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Ascospores of Monosporascus cannonballus function as primary inoculum for infection of melon roots. Previous studies demonstrated that pathogen reproduction (i.e. ascospore production) occurs on infected melon roots primarily after the crop has been terminated. Therefore, the key to maintaining low soil population densities of the pathogen is to destroy the hyphae of the pathogen in infected roots as soon as possible after crop termination, thereby inhibiting ascospore production. Results from a 3-year field study demonstrated that, relative to the nontreated controls, an immediate postharvest application of metam sodium (applied via the drip irrigation system at 187 L ha−1) or cultivation (which lifts roots onto the surface of the soil for rapid desiccation) significantly inhibited pathogen reproduction in infected melon roots, as shown by the number of roots subsequently bearing perithecia. Additionally, ascospore populations in plots that received either the metam sodium or cultivation treatment were significantly lower ( P  < 0·05) than populations in the nontreated control plots at the end of the 3-year study. These results demonstrated the efficacy of these postharvest treatments in the inhibition of pathogen reproduction and retardation of inoculum build-up in soil.  相似文献   

Destruction of infected crop residue is a management strategy commonly recommended for the control of many plant diseases. Based upon knowledge of the biology of the root-infecting fungus Monosporascus cannonballus , this strategy is a likely candidate for use in the management of vine decline of melons caused by this pathogen. Specifically, ascospores, the primary survival structure and inoculum for root infection, are produced on infected melon roots primarily after crop termination. Thus, destruction of infected roots prior to reproduction would be a very practical method of preventing inoculum build-up in soil. Results from this study demonstrated that two plant residue destruction methods commonly used by growers at crop termination [i.e. foliar application of a herbicide (glyphosate) and mechanical destruction of vines] significantly enhanced, relative to untreated controls, the rapidity and extent of pathogen reproduction on infected roots left in field after harvest.  相似文献   

The effects of osmotic water potential (Ψs) on mycelial growth and perithecial production of Monosporascus cannonballus , the cause of root rot and vine decline of melons, were examined at 25°C on potato dextrose agar (PDA) amended with KCl, NaCl or sucrose. Patterns of the growth responses of four isolates to decreasing Ψs were similar for each of the osmotica. Compared with growth on nonamended PDA (−0·3 MPa), growth of all isolates increased as Ψs was reduced to −0·8 MPa. Maximum growth occurred at Ψs values of −0·6 to −0·8 MPa. Growth was not reduced below that on nonamended PDA until Ψs was reduced to −1·8 MPa, and a 50% reduction in growth did not occur until Ψs was reduced to < −2·5 MPa. Reproduction was much more sensitive to reduced Ψs than was mycelial growth, and perithecia were produced only at Ψs ≥ −0·7 or −0·8 MPa on PDA amended with KCl or NaCl, respectively. Three isolates produced perithecia on PDA amended with sucrose only at Ψs ≥ −0·6 MPa, but the fourth isolate produced perithecia at ≥ −1·9 MPa. Colonization of the xylem early in disease development may provide an essential source of water for subsequent reproduction in the root cortex during plant senescence. Postharvest cultivation to expose and desiccate roots may prevent reproduction even when temperatures lethal to hyphae are not attained.  相似文献   

Although canopy collapse of melons (one of the above-ground symptoms of vine decline caused by Monosporascus cannonballus ) occurred late in the growing season, the onset of root infection occurred much earlier. In three early winter-spring and two late winter-spring crops, the onset of root infection occurred 47–65 and 35–36 days after planting, respectively. In contrast, in four summer-autumn crops, the onset of root infection occurred within 9–17 days after planting. Vine decline occurred commonly in winter-spring crops, but did not occur in any of the summer-autumn crops. Following the onset of root infection, the percentage of plants infected increased at rates of 0·031–0·036 and 0·038–0·070 per unit per day for winter-spring and summer-autumn crops, respectively, based on the monomolecular disease progress model. Root lesions were first observed 14–42 days after the onset of infection in winter-spring crops, and 14–28 days after the onset of infection in summer-autumn crops. Pathogen reproduction occurred primarily at the end of each growing season.  相似文献   

