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分析重庆市食用菌产业近年来区域发展现状及存在的问题,主要调查分析种植、从业技术人员、产业模式、市场供需、区域优势及制约产业发展关键问题等,结合国内产业发展趋势提出重庆食用菌产业发展对策和建议。  相似文献   

任治忠  宁平 《土壤》2012,44(6):924-932
环保产业是区域及国家环境保护的重要基础和技术保障,已成为国民经济发展中最具潜力的新的经济增长点之一.本文以云南省为例,基于区域环保产业的发展动力、规模扩大、产业结构优化,探讨了地方环保产业发展的集群模式.文章结合云南省资源开发与生态保护并进的需求,指出了云南省在清洁技术与产品研发、资源综合利用、土壤修复和环保服务业等环保产业领域发展的对策和建议,为推动区域及我国环保产业发展提供参考.  相似文献   

设施园艺工程集成模式的表达方式和评价方法   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
中国设施农业的发展模式和工程集成模式具有复杂、多样的特点,在技术路线选择、成果输出形式等方面存在较大的难度,因此权威性和系统性的成果很少。该研究在对全国20个省级地区设施园艺发展模式进行充分调研和总结的基础上,运用前期建立的设施园艺工程集成构建方法,在对技术、组织、产业模式进行标准化处理的基础上,将中国设施园艺的模式转化为27种模块化的标准化表达方式;从中选择具有较好的典型性和发展性的9种模式作为模式评价的目标;然后运用投资组合战略分析工具GE麦肯锡矩阵的原理建立起模式"先进性-现实性"动态评价矩阵;以当前和中期为时间节点,运用该评价矩阵对中国设施园艺模式进行评价,获得在未来8~10年应当重点发展和研究的3种模式,分别为市场环境、合作组织下的规模化技术模式,市场环境、企业组织下的规模化技术模式,市场环境、企业组织下的专业化技术模式。研究成果对中国设施园艺的发展具有一定的知道意义,其研究的路线、方法对农业工程其他领域的集成模式研究也有参考价值。  相似文献   

陇中黄土丘陵区小流域综合治理经济开发研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陇中黄土丘陵区是甘肃水土流失严重地区之一,重视和发展这一地区的水土保持,加快经济开发,具有重要意义。根据各类型区的不同特点,提出了适合区域发展的综合治理途径与模式。建立区域经济开发的基本架构是:依托综合防治→培育规模基地→形成产业龙头→建立流通体系→实现产业一体化。  相似文献   

在调查重庆市沙坪坝区种植食用菌的种类、产业模式、区域优势等基础上,分析沙坪坝区食用菌产业的发展现状与存在问题,提出沙坪坝发展食用菌产业的七点对策与建议。  相似文献   

介绍了现代农业园区产业协同发展的思路及生态模式,主要包括企业+园区+基地+农户模式、合作社+园区+农户模式、科研单位+园区+农户模式三种类型。同时指出发展过程中存在的问题与不足,主要体现在评价机制、制度措施、科技、品牌战略等方面。为弥补这些不足、促进现代农业园区产业协同发展,应选择合理的生态模式,并建立评价机制,完善制度措施,吸纳科技人才,树立品牌战略。  相似文献   

现代农产品加工产业升级模式构建及评价   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
中国农产品加工业进入由要素驱动到创新驱动的转变,以科技创新为核心构建产业升级模式进而引动资本进入指导行业发展意义重大。该研究从农产品加工业发展要素分析,提出现代农产品加工产业四创新,即科技创新、产业创新、市场创新、管理创新。在此基础上,利用系统学的理论、工具和方法,获得在构建科技创新系统、产业创新系统、市场创新系统、管理创新系统4个系统基础上耦合形成现代农产品加工产业升级模式的构建打下方法论的基础。按照科学性、简明性等原则,采用专家咨询法构建4个层次、19个指标的现代农产品加工产业升级模式实现度评价指标体系,运用层次分析法确定指标权重,利用模糊综合评价方法对甘薯加工企业进行实证,评价结果为2.9058,表明该模式处于中等水平,评价结果与调研结果相一致。通过评价可以找到农产品加工企业发展中存在的相对优势和劣势,找出薄弱环节。该研究结果为传统农产品加工产业转型升级提供参考。  相似文献   

品牌是带动整合乡村产业发展的根本抓手.本文概括分析了当前农产品品牌建设的困局所在,提出农产品品牌建设中由"政府主导"和"企业主营"相互协力的双轮驱动模式;在农产品区域公用品牌建设中应以省市农业服务品牌为面,省市大单品品牌为线,一县一业品牌为点,点线面结合,实现三极联动;发展农产品区域公用品牌,制定战略要寻根,铸就品牌要...  相似文献   

