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We performed an assay of nutrient limitations to soil microbial biomass in forest floor material and intact cores of mineral soil collected from three North Carolina loblolly pine (Pinus taeda) forests. We added solutions containing C, N or P alone and in all possible combinations, and we measured the effects of these treatments on microbial biomass and on microbial respiration, which served as a proxy for microbial activity, during a 7-day laboratory incubation at 22 °C. The C solution used was intended to simulate the initial products of fine root decay. Additions of C dramatically increased respiration in both mineral soil and forest floor material, and C addition increased microbial biomass C in the mineral soil. Additions of N increased respiration in forest floor material and increased microbial biomass N in the mineral soil. Addition of P caused a small increase in forest floor respiration, but had no effect on microbial biomass.  相似文献   

Subsurface lithology plays an important role in many riparian zone processes, but few studies have examined how sediment nutrient concentrations vary with depth. In this study, we evaluated concentrations of nutrients (N, C and P) with depth in a riparian zone of the glaciated Midwest. A total of 146 sediment samples were collected from 24 cores that extended to a maximum depth of 3.6 m at eight sites in the riparian zone of Walnut Creek. Subsurface deposits were predominantly silt loam, becoming coarser and more variable with depth. Nitrogen and carbon content ranged from < 0.01 to 0.42% and < 0.01 to 7.08%, respectively, and exhibited a strong trend of decreasing nutrient content with depth. In contrast, P concentrations averaged 574 mg/kg and did not vary systematically. Systematic variations in texture and nutrient content with depth largely corresponded to stratigraphic differentiation among the Camp Creek, Roberts Creek and Gunder members of the regionally recognized Holocene-age DeForest Formation. Variations in subsurface nutrient content were not found to be significantly related to present land cover, but land cover may have influenced nutrient content at the time of original sediment accumulation. Subsurface lithology and stratigraphy should be considered an important component in riparian zone studies where nutrient losses to streams via streambank erosion or groundwater discharge are assessed.  相似文献   

The effect of adding easily available and more complex carbon sources, with and without nitrogen, on fungal and bacterial growth and activity in soil were studied in the laboratory. Total microbial activity was estimated by measuring respiration, fungal growth with the acetate-in-ergosterol incorporation technique and bacterial growth with the thymidine and leucine incorporation techniques. The substrate additions consisted of glucose and cellulose, with and without nitrogen (as ammonium nitrate), and gelatine. The microbial development was followed over a 2-month period. The respiration rate increased within a few days after adding glucose, with and without nitrogen, and gelatine, initially by more than 10 times, but after 2 months no differences were seen compared with the control. Bacterial growth estimated with the thymidine and leucine incorporation techniques gave similar results. Adding glucose with nitrogen, or gelatine, increased bacterial growth within a few days up to 10 times, but even after 2 months of incubation bacterial growth rates were still about 5 times higher than in the control. Adding only glucose increased bacterial growth rates by about twice over the whole incubation period. Fungal growth rates especially increased after adding cellulose and nitrogen, although a minor increase was found after adding cellulose alone. Fungal growth rates started to increase after 10 days of incubation with cellulose. There were indications of synergistic effects in that bacterial growth increased after the fungi had started to grow after adding cellulose. Treatments resulting in high bacterial growth rates (adding easily available carbon sources) led to decreased fungal growth rates compared with the control, indicating antagonistic effects of bacteria.  相似文献   

