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Damping off and chronic root rot of sugar beet caused by Aphanomyces cochlioides is a major constraint in cultivation of sugar beet, with occurrence of the disease in Sweden being concentrated to specific areas. This study examined soil factors that can be used for risk assessment of Aphanomyces root rot. Soils from 134 field plots were assessed over three years for Aphanomyces root rot potential in bioassays and analysed for easily measured soil factors such as soluble nutrients, pH and soil electrical conductivity (EC). Classification of the field plots into four groups with increasing disease severity index (DSI) according to the bioassay revealed that the group with the lowest DSI (<39) had an average soil calcium (Ca) content of 430 mg/100 g and a soil EC of 1.12 mS/cm, which were significantly higher than in the groups with DSI >40. From these results, we concluded that soil Ca concentration is an easily measured factor that can be used to identify soils with an increased risk of Aphanomyces root rot. We suggest that the Ca content should be above 250 mg Ca/100 g soil to avoid problems with Aphanomyces root rot in sugar beet. To gain a more thorough understanding of the geographical variation in Aphanomyces root rot and its connection to the geological origin of the soils, a number of other soil factors were analysed in the field plots, including clay mineralogy, CEC, and particle size distribution. Aphanomyces root rot was very rare in soils with a high proportion of smectite and vermiculite relative to illite and kaolin minerals, here predominantly calcareous soils developed on clay till in south-western Scania.  相似文献   

Calcisol, ferralsol and vertisol soils, representative of different bean production areas of Villa Clara province in Cuba, were selected to determine the impact of soil type on bean hypocotyl rot severity caused by Rhizoctonia solani AG4 HGI (isolate CuVC-Rs7). In inoculated autoclaved soil, hypocotyl rot was most severe in calcisol soil, followed by ferralsol soils and then vertisol soils. In inoculated natural soils, disease severity was lower in vertisol and calcisol soils and higher in ferralsol soil, indicating that biological factors are suppressing or stimulating the pathogenic efficiency of R. solani. Native binucleate Rhizoctonia AGF, Sclerotium rolfsii and R. solani AG 4 HGI were isolated from bean plants grown in natural calcisol, vertisol and ferralsol soils, respectively. Subsequent studies about the interaction between these fungi and R. solani indicated that they were involved in the variability of disease severity caused by R. solani. The addition of R. solani AG4 HGI (isolate CuVC-Rs7) into each autoclaved soil inoculated with binucleate Rhizoctonia or S. rolfsii resulted in a reduction of disease severity caused by this pathogen while in soils inoculated with native R. solani AG4 HGI, disease severity increased. Irrespective of fungal interactions, calcisol was always the most disease conducive soil and vertisol the most disease repressive soil. The mechanisms by which native pathogenic fungi could influence disease severity caused by R. solani are discussed.  相似文献   

The potential for field soils to cause Aphanomyces root rot of pea (Pisum sativum) was estimated for a large number of samples from commercial pea fields over a period of 5 years, using a greenhouse bioassay. The aim of the research project was to gain a mechanistic understanding of soil suppressiveness to the disease. Regression analysis showed that of the measured soil variables (Ca, Mg, K, P, pH), soil Ca concentrations had the strongest (negative) correlation with disease prevalence, and also a significant negative correlation with disease severity in samples with confirmed presence of the disease. Greenhouse bioassays using a set of non-infested soils inoculated with artificially produced oospore inoculum of the casual organism Aphanomyces euteiches, showed a similar negative correlation between soil Ca content and disease severity. Disease severity was not consistently affected by soil sterilisation, but was lowered by the addition of two different Ca salts. In contrast, addition of sodium bicarbonate to two soils lowered the content of water-soluble Ca in the soils and increased disease severity. Studies of cultures of A. euteiches exposed to varying Ca concentrations in vitro showed that zoospore production was inhibited at submillimolar concentrations, while mycelial growth was stimulated or unaffected. We conclude that free Ca is a major variable controlling the degree of soil suppressiveness against A. euteiches, and that inhibition of zoospore production from oospores is a possible mechanism.  相似文献   

