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采用均匀试验设计和逐步回归分析方法,以先玉335为试验材料,研究了水肥等栽培因子对玉米叶片完全展开时叶面积指数的影响。多因素分析表明,其影响顺序为:底氮追氮底磷密度补水追肥/补水生育期底钾播期。在数学模型中,各栽培因子间耦合效应对玉米叶面积指数影响都达到了显著水平。在本试验研究范围内,当播期在5月11日,密度为80 999.8株/hm2,底施氮量为48.2 kg/hm2,底施磷量为293.6 kg/hm2,底施钾量为152.0 kg/hm2,追施氮量为62.8 kg/hm2,补灌量为1 199.4 m3/hm2,追肥/补水生育期在玉米18展叶时,叶面积指数理论最高值6.64。  相似文献   

在充足底墒播后不灌水条件下,进行了适当晚播(10月15日播)与超晚播条件下的小麦肥料试验。主要结果为:(1)播后不灌水条件下超晚播减产严重,主要是单位面积总粒数下降太多,通过适当提高穗密度难以补偿;(2)高施磷条件下(施磷二铵450kg/hm2),随施氮量的增加,开花前的耗水量没有增加,而灌浆期的耗水量则随氮肥用量增加而增加;(3)控制花前无效生长,降低花前耗水,优化开花后的群体结构,提高灌浆期的灌浆强度是降低总耗水、提高水分利用效率的基本途径。  相似文献   

针对我国内陆干旱区人工草地生产管理粗放及气候资源利用不充分等问题,探究合理的牧草种植与水氮供应模式,以充分挖掘区域牧草的生产潜力。采用3 a生(2018年播种)紫花苜蓿(简称‘苜蓿’)和无芒雀麦,分析种植模式(苜蓿与无芒雀麦混播,D1;无芒雀麦单播,D2)、施氮量(低氮量N1:60 kg·hm-2;高氮量N2:120 kg·hm-2)和灌水量(以灌水下限占田间持水量θf的百分比计,分枝期均充分灌水(75%~85%θf),现蕾和初花期轻度亏水W1:65%~75%θf、中度亏水W2:55%~65%θf、重度亏水W3:45%~55%θf,灌水上限均为85%θf)对牧草叶面积指数(LAI)、干物质累积量、累积截获光合有效辐射量(CIPAR)、辐射利用效率(RUE)、产量(Y)、耗水量(ETa)、水分利用效率(WUE)和氮肥偏生产力(PFPN)的影响。结果表明:(1)牧草LAI和...  相似文献   

运用3因素5水平二次回归正交试验研究了饲用甜菜FF10000播种深度、施钾量及栽培密度三因素与块根产量的关系。结果表明:在栽培密度及施钾量较低的水平下三因素对产量的影响大小为:播深>密度>施钾量;在密度与施钾量较高的水平下为:播深>施钾量>密度。理论产量在9861kg/666.7m2以上的三因素组合为:播深:3cm;施钾量:20kg/666.7m2;密度:8800株/666.7m2。计算机模拟三因素对产量最优组合为:每667m2播深3~4cm,施钾量20~30kg、密度6000~8000株。  相似文献   

以"金鹏1号"番茄为试验材料,通过盆栽试验,对处于不同灌水量和氮、磷、钾肥用量条件下的番茄生长及产量进行分析。在此试验条件下,各因素对叶片数的因子贡献率的主次关系为:施氮量=施磷量灌水量施钾量;对叶果比的影响表现为:灌水量施氮量施磷量施钾量;坐果率表现为:灌水量施氮量施磷量施钾量;60%~83.78%的灌水量有利于降低叶果比进而促进产量的增加;氮肥、磷肥用量达到0.96 g·kg~(-1)、P_2O_50.528 g·kg~(-1)土时会导致叶片数和叶果比增加,坐果率和产量下降;随着灌水量、施氮量、施钾量的增加番茄产量呈先增后减的趋势,在灌水量为83.78%W,施氮量为0.77N g·kg~(-1)土,施磷量为P_2O_50.421 g·kg~(-1)土,施钾量为K2O 0.670g·kg~(-1)土时产量达到最大值为467.5 g·株~(-1)。  相似文献   

