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为了明确水稻不同栽培方式的主要病虫害发生为害特点,我们于1996年在宜春市春台乡张家山村花园大坪村民小组进行了水稻不同栽培方式下病虫害发生为害的系统调查,现将结果总结如下:1设计和方法设旱床育秧移栽、直播、抛秧和湿润育秧4个处理,重复3次,每个小区面积为66.7m2,各小区间作小埂分隔,调查各小区水稻主要病虫发生情况,分小区测产。2结果与分析不同栽培方式的产量水平及主要病虫发生为害情况试验结果见附表,从表中可以看出,产量水平以抛秧田为最优,其次为旱床育秧田和直播田,与湿润育秧产量差异较为明显;主要病虫发生情…  相似文献   

2009年枝江市水稻病害异常发生及原因分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
枝江市位于鄂西山区与江汉平原的过渡地带。常年水稻种植面积2.68万hm2。按播种及栽插方式分为直播田、移栽田、抛秧田、机插田等,根据田间管理前茬及时间的差异又可分为早稻、中稻、一季晚、二季晚等等。4月中旬到8月上旬均可在我市水稻田插秧。由于存在栽插时间的延长,种植田块的差异等条件,我市水稻病虫发生为害重,防治压力大,特别是2009年,水稻病害异常发生,使局部田块受害重,损失大。  相似文献   

抛秧田粳稻病虫发生特点及其防治技术   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
抛秧田粳稻病虫发生特点及其防治技术仇广灿,孙广仲,成晓松(江苏省盐城市郊区秦南病虫测报站224021)抛秧是水稻栽培技术上的一项重要改革,具有省工、节本、操作方便、易于推广、劳动强度小等优点。由于抛秧田水稻播种落谷期推迟,使生育期相应推迟,病虫发生危...  相似文献   

早稻免耕抛秧栽培病虫发生特点及原因简析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在不采取防治措施的情况下,抛秧田病虫总体发生重于插秧田。其中稻纹枯病发生从重到轻次序是常规抛秧→免耕抛秧→常规插秧;稻飞虱的发生从重到轻次序是常规抛秧→常规插秧→免耕抛秧;常规抛秧区的稻纵卷叶螟发生最重,常规插秧和免耕抛秧相当。并对这3种栽培方式病虫发生的特点及其原因进行了初步分析。  相似文献   

1996~1999年连续4年对南方抛秧稻田杂草发生规律及化学除草技术进行了研究。结果表明 :抛秧田杂草发生早、快、多 ,危害较移栽稻田严重 ,容易造成草荒。抛秧田除草要求除草剂的安全性更高、除稗效果更好。苯噻酰·苄WP用于抛秧田除草具有安全、高效、广谱、使用方便等特点 ,水稻增产明显 ,值得进行大面积示范和推广。  相似文献   

水稻抛秧技术是水稻栽培技术的一次革命,不仅可提高水稻产量,同时还可大大降低劳动强度,更重要的是可缓解水稻插秧期间与棉花营养钵移栽等争劳力的矛盾,有利于集中大部分人力抓经济作物(棉花等)的田间管理,提高了经济效益.但水稻栽培制度的改变,使水稻病虫害的发生出现了一些新的特点,针对近年来抛秧田病虫发生的特点,我们对其综合防治技术进行了研究.现将结果总结如下:  相似文献   

我站是全国病虫测报网的区域站,从1992年起在病虫观测区设立了水稻病虫自然观察田,旨在观察了解水稻病虫在自然条件下的发生发展和为害损失情况,为病虫为害损失统计和测报提供依据。1材料与方法1.1自然观察田设置从1992年起在我站观测区设置水稻病虫自然观...  相似文献   

系统观察和大田普查结果一致表明,抛秧栽培田前期稻飞虱(以白背飞虱为主)发生量明显高于常规移栽田。高峰期虫量,前者是后者的2.5倍以上。为此,初步分析了抛秧栽培田虫量较大的原因,提出了重点监测,适时早治,机动喷雾,连片防治的防治策略。  相似文献   

龙杀的除草特性及施用技术湖北省植保总站(430070)顾卫东龙杀是杜邦公司研制开发的稻田一次性新型除草剂。它的有效成分含量3575%。它适用于各种类型水稻田。包括水秧田、水直播田、普通移栽田、小苗移栽田和抛秧田。对旱秧田及旱直播田,应先试验后方可使...  相似文献   

