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We characterized soil cation, carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) transformations within a variety of land use types in the karst region of the northeastern Dominican Republic. We examined a range of soil pools and fluxes during the wet and dry seasons in undisturbed forest, regenerating forest and active agricultural sites within and directly adjacent to Los Haitises National Park. Soil moisture, soil organic matter (SOM), soil cations, leaf litter C and pH were significantly greater in regenerating forest sites than agricultural sites, while bulk density was greater in active agricultural sites. Potential denitrification, microbial biomass C and N, and microbial respiration g−1 dry soil were significantly greater in the regenerating forest sites than in the active agricultural sites. However, net mineralization, net nitrification, microbial biomass C, and microbial respiration were all significantly greater in the agricultural sites on g−1 SOM basis. These results suggest that land use is indirectly affecting microbial activity and C storage through its effect on SOM quality and quantity. While agriculture can significantly decrease soil fertility, it appears that the trend can begin to rapidly reverse with the abandonment of agriculture and the subsequent regeneration of forest. The regenerating forest soils were taken out of agricultural use only 5-7 years before our study and already have soil properties and processes similar to an undisturbed old forest site. Compared to undisturbed mogote forest sites, regenerating sites had smaller amounts of SOM and microbial biomass N, as well as lower rates of microbial respiration, mineralization and nitrification g−1 SOM. Initial recovery of soil pools and processes appeared to be rapid, but additional research must be done to address the long-term rate of recovery in these forest stands.  相似文献   

Fires in grasslands significantly alter nutrient cycling processes. Seasonal climatic changes can interact with fire to further modify nutrient cycling processes. To investigate the effects of fire on soil nitrogen transformation processes and their seasonal change and interannual variability in a typical steppe in Inner Mongolia, we determined the rates of net nitrogen mineralization and nitrification over two growing seasons and a winter following a prescribed spring fire in May 2006. Fire significantly decreased rates of both net nitrogen mineralization and net nitrification during the first growing season and winter following burning. Cumulative net nitrogen mineralization in unburned and burned plots in the 2006 growing season was 133% and 183% higher, respectively, than in the drier 2007 growing season. Nitrogen mineralization apparently occurred in winter and the cumulative net nitrogen mineralization from October 2, 2006, to April 27, 2007 in unburned and burned plots amounted to 1.18 ± 0.25 g N m−2 and 0.51 ± 0.08 g N m−2, respectively. Cumulative net nitrogen mineralization was higher in a wet 2006 than in a dry 2007 growing season, indicating that the net N mineralization rate was sensitive to soil moisture in a dry season. Our study demonstrated that a one-time prescribed fire decreased net N mineralization rates only for a short period of time after burning while interannual variation in climate had more significant effects on the process of nitrogen mineralization.  相似文献   

In situ denitrification (DNT) and denitrification enzyme activity (DEA) were measured in a Mediterranean riparian forest soil during two periods under contrasting soil moisture conditions in order to investigate the factors that affect denitrification through the year. Results showed that in summer, soil moisture limited denitrification throughout the entire soil profile, whereas in winter, anaerobic conditions in the soil were more favourable for denitrifiers. The potential for denitrification was larger at shallow depths (<30 cm), and neither nitrate nor organic carbon limited denitrification significantly. Some denitrification was measured during winter at depths below 30 cm, suggesting that a reduction of groundwater nitrate could occur in some areas of this riparian forest during the wet period. In summer, low denitrification, together with high mineralization rates, brought about an increase of soil N, which could be leached to the stream channel during rainfall events. This study suggests that Mediterranean riparian soils act as sources or sinks of dissolved nitrogen depending on the period of the year.  相似文献   

