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Livestock grazing lush Kochia scoparia (L.) Schrad, sometimes experience BW loss, hyperbilirubinemia, photosensitization, and polyuria. Animals fed kochia hay may exhibit milder or negligible signs of toxicosis but fail to utilize nutrients efficiently. To characterize early aspects of kochia toxicosis and to evaluate prospective treatments, 12 wether lambs (34 +/- 3 kg) were fed prebloom kochia hay (83% OM, 15% CP, and 6.3% total oxalate) and treated as follows: 1) no treatment; 2) drenched daily with aqueous ZnSO4 to provide 30 mg of Zn/kg of BW); 3) injected i.p. twice weekly with N-acetyl-L-cysteine (CYS) in saline (21 mg/kg of BW) plus trans-stilbene oxide (TSO) in corn oil (27 mg/kg of BW); and 4) treated as 2) plus 3). Treatments were imposed factorially (2 x 2) with three lambs per treatment. Kochia intake (ad libitum) averaged .57 kg/d (1.7% of BW) for 80 d, and digestibility of DM and CP were 44 and 59%, respectively, at wk 4, but BW loss was severe (6 to 11 kg/lamb). After 14 d, serum insulin and prolactin were decreased (P less than .05) below initial values (.48 to .11 and 102 to 28 ng/ml, respectively). Serum somatotropin increased (P less than .05) from 4.5 to 6.8 ng/ml at 4 wk. Serum total bilirubin increased threefold at 3 wk (P less than .05) and declined slightly thereafter through 10 wk. Early changes in serum enzymes reflected mild hepatotoxicosis without cholestasis, whereas histopathology (at 80 d) showed diffuse hepatocyte swelling and nephrosis.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Kochia foliage that had tested positive to Dragendorff's reagent (presumptive alkaloids) and had elicited chronic toxicosis when fed to rats was fed to sheep to characterize early stages of kochia toxicosis and evaluate treatments that might improve tolerance. Twelve fine-wool lambs (46 +/- 9 kg BW) were fed chopped kochia hay (35%) mixed with chopped alfalfa hay (65%) for 4 wk. The kochia diet had 14.3% CP and 39.9% ADF. Dry matter intake averaged 3.4% of BW/d. Body weight did not change during 4 wk and blood serum components were not changed from values at the onset. Thereafter, kochia was increased to 50% of diet for five more weeks, during which four treatments were imposed randomly (three lambs/treatment): 1) none; 2) N-acetyl-L-cysteine plus trans-stilbene oxide, 21 and 52 mg/kg of BW, respectively, given i.p. twice weekly; 3) retinyl palmitate, 275 mg, plus alpha-tocopherol, 300 mg/lamb dosed i.m. twice weekly; and 4) zinc sulfate mixed in the feed to provide 500 mg daily. Kochia contained 4.8% oxalate. The diet with 50% kochia had 16% CP and 36% ADF, and digestibility coefficients were 59% for DM, 72% for CP, and 59% for ADF. After 5 wk, blood glucose was elevated slightly, total bilirubin was increased about 1.5-fold (P less than .05), alanine aminotransferase was elevated slightly (P less than .05), and inorganic phosphorus and urea (blood urea N) were diminished (P less than .05); other serum components, including calcium, were unchanged from initial levels (P greater than .10). Treatments had negligible effects for modifying serum signs of mild chronic toxicosis associated with kochia hay fed as 50% of diet.  相似文献   