In Switzerland, similar types of rhizosphere pseudomonads producing the biocontrol compound 2,4-diacetylphloroglucinol (Phl) have been found in soils suppressive to Thielaviopsis basicola-mediated black root rot of tobacco as well as in conducive soils. However, most findings were based on the analysis of a limited number of Pseudomonas isolates, obtained from a single experiment and only from T. basicola-inoculated plants. Here, an approach based on denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) of dominant phlD alleles from tobacco rhizosphere provided different phlD migration patterns. Sequencing of phlD-DGGE bands revealed a novel phylogenetic cluster of phlD sequences found in both suppressive and conducive soils in addition to previously-documented phlD alleles. phlD-DGGE bands and alleles differed little from one plant to the next but more extensively from one sampling to the next during the three-year study. Three of the 13 bands and 12 of the 31 alleles were only found in suppressive soil, whereas five bands and 13 alleles were found exclusively in conducive soil. The population structure of phlD+ pseudomonads depended more on the individual soil considered and its suppressiveness status than on inoculation of tobacco with T. basicola. In conclusion, phlD-DGGE revealed additional phlD diversity compared with earlier analyses of individual Pseudomonas isolates, and showed differences in phlD+Pseudomonas population structure in relation to disease suppressiveness.  相似文献   

本研究通过对三七免耕种植的定位研究,探讨三七根腐病发病过程中的菌群变化及其与三七根腐病的相关性。结果表明:设施栽培条件下三七根际土壤中各类微生物数量及种群结构均随着季节气温而变化,其消涨变化规律与三七根腐病高发期吻合,是诱发三七根腐病发生的根本原因。进一步的研究表明三七根腐病的发生,与土壤中厌氧细菌、真菌及放线菌数量的增加及其种群数量比例变化有密切的关联性,这三类菌群的数量及其比例变化是诱导三七根腐病害发生的主要原因;土壤温度与根腐发病率没有直接的关联作用,但是温度可改变土壤微生物种群变化并导致三七根腐病的发生发展;根际土壤中好氧细菌数与厌氧细菌数比例及真菌与细菌总数比值可作为三七根腐发病及病害防治的预期参考指标。  相似文献   

Quantification of root biomass through the conventional root excavation and washing method is inefficient. A pot experiment was conducted to estimate root-derived carbon (C) in soil. Spring wheat (Triticum aestivum L. cv. ‘Quantum’) was grown in plastic containers (6 L) filled with sterilized sandy soil in a greenhouse. Plants were enriched with 13CO2 in a glass chamber twice at growth stages GS-37 and GS-59 for 70 min at each time. In one treatment, roots were separated from soil at crop maturity, washed and dried for the determination of biomass. Isotope ratios were then separately analyzed for roots and soil. In a second treatment, roots were thoroughly mixed with the whole soil and representative samples were analyzed for 13C abundance at crop maturity. Control plants were untreated with 13C, in which roots were separated from soil. The root biomass was calculated based on the root-derived C, which was measured through 13C abundance in the soil and root mixed samples. A substantial amount of root-derived C (24%) was unaccounted while separating the roots from soil. Similarly, about 36% of the root biomass was underestimated if conventional root excavation and washing method is used. It has been shown that root biomass can be estimated more accurately from the root-derived C using 13C tracer method than the estimates made by the conventional excavation and washing method. We propose this as an alternative method for the estimation of root-derived C in soil, based on which root biomass can be estimated.  相似文献   

Summary Phytophthora root rot of alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) is a serious problem in wet soils. This disease is caused by Phytophthora megasperma f. sp. medicaginis. The influence of soil-water interactions with P. megasperma f. sp. medicaginis and other factors on the severity of phytophthora root rot of mature alfalfa plants (10–12 weeks) was studied in greenhouse experiments. Severe and reproducible root rot was produced by subsurface (3–4 cm) placement of mycelial suspension. Soil saturation 3 days prior to inoculation followed by alternating 3-day wet (soil saturation) and 4-day dry (surface watering once a day) moisture regimes (for 30–40 days following inoculation) resulted in severe root damage.The severity of root rot was greater when the inoculation was done at an ambient temperature of 20°C than at 15°C. Water quality (tap water or deionized distilled water) had no effect on severity of infection. The isolates PT 78-3 (Minnesota) and TN-2 (Maryland) were equally effective in terms of severity of damage.The impact of excess soil water stress (described above) alone on the shoot and root dry weight as well as on shoot symptoms was similar to that of root rot stress. However, root symptoms showed a marked difference. A close examination of root symptoms is highly recommended to differentiate clearly the plant injury due to root rot from that due to excess soil water stress.  相似文献   

