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Isolates of Phytophthora erythroseptica , causal agent of pink rot of potato, were obtained from diseased tubers collected in Prince Edward Island (PEI), Canada. In an in vitro assay of field and single-zoospore isolates, all isolates of the pathogen from PEI were sensitive to metalaxyl (EC50 < 0·5  µ g mL−1), unlike moderately or highly resistant reference isolates obtained from Maine, USA. Allozyme-banding patterns at the glucose-6-phosphate isomerase ( Gpi ) locus were identical (91/91) for all isolates of P. erythroseptica examined from PEI and Maine, but could be used to distinguish isolates of P. erythroseptica from local isolates of Phytophthora infestans . Inoculation of potato tubers from plants treated with foliar applications of metalaxyl in the field indicated that compounds inhibitory to metalaxyl-sensitive isolates of P. erythroseptica were present in the periderm, even after 4 months' storage. By contrast, moderately or highly resistant isolates of the pathogen caused significantly ( P  ≤ 0·05) more disease than sensitive isolates in tubers from plants treated with metalaxyl. The effectiveness of metalaxyl in controlling pink rot in a particular region will depend on resistance levels of local populations of P. erythroseptica . Preventing the development and spread of resistant strains of P. erythroseptica will be critical in maintaining metalaxyl as an effective chemical for control of this pathogen.  相似文献   

The sensitivity of 127 Phytophthora infestans isolates to flumorph was determined in 2003 and 2004. The isolates originated from two geographical regions and showed similar levels of sensitivity in both years. Baseline sensitivities were distributed as a unimodal curve with EC50 values for growth of mycelia ranging from 0·1016 to 0·3228  µ g mL−1, with a mean of 0·1813 (± 0·0405) µ g mL−1. There was no cross-resistance between flumorph and metalaxyl. Laboratory studies were conducted to evaluate the risk of P. infestans developing resistance to flumorph. Mutants resistant to metalaxyl or flumorph were obtained by treating mycelium of wild-type isolates with ultraviolet radiation. Metalaxyl-resistant mutants were obtained with a high frequency and exhibited resistance factor values (EC50 resistant/EC50 sensitive phenotypes) of more than 100, while flumorph-resistant mutants were obtained at much lower frequencies and had very small resistance factors (1·5–3·2). There was cross-resistance between flumorph and dimethomorph, but not with azoxystrobin or cymoxanil. Most flumorph-resistant mutants showed decreases in hyphal growth in vitro and in sporulation both in vitro and on detached leaf tissues. These studies suggested that the risk of resistance developing was much lower for flumorph than metalaxyl. However, as P. infestans is a high-risk pathogen, appropriate precautions against resistance development should be taken.  相似文献   

由马铃薯粉痂病菌Spongospora subterranea引起的粉痂病已成为甘肃省马铃薯生产上的重要病害之一,发生面积及危害程度均呈逐年增加的趋势,严重威胁马铃薯产业的健康可持续发展。研究马铃薯不同品种对粉痂菌的抗性并筛选高效防治药剂,是控制该病扩散蔓延最为直接和有效的手段,对马铃薯粉痂病的综合治理具有重要意义。本试验对甘肃省马铃薯主栽品种对粉痂病抗病性及田间防治药剂开展了系统研究,抗病性测定结果表明:22个品种块茎上均可感染粉痂病,发病率为25.00%~100.00%,病情指数为6.67~68.33,平均病情指数为29.45。从发病率和病情指数综合评价,‘冀张薯12号’对粉痂病有较好的抗性。田间药剂筛选试验结果表明:10亿cfu/g多黏类芽孢杆菌可湿性粉剂100倍液和0.3%四霉素水剂50倍液播前种薯浸种处理均对马铃薯粉痂病有较好的防治效果,防效分别为60.50%和60.22%,显著高于其他处理;0.3%四霉素水剂30倍液和10亿cfu/g多黏类芽孢杆菌可湿性粉剂45倍液于马铃薯花期时进行灌根处理,对粉痂病的防效分别为56.00%和52.87%,显著高于其他处理。因此,甘肃省马铃...  相似文献   