Sixteen crossbred beef heifers were used to determine the efficacy of serum clinical profiles as diagnostic tools for detection of early stages of locoweed toxicity and to test the ability of two mineral supplements for prevention or therapy of toxicosis. Dietary treatments were (DM basis) 1) 100% sorghum sudangrass hay, 2) 80% sorghum sudangrass hay:20% locoweed, 3) 80% sorghum sudangrass hay:20% locoweed plus 100 g of Silent Herder Mineral Mix (a mineral supplement reported to alleviate locoweed toxicity), and 4) 80% sorghum sudangrass hay:20% locoweed plus 100 g of clinoptilolite (a natural zeolite clay). Diets were fed at 1.5% of BW for 28 d, after which heifers had ad libitum access to sorghum sudangrass hay for 14 d. Jugular blood was sampled before feeding every 7 d, and at 2, 4, 6, and 8 h after feeding on d 28. Compared with controls, heifers fed locoweed had elevated (P less than .01) serum alkaline phosphatase activities from d 7 through 35. On d 42, alkaline phosphatase activities in heifers previously fed locoweed were lower (P less than .05) than in control heifers. Serum glutamic oxaloacetic transaminase activities were elevated (P less than .01) in heifers fed locoweed from d 7 through 42 compared with control heifers. In heifers fed locoweed, serum Fe concentrations were less (P less than .01) on d 7 through 28, but no treatment effects were noted (P greater than .10) on d 35 or 42.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Ten Holstein steers (141 kg) were used in two 5 X 5 Latin-square experiments conducted simultaneously to determine the effects of offering different levels and types of feeds with endophyte-infected fescue given ad libitum. In Exp. 1, steers were given ad libitum access to infected fescue hay in the afternoon; in the morning fescue was given ad libitum (basal) or bermudagrass or clover hays were fed at .5 or 1.0% of body weight (BW). Supplementation did not affect total dry matter intake (P greater than .10), but supplementation at 1.0% of BW yielded total intake greater than supplementation at .5% of BW (P less than .05). Supplementation did not change digestibilities of dry or organic matter (P greater than .10). Particulate passage rate was greater (P less than .10) with supplementation at 1.0 than at .5% of BW, and increasing the level of supplementation from .5 to 1.0% of BW affected fluid passage rate positively with clover but negatively with bermudagrass (interaction, P less than .05). Serum prolactin increased (P less than .05) with all supplementation treatments, although no differences were observed between supplement type-supplementation level combinations (P greater than .10). Ground corn and wheat hay were supplements in Exp. 2. Total intake of dry matter was greater with supplements provided at 1.0 rather than at .5% of BW and for corn rather than wheat hay (P less than .05). Neutral detergent fiber digestion (percent of intake and grams per day) rose when wheat hay was offered at 1.0 vs .5% of BW but declined when the level of supplemental corn increased from .5 to 1.0% of BW (interaction, P less than .05). There were no differences among diets in particulate and fluid passage rates and serum prolactin concentration. Supplementation with nontoxic forage of a basal diet of infected fescue yielded intake substitution when forage was offered at .5% of BW, although incomplete substitution occurred with 1.0% of BW of supplemental forage such that total intake increased as compared to the lower level of supplementation.  相似文献   

Six Holstein steers (313 +/- 10 kg BW) surgically fitted with hepatic portal, mesenteric venous, mesenteric arterial, and hepatic venous catheters were used in a replicated crossover design experiment to evaluate the feeding of Acremonium coenophialum-infected fescue hay on portal-drained visceral and hepatic nutrient metabolism. Only four steers had functional hepatic catheters. Infected (INF) and endophyte-free (EF) fescue hays were harvested on the same day in May, at the soft dough stage of maturity, from a similar location in southeast Kansas. The hay was chopped through a 2.5-cm screen and fed in 12 portions daily. Intake was limited to 5.2 kg of DM/d to equalize consumption. Each experimental period lasted 21 d. Dietary CP concentration was greater for INF than for EF (9.9 vs 8.6%); however, apparent digestibilities of DM (52.6%) and N (37%) were not different. Ruminal total VFA concentrations and molar proportions were not different with the exception of butyrate, which was increased (P less than .10) for steers when they were fed INF. Feeding of INF increased (P less than .05) arterial beta-hydroxybutyrate concentration and decreased (P less than .10) arterial butyrate concentration. Steers fed EF showed a greater (P less than .05) portal-arterial concentration difference for acetate and an increased (P less than .05) net portal flux of acetate (500 vs 620 mmol/h). No differences in net flux were noted for any of the other VFA, glucose, lactate, urea N, insulin, glucagon, or prolactin.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Three experiments were conducted to compare soybean meal/sorghum grain (SBM/SG), alfalfa hay or dehydrated alfalfa pellets (DEHY) as supplemental protein sources for beef cattle grazing dormant range forage. In Exp. 1 (35-d digestion study), 16 ruminally cannulated steers were stratified by weight (average BW 259 kg) and assigned randomly within stratification to: 1) control, no supplement; 2) SBM/SG (25% CP) fed at .48% BW; 3) alfalfa hay (17% CP) fed at .70% BW; or 4) DEHY (17.4% CP) fed at .67% BW. Steers receiving protein supplements displayed at least a twofold increase in forage intake (P less than .10). In addition, steers supplemented with DEHY consumed approximately 15% more forage (P less than .10) than SBM/SG- or alfalfa hay-supplemented steers. Digestible DM intake (kg/d), however, was similar between alfalfa hay- and DEHY-supplemented steers and 20% greater (P less than .10) than for SBM/SG-supplemented steers. In Exp. 2, 82 mature, nonlactating Hereford x Angus cows (average BW 489 kg) were assigned randomly to SBM/SG, alfalfa hay or DEHY supplement treatments, which were replicated in three pastures. Cows supplemented with DEHY gained more weight (P less than .05) during the first 84 d of supplementation and displayed the least amount of weight loss at calving (d 127; P less than .05) and just prior to breeding (P less than .10). In contrast, calving interval (361 d) and pregnancy rate (94%) were unaffected (P greater than .10) by dam's previous supplemental treatment. In Exp. 3, one block (pasture) of cows from Exp. 2 was selected at random and grazing behavior was monitored during week-long periods in January and February. A treatment X time interaction (P less than .05) occurred for total time spent grazing; treatments did not differ in January, but cows supplemented with alfalfa hay spent less time grazing in the February grazing period. In conclusion, DEHY and alfalfa hay appear to be at least as effective as SBM/SG as a supplemental protein source for pregnant grazing cows when supplements are fed on an equal CP and ME basis.  相似文献   