A cultivation-based approach was used to determine the in vitro antagonistic potential of soil bacteria towards Rhizoctonia solani AG3 and Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. lini (Foln3). Four composite soil samples were collected from four agricultural sites with previous documentation of disease suppression, located in France (FR), the Netherlands (NL), Sweden (SE) and the United Kingdom (UK). Similarly, two sites from Germany (Berlin, G-BR; and Braunschweig, G-BS) without documentation of disease suppression were sampled. Total bacterial counts were determined by plating serial dilutions from the composite soil samples onto R2A, AGS and King's B media. A total of 1,788 isolates (approximately 100 isolates per medium and site) was screened for antifungal activity, and in vitro antagonists (327 isolates) were found amongst the dominant culturable bacteria isolated from all six soils. The overall proportion of antagonists and the number of isolates with inhibitory activity against F. oxysporum were highest in three of the suppressive soils (FR, NL and SE). Characterization of antagonistic bacteria revealed a high phenotypic and genotypic diversity. Siderophore and protease activity were the most prominent phenotypic traits amongst the antagonists. The composition and diversity of antagonists in each soil was site-specific. Nevertheless, none of the antimicrobial traits of bacteria potentially contributing to soil suppressiveness analyzed in this study could be regarded as specific to a given site.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate the potentials and limitations in restoring soil suppressiveness in disturbed soils. Soils from three sites in UK and Switzerland (STC, REC, THE) differing in their level of suppressiveness to soil-borne and air-borne diseases were γ-irradiated and this soil matrix was re-inoculated with 1% (w/w) of either parent native soil or native soil from the other sites (‘soil inoculum’). Suppressiveness to air-borne and soil-borne diseases was quantified by means of the host-pathogen systems Lepidium sativum (cress)-Pythium ultimum, an oomycete causing root rot and seedling damping-off, and Arabidopsis thaliana-Hyaloperonospora parasitica, an oomycete causing downy mildew. Soil microbial biomass, activity and community structure, as determined by phospholipid fatty acid (PLFA) profiles, were measured in native, γ-irradiated, and re-inoculated soils. Both, L. sativum and A. thaliana were highly susceptible to the pathogens if grown on γ-irradiated soils. Re-inoculation completely restored suppressiveness of soils to the foliar pathogen H. parasitica, independently of soil matrix or soil inoculum, whereas suppressiveness to P. ultimum depended on the soil matrix and, to a lesser extent, on the soil inoculum. However, the soil with the highest inherent suppressiveness did not reach the initial level of suppressiveness after re-inoculation. In addition, native microbial populations as defined by microbial biomass, activity and community structure, could not be fully restored in re-inoculated soils. As for suppressiveness to P. ultimum, the soil matrix, rather than the source of soil inoculum was identified as the key factor for re-establishing the microbial community structure. Our data show that soils do not or only slowly fully recover from sterilisation by γ-irradiation, indicating that agricultural soil management practices such as soil fumigation or heat treatments frequently used in vegetable cropping should be avoided.  相似文献   

The incidence and severity of pepper Capsicum annuum to phytophthora root rot caused by Phytophthora infestan in Southwestern Nigeria was investigated. Root rot incidence and severity was significantly reduced with increase in the plant age. The highest level of root rot, of 81.7% and 67.6% obtained in 4 and 6 weeks old pepper plants were reduced to 25% and 5% in 10 and 12 weeks old pepper plants respectively. The resistance of the pepper plant to root rot severity increased with age. The result also showed that amendments of the soil with chicken manure wood ash and neem leaf suppressed the root rot incidence and severity of disease in the pepper plant.  相似文献   

A low glucosinolate content (21.8 μmol g−1) Brassica napus seed meal (RSM) applied to orchard soils altered communities of both pathogenic and saprophytic soil micro-organisms. RSM amendment reduced infection by native and introduced isolates of Rhizoctonia spp. and recovery of Pratylenchus spp. from apple roots. Root infection by Rhizoctonia solani AG-5 was also suppressed in split-root assays where a portion of the root system was cultivated in RSM-amended soils and the remainder grown in the presence of the pathogen but lacking RSM. R. solani hyphal growth was not inhibited by RSM amendment. Suppression of Pratylenchus was attained to an equivalent extent by amending soils with either RSM or soybean meal (SM) when applied to provide a similar N content. Thus, glucosinolate hydrolysis products did not appear to have a significant role in the suppression of Rhizoctonia spp. or Pratylenchus spp. obtained via RSM amendment. RSM amendment elevated populations of Pythium spp. and of ammonia-oxidizing bacteria that release nitric oxide but suppressed fluorescent pseudomonad numbers. Streptomyces spp. soil populations increased significantly in response to RSM but not SM amendment. The vast majority of Streptomyces spp. recovered from the apple rhizosphere produced nitric oxide and possessed a nitric oxide synthase homolog. We propose that transformations in the bacterial community structure are associated with the observed control of Rhizoctonia root rot, with NO production by soil bacteria potentially having a role in the induction of plant systemic resistance.  相似文献   