2005年夏季,在甘肃省中部的半干旱种植区的一块甜瓜品种试验田中,一些甜瓜植株在收获前2周突然凋萎,从病根上分离得到3株生长速度快的高温型子囊菌,对其中2个菌株进行了形态特征、生物学特性及致病性研究,根据其独特的、每个子囊内仅产生一个黑色子囊孢子的主要形态特征和对甜瓜及西瓜的致病性,将其鉴定为Monosporascus cannonballus PollackUecker。这是该菌在我国大陆的首次报道。  相似文献   

2018年7月中旬在甘肃省酒泉市金塔县, 甜瓜成熟前10~20 d, 一些田块出现了严重的倒秧, 从罹病植株的褐腐根上分离到坎诺单孢菌Monosporascus cannonballus, 病株分出率达76.9%。致病性测定结果显示:在试验条件下(25℃±3℃), 菌株TG-84对甜瓜(品种:‘86-1’)的致病性强, 出苗后13 d, 倒苗率达80%。  相似文献   

The effect of irrigation regimes on disease expression in melon plants infected with Monosporascus cannonballuswas studied during two summer growing seasons (1998 and 1999) in the Arava region of southern Israel. Less frequent and reduced irrigation postponed the onset of plant collapse and lowered disease incidence. Delaying disease development in infested fields by reducing irrigation frequency allowed crop harvest before plant collapse. However, reduced irrigation regimes reduced yields, as shown in methyl bromide fumigated plots. Fruits from melon plants grown under reduced irrigation in the infested plots were also of lower quality due to water shortage. The delay in plant collapse under the reduced irrigation treatments was attributed to a combined effect of reduced fruit load and the development of a deeper root system, which could support the increased water demand of the mature, fruiting plant.  相似文献   

A method was developed for the specific detection, identification and quantification of Monosporascus cannonballus in infected melon roots based on real-time PCR (SYBR® Green chemistry) targeting the ITS1 region of the rDNA conserved between different strains of the pathogen. The specificity of the reaction was assessed using a number of fungi taxonomically and ecologically related to M. cannonballus. The method was highly sensitive and M. cannonballus was first detected in the roots of a susceptible Piel de Sapo cultivar 2 days after inoculation, before symptom appearance. Although conventional PCR methods could also provide such a specific and sensitive detection, real-time PCR was also able to produce reliable quantitative data over a range of 4 orders of magnitude (from 5 ng to 0.3 pg). The method allowed the quantitative monitoring of fungal growth from the very first stages of infection, and was successfully employed in the early screening of resistance. The assessment of disease progress and severity obtained with real-time PCR was more accurate than that obtained with the visual scoring of root lesions or root biomass losses. Therefore, there exists a great potential for its implementation in those steps of breeding programmes where high accuracy is required.  相似文献   

Results document, for the first time, the role of soil moisture on a unique, tripartite, host-specific rhizosphere interaction (i.e., Cucumis melo-Monosporascus cannonballus-Olpidium bornovanus). Specifically, colonization of cantaloupe roots by zoospores of O. bornovanus and germination of ascospores of M. cannonballus were highest at a soil matric potential of ?0.001 MPa but significantly inhibited at a matric potential of only ?0.01 MPa. Matric water potentials of ?0.01 MPa or drier are characteristically inhibitory to the motility of zoosporic microbes but not hyphal growth of filamentous fungi like M. cannonballus. These results support our previous conclusion that germination of ascospores of M. cannonballus, a destructive root pathogen of cantaloupe is mediated by O. bornovanus, an obligate, zoosporic fungus.  相似文献   