The harvester termite, Anacanthotermes ubachi Navas (Hodotermitidea) occurs throughout the desert regions of Israel. This species nests in subsurface galleries where dead plant material, the termite's main food source, and feces are stored. We measured potential net nitrogen (N) mineralization and nitrification and soil respiration in 7-day laboratory incubations of plant litter at different stages of termite processing, termite feces and termite gallery soil (carton) following wetting. Our objectives were (1) to characterize the amount of potential N release from termite-affected plant and soil materials, (2) to evaluate the potential for leaching of N from the galleries and (3) to make a preliminary evaluation of the importance of termites to the carbon (C) and N cycles of the Negev desert. Two distinct phases were seen in the dynamics of inorganic N during the 7 day incubations: (1) release of N following wetting and (2) immobilization of N from day 1 to day 7 of the incubation. The percent of inorganic N produced in 1 day that disappeared by day 7 was significantly higher in the surface and gallery litter in comparison to the feces and the carton. High levels of nitrate (NO3: 87.5 g N kg−1) compared to ammonium (NH4+: 4.5 g N kg−1) release from the surface and gallery litter samples suggest that there is a potential for leaching of NO3 from the galleries to surrounding environments. Gallery litter, i.e. litter that had been processed by termites, released significantly less inorganic N and had a higher C:N ratio than surface litter that had not been affected by termite activity. These results suggest that termites actively remove N for their own nutrition, leaving behind litter of lower quality than was produced by plants. Comparison of the C:N ratios of litter and feces suggest that approximately 80% of the C and 65% of the N in the surface and the gallery litter was decomposed and released in the transformation to feces. Given mean annual biomass production in the study site (740 kg ha−1 with 296 kg C ha−1 and 6.6 kg N ha−1), this decomposition represents a release of 237 kg C ha−1 and 4.3 kg N ha−1, supporting the idea that termites function as keystone species in desert ecosystems.  相似文献   

Changes of land-use type (LUT) can affect soil nutrient pools and cycling processes that relate long-term sustainability of ecosystem, and can also affect atmospheric CO2 concentrations and global warming through soil respiration. We conducted a comparative study to determine NH4+ and NO3 concentrations in soil profiles (0–200 cm) and examined the net nitrogen (N) mineralization and net nitrification in soil surface (0–20 cm) of adjacent naturally regenerated secondary forests (NSF), man-made forests (MMF), grasslands and cropland soils from the windy arid and semi-arid Hebei plateau, the sandstorm and water source area of Beijing, China. Cropland and grassland soils showed significantly higher inorganic N concentrations than forest soils. NO3-N accounted for 50–90% of inorganic N in cropland and grassland soils, while NH4+-N was the main form of inorganic N in NSF and MMF soils. Average net N-mineralization rates (mg kg1 d1) were much higher in native ecosystems (1.51 for NSF soils and 1.24 for grassland soils) than in human disturbed LUT (0.15 for cropland soils and 0.85 for MMF soils). Net ammonification was low in all the LUT while net nitrification was the major process of net N mineralization. For more insight in urea transformation, the increase in NH4+ and, NO3 concentrations as well as C mineralization after urea addition was analyzed on whole soils. Urea application stimulated the net soil C mineralization and urea transformation pattern was consistent with net soil N mineralization, except that the rate was slightly slower. Land-use conversion from NSF to MMF, or from grassland to cropland decreased soil net N mineralization, but increased net nitrification after 40 years or 70 years, respectively. The observed higher rates of net nitrification suggested that land-use conversions in the Hebei plateau might lead to N losses in the form of nitrate.  相似文献   

Forests naturally maintained by stand-replacing wildfires are often managed with clearcut harvesting, yet we know little about how replacing wildfire with clearcutting affects soil processes and properties. We compared the initial recovery of carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) pools and dynamics following disturbance in jack pine (Pinus banksiana) stands in northern Lower Michigan, USA, by sampling soils (Oa+A horizons) from three “treatments”: 3-6-year-old harvest-regenerated stands, 3-6-year-old wildfire-regenerated stands and 40-55-year-old intact, mature stands (n=4 stands per treatment). We measured total C and N; microbial biomass and potentially mineralizable C and N; net nitrification; and gross rates of N mineralization and nitrification. Burned stands exhibited reduced soil N but not C, whereas clearcut and mature stands had similar quantities of soil organic matter. Both disturbance types reduced microbial biomass C compared to mature stands; however, microbial biomass N was reduced in burned stands but not in clearcut stands. The experimental C and N mineralization values were fit to a first-order rate equation to estimate potentially mineralizable pool size (C0 and N0) and rate parameters. Values for C0 in burned and clearcut stands were approximately half that of the mature treatment, with no difference between disturbance types. In contrast, N0 was lowest in the wildfire stands (170.2 μg N g−1), intermediate in the clearcuts (215.4 μg N g−1) and highest in the mature stands (244.6 μg N g−1). The most pronounced difference between disturbance types was for net nitrification. These data were fit to a sigmoidal growth equation to estimate potential NO3 accumulation (Nitmax) and kinetic parameters. Values of Nitmax in clearcut soils exceeded that of wildfire and mature soils (149.2 vs. 83.5 vs. 96.5 μg NO3-N g−1, respectively). Moreover, the clearcut treatment exhibited no lag period for net NO3 production, whereas the burned and mature treatments exhibited an approximate 8-week lag period before producing appreciable quantities of NO3. There were no differences between disturbances in gross rates of mineralization or nitrification; rather, lower NO3 immobilization rates in the clearcut soils, 0.20 μg NO3 g−1 d−1 compared to 0.65 in the burned soils, explained the difference in net nitrification. Because the mobility of NO3 and NH4+ differs markedly in soil, our results suggest that differences in nitrification between wildfire and clearcutting could have important consequences for plant nutrition and leaching losses following disturbance.  相似文献   