河北沧州国家农业科技园区发展模式探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国国家农业科技园区从2001年开始建设以来,取得了长足的发展。经过10多年的发展,许多国家农业科技园区成为了区域农业科技创新基地、区域农业新品种新技术新模式的示范基地和先进农业成果的转化基地,为区域粮食增产、农业增效和农民增收作出了重要贡献。但是,不同国家农业科技园区因建设背景、基础条件和发展方向的差异,其存在不同的发展模式,而不同的发展模式均面临一些问题。本文在借鉴前人研究成果的基础上,通过分析现有国家农业科技园区的不同发展模式及其存在的问题,结合河北沧州国家农业科技园区总体规划,从建设背景、规划思路、建设目标、功能定位、产业发展分析和功能分区及可实施的发展模式等方面阐述了河北沧州国家农业科技园区的规划思路和发展模式。河北沧州国家农业科技园区的发展模式从组织发展模式、技术运行发展模式和空间布局模式3个方面进行,是以政府引导、协会组织参与和企业(农户)为主体的组织发展模式,以专业合作社、家庭农场和科技示范户为主体的3级并行的技术运行发展模式和以圈层布局模式的核心区、示范区和辐射区的空间布局模式。该园区的组织发展以政府为主导、协会和企业参与成立园区管委会,制定相应的政策,负责园区统一规划、建设和经营。在技术运行方面,通过科技创新园研发和引进先进技术成果然后通过技术站、基地站和科技特派员对专业合作社、家庭农场、科技示范户等不同经营主体进行技术培训和示范推广。最后建立以南皮渤海粮仓试验示范区为核心区,整个沧州市为示范区,环渤海河北、山东、辽宁和天津"三省一市"的辐射区空间布局。  相似文献   

中国循环农业评价体系研究进展   总被引:9,自引:3,他引:6  
循环农业的研究与实践是当前中国农业领域的热点, 如何构建一套合理的循环农业评价体系是促进循环农业发展关键问题之一。本文梳理了近年来中国循环农业评价研究的概况, 重点分析了中国循环农业评价的内容与指标体系、评价方法等。现有循环农业评价研究主要有两类: 一是宏观层面针对国家和地区循环农业发展的综合评价, 从经济与社会发展、资源减量投入、资源循环利用和资源环境安全4个方面构建指标体系评价该区域循环农业所带来的社会、经济和生态效益, 或循环农业的有效性, 此类研究占绝大部分; 另一类是针对工业园区和企业或具体产业模式、农场, 采用系统动力学、能值、生命周期评价等系统分析方法评价不同模式的物质循环与能量流动及其对环境影响, 目前这类研究的内容和方法存在较大差异, 需要进一步探讨和深化。综合分析认为, 要构建评价指标体系, 需要在进一步明确循环农业的内涵和原理的基础上, 选择有针对性的评价指标。不同的循环农业评价指标体系因为其服务的对象及目标不同, 其构成也有所不同。针对评价对象, 在国家、区域层面和园区/企业层面的评价重点应该有所区别, 同时对于微观的循环农业发展模式/技术层面, 其评价的内容和指标也应该区别于宏观层面的评价。有针对性地构建适于不同层面的循环农业评价体系, 才能为制定科学合理循环农业发展规划提供参考。  相似文献   

The effects of whole grain wheat (WGW) flour on the quality attributes of instant fried noodles were characterized in terms of mixing and oil‐resisting properties as well as in vitro starch digestibility. Higher water absorption and shorter kneading time were required to obtain the optimally mixed dough from WGW flour, and the presence of nonstarch components in the WGW flour lowered the thermal conductivity of the noodles. The use of WGW flour produced instant fried noodles with oil uptake reduced by 30%, which could be correlated with the less porous structure confirmed by the surface and cross‐sectional scanning electron microscope images. When the instant fried noodles were subjected to in vitro starch digestion, the use of WGW flour was effective in suppressing the hydrolysis of starch in the noodles, and the predicted glycemic index of the WGW noodles (80.6) was significantly lower than that of the white wheat noodles (83.3).  相似文献   

