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Intersucking is a problem that may lead to udder damage, mastitis, milk loss, and culling of breeding animals. To analyse the risk factors for intersucking in dairy heifers in Switzerland, we asked 130 randomly selected dairy farmers about a broad spectrum of environmental factors that might be associated with intersucking (such as housing conditions, management, and the feeding of calves and heifers). In total, 2768 heifers (Swiss Brown Cattle, Simmental and Holstein Friesian) were included of which 303 had ever performed intersucking. Data at the farm level were analysed using path analysis (linear and logistic regression). Two outcome variables were considered: the occurrence of intersucking on the farm and the proportion of intersucking heifers above the cut-off of 7.2%. Farms where calves had no access to barnyard or pasture, where calves were reared in pens in enclosed buildings, where heifers after weaning were not restrained while feeding, where heifers after weaning received <0.5 kg concentrate per day, and where heifers after weaning were fed ≥40% maize silage (dry-matter ratio) were most likely to have intersucking heifers.  相似文献   

The demographic characteristics of the veterinary profession in New Zealand are examined using information supplied by registered veterinarians to the Veterinary Surgeons Board in their applications for annual practising certificates in 1985. Comparisons are made with the veterinary professions in other similar countries, and with the medical and paramedical professions in New Zealand. In 1985 1308 registered veterinarians were working in New Zealand and 304 were overseas, whereas in 1976 the equivalent figures were 748 and 182. This represents an increase of 73% in the number of registered veterinarians in the last 10 years. Eighteen percent of veterinarians were female. The mean age of veterinarians was 38 years, but females in the profession were on average much younger (32 years) than males (42 years). Clinical practice provides employment for 70% of veterinarians: of these 59% work principally with farm animals and 41% with non-farm animals. The remaining veterinarians are employed by Government (22%), University (5%) and Industry (3%). The current demographic structure of the profession has been markedly influenced by the opening of New Zealand's only veterinary school at Massey University in 1963. Differences from other medical professional populations in New Zealand and overseas principally reflect the marked change in the number and sex ratio of graduates entering the veterinary profession since that time. It will take about another twenty years before the population reaches a stable age and sex structure, assuming that current graduation patterns persist throughout that period. Because the structure of the population is changing, considerable caution is needed in predicting future employment trends from data for a single year.  相似文献   

选用代表循环、呼吸、消化、免疫等生理系统的内脏器官,以各内脏器官与胴体重的比率作为代表指标,对它们与屠宰率进行了通径分析。结果表明,心重率和脾重率是影响屠宰率的主要内脏器官性状,其他各器官主要是通过心脏来对屠宰率产生影响的。  相似文献   

Bracken fern (Pteridium esculentum) was harvested from two sites LB and TB one of which (TB) was on a central North Island New Zealand farm where bovine enzootic haematuria (BEH) was known to occur. The fern was dried, ground and incorporated (25% w/w) into a pelleted diet and fed to female rats for a total of 162 days. Fifteen weeks later when the rats were autopsied it was found that numerous tumours, mainly of the ileum and urinary bladder were present in the animals fed the bracken fern from the TB site. Neoplasms were found in 85% of rats from the TB group compared with 11% in the LB group while only a single tumour (a haemangioma of the uterus) was observed in the controls. In all, there were neoplasms in 42, 5 and 1 organ/s from the TB, LB and control rat groups respectively (p<0.001). Analysis of the fern and pellets for ptaquiloside, the carcinogen in bracken fern, showed much higher levels present in the material from the TB site. There was 26 and 2270 μg ptaquiloside/g of dried fern and, for the pellets from the same fern, 6.5 and 355 μg ptaquiloside/g of pellets, for one collection from the LB and TB sources respectively.  相似文献   

Scrapie first was detected in indigenous sheep in Norway in 1981, and from 1995 to 1997 an increase in the number of flocks with scrapie cases was recorded. These flocks were mainly in one geographical region. A study to identify risk factors for scrapie was conducted. The study had three frequency-matched controls selected for every case within the same Veterinary District. A questionnaire was submitted to 176 sheep flocks (42 had been scrapie flocks). The data obtained by the questionnaire were linked to data collected from governmental and industry registers. After imputing missing data using single random imputation, the statistical analysis was performed using multivariable conditional logistic regression.

