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野猪生物学特性与管理初探   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
野生动物的驯养与合理利用,是野生动物保护和山区农业结构调整及农民致富的重要途径之一.开展野猪资源的合理利用,已成为非保护区农业发展的一个重要课题.为开辟野猪产业,我所成立了猪胚胎移植课题组,利用我所和湖北远东特种野猪开发有限公司野猪饲养基地,对其现存栏的700多头野猪和特种野猪,进行了近三年多的观察研究,就野猪的生物学特性与管理作了初步探索,有所收获.  相似文献   

野生动物肇事损害补偿调查   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对云南、吉林、陕西和西藏4省、自治区的野生动物肇事损害补偿调查表明:野生动物损毁农林作物,伤害人、畜,危害损失逐年加重。主要种类有亚洲象、东北虎、羚牛、黑熊、野猪等,多发生在自然保护区和边远贫困山区。野生动物数量增加、人口增长、人为防范意识不强等是导致野生动物肇事损害严重的主要原因。4省、自治区采取多种措施,实施了野生动物肇事损害的补偿。当前,应尽快修改不适应的法律法规,扩大肇事损害补偿的野生动物范围,明确补偿责任;国家和省财政应加大野生动物肇事损害补偿的投入,降低地、县财政的分摊比例,提高补偿标准;做好野生动物肇事损害的防范措施;安排必要的补偿核查经费;推动全国实施野生动物肇事损害的补偿工作。  相似文献   

张丹  刘丙万 《野生动物》2012,33(2):59-63,70
人和野猪的冲突已经成为日益关注的问题。2010年6-10月,在黑龙江省尚志市青云林场利用走访和问卷调查对野猪危害进行了研究,并通过散布东北虎粪便、放置东北虎图像、播放东北虎声音的方法对野猪危害进行了防治并与当地居民防治野猪危害的措施进行了比较。结果如下:(1)野猪危害多在夏初至秋末,主要危害玉米和西葫芦,受危害的农田多是林缘地和林间地。(2)把野猪第2次进入农田与第1次进入农田的间隔天数作为防治措施的有效性评估指标,研究发现利用东北虎粪便、图像、声音防治野猪危害的有效期分别是3.00±0.58d、1.33±0.33d、5.25±0.63d。(3)林场84.09%的居民会采取防治措施,防治措施有效期一般是3-7d。(4)利用东北虎粪便和图像防治野猪危害的效果与林场大多数居民采取的防治措施效果相比差异不显著(P〉0.05)。利用声音防治危害的效果只与利用塑料绳围栏(P=0.029)和干扰物(P=0.029)的防治效果相比差异显著。利用东北虎粪便、图像和声音防治野猪危害效果不理想可能和这个地区东北虎消失时间比较长有关。  相似文献   

为全面了解黑龙江省野生动物资源保护执法情况和调查工作进展情况,抓好全省野生动物管理工作以及今冬明春野生动物资源外业调查工作,1997年10月29日,黑龙江省林业厅在哈尔滨市召开了野生动物保护执法和资源调查工作汇报会。会议听取了各地学习、宣传和贯彻执行《黑龙江省野生动物保护条例》,狩猎生产、驯养繁殖、经营利用和运输管理工作的汇报;奖励了在野生动物资源调查中表现突出的地市讨论了与《黑龙江省野生动物保护条例》相配套的野生动物运输、经营、收费等三项规定(初稿);部署了今冬明春野生动物保护管理和资源调查工作。参加…  相似文献   

野生动物的驯养与合理利用,是野生动物保护、山区农业结构调整及农民脱贫致富的重要措施。将野生动物加以驯养,直接食用或利用它们体大、粗放、生存能力强的特性,通过杂交及现代生物学技术提高现有畜禽品质,或生产特色畜产品,已受许多国家关注。为了探讨野猪与家猪杂交生产野家杂交猪的可能性,1999~2008年在什邡市八角野生动物养殖场,通过野猪与家猪杂交所生产的野家杂交一代猪的饲养与育肥试验,对野家杂交猪的饲养管理和育肥屠宰性能进行了分析测定,结果表明:野家杂交猪保留了野猪明显的野性和耐粗饲性,瘦肉率、后腿比率和屠宰率等性能方面高于家猪,脂肪比例低于家猪,但生长速度低于家猪。  相似文献   

