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Seasonal variations of fatty acids in various Korean shellfish were investigated in relation to the changes in total fatty acids contents, the ratio of polyunsaturated fatty acids to saturated fatty acids (P/S), and that of n-3 fatty acids to n-6 fatty acids (n-3/n-6). A distinct seasonal pattern was found in total fatty acids contents with maximal values in early summer and minimal values in late summer. The percentage of monounsaturated fatty acids was lowest in most species throughout the year. In summer months, the proportion of polyunsaturated fatty acids decreased while that of saturated fatty acids increased. The major contributing factor to the seasonal variation of polyunsaturated fatty acids was n-3 fatty acids. These results led to the lowest levels of P/S and n-3/n-6 in summer. Nevertheless, the data suggest that bivalve shellfish would be excellent sources of n-3 fatty acids, especially eicosapentaenoic acid and docosahexaenoic acid.  相似文献   

Iron, zinc, and calcium dialyzability and ascorbic acid (AA) concentrations were evaluated in milk and yogurt fortified with FeNaEDTA (FE) or ferrous sulfate (FS) as a control, with or without AA addition. The values obtained for FE iron dialyzability in milk were much higher than those obtained for FS. The addition of AA to milk improved Fe dialyzability when using FS and slightly decreased Fe dialyzability in the FE-fortified nonfermented samples. Milk fermentation increased iron availability from both iron sources. Zinc and calcium dialyzability in products containing any of the two iron sources was increased in fermented milks. EDTA improved Zn dialyzability from intrinsic zinc in every manufactured dairy product. Whereas for milks fortified with FS and stored at 4 degrees C for 24 h, the AA content remained close to the original concentration, a higher AA degradation was observed when milks were fortified with FE.  相似文献   

The phospholipid and sphingolipid composition of milk is of considerable interest regarding their nutritional and functional properties. The objective of this article was to determine the lipid composition of the milk fat globule membrane (MFGM) of milk from cows fed a diet rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids. The experiments were performed with 2 groups of 6 cows feeding on (i) maize silage ad libitum (+ grassland hay, mixture of cereals, soyabean meal) or (ii) the maize silage-based diet supplemented with extruded linseed (bringing a lipid proportion of 5% of dry matter). The phospholipid and sphingolipid composition of the MFGM was determined using HPLC/ELSD. The fatty acid (FA) composition of total lipids and phospholipids was determined using GC. As expected, the linseed-supplemented diet decreased the saturated FA and increased the unsaturated FA content in milk fat. MFGM in milk from cows fed the diet rich in polyunsaturated FA resulted in (i) a higher amount of phospholipids (+ 18%), which was related to a smaller size of milk fat globules (ii) an increase of 30% (w/w) of the concentration in sphingomyelin, (iii) a higher content in stearic acid (1.7-fold), unsaturated FA (1.36-fold), and C18:1 trans FA: 7.2 +/- 0.5% (3.7-fold). The MFGM contained a higher concentration of unsaturated FA (C18:1, C18:2, and C18:3) and very long-chain FA (C22:0, C23:0, C24:0, EPA, DHA) compared with total lipids extracted from milk. The technological, sensorial, and nutritional consequences of these changes in the lipid composition of the MFGM induced by dietary manipulation remain to be elucidated.  相似文献   

Reported here is a simple liquid chromatographic (LC) method for the determination of riboflavin in milk (liquid, evaporated, and dry), yogurt, and cheese. The method involves passing liquid samples or filtrates of semisolid and solid samples through a C18 cartridge. Retained riboflavin is then eluted with an aliquot of 50% methanol in 0.02M acetate buffer of pH 4. A volume of the eluate is injected into the LC system consisting of a C18 column, a solvent of water-methanol-acetic acid (65 + 35 + 0.1, v/v) with a flow rate of 1 mL/min, and a UV detector set at 270 nm. The method is precise and accurate and compares favorably with the present AOAC method. Moreover, it involves fewer sample preparation steps and has a total analysis time of less than 1 h.  相似文献   

微波真空干燥扇贝柱的物理和感观特性研究   总被引:12,自引:5,他引:12  
微波真空干燥是一项新兴食品干燥技术。进行了扇贝柱的微波真空干燥试验,研究了微波真空干燥参数对扇贝柱物理和感观特性的影响规律,并与传统的自然干燥和热风干燥进行了对比分析。结果表明,不同微波功率和真空度组合对扇贝柱的物理和感观特性有明显影响,在微波功率和真空度为3 W/g和0.090 MPa时,干燥扇贝柱具有良好的色泽及表面质量,仅需30 min即可达到20%湿基含水率,收缩率和复水率与自然干燥扇贝柱相近;减小微波功率和降低真空度至2 W/g和0.074 MPa时,干燥扇贝柱的收缩率会增加、色泽和表面质量会变差。试验结果还表明,各种参数组合条件下的微波真空干燥扇贝柱,其干燥速度和抗破碎能力均明显优于自然干燥及热风干燥。利用微波真空干燥扇贝柱,对提高干燥速度和改善产品品质具有明显优势。  相似文献   