The effects of silicon (Si) supplied in the form of potassium silicate (PS) were evaluated on epidemic components of powdery mildew of melon under greenhouse conditions. The PS was applied to the roots or to leaves. In the first experiment, epidemic components were evaluated after inoculation with Podosphaera xanthii. In the second experiment, the disease progress rate was evaluated on plants subjected to natural infection. The area under the disease progress curve was reduced by 65% and 73% in the foliar and root treatments, respectively, compared to control plants, as a consequence of reductions in infection efficiency, colony expansion rate, colony area, conidial production and disease progress rate. However, root application of PS was more effective than foliar application in reducing most of the epidemic components, except for infection efficiency. This can be explained by the high Si concentration in leaf tissues with root application, in contrast to the foliar treatment where Si was only deposited on the external leaf surfaces. The effects of PS reported in this study demonstrated that powdery mildew of melon can be controlled, and that the best results can be achieved when PS is supplied to the roots.  相似文献   

Fusarium rot of melon, caused by species of the genus Fusarium, has become an important postharvest disease for many Brazilian producers. Due to the delayed onset of symptoms, this disease is often only detected when fruits arrive at the importing country, thus generating economic loss for the exportation of the fruit. This study was developed with the aim of investigating which Fusarium species cause fruit rot in melon and to evaluate any differences in aggressiveness and development of symptoms. Species were identified through phylogenetic analysis of two loci and morphological markers. The 28 isolates obtained from diseased melon fruits of different commercial cultivars were identified as Fusarium falciforme (FSSC), F. sulawesiense, F. pernambucanum (FIESC), and F. kalimantanense (FOSC). Three isolates belong to a new phylogenetic lineage within the F. fujikuroi species complex (FFSC). All isolates were tested for pathogenicity, and first symptoms of rot in Canary melon were observed 2 days after inoculation. Isolates of F. falciforme and F. sulawesiense were shown to be more aggressive. Our results extend information on Fusarium species that cause fruit rot in melon and support the development of management strategies, as there is currently no efficient control for this disease. To our knowledge, this is the first report of the occurrence of species of the FSSC, FOSC, and FFSC from muskmelon fruits in Brazil.  相似文献   

以3个果实大小不同的品种为材料,研究光照强度对甜瓜果实糖分积累的影响。结果表明:果实定个前(玉金香花后14 d,银帝和黄河蜜花后28 d),果实中糖分积累以葡萄糖和果糖为主,蔗糖次之,可溶性总糖含量较低。果实定个后,蔗糖开始快速积累,并持续至果实成熟。果实成熟时,三品种含糖量为玉金香(136.63 mg/g)>银帝(119.9 mg/g)>黄河蜜(108.14 mg/g),果实3个部位的含糖量为脐部>中部>蒂部。遮阴对甜瓜果实糖分积累模式影响不显著,但使蔗糖开始大量积累的时间推迟、果实最终糖分积累量显著下降,表明甜瓜果实糖分积累量依赖于同化产物供应水平。果实生育期糖分积累动态表明:玉金香耐弱光性较强,银帝能够逐渐适应弱光,黄河蜜对弱光最敏感。遮阴后甜瓜果实糖分积累量降幅具有品种依赖性:大果型品种黄河蜜>中果型品种银帝>小果型品种玉金香。  相似文献   

Brown fruit spot symptoms were observed on yellow Spanish melons ( Cucumis melo var. inodorus ) grown in greenhouses at Almeria in Spain. Nonsporing, motile, rod-shaped bacteria were isolated from diseased fruits, which on nutrient agar produced small yellow colonies. Two bacterial isolates, used for further investigations, were pathogenic on fruits but not on cotyledons of Spanish melon plants. They provoked disease symptoms similar to those observed in the greenhouse. Both isolates were Gram-negative, catalase-positive, weakly oxidase-positive and phenylalanine deaminase-negative. They hydrolysed esculin but not gelatin and they utilized glucose oxidatively. Fatty acid analysis revealed that both isolates belong to the genus Sphingomonas . In addition, 16S rDNA sequence analysis, performed on one isolate, demonstrated that it had a significant sequence similarity (more than 98%) with Sphingomonas pruni and Sphingomonas mali , nonphytopathogenic bacteria isolated from plants. Although enterobacterial repetitive intergenic consensus PCR and repetitive extragenic palindromic PCR seem to indicate that the Sphingomonas isolates from Spanish melon fruits may belong to a new species, DNA–DNA hydridization analysis is necessary to verify this hypothesis.  相似文献   