根腐病是严重威胁三七生产的重要因素之一,常年发病率在5%~20%。其中,由假单胞杆菌(Pseudomon adaceae)引起的细菌性根腐病,因叶片出现缺水萎蔫症状时才能发现,目前尚无有效的预防措施。为探究细菌性根腐病对三七光合生理特性的影响,从而为三七病害生理学研究提供理论基础,本文以2年生三七为材料,设置2个处理[发病植株和健康对照植株(CK)],研究细菌性根腐病对三七形态结构、光合特性和光系统功能的影响。结果表明:1)根腐病导致三七的主根褐变腐烂,须根断损,茎基部腐烂中空,叶片萎蔫,各器官含水量比CK显著降低(P≤0.05);而株高、叶面积和叶片解剖结构(上表皮厚度、下表皮厚度、栅栏组织厚度和海绵组织厚度)在两处理间均无显著差异。2)发病植株叶片叶绿素含量、净光合速率(P_n)、气孔导度(G_s)、水分利用效率(WUE)和表观叶肉导度(AMC)显著低于CK(P≤0.05),且CK叶片胞间CO_2浓度(C_i)与P_n呈反比。3)发病植株叶片的光系统Ⅰ(PSⅠ)反应中心P700最大荧光信号(P_m)根腐病初期暂不受影响,而叶片暗适应下最大量子效率(F_v/F_m)、光系统Ⅱ(PSⅡ)电子传递速率[ETR(Ⅱ)]、PSⅡ实际光化学量子产量[Y(Ⅱ)]、PSⅠ电子传递速率[ETR(Ⅰ)]、PSⅠ周围的环式电子流(CEF)和PSⅠ实际光化学量子产量[Y(Ⅰ)]均显著低于CK(P≤0.05);参与调节性能量耗散的量子产量[Y(NO)]则显著高于CK(P≤0.05);发病植株的快速叶绿素荧光动力学曲线上出现K相,且显著高于CK(P≤0.05)。总的来看,细菌性根腐病对三七发病植株各器官的损伤严重程度为根茎叶,且根腐病导致发病植株叶片叶绿素降解, PSⅡ受到不可逆损伤, PSⅠ的电子传递被抑制,且叶肉细胞CO_2的同化能力降低,根腐病限制三七正常进行光合作用的条件。  相似文献   

Clubroot disease of cruciferous plants caused by the soil-borne pathogen Plasmodiophora brassicae is difficult to control because the pathogen survives for a long time in soil as resting spores. Disease-suppressive and conducive soils were found during the long-term experiment on the impact of organic matter application to arable fields and have been studied to clarify the biotic and abiotic factors involved in the disease suppression. The fact that a large amount of organic matter, 400 t ha−1 yr−1 farmyard manure (FYM) or 100 t ha−1 yr−1 food factory sludge compost (FSC), had been incorporated for more than 15 yr in the suppressive soils and these soils showed higher pH and Ca concentration than the disease conducive soil led us to hypothesize that an increase in soil pH due to the long-term incorporation of Ca-rich organic matter might be the primary cause of the disease suppression. We have designed a highly reproducible bioassay system to examine this hypothesis. The suppressive and conducive soils were mixed with the resting spores of P. brassicae at a rate of 106 spore g−1 soil, and Brassica campestris was grown in a growth chamber for 8 d. The number of root hair infections was assessed on a microscope. It was found that the incorporation of FYM and FSC at 2.5% (w/w) to the conducive soil suppressed the infection and that the finer particles (?5 mm) of FSC inhibited the infection and increased soil pH more effectively. Neutralization of the conducive soil by Ca(OH)2, CaCO3 and KOH suppressed the infection, but the effectiveness of KOH was less than those of Ca(OH)2 and CaCO3. Acidification of the suppressive soils by H2SO4, promoted the infection. The involvement of soil biota in the disease suppression was investigated using the sterilized (γ-ray irradiation) suppressive soils with respect to soil pH. The γ-ray irradiation promoted the infection at pH 5.5, but no infection was observed at pH 7.4 irrespective of the sterilization status. All these observations suggest that soil pH is a major factor in disease suppression by organic matter application and that Ca and soil biota play certain roles in the suppression under the influence of soil pH.  相似文献   