Two experiments were conducted to determine the effects of frequency of offering and type of supplemental forage on intake and digestion in calves consuming endophyte-infected fescue hay (I). In Exp. 1, five Holstein steers, averaging 128 kg body weight (BW), were used in a 5 X 5 Latin square experiment. All steers were given free access to I in the afternoon. Morning meals consisted of 1) ad libitum access to I daily (control), 2) .5% BW of Bermuda-grass hay (BG) daily, 3) 1.0% BW of BG every 2nd d, 4) 1.5% BW of BG every 3rd d and 5) 2.0% BW of BG every 4th d. Steers receiving BG consumed less (P less than .01) I and more (P less than .01) total dry matter (DM) than did steers given I alone. Within treatment, I intake was similar (P greater than .10) among days of the feeding cycle without BG. Organic matter (OM) digestion was lower (P less than .05) with than without BG. In Exp. 2, 12 beef calves (Angus and Hereford X Angus; 6 mo of age, 155 kg initial BW) were used in a completely randomized-design experiment. Calves were given ad libitum access to I daily (control) or to BG or wheat hay (WH) on d 1 and I the following 3 d. Hay (I, BG or WH) intake d 1 of the feeding cycle was higher for BG and WH than for the control treatment (16 and 45%, respectively) and higher for WH than BG (25%; P less than .05).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Two trials (winter and summer) were conducted to determine effects of fasting and transportation and adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) administration on the amount and source of weight lost by feeder steers. Sixteen steers, in each of two experiments, were adapted to metabolism stalls for 10 d, were fed medium-quality hay at 2.1% of BW for 3 d, and then were subjected to either fasting alone or fasting plus transit for 48 h. In Exp. 1 steers were randomly assigned to treatments. In Exp. 2 steers were blocked by age (OLD or YOUNG) and assigned to treatments. Fecal and urinary excretions accounted for 65 and 38% of the total weight lost in Exp. 1 and 2, respectively. Fasting plus transit did not consistently increase the amount of weight lost compared with fasting alone but increased (P less than .01) plasma glucose concentrations. Injection of ACTH before either fasting alone or fasting plus transit increased (P less than .05) the amount of weight lost as feces. Steers in the OLD group lost more weight during transit and fasting but regained the lost weight faster (P less than .01) during the recovery period than did steers in the YOUNG group. Injecting YOUNG steers with ACTH before fasting alone or fasting plus transit increased plasma fibrinogen (P less than .10) and serum glucose (P less than .05) concentrations more than ACTH injections in OLD steers. Although fasting and transit elicit mobilization of body nutrients and resulted in a loss of BW, these effects were quickly reversed during the poststress period.  相似文献   