Resource availability and limiting factors for bacterial growth during early stages of soil development (8-138 years) were studied along a chronosequence from the glacial forefield of the Damma glacier in the Swiss Alps. We determined bacterial growth (leucine incorporation) and we investigated which resource (C, N or P) limited bacterial growth in soils formed by the retreating glacier. The latter was determined by adding labile sources of C (glucose), N and P to soil samples and then measuring the bacterial growth response after a 40 h incubation period. Bacterial growth increased with increasing soil age in parallel with the build up of organic matter. However, lower bacterial growth, when standardized to the amount of organic C, was found with time since the glacier retreat, indicating decreasing availability of soil organic matter with soil age. Bacterial growth in older soils was limited by the lack of C. The bacteria were never found to be limited by only N, only P, or N + P. In the youngest soils, however, neither the addition of C, N nor P singly increased bacterial growth, while a combination of C and N did. Bacterial growth was relatively more limited by lack of N than P when the C limitation was alleviated, suggesting that N was the secondary limiting resource. The availability of N for bacterial growth increased with time, as seen by an increased bacterial growth response after adding only C in older soils. This study demonstrated that bacterial growth measurements can be used not only to indicate direct growth effects, but also as a rapid method to indicate changes in bacterial availability of nutrients during soil development.  相似文献   

An expectation in soil ecology is that a microbial communities’ fungal:bacterial dominance indicates both its response to environmental change and its impact on ecosystem function. We review a selection of the increasing body of literature on this subject and assess the relevance of its expectations by examining the methods used to determine, the impact of environmental factors on, and the expected ecosystem consequences of fungal:bacterial dominance. Considering methods, we observe that fungal:bacterial dominance is contingent on the actual measure used to estimate it. This has not been carefully considered; fungal:bacterial dominance of growth, biomass, and residue indicate different, and not directly relatable aspects, of the microbial community’s influence on soil functioning. Considering relationships to environmental factors, we found that shifts in fungal:bacterial dominance were not always in line with the general expectation, in many instances even being opposite to them. This is likely because the traits expected to differentiate bacteria from fungi are often not distinct. Considering the impact of fungal:bacterial dominance on ecosystem function, we similarly found that expectations were not always upheld and this too could be due to trait overlap between these two groups. We explore many of the potential reasons why expectations related to fungal:bacterial dominance were not met, highlighting areas where future research, especially furthering a basic understanding of the ecology of bacteria and fungi, is needed.  相似文献   

Tropical forests contain a large stock of soil carbon, but the factors that constrain its mineralization remain poorly understood. Microorganisms, when stimulated by the presence of new inputs of labile organic carbon, can mineralize (‘prime’) soil organic matter to acquire nutrients. We used stable carbon isotopes to assess how nutrient demand and soil properties constrain mineralization of added labile (sucrose) carbon and pre-existing (primed) soil carbon in tropical forest soils. In a series of lowland tropical forest soils from Panama, we found that the mineralization of fresh labile carbon was accelerated foremost by phosphorus addition, whereas the mineralization of pre-existing soil carbon was constrained foremost by nitrogen addition. However, there was variation in the relative importance of these nutrients in different soils and the largest effects on the acceleration of sucrose metabolism and constraint of priming occurred following the addition of nitrogen and phosphorus together. The respiration responses due to sucrose or primed soil carbon mineralization were reduced at pH below 4.8 and above 6.0. We conclude that in these tropical forest soils, phosphorus availability is more important in promoting microbial mineralization of sucrose carbon, whereas nitrogen availability is more important in constraining the priming of pre-existing soil organic carbon. This response likely arises because nitrogen is more closely coupled to organic matter cycling, whereas phosphorus is abundant in both organic and inorganic forms. These results suggest that the greatest impact of priming on soil carbon stocks will occur in moderately acidic tropical forest soils of low nitrogen availability. Given long-term changes in both atmospheric carbon dioxide and nitrogen deposition, the impact of priming effects on soil carbon in tropical forest soils may be partially constrained by the abundance of nitrogen.  相似文献   