Based on the enclosed chamber method, soil respiration measurements of Leymus chinensis populations with four planting densities (30, 60, 90 and 120 plants/0.25 m2) and blank control were made from July 31 to November 24, 2003. In terms of soil respiration rates of L. chinensis populations with four planting densities and their corresponding root biomass, linear regressive equations between soil respiration rates and dry root weights were obtained at different observation times. Thus, soil respiration rates attributed to soil microbial activity could be estimated by extrapolating the regressive equations to zero root biomass. The soil microbial respiration rates of L. chinensis populations during the growing season ranged from 52.08 to 256.35 mg CO2 m−2 h−1. Soil microbial respiration rates in blank control plots were also observed directly, ranging from 65.00 to 267.40 mg CO2 m−2 h−1. The difference of soil microbial respiration rates between the inferred and the observed methods ranged from −26.09 to 9.35 mg CO2 m−2 h−1. Some assumptions associated with these two approaches were not completely valid, which might result in this discrepancy. However, these two methods' application could provide new insights into separating root respiration from soil microbial respiration. The root respiration rates of L. chinensis populations with four planting densities could be estimated based on measured soil respiration rates, soil microbial respiration rates and corresponding mean dry root weight, and the highest values appeared at the early stage, then dropped off rapidly and tended to be constant after September 10. The mean proportions of soil respiration rates of L. chinensis populations attributable to the inferred and the observed root respiration rates were 36.8% (ranging from 9.7 to 52.9%) and 30.0% (ranging from 5.8 to 41.2%), respectively. Although root respiration rates of L. chinensis populations declined rapidly, the proportion of root respiration to soil respiration still increased gradually with the increase of root biomass.  相似文献   

为探讨小麦化感作用机理,以强化感小麦‘115/青海麦’、‘92L89’和弱化感小麦‘抗10103’材料,设置小麦根水提液浓度为0%、0.2%、1.0%和5.0%的水培试验,测定了看麦娘根系对小麦根水提液化感作用的生理响应。结果表明,小麦根水提液处理显著抑制了看麦娘根的生长,根鲜重抑制率随处理浓度的升高而增大,强化感小麦的抑制率高于弱化感小麦。当处理浓度达5.0%时,不同化感小麦间无显著差异。‘115/青海麦’、‘92L89’和‘抗10103’根水提液处理后,看麦娘的根系活力的抑制率分别为52.0%~59.6%、46.5%~55.0%和27.2%~44.7%,但前二者间无显著差异;看麦娘根系中可溶蛋白含量、SOD、POD、CAT活性及MDA含量显著升高;SOD和POD活性大小均表现为‘115/青海麦’‘92L89’≈‘抗10103’;CAT活性随处理浓度的升高显著增大,但不同品种小麦间无显著差异。‘115/青海麦’、‘92L89’和‘抗10103’根水提液处理的看麦娘根系MDA含量依次是对照的10.9~25.5倍、5.9~24.2倍和1.2~6.8倍。小麦化感作用引起看麦娘根系细胞膜脂氧化胁迫,并诱导看麦娘根系抗氧化物质类黄酮和总酚含量的合成。可见,降低根系活力、增强保护酶系统活性及抗氧化物质代谢是看麦娘应答小麦化感作用的生理响应。  相似文献   