Formaldehyde- and formic acid-treated alfalfa or orchardgrass silage were fed at 65 and 90 g DM/kg BW.75.d) to growing Holstein steers (209 +/- SE = 35 kg) fitted with permanent ruminal and duodenal cannulas in a 4 x 4 latin square. Alfalfa had higher (P less than .01) concentrations of cell solubles, total N and rumen-soluble N than did orchardgrass. Digestible energy (Mcal/d), total N and soluble N intake (g/d) were higher (P less than .05) for steers fed alfalfa than for those fed orchardgrass. Total duodenal OM, DM, NDF, N and non-NH3-N flows were greater (P less than .001) for steers fed alfalfa than for those fed orchardgrass and were greater (P less than .001) at high vs low intake. Duodenal bacterial N flow (g/d) was greater (P less than .001) for steers fed alfalfa than for those fed orchardgrass, and bacterial N synthesis (g/kg DM truly digested in the rumen) was 58 and 32, respectively (P less than .001). Ruminal concentrations of NH3-N (P less than .001) and VFA (P less than .05) were greater for steers fed alfalfa than for those fed orchardgrass. Total tract DM, energy and N digestibilities were higher (P less than .05) for steers fed alfalfa vs orchardgrass, whereas total tract NDF digestibility was lower (P less than .01). Tissue N retention tended to be greater (P less than .1) for steers fed alfalfa than for those fed orchardgrass. Regression analysis indicated that duodenal non-NH3-N flow was related to intake of metabolizable energy and soluble N (R2 = .939). Improved performance and higher efficiency of use of ME for tissue gain by steers fed alfalfa rather than orchardgrass is related to lower ruminal acetate:propionate, higher microbial efficiency and greater duodenal DM and N flows.  相似文献   

The effects of feeding high levels of Mg were evaluated in a 130-d study with 24 steers. Six steers were allotted to each of four diets supplemented with MgO to attain .3, 1.4, 2.5 or 4.7% Mg, DM basis. Chromic oxide was used as digesta marker; fecal grab samples were collected once daily during nine consecutive 10-d periods. Steers fed 2.5 and 4.7% Mg refused some feed during the study, so their respective dietary Mg intakes were 2.4 and 3.7% (DM basis). Severe diarrhea and a lethargic appearance were observed in steers fed the two higher Mg levels. Fecal DM and apparent DM digestibility decreased linearly (P less than .01) with increased dietary Mg. Apparent Mg absorption (g/d) increased linearly (P les than .01) and apparent Ca and P absorption (g/d) decreased linearly (P less than .01) with addition of Mg to the diet. Increasing dietary Mg linearly elevated blood serum and erythrocyte Mg (P less than .01; P less than .05, respectively) and serum inorganic P (P less than .05) and linearly decreased serum Ca (P less than .01). Magnesium concentration in liver, kidney, skeletal muscle and rib-bone and P in skeletal muscle all increased linearly (P less than .05) with dietary Mg. Increasing dietary Mg in the steers caused a progressive degeneration of the stratified squamous epithelium of rumen papillae. A progressively more serious Mg toxicosis condition developed over time in steers fed diets containing 2.4 and 4.7% Mg.  相似文献   

Tall fescue hay (H) supplemented with corn and urea (HU) or corn gluten meal (HCGM) and ammoniated tall fescue hay supplemented with corn (AH) or corn gluten meal (AHCGM) were fed to steers in two 4 X 4 Latin-square trials. Diets were fed to four Angus-Hereford steers (550 kg) at equal intakes in trial 1 and to four Hereford steers (350 kg) at ad libitum intakes in trial 2. Ammoniation reduced cell wall concentrations of p-coumaric acid and ferulic acid by 48 and 67%, respectively. Concentrations of other phenolics were also reduced. Apparent total tract digestibilities of vanillin, p-coumaric acid and ferulic acid were lower (P less than .05, .001 and .01, respectively) when nontreated hay was fed in trial 1, but were not different between hay types in trial 2. In trial 1, greater negative intestinal digestibilities of p-coumaric acid (P less than .001) and vanillin (P less than .05) occurred for steers fed HU and HCGM vs AH and AHCGM diets. Digestibilities of neutral detergent fiber (NDF) and acid detergent fiber (ADF) were greater (P less than .001) for steers fed ammoniated hay diets in both trials and greater (P less than .05) for HCGM vs HU in trial 1. More than 96% of the NDF and ADF digested by steers in trial 1 was digested in the stomach. Intakes of digestible NDF and ADF, but not indigestible NDF or ADF, were higher (P less than .001) for steers fed AH and AHCGM in trial 2. In situ dry matter disappearance rate of ammoniated hay was greater (P less than .05) than that of nontreated hay, but rate of cotton thread disappearance from bags suspended in the rumen of steers fed the various diets was similar among treatments. In both trials, feeding ammoniated hay resulted in higher (P less than .05) ruminal concentrations of acetate and higher (P less than 0.05) acetate:propionate ratios. Ruminal liquid dilution rates were lower (P less than .05) for steers fed AH and AHCGM in trial 1, but were not different in trial 2. Ruminal dry matter concentration and solids dilution rate were not affected by diet in either trial. The results are interpreted to indicate that increased intake of ammoniated hay is a result of increased rate and extent of fiber digestion.  相似文献   