The impact of protozoa on the availability of bacterial nitrogen to plants   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Summary Microbial N from 15N-labelled bacterial biomass was investigated in a microcosm experiment, in order to determine its availability to wheat plants. Sterilized soil was inoculated with either bacteria (Pseudomonas aeruginosa alone or with a suspension of a natural bacterial population from the soil) or bacteria and protozoa to examine the impact of protozoa. Plant biomass, plant N, soil inorganic N and bacterial and protozoan numbers were determined after 14 and 35 days of incubation. The protozoa reduced bacterial numbers in soil by a factor of 8, and higher contents of soil inorganic N were found in their presence. Plant uptake of N increased by 20010 in the presence of protozoa. Even though the total plant biomass production was not affected, the shoot: root ratios increased in the presence of protozoa, which is considered to indicate an improved plant nutrient supply. The presence of protozoa resulted in a 65010 increase in mineralization and uptake of bacterial 15N by plants. This effect was more pronounced than the protozoan effect on N derived from soil organic matter. It is concluded that grazing by protozoa strongly stimulates the mineralization and turnover of bacterial N. The mineralization of soil organic N was also shown to be promoted by protozoa.Communication No. 9 of the Dutch Programme on Soil Ecology of Arable Farming Systems  相似文献   

Application of C-rich plant residues can change the soil system from C-limitation for microbial growth to limitation by other nutrients. However, the initial nutrient status of the soil may interact with the added amount of residues in determining limitation. We studied this interactive effect in soils from the Harvard Forest LTER, where annual addition of N since 1988 has resulted in soils with different N-status: No N (Unfertilized), 50 (Low N) and 150 (High N) kg N ha−1. We hypothesized that adding C-rich substrate would change the soil from being C- to being N-limited for bacterial growth and that the extent of N-limitation would be higher with increasing substrate additions, while becoming less evident in soil with increasing N-status. We compared the effect of adding two C-rich substrates, starch (0, 10, 20, 40 mg g−1 soil) and straw (0, 20, 40, 80 mg g−1), incubating the soils for up to 3 and 4 weeks for starch and straw, respectively. Nutrient limitations were studied by measuring bacterial growth 3 days after adding C as glucose and N as NH4NO3 in a full factorial design. Initially bacterial growth in all soils was C-limited. As hypothesized, adding C-rich substrates removed the C-limitation, with lower amounts of starch and straw needed in the unfertilized and Low N soils than in the High N soil. Combinations of different N-status of the soil and amendment levels of starch and straw could be found, where bacterial growth appeared close to co-limited both by available C and N. However, at even higher amendment levels, presumable resulting in N-limitation, bacterial growth still responded less by adding N then C-limited soils by adding C. Thus, in a C-limited soil there appeared to be N available immediate for growth, while in an N-limited soil, easily available C was not immediately available.  相似文献   

长期施肥对西南黄壤碳氮磷生态化学计量学特征的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为了解长期不同施肥措施下黄壤碳、氮、磷生态化学计量学特征,研究以贵州黄壤长期定位试验2003~2013共11年土样为研究对象,测定分析土壤碳、氮、磷养分及生态化学计量指标变化特征,旨为黄壤培肥、增加土壤碳汇提供重要理论依据。结果表明:(1)长期不同施肥措施下,有机碳、全氮、全磷含量变化较一致,均以有机肥处理较高,且随有机肥施用量增加而增加;(2)不同处理土壤C/N、C/P、N/P比变化范围为13.49~15.58、13.72~17.86、0.99~1.28,通过各处理变异系数和碳、氮、磷两两相关分析可知,黄壤C/N比较稳定,碳氮变化一致,而C/P、N/P比变化较大;(3)C/N、C/P比与有机碳呈极显著正相关关系,N/P比与全氮呈极显著正相关关系,但相关系数各不同;(4)与中国和世界土壤C/N/P比平均水平相比,黄壤碳、氮、磷比例失衡。  相似文献   