An analytical method has been developed for the determination of total bound and extractable residues of the nitrofuran drugs furazolidone, nitrofurazone, furaltadone, and nitrofurantoin in milk of dairy cows. The method involves overnight acid hydrolysis and simultaneous derivatization of the released side chains with 2-nitrobenzaldehyde. During hydrolysis, the bound metabolites are hydrolyzed to the side chains. After pH adjustment and solid-phase extraction cleanup, the derivatives are detected and quantitated using a liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry system with an atmospheric pressure chemical ionization interface. Validation of the method is accomplished by fortifying control milk with a mixture of side chains at 1, 2, and 4 ng/g. Internal standards are added at the beginning of the procedure to compensate for matrix effects and recovery losses. Method accuracies range from 83 to 104% with coefficients of variation less than 13% for all four analytes. The limits of detection are相似文献   

During milk processing, proteins can be severely modified by oxidation, condensation, and Maillard reaction, leading to changes in their nutritional and technological properties. In this study, major modifications of beta-lactoglobulin, formed during the heating and processing of milk, were screened by mass spectrometry. For this purpose, beta-lactoglobulin was isolated from the milk samples by gel electrophoresis and analyzed by matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization mass spectrometry after in-gel digestion with endoproteinase AspN. In heated milk, lactulosyllysine was detected at lysine 47 and 138 or 141 as well as methionine sulfoxide at methionine 7, 24, and 145. All these modifications increased gradually when raw milk was heated for 20, 40, and 60 min at 120 degrees C. The major modifications were also relatively quantified in dairy products, such as raw, high-temperature, ultra-high-temperature, sterilized, and condensed milk as well as infant formulas. The highest contents of lactulosyllysine at Lys47 were detected in powdered infant formulas, whereas lactulosyllysine at Lys138/141 was predominant in condensed milk samples. Methionine sulfoxide at Met7 and Met24 showed a trend toward higher modification rates in more severely processed products.  相似文献   

近红外光谱作为一种新型的分析检测技术,正在获得越来越广泛的应用.本文阐述了近红外光谱技术应用于农产品检测的基本原理和具体检测步骤.从建模算法、谱图预处理和检测系统结构等方面综述了国内外近红外光谱技术在牛奶及乳制品中的最新研究进展.对目前研究中存在的问题进行了分析,对以后进一步的研究进行了展望,并提出了一些建议.  相似文献   

Conjugated linoleic acid in canadian dairy and beef products.   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) is a dietary fatty acid produced by ruminant animals and exhibits promising beneficial health effects. CLA has been identified as having anticancer, antiatherogenic, and body fat reducing effects. There are no published data on the CLA content of Canadian beef and dairy products. The purpose of this study was to assess the level and type of CLA isomers found in commercial beef and dairy products. Under the present experimental conditions only the Delta9c,11t-18:2 isomer was detected. Other minor isomers, which may be present, were not determined by the method used in this study. Levels of CLA ranged between 1.2 and 6.2 mg/g of fat or 0.001-4.3 mg/g or mg/mL of sample. On the basis of a usual serving size, levels of CLA ranged between 0.03 and 81.0 mg per serving. It is concluded that the Delta9c,11t-18:2 isomer is present in dairy and beef products and levels when expressed per gram of fat are not significantly different among products.  相似文献   

Reconstituted skim milk was adjusted to pH values between 6.5 and 7.1 and heated (90 degrees C) for up to 30 min. The skim milk samples were then readjusted to pH 6.7. Acid gels prepared from heated milk had markedly higher G ' values, a reduced gelation time, and an increased gelation pH than those prepared from unheated milk. An increased pH at heating decreased the gelation time, increased the gelation pH, and increased the final G ' of acid set gels prepared from the heated milk samples. There were only small differences in the level of whey protein denaturation in the samples at different pH values, and these differences could not account for the differences in the G ' of the acid gels. The levels of denatured whey protein associated with the casein micelles decreased and the levels of soluble denatured whey proteins increased as the pH at heating was increased. The results indicated that the soluble denatured whey proteins had a greater effect on the final G ' of the acid gels than the denatured whey proteins associated with the casein micelles.  相似文献   

The kind of milk used in the manufacture of cheese has been identified by analysis of the fatty acids. The milk fat is extracted from the cheese and saponified. The methyl esters of the fatty acids are prepared and determined by capillary column gas chromatography. Seven major fatty acids are separated and quantitated, namely, C8:0, C10:0, C12:0, C14:0, C16:0, C18:0, and C18:1. Many of the 21 simple ratios that can be formed from these 7 quantities are characteristic of the type of milk from which the fatty acids were obtained. The method allows the identification of cheese prepared with the milk of cows, buffalo, sheep, or goats. Substitution or adulteration of milk can also be detected.  相似文献   