This paper reports the effects of reduced sensitivity to growth hormone-releasing hormone and thyrotropin-releasing hormone through feeding a subtherapeutic level of chlortetracycline (CTC; 350 mg CTC/d) and two levels of dietary CP (10% and 13% of diet DM) on growth performance and carcass merit characteristics. Thirty-two steers (initial average BW, 286 kg) were adapted to a common 13% CP diet consisting primarily of grass hay, corn, and soybean meal fed to gain 1.25 kg/d. The steers were assigned to four treatments (with or without CTC and 10% or 13% dietary CP in a factorial arrangement) and fed ad libitum amounts of diet for 91 d. Feed intake was determined daily and steers were weighed weekly. Steers were killed at the end of the feeding period for carcass merit determinations. Efficiency of BW gain was greater (P < .05) for steers fed the 13% CP diet than for the 10% CP diet and tended to be less for CTC-steers when the 10% CP diet was fed and greater for the CTC-steers when the 13% CP diet was fed (CTC x dietary CP interaction, P < .10). Feeding CTC increased (P < .01) fat over the longissimus muscle and marbling. This study is interpreted to indicate that the sustained effect of subtherapeutic feeding of CTC to cattle appears to increase fat deposition consistent with a reduced growth hormone and thyroid status reported earlier for these same steers. This would tend to increase energy utilization but may not necessarily produce a measurable increase in BW gain.  相似文献   

Twenty-four steers initially averaging 221 kg BW were used to evaluate the effects of lysocellin and calcium (Ca) level on performance and ruminal and plasma characteristics. Lysocellin at 0 or 22 mg/kg of diet and Ca at .3 or .6% were fed in a 2 X 2 factorial arrangement of treatments. Steers in individual pens had ad libitum access to a diet consisting of 80% corn silage and 20% (DM basis) of a protein, mineral and vitamin supplement. Ruminal fluid and blood samples were collected on d 42 and 85 of the 113-d trial. Steers fed the .6% Ca diet gained faster and required less feed/unit of gain than those fed the .3% Ca diet (P less than .05). There was a tendency for a lysocellin X Ca interaction for gain and feed efficiency (P less than .10). Lysocellin tended to depress performance when fed with .3% Ca, but it tended to improve gain and feed efficiency when fed with .6% Ca. Molar proportions of propionate were higher and those of acetate were lower (P less than .01) for steers fed lysocellin. Ruminal-soluble Zn, Fe and Cu levels were higher (P less than .01) in steers fed lysocellin. Ruminal-soluble Ca (P less than .01) was higher and ruminal-soluble P and Na were lower (P less than .01) in steers fed .6% Ca. Plasma K was higher (P less than .05) in steers fed .6% Ca but it was lower (P less than .05) in steers fed lysocellin. Results of this study indicate that dietary Ca affects certain metabolic responses to lysocellin in growing cattle.  相似文献   