Soil pH is one of the most influential variables in soil, and is a powerful factor in influencing the size, activity and community structure of the soil microbial community. It was previously shown in a century old artificial pH gradient in an arable soil (pH 4.0-8.3) that bacterial growth is positively related to pH, while fungal growth increases with decreasing pH. In an attempt to elucidate some of the mechanisms for this, plant material that especially promotes fungal growth (straw) or bacterial growth (alfalfa) was added to soil samples of the pH gradient in 5-day laboratory incubation experiments. Also, bacterial growth was specifically inhibited by applying a selective bacterial growth inhibitor (bronopol) along the entire pH gradient to investigate if competitive interaction caused the shift in the decomposer community along the gradient. Straw benefited fungal growth relatively more than bacterial, and vice versa for alfalfa. The general pattern of a shift in fungal:bacterial growth with pH was, however, unaffected by substrate additions, indicating that lack of a suitable substrate was not the cause of the pH effect on the microbial community. In response to the bacterial growth inhibition by bronopol, there was stimulation of fungal growth up to pH 7, but not beyond, both for alfalfa and straw addition. However, the accumulation of ergosterol (an indicator of fungal biomass) during the incubation period after adding alfalfa increased at all pHs, indicating that fungal growth had been high at some time during the 5-day incubation following joint addition of alfalfa and bronopol. This was corroborated in a time-series experiment. In conclusion, the low fungal growth at high pH in an arable soil was caused to a large extent by bacterial competition, and not substrate limitation.  相似文献   

添加葡萄糖对不同肥力黑土氮素转化的影响   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
氮是作物生长必需的大量营养元素,增施化学氮肥,是农业生产采取的主要增产措施之一。我国的氮肥消费量已占世界总消费量的约30%,但我国农业中氮素的生产效率趋于下降,而带来的农业环境污染则趋于加重。提高氮素利用率,降低其对环境的负面影响,在保障粮食安全的同时兼顾生  相似文献   

Nitrogen losses from agricultural grasslands cause eutrophication of ground- and surface water and contribute to global warming and atmospheric pollution. It is widely assumed that soils with a higher fungal biomass have lower N losses, but this relationship has never been experimentally confirmed. With the increased interest in soil-based ecosystem services and sustainable management of soils, such a relationship would be relevant for agricultural management. Here we present a first attempt to test this relationship experimentally. We used intact soil columns from two plots from a field experiment that had consistent differences in fungal biomass (68 ± 8 vs. 111 ± 9 μg C g−1) as a result of different fertilizer history (80 vs. 40 kg N ha−1 y−1 as farm yard manure), while other soil properties were very similar. We performed two greenhouse experiments: in the main experiment the columns received either mineral fertilizer N or no N (control). We measured N leaching, N2O emission and denitrification from the columns during 4 weeks, after which we analyzed fungal and bacterial biomass and soil N pools. In the additional 15N experiment we traced added N in leachates, soil, plants and microbial biomass. We found that in the main experiment, N2O emission and denitrification were lower in the high fungal biomass soil, irrespective of the addition of fertilizer N. Higher 15N recovery in the high fungal biomass soil also indicated lower N losses through dentrification. In the main experiment, N leaching after fertilizer addition showed a 3-fold increase compared to the control in low fungal biomass soil (11.9 ± 1.0 and 3.9 ± 1.0 kg N ha−1, respectively), but did not increase in high fungal biomass soil (6.4 ± 0.9 after N addition vs. 4.5 ± 0.8 kg N ha−1 in the control). Thus, in the high fungal biomass soil more N was immobilized. However, the 15N experiment did not confirm these results; N leaching was higher in high fungal biomass soil, even though this soil showed higher immobilization of 15N into microbial biomass. However, only 3% of total 15N was found in the microbial biomass 2 weeks after the mineral fertilization. Most of the recovered 15N was found in plants (approximately 25%) and soil organic matter (approximately 15%), and these amounts did not differ between the high and the low fungal biomass soil. Our main experiment confirmed the assumption of lower N losses in a soil with higher fungal biomass. The additional 15N experiment showed that higher fungal biomass is probably not the direct cause of higher N retention, but rather the result of low nitrogen availability. Both experiments confirmed that higher fungal biomass can be considered as an indicator of higher nitrogen retention in soils.  相似文献   