Mefenoxam is one of the most commonly used fungicides for managing diseases caused by Phytophthora spp. on ornamentals. The objectives of this study were to determine whether Phytophthora nicotianae, a destructive pathogen of numerous herbaceous annual and perennial plant species in nurseries, has developed resistance to mefenoxam, and to evaluate the fitness of mefenoxam‐resistant isolates. Ninety‐five isolates of P. nicotianae were screened for sensitivity to mefenoxam on 20% clarified V8 agar at 100 a.i. µg mL?1. Twenty‐five isolates were highly resistant to this compound with EC50 values ranging from 235·2 to 466·3 µg mL?1 and four were intermediately resistant with EC50 values ranging from 1·6 to 2·9 µg mL?1. Sixty‐six isolates were sensitive with EC50 values less than 0·04 µg mL?1. Nine resistant and seven sensitive isolates were tested for mefenoxam sensitivity on Pelargonium × hortorum cv. White Orbit. Mefenoxam provided good protection of pelargonium seedlings from colonization by sensitive isolates, but not by any resistant isolates. Four resistant and four sensitive isolates were compared for fitness components and their relative competitive ability on Lupinus Russell Hybrids in the absence of mefenoxam. Resistant isolates outcompeted sensitive ones within 3 to 6 sporulation cycles on lupin seedlings, regardless of their initial proportions in mixed zoospore inoculum. Resistant isolates exhibited greater infection rate and higher sporulation ability than sensitive ones when they were applied separately onto lupins. These results suggest that fungicide resistance may pose a serious challenge to the continued effectiveness of mefenoxam as a control option for nursery growers.  相似文献   

通过药液浸渍的方法比较了不同杀菌剂对储藏期甘薯黑斑病的防治效果,调查了各处理甘薯的出苗情况和农药残留情况。结果表明,储藏90d后,12.5%粉唑醇SC 80mg/kg、粉唑醇25mg/kg+甲基硫菌灵210mg/kg和粉唑醇25mg/kg+百菌清800mg/kg对黑斑病的防效可达90%以上,各药剂处理对甘薯出苗没有不良影响。720g/L百菌清SC、70%噁霉灵WP、50%多菌灵WP和70%甲基硫菌灵WP在甘薯薯块中的残留量符合相关标准。而12.5%粉唑醇SC 20mg/kg和80mg/kg两处理在甘薯薯块中的残留量高于欧盟规定的最大残留限量标准。  相似文献   

A 3-year survey was undertaken to establish the relative frequency of different Fusarium spp. present as inoculum on potato tubers collected from four regions of Great Britain. A total of 219 samples (comprising 10 950 tubers) were collected from the 2000, 2001 and 2002 crops and processed to recover dry rot-producing isolates. In total, 228 isolates of Fusarium spp. were recovered. Most (94·7%) of these isolates were attributed to one of four Fusarium species: F. coeruleum, F. avenaceum, F. culmorum and F. sambucinum (formerly F. sulphureum) . The incidence of the combined Fusarium spp. increased the further south the crops had been grown. Fusarium coeruleum was the most commonly isolated species in each survey year, comprising 37 to 52% of the total Fusarium species. Selected isolates of each species were evaluated for their ability to produce rots in potato tubers. Fusarium sambucinum was a more aggressive pathogen than the other Fusarium species in eight out of 10 cultivars. Fusarium avenaceum and F. culmorum were relatively weaker pathogens. However, these species were aggressive on some cultivars, notably Hermes. The selected isolates were also assessed for their sensitivity to the fungicides thiabendazole and imazalil. Using in vitro tests, 65% of F. sambucinum isolates were resistant to thiabendazole and 7% of F. avenaceum isolates were resistant to imazalil. Tubers treated with imazalil yielded a higher proportion of isolates of F. avenaceum than those that were untreated. Similarly, a higher proportion of F. sambucinum isolates were recovered from tubers treated with thiabendazole than from those that were not treated.  相似文献   