为探求北疆地区微咸水滴灌条件下加工番茄高效生产的水肥耦合模式,以加工番茄‘金番3166’为研究对象,设置3个灌水量水平:5 200(W1)、4 500(W2)、3 600 m3·hm-2(W3),3个施氮量水平:300(N1)、240(N2)、180 kg·hm-2(N3),3个矿化度水平:1(S1)、3(S2)、5 g·L-1(S3),采用L9(33)正交试验设计,研究灌水量、灌水矿化度、施氮量耦合对滴灌加工番茄的生长、产量及水肥利用效率的影响。结果表明:在微咸水灌溉时,W1N2S2处理地上部干物质积累量在果实膨大期达到最大(195.52 g·株-1)。与W1N1S1相比,W1N2S2、W1N3S3处理产量和灌溉水利用效率分别降低17.85%、27.19%和17.84%、27.16%,氮肥偏生产力分别增加6.11%和25.40%。综合考虑加工番茄生长、品质、产量及水肥利用效率,各因素影响大小表现为:灌水量>矿化度>施氮量。基于综合评分法对各指...  相似文献   

新疆干旱区长绒棉水肥耦合产量效应研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了探讨南疆棉花水肥耦合作用,试验实行3因素5水平311-B拟饱和最优回归设计,通过对灌水量(W)、施氮量(N)、施磷量(P)与棉花产量关系的分析,拟合出回归模型:Y=4685.48+78.95X1+61.66X2-14.58X3-84.51X12-101.94X22-120.75X32-79.56X1X2-38.73X1X3-14.61X2X3(Y为产量,X1为灌水量,X2为施氮量,X3为施磷量)。结果表明:在试验条件下各因素对产量影响的顺序为W(X1)N(X2)P(X3),说明在本试验条件下,灌水量的作用居于首位,其次是氮肥和磷肥;各因素交互作用效应顺序为WNWPNP;由方程拟合的组合方案是灌溉量(Z1)为5 765.24 m3/hm2,施氮量(Z2)为281.76 kg/hm2,施磷量(Z3)为104.73 kg/hm2时,棉花籽棉最高产量(Y)达到4 707.94 kg/hm2。  相似文献   

采用分根法,通过盆栽试验,以四元二次回归正交旋转组合设计,研究了根系分区交替灌溉条件下灌水量和氮、磷、钾肥用量对番茄果实中有机酸含量的影响。通过回归分析,建立了番茄有机酸含量与水肥因子的数学模型。结果表明,在其他因子为中间水平时,番茄果实中的有机酸含量,随灌水量增加呈线性减小趋势;随施氮量增加表现为线性增长;随施磷量、施钾量增加呈开口向下抛物线型变化。交互效应表现为,灌水量与施钾量、施氮量与施磷量对番茄有机酸积累有显著的正交互作用。认为增施氮磷肥会增大番茄果实有机酸含量,合理施用钾肥、减小灌水量也促使番茄中有机酸的积累。  相似文献   

为探讨豫西烟区最优的栽培措施组合,采用正交试验研究了不同品种、氮用量和密度对烟叶化学品质和经济性状的影响。结果表明:3个因素相比,品种对总糖和还原糖影响最大;施氮量增加使烟叶总氮含量增加;3个因素对中部叶化学成分协调性综合评价得分的影响大小顺序为施氮量>品种>密度,获得化学成分最协调的栽培组合为A1B2C2(品种:秦烟96;移栽密度:16500株·hm-2;施氮量:67.5 kg·hm-2);从产量上分析,3个因素对产量的影响大小顺序为品种>施氮量>密度,要获得产量最高的组合为A3B3C3(品种:豫烟6号;移栽密度:18000株·hm-2;施氮量:90.0 kg·hm-2);从产值上分析,最好的组合为A1B2C2(品种:秦烟96;移栽密度:16500株·hm-2;施氮量:67.5 kg·hm-2),其产值、均价和上等烟比例分别为62770.5元·hm-2、19.21元·kg-1和58.6%。综合分析,在豫西烟区前期干旱后期降水分配较均匀且光照充足的条件下,可选择品种秦烟96,种植密度16500株·hm-2,氮肥施用量67.5 kg·hm-2的栽培技术进行推广应用。  相似文献   

为探究不同生育期水分亏缺和不同施氮水平对番茄叶片生理特征和水氮利用的影响,以提高番茄抗逆性,增加有机物积累并提高水氮利用效率为目标,开展温室小区试验,设置4个灌水水平(W1:全生育期充分灌水;W2:苗期减少50%灌水量;W3:苗期和开花坐果期各减少50%灌水量;W4:苗期、开花坐果期和成熟期各减少50%灌水量)和3个施氮水平(N1:400 kg·hm-2;N2:300 kg·hm-2;N3:200 kg·hm-2),分析番茄叶片酶活性和SPAD值对不同灌水和施氮水平的响应,并探究水氮供应对番茄生长及水氮利用的影响。结果表明:减少灌水量可提高番茄超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)和过氧化物酶(POD)活性,降低丙二醛(MDA)含量,W2水平的SOD、POD活性最高,MDA含量最低,W2水平下SOD、POD活性随着施氮量的减少呈先增大后减小的趋势,而MDA含量变化趋势则相反,W2N2处理的SOD、POD活性最大,分别较W1N1处理提高25.90%、71.74%,MDA含量最低,较W1N1处理降低8.07%;番茄中位叶SPAD值与不同叶...  相似文献   