酸性菜园土壤养分限制因子研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Nutrient limiting factors in acidic soils from vegetable fields of the Chongqing suburbs of China were assessed by employing the systematic approach developed by Agro Services International (ASI) including soil testing, nutrient adsorption study, and pot and field experiments to verify the results of soil testing, with a conventional soil test (CST) used for comparison. The ASI method found the moderately acidic soil (W01) to be N and P deficient; the strongly acidic soil (W04) to be N, K and S deficient; and the slightly acidic soil (W09) to be N, K, S, Cu, Mn, and Zn deficient. The CST method showed that W01 had P, B and Cu deficiencies; W04 had N, P and S deficiencies; and W09 had N, P, S, B, Cu, and Zn deficiencies. There were differences between the two methods. Among the two indicator plants selected, the response of sorghum on the three representative acidic soils was more closely related to the ASI results than that of sweet pepper.  相似文献   

A sterilized, but undecomposed, organic by-product of municipal waste processing was incubated in sandy soils to compare C and N mineralization with mature municipal waste compost. Waste products were added to two soils at rates of 17.9, 35.8, 71.6, and dry weight and incubated at for 90 d. Every 30 d, nitrate and ammonium concentrations were analyzed and C mineralization was measured as total CO2-C evolved and added total organic C. Carbon mineralization of the undecomposed waste decreased over time, was directly related to application rate and soil nutrient status, and was significantly higher than C mineralization of the compost, in which C evolution was relatively unaffected across time, soils, and application rates. Carbon mineralization, measured as percentage C added by the wastes, also indicated no differences between composted waste treatments. However, mineralization as a percentage of C added in the undecomposed waste treatments was inversely related to application rate in the more productive soil, and no rate differences were observed in the highly degraded soil. Total inorganic N concentrations were much higher in the compost- and un-amended soils than in undecomposed waste treatments. Significant N immobilization occurred in all undecomposed waste treatments. Because C mineralization of the undecomposed waste was dependant on soil nutrient status and led to significant immobilization of N, this material appears to be best suited for highly degraded soils low in organic matter where restoration of vegetation adapted to nutrient poor soils is desired.  相似文献   

对盆栽烟草外源添加不同浓度植烟土壤提取物质(T1:40μg·mL-1;T2:120μg·mL-1;CK:蒸馏水对照),探讨植烟土壤提取物质对烟草生长及土壤细菌多样性的影响。结果表明,植烟土壤提取物处理使烟株生长受抑制,且随处理浓度的增加受抑制程度显著提高,具体表现为烟株变矮,叶面积变小,光合作用能力降低,且烟草的保护酶系统受到破坏,丙二醛含量随处理浓度加大而增加,T2处理的丙二醛含量是对照的3.44倍。对外源添加物质处理后烟草根际土壤微生物T-RFs分析发现,在对照检测到17个门24个纲,T1处理有14个门21个纲,T2有10个门17个纲;丰富度指数的变化也和门纲的变化一致,随着处理浓度的增加而显著降低。可见外源添加物质处理后,根际土壤细菌群落减少,多样性水平下降。对各处理的根际土壤微生物T-RFs变化与烟株生长变化进行相关性分析表明,在外源添加物质处理的土壤中存在较多的负相关T-RFs片段,且这些片段中较多为病原菌;而正相关的T-RFs片段主要存在于对照土壤中,其中有较多与土壤营养元素循环相关的微生物。本研究结果显示,在外源添加植烟土壤提取物质处理下,烟草的生长受抑制,烟草根际土壤的微生态受到破坏,且随浓度的提升而加重。因此,连作土壤中自毒物质的富集是造成烟草连作障碍的主要原因。关键词烟草连作障碍根际细菌自毒作用T-RFLP  相似文献   