Late blight remained a significant disease for potato growers in Europe long after the famine of the 1840s. Of the four mitochondrial haplotypes of Phytophthora infestans, only the Ia mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) haplotype has been identified previously in infected potato leaves from famine‐era herbarium specimens collected in England, Ireland and Europe in the 19th century. Long‐term soil fertility experiments were conducted on potato between 1876 and 1901 in Rothamsted to investigate effects of combinations of organic manures and mineral fertilizers on disease and yield. This report identifies for the first time the same Ia mtDNA haplotype of P. infestans in three diseased tubers from 1877 from the long‐term Rothamsted trials, thus providing the earliest evidence of the presence of the founder Ia mtDNA haplotype of P. infestans in potato tubers in England. Soil amendments had a significant impact on disease and yield. A real‐time PCR assay was used to detect and quantify P. infestans in tubers. The level of pathogen DNA was greatest in tubers from highest yielding plots that received combinations of inorganic nitrogenous and mineral fertilizers and least in tubers from plots with organic farmyard manures or non‐nitrogenous mineral fertilizers. The Ia mtDNA haplotype was also confirmed from diseased potato leaves during the same time period. Thus, the founder Ia mtDNA haplotype survived in potato tubers after 1846 and was present over 30 years later in the UK.  相似文献   

To test the hypothesis that isolates of Phytophthora infestans attacking wild Solanaceae exhibit specialization for particular host species, 115 isolates of P. infestans were collected from cultivated potatoes, nontuber-bearing Solanum spp. of the Basarthrum section and wild tomatoes from five departments in the northern and central highlands of Peru, and characterized using several neutral markers. All isolates belonged to one of four clonal lineages described previously in Peru: EC-1, US-1, PE-3 and PE-7. There was a strong association of three lineages with host species: PE-3 was only isolated from cultivated potato, while PE-7 and US-1 were only isolated from nontuber-bearing Solanum spp. ( Basarthrum section and wild tomatoes). EC-1 was isolated from all host groups sampled. A subset ( n  = 74) of the isolates was evaluated for metalaxyl resistance. High levels of resistance were found almost exclusively in EC-1 and PE-3, while US-1 and PE-7 isolates were generally sensitive. In a detached-leaf assay for lesion diameter using five EC-1 isolates from S. caripense and seven EC-1 isolates from cultivated potato, there was a significant interaction between isolate origin and inoculated host, caused by higher aggressiveness of EC-1 from cultivated potato on its host of origin. In a comparison of EC-1 (seven isolates from cultivated potato) and US-1 (three isolates from S. caripense ), each pathogen lineage was more aggressive on its original host species, causing a highly significant interaction between isolate origin and inoculated host. Wild tomatoes and nontuber-bearing Solanum spp. harbour several pathogen lineages in Peru and could serve as reservoirs of inoculum that might contribute to epidemics on potato or tomato. Potential risks associated with the use of wild Solanum hosts as sources of resistance to P. infestans are discussed .  相似文献   

Prior to 1996, the A2 mating type of Phytophthora infestans was not detected on potato in France, but was found at one site on tomato in 1995. This finding lead to the question of the extent of differences and relationships existing between the populations of P. infestans present on each host. A collection of 76 isolates collected in France, mainly in 1996, from potato and tomato was characterised for mating type, allozyme genotype at the Gpi and Pep loci, and mitochondrial DNA haplotype; 74 of these isolates were also characterised for multilocus RFLP fingerprint, and 62 for virulence. All isolates except four showed allozyme genotypes (Gpi 90/100 or 100/100, Pep 83/100 or 100/100) and mtDNA haplotypes (Ia or IIa) characteristic of the populations introduced into Europe in the late 1970s. The four exceptions were isolates collected from tomato in Southern France in 1988-1991, which showed some characteristics of the former European populations (Gpi 86/100, Pep 92/100, mtDNA Ib). Both mating types were present among the collections from both hosts, but isolates with the A2 mating type were found on potato only in one garden crop, adjacent to tomato. Nine different RG57 fingerprints were observed, with a greater diversity among tomato isolates. Furthermore, tomato and potato collections differed markedly in the frequencies of genotypes present. Finally, tomato isolates generally had a lower virulence complexity than potato isolates. These data suggest that P. infestans populations on tomato and potato are largely separated, despite the occurrence of limited gene flow.  相似文献   

