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OBJECTIVE: To determine the effect of naturally acquired heartworm (Dirofilaria immitis) infection on myocardial fluid balance as indicated by myocardial water content and the dynamics of transepicardial fluid flow. ANIMALS: 7 dogs infected with adult heartworms and 8 dogs free of heartworm infection. PROCEDURES: Infected dogs had heartworms in the right ventricle, pulmonary artery, or both but no evidence of cardiovascular disease on physical examination. A hemispheric capsule was attached to the epicardial surface of all dogs for determination of transepicardial fluid dynamics and permeability of the epicardium to water and protein. Myocardial water content and hydroxyproline content were assessed at necropsy. RESULTS: Myocardial water content was significantly lower in heartworm-infected dogs. No differences in myocardial hydroxyproline content, transepicardial fluid flow, or epicardial water or protein permeability were detected. Conclusions and CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Heartworm infection significantly altered myocardial fluid balance in dogs, possibly because of a change in the myocardial interstitial pressure-volume relationship. These changes may be associated with increased vulnerability to cardiovascular stressors in heartworm-infected dogs.  相似文献   

Feline heartworm disease is caused by the filarial nematode Dirofilaria immitis, and is transmitted by mosquitoes in heartworm-endemic areas worldwide. While dogs are the definitive hosts for this parasite, cats can also be infected, and the overall prevalence in cats is between 5% and 10% of that in dogs in any given area. The spectrum of feline presentations varies from asymptomatic infections to chronic respiratory signs, sometimes accompanied by chronic vomiting to acute death with no premonitory signs. Ante-mortem diagnosis can be challenging and relies on a combination of tests, including antigen and antibody serology, thoracic radiography and echocardiography. As treatment with heartworm adulticidal drugs can be life-threatening and heartworm infection in cats is often self-limiting, infected cats are frequently managed with supportive treatment (corticosteroids, bronchodilators, and anti-emetics). Surgical removal of filariae using extraction devices may be considered in some acute cases where immediate curative treatment is necessary, but filarial breakage during the procedure may result in an acute fatal shock-like reaction. Necropsy findings are mainly pulmonary and include muscular hypertrophy of the pulmonary arteries and arterioles on histopathology. A number of safe and effective macrocytic lactone drugs are available for prophylaxis in cats. These drugs can kill a range of larval and adult life-cycle stage heartworms, which may be advantageous in cases of owner compliance failure or when heartworm infection status is undetermined at the time prophylaxis is commenced. An index of suspicion for feline heartworm disease is warranted in unprotected cats with respiratory signs, and perhaps chronic vomiting, in areas where canine heartworm disease is endemic. Many cats, once diagnosed and with appropriate supportive care and monitoring, will resolve their infection and be free of clinical signs.  相似文献   

OVERVIEW: Mycobacterium microti infection is infrequently described in cats in the veterinary literature. It can be one of a large number of possible differential diagnoses in a feline patient with dermal nodules and non-healing draining ulcers, and can occasionally spread to involve the lungs and/or other areas of the body. CASE SUMMARY: This report describes the clinical signs, eventual diagnosis and variable response to treatment in a cat in Switzerland with recurrent cutaneous M microti infection. Only after several diagnostic and therapeutic attempts, over more than 2 years, was the species of Mycobacterium finally identified and targeted therapy given. PRACTICAL RELEVANCE: For any cat in which there is even a low suspicion of mycobacterial infection, the authors recommend that an aggressive diagnostic approach is taken. Tissue specimens should be collected and frozen early on, and, as soon as acid-fast bacilli are detected, samples should be sent to a mycobacterial reference laboratory for definitive identification. LITERATURE REVIEW: A review of the literature relating to the aetiopathogenesis, diagnosis and management of M microti infection in cats and dogs is included. This is supplemented with clinical and therapeutic experience gained from this case and other, unpublished cases managed over the past 15 years by one of the authors (DGM).  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Infection is an infrequent but major complication of cardiovascular device implantation. HYPOTHESIS: Treatment of patients with cardiovascular implant infection with antibiotic therapy and removal of the device is superior to antibiotic therapy alone. METHODS: Medical records were reviewed for dogs that received a cardiovascular device from June 2001 to August 2006 at the University of Minnesota Veterinary Medical Center and the University of Missouri Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital. RESULTS: Six of 63 (9.5%) pacemaker systems and 2 of 47 (4.3%) patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) occlusion devices became infected. Median time from procedure to diagnosis of implant infection was 62 days (range, 5 to 419). Median age of dogs with pacemaker infections was 8.5 years (range, 6.2 to 11.9). Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Staphylococcus spp were the most commonly cultured isolates. Four dogs were treated with antibiotics and pacemaker replacement. All 4 recovered completely from their infections. One was alive at the end of the study period, and 3 had been euthanized. However, the reasons for euthanasia were unrelated to pacemaker infection. In contrast, both dogs with infected pacemakers that were treated with antibiotics alone were euthanized because of complications attributable to infection. Infection of PDA occlusion devices occurred in puppies < 16 weeks of age, and Pasteurella spp were isolated from both. One was successfully treated with a combination of antibiotics and surgery, and the other was euthanized without treatment. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL IMPORTANCE: Antibiotic therapy alone is associated with chronic complications in patients with cardiovascular implants and is unlikely to effect a cure.  相似文献   

