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To assess the potential of fatty acid (FA) compositions to act as biomarkers in the soil food web, two species of Collembola, Folsomia candida and Proisotoma minuta, were switched to four possible diets: Cladosporium cladosporioides (a common soil fungus), Panagrellus redivivus (a bacteria feeding nematode), Zea mays (maize) and Alnus glutinosa (alder). The change in FA content of the Collembola was observed over the following 39 days. The four diets produced significant shifts in the FA compositions of the Collembola, with P. redivivus causing the most extreme changes; Collembola fed P. redivivus gained complex FA compositions similar to those of the nematode diet. Changes in the relative abundances of some FAs were found to follow negative exponential curves, as the components either accumulated in, or were removed from, the FA pool in the Collembola; abundance half-lives varied between 0.5 and 22.4 days, indicating that Collembolan FA compositions changed readily with the input of new exogenous components. The results demonstrate that Collembolan FA compositions are influenced by diet, and that the abundances of FAs such as i15:0, i17:0 and 18:1(n-7) may be used as biomarkers of nematode consumption by Collembola. In contrast, the C20 polyunsaturated FAs cannot be used as biomarkers for nematode predation as Collembola possess the ability to biosynthesise high abundances of these compounds when not provided by the diet.  相似文献   

Ectomycorrhizal (EM) fungi growing in symbiosis with tree seedlings have been found in laboratory experiments to stimulate weathering and the uptake of nutrients from silicate minerals. In the present study, we used the natural abundance of strontium isotopes to confirm that these fungi obtain strontium from biotite and microcline under field conditions. Minerals enriched in radiogenic 87Sr were introduced into fungal in-growth mesh bags and placed under a 5-10 cm thick humus layer developed on boulders in a Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst) forest in south-western Sweden. EM root tips were sampled above the mesh bags and the 87Sr/86Sr ratio was used to calculate the fraction of Sr in the root tips that originated from the minerals. In the EM root tips sampled above the mesh bags containing the different minerals, 1.5% of the Sr originated from biotite and 6.4% from microcline. The amount of Sr was more than 300 times higher in the mesh bags containing microcline than in those containing biotite, indicating that proportionally more Sr was released from the biotite. This study demonstrates that EM fungi have the potential to take up measurable amounts of nutrients, such as Ca and K, from microcline and biotite in the field.  相似文献   

The influence of mycelium of two arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi, Glomus intraradices and Glomus mosseae, on other soil microorganisms, was examined in root-free soil with and without organic substrate amendment in terms of cellulose. The AM fungi were grown in symbiosis with cucumber in a compartmented growth system, which allowed AM fungal external mycelium to grow into root-free compartments. The fungicide Benomyl was applied to the root-free compartments to create an alternative non-mycorrhizal control treatment. Whole cell biomarker fatty acids were employed to quantify different groups of soil microorganisms including the two AM fungi. Abundance of most microbial groups were reduced by external mycelium of both AM fungi, though differential effects on the microbial community composition were observed between the two AM fungi as revealed from principal component analysis. Inhibition of other soil microorganisms was more pronounced in root-free soil with mycelium of G. mosseae than with mycelium of G. intraradices. In general, cellulose increased the amount of biomarker fatty acids of most groups of soil microorganisms, but cellulose did not affect the influence of AM fungi on other soil microorganisms. Benomyl suppressed growth of the external mycelium of the two AM fungi and had limited non-target effects on other microbial groups. In conclusion, our results show differential effects of external mycelium of AM fungi on other soil microbial communities, though both AM fungi included in the study overall inhibited most microbial groups as examined using whole cell biomarker fatty acids.  相似文献   

