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Intercropping has been shown to increase total yield and nutrient uptake compared to monocropping. However, depending on crop combinations, one crop may dominate and decrease the growth of the other. Interactions in the soil, especially in the rhizosphere, may be important in the interactions between intercropped plant genotypes. To assess the role of the rhizosphere interactions, we intercropped a P-inefficient wheat genotype (Janz) with either the P-efficient wheat genotype (Goldmark) or chickpea in a soil with low P availability amended with 100 mg P kg−1 as FePO4 (FeP) or phytate. The plants were grown for 10 weeks in pots where the roots of the genotypes could intermingle (no barrier, NB), were separated by a 30 μm mesh (mesh barrier, MB), preventing direct root contact but allowing exchange of diffusible compounds and microorganisms, or were completely separated by a solid barrier (SB). When supplied with FeP, Janz intercropped with chickpea had higher shoot and grain dry weight (dw) and greater plant P uptake in NB and MB than in SB. Contact with roots of Janz increased shoot, grain and root dw, root length, shoot P concentration and shoot P uptake of chickpea compared to SB. Root contact between the two wheat genotypes, Janz and Goldmark, had no effect on growth and P uptake of Janz. Shoot and total P uptake by Goldmark were significantly increased in NB compared to MB or SB. In both crop combinations, root contact significantly increased total plant dw and P uptake per pot. Plant growth and P uptake were lower with phytate and not significantly affected by barrier treatment. Differences in microbial P, available P and phosphatase activity in the rhizosphere among genotypes and barrier treatments were generally small. Root contact changed microbial community structure (assessed by fatty acid methyl ester (FAME) analysis) and all crops had similar rhizosphere microbial community structure when their roots intermingled.  相似文献   

Compared to other crops, Brassicas are generally considered to grow well in soils with low P availability, however, little is known about genotypic differences within Brassicas in this respect. To assess the role of rhizosphere properties in growth and P uptake by Brassicas, three Brassica genotypes (mustard, Brassica juncea cv Chinese greens and canola, Brassica napus cvs Drum and Outback) were grown in an acidic soil with low P availability at two treatments of added P: 25 and 100 mg P kg−1 as FePO4 (P25 and P100). The plants were harvested at the 6-leaf stage, at flowering and at maturity. Shoot and root dry weight (dry weight) and root length increased with time and were lower in P25 than in P100. In P25, shoot dry weight was lowest in Outback and highest in Chinese greens. In the P100 treatment, Chinese greens had a higher shoot dry weight than the two canola cultivars. Chinese greens had a lower root dry weight and root length at flowering and maturity than the canola genotypes in both P treatments. Irrespective of P treatment, shoot P concentration was lower in Chinese greens than in the two canola genotypes. Specific P uptake (μg P m−1 root length) decreased with time. In P25, Chinese greens had the lowest specific P uptake at the 6-leaf stage but it was higher than in the two canola genotypes at flowering and maturity. In P100, Outback had the lowest specific P uptake. Available P in the rhizosphere (resin P) decreased over time with the greatest decrease from the 6-leaf stage to flowering. In P25, resin P in the rhizosphere was greatest in Chinese greens at the 6-leaf stage and flowering and smallest in Outback at flowering. Microbial P and acid phosphatase activity changed little over time, were not affected by P treatment and there were only small differences between the genotypes. The rhizosphere microbial community composition [assessed by fatty acid methyl ester (FAME) analysis] of Outback and Chinese greens differed from that of the other two genotypes at the 6-leaf stage and flowering, respectively. At maturity, all three genotypes had distinct microbial communities. Plant traits such as production of high biomass at low shoot P concentrations as well as the capacity to maintain high P availability in the rhizosphere by P mobilisation can explain the observed differences in plant growth and P uptake among the Brassica genotypes.  相似文献   

