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The article, in relation to the importance of canopy cover as stand density and biodiversity indicator, describes the main
related field measurement techniques. In particular the authors emphasize the distinction between canopy cover and canopy
closure when forest cover is usually measured through the current techniques. After a conceptual clarification the study focuses
on the comparison of three ground-based canopy cover estimation techniques and two ground-based canopy closure estimation
techniques, analyzing the data collected in a test carried out on Alpine stands. As expected, the results indicate that some
techniques [GRS densiometer, visual estimation and hemispherical photographs (HP) assessed with a narrow angle of view] are
more suitable to measure canopy cover, while others (spherical densiometer and HP with a wide angle of view) are more adapted
to estimate canopy closure. In general, the techniques that use a wide angle of view tend to overestimate the canopy cover.
Alessandro PalettoEmail: |
Silvopastoral models require the development of the relationship between understorey pasture production, and the overstorey
tree production. The Tikitere agroforestry trial, located near Rotorua in the Bay of Plenty, was established in Pinus radiata
at a range of stockings in 1973, and monitored for stand parameters, understorey pasture production, and livestock carrying
capacity between 1976 and 1992. A canopy closure model, developed for radiata pine plantations in the Bay of Plenty, shows
a strong relationship (R2 ≈ 0.92) between canopy closure and the stand parameters of basal area and the ratio of green crown
length to mean top height. Canopy closure was predicted for the Tikitere stands using the canopy closure model. A strong linear
relationship (R2 ≈ 0.89) was shown to exist between the measured pasture production, and the predicted canopy closure. This
indicates that direct assessment of canopy closure combined with a measurement of understorey pasture production, may be a
simpler and more cost effective research technique than relying entirely on the continuous measurement of understorey pasture
in the development of understorey/overstorey relationships.
This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date. 相似文献
Scott L. Stephens Danny L. Fry Ernesto Franco-Vizcaíno Brandon M. Collins Jason M. Moghaddas 《Forest Ecology and Management》2007,240(1-3):87-95
The cultural practices associated with Euro-American settlement in the United States have altered forest structure and ultimately changed fundamental ecosystem processes. Coarse woody debris (CWD) and canopy cover are recognized as having great importance for many wildlife species and ecological processes. Little information is available from forests on historical levels of canopy cover and CWD before European settlement. A great deal of uncertainty exists concerning the long-term role of fire and the dynamics of CWD, especially in forests that once experienced frequent, low-moderate intensity fire regimes. The objective of this study was to quantify CWD and forest canopy cover in an area where harvesting has never occurred and limited fire suppression began in the 1970s. This study was done in Jeffrey pine-mixed conifer forests in the Sierra San Pedro Martir (SSPM) in northwestern Mexico. Canopy cover, canopy closure, and CWD were sampled on a grid of plots. Average canopy cover was 26.8%, average canopy closure was 40.1%. A total of 102 CWD pieces were measured, and nearly half of the plots (45.7%) had no CWD present. Average CWD density, percent cover, volume, and weight were 108 pieces ha−1, 1.5%, 47.5 m3 ha−1, and 15.7 tonnes ha−1, respectively. All of the CWD sampled were in the later stages of decay. Less than average values for CWD density, percent cover, volume, and weight were recorded in 57%, 64%, 67%, and 69% of the plots, respectively. CWD dynamics in forests that experience frequent, low-moderate intensity fires are fundamentally different than those having long-interval, high-severity fires. There was a large amount of variability in all CWD and forest canopy cover measurements taken from Jeffrey pine-mixed conifer forests in the SSPM. Spatial heterogeneity in forest structure should be included in the desired conditions of xeric, pine-dominated forests in the United States that once experienced frequent, low-moderate intensity fire regimes. It should be noted that heterogeneity by itself may not lead to sustainable forests unless that heterogeneity includes stand structures that are resistant/resilient to high-severity fire, drought, insects, and disease. 相似文献
Climate is a critical factor affecting forest ecosystems and their capacity to produce goods and services. Effects of climate change on forests depend on ecosystem-specific factors including dimensions of climate (temperature, precipitation, drought, wind etc.). Available information is not sufficient to support a quantitative assessment of the ecological, social and economic consequences. The present study assessed shifts in forest cover types of Western Himalayan Eco-region (700?4500 m). 