There is increasing evidence that tannins affect degradation of soil organic matter and nitrogen cycling. It is assumed that the influence of tannins on biochemical processes is partly related to their ability to precipitate proteins. However, there is almost no information about precipitation of organic nitrogen-containing compounds other than proteins. A few studies indicate that tannins can precipitate arginine, choline or chitosan. In this study we used commercial tannic acid and condensed tannins extracted from Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst) needles to investigate precipitation of a wide range of organic nitrogen compounds including amino acids (all 20 proteinaceous), peptides (insulin, oxidized glutathion, reduced glutathion, AlaAla, GlyGlu, GlyPhe, GlyGlyGly), proteins (bovine serum albumin, Rubisco i.e. d-ribulose 1,5-diphosphate carboxylase), nitrogen bases, polyamines and aminosugars (N-acetyl-d-glucosamine, chitin and chitosan). Our results showed that tannins can precipitate a subset of these compounds - of the amino acids only arginine, of the peptides studied only insulin, all the proteins, polyamines, nitrogen bases, chitin and chitosan, but not N-acetyl-d-glucosamine. Concentrations of organic nitrogen compound and tannins affected amount of these compounds in precipitates. Moreover, pH value affected precipitation. The amount of precipitated organic nitrogen compound and the amount of precipitated tannins showed positive correlation across different pH. Precipitation of organic N-containing compounds other than protein by tannins can potentially affect reactions in all biochemical mixtures including tannins and these organic nitrogen compounds, and affect soil N cycling.  相似文献   

The cell content of 12 bacterial phospholipid fatty acids (PLFA) was determined in bacteria extracted from soil by homogenization/centrifugation. The bacteria were enumerated using acridine orange direct counts. An average of 1.40×10-17 mol bacterial PLFA cell-1 was found in bacteria extracted from 15 soils covering a wide range of pH and organic matter contents. With this factor, the bacterial biomass based on PLFA analyses of whole soil samples was calculated as 1.0–4.8 mg bacterial C g-1 soil C. The corresponding range based on microscopical counts was 0.3–3.0 mg bacterial C g-1 soil C. The recovery of bacteria from the soils using homogenization/centrifugation was 2.6–16% (mean 8.7%) measured by PLFA analysis, and 12–61% (mean 26%) measured as microscopical counts. The soil content of the PLFA 18:26 was correlated with the ergosterol content (r=0.92), which supports the use of this PLFA as an indicator of fungal biomass. The ratio 18:26 to bacterial PLFA is therefore suggested as an index of the fungal:bacterial biomass ratio in soil. An advantage with the method based on PLFA analyses is that the same technique and even the same sample is used to determine both fungi and bacteria. The fungal:bacterial biomass ratio calculated in this way was positively correlated with the organic matter content of the soils (r=0.94).  相似文献   

Several soils subject to different cultivation and management practices were examined by analysis of fatty acid profiles derived from phospholipids and lipopolysaccharides, using an improved sequential method which is capable of measuring ester-linked and non-ester-linked phospholipid fatty acids (EL-PLFA, NEL-PLFA, respectively) and the hydroxy fatty acids in lipopolysaccharides. A good correlation was obtained (r>0.90) between the soil biomass and total EL-PLFA in the soils investigated, which ranged from forest soils to a variety of agricultural soils. Elucidation of the composition of the community structure was an additional task. Eukaryotes can be differentiated from bacteria by the presence of polyunsaturated and -hydroxy fatty acids, both of which were much more abundant in the OF layer of the forest soil than in the remaining samples. A relatively low proportion of monomethyl branched-chain saturated fatty acids was obtained in the forest OF horizon, these being indicators for Gram-positive bacteria and actinomycetes. Various subclasses of proteobacteria produce and mid-chain hydroxy fatty acids, which occur primarily in agricultural soils. The ratios between monounsaturated fatty acids and saturated fatty acids seem to be very useful parameters of soil environmental conditions. In addition, on the basis of the differences in composition of the NEL-PLFA and hydroxy fatty acids of lipopolysaccharides, clear indications for the community structure of various soils were obtained. In the forest soils much more abundant anaerobic micro-organisms and relatively less abundant proteobacteria were present than in the other soils. In the cultivated soils, however, the proportion of Gram-negative bacteria was considerably higher. Furthermore, eukaryotes appeared to be pre-dominant in the soils once used for a manure deposit site.  相似文献   

The influence of organic matter on the interactions between external mycelium of the arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungus Glomus intraradices, the bacterium Burkholderia cepacia and other soil microorganisms was studied in a root-free sand environment. Organic matter amendment, in terms of ground barley leaves, markedly increased the growth of the external mycelium of G. intraradices as estimated both with the fatty acid biomarker 16:1ω5 and hyphal length measurements. Mycelial proliferation of G. intraradices in sand with organic matter was unaffected by both inoculation with B. cepacia and a soil filtrate containing a mixed population of indigenous microorganisms. On the other hand, in the absence of organic matter, both inoculation with B. cepacia and the soil filtrate reduced the growth of G. intraradices, as estimated with measurements of 16:1ω5. In contrast, B. cepacia inoculation increased hyphal length density of G. intraradices in the absence of organic matter. Overall, the presence of external mycelium of G. intraradices increased the bacterial biomass and counteracted a suppressive effect of B. cepacia on the growth of saprotrophic fungi.  相似文献   