In this study, we investigated crop yield and various chemical and microbiological properties in rhizosphere of wheat, maize, and faba bean grown in the field solely and intercropped (wheat/faba bean, wheat/maize, and maize/faba bean) in the second and third year after establishment of the cropping systems. In both years, intercropping increased crop yield, changed N and P availability, and affected the microbiological properties in rhizosphere of the three species compared to sole cropping. Generally, intercropping increased microbial biomass C, N, and P availability, whereas it reduced microbial biomass N in rhizosphere of wheat. The rhizosphere bacterial community composition was studied by denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis of 16S rRNA. In the third year of different cropping systems, intercropping significantly changed bacterial community composition in rhizosphere compared with sole cropping, and the effects were most pronounced in the wheat/faba bean intercropping system. The effects were less pronounced in the second year. The results show that intercropping has significant effects on microbiological and chemical properties in the rhizosphere, which may contribute to the yield enhancement by intercropping.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to assess the role of soil type on growth, P uptake and rhizosphere properties of wheat and canola genotypes in an alkaline soil with low P availability. Two wheat (Goldmark and Janz) and two canola genotypes (Drum and Outback) were grown in a calcareous soil (pH 8.5) at two P levels [no P addition (0P) or addition of 200 mg kg−1 P as Ca3(PO4)2 (200P)] and harvested at flowering or maturity. Shoot and root dry weight, root length and shoot P content were greater in the two canola genotypes than in wheat. There were no consistent differences in available P, microbial P and phosphatase activity in the rhizosphere of the different genotypes. Shoot P content was significantly positively correlated with root length, pH and phosphatase activity in the rhizosphere. The microbial community composition, assessed by fatty acid methylester analysis, of the canola genotypes differed strongly from that of the wheat genotypes. The weight percentage bacterial fatty acids, the bacteria/fungi (b/f) ratio and the diversity of fatty acids were greater in the rhizosphere of the canolas than in the rhizosphere of the wheat genotypes. In contrast to the earlier studies in an acidic soil, only small differences in growth and P uptake between the genotypes of one crop were detected in the alkaline soil used here. The results confirmed the importance of root length for P uptake in soils with low P availability and suggest that the rhizosphere microbial community composition may play a role in the better growth of the canola compared to the wheat genotypes.  相似文献   

The bacterium Wautersia [Ralstonia] basilensis has been shown to enhance the mycorrhizal symbiosis between Suillus granulatus and Pinus thunbergii (Japanese black pine). However, no information is available about this bacterium under field conditions. The objectives of this study were to detect W. basilensis in bulk and mycorhizosphere soils in a Japanese pine plantation in the Tottori Sand Dunes, determine the density of W. basilensis in soil, and determine the optimal cell density of W. basilensis for mycorrhizal formation in pine seedlings. We designed and validated 16S rRNA gene-targeted specific primers for detection and quantification of W. basilensis. SYBR Green I real-time PCR assay was used. A standard curve relating cultured W. basilensis cell density (103-108 cells ml−1) to amplification of DNA showed a strong linear relationship (R = 0.9968). The specificity of the reaction was confirmed by analyzing DNA melting curves and sequencing of the amplicon. The average cell density of W. basilensis was >4.8 × 107 cells g−1 of soil in the mycorrhizosphere and 7.0 × 106 cells g−1 in the bulk soil. We evaluated the W. basilensis cell density required for mycorrhizal formation using an in vitro microcosm with various inoculum densities ranging from 102 to 107 cells g−1 soil (104-109 cells ml−1). Cell densities of W. basilensis of >106 cells g−1 of soil were required to stimulate mycorrhizal formation. In vivo and in vitro experiments showed that W. basilensis was sufficiently abundant to enhance mycorrhizal formation in the mycorrhizosphere of Japanese black pine sampled from the Tottori Sand Dunes.  相似文献   

The relative importance of specific plant properties versus soil characteristics in shaping the bacterial community structure of the rhizosphere is a topic of considerable debate. Here, we report the results of a study on the bacterial composition of the rhizosphere of the wild plant Carex arenaria (sand sedge) growing at 10 natural sites in The Netherlands. The soil properties of the sandy soils at these sites were highly disparate, most notably in pH, chloride and organic matter content. Rhizosphere and bulk soil bacterial communities were examined by culture-independent means, namely, 16S rDNA-directed PCR-DGGE profiling. Large differences were observed between the bacterial communities of the different sites for both bulk and rhizosphere soil. Cluster analysis of bacterial profiles revealed that the rhizosphere community of each site was generally more closely related to the bulk soil community of that site rather than to rhizosphere communities of other sites. Hence, bacterial community structure within the rhizosphere of C. arenaria appeared to be determined to a large extent by the bulk soil community composition. This conclusion was supported by a reciprocal planting experiment, where C. arenaria shoots of different sites yielded highly similar rhizosphere communities when planted in the same soil.  相似文献   