100 randomly selected samples (75 for training and 25 for testing the model), genetic algorithm of rule set parameters and climatic envelopes were used to assess the distribution of five prominent forest cover types (Temperate evergreen, Tropical semi-evergreen, Temperate conifer, Subtropical conifer, and Tropical moist deciduous forests). Modelling was conducted for four different scenarios, current scenario, changed precipitation (8% increase), changed temperature (1.07°C increase), and both changed temperature and precipitation. On increasing precipitation a downward shift in the temperate evergreen and tropical semi-evergreen was observed, while sub-tropical conifer and tropical moist-deciduous forests showed a slight upward shift and temperate conifer showed no shift. On increasing temperature, an upward shift in all forest types was observed except sub-tropical conifer forests without significant changes. When both temperature and precipitation were changed, the actual distribution was maintained and slight upward shift was observed in all the forest types except sub-tropical conifer. It is important to understand the likely impacts of the projected climate change on the forest ecosystems, so that better management and conservation strategies can be adopted for the biodiversity and forest dependent community. Knowledge of impact mechanisms also enables identification and mitigation of some of the conditions that increase vulnerability to climate change in the forest sector. 相似文献
《Forest Ecology and Management》2005,211(3):318-328
Active management for preservation of conserved ecosystems is receiving increased attention, as management probably is the most important factor for the temporal and spatial distribution of understorey vegetation, and probably humus forms and soil nutrient cycling as well. The present study investigates this issue on well-drained sandy soils in the ancient woodlands of Hald Ege, Denmark, which was preserved in 1915. Four types of management have continued since then: (i) managed, pure oak, (ii) non-managed, beech-oak, (iii) grazed oak and (iv) coppiced oak stands. Data consisted of two independent present-day data sets from all types of management, and one comparison between data from 1916 and now. Relations between forest type and possible explanatory variables, such as land-use history and characteristics of forest, humus layer, soil and understorey, were studied using principal component (PCA) and correspondence (DCA) analyses. Results showed that grazing mammals have kept the oak forest in a state resembling the pre-preservation stage with respect to both vegetation and humus forms. Here, light penetration to the forest floor during the entire growing season supported a diverse flora and a moder or mull-type of decomposition. The non-managed plots were in contrast succeeded into a dark beech-oak forest with thick humus layers and a drastic decrease in understorey species number. The present analysis hence supports the theory that management is necessary to conserve oak-scrubs and open woodlands from successional changes of herbaceous forest vegetation, humus forms and understorey vegetation. 相似文献
Characterization of radiation regimes in nonrandom forest canopies: theory,measurements, and a simplified modeling approach 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
We used field measurements and Monte Carlo simulations of canopy gap-size distribution and gap fraction to examine how beam radiation interacts with clumped boreal forest canopies of aspen (Populus tremuloides Michx.), black spruce (Picea mariana (Mill.) B.S.P.) and jack pine (Pinus banksiana Lamb.). We demonstrate that the Beer-Lambert law can be modified to accommodate transmission of radiation through a clumped forest canopy as a function of path length or sun zenith angle. Multiband Vegetation Imager (MVI) measurements and Monte Carlo simulations showed that values of the zenith element clumping index (Omega(e)(0)) are typically between 0.4 and 0.5 in jack pine and black spruce and 0.65 in aspen. Estimates of LAI obtained from MVI measurements of the canopy gap fraction and adjusted for canopy clumping and branch architecture yielded LAI values of 3.0 in jack pine, 3.3 in aspen, and about 6.0 in black spruce. These LAI estimates were within 10-25% of direct measurements made at the same sites. Data obtained with the MVI, along with numerical simulations, demonstrated that assumptions of random foliage distributions in boreal forests are invalid and could yield erroneous values of LAI measured by indirect techniques and false characterizations of atmosphere-biosphere interactions. Monte Carlo simulations were used to develop a general equation for beam radiation penetration as a function of zenith angle in clumped canopies. The essential measurements included stem spacing, crown diameter, crown depth, and within-crown gap fraction. 相似文献
Experimental results were studied to determine the relationships between positioning precision of a differential global positioning
system (DGPS) and forest type, antenna height, and season, and to clarify the relationship between sampling number and the
convergence of positioning precision. Observation was carried out for 24 h. Mean circular area probability (CEP95) was 2.80 m for deciduous broadleaved trees, and 4.99 m for conifers. The mean CEP95 taken at 7 m height (3.14 m) was higher than that at 1 m height (3.92 m) at all sites. The mean CEP95 taken during the defoliation season (2.65 m) was slightly better than during the foliation season (2.96 m). There were significant
differences between forest types (P < 0.001) and antenna heights (P < 0.05). Positioning precision was not noticeably improved if the sampling number was around ten or less. A sampling number
of 100–1000 or more is required before substantial improvements can be expected. As long as high positioning precision is
not required, it is acceptable to use 2D & 3D modes and relatively few samples to take measurements.
