layer strain.

3. The degree of restriction was defined as the food intake of re‐stricted birds as a proportion of the estimated intake of birds of the same body weight fed ad libitum. The value declined from 0.60 to 0.45 during the rearing period.

5. In the ad libitum treatments broiler breeders drank more than layers, whereas when restricted, layers drank more than broiler breeders.

6. Water intake was 2.50 times higher in restricted compared with ad libitum‐fed layers and 1.25 times higher in restricted than ad libitum‐fed broiler breeders, with free access to water.  相似文献   

1. A factorial experiment was conducted to assess the welfare at different ages of two strains of broiler breeder and one layer strain during rearing using a range of indicators. The birds were fed ad libitum or restricted and provided with free or limited access to water.

2. Food‐restricted birds spent a large proportion of time scratching and pecking the litter compared with birds fed ad libitum.

3. The heterophil/lymphocyte ratio and the proportion of basophils were raised at 8, 12 and 16 weeks, and the plasma concentrations of corticos‐terone were higher at 8 and 12 weeks of age in restricted birds compared with those fed ad libitum.

4. Creatine kinase activity was higher in broiler breeders fed ad libitum compared with layers and restricted broiler breeders. The activity of aspartate transaminase was higher in restricted layers compared with birds fed ad libitum and was similar in broiler breeders.

5. Plasma viscosity was lower in food‐restricted compared with ad libitum‐fed birds.

6. Limiting access to water had little or no effect on the welfare indicators although food‐restricted birds with free access to water spent more time drinking than birds fed ad libitum.

7. There were no important differences between the two broiler strains. Layers spent less time resting than broiler breeders and had higher plasma corticosterone concentrations at 3 and 16 weeks of age.

8. It was concluded that there was evidence for physiological stress associated with restricted feeding at least between 8 and 16 weeks of age. It was suggested that the altered behaviour of broiler breeders kept on litter may indicate that they can cope with food restrictions and that this may be acceptable in relation to the long‐term benefits of limiting body weight during rearing. The same may not be true for layers.  相似文献   

One of the greatest challenges for nutritionists is ensuring that breeder hens consume the quantity of nutrients necessary to ensure proper development while also ensuring the production of good quality chicks. However, new studies must investigate how nutrition can positively affect the performance of these poultry. The present study aimed to evaluate hydrolyzed yeast supplementation in the diet of Cobb 500 broiler breeder hens, starting from 25 wk of age, and to evaluate the performance of the hens and their progeny. Broiler breeder hens fed hydrolyzed yeast supplement exhibited better performance compared with the control group. The results of the progeny demonstrated improved performance in chicks from the breeder hens fed the hydrolyzed yeast supplement. However, no improvement was observed in breast or leg yields; only carcass yield improved in these broilers. The results demonstrate that supplementation with hydrolyzed yeast in the diet of broiler breeder hens improves the performance of hens and their progeny.  相似文献   

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