Purchase of female sheep from scrapie flocks, sharing of rams, or sharing of pastures between different flocks were the risk factors associated with the occurrence of scrapie. Of factors potentially sustaining and promoting the infection in the flock, number of winter-fed sheep, number of buildings for housing sheep, rams and ewes shared room during mating period and increase in the flock size were associated with scrapie. We interpret these findings to show that factors involving transfer of sheep between flocks or direct contact between sheep of different flocks are important for the spread of scrapie. Management factors are important for the development of scrapie. However, it was not possible to discriminate between the different management factors in this study at the flock level. Also, factors indicating awareness and interest of the farmer (as well as willingness to contact a veterinarian for diseased sheep) were related to the detection of scrapie in the flock.  相似文献   


Enzootic pneumonia of sheep is a specific condition confined to southern Otago and the Southland district and is commonly referred to as “Southland Pneumonia.” It has been recognized as a distinct clinical entity for many years in that area, heavy losses being reported in the Gore district of Southland in 1924.  相似文献   

We did a case–control study of the association of several animal, flock and management factors with scrapie in Irish sheep flocks. The characteristics of 61 sheep flocks with at least one laboratory-confirmed case of scrapie (1990–1998) were compared to 61 flocks with no history of scrapie and matched by geographical location and attending veterinary surgeon. The 61 scrapie-affected flocks were from the database of known scrapie flocks in the Republic of Ireland at the start of the study. In conditional multiple logistic regression, factors associated with increased odds of scrapie in a sheep flock were (i) larger breeding-flock size, (ii) purchasing replacement sheep through the market, (iii) spreading sheep compost on the land and (iv) disposing of the placenta in the compost. Factors associated with decreased odds of scrapie were (i) using cattle slurry on the land and (ii) feeding proprietary concentrates to lambs.  相似文献   

Many causal hypotheses for acute equine abdominal disease (colic) have been proposed. However, few epidemiologic studies have been undertaken to identify risk factors for the syndrome. Risk factors for equine colic were identified using a hospital-based, multi-center, case-control study. Horses admitted with abdominal pain to Cornell, Guelph, Ohio State, Pennsylvania or Tufts university veterinary hospitals between March and December 1991 were selected. Control horses were randomly selected from a list of all other non-colic admissions. The person(s) responsible for the day-to-day care of the horse completed a telephone questionnaire. Risk factors were identified using multivariable logistic regression analysis.

A total of 406 colic and 406 control horses were used in the final analysis. Age, breed, outdoor access (pasture or drylot), outdoor water supply, use of a daily worming product, amount of concentrates and whole-grain corn consumed, type of person responsible for the day-to-day care of the horse and previous colic history were all significantly associated with colic risk. Arabian horses were more than twice as likely to be colic cases (OR = 2.0, 95% CI = 1.0–3.9), whereas Standardbred horses were nearly half as likely (OR = 0.6, 95% CI = 0.4–1.0) to be colic cases compared with the comparison Thoroughbred group. Horses that had access to outdoor enclosures without a continuous supply of water were more than twice as likely (OR = 2.2, 95% CI = 1.2–4.3) to be colic cases compared with horses that had an adequate supply of water on outside enclosures. The use of a daily worming product for at least 60 days during the 12-month period prior to presentation was associated with a significantly lower colic risk (OR = 0.11, 95% CI = 0.02–0.55). Colic risk increased with greater consumption of whole-grain corn; however, when all non-roughage concentrate feeds were combined, colic risk decreased with increased intake of concentrates. Significant interactions were identified between age and drylot use and between the type of care-person responsible for the day-to-day care of the horse (owner or non-owner) and previous colic history.

The findings of this study illustrate the complex multi-factorial nature of equine colic and point towards the importance of the overall quality of stable management and care, as well as the type of outdoor enclosure (pasture or drylot), water access, carbohydrate intake, parasite control and intrinsic (breed-related) factors.  相似文献   

A case–control study involving 255 small ruminants herds randomly selected was carried out in Portugal between January and December 2004, to identify risk factors associated with brucellosis seropositivity.