六省市致病疫霉交配型及其对几种杀菌剂的敏感性   总被引:14,自引:1,他引:14  
测定了2000-2002年采自四川、重庆、吉林、黑龙江、福建、北京六省(市)致病疫霉菌株的交配型及其对几种杀菌剂的敏感性。结果显示,来自六省市的74个菌株中73株为典型的A1交配型,1株采自四川的菌株为可自育的A1交配型,未发现A2交配型。测定的37株代表菌中,对甲霜灵表现敏感、中抗、高抗的分别占27.0%、27.0%和46.0%。吉林、福建、黑龙江及重庆都存在高抗菌株。研究中还发现甲霜灵可促进部分抗性菌株的菌丝生长。随机抽取15个对甲霜灵表现敏感、中抗和高抗的菌株,测定其对几种杀菌剂的敏感性,结果全部对腈嘧菌酯和烯酰吗啉表现敏感;其中2株对丙酰胺表现敏感,11株表现中抗,2株表现高抗。结果也显示:烯酰吗啉和腈嘧菌酯与甲霜灵之间不存在交互抗性,具有应用潜力。  相似文献   

为明确广东省甘薯疮痂病病原菌种类及当前国内主要菜用甘薯种质对疮痂病的抗性,结合形态学特征和rDNA-ITS序列分析对病原菌进行鉴定,并通过病圃诱发结合人工喷雾接种法对来自9个省区30个菜用甘薯种质进行连续2年的抗性鉴定。结果显示,共获得15株形态学特征及培养性状相似的菌株,其中代表菌株CRI-CJ的形态学特征与甘薯痂圆孢菌Elsinoe batatas基本一致,且在基于rDNA-ITS序列的系统发育树中与甘薯痂圆孢菌聚在一支,表明甘薯疮痂病病原菌为甘薯痂圆孢菌。30个菜用甘薯品种(系)中,抗性、中抗、中感和感病品种(系)分别为7、7、5和11个,占总数的23.3%、23.3%、16.7%和36.7%。其中抗性品种(系)有广菜薯11-52、广菜薯15-6、广菜薯16-1、广菜薯16-19、广菜薯17-23、广菜薯17-9和广菜薯18-6,中抗品种(系)有EC01、广薯菜2号、广菜薯3号、广菜薯6号、广菜薯7号、广菜薯17-25和广菜薯18-3。不同地理来源的品种(系)对甘薯疮痂病的抗性水平存在差异,11个非广东省品种(系)中感病、中感和中抗品种(系)分别为8、2和1个,占比分别为72.7...  相似文献   

为了探讨叶面喷施硼(Na2B4O7·10H2O溶液)对马铃薯植株在干旱胁迫下生长发育及抗性的影响及其生理机制,在甘肃省景泰县条山集团马铃薯种植基地,对中度干旱和轻度干旱处理的两垄地,每隔3m进行一个硼浓度(Na2B4O7·10H2O)喷施处理,浓度依次为0、10、20、30、40、60 g·L-1,每个浓度(3 m长)的喷施量为166.7 ml。结果表明:叶面喷施硼相对增加了干旱胁迫下马铃薯的块茎产量及生物量,使干旱胁迫下叶片含水量和色素含量下降幅度减小;叶面喷施硼还从整体上表现为抗氧化酶活性的提高,并抑制了超氧阴离子产生速率的增加。通过去花与不去花植株生长发育的比较,发现去花后马铃薯植株地上部分重和地下部分重均有所下降,但施硼相对提高了块茎产量及地下部分重。可见,叶面喷施硼能促进马铃薯植株在干旱胁迫下的生长发育,提高其抗旱性及块茎产量,且这种变化可能与其促进光合产物向地下部分输送密切相关。  相似文献   