水稻抛秧栽培操作方便、省工省力 ,近年来推广面积逐年扩大 ,但由于抛秧苗龄小 ,抛栽到封行时间长 ,故杂草发生量大 ,为害严重。为有效控制抛秧田杂草为害 ,我们于 2 0 0 3年度对 33%苯噻·异丙·苄WP防除水稻抛秧田杂草进行田间小区试验 ,以明确该药剂对水稻抛秧田杂草的防除效果 ,确定最佳使用剂量及安全性。1 材料与方法1.1 试验地概况试验地点在盐都县潘黄镇福才村 6组 ,6月 14日人工抛栽 ,施药时水稻 4叶期 ,品种为武育粳 3号 ,前茬小麦。1.2 气候及土壤资料6月 2 0日至 6月 30日平均气温 2 5 .2℃ ,最高气温 33.2℃ ,最低气温 19.…  相似文献   

Weedy rice is a conspecific weed of cultivated rice (Oryza sativa L.) and is a primary weed of direct‐seeded rice production systems worldwide. The shift in the method of establishing rice, that is, from transplanting to direct seeding, is considered the main reason for the emergence of weedy rice in Asia and, more recently, Japan. Japan has increasingly adopted directly seeded rice, even though this practice remains limited. In this study, I confirmed the relationship between weedy red rice emergence and the adoption of direct‐seeded rice in Japan. Twenty‐seven areas from eight prefectures infested with weedy rice were selected to confirm the relationship between the rice planting method and the emergence of weedy rice. Fields that were severely infested with weedy rice were selected as survey fields for this study. I found no relationship between the method of planting rice and weedy rice emergence. Changes to herbicide application, duration of rice production and hand weeding also contribute to the emergence of weedy rice in transplanted rice fields in Japan. The results of this study indicate that weedy rice could become a serious problem in Japan, even in transplanted rice fields.  相似文献   

蟹田稻由于播种、移栽期、栽培方式、水肥管理、生态环境等与常规稻相差较大,病虫发生以条纹叶枯病、三化螟较重,其他病虫均轻于常规稻。根据2a试验,提出了秧田期狠压病虫基数,中、后期主攻纹枯病、三化螟和稻飞虱的策略,并提出相应的施药时间和方法。  相似文献   

不同栽培方式对稻曲病发生程度的影响   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
王疏  秦姝  刘明霞  李颖  董海  孙柏欣 《植物保护》2010,36(6):165-167
2008年和2009年连续两年在辽宁省东港市稻区利用3个感稻曲病品种进行田间水稻不同栽培方式对稻曲病发生程度的影响试验。不同施肥方式试验结果表明:单位面积总氮肥量越大,稻曲病发生越重。在施肥总量相同的情况下,在水稻生长后期(穗肥)氮肥量增大有利稻曲病发生。不同播期、插秧期试验表明在试验条件下水稻播期、插秧期偏后,稻曲病发生有加重的趋势。不同插秧密度试验结果显示,水稻插秧密度越大,稻曲病发生相对越重。  相似文献   

The available literature on weed problems and weed control in rice fields in Malaysia is reviewed and suggestions for future research are included. The problem of weed competition with rice is of great economic importance in the country because it causes a 10–35% reduction in grain yield. About US$4.10 million is spent annually on herbicides for rice alone, and this amounts to approximately 7% of the total expenditure on herbicides. The shift in methods of rice culture from transplanting to direct seeding has magnified the weed problem. The problem of weedy rice is particularly acute in the direct-seeding rice areas. Although a number of sulfonylurea herbicides (e.g. cinosulfuron, metsulfuron, bensulfuron and pyrazosulfuron) have been found to be suitable alternatives to the old herbicide 2,4-D, an integrated weed management program must be developed in order to reduce the problem of herbicide resistance in weeds. Weed control methods that are more friendly to the environment and affordable to farmers must be sought. Weed-competitive and allelopathic rice varieties must be produced. The problem of weeds in rice calls for systematic studies on biotechnological methods of control of weedy rice. Detailed studies on the biology and ecology of notorious rice weeds, particularly Oryza sativa L. (weedy rice), Echinochloa spp., Leptochloa chinensis (L.) Nees, Fimbristylis miliacea (L.) Vahl. and Limnocharis flava (L.) Buch. need to be done in order to formulate successful weed control measures.  相似文献   

To examine the impact of weedy rice ( Oryza sativa L. f. spontanea ) populations on the growth and yield of direct-seeded and transplanted rice ( Oryza sativa ), a field experiment with a random two-factor design that included cultivation methods (direct-seeding and transplanting) and the density of weedy rice (0, 5, 25, and 125 plants per m2) was conducted. The data from the experiment showed that weedy rice had a significantly poorer performance in the direct-seeded fields than in the transplanted fields in terms of its vegetative (plant height) and reproductive traits (panicle and seed production). In contrast, with the interference of weedy rice, cultivated rice showed an improved performance in the direct-seeded fields than in the transplanted fields, with a significantly higher tiller production and grain yield. The results suggest that cultivated rice can tolerate more successfully the infestation of weedy rice in direct-seeded fields because of its enhanced competitive ability compared to that in transplanted fields.  相似文献   