野猪的饲养与开发价值   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
近些年来 ,由于自然环境的恶化 ,加之人类对野猪滥捕滥猎 ,过度捕杀 ,导致野猪数量锐减。在这种情况下 ,人工饲养野猪 ,既保护了野生动物资源 ,又能更好地为人类服务 ,是一件利国利民的大事。目前 ,野猪驯养在我国刚刚起步 ,广州、深圳、香港需求量大 ,1只青年野猪种价在 2 0 0 0元以上 ,体重二、三十斤的小野猪价格在 1 0 0 0元左右。我国入世后 ,国际市场商机无限。1 野猪的饲养买来野猪后 ,将公野猪母野猪放入圈舍内人工驯养。野猪胆小 ,初时怕人。为了改变它的这一弱点 ,一般采用购买小型野猪进行驯养 ,其体重大都在 1 0~ 2 2公斤 ,因…  相似文献   

近年来新兴了野生动物人工繁殖饲养的养殖浪潮,尤为突出的是同种属野生动物与家养禽类之间的杂交繁殖,野猪与家猪的杂交也是猪育种学中家猪品种改良研究的主要方向,本文对野猪的习性特点、野猪的驯化利用,以及其在家猪品种改良方面的应用进行了分析。  相似文献   

桦甸市长白山野猪开发有限责任公司,经吉林市林业部门批准,从1999年5月起开始限量驯养长白山区野猪。几年来的驯养实践,积累了较为丰富的经验,现简要介绍如下:野猪属于猪科,它性情较为凶猛,四肢发达,是一种善于奔跑的野生动物。其饲料范围广,消化力强,肉料比价较高,胴体瘦肉率高于本地的杂交一代、二代猪,肉质脆嫩,有独特的香味。野猪家养,既保护了野生动物资源,又达到了资源的可持续利用。因此,了解掌握野猪的生态、习性,进行野猪的驯养实践,将促进野猪业的发展。  相似文献   

分析了2007~2013年吉林省野生动物损害补偿案件,结果表明野生动物损害案件数量逐年上升,野猪造成的损害占94.07%,其中99.94%为损害农作物,东北虎损害案件占1.38%,其中捕食家畜占99.72%。白山、延边地区是损害发生主要地区,其中长白、靖字、安图、汪清、珲春案件数量占全省数量62.33%。通过问卷调查和专家评估,研究表明吉林省野生动物损害补偿运行良好,补偿工作在政策支撑、案件处理方面专家评分较高,而损害案件补偿过程中在运行经费、监督检查、信息处理、科学研究等方面存在不足,应在今后工作中进行调整。  相似文献   

澳大利亚有多种野生动物影响畜牧业生产,野猪(Sus scrofa)即为其中的一个典型代表。因为它与畜牧业生产密切有关,有的洲政府已用立法的形式宣布野猪为有害野生动物。如新南威尔士洲于1934年在草原保护法中,宣布野猪、野兔和野狗为有害动物,要求人们在任何时候对上述有害动物进行抑制和扑灭。类似的法律在其它洲也已制定。因此,了解目前澳大利亚野猪对畜牧业  相似文献   



Urine protein loss is common in dogs with chronic kidney disease (CKD). Currently available noninvasive means of evaluating CKD in dogs cannot accurately predict the severity of glomerular and tubulointerstitial damage. Electrophoretic analysis of urine proteins can indicate the compromised renal compartment (glomerular vs tubular), but extensive evaluation of protein banding pattern associations with histologic damage severity has not been performed in dogs.


We aimed to evaluate electrophoretic banding patterns as indicators of the presence and severity of glomerular and tubulointerstitial damage in dogs with naturally occurring, predominantly proteinuric CKD.


We performed a retrospective study using urine and renal tissue from 207 dogs with CKD. Urine protein banding patterns were correlated with histologic severity of renal damage. Sensitivity and specificity of banding patterns for the detection of glomerular and tubulointerstitial damage were determined.