Biserrula pelecinus is a pasture legume species new to Australian agriculture. The potential N benefit from B. pelecinus pastures in agricultural systems may not be realised if its symbiotic interactions with Mesorhizobium spp. are not well understood. This study evaluated the symbiotic interactions of four strains of Biserrula root-nodule bacteria (WSM1271, WSM1283, WSM1284, WSM1497) with four genotypes of B. pelecinus (cv. Casbah, 93GRC4, 93ITA33, IFBI1) and with a range of related legumes, including species known to be nodulated by strains of Mesorhizobium loti and other Mesorhizobium spp. Structures of root nodules were studied using light and electron microscopy enabling the ultrastructure of effective and ineffective nodules to be compared. B. pelecinus always formed typical indeterminate, finger-like nodules. The number of bacteroids inside symbiosomes varied between host×strain combinations, however, nodules formed by ineffective associations had well developed peribacteroid membranes and abundant bacteroids. Considerable variation was found in N2-fixing effectiveness of strains isolated from B. pelecinus on the four B. pelecinus genotypes. Strains WSM1271, WSM1284 and WSM1497 nodulated Astragalus membranaceus, only strains WSM1284 and WSM1497 nodulated Astragalus adsurgens. Strain WSM1284 also nodulated Dorycnium rectum, Dorycnium hirsutum, Glycyrrhiza uralensis, Leucaena leucocephala, Lotus edulis, Lotus glaber, Lotus maroccanus, Lotus ornithopodioides, Lotus pedunculatus, Lotus peregrinus, Lotus subbiflorus and Ornithopus sativus. The four strains from B. pelecinus did not nodulate Amorpha fruticosa, Astragalus sinicus, Cicer arietinum, Hedysarum spinosissimum, Lotus parviflorus, Macroptilium atropurpureum or Trifolium lupinaster. M. loti strain SU343 nodulated all four genotypes of B. pelecinus. However, M. loti strain CC829 only nodulated B. pelecinus genotypes 93ITA33 and IFBI1 and the nodules were ineffective. The root nodule isolates from H. spinosissimum (E13 and H4) nodulated B. pelecinus cv. Casbah whereas the commercial inoculant strain for Cicer (CC1192) could not nodulate any genotype of B. pelecinus. These results indicate that strains WSM1271, WSM1283 and WSM1497 isolated originally from B. pelecinus have a specific host range while strain WSM1284 is promiscuous in its capacity to nodulate with a broad range of related species. As B. pelecinus can be nodulated by Mesorhizobium spp. from other agricultural legumes, particularly Lotus, there is an opportunity to utilise this trait in cultivar development.  相似文献   

Elevated aluminum (Al) availability limits plant growth on acidic soils. Although this element is found naturally in soils, acidic conditions create an environment where Al solubility increases and toxic forms of Al impact plant function. Plant resistance to Al is often attributed to organic acid exudation from plant roots and the chelation of cationic Al in the rhizosphere. The association of arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi with the roots of plants may alleviate Al toxicity by altering soil Al availability or plant exposure through the binding of Al to fungal structures or through the influence of fungi on exudation from roots. Diverse communities of AM fungi are found in soil ecosystems and research suggests that AM fungi exhibit functional diversity that may influence plant performance under varying edaphic environments. In the present study, we evaluated acidic isolates of six AM species in their responses to Al. Andropogon virginicus (broomsedge), a warm-season grass that commonly grows in a range of stressful environments including acidic soils, was used as a plant host for Acaulospora morrowiae, Glomus claroideum, Glomus clarum, Glomus etunicatum, Paraglomus brasilianum, and Scutellospora heterogama. Fungal spores were germinated and exposed to 0 or 100 μM Al on filter paper in sand culture or were grown and exposed to Al in sand culture in association with A. virginicus. Short- and long-term responses to Al were evaluated using direct measurements of fungal spore germination, hyphal elongation, and measurements of A. virginicus colonization and plant growth as a phytometer of AM function in symbio. Spore germination and hyphal elongation varied among AM species in response to Al, but patterns were not consistent with the influences of these AM species on A. virginicus under Al exposure. Exposure to Al did not influence colonization of roots, although large differences existed in colonization among fungal species. Plants colonized by G. clarum and S. heterogama exhibited the least reduction in growth when exposed to Al, produced the highest concentrations of Al-chelating organic acids, and had the lowest concentrations of free Al in their root zones. This pattern provides evidence that variation among AM fungi in Al resistance conferred to their plant hosts is associated with the exudation of Al-binding organic acids from roots and highlights the role that AM fungal diversity may play in plant performance in acidic soil environments.  相似文献   