47%氯吡·丙·异可湿性粉剂在水稻旱直播播后苗前、水稻立针至1叶期施用对水稻旱直播田杂草的防除效果及水稻的安全性示范结果表明,47%氯吡·丙·异可湿性粉剂2 100 g/hm~2在旱直播水稻播后苗前喷雾处理、水稻立针至1叶期喷雾处理对水稻旱直播田硬稃稗、千金子、马唐、鸭舌草、耳叶水苋、异型莎草、扁秆藨草等杂草的株防效均高于90%,鲜质量防效均高于95%,且对旱直播水稻安全。  相似文献   

在自然条件下,种植不同时间籼型杂交稻后改种常规粳稻,对粳稻田中的杂交稻自生苗展开调查,分析杂交稻自生苗中出现类似杂草稻的频率及其生物学性状,测定杂交稻自生苗对粳稻产量的影响.结果表明,在粳稻田中籼型杂交稻自生苗可以转变成类似杂草稻,即存在籼粳亚种间异交产生杂草稻的可能;连续种植杂交稻3年后改种常规粳稻田块的杂交稻自生苗密度最高,对常规粳稻产量的影响最大.  相似文献   

About 400 weed species of 73 families have been reported to occur in upland and lowland rice fields in Vietnam. Two important families are Poaceae and Cyperaceae having 42% of weed species with 21% each. The barnyardgrass, Echinochloa crus‐galli (L.) Beauv., is the most important weed in both transplanted and direct‐seeded rice in this country. The competi‐tion of 25 barnyardgrass plants/m2 causes approximately 50% yield loss. Red sprangletop, Leptochloa chinensis (L.) Nees., is an emerging major weed in direct‐seeded rice. Weedy rice (Oryza sativa L.) was detected in 1994 and is now a new dangerous pest in rice fields. The main reasons are: herbicides which can kill weedy rice completely are not available in the market, non‐chemical methods are laborious and costly, and weedy rice can develop a new generation from contaminated seeds through rice sowing or emerging from soil seed bank. Research results on the Vietnamese situation of barnyardgrass, red sprangletop and weedy rice in terms of biology and management by chemical and non‐chemical methods have been reviewed in this paper.  相似文献   

抗除草剂转基因水稻对稻纵卷叶螟田间自然种群的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
[目的]明确抗除草剂转基因水稻对非目标生物的影响。[方法]以稻纵卷叶螟为指示物种,调查其在抗除草剂转基因籼稻‘Bar68 1’稻田与非转基因亲本对照‘D68’稻田的种群密度、发育进度以及水稻的受害程度。[结果]在转基因和非转基因稻田中,除2007年水稻乳熟期外,稻纵卷叶螟幼虫的发生密度无显著差异;稻纵卷叶螟不同龄期幼虫比例(%)在转基因稻田与非转基因稻田之间表现出较高的一致性;除2007年分蘖末期外,处理与对照间的单株受害叶片数和卷叶率(%)差异均不显著;转基因水稻与对照植株的卷叶指数(%)表现基本一致。[结论]转基因抗除草剂水稻‘Bar68 1’对非目标物种稻纵卷叶螟不造成影响。  相似文献   

为明确嘧草醚及其相关除草剂混用对移栽田杂草的防效及其对水稻和后茬作物的安全性,于2018年在江西双季稻田进行了田间试验。结果表明:10%嘧草醚WP对稗Echinochloa crus-galli有优异的防除效果,有效剂量45~120 g/hm~2处理药后45 d对早稻和晚稻田稗草的防效均在90%以上,且对水稻和后茬作物油菜、白菜、紫云英、小麦和马铃薯生长安全,但对阔叶类鸭舌草和莎草类异型莎草的防效较差;10%嘧草醚WP分别与10%苄嘧磺隆WP和25 g/L五氟磺草胺OD混用,对早稻和晚稻田稗草、鸭舌草和异型莎草的防效均达91%以上,且对水稻生长安全;而与扑草净混用对杂草的防效略低,且对水稻会产生药害,严重影响产量。因此,对于以稗草为优势种群的水稻田,可选用10%嘧草醚WP 45~60 g/hm~2进行防治;对于禾本科杂草、阔叶杂草和莎草科杂草发生并重的水稻田,可选择10%嘧草醚WP 30~45 g/hm~2与10%苄嘧磺隆WP或25 g/L五氟磺草胺OD 20~30 g/hm~2混用进行治理。  相似文献   

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