The composition of carcass and noncarcass tissue growth was quantified by serial slaughter of 26 Angus x Hereford crossbred steers (initial age and weight 289 +/- 4 d and 245 +/- 4 kg) during continuous growth (CON) or compensatory growth (CG) after a period of growth restriction (.4 kg/d) from 245 to 325 kg BW. All steers were fed a 70% concentrate diet at ad libitum or restricted levels. Homogenized samples of 9-10-11th rib and noncarcass tissues were analyzed for nitrogen, fat, ash, and moisture. Growth rate from 325 to 500 kg BW was 1.54 and 1.16 kg/d for CG and CON steers. The weight of gut fill in CG steers was 10.8 kg less (P less than .05) before realimentation and 8.8 kg more (P less than .10) at 500 kg BW than in CON steers. The allometric accretive rates for carcass chemical components relative to the empty body were not affected by treatment. However, the accretive rates for CG steers were greater (P less than .01) for noncarcass protein (.821 vs .265), noncarcass water (.861 vs .507), and empty-body protein (.835 vs. .601) than for CON steers. Final empty-body fat was lower (P less than .001; 24.2 vs 32.4%) and empty-body protein higher (P less than .001; 16.6 vs 14.8%) in CG steers than in CON steers. Consequently, net energy requirements for growth (NEg) were approximately 18% lower for CG steers. We conclude that reduced NEg requirements and changes in gut fill accounted for most of the compensatory growth response exhibited in these steers.  相似文献   

Two 160-d feedlot experiments, each consisting of 20 Angus-Hereford steers (216 +/- 5 kg BW, Exp. 1; 258 +/- 5 kg BW, Exp. 2) and 20 Angus-Hereford heifers (208 +/- 5 kg BW, Exp. 1; 236 +/- 5 kg BW, Exp. 2), were used to investigate the effects of supplementing diets with either roasted soybeans (RSB, roasted at 127 degrees C for 10 min) or soybean meal (SBM) and implanting or not implanting with an estrogenic growth promoter (SYN; Synovex-S, 20 mg of estradiol benzoate plus 200 mg of progesterone or Synovex-H, 20 mg of estradiol benzoate plus 200 mg of testosterone) on performance. The cattle were fed a basal diet of 15% orchardgrass silage, 15% corn silage, and 70% corn-based concentrate. Treatments were 1) no SYN and fed a SBM-supplemented diet, 2) no SYN and fed a RSB-supplemented diet, 3) SYN and SBM, and 4) SYN and RSB. Cattle in the SYN groups were reimplanted at 80 d. Four additional Angus-Hereford steers were used in a digestion and nitrogen balance experiment conducted during the first half of Exp. 1. For the total 160-d feedlot experiments, DMI for RSB compared with SBM was lower (P < .01; 8.5 vs 9.2 kg/d, SEM = .07) and ADG/DMI tended to be higher (P < .10; 165 vs 157 g/kg, SEM = 1.3). Final BW of steers fed RSB was similar (P > .10) to that of steers fed SBM (473 vs 478 kg, SEM = 5.6), as was ADG (1.39 vs 1.43 kg/d, SEM = .02). Dry matter intake for SYN-implanted steers was higher (P < .01) than for steers not implanted (9.2 vs 8.5 kg/d). Likewise, final BW (491 vs 460 kg) and ADG (1.49 vs 1.33 kg/d) were higher (P < .01), and ADG/DMI (166 vs 157 g/kg) tended to be higher (P < .10), for SYN-implanted steers than for steers not implanted. During the more rapid muscle growth period (0 to 80 d), DMI for RSB compared with SBM was lower (P < .01; 7.8 vs 8.6 kg/d, SEM = .07) and ADG/DMI was similar (P > .10; 181 vs 172 g/kg, SEM = 1.8). Dry matter intake for SYN-implanted steers was higher (P < .05) than for steers not implanted (8.4 vs 8.0 kg/d), as was ADG/DMI (P < .01, 182 vs 171 g/kg). During this more rapid growth period, the supplement x implant interaction for ADG was significant (P < .05; 1.35, 1.36, 1.59, and 1.44 kg/d for Treatments 1, 2, 3, and 4, respectively, SEM = .04). There were no differences in digestibilities or N balance. The results suggest that there is no improvement in performance under feedlot conditions when RSB replaces SBM in the diet of beef cattle, and, in young cattle, RSB may reduce the response expected by an estrogenic growth promoter.  相似文献   