Stable 15N isotope dilution and tracer techniques were used in cultivated (C) and uncultivated (U) ephemeral wetlands in central Saskatchewan, Canada to: (1) quantify gross mineralization and nitrification rates and (2) estimate the relative proportion of N2O emissions from these wetlands that could be attributed to denitrification versus nitrification-related processes. In-field incubation experiments were repeated in early May, mid-June and late July. Mean gross mineralization and nitrification rates (10.3 and 3.1 mg kg−1 d−1, respectively) did not differ between C and U wetlands on any given date. Despite these similarities, the mean NH4+ pool size in the U wetlands (17.2 mg kg−1) was two to three times that of the C wetlands (6.7 mg kg−1) whereas the mean NO3 pool size in U wetlands (2.2 mg kg−1) was less than half that of C wetlands (5.8 mg kg−1). Mean N2O emissions from the C wetlands decreased from 112.8 to 17.0 ng N2O m2 s−1 from May to July, whereas mean U-wetland N2O emissions ranged only from 31.8 to 51.1 ng N2O m2 s−1 over the same period. This trend is correlated to water-filled pore space in C wetlands, demonstrating a soil moisture influence on emissions. Denitrification is generally considered the dominant emitter of N2O under anaerobic conditions, but in the C wetlands, only 49% of the May emissions could be directly attributed to denitrification, decreasing to 29% in July. In contrast, more than 75% of the N2O emissions from the U wetlands arose from denitrification of the soil NO3 pool throughout the season. These land use differences in emission sources and rates should be taken into consideration when planning management strategies for greenhouse gas mitigation.  相似文献   

More than 200,000 ha of short rotation Eucalyptus globulus plantations have been established in south-western Australia to supply wood for the pulp and paper industries. Sustaining the productivity of these tree crops over successive rotations will depend in part on maintenance of soil fertility, especially soil nitrogen (N) supply. We investigated the impact of four alternative strategies for management of harvest residues on soil N dynamics in recently logged first rotation plantations. The experiments were conducted over 5 years following harvesting at two sites with contrasting soils—a coarse textured grey sand over laterite (Podzol) with low natural fertility and a relatively fertile red earth soil (Ferralsol). At the grey sand site, 31 t ha−1 of residues containing 219 kg N ha−1 were deposited following harvest while at the red earth site the equivalent figures were 51 t ha−1 of residues and 347 kg N ha−1. Experimental treatments applied included residues burned, removed, retained and retained with double the amount of residues. The impact of treatments on soil nitrogen supply was investigated by incubating intact soil cores in the field to determine rates of net N mineralization. Additionally, the effect of treatments on soil moisture and temperature, the resident pool of soil mineral N and the amount of N potentially available for mineralization was assessed. The mulching effect of retained residues resulted in higher soil moisture where residues had been retained and a trend for soil on these treatments to dry out more slowly with the onset of the dry summer season, especially in the first year following harvest. Diurnal variations in soil temperature were moderated and average soil temperatures were reduced during summer where residues were retained. Concentrations of mineral N in soil were high in the 2 years following harvest at both sites and declined as newly established seedlings developed. At the more fertile site, where mineral N occurred predominantly as nitrate, retention of residues resulted in lower pools of soil mineral N following harvest. The effect of residue treatments on soil mineral N pools was less marked at the grey sand site. Concentrations of potentially mineralizable soil N and the amounts of N mineralized annually were greater where residues were retained at both sites. The results indicate that retention of harvest residues will favour the conservation of N following logging. However, accumulation of soil mineral N following harvesting due to reduced plant uptake will result in leaching of N early in the rotation that is largely independent of residue management. Retaining harvest residues will contribute to enhanced N supply for the next tree crop through mineralization in the long term. However, on some sites, additions of nitrogenous fertilizers will still be required to maximise the rate of tree growth.  相似文献   