Soil populations of Rhizobium leguminosarum bv. viciae (Rlv) that are infective and symbiotically effective on pea (Pisum sativum L.) have recently been shown to be quite widespread in agricultural soils of the eastern Canadian prairie. Here we report on studies carried out to assess the genetic diversity amongst these endemic Rlv strains and to attempt to determine if the endemic strains arose from previously used commercial rhizobial inoculants. Isolates of Rlv were collected from nodules of uninoculated pea plants from 20 sites across southern Manitoba and analyzed by plasmid profiling and PCR-RFLP of the 16S-23S rDNA internally transcribed spacer (ITS) region. Of 214 field isolates analyzed, 67 different plasmid profiles were identified, indicating a relatively high degree of variability among the isolates. Plasmid profiling of isolates from proximal nodules (near the base of the stem) and distal nodules (on lateral roots further from the root crown) from individual plants from one site suggested that the endemic strains were quite competitive relative to a commercial inoculant, occupying 78% of the proximal nodules and 96% of the distal nodules. PCR-RFLP of the 16S-23S rDNA ITS also suggested a relatively high degree of genetic variability among the field isolates. Analysis of the PCR-RFLP patterns of 15 selected isolates by UPGMA indicated two clusters of three field isolates each, with simple matching coefficients (SMCs) ≥0.95. However, to group all field isolates together, the SMC has to be reduced to 0.70. Regarding the origin of the endemic Rlv strains, there were few occurrences of the plasmid profiles of field isolates being identical to the profiles of inoculant Rlv strains commonly used in the region. Likewise, the plasmid profiles of isolates from nodules of wild Lathyrus plants located near some of the sites were all different from those of the field isolates. However, comparison of PCR-RFLP patterns suggested an influence of some inoculant strains on the chromosomal composition of some of the field isolates with SMCs of ≥0.92. Overall, plasmid profiles and PCR-RFLP patterns of the isolates from endemic Rlv populations from across southern Manitoba indicate a relatively high degree of genetic diversity among both plasmid and chromosomal components of endemic strains, but also suggest some influence of chromosomal information from previously used inoculant strains on the endemic soil strains.  相似文献   

Two indole-producing Paenibacillus species, known to be associated with propagules of arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi, were examined for their mycorrhization helper bacteria activity at pre-symbiotic and symbiotic stages of the AM association. The effects were tested under in vitro and in vivo conditions using an axenically propagated strain of the AM fungus Glomus intraradices and Glycine max (soybean) as the plant host. The rates of spore germination and re-growth of intraradical mycelium were not affected by inoculation with Paenibacillus strains in spite of the variation of indole production measured in the bacterial supernatants. However, a significant promotion in pre-symbiotic mycelium development occurred after inoculation of both bacteria under in vitro conditions. The Paenibacillus rhizosphaerae strain TGX5E significantly increased the extraradical mycelium network, the rates of sporulation, and root colonization in the in vitro symbiotic association. These results were also observed in the rhizosphere of soybean plants grown under greenhouse conditions, when P. rhizosphaerae was co-inoculated with G. intraradices. However, soybean dry biomass production was not associated with the increased development and infectivity values of G. intraradices. Paenibacillus favisporus strain TG1R2 caused suppression of the parameters evaluated for G. intraradices during in vitro symbiotic stages, but not under in vivo conditions. The extraradical mycelium network produced and the colonization of soybean roots by G. intraradices were promoted compared to the control treatments. In addition, dual inoculation had a promoting effect on soybean biomass production. In summary, species of Paenibacillus associated with AM fungus structures in the soil, may have a promoting effect on short term pre-symbiotic mycelium development, and little impact on AM propagule germination. These findings could explain the associations found between some bacterial strains and AM fungus propagules.  相似文献   