To achieve this objective, two groups of herds selected according their prevalence status were compared: “cases” (farms with seroprevalence higher than 5%, n = 123) and “controls” (farms seronegatives, n = 132). A carefully structured questionnaire was used to collect data from each herd. A statistical analysis to compare “case” versus “control” herds was performed with the variables obtained from the questionnaire and the seroprevalence results. The effects on seroprevalence of several variables such as: individual characteristics; farm management practices; farm characteristics; animal health; knowledge and characteristics of farmers were evaluated. Data were analysed using logistic regression. Univariable analysis was used to screen the variables used in the logistic regression model. Nine variables were associated with brucellosis seropositivity in univariable analysis p < 0.10. These variables were retained for multivariable logistic regression model. Regression model identified five variables as risk factors for seropositivity. The odds of brucellosis were increased: herds with more than 116 animals (OR = 2.99); in herds with no cleaned-watering places (OR = 3.05); in herds with insufficient manure removal and insufficient cleaning of premises (OR = 2.87); in introduction of animals from non-free brucellosis herds or from herds of unknown status (OR = 12.11). In the other hand, farmers’ age (the eldest) was related to decreased odds (OR = 0.4).

Potential risk factors identified in this study were consistent factors associated with brucellosis seropositivity and support current recommendations for the control of brucellosis. Considering the paucity of epidemiological reports on brucellosis in the Northeast of Portugal and the absence of any data concerning factors related to either the prevention or the spread of the disease, our results could make a useful contribution towards the prevention of small ruminants brucellosis in the area.  相似文献   

AIM: To estimate the cost of pneumonia and pleurisy in lambs to the sheep industry in New Zealand, in order to provide a reference for future cost-benefit calculations for control programmes to reduce the incidence of pneumonia. METHODS: An estimate of the economic cost of pneumonia and pleurisy in lambs was based on: cohort studies of the association between growth rate and the extent of pneumonic lesions at slaughter (n=14 flocks), the prevalence of moderate to severe (MS) pneumonia (> or =10% lung surface area affected) and pleurisy (n=1,719 flocks), the correlation between the prevalence of MS pneumonia and economic loss at the flock level, and data on annual slaughter statistics and carcass value in New Zealand. A stochastic spreadsheet model was developed and run with 1,000 iterations. Input variables represented by probability distributions were growth rate, average cost of loss according to the prevalence of pneumonia per month, carcass value, prevalence of pleurisy, and carcasses downgraded for pleurisy, and annual national slaughter statistics. The output was a posterior distribution of the annual cost of disease. RESULTS: The cost of pneumonia only included the loss associated with reduced growth rate, while mortality due to pneumonia was assumed to be low and was ignored. The cost of pleurisy included the loss associated with downgraded or condemned carcasses. Thus, the simulated annual average cost of pneumonia was NZ$28.1 (95% CI=NZ$15.0-42.0) million, and that of pleurisy NZ$25.1 (95% CI=NZ$10.2-48.1) million. The combined cost of pneumonia and pleurisy averaged NZ$53.2 (95% CI=NZ$32.4-78.9) million. The parameters with the greatest impact on the combined cost of pneumonia and pleurisy were prevalence of pleurisy between March and May, and cost of reduced growth due to pneumonia for lambs slaughtered in June. CONCLUSIONS: The average cost of pneumonia and pleurisy to the sheep industry in New Zealand due to reduced lamb growth and decreased carcass value is likely to be between NZ$32.4 and $78.9 million. This is a conservative estimate, omitting mortalities, indicating that pneumonia and pleurisy have substantial economic impact on sheep farming in New Zealand. Considering that 23,833,000 lambs were slaughtered in 2003/2004 (average value $65.56/lamb), this cost would equate to NZ$1.36-3.31 per lamb. CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Pneumonia and pleurisy are common diseases in lambs in New Zealand, leading to substantial economic loss to producers.  相似文献   

A case-control study of environmental and behavioural factors influencing foot lameness was undertaken on 62 dairy herds comprising an average of 185 milking cows in Taranaki, New Zealand. Thirty two case herds were identified as having had at least 10 per cent of the cows lame during the milking season in which the herd was studied, and thirty control herds were selected on the basis that no more than 3 per cent of cows in these herds had been lame per year for at least two years immediately prior to investigation. Each herd was visited at both a morning and an afternoon milking, and 58 risk factors were measured between the time the farmer began to assemble the cows for milking and the completion of milking. Comparison of single variables between case and control herds identified 24 which showed differences (p<0.10). These variables were then subjected to stepwise multivariate logistic regression, and statistically significant variables in this analysis were used to create a tentative path diagram of possible causal web relationships between the various risk factors and the outcome variable, the lameness prevalence level. Information from a review of the published literature was used to include further variables to the 24 into the initial (or null hypothesis) path model. Logistic path analysis was then used to eliminate non-significant paths from the diagram, leaving 19 arrows joining 13 variables in the final path diagram, compared with 33 joining 20 variables in the initial version. The most influential variables in explaining variation between case and control herds were the average level of maintenance of the track and the degree of patience shown by the farmer in bringing the cows in for milking. Overall, factors associated with the movement of animals to the milking shed explained 40 per cent of the variation (deviance) with regard to the lameness prevalence level. Risk factors associated with characteristics of the milking process explain 24 per cent, and risk factors associated with characteristics of the cows in the herd explain 9.5 per cent. Recommendations are made on management changes which deserve further investigation as ways of reducing lameness problems in dairy herds.  相似文献   