The impact of land-use change on soil nitrogen (N) transformations was investigated in adjacent native forest (NF), 53 y-old first rotation (1R) and 5 y-old second rotation (2R) hoop pine (Araucaia cunninghamii) plantations. The 15N isotope dilution method was used to quantify gross rates of N transformations in aerobic and anaerobic laboratory incubations. Results showed that the land-use change had a significant impact on the soil N transformations. Gross ammonification rates in the aerobic incubation ranged between 0.62 and 1.78 mg N kg−1 d−1, while gross nitrification rates ranged between 2.1 and 6.6 mg N kg−1 d−1. Gross ammonification rates were significantly lower in the NF and the 1R soils than in the 2R soils, however gross nitrification rates were significantly higher in the NF soils than in the plantation soils. The greater rates of gross nitrification found in the NF soil compared to the plantation soils, were related to lower soil C:N ratios (i.e. more labile soil N under NF). Nitrification was found to be the dominant soil N transformation process in the contrasting forest ecosystems. This might be attributed to certain site conditions which may favour the nitrifying community, such as the dry climate and tree species. There was some evidence to suggest that heterotrophic nitrifiers may undertake a significant portion of nitrification.  相似文献   

Urban regions of southern California receive up to 45 kg N ha-1 y-1 from nitrogen (N) deposition. A field decomposition study was done using 15N-labelled litter of the widespread exotic annual grass Bromus diandrus to determine whether elevated soil N is strictly from N deposition or whether N mineralization rates from litter are also increased under N deposition. Tissue N and lignin concentrations, which are inversely related in field sites with high and low N deposition, determine the rate at which N moves from plant litter to soil and becomes available to plants. The effect of soil N on N movement from litter to soil was tested by placing litter on high and low N soil in a factorial experiment with two levels of litter N and two levels of soil N. The litter quality changes associated with N deposition resulted in faster rates of N cycling from litter to soil. Concentrations of litter-derived N in total N, NH4+, NO3, microbial N and organic N were all higher from high N/low lignin litter than from low N/high lignin litter. Litter contributed more N to soil NH4+ and microbial N in high N than low N soil. At the end of the study, N mineralized from high N litter on high N soil accounted for 46% of soil NH4+ and 11% of soil NO3, compared to 35% of soil NH4+ and 6% of soil NO3 from low N litter on low N soil. The study showed that in high N deposition areas, elevated inorganic soil N concentrations at the end of the summer N deposition season are a result of N mineralized from plant litter as well as from N deposition.  相似文献   

Soils and vegetation were analyzed in 20 lodgepole pine (Pinus contorta) forest stands, varying in age from 50 to 350 years, that had initiated following stand-replacing fire. Our goal was to determine how nitrogen availability (NH4+-N) and microbial community composition varied with stand age-class and to determine whether differences could be explained by canopy, soil, or understory characteristics. Gross NH4+ mineralization was measured using laboratory isotopic pool dilution, and microbial community composition was evaluated using microbial membrane lipids. The microbial community composition of stands in the 300-350 age class was distinct from stands in younger age classes. Microbial community composition among sites varied with pH, % organic matter, and phosphorus. Gross NH4+ mineralization rates averaged 1.45±0.07 mg NH4+ kg soil−1 d−1 while consumption averaged 1.37±0.20 mg NH4+ kg soil−1 d−1, resulting in low net NH4+ mineralization rates (0.08±0.18 mg NH4+ kg soil−1 d−1), but rates were not significantly different with stand age-class at p<0.05. At p<0.10, net NH4+ mineralization was significantly higher in the 300-350 age class compared to the 125-175 age class. None of the measured variables significantly explained NH4+ consumption and net mineralization patterns. However, gross NH4+ mineralization rates were best explained by information on microbial community structure (i.e. lipids). Variation among stands within a given age-classes was high, indicating that patterns of N cycling across landscapes reflect substantial heterogeneity among mature stands.  相似文献   