Fusarium rot on melon fruits is a postharvest disease and its importance in Brazil is increasing since its first report in 1999. Initially this disease was attributed to the fungus Fusarium semitectum based on pathogen morphology. However, there is controversy regarding the aetiology of this disease because, in the current species concept based on phylogenetic analysis, F. semitectum is regarded as a synonym to different Fusarium species. With the objective of elucidating the disease aetiology in Northeast Brazil, Fusarium isolates were obtained from melon fruits showing rot symptoms in the main producing areas of the country. From the phylogenetic analyses of TEF1 and RPB2 gene sequences, the isolates were identified as belonging to two phylogenetic species of the Fusarium incarnatum-equiseti species complex (FIESC), one in the Incarnatum clade (Fusarium sulawense) and the other in the Equiseti clade, which corresponds to a new lineage. The newly identified lineage is close to Fusarium lacertarum. Isolates from the two species showed morphological characteristics typical of the Incarnatum and Equiseti clades, agreeing with the molecular identification, and were pathogenic when inoculated on melon fruits. This is the first report of F. sulawense on melon fruits. The data generated in this study are potentially useful for a better management of the fusarium rot on melon.  相似文献   

Acidovorax citrulli (Ac) is the causal agent of bacterial fruit blotch (BFB) disease resulting in substantial economic damage to cucurbit crops worldwide. The plant parts and cultural practices (irrigation methods and bactericidal sprays) that affect the secondary spread of Ac in melon nurseries were investigated in this study. Overhead irrigation dispersed the pathogen from infected seedlings to 95% of the neighbouring healthy seedlings, with 80% of them displaying high disease severity. In contrast, when sub‐irrigation by floating was employed, the neighbouring plants of the infected ones did not display disease symptoms and were not colonized by Ac. Foliar treatment with Kocide after cotyledon emergence reduced disease incidence to 40%, with 37% of the plants displaying low disease severity. Assessment of Ac populations in different parts of the seedlings revealed that cotyledons were the most colonized part of the plant. Images of fluorescent binocular and confocal laser‐scanning microscopy of seedlings infected with a GFP‐labelled Ac strain showed that the pathogen forms abundant aggregates on the surface of cotyledons, colonizes the intercellular spaces of the parenchymatic tissues extensively, and moves through the vascular system of the hypocotyls, leading to infection of emerging leaves. Results of this study indicate that preventing secondary spread of Ac in melon nurseries by sub‐irrigation combined with a bactericidal spray at the cotyledon stage may provide an effective means for BFB control.  相似文献   

为了明确活性氧(reactive oxygen species,ROS)代谢在甜瓜抗病性诱导中的作用,以抗白粉病甜瓜品种Tam Dew和感病品种卡拉克赛幼苗为材料,通过盆栽试验研究了苯丙噻二唑(BTH)喷雾或白粉菌接种后甜瓜叶片超氧阴离子(O2.-)产生速率、过氧化氢(H2O2)含量及超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)、过氧化氢酶(CAT)、苯丙氨酸解氨酶(PAL)活性的变化。BTH处理或白粉菌接种均可诱导甜瓜叶片SOD、PAL活性升高,抑制CAT活性,导致叶组织O2.-产生速率和H2O2含量增加,BTH喷雾+白粉菌接种比二者单独处理效果更好。结果表明,BTH处理后叶片O2.-产生速率提高和H2O2积累是甜瓜抗白粉病能力提高的重要机制,BTH通过诱导ROS代谢酶活性调节H2O2含量,且BTH诱导的甜瓜抗病性与品种的基础抗性有关。  相似文献   