Two experiments were conducted to determine the influence of dietary roughage concentration and feed intake on finishing steer performance and ruminal metabolism. In Exp. 1, 126 steers (334 kg) were used in a completely randomized design and fed (120 d) diets of steam-rolled wheat without roughage or containing 5, 10 or 15% roughage (50% alfalfa hay:50% corn silage). Steers fed 5 or 10% roughage gained faster (quadratic, P less than .05) and were more efficient (quadratic, P less than .05) than steers fed 15% or no roughage. In Exp. 2, six ruminally cannulated steers (447 kg) were used in a 6 x 6 latin square design and fed (twice daily) diets of steam-rolled wheat without roughage or containing 5 or 15% alfalfa hay at twice or three times NE required for maintenance. Increasing dietary roughage increased (linear, P less than .01) ruminal liquid passage 38%, indigestible ADF passage 63%, Yb-labeled wheat passage 75% and fiber fill 31%. The rate of in situ starch digestion tended to increase (linear, P = .16), and ruminal VFA concentration was 40 mM higher (P less than .01) at 4 h after feeding with increased roughage. Increased feed intake increased (P less than .05) ruminal starch fill, fiber fill, liquid fill and liquid passage 23%, Yb-labeled wheat passage 50% and Dry-labeled hay passage 20%. It reduced protozoa five- to sixfold (P less than .01) but doubled total bacterial counts (P less than .01). Ruminal NH3N was lower (P less than .01) and total VFA concentration was 50 mM higher (P less than .01) at 4 h after feeding. The acetate:propionate ratio was reduced from 2.3 to 1.3 (P less than .01) with increased intake. Adding roughage to a steam-rolled wheat diet increased passage and tended to increase rate of starch digestion; increased feed intake with its associated effects on ruminal fill and passage dramatically shifted the microbial population and fermentation end products.  相似文献   

The effects of including yeast culture (YC; Saccharomyces cerevisae plus growth medium; 5 x 10(9) organisms/g) in diets for ruminants was examined in two experiments. In Exp. 1, 32 multiparous Friesian dairy cows were fed between wk 7 to 12 of lactation one of four completely mixed diets based on either hay or straw plus rolled barley (mixed to give concentrate:forage ratios of either 50:50 or 60:40, respectively) with or without 10 g YC/d in a 2(3) factorial design. Supplementation with YC increased DM intake of the cows by a mean of 1.2 kg/d (P less than or equal to .062) and increased milk yield by 1.4 liters/d (corrected to 4% butterfat; P less than or equal to .05). There was an interaction (P less than .05) between diet composition and YC addition; effects of YC were greatest in diets containing 60:40 (concentrate:forage) ratio. In Exp. 2, three steers were fed a diet of 50% hay and 50% rolled barley (DM basis). Hay was available for the major part of the day but barley was fed in two meals/d. Addition of YC to the diet increased (P less than .05) ruminal pH for 4 h after the barley meal. This elevation in pH probably was due to a reduction (P less than or equal to .01) in the concentration of L-lactate in the ruminal liquor of steers given YC (1.43 vs 3.55 mM; P less than or equal to .01). Peak ruminal L-lactate concentration (7.75 mM) in the controls coincided with time of minimum pH values (2 h after the meal of barley); this peak was absent in steers given YC. YC had no effect on the concentration of VFA in ruminal liquor, but the ratio of acetate to propionate was reduced (P less than or equal to .01) from 3.3:1 to 2.8:1 in steers given YC. The extent of DM degradation of hay incubated in the rumen of steers fed the hay and rolled barley diet was increased (P less than .05) in the presence of YC at 12 h of incubation, but degradation was similar in all treatment groups after 24 h of incubation. Presence of yeast culture in the rumen had effects on ruminal stoichiometry. An increased rate of forage degradation may have increased forage intake and productivity of these dairy cows.  相似文献   