Rhizosphere enhanced biodegradation of organic pollutants has been reported frequently and a stimulatory role for specific components of rhizodeposits postulated. As rhizodeposit composition is a function of plant species and soil type, we compared the effect of Lolium perenne and Trifolium pratense grown in two different soils (a sandy silt loam: pH 4, 2.8% OC, no previous 2,4-D exposure and a silt loam: pH 6.5, 4.3% OC, previous 2,4-D exposure) on the mineralization of the herbicide 2,4-D (2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid). We investigated the relationship of mineralization kinetics to dehydrogenase activity, most probable number of 2,4-D degraders (MPN2,4-D) and 2,4-D degrader composition (using sequence analysis of the gene encoding α-ketoglutarate/2,4-D dioxygenase (tfdA)). There were significant (P<0.01) plant-soil interaction effects on MPN2,4-D and 2,4-D mineralization kinetics (e.g. T. pratense rhizodeposits enhanced the maximum mineralization rate by 30% in the acid sandy silt loam soil, but not in the neutral silt loam soil). Differences in mineralization kinetics could not be ascribed to 2,4-D degrader composition as both soils had tfdA sequences which clustered with tfdAs representative of two distinct classes of 2,4-D degrader: canonical R. eutropha JMP134-like and oligotrophic α-proteobacterial-like. Other explanations for the differential rhizodeposit effect between soils and plants (e.g. nutrient competition effects) are discussed. Our findings stress that complexity of soil-plant-microbe interactions in the rhizosphere make the occurrence and extent of rhizosphere-enhanced xenobiotic degradation difficult to predict.  相似文献   

Wheat cultivars C 306, PBW 175, HD 1553, and HD 2329 were grown in an alkaline soil with and without inorganic P fertilizer and/or farmyard manure in a pot culture experiment. Microbial biomass P (MBP) and alkaline phosphomonoesterase (APM) activities were studied in rhizosphere soils of the above wheat cultivars at different physiological stages. Root weight and P uptake were also estimated simultaneously. Higher microbial biomass P was observed at crown root initiation (CRI) stage while APM activities were higher at panicle initiation (PI) stage. The HD cultivars showed higher MBP and APM activities at PI stage, while at CRI stage, the reverse was true. Though the application of inorganic P apparently showed higher APM activity, the ratio of APM activity and microbial biomass P (APM to MBP) decreased in the presence of inorganic fertilizer P. Inorganic P compared to FYM was the more dominant factor in reducing the APM to MBP ratio. Root weight did not correlate with grain yield. From step-wise regression analysis, it was revealed that microbial biomass P at both CRI and PI stages was a significant factor in influencing the P uptake in relation to grain yield of wheat.  相似文献   

The effect of the soil yeast, Rhodotorula mucilaginosa LBA, on Glomus mosseae (BEG n°12) and Gigaspora rosea (BEG n°9) was studied in vitro and in greenhouse trials. Hyphal length of G. mosseae and G. rosea spores increased significantly in the presence of R. mucilaginosa. Exudates from R. mucilaginosa stimulated hyphal growth of G. mosseae and G. rosea spores. Increase in hyphal length of G. mosseae coincided with an increase in R. mucilaginosa exudates. No stimulation of G. rosea hyphal growth was detected when 0.3 and 0.5 ml per petri dish of yeast exudates was applied. Percentage root length colonization by G. mosseae in soybean (Glycine max L. Merill) and by G. rosea in red clover (Trifolium pratense L. cv. Huia) was increased only when the soil yeast was inoculated before G. mosseae or G. rosea was introduced. Beneficial effects of R. mucilaginosa on arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) colonization were found when the soil yeast was inoculated either as a thin agar slice or as a volume of 5 and 10 ml of an aqueous solution. R. mucilaginosa exudates (20 ml per pots) applied to soil increased significantly the percentage of AM colonization of soybean and red clover.  相似文献   