本文调查了四川省工作犬心丝虫的感染状况,从四川省成都、德阳、绵阳、乐山、宜宾、阿坝六地的128头工作犬(包括警犬和护卫犬)身上采集128份血样,用改良Knott’s法和ELISA快速检测试剂盒分别进行犬心丝虫微丝蚴和雌性成虫的检测,结果得其感染率分别为5.47%和20.31%,证明四川是心丝虫病的流行区域。  相似文献   

Nine of 69 dogs with occult heartworm disease (13%) had allergic pneumonitis characterized by consistent clinical and radiographic signs. Although the clinical signs were severe, the degree of radiographic pulmonary arterial abnormalities was mild. Corticosteroid therapy resulted in rapid resolution of clinical and radiographic signs; thiacetarsamide therapy was then given without complications. This syndrome may not be recognized as heartworm-associated and may be confused with other disorders, some being associated with a poor prognosis and requiring different therapy.  相似文献   

Heartworm infections were established in dogs by surgical transplantation of adult heartworms into the external jugular vein. The heartworms were obtained from donor dogs that had been infected with large numbers of infective larvae. This heartworm model standardized the infection with a known number of heartworms of a known age and sex. This paper presents the methods for obtaining heartworms from donor dogs, for selection of recipient dogs, and for transplantation of heartworms.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To compare results of 3 commercial heartworm antigen test kits performed on serum samples from dogs infected with low numbers of adult female heartworms. DESIGN: Blinded laboratory evaluation. Sample Population-Serum samples from dogs (n = 208) proven at necropsy to be infected with 1 to 4 adult female heartworms and from dogs (32) without heartworms. PROCEDURE: Samples were sequentially tested with each test kit, following the manufacturers' instructions, by licensed veterinary technicians in private practice who were not aware of infection status of the dogs. The order of test kit evaluations was randomly chosen. For each test kit, sensitivity, specificity, accuracy, positive predictive value, and negative predictive value were evaluated. RESULTS: All tests yielded some false-negative results, and there were significant differences among tests in regard to ability to detect low heartworm burdens. Sensitivity of the test kits ranged from 78 to 84%. For all test kits, sensitivity increased as number of female heartworms increased. All 3 test kits had high specificity (97%). CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Results indicated that sensitivity of the 3 commercially available heartworm antigen test kits ranged from 78 to 84% when used to test serum samples from dogs with low heartworm burdens, and that sensitivity varied among test kits. For all 3 test kits, specificity was 97%. All 3 test kits yielded false-positive and false-negative results for some dogs with low heartworm burdens.  相似文献   

We explored the involvement of endothelin-1 (ET-1) in the pathophysiology of dog dirofilariasis (heartworm disease caused by Dirofilaria immitis) by analyzing mRNA levels of preproendothelin-1 (PPET-1), the precursor form of ET-1, in cardiopulmonary organs as well as ET-1 peptide levels in plasma. To determine the cDNA sequence and primary protein structure of dog PPET-1, we performed molecular cloning of the full-length cDNA. Based on the determined sequence information, comparative expression analysis of PPET-1 mRNA was carried out by real-time polymerase chain reaction on cardiopulmonary organs from healthy (n=5) and filarial (n=5) dogs. Filarial dogs showed a significantly (p<0.05) higher mRNA expression level in the heart (about one hundred times) and lung (about ten times) than healthy dogs. Analysis of plasma ET-1 levels in healthy (n=10) and filarial (n=10) dogs showed that filarial dogs (6.9+/-2.7 pg/ml) have significantly (p<0.01) increased plasma ET-1 levels compared with healthy dogs (1.4+/-0.3 pg/ml). To assess the pathophysiological significance of ET-1 in dirofilariasis relative to other cardiopulmonary disorders, plasma ET-1 levels determined in dogs diagnosed with mitral regurgitation (n=10), tricuspid regurgitation (n=5), ventricular septal defect (n=5), and patent ductus arteriosus (n=5) were compared to plasma ET-1 levels in filarial dogs. Filarial dogs, which commonly develop serious pulmonary hypertension, exhibited by far the highest ET-1 levels of the disease states examined. Based on the fact that ET-1 is a potent bioactive mediator that induces vasoconstriction and promotes vascular remodeling, these findings suggest that ET-1 plays an important role in the pathophysiology of dog dirofilariasis as an aggravating factor by inducing pulmonary hypertension.  相似文献   