Ecosystem processes such as N transformations have seldom been studied in urban and suburban areas. Here we report the temporal and spatial variations in soil N measured continuously over 16 months in remnant forests dominated by northern red oak (Quercus rubraL.) along a 130 km urban-rural transect in the New York City metropolitan area. Urban, suburban and rural forests all exhibited clear seasonal patterns in soil N concentrations and transformation rates. Concentrations of extractable inorganic N were highest in early spring, while net N mineralization and nitrification rates were highest in summer. Peak N mineralization and nitrification in urban stands tended to occur a month earlier than in rural stands. Daily net N mineralization rates averaged 4.45 mg N kg−1 soil organic matter (SOM) in urban stands, 3.51 in suburban stands, and 2.49 in rural stands. In urban and suburban forests, between 23.2-73.8% of the annual net N mineralized was nitrified, but in rural forests, net nitrification was mostly below the detection limit. Annual net N mineralization rates, expressed on an areal basis (to a depth of 7.5 cm), averaged 11.6 g m−2 in urban forests, 11.3 g m−2 in suburban sites, and 7.3 g m−2 in rural forests. N returns in oak litter fall were 2.15, 1.32, and 1.81 g m−2 in urban, suburban, and rural stands, respectively. The elevated N transformation rates and nitrate production, in combination with possible pollution constraints on tree growth in urban environments, raises concern that these urban and suburban forests may be approaching an N saturated status.  相似文献   

The invasive, non-native herb, giant knotweed (Polygonum sachalinense), is becoming increasingly common in riparian corridors throughout North America and Europe. Despite its prevalence, there has been limited study of its ecological impacts. We investigated the effects of knotweed invasion on the abundance and diversity of forest understory plants, and the quantity and nutrient quality of leaf-litter inputs, in riparian forests in western Washington, USA. Among 39 sampling locations, knotweed stem density ranged from 0 to 8.8 m−2. Richness and abundance (cover or density) of native herbs, shrubs, and juvenile trees (?3 m tall) were negatively correlated with knotweed density. Where knotweed was present (>5.3 stems m−2), litter mass of native species was reduced by 70%. Carbon:nitrogen ratio of knotweed litter was 52:1, a value 38-58% higher than that of native woody species (red alder [Alnus rubra] and willow [Salix spp.]). Resorption of foliar N prior to leaf drop was 76% in knotweed but only 5-33% among native woody species. By displacing native species and reducing nutrient quality of litter inputs, knotweed invasion has the potential to cause long-term changes in the structure and functioning of riparian forests and adjacent aquatic habitats.  相似文献   

The rationale of the study was to investigate microbial activity in different soil horizons in European forests. Hence, activities of chitinase and cellulase, microbial biomass carbon (Cmic) and basal respiration were measured in litter, fragmentation, humus and mineral soil layers collected several times from various beech and spruce forests. Sites were selected to form a gradient in N availability. Analyses were also performed on beech litter from a litterbag transplant experiment. Furthermore, microbiological parameters were measured in horizons of beech and spruce chronosequence sites with different stand age in order to investigate the influence of forest rotation, and hence changes in soil organic matter (SOM) dynamics, on microbial activity. Finally in horizons of one beech forest, the seasonal variation of selected microbiological parameters was measured more intensively. β-Glucosaminidase and cellobiohydrolase activities were measured using fluorogenic 4-methylumbelliferyl substrates to estimate chitinase and cellulase activities, respectively. On a spatial scale, chitinase and cellulase activities, Cmic determined by substrate induced respiration, and basal respiration ranged from 144 to 1924 and 6-177 nmol 4-MU g−1 org-C h−1, 8-48 mg C g−1 org-C and 11-149 μg CO2-C g−1 org-C h−1, respectively; in general values were significantly lower in layers of humus and mineral soil than of litter. Chitinase activity, Cmic and basal respiration from humus and mineral soil layers, together, correlated positively, while none correlated with cellulase activity. Similarly in the litter layer, no correlations were found between the microbiological parameters. On a seasonal scale, a time lag between a burst in basal respiration rate and activities of both enzymes were observed. In general, activities of cellulase and chitinase, Cmic and basal respiration, did not change with stand age, except in the humus layer in the spruce chronosequence, where Cmic decreased with stand age. In the litter layer, cellulase activity was significantly and positively related to the C:N ratio, while only a tendency for chitinase activity was shown, indicating that enzyme activities decreased with increasing N availability. In accordance, the enzyme activities and Cmic decreased significantly with increasing chronic N deposition in the humus layer, while basal respiration only tended to decrease with increasing N deposition. In contrast, enzyme activities in beech litter from litterbags after 2 years of incubation were generally higher at sites with higher N deposition. The results show different layer-specific responses of enzyme activities to changes in N availability, indicating different impacts of N availability on decomposition of SOM and stage of litter decomposition.  相似文献   