The possible transfer of genes from Bacillus thuringiensis subsp. kurstaki (Btk) to indigenous Bacillus spp. was investigated in soil samples from stands of cork oak in Orotelli (Sardinia, Italy) collected 5 years after spraying of the stands with a commercial insecticidal preparation (FORAY 48B) of Btk. Two colonies with a morphology different from that of Btk were isolated and identified as Bacillus mycoides by morphological and physiological characteristics and by 16S rDNA analysis. Amplification by the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) of the DNA of the two isolated B. mycoides colonies with primers used for the identification of the Btk cry genes showed the presence of a fragment of 238 bp of the cry1Ab9 gene that had a similarity of 100% with the sequence of the cry1Ab9 gene present in GenBank, indicating that the isolates of B. mycoides acquired part of the sequence of this gene from Btk. No cells of Btk or B. mycoides carrying the 238-bp fragment of the cry1Ab9 gene were isolated from samples of unsprayed control soil. However, the isolates of B. mycoides were not able to express the partial Cry1Ab protein. Hybridization with probes for IS231 and the cry1Ab9 gene suggested that the inverted repeated sequence, IS231, was probably involved in the transfer of the 238-bp fragment from Btk to B. mycoides. These results indicate that transfer of genes between introduced Btk and indigenous Bacillus spp. can occur in soil under field conditions.  相似文献   

This study provides evidence that egg-parasitic nematophagous fungi, Pochonia chlamydosporia, Pochonia rubescens and Lecanicillium lecanii, can also reduce root colonisation and root damage by a fungal pathogen. Interactions of nematophagous fungi with the take-all fungus, Gaeumannomyces graminis var. tritici (Ggt), and their influence on severity of the root disease it causes were studied in laboratory and pot experiments. In Petri dish experiments the three nematophagous fungi reduced colonisation of barley roots by Ggt and also reduced necrotic symptoms. On the contrary, root colonisation by nematophagous fungi was unaffected by Ggt. In growth tube experiments, the three nematophagous fungi again reduced Ggt root colonisation and increased effective root length of barley seedlings. This was true for both simultaneous and sequential inoculation of nematophagous fungi versus Ggt. In the pot experiments the inoculum of the tested fungi in soil was applied in the same pot, as a mixture or in layers, or in coupled pots used for wheat grown with a split-root system. The nematophagous fungi P. chlamydosporia (isolate 4624) and L. lecanii (isolate 4629), mixed with Ggt or in split root systems with the pathogen, promoted growth of wheat (i.e. increased shoot weight), although no disease reduction was found. In split root systems, lower levels of peroxidase activity were found in seedlings inoculated with Ggt in combination with the nematophagous isolates 4624 and 4629 than when the take-all fungus was applied alone.Our results show that nematophagous fungi reduce root colonisation by Ggt, root damage and stress induced senescence in Ggt-inoculated plants.  相似文献   

The density and diversity of Collembola of nine grassy arable fallows of different ages were investigated in a factorial design with the factors ‘plant species’ (legume: Medicago sativa, herb: Taraxacum officinale, grass: Bromus sterilis) and ‘age class’ (2-3, 6-8 and 12-15 years) including the random effect ‘site’ (1-9). In May 2008, four plots were selected randomly at each fallow. Within each plot five M. sativa, T. officinale and B. sterilis plants were extracted with their associated soil using steel cylinders. The material from each plant species was used for extraction of Collembola and for determination of environmental parameters. Thus, the new aspect of the present study compared to other field studies investigating the relationships between plant and Collembolan communities is the focus on the “micro-scale”, investigating the Collembolan communities of the soil associated with single plants.We found that species richness and density of total and euedaphic Collembola were significantly higher in B. sterilis than in T. officinale samples with the M. sativa samples being intermediate. Fine-root feeding euedaphic Collembola particularly benefited from the higher amount of fine roots in B. sterilis samples. We also discovered that the age of the fallows had no significant influence on the number of Collembolan species and the density of the Collembolan groups. Notably, however, species of the epedaphic genera Lepidocyrtus and Sminthurinus were associated with the 12-15 year-old fallows and presumably benefited from the high number of plant species in the old fallows. Finally, canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) indicated that the soil organic matter content and the microbial biomass, both potential food sources for many Collembolan species, were important structuring forces for the Collembolan communities.  相似文献   