本文采用传统形态学与分子生物学相结合的方法,对采自山西省窖藏马铃薯和薯蓣块茎中的短体线虫进行了种类鉴定.结果 表明,从马铃薯块茎中分离出的短体线虫形态学特征与斯克里布纳短体线虫Pratylenchus scrib-neri一致,其SSU序列与P.scribneri美国群体相似性达99.8%.从薯蓣块茎中分离出的短体线虫...  相似文献   

选取定薯4号为试材,进行田间试验,设6个处理,分别为:黑膜双垄全覆膜垄播(A)、白膜双垄全覆膜垄播(B)、黑膜单垄覆膜垄播(C)、白膜单垄覆膜垄播(D)、垄播覆草(E),裸地种植为对照(CK),研究旱地不同覆盖垄作种植对马铃薯生长、产量、品质和经济效益的影响。结果表明:不同覆盖处理较对照成熟期提早5~21 d,全生育期缩短,出苗率提高5.7~11.6个百分点,株高增加1.2~10.5 cm,植株开展度扩大11.1%~42.1%;不同覆盖处理较对照单株结薯数增加0.61~2.82个,单株结薯重增加3.2%~15.6%,小区大薯重增加0.02%~29.1%,小区小薯重增加4.5%~56.6%,产量增加11.5%~31.2%,除处理B和E较CK商品薯率提高1.82~3.06个百分点,其它覆盖处理较CK降低0.16~7.02个百分点;处理B较CK干物质含量增加4.2%,其它覆盖处理较CK减少1.37%~17.49%;处理B、D和E粗淀粉含量与CK差异不显著,处理A、C较CK减少6.98%~13.37%;不同覆盖处理较CK粗蛋白含量降低3.83%~9.36%,维生素C含量降低1.61%~15.43%;不同覆盖处理薯块Zn和Ga含量均高于CK,分别增加10.22%~21.17%和17.93%~84.14%,Fe含量降低22.12%~28.32%,Se含量除处理C和D较CK减少2.63%~7.02%,其它覆盖处理较CK增加5.26%~12.28%;处理C、A和E较CK每公顷纯收入分别增加5.97%、16.31%和20.95%,其它覆盖处理较CK减少22.85%~54.27%。  相似文献   

Genetic variation and pathogenicity of Phytophthora infestans isolates collected from organic potato crops of the susceptible cv. Bintje and the moderately resistant cv. Santé were assessed in France, Norway, and the United Kingdom in 2001 and in Switzerland in 2001 and 2002. Population structures differed considerably between the four P. infestans populations. Those from France, Switzerland and the UK were mainly clonal populations showing restricted levels of genetic diversity, whilst those from Norway were mixed A1 and A2 mating type populations with high levels of genetic diversity, suggesting periodical sexual reproduction. Isolates collected from cv. Bintje were on average more aggressive than or comparable to isolates from cv. Santé. Race complexity varied considerably between the regional P. infestans populations, with isolates from France and Switzerland showing the highest number of virulence factors. In all pathogen samples but the French, isolates collected from cv. Santé were more complex than isolates collected from cv. Bintje. No directional selection towards increased aggressiveness towards the more resistant cultivar Santé was observed. This suggests that there is no shift towards increased levels of pathogenicity in P. infestans populations following the large-scale introduction of more resistant potato varieties in organic production systems in Europe.  相似文献   

Resistance of cacao leaves to Phytophthora palmivora was studied with regard to the time of leaf collection (morning, afternoon) and the degree of exposure of the leaves to light in the field (low, medium and high). The efficiency of leaf disc inoculations in predicting field resistance of nine clones was compared with that of detached and attached pod inoculations. Significant effects were observed, with leaves exposed to high light intensity and collected early in the afternoon showing highest susceptibility. The effect of time of leaf collection was reduced when leaves were stored overnight and leaf discs prepared and inoculated the following day, as compared to inoculations on the day of collection. Interactions between the main factors were significant, though less substantial than the clone effects. The most significant correlations with pod resistance ( r  = 0·70 to 0·97) were obtained for leaves collected early in the morning and exposed to intermediate shade conditions in the canopy. For other treatments, the correlations with pod resistance were still positive ( r  = 0·23 to 0·83) but often not significant. Pod inoculations in the laboratory were better correlated with field resistance ( r  = 0·92) than pod inoculations in the field ( r  = 0·72). Detached pod inoculations were also better correlated with leaf disc inoculations than those of attached pods. The results confirm the validity of laboratory inoculations of leaves and pods to assess field resistance to Phytophthora . Standardization of the leaf disc test is essential to obtain reliable results.  相似文献   