Seasonal changes in multi-scale spatial variation in soil chemical properties, which may be controlled simultaneously by biotic and abiotic factors, have not been studied in tropical dry forests. We evaluated the spatial variation of physico-chemical soil properties, plant litter and terrain attributes at multiple scales in a tropical dry evergreen forest using multivariate geostatistics. Soil samples were collected at different depths using nested interval sampling during 1- and 10-m intervals in both the wet and dry seasons. We measured pH, exchangeable cations (Ex-K+ and Ex-Ca2+), acidity (Ex-H+ and Ex-Al3+), particle size (clay and sand contents), and forest floor mass (Oi and Oa). Pronounced spatial variation in pH was observed in surface soil (0-5 cm) but not in deeper soil (5-55 cm). Multi-scale spatial structures with short (20 m) and long (86 m) ranges were observed in the auto- and cross-variograms of soil, litter and slope gradient. Pronounced multi-scale structures were observed simultaneously in pH and Ex-Ca2+ both in the wet and dry seasons. Only a short-range structure was observed in Ex-K+ and Oa, whereas a long-range structure was pronounced in sand contents and slope gradients. Although the variograms had similar shapes between wet and dry seasons for almost all variables, the short-range structure of the cross-variogram between Oa with pH and base cations was more pronouncedly developed in the wet season than in the dry season. Scale-dependent correlation coefficients suggest that a small-scale spatial variation in pH was connected to heterogeneous litter accumulation via base-cation input, whereas long-range spatial variation was simultaneously linked to particle size and slope gradient. This multivariate geostatistical approach applied within a stand detected biotic and abiotic factors controlling spatial variation in soil properties at both short and long distances.  相似文献   

We examined denitrifying bacteria from wet soils and creek sediment in an agroecosystem in Oregon, USA that received inputs of nitrogen (N) fertilizer. Our objective was to determine the variation in denitrifying community composition and activities across three adjacent habitats: a fertilized agricultural field planted to perennial ryegrass, a naturally vegetated riparian area, and creek sediment. Using C2H2 inhibition, denitrifying enzyme and N2O-reductase activities were determined in short-term incubations of anaerobic slurries. A key gene in the denitrification pathway, N2O reductase (nosZ), served as a marker for denitrifiers. Mean denitrifying enzyme activity (DEA) was similar among habitats, ranging from 0.5 to 1.8 μg N g−1 dry soil h−1. However, the ratio of N2O production, without C2H2, to DEA was substantially higher in riparian soil (0.64±0.02; mean±standard error, n=12) than in agricultural soil (0.19±0.02) or creek sediment (0.32±0.03). Mean N2O-reductase activity ranged from 0.5 to 3.2 μg N g−1 dry soil h−1, with greater activity in agricultural soil than in riparian soil. Denitrifying community composition differed significantly among habitats based on nosZ terminal-restriction fragment length polymorphisms. The creek sediment community was unique. Communities in the agricultural and riparian soil were more closely related but distinct. A number of unique nosZ genotypes were detected in creek sediment. Sequences of nosZ obtained from riparian soil were closely related to nosZ from Bradyrhizobium japonicum. Although nosZ distribution and N2O-reductase activity differed among habitats, relationships between activity and community composition appeared uncoupled across the agroecosystem.  相似文献   