The effects of temperature on the growth rate and metal toxicity in soil bacterial communities extracted from unpolluted and polluted soils were investigated using the thymidine and leucine incorporation techniques. An agricultural soil, which was contaminated in the laboratory with Cu, Cd, Zn, Ni or Pb, and an uncontaminated forest soil were used. Measurements were made at 0°C and 20°C. Leucine incorporation was found to be as sensitive to heavy metals as thymidine incorporation in the short-term trial used to indicate heavy metal tolerance. Similar IC50 values (the log of the metal concentration that reduced incorporation to 50%) were also obtained at 0 and 20°C, independently of the technique used. Metal tolerance could thus be measured using both techniques at any temperature in the range 0–20°C. In the long-term experiment different temperature-growth relationships were obtained on the basis of the rate of thymidine or leucine incorporation into bacterial assemblages from unpolluted and polluted soils, as judged from the minimum temperature values. This could not be attributed to the metal addition alone since different patterns were observed when different metals were added to the soil. Thus, the minimum temperature for thymidine incorporation was similar in Cu-polluted and unpolluted soil, while in soils polluted with Cd and Zn the minimum temperature increased by 2°C, and Ni and Pb additions increased the minimum temperature by 4°C compared to the unpolluted soil. This suggested that heavy metal pollution led to bacterial communities showing different temperature characteristics to those in the corresponding unpolluted soil. Similar observations were deduced from the minimum temperatures required for leucine incorporation. Three groups of bacterial communities were distinguished according to the growth response to temperature in polluted soils, one group in Cu-polluted soil, a second group in soil polluted with Zn and Cd, and a third group in soils polluted with Ni and Pb.  相似文献   

While experimental addition of nitrogen (N) tends to enhance soil fluxes of carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), and nitrous oxide (N2O), it is not known if lower and agronomic-scale additions of urea-N applied also enhance trace gas fluxes, particularly for semi-arid agricultural lands in the northern plains. We aimed to test if this were true at agronomic rates [low (11 kg N ha−1), moderate (56 kg N ha−1), and high (112 kg N ha−1)] for central North Dakota arable and prairie soils using intact soil cores to minimize disturbance and simulate field conditions. Additions of urea to cores incubated at 21 °C and 57% water-filled pore space enhanced fluxes of CO2 but not CH4 and N2O. At low, moderate, and high urea-N, CO2 fluxes were significantly greater than control but not fluxes of CH4 and N2O. The increases in CO2 emission with rate of urea-N application indicate that agronomic-scale N inputs may stimulate microbial carbon cycling in these soils, and that the contribution of CO2 to net greenhouse gas source strength following fertilization of semi-arid agroecosystems may at times be greater than contributions by N2O and CH4.  相似文献   

Soils with greater levels of microbial biomass may be able to release nutrients more rapidly from applied plant material. We tested the hypothesis that the indigenous soil microbial biomass affects the rate of decomposition of added green manure. Cowpea (Vigna unguiculata L.) Walp.] leaves were added to four soils with widely differing microbial biomass C levels. C and N mineralization of the added plant material was followed during incubation at 30°C for 60 days. Low levels of soil microbial biomass resulted in an initially slower rate of decomposition of soil-incorporated green manure. The microbial biomass appeared to adjust rapidly to the new substrate, so that at 60 days of incubation the cumulative C loss and net N mineralization from decomposing cowpea leaves were not significantly affected by the level of the indigenous soil microbial biomass.  相似文献   

Summary During incubation of an acid cambisol and an alkaline fluvisol, amended with glucose and nitrate, hot water soil extracts were analysed for N content, ultraviolet absorption, and fluorescence. Humic substances in the hot water extracts and in a neutral sodium pyrophosphate extract were fractionated on polyvinylpyrrolidone and measured spectroscopically. Changes in the hot water and pyrophosphate extract compositions were related to changes in microbial biomass, as estimated by substrate-induced respiration, and the hexosamine content of soil hydrolysates. During the incubation, the microbial population in each type of soil developed quite differently, according to the soil pH. Microbial growth and death in the alkaline soil sample induced a maximum of hot-water-extractable ultraviolet-absorptive non-fluorescent substances. The fluorescence of the hot water soil extract increased steadily with incubation time even after the microbial activity was reduced. A similar increase in fluorescence, in accord with the ultraviolet absorption, was found during incubation of the acid soil samples. After 95 days of incubation, the hot-water-extractable fluorescent and ultraviolet-absorptive substances were reduced. N immobilization induced an increase, and N mineralization a decrease, in dissolved organic N. The relative increase in humic substances in the hot water soil extract was much higher than in the pyrophosphate extract. Therefore, humic material, produced by microbial growth and death, is obviously extractable with hot water.  相似文献   

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