Received: April 24, 2002 / Accepted: October 10, 2002
Correspondence to:I. Sawaguchi 相似文献
Atmospheric particulate matter(PM2.5) seriously influences air quality. It is considered one of the main environmental triggers for lung and heart diseases. Air pollutants can be adsorbed by forest. In this study we investigated the effect of forest cover on urban PM2.5 concentrations in 12 cities in Heilongjiang Province,China. The forest cover in each city was constant throughout the study period. The average daily concentration of PM2.5 in 12 cities was below 75 lg/m^3 during the non-heating period but exceeded this level during heating period. Furthermore, there were more moderate pollution days in six cities. This indicated that forests had the ability to reduce the concentration of PM2.5 but the main cause of air pollution was excessive human interference and artificial heating in winter. We classified the 12 cities according to the average PM2.5 concentrations. The relationship between PM2.5 concentrations and forest cover was obtained by integrating forest cover, land area,heated areas and number of vehicles in cities. Finally,considering the complexity of PM2.5 formation and based on the theory of random forestry, we selected six cities and analyzed their meteorological and air pollutant data. The main factors affecting PM2.5 concentrations were PM10,NO_2, CO and SO_2 in air pollutants while meteorological factors were secondary. 相似文献
Seasonal changes in concentrations of total nitrogen, free amino acids, chlorophyll, starch and sugar were measured in foliage from fertilized and unfertilized conifer forests in New Mexico and Oregon. In the New Mexico Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii var glauca (Beissn.) Franco) forest, fertilization resulted in elevated foliar nitrogen concentrations on all dates, from an average of 9 mg g(-1) in unfertilized trees to 14 mg g(-1) in fertilized trees. In the Oregon western hemlock (Tsuga heterophylla (Raf.) Sarg.) forest, fertilization increased total N by only 15%, from 13 mg g(-1) in unfertilized trees to 15 mg g(-1) in fertilized trees. Foliar nitrogen concentrations on a weight basis were lowest in winter and spring, but did not vary seasonally when expressed on a leaf area basis. Chlorophyll concentrations increased with fertilization and had greater seasonal variation than did total nitrogen concentrations. Chlorophyll concentrations were significantly higher during the growing season than in the winter and spring months. Fertilization did not result in major changes in the proportion of total nitrogen in chlorophyll at either the Oregon or the New Mexico site. Concentrations of free amino acids varied with date and fertilization treatment; in New Mexico, amino acids were highest in the winter sample, whereas in Oregon, they were lowest in winter and spring. At both sites, amino acid concentrations were significantly higher in fertilized trees than in control trees on most dates and the ratios of amino acid-N to total N were also significantly higher in fertilized trees. For both sites, starch concentrations were nearly zero for most of the year, but increased sharply just before bud break and initiation of new growth in the spring. Although fertilization resulted in increased nitrogen concentrations in foliage at both sites, the response in New Mexico was much greater than in Oregon. These results are in agreement with forest productivity data that suggest that growth in the New Mexico site is limited by nitrogen, whereas in the Oregon site it is not. 相似文献
For 345 stands of deciduous hardwood forest in Hyogo Prefecture, Western Japan, we assessed the decline of shrub-layer vegetation
due to sika deer in each stand by using the shrub-layer decline rank (SDR), determined by combining the shrub-layer vegetation
cover and the presence of signs of grazing by sika deer in a stand. Since there was a geographical correlation between SDR
and sighting per unit effort (SPUE), which is an index of the relative density of sika deer, it appeared that decline of shrub-layer
vegetation in a stand can be accurately evaluated by SDR. There were correlations between SDR and several variables that indicate
the status of components in forests (presence of saplings of tall trees, occurrence of bark stripping of tall trees, proportion
of bark-stripped stems of Clethra barvinervis, decline of subtree-layer vegetation by bark stripping, cover of litter on the ground, and area of soil surface erosion).