Soil respiration is an important component of terrestrial carbon cycling and can be influenced by many factors that vary spatially. This research aims to determine the extent and causes of spatial variation of soil respiration, and to quantify the importance of scale on measuring and modeling soil respiration within and among common forests of Northern Wisconsin. The potential sources of variation were examined at three scales: [1] variation among the litter, root, and bulk soil respiration components within individual 0.1 m measurement collars, [2] variation between individual soil respiration measurements within a site (<1 m to 10 m), and [3] variation on the landscape caused by topographic influence (100 m to 1000 m). Soil respiration was measured over a two-year period at 12 plots that included four forest types. Root exclusion collars were installed at a subset of the sites, and periodic removal of the litter layer allowed litter and bulk soil contributions to be estimated by subtraction. Soil respiration was also measured at fixed locations in six northern hardwood sites and two aspen sites to examine the stability of variation between individual measurements. These study sites were added to an existing data set where soil respiration was measured in a random, rotating, systematic clustering which allowed the examination of spatial variability from scales of <1 m to 100+ m. The combined data set for this area was also used to examine the influence of topography on soil respiration at scales of over 1000 m by using a temperature and moisture driven soil respiration model and a 4 km2 digital elevation model (DEM) to model soil moisture. Results indicate that, although variation of soil respiration and soil moisture is greatest at scales of 100 m or more, variation from locations 1 m or less can be large (standard deviation during summer period of 1.58 and 1.28 μmol CO2 m−2 s−1, respectively). At the smallest of scales, the individual contributions of the bulk soil, the roots, and the litter mat changed greatly throughout the season and between forest types, although the data were highly variable within any given site. For scales of 1-10 m, variation between individual measurements could be explained by positive relationships between forest floor mass, root mass, carbon and nitrogen pools, or root nitrogen concentration. Lastly, topography strongly influenced soil moisture and soil properties, and created spatial patterns of soil respiration which changed greatly during a drought event. Integrating soil fluxes over a 4 km2 region using an elevation dependent soil respiration model resulted in a drought induced reduction of peak summer flux rates by 37.5%, versus a 31.3% when only plot level data was used. The trends at these important scales may help explain some inter-annual and spatial variability of the net ecosystem exchange of carbon.  相似文献   

The influence of charcoal on biotic processes in soils remains poorly understood. Charcoal is a natural product of wildfires that burned on a historic return interval of ∼100 years in Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) forests of northern Sweden. Fire suppression and changes in forest stand management have resulted in a lack of charcoal production in these ecosystems. It is thought that charcoal may alter N mineralization and nitrification rates, however, previous studies have not been conclusive. Replicated field studies were conducted at three late-succession field sites in northern Sweden and supporting laboratory incubations were conducted using soil humus collected from these sites. We used activated carbon (AC), as a surrogate for natural-occurring fire-produced charcoal. Two rates of AC (0 and 2000 kg ha−1), and glycine (0 and 100 kg N as glycine ha−1) were applied in factorial combination to field microplots in a randomized complete block pattern. Net nitrification, N mineralization, and free phenol concentrations were measured using ionic and non-ionic resin capsules, respectively. These same treatments and also two rates of birch leaf litter (0 and 1000 kg ha−1) were applied in a laboratory incubation and soils from this incubation were extracted with KCl and analyzed for NH4+ and NO3. Nitrification rates increased with AC amendments in laboratory incubations, but this was not supported by field studies. Ammonification rates, as measured by NH4+ accumulation on ionic resins, were increased considerably by glycine applications, but some NH4+ was apparently lost to surface sorption to the AC. Phenolic accumulation on non-ionic resin capsules was significantly reduced by AC amendments. We conclude that charcoal exhibits important characteristics that affect regulating steps in the transformation and cycling of N.  相似文献   