A spatio-temporal analysis was undertaken with the aim of identifying the dynamics of herd mean individual cow SCCs (MICSCC) in seasonally calving New Zealand dairy herds. Two datasets were extracted from the Livestock Improvement Corporation's extensive national dairy recording database: (1) milk-recording data aggregated at the herd-level and (2) sales questionnaire data containing information on the size, location and infrastructure of each farm. A Bayesian spatio-temporal modelling approach was applied to the analysis. The data were aggregated by 10 km2 grid cells and linear regression models were developed with spatially structured and unstructured random effects, a linear temporal trend random effect and spatial-temporal interactions for log-transformed median MISCC (ln(median MISCC)).

Significant associations were found between ln(median MISCC) and milk yield, milk fat, milk protein, farm area and number of cups in the dairy. This led us to suggest that SCCs should be adjusted for volume and constituents prior to determining a threshold MISCC for identification of subclinical mastitis (SCM) problem herds. Part, or all, of the temporal trend in MISCC in the spatio-temporal model was accounted for by inclusion of yield and milk constituents as independent variables. This supports the hypothesis of a dilution effect with potential consequences for misdiagnosis of SCM, particularly in late lactation. Unmeasured covariates were similarly likely to be spatially structured and unstructured.  相似文献   

Three hundred fifty one (195 local zebu and 156 Holstein x local zebu crosses) lactating cows of smallholder farms in Bahir Dar 'milk shed' were examined from September 2003 to March 2004 to determine mastitis prevalence, isolate pathogens and identify the role of some potential risk factors. Clinical prevalence was determined through examination of abnormalities of milk, udder or cow. California mastitis test (CMT) was used for determination of subclinical mastitis prevalence. Clinical prevalence at cow level was 3.9% in crossbreds and none in local zebu breeds. Subclinical mastitis at cow level based on CMT was high (34.4%) in crossbreds compared to indigenous zebu (17.9%) (p < 0.05). Quarter subclinical prevalence based on CMT was 17.9% and 4.9% in crossbreds and local zebu, respectively. The pathogens isolated from mastitic milk (CMT positive milk) were coagulase negative staphylococci (CNS), S. aureus, Str. agalactiae, Str. dysgalactiae, Str. uberis, Micrococcus species, C. bovis, A. pyogens, B. cereus, and S. intermedius. Among these, the most frequent isolates were CNS (50%), S. aureus (19%), Str. agalactiae (8%) and Str. dysgalactiae (7%). Among potential risk factors considered, stage of lactation, parity and breed were found to affect the occurrence of mastitis significantly (p < 0.05).  相似文献   

AIMS: To identify network measures with relevance to disease spread in a network of movements derived from the Department of Conservation (DOC) translocation records from 1970 to mid-2014, and to identify conservation sites that should be prioritised for surveillance activities and improvements to data collection to make the best use of network analysis techniques in the future.

METHODS: Data included the source and destination of translocated specimens, the species and the dates the translocations were expected to occur. The data were used to construct a directed, non-weighted network in which a translocation event represented a tie in the network. Network density, in-degree (movements entering a node of interest) and out-degree (movements leaving a node of interest) and reciprocity were calculated.

RESULTS: The data analysed consisted of 692 unique translocations between 307 sites, with the majority (518; 73%) being for birds. The constructed network for bird, reptile and frog translocations comprised 260 nodes, with 34/260 (13%) having two-way movements and 47/260 (18%) non-reciprocal movements. The median degree score (sum of in- and out-degree) was two (min 0, max 36) with a mean of 3.5 in a right skewed distribution. Most sites acted as receivers or senders of consignments with only a few having both high in- and high out-degree, and thus had characteristics that made them sites of interest for surveillance activities. These included the National Wildlife Centre at Mount Bruce, Tiritiri Matangi Island and Te Kakahu (Chalky Island).