为探究油菜菌核病田间发生流行的影响因子并建立病情预测模型,采用田间调查法测定油菜田菌核密度、子囊盘密度、花朵带菌率,并分析了2008—2014年各气候因子与病叶率、成熟期茎秆病株率、病情指数之间的关系。结果显示,田间菌核密度、子囊盘密度、花朵带菌率与病叶率及成熟期茎秆病株率均呈极显著正相关;2月下旬至5月上旬日均气温及2月下旬至4月上旬日均相对湿度、降雨量及降雨天数与各年度成熟期病株率及病情指数均呈显著正相关,而日照时数与各年度成熟期病株率及病情指数均呈极显著负相关。以油菜盛花期花朵带菌率作为指标,可预测其田间成熟期病株率;以降雨量(x_2)、降雨天数(x_3)及日照时数(x_4)与各年度成熟期病株率(y_1)及病情指数(y_2)分别建立了预测模型y_1=15.47+0.07x_2+0.42x_3-0.03x_4和y_2=10.36+0.07x_2+0.38x_3-0.03x_4,其拟合度均最高,分别为99.07%和98.43%,可作为油菜成熟期茎秆发病株率及病情指数的预测模型。表明油菜菌核病菌源量和气候因子是影响病害发生流行的关键因子。  相似文献   

In vitro detached leaf assays involving artificial inoculation of wounded and unwounded oat and wheat leaves were used to investigate the potential pathogenicity and aggressiveness of F. langsethiae, which was linked recently to the production of type A trichothecenes, HT-2 and T-2 in cereals in Europe. In the first two experiments, two assays compared disease development by F. langsethiae with known fusarium head blight pathogen species each used as a composited inoculum (mixture of isolates) at 10°C and 20°C and found all fungal species to be pathogenic to oat and wheat leaves in the wounded leaf assay. In the unwounded leaf assay, F. langsethiae was not pathogenic to wheat leaves. Furthermore, there were highly significant differences in the aggressiveness of pathogens as measured by lesion length (P < 0.001). In the second two experiments, pathogenicity of individual F. langsethiae isolates previously used in the composite inoculum was investigated on three oat and three wheat varieties. The wounded leaf assay showed that all isolates were pathogenic to all oat and wheat varieties but only pathogenic towards oat varieties in the unwounded assay. Highly significant differences (P < 0.001) in lesion length were found between cereal varieties as well as between isolates in the wounded assay. Significant differences in lesion lengths (P = 0.014) were also observed between isolates in the unwounded assay. Results from the detached leaf assays suggest that F. langsethiae is a pathogen of wheat and oats and may have developed some host preference towards oats.  相似文献   

Three field experiments were carried out with the bean cultivar Carioca Comum to investigate the relationships among visual and virtual severity of angular leaf spot (caused by Phaeoisariopsis griseola), area under visual and virtual disease progress curves (AUDPC), healthy leaf area index on any given day (HLAI), healthy leaf area duration (HAD), healthy leaf area absorption (HAA), effective leaf area duration (ELAD), effective leaf area absorption (ELAA) and yield of Phaseolus vulgaris. To obtain a wide range of disease severities, the plots were sprayed with fungicide at different stages of plant growth (before, during and after flowering). Visual and virtual severity and AUDPC showed no significant correlation with yield. However, HAD, HAA, ELAD and ELAA were significantly correlated with yield. Variables that considered the effective leaf area (ELAD and ELAA) provided similar or better coefficients of determination (R2) than those that considered the remaining green leaf area only (HAD and HAA). Single-point models with HLAI, effective leaf area index (ELAI), intercepted radiation by healthy leaf area (HRI) and intercepted radiation by effective leaf area (EHRI) to estimate yield at various times during the crop season were developed. The slope of the relationship between yield and HLAI, ELAI, HRI and EHRI proved to be stable, regardless of planting date and bean growth stage (from R6 to R8).  相似文献   