Growing Holstein steers were used in two Latin-square experiments to determine the effects of supplementation of endophyte-infected fescue hay diets with other forages on intake, digestion, passage rate and serum prolactin concentration. In Exp. 1, five steers (average weight of 186 kg) were fed ad libitum amounts of endophyte-infected and noninfected fescue hays (I and NI, respectively) of similar quality in 0:1, 1:3, 1:1, 3:1 and 1:0 proportions. Total dry matter (DM) intake as a percentage of body weight (BW) linearly decreased .0055% for each 1% increase in dietary I (P less than .05). Dry matter intakes with 100% I and 100% NI diets were 2.13 and 2.72% of BW, respectively. Total tract digestion of neutral detergent fiber (NDF) increased linearly (P less than .05) with increasing I (66.0, 65.9, 66.3, 68.1 and 69.6%). Ruminal passage rate of particulates changed linearly (P less than .05) and quadratically (P less than .10) as I in the diet increased (3.5, 3.4, 2.6, 2.8 and 2.8%/h), while serum prolactin concentration and rectal temperature decreased linearly (P less than .05). In Exp. 2, four steers (average weight of 137 kg) were given ad libitum amounts of wheat straw (WS) or .73% of BW of clover hay (C) at 0800 and free access to either I or NI at 1600. Total intake as a percentage of BW was greatest for C with NI (3.04), intermediate for WS with NI (2.70) and lowest for C with I (2.30) and WS with I (2.23; P less than .05). Fescue intake (percentage of BW) was lowest (P less than .05) for C with I (1.56) and higher (P less than .05) for WS with NI (2.63) than WS with I (2.12); fescue intake for C with NI (2.33) was intermediate (P greater than .10) to WS with NI and WS with I. The results are interpreted to indicate that increasing the dietary level of I depressed intake linearly and markedly. Intake of diets high in I appears to be lower than can be explained only by ruminal-fill factors. When animals that are consuming basal I diets are provided access to nontoxic, high-quality forage, changes in intake may differ from those with basal diets of nontoxic forage.  相似文献   

Two experiments were conducted to compare the effects of a progesterone-estradiol implant (PEI) with no implant (NI) and 20 g of copper oxide needles (CuON) with no CuON on grazing, subsequent feedlot performance, and selected serum constituents of steers. In Exp. 1, 114 Limousin crossbred yearling steers (317 kg average initial BW) were stocked continuously on Acremonium coenophialum-infected tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea Schreb.)-ladino clover (Trifolium repens L.) pastures (C) or were rotated to bermuda grass (Cynodon dactylon [L.] Pers.) during summer months (R) of two consecutive years. Implant and copper treatments were applied within pasture. Blood samples were collected four times during each grazing season. Continuously stocked steers had greater (P less than .05) grazing gain, less (P less than .10) feedlot gain, and heavier (P less than .05) carcass weights than R steers did. Implanted steers had greater (P less than .05) pasture but lesser (P less than .05) feedlot gains than did NI steers. Prolactin concentrations were greater (P less than .05) from R than from C steers in late summer 1988. Ceruloplasmin was greater (P less than .01) with CuON than without on the last three and last two sampling dates in 1988 and 1989, respectively. In Exp. 2, blood samples were collected twice from 40 mixed-breed steers (283 kg average initial BW) receiving the same implant and copper treatments as in Exp. 1 and grazing infected fescue for one season. Serum ceruloplasmin and copper concentrations were increased (P less than .01) by CuON, but other measurements did not differ among treatments. Summer grazing of bermuda grass increased serum copper, ceruloplasmin, and prolactin but decreased grazing performance. Implanting increased grazing performance. Copper oxide needles increased serum ceruloplasmin and copper concentrations but did not affect steer performance.  相似文献   

Sixteen crossbred steers (278 +/- 4.9 kg) were used to determine the influence of supplemental ruminally protected lysine and methionine on performance of growing cattle fed grass silage. During the 154-d experiment, all steers were allowed ad libitum consumption of a good-quality grass silage during the first 70 d and of a lesser-quality silage during the remaining 84 d of the trial. The steers received a supplement of .5 kg/d of barley with or without a mixture of ruminally protected amino acid (RPAA) containing 8.2 g of lysine and 2.6 g of methionine. Compared with controls, steers supplemented with RPAA showed 16.3% improved (P less than .03) ADG (.92 vs 1.07 kg/d). Dry matter intake was not affected (P greater than .50) by treatment and averaged 2.03% BW across treatments. Supplementation with RPAA improved feed/gain by 13.6% (7.88 vs 6.81 for control and RPAA treatments, respectively, P less than .01). Plasma levels of methionine, lysine, arginine, and glutamic acid were higher (P less than .05) and of histidine were lower (P less than .001) when RPAA were fed. These results indicate that feeding RPAA can improve the performance of growing steers fed grass silages of varying qualities.  相似文献   

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