The effect of food additives reduction on quality attributes in steamed‐and‐fried instant noodles was investigated. Three additives, l ‐ascorbic acid, l ‐cysteine, and sodium bisulfite, were evaluated for their effect on deoxynivalenol (DON) reduction and sensory acceptability of instant noodles. After screening the different concentrations of three food additives, the maximum reduction of DON was optimized for the following concentration ranges: l ‐ascorbic acid, 0–100 μg/g; l ‐cysteine, 0–300 μg/g; and sodium bisulfite, 0–200 μg/g. The experimental results were fitted to a second‐order polynomial model, which gave a coefficient of determination (R2) of 0.987. The results indicated that the overall optimal condition resulting in the maximum DON reduction in instant noodles was obtained at the following combined level: sodium bisulfite, 167 μg/g; l ‐cysteine, 254 μg/g; and l ‐ascorbic acid, 23 μg/g. The sensory evaluation of noodles with the optimal condition of additives showed that the overall acceptability was in the range of “like slightly” and was not significantly (P > 0.05) different from the control sample. The optimized protocol produced a mixture that can reduce DON in instant noodles up to 67%. Modifying the processing of instant noodles by using additives may be useful to reduce the risk of DON exposure via instant noodles.  相似文献   

The effect of amylose content of starch on processing and textural properties of instant noodles was determined using waxy, partial waxy, and regular wheat flours and reconstituted flours with starches of various amylose content (3.0–26.5). Optimum water absorption of instant noodle dough increased with the decrease of amylose content. Instant noodles prepared from waxy and reconstituted wheat flours with ≤12.4% amylose content exhibited thicker strands and higher free lipids content than wheat flours with ≥17.1% amylose content. Instant noodles of ≤12.4% amylose content of starch exhibited numerous bubbles on the surface and stuck together during frying. Lightness of instant noodles increased from 77.3 to 81.4 with the increase of amylose content of starch in reconstituted flours. Cooking time of instant noodles was 4.0–8.0 min in wheat flours and 6.0–12.0 min in reconstituted flours, and constantly increased with the increase in amylose content of starch. Hardness of cooked instant noodles positively correlated with amylose content of starch. Reconstituted flours with ≤12.4% amylose content of starch were higher in cohesiveness than those of wheat flours of wild‐type and partial waxy starches and reconstituted flours with ≥17.1% amylose content. Instant fried noodles prepared from double null partial waxy wheat flour exhibited shorter cooking time, softer texture, and higher fat absorption (1.2%) but similar color and appearance compared with noodles prepared from wheat flour of wild‐type starch.  相似文献   

We investigated the relationship between the protein content and quality of wheat flours and characteristics of noodle dough and instant noodles using 14 hard and soft wheat flours with various protein contents and three commercial flours for making noodles. Protein content of wheat flours exhibited negative relationships with the optimum water absorption of noodle dough and lightness (L*) of the instant noodle dough sheet. Protein quality, as determined by SDS sedimentation volume and proportion of alcohol‐ and salt‐soluble protein of flour, also influenced optimum water absorption and yellow‐blueness (b*) of the noodle dough sheet. Wheat flours with high protein content (>13.6%) produced instant noodles with lower fat absorption, higher L*, lower b*, and firmer and more elastic texture than wheat flours with low protein content (<12.2%). L* and free lipid content of instant noodles were >76.8 and <20.8% in hard wheat flours of high SDS sedimentation volume (>36 mL) and low proportion of salt‐soluble protein (<12.5%), and <75.7 and >21.5% in soft wheat flours with low SDS sedimentation volume (<35 mL) and a high proportion of salt‐soluble protein (>15.0%). L* of instant noodles positively correlated with SDS sedimentation volume and negatively correlated with proportion of alcohol‐ and salt‐soluble protein of flour. These protein quality parameters also exhibited a significant relationship with b* of instant noodles. SDS sedimentation volume and proportion of salt‐soluble protein of flours also exhibited a significant relationship with free lipid content of instant noodles (P < 0.01 and P < 0.001, respectively). Protein quality parameters of wheat flour, as well as protein content, showed significant relationship with texture properties of cooked instant noodles.  相似文献   

The effects of varying the proportion of three noodle dough components (water, gum, and starch) on the texture (maximum load and strain at break), amount of fat absorbed, and percent rehydration of instant fried noodles were studied. The Instron Universal testing machine was used to measure noodle texture, whereas quality attributes were determined using fat absorption and rehydration parameters. The results showed that changes in maximum load, strain at break point, fat absorption, and rehydration% of instant noodles depended on interactions between the ingredients. Increasing the gum content, starch content (for amounts >4% kg/kg of flour) and moisture content (35–40% kg/kg of flour) enhanced the elasticity and extensibility of cooked instant fried noodles. Addition of starch decreased fat absorption but showed mixed effect on rehydration%. The effect of gum addition at 0.1, 0.2, and 0.3% on fat absorption was significant but reduced considerably or showed a reverse effect at higher starch addition levels. Increasing moisture, and gum contents increased rehydration% of cooked instant noodles. Appropriate combinations of gum, starch and moisture contents could be used to optimize textural and quality characteristics of fried instant noodles.  相似文献   