An evaluation was made of the ability of two mycoparasite-based products AQ10® ( Ampelomyces quisqualis ) and Mycotal® ( Lecanicillium lecanii ), as well as three strains of Bacillus subtilis , to manage powdery mildew disease, caused by Podosphaera fusca on melon seedlings maintained under different regimes of relative humidity and on plants grown under greenhouse conditions in Spain. In every case fungal and bacterial biocontrol agents (BCAs) performed better under conditions of high relative humidity (90–95% RH). In greenhouse experiments, the effectiveness of the mycoparasites to manage powdery mildew was absolutely dependent on mineral oil. The strains of B. subtilis provided disease control similar to that achieved with the mycoparasites or the fungicide azoxystrobin. Microscopic analysis showed the ability of these bacterial strains to efficiently colonize leaf surfaces and revealed the occurrence of antagonistic interactions between biological agents and P. fusca structures. These results confirmed the usefulness of these BCAs for managing powdery mildew on greenhouse-grown cucurbits either as single products or as a component of integrated control programmes.  相似文献   

The population dynamics of Monosporascus cannonballus ascospores in the soils of four muskmelon fields located in a marsh area in Castellón province (eastern Spain) was studied for a 3 year period. Two of these fields were cropped to muskmelon with fallow periods between muskmelon cropping, and the others were in fallow and had extensive flooding periods. Muskmelon cultivation resulted in a progressive increase of the number of ascospores in soil, reaching a maximum 7 months after muskmelon planting (2–4 months after plant death), and a subsequent decline during fallow periods between muskmelon crops. During muskmelon cropping, in-bed and between-bed ascospore numbers were compared and, in general, there were no statistical differences between them. In the fields which were in fallow and flooded, the dynamics found was a progressive decline of the population of ascospores. Soilborne inoculum was viable and capable of infecting muskmelon at the end of the 3 year period in all fields, demonstrating that ascospores of M.␣cannonballus are able to survive for this period of time in the absence of muskmelon cultivation and also that this fungus seems to be well adapted to survive in soils which maintain a high water table during the crop or under flooding conditions.  相似文献   

A severe root and stem rot disease of melon was observed during the 2001 growing season on four glasshouse crops in Heraklio, Greece. A total of 43 isolates of F. oxysporum , obtained in Crete from glasshouse-grown melon and showing fusarium wilt or root and stem rot symptoms, were characterized by pathogenicity and vegetative compatibility. The majority of these isolates was also fingerprinted via amplified fragment length polymorphic (AFLP) analysis. Of the total number of isolates, 22 were identified by pathogenicity tests as F. oxysporum f. sp. melonis , 20 as F. oxysporum f. sp. radicis-cucumerinum , while one isolate was nonpathogenic on cucumber, melon, sponge gourd and pumpkin. All 22 isolates of F. oxysporum f. sp. melonis were assigned to vegetative compatibility group (VCG) 0134, and all 20 isolates of F. oxysporum f. sp. radicis-cucumerinum to VCG 0260. Isolates of F. oxysporum f. sp. radicis-cucumerinum were incompatible with isolates of F. oxysporum f. sp. melonis. AFLP fingerprinting allowed for the clustering of the isolates of the two formae speciales of F. oxysporum along two separate phenetic groups: f. sp. melonis to AFLP major haplotype I, and f. sp. radicis-cucumerinum to AFLP major haplotype II. Overall, pathogenicity, vegetative compatibility grouping and AFLP analysis were correlated and effectively distinguished isolates of F. oxysporum from melon. This appears to be the first report of natural infection of melon by F. oxysporum f. sp. radicis-cucumerinum worldwide.  相似文献   

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