珠海非洲菊疫病的鉴定和防治   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
1996年,珠海非洲菊生产基地非洲菊出现萎蔫症状,大量植株死亡,感病品种年发病率达40%~50%。经病情调查和病原菌分离鉴定明确,该病由PhytophthoracryptogeaPethybridge&Laferty和P.cactorumSchroter所致,前者为主要病原。发病程度与温度、田间湿度及品种抗病性密切相关。室内药剂筛选试验表明,甲霜灵-锰锌抑菌效果最好;杀毒矾次之。田间选种抗病品种、作高畦、改喷灌为滴灌、拔除病株、药剂防治等措施,防效较好。  相似文献   

In order to determine the most appropriate dates for planting chickpea in central Anatolia, Turkey, six cultivars were planted at three sites that differed in disease pressure. In two of the sites, disease pressure from Ascochyta rabiei was promoted by spreading infected chickpea debris on the soil surface at the time of planting and, at one of these, sprinkle irrigation was applied. In the third site, where conditions were dryer, no artificial inoculum was provided. Plants from seeds sown in early March had the most disease and in the sprinkle irrigated plots the disease severity ranged from 7.8 on the most susceptible cv. Canitez to 3.3 on the least susceptible Gokce as scored on the 1–9 scale where 1 = no disease and 9 represents a plant killed by the fungus. There was an inverse relationship between disease severity and yield, production from blight resistant cultivars of around 2,000 kg ha−1 being more than twice that of susceptible ones. Delaying planting for 3–5 weeks reduced the severity of ascochyta blight but also reduced the yields in four of the six cultivars. In contrast, reduction in disease severity by delayed sowing resulted in yield increases for the susceptible cvs Canitez and Local, although yield level was not as much as those of the less susceptible cvs sown early. Delay of 6–9 weeks almost eliminated ascochyta blight but yields of all cultivars were seriously compromised by drought stress. In consequence, chickpea farmers are recommended to use resistant or tolerant cultivars and sow early in March. For less resistant cultivars, sowing in early April is recommended. Further delay is not recommended unless irrigation is provided and fungicide spraying is recommended where signs of infection are present under conditions conducive to the disease.  相似文献   

为明确性信息素对油松毛虫Dendrolimus tabulaeformis成虫的监测量与不同危害程度林区失叶率及其幼虫虫口密度的关系,采用棋盘式五点取样法,将失叶率、幼虫虫口密度及成虫监测量两两进行模型拟合。结果显示,幼虫低虫口密度(y_1)、高虫口密度(y_2)与对应的成虫监测量(x_1)、(x_2)呈二次方曲线函数,方程分别为y_1=-0.060x_1~2+6.174x_1-85.753;y_2=0.076x_2~2-3.111x_2+109.844;在幼虫极高虫口密度(y_3)时,成虫监测量(x_3)呈线性递减,方程为y_3=-1.795x_3+214.060;幼虫虫口密度(y)、成虫监测量(x)随着失叶率(z)的增加而增高,但当失叶率超过74%时,幼虫虫口密度呈下降趋势,方程为y=-794.937z~2+1188.218z-308.626;当失叶率超过72%时,成虫监测量也出现下降,二者可以按照方程x=-189.035z~2+272.374z-53.474进行模拟。研究表明,幼虫虫口低密度、高密度与成虫监测量的相关性均显著,极高虫口密度时,成虫监测量呈下降趋势;幼虫虫口密度、成虫监测量均与失叶率呈二次方函数关系。  相似文献   

Pyrenopeziza brassicae, cause of light leaf spot of oilseed rape, has a complex polycyclic life cycle. It can be difficult to control light leaf spot in winter oilseed rape in the UK since it is not easy to optimise fungicide application timing. Early autumn infections are usually symptomless and recognisable lesions do not develop until the epidemic has progressed further by the spring. Light leaf spot often has a patchy distribution in winter oilseed rape crops and estimation of disease incidence can be difficult. There is evidence that epidemics are initiated primarily by ascospores produced from apothecia that survive the summer inter-crop period on infected debris. Subsequent development of the epidemic during the winter and spring is maintained by rain-splashed conidia that spread light leaf spot from initial foci. Understanding the relative roles of ascospores and conidia in the light leaf spot life cycle is crucial for forecasting epidemic severity and developing control strategies. The current web-based regional forecast system provides an autumn forecast of the incidence of light leaf spot that can be expected the following spring. This is based on survey data which assesses the occurrence of disease the previous July, and weather factors, such as deviations from summer mean temperature and winter rainfall. The forecast can be updated throughout the autumn and winter and includes crop-specific elements so that growers can adjust risks by inputting information about cultivar, sowing date and fungicide use. Crop-specific forecasts can be confirmed by assessing the incidence of light leaf spot. Such assessments will become easier when immunodiagnostic methods for detection of the disease become available. Incorporation of information on spore biology (e.g. apothecial maturation, ascospore release and infection conditions) is considered as a component of the interactive, continuously updated, crop-specific, web-based forecasts which are needed in the future.  相似文献   