CONCLUSIONS: The presence of linking sites that join larger clusters within the network creates the potential for rapid disease spread if a pathogen were to be introduced. The important sites that supply or receive specimens for translocations are already well recognised by those performing translocations in New Zealand, and this paper provides further information by quantifying their role within the network.  相似文献   


AIM: To assess the occurrence of Cryptosporidium oocysts in faecal specimens from foals, and investigate an outbreak of neonatal cryptosporidiosis in foals revealed in the course of the study.

METHODS: Faecal specimens from foals received by a diagnostic veterinary laboratory in New Zealand between 2006 and 2007 were submitted to Massey University and tested microscopically for the presence of Cryptosporidium oocysts. The Cryptosporidium isolates in the oocyst-positive specimens were genetically identified to species level. In addition, specimen submission data from the participating laboratory for 2005–2007 were examined. In the course of the study, the identification of one Cryptosporidium-positive specimen triggered an on-farm investigation.

RESULTS: Twelve faecal specimens submitted by the participating laboratory between 2006 and 2007 were tested further, and three were positive for C. parvum. Specimen submission records indicated a total of 67 faecal specimens were tested for Cryptosporidium by the participating laboratory between 2005 and 2007; 12 (18%) were positive. The on-farm investigation on a broodmare farm revealed a high incidence of neonatal diarrhoea in foals; C. parvum was the only enteropathogen found in the faeces of 4/4 affected foals examined. The diarrhoea in all those foals was self-limiting, manifesting during the second week of life, resembling foal heat diarrhoea, and accompanied by a short but intense period of shedding oocysts.

CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: The fact that Cryptosporidium parasites were identified in 18% of faecal specimens from foals analysed for this agent in 2005–2007 by the participating laboratory indicated that infection with this agent in foals is not uncommon.

Collectively, the results of this and previous studies performed in New Zealand indicate C. parvum is a cause of diarrhoea in newborn foals, potentially accounting for a proportion of cases empirically diagnosed as foal heat diarrhoea. It is therefore advisable to take precautions when handling diarrhoeic foals, until this potentially zoonotic agent is ruled out in the laboratory.  相似文献   

In this cross-sectional study we identified flock-level risk factors for Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis (MAP) infection, in Greek dairy goat flocks. We collected 1599 milk samples from does that were at the last stage of lactation in 58 randomly selected dairy goat flocks, during May to September 2012. The collected samples were tested with a commercial milk ELISA (IdexxPourquier, Montpellier, France) and the results were interpreted at a cut-off that optimized the accuracy of the diagnostic process. For the analysis of the data we used Bayesian models that adjusted for the imperfect Se and Sp of the milk-ELISA. Flock was included as a random effect. Does in flocks that used common water troughs and communal grazing grounds had 4.6 [95% credible interval (CI): 1.5; 17.4] times higher odds of being MAP-infected compared to does in flocks that had no contact with other flocks. Does of flocks supplied with surface water from either streams or shallow wells had 3.7 (1.4; 10.4) times higher odds of being infected compared to those in flocks watered by underground and piped water sources. When kids were spending equal to or more than 10 h per day with their dams they had 2.6 (1.1; 6.4) times higher odds of being MAP infected compared to kids that were separated from their dams for less than 10 h per day. Finally, does in flocks that continuously used the same anti-parasitic compound had 2.2 (1.0; 4.6) times higher odds of MAP infection compared to those in flocks alternating anti-parasitic compounds. These results should be considered in the development of a nationwide future control program fοr caprine paratuberculosis in Greece.  相似文献   

本文报道近年来我省某试验养兔场兔群中流行一种生前以呼吸困难、口鼻出现血样分泌物症状,死后剖检以肺组织变性坏死为特征的疫情,经临床观察、实验诊断、病理剖检和病理组织学检查、流行病学调查及动物致病性实验研究,鉴定为绿脓假单胞菌(Ps.aeruginosa)引起的肺炎,该病特点传染快、死亡率高。通过流行病学调查,探索该病发病流行规律,为防治本病提供科学依据。  相似文献   

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