The influence of ripened pumpkin powder on the characteristics and qualities of noodles was investigated. Varying amounts of pumpkin powder levels (0, 2.5, 5.0, and 10%) were added in making instant fried noodles. These four samples were then evaluated for β‐carotene content, physical dough properties, color, cooking properties, and sensory characteristics. Adding more pumpkin powder increased the level of β‐carotene in the noodles. Amylograph maximum viscosity and temperature and farinograph water absorption and stability decreased as the amount of pumpkin powder increased. Noodles made with more pumpkin powder had a more yellow color than those with less pumpkin powder. Cooked weight and volume were increased by 37 and 59%, respectively, when 5.0% pumpkin powder was added to the flour sample. Gumminess was lowest in the noodles with 5.0% pumpkin powder, while chewiness and hardness were lowest in the noodles with 10.0% pumpkin. Noodles with 5.0% pumpkin powder were the most favorable in appearance, taste, texture, and acceptability among the four samples.  相似文献   

In search of a way to improve the nutritional profile of noodles, we prepared them with various mixtures of durum wheat flour and isolated plantain starch, and tested their proximal composition. Cooked noodles were assessed for in vitro starch digestibility, indigestible fraction content, and predicted glycemic index. The protein content declined with the addition of plantain starch. Both total starch (TS) level and the content of starch available for digestible enzymes (AS) decreased as the plantain starch level increased, a pattern that may be related to increased starch lixiviation during cooking of noodles containing plantain starch. There was an inverse pattern for resistant starch (RS). RS content in control (durum wheat flour) noodles was ≈50% lower than in the samples containing plantain starch. The soluble indigestible fraction (SIF) content in all samples was higher than the insoluble counterpart (IIF). The total indigestible fraction varied according to the wheat substitution level. Although the hydrolysis index (HI) and predicted glycemic index (pGI) of plantain starch noodles were moderate and decreased as the plantain starch proportion rose. These composite noodles exhibited higher indices than the control sample, a phenomenon that may also be dependent on the product physical structure. Results indicate that in spite of the increased starch digestion rate, plantain starch noodles are a better source of indigestible carbohydrates than pure wheat starch pasta. This might have dietetic applications.  相似文献   

为提高墨鱼汁在食品加工业中的应用价值,将高压微射流均质处理后的墨鱼汁添加到生鲜面中,分析不同处理压力(0、40、80、120、160、200 MPa)对墨鱼汁粒径变化及墨鱼汁生鲜面蒸煮、质构特性的影响。结果表明,微射流最佳处理压力为120 MPa。该条件下,墨鱼汁粒径显著减小为101.20 nm(P<0.05),墨鱼汁生鲜面条最佳蒸煮时间为315 s,蒸煮断条率和蒸煮损失率分别降低至4.44%和4.98%,膨胀率增加至183.50%,硬度、咀嚼性分别达到642.37 g、176.84 g,感官评价综合得分为94.31。扫描电镜结果显示,微射流处理后墨鱼汁生鲜面结构变得更加均匀致密,孔隙相对减小,结构得到改善。综上,微射流可较好地改善墨鱼汁生鲜面的蒸煮特性和质构特性。本研究结果为墨鱼汁食品的开发提供了一定的理论依据。  相似文献   

To gain further understanding of the functionality of ingredients in oriental wheat noodles, the rheological properties of raw noodles made using high protein (Red Bicycle) or low protein (Sandow) wheat flours and various additives (salt or alkaline reagents at concentrations of 0, 0.1, 0.5, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, and 4.0%) were investigated using frequency sweep and temperature sweep oscillatory tests. Generally, both the elastic modulus(G′) and viscous modulus (G″) of raw noodles increased when various levels of salt or alkaline (kansui and NaOH) reagents were included in the formulation, with the exception of Red Bicycle noodles where the G″ was not significantly affected by the salt. The G′was significantly decreased in the presence of sodium chloride at concentrations ≤4.0% and kansui at <0.5%. The change in rheological properties of raw noodles was related to the wheat flour quality, type, level of additive, and frequency. The G′, G″, phase angle, and complex viscosity changed in a similar pattern when raw noodles were heated from 25 to 100°C. These parameters decreased initially with increasing temperature until they reached a valley and then increased either to a plateau or continuously in noodles containing kansui. The appearance of valley points at 75.5 and 77.2°C during heating of Sandow and Red Bicycle noodles containing salt, and 89.4, and 83.2°C during heating of Sandow and Red Bicycle noodles containing kansui, respectively, was not associated with starch gelatinization as determined using differential scanning calorimetry. The continuous increase in G′, G″, and complex viscosity observed with noodles containing kansui during the hold period at 100°C was attributed to the high pH environment and not to the inactivation of α‐amylase.  相似文献   

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