本研究以黄淮海平原地区重要的农林复合经营模式泡桐-小麦林网复合生态系统为对象,通过对2013—2015年系统内光合有效辐射(PAR)的连续定位观测及小麦产量的调查,结合对小麦不同生育期内的PAR与小麦产量、千粒重、粒数的相关性分析,研究了系统内PAR的分布状况及小麦产量对其的响应。结果表明:PAR、透光率均随着与林带距离的增加而增加,且在10 m(约1倍树高)范围内变化显著,10 m之后增加缓慢。在所有生育期、所有测点中,透光率的最小值出现在灌浆成熟期2 m处观测点。单位面积小麦产量与小麦全生育期内的PAR、粒数和小麦扬花期内的PAR、千粒重及小麦灌浆成熟期内的PAR的相关关系均达极显著水平(r=0.918,P=0.000;r=0.926,P=0.000;r=0.922,P=0.000)。扬花期林带对小麦的遮荫直接影响小麦的粒数,灌浆成熟期林带对小麦的遮荫直接影响小麦的千粒重,系统内小麦产量的空间差异性可以通过小麦粒数和千粒重的差异来解释。小麦产量(y)与全生育期内PAR(x)的线性回归方程为:y=0.121 3x+95.117(R2=0.842)。经检验,方程的模拟值和实测值无显著差异(P=0.609),预测精度达91.8%。可以根据此方程,结合PAR观测值对系统内各点的小麦产量进行预测。本研究结果为建立泡桐-小麦林网复合生态系统整体生产力的预测模型奠定了基础,为优化泡桐林网复合生态系统结构提供理论依据。  相似文献   

For optimum production, the use of commercial rhizobial inoculant on pea (Pisum sativum L.) at seeding is necessary in the absence of compatible rhizobial strains or when rhizobial soil populations are low or symbiotically ineffective. Multiple site experiments were conducted to characterize the abundance and effectiveness of resident populations of Rhizobium leguminosarum bv. viciae (Rlv) in eastern Canadian prairie soils. A survey of 20 sites across a broad geographical range of southern Manitoba was carried out in 1998 and was followed by more intensive study of five of the sites in 1999 and 2000. Appreciable nodulation of uninoculated pea was observed at all sites which had previously grown inoculated pea. However, uninoculated pea grown at two sites, which had not previously grown pea, had negligible nodulation. Likewise, wild Lathyrus sp. and Vicia sp. plants collected from uncultivated areas adjacent to agricultural sites were poorly nodulated. In the more intensively studied sites, there was a tendency towards higher nodulation in pea plants receiving commercial inoculant containing Rlv strain PBC108 across all site-years (e.g., 4.7% in nodulation and 22% in nodule mass), but the effect was significant at only 2 of 10 site-years. Despite a relatively high range of soil pH (6-8), regression analysis indicated that decreasing soil pH resulted in lower nodulation rates. Likewise, electrical conductivity (EC) was correlated to nodulation levels, however the effect of EC was likely more indicative of the influence of soil texture and organic matter than salinity. As with nodulation, commercial inoculation tended to increase above-ground dry matter (DM) and fixed-N (estimated by the difference method) at the early pod-filling stage, but again the effects were significant at only 2 of 10 site-years. Specifically, above-ground DM and fixed-N levels were up to 29 and 51% greater, respectively, in inoculated compared to non-inoculated treatments at these sites. Addition of N-fertilizer at a rate of 100 kg N ha−1 decreased nodulation at almost all site-years (by as much as 70% at one site), but rarely resulted in increases in above-ground DM compared to inoculated plots. The study indicates for the first time that populations of infective, and generally effective strains of Rlv occur broadly in agricultural soils across the eastern Canadian prairie, but that there is a tendency for increased symbiotic efficiency with the use of commercial inoculant.  相似文献   