Grey leaf spot incited by Cercospora zeae-maydis is a new devastating foliar disease of maize in East Africa. For effective control, elucidation of the most critical elements of the grey leaf spot disease pyramid is important. This study investigated the role of mineral nutrition, pathogen variability and host resistance in the epidemic. Trials were conducted under field and controlled environments. The 28 isolates used in the controlled environment varied significantly (P 0.05) in parasitic fitness measured indirectly as disease efficiency, but no infection pattern could be attributed to known C. zeae-maydis pathotypes. Data from field trials showed that host resistance and mineral nutrition significantly (P 0.05) affected disease efficiency, with highest disease development occurring in nitrogen-augmented plots. Exclusive phosphorus application had no clear effect on grey leaf spot epidemics but combined application with nitrogen significantly (P 0.05) reduced the predisposition effects of nitrogen to the disease. Overall, treated plots had less disease than unfertilised plots. Fertiliser application had no effect on sporulation capacity, while cultivars significantly affected it. Geographic differences in amount of disease were observed, suggesting environment influences on grey leaf spot incidence. The results suggest that the current grey leaf spot epidemics in East Africa are due to favourable cultivars, poor mineral nutrition and environmental interactions.  相似文献   

In winter oilseed rape experiments at Rothamsted in 2000/01 to 2002/03 growing seasons, the severity of phoma stem canker epidemics in summer depended on the timing of phoma leaf spot epidemics in the previous autumn, and hence on the timing of Leptosphaeria maculans ascospore release. The first major release of L. maculans ascospores was earlier in 2000 (26 September) and 2001 (18 September) than in 2002 (21 October). Consequently, the autumn phoma leaf spot epidemic was also earlier in 2000 and 2001 than in 2002. The resulting stem canker epidemics were severe by harvest (July) in 2001 and 2002 but not in 2003. No correlation was found between the severity or duration of phoma leaf spotting (lesion days or lesion °C-days) and the subsequent severity of phoma stem canker epidemics. Rates of leaf production and loss were similar in the three growing seasons. Out of ca. 25 leaves produced on plants during each season, leaf numbers 10–14 generally remained on plants for the longest. Treatment with flusilazole + carbendazim in autumn decreased the severity of phoma leaf spotting for several weeks after treatment, decreased the severity of stem canker the following summer and increased yield significantly in 2001 and 2002 but not in 2003. The most effective timings for flusilazole + carbendazim application were when leaves 7–11 were present on most plants and at least 10% of plants were affected by phoma leaf spot. Two half-dose applications of fungicide reduced phoma stem canker and increased yield more than a single full dose application when phoma leaf spot epidemics were early (<800 °C-days after sowing).  相似文献   

Onion downy mildew (Dm) symptoms and damage on seed production fields in southern Uruguay were quantified during two seasons as the progress of incidence, severity, and as the effect of the level of seed-stalks infections on seed yield and quality. In addition, the effects of two plantation dates and two plant densities on Dm were studied in a factorial experiment. Maximum incidence along the season ranged from 15 to 65% in four commercial fields in 2005 and two fields in 2006. Maximum severity ranged from 4.5 to 9.3% of leaf area affected in 2005, and 0.35 to 1.17% in 2006. Whereas Dm incidence varied among studied fields, disease progress as Dm severity varied mainly between studied years. Crop rotation, crop vigour and plant density were identified as major factors affecting Dm variation in the field. Intensive fungicide schedules did not control Dm when other conditions favoured the disease. A high level of Dm severity defined as large necklace spots on seed-stalks significantly reduced seed yield in comparison with healthy seed-stalks in 2005, as well as seed yield and germination in 2006. Weight of 1,000 seeds was not significantly reduced by Dm infections on seed-stalks. Six genera of fungi were recovered from seeds harvested on highly infected seed-stalks (Stemphylium, Fusarium, Alternaria, Penicillium, Aspergillus and Botrytis), but not Peronospora. Late planting date and low plant density had significantly lower Dm incidence and severity. This finding questioned the early planting dates and high densities previously recommended in order to achieve high yielding crops. The combination of several practices to reduce initial inoculum, susceptibility status of the host, and environmental conditions promoting the disease is discussed as forming a basis for effective disease control.  相似文献   

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