狭鳕鱼皮脂肪酸组成分析及其营养评价   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为研究狭鳕鱼皮脂肪酸的营养价值,对狭鳕鱼皮的一般营养成分和脂质组成进行分析,同时采用气相色谱-质谱法对其脂肪酸组成进行分析和营养评价。结果表明,狭鳕鱼皮总脂含量为干重的6.09%,且总脂以甘油三酯(53.85%)和磷脂(25.54%)为主;脂肪酸组成丰富,以C16∶0、C18∶1n-9、C20∶1n-11、C20∶5n-3(EPA)和C22∶6n-3(DHA)为主,且C20∶5n-3和C22∶6n-3占总脂肪酸含量的27.64%;饱和脂肪酸、单不饱和脂肪酸和多不饱和脂肪酸三者之比为0.85∶1.00∶0.92,且脂肪酸致动脉粥样硬化指数和血栓形成指数分别为0.50和0.23,表明狭鳕鱼皮具有促进神经系统发育以及降血脂、抗动脉粥样硬化和抗血栓形成等功效。本研究为狭鳕鱼皮的营养评价及其产品的高值化综合利用提供理论依据。  相似文献   

A germplasm collection consisting of 1475 entries from 21 species of Brassica, including 36 lower taxa, was evaluated for the fatty acid composition of the seed oil. A total of 358 entries representing the taxonomic variability in the collection were selected and analysed by gas-liquid chromatography (GLC). The remaining 1117 entries were analysed by near-infrared reflectance spectroscopy (NIRS), after developing multi-species calibration equations. The results demonstrated that NIRS is an effective technique to assess variability for oleic, linoleic, linolenic and erucic acid in intact-seed samples of multiple Brassica species, provided that calibration equations be developed from sets containing large taxonomic and chemical variability. Some fatty acid ratios were used to estimate the efficiency of the different biosynthetic pathways. Two well-defined patterns were observed. The first one was characterised by high elongation efficiency and accumulation of high levels of erucic acid. The highest erucic acid content (>55% of the total fatty acids) was found in the cultivated species B. napus L., B. oleracea L., and B. rapa L., and in the wild species B. incana Tenore, B. rupestris Raf., and B. villosa Bivona-Bernardi, the three latter belonging to the B. oleracea group (n=9). The second pattern was characterised by high desaturation efficiency, resulting in the accumulation of high levels of the polyunsaturated linoleic and linolenic acid (up to more than 55%). The highest levels of these fatty acids were found in samples of B. elongata Ehrh., especially of the var. integrifolia Boiss. The utility of the reported variability for plant breeding is discussed.  相似文献   

Organic acids may play a key role in rhizosphere and pedogenic processes. The effects of young trees and ectomycorrhizas on the soil solution concentrations of low molecular weight organic acids (LMWOAs) were studied in soil columns (E horizon) in the presence or absence of Pinus sylvestris and Picea abies with or without three ectomycorrhizal fungi. Several LMWOAs were identified at concentrations ranging from <0.1 to 11 μM. Compared to soil columns without tree seedlings, the presence of non-mycorrhizal or mycorrhizal tree seedlings sometimes resulted in small but statistically significant increases in citrate, formate, malonate and oxalate concentration. The general nutrient concentration and low P had little short-term effect on soil solution organic acid concentrations. The results suggest that biodegradation rather than production may be the major factor regulating soil solution organic acid concentrations.  相似文献   