Banding patterns were 97% sensitive and 100% specific for the detection of glomerular damage and 90% sensitive and 100% specific for the detection of tubulointerstitial damage. Correlations between composite banding patterns and the severity of renal damage were strong, while glomerular banding patterns correlated moderately with glomerular damage severity, and tubular gel scores correlated weakly to moderately with the severity of tubulointerstitial damage.

Conclusions and clinical importance

Urine protein banding patterns are useful for the detection of glomerular and tubulointerstitial damage in dogs with proteinuric CKD.  相似文献   

高原鼠兔是青藏高原特有的小型啮齿动物,是高寒草地生态系统的关键种。科学合理防控高原鼠兔危害,对其危害程度开展监测和评价十分必要。通过无人机空中遥感平台并结合地面调查,以甘肃省玛曲县高原鼠兔危害草地为研究对象,选择不同危害程度的典型样地,采用自主设计的软件提取无人机影像中高原鼠兔洞口数、地上生物量、草地盖度等指标;构建了由洞口数、地上生物量、盖度和可食牧草比例组成的高原鼠兔危害等级综合指标体系,并对研究区样地进行危害等级划分。最终形成一套适用于高原鼠兔危害的低空遥感监测方法,可为后期高效、准确监测高原鼠兔危害提供有力的技术支持。主要结果如下:1)经实地人工调查结果验证,无人机影像洞口数量和植被盖度解译精度分别达到95%和93%。2)筛选了可见光波段差值植被指数VDVI作为估测地上生物量的最佳植被指数,并构建了估测模型。经实地调查验证平均精度为86.54%。3)构建了综合危害指数DRI,并提出了划分危害级别的各指标量化值。通过聚类分析将研究区鼠害地划分为5个等级,即I-无危害草地,Ⅱ-轻度危害草地,Ⅲ-中度危害草地,Ⅳ-重度危害草地,V-极度危害草地。  相似文献   

The combined effects of weaning and rotavirus infection on small intestinal structure and function and on growth rate were studied in 28 gnotobiotic piglets. There was little damage by rotavirus to the proximal small intestine, some damage to the mid small intestine and relatively severe damage to the distal small intestine; villi were stunted, crypts lengthened and activities of all brush border enzymes decreased. The damage was short-lived despite the synchronisation of rotavirus infection with simulated weaning. There was no evidence of persistent damage to the small intestine and growth rate was unaffected.  相似文献   

剑尾鱼硫酸铜急性中毒的病理学研究   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
通过对实验动物化的剑尾鱼进行急性硫酸铜中毒实验,在观察症状和剖检变化以后,对实验96h期间死亡鱼与96h后仍存活的鱼进行石蜡切片,HE染色,光学显微镜观察。主要眼观病变为肝脏水肿和白色坏死点;鳃丝肿胀,黏液分泌增多;肾脏肿胀,充血。显微病变为肝细胞水泡变性,严重坏死;鳃小片上皮细胞肿胀,脱落严重;有的鳃小片发生融合,整个鳃丝呈棒状化;肾小管上皮细胞空泡变性,间质有充血或网织细胞增多,细胞间噬铁血红素细胞增多;肝胰腺的胰腺细胞的酶原颗粒减少。  相似文献   

40个苜蓿品种(系)对蓟马田间抗性评价   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
以受害指数为标准,在兰州对来自国内外40个苜蓿品种(品系)进行了田间抗蓟马评价试验。田间蓟马种类以牛角花齿蓟马为主,占田间蓟马混合种群数量的80%以上。结果表明,所有苜蓿品种(品系)的受害指数分布范围为65.89%~88.03%,受害指数在70%以下的有天水、Super7、L287、Eureka和豫县;天水苜蓿抗性最强,受害指数最小,为65.89%,与其他品种有显著差异;准葛尔受害指数最高,为88.03%。对不同品种苜蓿的受害指数与株高和虫口数量的相关分析表明,受害程度与株高及虫量无关。同时,本研究也提出了田间苜蓿受蓟马为害的测定标准及抗性评价方法。  相似文献   