Although root cap cells are an important substrate for microorganisms in the rhizosphere, little attention has been paid to the decomposition of sloughed root cap cells by microorganisms. This study used rice plant callus cells grown on medium containing 13C-labelled glucose as a model material for rice plant root cap cells. Harvested 13C-labelled callus cells (78 atom % 13C) were subjected to decomposition in an aerobic soil microcosm for 56 days. The low cellulose and lignin levels and the disaggregated nature of the callus cells indicated that these cells were an appropriate model material for root cap cells. DNA was extracted from a soil incubated with 12C- and 13C-callus cells and subjected to buoyant density gradient centrifugation to identify bacterial species that assimilated carbon from the callus cells. The stability of the total bacterial communities during the incubation was estimated. Many DGGE bands in light fractions of soil incubated with 13C-callus cells were weaker in intensity than those from soil incubated with 12C-callus cells, and those bands were shifted to heavier fractions after 13C-callus treatment. 13C-labelled DNA was detected from Day 3 onwards, and the DGGE bands in the heavy fractions were most numerous on Day 21. DGGE bands from heavy and light fractions were sequenced, revealing more than 70% of callus- C incorporating bacteria were Gram-negative, predominantly α-Proteobacteria, β-Proteobacteria, γ-Proteobacteria, Sphingobacteria and Actinobacteria. These species were phylogenetically distinct from the bacteria reported to be present during plant residue decomposition and resident in rice roots. This study indicates that root cap cells are decomposed by specific bacterial species in the rhizosphere, and that these species augment the diversity of rhizospheric bacterial communities.  相似文献   

不同覆盖措施对枸杞根系生长和土壤环境的影响   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
耐旱枸杞是西北干旱地区重要的经济作物,为了进一步了解不同覆盖时间和覆盖材料对枸杞土壤环境和水分利用的影响,为枸杞抗旱节水栽培与水分高效利用研究提供理论依据,以3年生‘宁杞1号’为试验材料,研究了秸秆和地膜在春季和秋季进行覆盖后,枸杞根系生理特性和分布、土壤储水量和温度等根系和土壤环境的变化规律。结果表明:地膜和秸秆覆盖都可以提高土壤储水量,秋季覆盖更有利于冬季水分储存,使土壤储水量在早春分别增大到裸地对照的117.1%和114.4%;地膜和秸秆秋季覆盖使土壤平均温度比裸地对照高18.0%和7.1%,春季覆盖使平均温度比裸地对照分别高6.4%和2.3%;不同覆盖处理均可以增大根系比导率年平均值,秋季覆膜比导率变化最显著,达裸地对照的109.95%,春季覆秸秆比导率变化最小,仅为裸地对照的100.3%;覆盖处理在低温季节可以使根系活力升高,而在高温季节可以使根系活力降低;根冠比在秋季和春季覆膜后变化最显著,分别为裸地对照的87.42%和90.35%;表层0~20cm和水平距离40~60cm处,细根分布比例最大的均为秋季覆膜,分别达裸地对照的133.5%和116.7%,细根分布比例最小的均为春季秸秆覆盖。综合分析表明,覆盖模式与植株根系的生长、分布和土壤水分状况密切相关,使土壤环境和根系分布发生变化,更有利于利用土壤浅层和横向较远处的水分和营养物质。  相似文献   

Astragalus mongholicus has been of medicinal use within the traditional Chinese system for centuries. However, little information is available on its allelopathic effects on other crop plants and soil biochemical properties. Field experiment showed that the extracted residues of A. mongholicus root inhibited seed germination of wheat. Inhibition of seed germination was further confirmed in laboratory using the same crude extract. When the crude extract was applied to soil at various rates and incubated for 30 days, soil urease activity and denitrifying enzyme activity were significantly increased while soil nitrification rate was significantly decreased at 10% amendment rate as compared to the control. Soil respiration rate was significantly increased by the crude extract when measured at the start of incubation but returned to basal levels after 30 days of incubation. The crude extract supplemented to NB medium significantly decreased the colony numbers of Agrobacterium tumefaciens C58, Paraccocus denitrificans and soil bacteria. The stimulating effects of crude extract observed in the amended soil was attributed to the easily-available carbohydrates in the extract, which might served as external energy sources for heterotrophic microbial activities. It was concluded that A. mongholicus contained some compounds that inhibited seed germination, soil nitrification and bacterial growth in general. Possible links between allelochemicals responsible for the inhibitory effects observed in the present study and the medically bioactive compounds are discussed based on information reported in other fields. Further work is needed to specify and verify the allelochemicals produced by this herbal plant.  相似文献   

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