为了测量从橄榄油中分提的高、低熔点油脂的脂肪酸成分,在4 000~600 cm-1 的范围测量了31个含有不同脂肪酸成分植物油的傅里叶变换红外光谱,用于建立偏最小二乘(PLS)回归分析校正模型。在油脂的傅里叶变换红外光谱变量和脂肪酸组成变量之间建立了交叉验证的PLS校正模型。为了校正油酸和亚油酸含量,在4?000~600 cm-1 的频率范围,经平滑,二阶导数,规范化处理的红外光谱获得了最好的交叉验证校正模型和最佳的预测结果。PLS校正模型预测结果表明,与高熔点橄榄油(油酸,72.29%,亚油酸,9.98%)相比,低熔点橄榄油含有较高的油酸含量和亚油酸含量(油酸,77.46%,亚油酸,12.51%),预测的结果与气相色谱测量的结果有很好的一致性。建立的PLS校正模型预测橄榄油的不饱和脂肪酸含量具有较好的相关性。该研究为分提油脂质量的判别评价提供了便捷的方法。  相似文献   

Sugar beet waste has potential value as a soil amendment and this work studied whether fermentation of the waste by Aspergillus niger would influence the growth and P uptake of arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi. Plants were grown in compartmentalised growth units, each with a root compartment (RC) and two lateral root-free compartments (RFC). One RFC contained untreated soil while the other RFC contained soil, which was uniformly mixed with sugar beet waste, either untreated (SB) or degraded by A. niger (ASB) in a rock phosphate (RP)-supplied medium. The soil in each pair of RFC was labelled with 33P and 32P in order to measure P uptake by the AM fungal mycelium, of which length density was also measured. Whole cell fatty acid (WCFA) signatures were used as biomarkers of the AM fungal mycelium and other soil microorganisms. The amount of biomarkers of saprotrophic fungi and both Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria was higher in SB than in ASB treatments. Whilst ASB increased growth and activity of AM mycelium, SB had the opposite effect. Moreover, shoot P content was increased by the addition of ASB, and by inoculation with AM fungi. Modification of soil microbial structure and production of exudates by A. niger, as a consequence of fermentation process of sugar beet waste, could possibly explain the increase of AM growth in ASB treatments. On the other hand, the highest P uptake was a result of the solubilisation of rock phosphate by A. niger during the fermentation.  相似文献   

Dissolved organic matter (DOM) derived from the humus layer under silver birch (Betula pendula Roth), Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.), and mixed stands, and from senescent birch leaves and from spruce needles of the four oldest year-growth were characterized microbiologically and chemically. Samples were collected in the autumn and the solutions were obtained by centrifugation-drainage technique. The degradability of DOM, the availability of DOM to bacteria and fungi, concentrations of phenolic compounds and carbohydrates, and the distribution of carbon and nitrogen into fractions according to the chemical nature and the molecular size were studied. DOM derived from leaves and needles was clearly more labile than DOM derived from the humus layer indicating the importance of studying the DOM originating from fresh litter when assessing the turnover of DOM.DOM derived from spruce needles appeared to differ chemically greatly from all other samples. It had very high concentrations of carbohydrates, probably due to the sampling time, and phenolic compounds. The chemical composition of DOM derived from humus layer did not reflect the composition of DOM derived from needles and leaves. DOM derived from birch leaves degraded more than DOM derived from spruce needles and DOM derived from humus layer collected at the birch sites degraded more than DOM derived from humus layer collected at the spruce sites. The degradability of different compound groups of DOC and DON was studied in a short-term incubation (20 d) of DOM solutions by characterizing the solutions initially and after the incubation. Almost all compound groups appeared to degrade but weak hydrophobic acids, bases, hydrophilic neutrals, the smallest molecular size compounds, carbohydrates, and phenolic compounds degraded the most.  相似文献   

Seedlings of Norway spruce (Picea abies [L.] Karst.), which had been grown under sterile conditions for three months, were treated for one week in a hydroculture system with either 500 μM AlCl3 or 750 μM CaCl2 solutions at pH 4. Organic acids were determined in hot‐water extracts of ground root tissue. Oxalate (3.3—6.6 μmol (g root dry weight)—1) was most abundant. Malate, citrate, formate, acetate, and lactate concentrations ranged between 1—2 μmol (g root dry weight)—1. Organic substances and phosphate found in the treatment solutions at the end of the experimental period were considered to be root exudates. Total root exudation within a 2‐day period ranged from 20—40 μmol C (g root weight)—1. In root exudates, organic acids, and total carbohydrates, total amino acids, and total phenolic substances were quantified. Citrate and malate, although present in hot‐water extracts of root tissue, were not detected in root exudates. Phosphate was released from Ca‐treated plants. In Al treatments, there was indication of Al phosphate precipitation at the root surface. Oxalate and phenolics present in the exudates of Norway spruce seedlings are ligands that can form stable complexes with Al. However, concentrations of these substances in the treatment solutions were at micromolar levels. Their importance for the protection of the sensitive root apex under natural conditions is discussed.  相似文献   