Ethanol is principal ingredient of alcohol beverage, but considered as human carcinogen, and has neurotoxicity. Alcohol consumption during pregnancy often causes fetal alcohol syndrome. The DNA damage is one of the important factors in carcinogenicity or teratogenicity. To detect the DNA damage induced by ethanol, we used an in vivo alkaline single cell gel electrophoresis (Comet) assay in pregnant mice organs and embryos. Pregnant ICR mice on Day 7 of gestation were treated with 2, 4 or 8 g/kg ethanol, and maternal organs/tissues and embryos were subjected to the Comet assay at 4, 8, 12 and 24 hr after ethanol treatment. Four and 8 g/kg ethanol induced DNA damage in brain, lung and embryos at 4 or 8 hr after the treatment. Two g/kg ethanol did not cause any DNA damage, and 8 g/kg ethanol only increased the duration of DNA damage without distinct increase in the degree of the damage. No significant DNA damage was observed in the liver. To detect the effect of acetaldehyde, disulfiram, acetaldehyde dehydrogenase inhibitor, was administered before 4 g/kg ethanol treatment. No significant increase of DNA damage was observed in the disulfiram pre-treated group. These data indicate that ethanol induces DNA damage, which might be related to ethanol toxicity. Since pre-treatment of disulfiram did not increase DNA damage, DNA damage observed in this study might not be the effect of acetaldehyde.  相似文献   

洪军  倪亦非  杜桂林  贠旭疆 《草业科学》2014,8(7):1374-1379
我国天然草原上害虫发生严重,近10年年均危害面积2 099万hm2,每年因灾造成的牧草鲜草损失高达94.5亿kg,对我国畜牧业生产造成严重破坏。近10年来,国家不断加大防控力度,草原虫害蔓延的趋势得到一定程度的遏制,危害面积呈明显的下降趋势。与2003年相比,2012年危害面积下降了34.7%。其中,草原蝗虫危害减轻趋势明显;草原毛虫呈现增加趋势,但自2008年以来有下降趋势;其他害虫危害呈下降趋势。经分析指出,防治面积偏低、监测预警能力弱以及科技支撑能力不强是造成虫害偏重发生的主要因素,针对分析结果对进一步做好草原虫害防控工作提出了建议。  相似文献   

We conducted an on-line questionnaire to assess stakeholder perceptions about damage to silo bags by vertebrate species in Argentina. We received 190 responses reporting damage to silo bags by vertebrates from the Pampas, Espinal, and Chaco regions. More than two-thirds of respondents indicated armadillos were the main harmful species, followed by rodents and dogs. Frequency of damage to silo bags was higher for armadillos (79%) than for the other species together (64%), and was higher in the Pampas (79%) than in the other regions (45–66%), suggesting a latitudinal gradient of damage. Economic losses were reported as “medium” or “high” by 37% of respondents. According to these stakeholders, damage to silo bags by vertebrates is a regionally extended phenomenon in most of the Argentine agricultural region and it is recognized as economically relevant by these stakeholders. Management of this conflict should focus on environmental aspects.  相似文献   

We investigated the effects of moisture, rain damage, and additives on fermentation quality and vitamins change in alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) silage. Two moisture content alfalfa (53 and 72% moisture content) were received artificial rain damage. Then, the formic acid and L. plantarum (LP) + sucrose were added. After 30 days, silos were opened. The significant interaction between rain damage and moisture content were found for nutrients and fermentation characteristics in alfalfa silage, which showed more rain damage effects occurred in 53% moisture content rather than in 72% moisture content material. Treatment with LP + sucrose had lower pH value, ammonia‐N/total N, and higher lactic acid content compared to the other additives. The concentrations of α‐tocopherol and phylloquinone increased, but thiamine, riboflavin, and ascorbic acid decreased in alfalfa silage treated with LP + sucrose, especially when the alfalfa was subjected to rain damage. The highly significant correlations were found between pantothenic acid (VB5) and pH, and between VB5 and lactic acid. The improvements in fermentation quality by adding of LP + sucrose was observed after rain damage for either 53% or 72% moisture alfalfa, which can be a guideline for forage processor who ensiles alfalfa after rain damage.  相似文献   

对2008年4月丹东地区柞树霜冻害的发生、症状进行了调查,分析了柞树霜冻害发生原因,提出了预防措施,以期对辽东柞蚕生产有所帮助。  相似文献   

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