The addition of leaf litter to soil influences both the nutrients and polyphenols of soil. It is likely that contrasting nutrient and polyphenolic composition of different plant litters may affect plant growth, mycorrhizal and soil arthropod communities. We report results from a microcosm experiment of effects of incorporation of three single leaf litter species and a mixture of all three on pitch pine seedling growth, their ectomycorrhizal community and soil arthropod community. The three litter species (pine, oak and huckleberry) represent co-dominant species within the New Jersey pine barrens ecosystem. We show that the leaf litters have different composition of nutrients and polyphenols, with rooting matrix containing pine litter having lower inorganic nitrogen content (1.6 μg g−1) than oak (19.9 μg g−1) and huckleberry (4.4 μg g−1), but oak litter having the highest extractable phosphorus (13.3 cf. 0-0.08 μg g−1) and total phenol content and lowest condensed tannin content. These differences were imparted to rooting matrix of homogenized humic (Oa) layer of pine barrens soil to which milled leaf litter was added and used in the microcosms. Pitch pine seedlings grew significantly better in un-amended rooting matrix (0.33±0.02 g) than any of the litter treatments (0.15±0.02-0.17±0.01 g) and tissue P concentrations tracked phosphate concentrations in the rooting matrix. Total P accumulation into plant tissue was higher in oak than control, attributable to a significantly higher (P<0.05) accumulation in roots (3.3±0.19 mg g−1) compared to other species (1.1±0.04-2.3±0.08 mg g−1). No relationship was seen between tissue N concentration and soil N, but seedlings growing in huckleberry litter amended soil accumulated less N than control. The effect of leaf litters on the ectomycorrhizal community composition were determined by PCA (first two axes accounted for 81% of the variance) and stepwise multiple regression analysis. These analyses showed that huckleberry leaf litter had a significant impact on mycorrhizal community composition with morphotypes Cg and DB being more abundant in the presence of huckleberry litter (178±13 cf. 68±15-106±15 for Cg and 141±11 cf. 88±23-111±18 for DB) and its influence of elevating nitrate nitrogen, organic nitrogen, total phenols and protein precipitation content of the rooting matrix. Mycorrhizal morphotypes BS and SB were significantly more abundant in the community where these soil factors were low in the absence of leaf litter addition. Total ectomycorrhizal abundance was negatively related to hydrolysable tannin concentration in the rooting matrix (r2=0.132, P<0.05). There was no influence of leaf litter type on mite density (dominated by non-burrowing phthiracarids), but collembolan density (dominated by Folsomia spp) showed a greater than threefold reduction in population density in the presence of leaf litter (F=6.47, P<0.05). Collembolan density was positively correlated with mycorrhizal morphotypes GS and SB (P<0.05) and negatively related to morphotypes DB (P<0.05) and soil extractable NH4-N (P<0.05), suggesting a possible selection of fungal species in their diet and a relationship between collembola and nitrification.  相似文献   

The influence of two experimental soil treatments, Z93 and W91, on nitrogen transformations, microbial activity and plant growth was investigated in soil microcosms. These compounds are commercially marketed fermentation products (Agspectrum) that are sold to be added to field soils in small amounts to promote nitrogen and other nutrient uptake by crops in USA. In laboratory microcosm experiments, soils were amended with finely ground alfalfa-leaves or wheat straw, or left unamended, in an attempt to alter patterns of soil nitrogen mineralization and immobilization. Soils were treated in the microcosms with Z93 and W91 at rates equivalent to the recommended field application rates, that range from 0.2 to 1.1 l ha−1, (0.005-0.03 μl g−1 soil). We measured their effects on soil microbial activity (substrate-induced respiration (SIR), dehydrogenase activity (DHA) and acid phosphatase activity (PHOS)), soil nitrogen pools (microbial biomass N, mineral N, dissolved organic N), and transformations (net N mineralization and nitrification, 15N dilution of the mineral N pool, and accumulation of mineral N on ion-exchange resins), and on wheat plant germination and growth (shoot and root biomass, shoot length, N uptake and 15N enrichment of shoot tissues), for up to 56 days after treatment. To follow the movement of nitrogen from inorganic fertilizer into plant biomass we used a 15N isotopic tracer. Most of the soil and plant responses to treatment with Z93 or W91 differed according to the type of organic amendment that was used. Soil treatment with either Z93 or W91 influenced phosphatase activity strongly but did not have much effect on SIR or DHA. Both chemicals altered the rates of decomposition and mineralization of organic materials in the soil, which was evidenced by significant increases in the rates of the decomposition of buried wheat straw, and by the acceleration of net, rates of N mineralization, relative to those of the controls. Soil nitrate availability increased at the end of the experiment in response to both chemical treatments. In alfalfa-amended soils, the final plant biomass was decreased significantly by treatment with W91. Increased plant growth and N-use efficiency in straw-amended soil, resulting from treatments with Z93 or W91, was linked to increased rates of N mineralization from indigenous soil organic materials. This supports the marketing of these compounds as promoters of N uptake at these low dosage inputs.  相似文献   

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