Sprays of commercial insecticidal preparations of the bacterium, Bacillus thuringiensis subsp. kurstaki (Btk), usually a mixture of cells, spores and parasporal crystals, have been used for the last 10 yr in Sardinia (Italy) to protect cork oak forests against the gypsy moth (Lymantria dispar L.). Until now, the protective antilepidopteran efficacies of each of the various spray treatments rather than their effects on the environment have been evaluated. Consequently, the persistence of Btk and its toxin, released in sprays (FORAY 48B®), in soils of cork oak stands, located in Orotelli, Tempio Pausania and Calangianus (Sardinia), were investigated. In the Calangianus soil, the numbers of Btk remained essentially constant for 28 months (the longest time studied) after spraying, indicating that Btk was able to compete with the indigenous microbial community; the toxin was detected 28 months after spraying by immunological assay, but at a reduced concentration; and the larvicidal activity decreased essentially linearly to 14 months and then decreased markedly between 14 and 28 months. In the Tempio Pausania and Orotelli soils, cells of Btk were detected, whereas the toxin was not detected by immunological and larvicidal assays, 52 and 88 months (the longest times studied) after spraying, respectively. The numbers of Btk cells detected were probably too low to account for the presence of the toxin in all of the soils studied, as there was no correlation between numbers of Btk and toxin detected by immunological assays (correlation coefficient of −0.66) in the Calangianus soil. Our results indicated that Btk and its toxin introduced into soils in sprays can persist for long periods (at least 88 months for Btk and at least 28 months for its toxin).  相似文献   

Phaseolus vulgaris is a legume extensively cultivated in Spain, León province being the most important producer. This province produces selected varieties of common bean highly appreciated by their quality that warrants a Protected Geographic Indication (PGI). In this work we analysed the rhizobia present in nodules of the variety “Riñón” in several soils from León province in order to select native rhizobial strains to be used as biofertilizers. The analysis of rrs and housekeeping genes of these strains showed that they belong to two phylogenetic groups within Rhizobium leguminosarum (I and II). Although the group II strains were most abundant in nodules, very effective strains were also found in group I. Strains LCS0306 from group I and LBM1123 from group II were the best nitrogen fixers among all strains isolated and were selected for field experiments. The field research showed that the biofertilization of common bean with native and selected rhizobial strains can completely replace the fertilization with chemical N fertilizers. The biofertiliser designed in such way, was valid for the whole agroecological area, regardless the specific properties of each soil and microclimatic conditions. This conclusion can be generalised as a strategy for the development of biofertilisers in different agroecological conditions worldwide.  相似文献   

Root activity and carbon metabolism in soils   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Summary Two different soils were amended with 14C-labelled plant material and incubated under controlled laboratory conditions for 2 years. Half the samples were cropped with wheat (Triticum aestivum) 10 times in succession. At flowering, the wheat was harvested and the old roots removed from the soil, so that the soil was continuously occupied by predominantly active root systems. The remaining samples were maintained without plants under the same conditions. During the initial stages of high microbial activity, due to decomposition of the labile compounds, the size of the total microbial biomass was comparable for both treatments, and the metabolic quotient (qCO2-C = mg CO2-C·mg–1 Biomass C·h–1) was increased by the plants. During the subsequent low-activity decomposition stages, after the labile compounds had been progressively mineralized, the biomass was multiplied by a factor of 2–4 in the presence of plants compared to the bare soils. Nevertheless, qCO2-C tended to reach similar low values with both treatments. The 14C-labelled biomass was reduced by the presence of roots and qCO2-14C was increased. The significance of these results obtained from a model experiment is discussed in terms of (1) the variation in the substrate originating from the roots and controlled by the plant physiology, (2) nutrient availability for plants and microorganisms, (3) soil biotic capacities and (4) increased microbial turnover rates induced by the roots.  相似文献   

The phytostimulatory PGPR Azospirillum lipoferum CRT1 was inoculated to maize seeds and the impact on the genetic structure of the rhizobacterial community in the field was determined during maize growth by Automated Ribosomal Intergenic Spacer Analysis (ARISA) of rhizosphere DNA extracts. ARISA fingerprints could differ from one plant to the next as well as from one sampling to the next. Inoculation with strain CRT1 enhanced plant-to-plant variability of the ARISA fingerprints and caused a statistically significant shift in the composition of the indigenous rhizobacterial community at the first two samplings. This is the first study on the ecological impact of Azospirillum inoculation on resident bacteria done in the field and showing that this impact can last at least one month.  相似文献   

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