These results indicate that the status of these components changes with decline of shrub-layer vegetation by sika deer grazing.
It is thought that such synchronizations are caused by sika deer grazing or a direct or indirect effect by decline of shrub-layer
vegetation due to sika deer. Therefore, it is reasonable to assess decline in physical structure due to sika deer for stands
of deciduous hardwood forests according to SDR. 相似文献
Pierre Trichet Denis Loustau Catherine Lambrot Sune Linder 《Annals of Forest Science》2008,65(8):814-814
Nicolas Barbier Pierre Couteron Jean-Philippe Gastelly-Etchegorry Christophe Proisy 《Annals of Forest Science》2012,69(2):305-311
• Context
Remote sensing methods, and in particular very high (metric) resolution optical imagery, are essential assets to obtain forest structure data that cannot be measured from the ground because they are too difficult to measure or because the areas to sample are too large or inaccessible. 相似文献16.
Monika Staniaszek-Kik Jan Żarnowiec Damian Chmura 《European Journal of Forest Research》2016,135(6):1145-1157
Photosynthesis of a tropical canopy tree, Ceiba pentandra, in a lowland forest in Panama 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Diel (24 h) courses of CO(2) and water-vapor exchange of Ceiba pentandra (L.) Gaertn. (Bombacaceae) were studied under natural tropical conditions in the semi-evergreen moist forest of Barro Colorado Island, Panama. Measurements were conducted from early February 1991 (dry season), shortly after new leaves emerged, until mid-October 1991 (wet season), when leaves were shed. Rates of net CO(2) uptake were significantly higher in the dry season than in the wet season, and showed a linear decrease with leaf age. Leaf nitrogen concentrations and contents also decreased with age. Our estimate of annual carbon gain (2640 g CO(2) m(-2) year(-1) or 21 g CO(2) g(DW) (-1) year(-1)) is considerably higher than estimates available for temperate forest trees. 相似文献
In large trees, the daily onset of transpiration causes water to be withdrawn from internal storage compartments, resulting in lags between changes in transpiration and sap flow at the base of the tree. We measured time courses of sap flow, hydraulic resistance, plant water potential and stomatal resistance in co-occurring tropical forest canopy trees with trunk diameters ranging from 0.34-0.98 m, to determine how total daily water use and daily reliance on stored water scaled with size. We also examined the effects of scale and tree hydraulic properties on apparent time constants for changes in transpiration and water flow in response to fluctuating environmental variables. Time constants for water movement were estimated from whole-tree hydraulic resistance (R) and capacitance (C) using an electric circuit analogy, and from rates of change in water movement through intact trees. Total daily water use and reliance on stored water were strongly correlated with trunk diameter, independent of species. Although total daily withdrawal of water from internal storage increased with tree size, its relative contribution to the daily water budget (approximately 10%) remained constant. Net withdrawal of water from storage ceased when upper branch water potential corresponded to the sapwood water potential (Psi(sw)) at which further withdrawal of water from sapwood would have caused Psi(sw) to decline precipitously. Stomatal coordination of vapor and liquid phase resistances played a key role in limiting stored water use to a nearly constant fraction of total daily water use. Time constants for changes in transpiration, estimated as the product of whole- tree R and C, were similar among individuals (~0.53 h), indicating that R and C co-varied with tree size in an inverse manner. Similarly, time constants estimated from rates of change in crown and basal sap flux were nearly identical among individuals and therefore independent of tree size and species. 相似文献