Interactions between the arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungus Glomus intraradices and bacteria from the genus Paenibacillus (P. macerans and P. polymyxa) were examined in a greenhouse pot experiment with Cucumis sativus with and without organic matter amendment (wheat bran). P. polymyxa markedly suppressed AM fungus root colonization irrespective of wheat bran amendment, whereas P. macerans only suppressed AM fungus root colonization in combination with wheat bran amendment. Dual inoculation with P. macerans and G. intraradices in combination with wheat bran amendment also caused severe plant growth suppression. Inoculation with G. intraradices was associated with increased levels of dehydrogenase activity and available P in the growth substrate suggesting that mycorrhiza formation accelerated the decomposition of organic matter resulting in mobilization of phosphorus. Inoculation with both Paenibacillus species increased all measured microbial fatty acid biomarkers in the cucumber rhizosphere, except for the AM fungus biomarker 16:1ω5, which was reduced, though not significantly. Similarly, inoculation with G. intraradices increased all measured microbial fatty acid biomarkers in the cucumber rhizosphere, except for the Gram-positive bacteria biomarker 15:0 anteiso, which was overall decreased by G. intraradices inoculation. In combination with wheat bran amendment G. intraradices inoculation caused a 39% reduction in the amount of 15:0 anteiso in the treatment with P. polymyxa, suggesting that G. intraradices suppressed P. polymyxa in this treatment. In conclusion, plant growth promoting species of Paenibacillus may have suppressive effects of AM fungi and plant growth, especially in combination with organic matter amendment. The use of an inert plant growth media in the present study allowed us to study rhizosphere microbial interactions in a relative simple substrate with limited interference from other soil biota. However, the results obtained in the present work mainly show potential interactions and should not be directly extrapolated to a soil situation.  相似文献   

利用果蔬垃圾厌氧合成中链脂肪酸(medium-chain fatty acids,MCFAs)等化学品是厌氧技术高值化的重要方向。中链脂肪酸合成通常需要以乳酸/乙醇(电子供体)和短链脂肪酸(电子受体)为碳源进行碳链延长反应。因此,利用有机废弃物连续、稳定地协同制备乳酸和短链脂肪酸是中链脂肪酸合成的关键步骤。该研究考察了果蔬垃圾重复批次发酵协同制备乳酸和短链脂肪酸(short-chain fatty acids,SCFAs)的可行性,研究了不同置换率和进料浓度对果蔬垃圾重复批次发酵产酸特性的影响。结果表明,调控重复批次发酵的置换率和进料浓度是提高生产率、改善乳酸/SCFAs比例的有效方法。综合考虑酸化产物的生产率、乳酸/SCFAs比例和碳源浓度,在70%置换率和8%进料TS(total solid)浓度条件下获得的酸化产物相对更有利于MCFAs的合成。此时,酸化产物生产率达到(5.25±0.25)g/(L·d),乳酸/SCFAs的碳摩尔比例达到5±0.3,碳源浓度达到(985±29)mmol C/L。微生物群落分析显示,乳酸菌,如LactobacillusEnterococcus作为优势菌通过异型乳酸发酵协同制备乳酸和SCFAs。研究结果可为果蔬垃圾的高值化利用提供参考。  相似文献   

This study focused on the application of native strains of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) and Sinorhizobium in effective crop production during reclamation of coal‐mine spoil banks. Two greenhouse experiments were conducted in spoil‐bank clay with a low dose of organic amendment to determine whether the microbial inoculation improves growth and utility qualities of two cultivars of Linum usitatissimum L. (oil and fiber flax). Inoculation with two native AMF isolates (Glomus mosseae, G. intraradices, and their mixture) significantly increased growth and shoot phosphorus (P) concentration of both flax cultivars. Inoculated fiber flax plants produced fivefold more fibers than the uninoculated ones. In oil flax, mycorrhizal inoculation significantly but quantitatively to a minor degree decreased the concentration of nonsaturated fatty acids in the seed oil. A mixture of five native Sinorhizobium sp. strains supported growth and P uptake of oil flax only in the absence of AMF. However, these beneficial effects of the bacteria were significantly lower as compared to AMF. No synergic action of Sinorhizobium strains and AMF was observed, and their interactions were often even antagonistic. Inoculation with AMF significantly decreased population density of Sinorhizobium in the soil. These results suggest that a careful selection of suitable bacterial strains is necessary to provide effective AMF combinations and maximize flax‐growth support.  相似文献   