Background: The US Food and Drug Administration reports an increase in the frequency of reports of lack of effectiveness claims for heartworm (HW) prevention products. Hypothesis: At their labeled doses, single doses of commercially available HW prevention products are not completely effective against all field isolates of HW. Animals: Forty‐two HW‐free dogs experimentally inoculated with a recent HW field isolate. Methods: Placebo‐controlled, blinded laboratory clinical trial. Dogs randomly allocated to 1 of 3 treatment groups with 14 dogs per group. Groups were untreated control or PO dosed with milbemycin oxime (MBO) or ivermectin (IVM). Dogs were inoculated with 50 HW third stage larvae 30 days before dosing and necropsy was performed on Day 123 after treatment to enumerate adult HW. Results: Thirteen of 14 control dogs had adult HW detected at necropsy with a geometric mean worm count of 22.3. One HW was found in 1 dog in each of the MBO and IVM treatment groups. Conclusions and Clinical Importance: Two currently approved macrocyclic lactone HW preventives used at their labeled dose rates were <100% effective against a recent HW field isolate, supporting the hypothesis that the effectiveness of a single dose of these preventives can vary. This is important in guiding clients on expectations of product effectiveness.  相似文献   

Sensitivity and specificity of four in-clinic heartworm antigen test kits, AbboScreen (Abbott Laboratories), Snap PF (IDEXX Laboratories), Solo Step (HESKA Corporation), Witness (Synbiotics Corporation) and two heartworm antigen microwell plate assays, DiroCHEK (Synbiotics) and PetChek PF (IDEXX) were compared in a blinded study using serum or plasma drawn from 237 random source dogs, including 140 with necropsy-confirmed, low worm burden infections (minimum 1 worm, maximum 10, mean 2.3, median 3) and 97 confirmed heartworm-free at necropsy. In general, microwell format tests were more sensitive than membrane format tests and tests using ELISA technology were more sensitive than tests using lateral flow immunochromatographic technology. Percent sensitivity and specificity, respectively, were PetChek PF 76 and 97, DiroCHEK 71 and 94, SNAP PF 67 and 98, Solo Step 60 and 98, and AbboScreen 52 and 96. The Witness test protocol was changed by the manufacturer midway through the study, and the newer version of this test kit arrived containing a package insert alerting the user to a change in procedure, which purportedly resulted in improved sensitivity. PetChek was significantly more sensitive than all other tests except DiroCHEK and the new version of Witness. DiroCHEK was significantly more sensitive than all tests except PetCheck, SNAP and the new version of Witness. Snap was more sensitive than AbboScreen and the old version of Witness. Differences in specificity were not significant (P>0.05).  相似文献   

Cardiopulmonary function was examined in 18 dogs with serious chronic heartworm disease showing ascites, subcutaneous edema, prostration, weakness, jaundice and so on. After surgical heartworm removal from the pulmonary arteries, 10 dogs recovered (surviving group), and 8 dogs died or were euthanatized because of poor prognosis (nonsurviving group). The number of live heartworms residing in the pulmonary arteries of the surviving group tended to be larger than that in the nonsurviving group. At necropsy, severe pulmonary arterial lesions such as thromboembolism including dead heartworms, proliferative and villous lesions and intimal hyperplasia were noticed in all dogs examined, and tended to be severer in the nonsurviving group. Heartworm-coiling around the tricuspid valve chord was found in 1 dog of the surviving group and 4 dogs of the nonsurviving group. Before heartworm removal, there was no significant difference in the mean pulmonary arterial pressure (MPAP) between the surviving and nonsurviving group. Right atrial pressure (v-wave) was higher, and the cardiac index (CI) was lower in the nonsurviving group. Arterial oxygen tension was lower in the surviving group than in the heartworm-free group, and it was lower in the nonsurviving group than in the surviving group. Carbon dioxide tension was lower in the surviving group than in the heartworm-free group. Bicarbonate concentration (HCO3-) was lower both in the surviving and nonsurviving groups than in the heartworm-free group. One week after heartworm removal, MPAP decreased (P less than 0.05), and CI and HCO3- tended to increase in the surviving group.  相似文献   

A survey conducted throughout Australia indicated that Dirofilaria immitis was far more widespread than previously described. It was prevalent throughout Queensland and New South Wales, including the western regions and was increasing in incidence. Confusion exists as to which diagnostic tests to use and the methods of treatment are extremely variable.  相似文献   

Pulmonary vascular response of dogs with heartworm disease.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Heartworm diseases in dogs is an infectious disease that produces pulmonary hypertension. Dogs with the early vascular changes of heartworm disease, but without the clinical cardiopulmonary signs and pulmonary hypertension, were studied. Dogs with early heartworm were identified that had an exaggerated hypertensive response to hypoxia and to postaglandin F2alpha as compared to those of normal dogs. The pulmonary hypertensive response of dogs with spontaneous heartworm disease varied widely between individuals.  相似文献   

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