Possibilities for biocontrol of biovar 3 Dickeya sp. in potato were investigated, using bacteria from rotting potato tissue isolated by dilution plating on nonselective agar media. In a plate assay, 649 isolates were screened for antibiosis against Dickeya sp. IPO2222 and for the production of siderophores. Forty‐one isolates (6·4%) produced antibiotics and 112 isolates (17·3%) produced siderophores. A selection of 41 antibiotic‐producing isolates and 41 siderophore‐producing isolates were tested in a potato slice assay for control of the Dickeya sp. Isolates able to reduce rotting of potato tuber tissue by at least 50% of the control were selected. Isolates were characterized by 16S rDNA analysis as Bacillus, Pseudomonas, Rhodococcus, Serratia, Obesumbacterium and Lysinibacillus genera. Twenty‐three isolates belonging to different species and genera, 13 producing antibiotics and 10 producing siderophores, were further characterized by testing acyl‐homoserine lactone (AHL) production, quorum quenching, motility, biosurfactant production, growth at low (4·0) and high (10·0) pH, growth at 10°C under aerobic and anaerobic conditions and auxin production. In replicated greenhouse experiments, four selected antagonists based on the in vitro tests were tested in planta using wounded or intact minitubers of cv. Kondor subsequently inoculated by vacuum infiltration with an antagonist and a GFP (green fluorescent protein)‐tagged biovar 3 Dickeya sp. strain. A potato endophyte A30, characterized as S. plymuthica, protected potato plants by reducing blackleg development by 100% and colonization of stems by Dickeya sp. by 97%. The potential use of S. plymuthica A30 for the biocontrol of Dickeya sp. is discussed.  相似文献   

为探索适宜豫西旱地烤烟高质量发展的烟薯产业综合体模式,以烤烟‘LY1306’和鲜食甘薯‘普薯32’为材料,采用田间试验研究“烟垄栽薯”2∶2间作模式下烤烟不同株距(65、60 cm和55 cm)配置对烟株生长及产量质量的影响。结果表明:在烟株移栽后90 d,与烤烟单作相比,烤烟株距为65 cm时,烟薯间作烟叶的最大叶长和最大叶宽分别提高5.09%~5.12%和5.17%~8.17%,叶绿素相对含量(SPAD值)提高4.90%~6.81%,净光合速率(Pn)、气孔导度(Gs)和蒸腾速率(Tr)分别提高16.39%~21.50%、23.82%~27.72%和36.21%~45.31%,土传根茎病害发病率降低74.38%~78.42%;烤烟株距为60 cm时,烟薯间作烟叶的最大叶长和最大叶宽分别提高3.71%~4.79%和4.69%~7.61%,SPAD值提高3.80%~5.55%,PnGsTr分别提高14.03%~19.77%、15.68%~22.49%和29.83%~35.78%,土传根茎病害发病率降低75.30%~78.11%;两种株距下烤后烟叶内在化学成分配比较烤烟单作更为合理。随着烤烟株距的减小,间作处理的土地当量比(LER)、总产值及烤烟感官评吸总分表现为先增加后减小;当烤烟株距为60 cm时,烟薯间作的总产值在2021年和2022年分别达82 855.40 CNY·hm-2和81 654.55 CNY·hm-2,较烤烟单作提高15.85%和22.43%。综上,豫西旱地采用“烟垄栽薯”2∶2间作模式的LER>1,具有间作优势,且烤烟株距调整为60 cm时(烤烟单作株距65 cm),烟株生长较好,产量质量指标最优,综合效益最大。  相似文献   

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