The seed oil composition and content in a number of accessions from species of the genera Barbarea and Lepidium were analysed. The oil from most accessions of B. verna contained more than 50% erucic acid, while the oil from B. vulgaris contained ~ 30% erucic acid, and 22% each of oleic and linoleic acid. The oil from B. intermedia resembled that of B. verna. The oil content was ~ 30% in all three species. The oil composition of L. campestre and L. heterophyllum is ~ 35% linolenic acid and 23% erucic acid. Other Lepidium species had up to 47% linolenic acid in the oil. The oil content of L. campestre and L. heterophylhim was just below 20%, but other species had more than 30% oil in their seeds. The variation in oil composition found within and between species is considered sufficient for the breeding of valuable oil qualities in both genera.  相似文献   

产脂肪酶乳酸菌对羊肉发酵香肠脂肪酸的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
脂肪酶在肉制品加工中会影响风味物质的积累与产生,发酵肉制品生产中常通过添加产脂肪酶菌株来改善制品的风味。通过乳酸菌在代谢过程中分解三丁酸甘油酯产生透明圈的大小,判断菌株产脂肪酶的活力,同时结合脂肪酶基因Lip0069、Lip0893表达量的变化情况,筛选产脂肪酶能力较高的乳酸菌,研究该菌株对发酵香肠中脂肪酸的影响。结果表明,瑞士乳杆菌TR1-1-3代谢过程中产酶活力最强,编码脂肪酶的基因Lip0069、Lip0893表达量最高。发酵香肠试验组共检测到34种脂肪酸,其中饱和脂肪酸(Saturated Fatty Acids, SFA)16种、单不饱和脂肪酸酸(Monounsaturated Fatty Acids, MUFA)9种和多不饱和脂肪酸(Polyunsaturated FattyAcids, PUFA)9种。含量较高的MUFA主要是油酸(C18:1C9)、棕榈油酸(C16:1)、十七碳烯酸(C17:1)、肉豆蔻烯酸(C14:1)。含量较高的PUFA主要是亚油酸(C18:2C9)、亚麻酸(C18:3N6、C18:3N3)、花生四烯酸(C20:4)、二十二碳六烯酸(C22:6,Docosahexaenoic Acid,DHA)。TR1-1-3和ZF22组发酵2 d后,MUFA的含量明显上升(P<0.05)。12 d时5个试验组MUFA的含量均达到最高,其中TR1-1-3增长比例最高,且与ZR、M组差异显著(P<0.05)。TR1-1-3组发酵2 d后PUFA的含量发生了明显的变化(P<0.05),12 d时TR1-1-3组 PUFA的含量增长了54.17%,且与其他试验组相比差异显著(P<0.05)。乳酸菌TR1-1-3可降低产品中SFA在脂肪酸中所占比例,明显加快MUFA、PUFA的增加速度及其含量,可为研究改善香肠脂肪特性提供良好的前景。  相似文献   

Summary Effects of zinc (zinc chloride) added to a sandy clay loam soil on its bacterial flora were investigated by the study of cellular fatty acid composition of the isolates. The soil amended with glucose (carbon source) and ammonium sulfate (nitrogen source) was incubated in the presence (1.0 mg/g) or absence of zinc for 96 h. Bacterial strains were isolated on albumin agar from the incubated soils every 24 h. Their cellular fatty acid composition was analyzed and the strains were classified according to the percentage distribution pattern of the fatty acid composition.Two and four dominant patterns of the fatty acid composition were obtained in the isolates from the control soil and the soil with zinc added, respectively. They were different from one another. Most of the dominant strains isolated from the soil with added zinc were zinc-tolerant, and it was suggested that the selection for zinc tolerance readily proceeded.  相似文献   

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