Nitroxynil is an anthelmintic used in the treatment of liver fluke. In this study, six dairy cows were treated during lactation with Trodax, a 34% solution containing nitroxynil as its N-ethylglucamine salt, indicated for the treatment of fascioliasis in cattle and sheep. Samples were collected twice daily for 16 days and later at weekly intervals up to 58 days post-treatment. Nitroxynil residues were extracted from milk samples using acetonitrile; magnesium sulfate and sodium chloride were added to induce liquid-liquid partitioning and purified by dispersive solid phase extraction for clean-up. Nitroxynil was determined by ultra performance liquid chromatography coupled to tandem mass spectrometry (UPLC-MS/MS) in negative ionization mode. The limit of detection (CCα) of the method is 0.24 μg/kg. Maximum concentration of nitroxynil in the samples was in the range of 688-1358 μg/kg, with levels persisting for 58 days in four of the six lactating cows. Incurred nitroxynil samples were treated with sulfatase and β-glucuronidase from Helix pomatia ; the results indicated the presence of glucuronide conjugates in samples at early withdrawal times. At later withdrawal times the concentration of free nitroxynil was lower than the concentration in the control samples, indicating potential degradation during enzymatic treatment.  相似文献   

The effect of probiotic bacteria on the formation of conjugated linoleic acid (CLA), microbial growth, and organoleptic attributes (acidity, texture, and flavor) of fermented milk products was determined. Four probiotic bacteria, Lactobacillus rhamnosus, Propionibacterium freudenreichii subsp. shermanii 56, P. freudenreichii subsp. shermanii 51, and P. freudenreichii subsp. freudenreichii 23, were evaluated individually or in coculture with traditional yogurt cultures (Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus and Streptococcus salivarius subsp. thermophilus). The lipid source was hydrolyzed soy oil. L. rhamnosus, in coculture with yogurt culture, resulted in the highest content of CLA. Growth and CLA formation of propionibacteria were enhanced in the presence of yogurt cultures. Texture and flavor attributes of fermented milks produced with propionibacteria were significantly different than the fermented milks processed with yogurt cultures. The fermented milks processed with probiotic bacteria in coculture with yogurt cultures demonstrated similar acidity, texture, and flavor as the fermented milk produced with yogurt cultures.  相似文献   

There is no data concerning the fatty acid and triacylglycerol composition of French virgin olive oil. Thus, these compositions were determined using 564 samples coming from four olive harvests (1998-1999 to 2000-2001). Among these 564 samples, 372 came from the four main French cultivars (Aglandau, Cailletier, Picholine, and Salonenque) and from both of the oldest French protected designations of origin: "Nyons" (cv. Tanche) and "Vallée des Baux". The fatty acid compositions took the different isomeric monounsaturated fatty acids (C16:1 and C18:1) into account. The eicosenoic acid is gondoic acid (20:1n-9) and was determined by dimethyl disulfide adduct using GC/MS. The use of propionitrile as a mobile phase for the HPLC analysis of the triacylglycerols led to better resolutions between triacylglycerols than those resolutions obtained with the mix of solvents recommended by the normalized method (acetone/acetonitrile). Of the samples, 88 had a 9-heptadecenoic acid level (17:1n-8) higher than 0.3% and 33 had a linolenic acid level higher than 0.9%, which are maximal values accepted by the International Olive Oil Council and the European Union. A linear discriminant analysis was carried out on 372 samples with the SAS system and particularly with STEPISC and CANDISC procedures. Variables (n = 37) representing the different fatty acids, the sum of saturated, monounsaturated, and polyunsaturated fatty acids, squalene, and triacylglycerols were used, thus allowing us to classify samples into six groups defined with 100% of well classified samples. These results constitute an original data bank that can be used to identify the origin of virgin olive oils.  相似文献   

The occurrence of the steroid hormones estrone (E1), 17alpha-estradiol (alphaE2), 17beta-estradiol (betaE2), and estriol (E3) in processed bovine milk with different fat contents and in raw milk from (non)gestated cows was investigated. Following liquid extraction, optional enzymatical deconjugation, C18 solid-phase extraction, and derivatization, estrogens were analyzed using liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS). Free and deconjugated E1 (6.2-1266 ng/L) was the major estrogen followed by alphaE2 (7.2-322 ng/L) and betaE2 (5.6-51 ng/L), whereas E3 was detected regularly at the detection limit of 10 ng/L. The lowest and highest concentrations were determined in raw milk from nonpregnant and from cows in the third trimester of gestation, respectively. The estrogen concentration in processed milk coincides with that of raw milk between first and second trimesters, reflecting the contribution of lactating pregnant cows to the final consumable product. The daily intake of total investigated estrogens through milk is 372 ng, which is dramatically more than currently recognized.  相似文献   

加工温度及存放时间对富共轭亚油酸牛乳脂脂肪酸的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着富共轭亚油酸(CLA)原料乳生产技术的日趋成熟,为研究CLA牛乳加工温度及其贮藏期内CLA含量变化对CLA牛乳终端产品的影响,对不同处理温度及存放时间的牛乳进行脂肪酸分析,试验结果表明,不同温度处理对牛乳中c9t11CLA影响差异不显著(p>0.05);75℃和135℃处理后的不同存放期内乳中c9t11CLA变化差异也不显著(p>0.05);但在120℃处理后的保存期内,c9t11CLA含量有升高趋势(p=0.045)。试验未发现一定加工温度及保存时间引起富CLA牛乳中c9t11CLA含量大幅度降低现象,因此,富CLA牛乳适合终端产品开发。  相似文献   

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