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徐晟  李文平 《警犬》2009,(5):46-47
随着欣赏水平的提高,人们对宠物的形象,颜色,外观,衣著,甚至是颜色都有了较高的要求。据统计,中国宠物及用品一年的交易额已超过亿元,消费者以女性为主,宠物美容技术也不断地得到完善。本文主要是将国内外的宠物美容技术现状及发展趋势进行了总结与概述。  相似文献   

可以这样说,自从有了人类文明之后,就有了养宠物一说,然而作为一种产业,发展时间不过才一二百年。宠物的美容不仅仅是给宠物清洁那样简单,而是有着一套非常复杂的流程,对宠物美容师的专业技能有着较高要求。通过美容师精湛的修剪手法,再配以各种专业的美容用品,可以让宠物的外在形象更加靓丽。站在心理学的角度来讲,宠物美容除了改造宠物形象之外,更重要的是极大地满足了主人的心理需求,良好的美容效果可以带给其心灵愉悦。本文对宠物美容技术和服务要点进行了深入分析与探讨,以供参考。  相似文献   

黄春风 《警犬》2011,(2):53-54
宠物的美容,不仅是给犬洗澡,而是借助专业的美容用品、精湛的修剪技法,创造各种犬所特有的美容造型,使它的个性和魅力更加凸现。  相似文献   

流云 《畜牧市场》2005,(3):29-29
随着生活质量的提高,越来越多的宠物主人认为宠物的生活不应仅仅停留在“温饱”上。于是乎,“宠物美容”应运而生。宠物在居民的情感生活中更大范围地攻城掠地。有识之士已经注意到,这些小宠物在成为家庭“编外成员”后,“赚宠物钱”这一行当已经发达起来,起步早的人早已赚了个盆满钵满。  相似文献   

比熊犬属于小型犬类。它具有娇小、可爱、身体强壮结实、整体匀称、步态自然,被誉为人见人爱的小天使。  相似文献   

本文从宠物皮毛美容护理与皮肤病的关系、牙齿护理与口腔疾病的关系、耳道护理与耳病的关系等五个方面阐述了美容护理与疾病预防的辩证关系,以期为美容师和宠物医师提供参考,以便达到相互协作的工作效应。  相似文献   

宠物的美容,不仅是给犬洗澡,而是借助专业的美容用品、精湛的修剪技法,创造各种犬所特有的美容造型,使它的个性和魅力更加凸现。在给犬美容时,我们不妨从以下几个方面入手;  相似文献   

宠物美容与养护课程是一门集实践性、创新性为一体的课程,培养学生的学习能力、动手能力、创新能力和社会职业能力,使其成为社会需要的宠物产业实用性人才。文章通过教学改革实践对课程的教学改革进行思考总结,以期更好地服务教学。  相似文献   

日期2010年7月31日地点香港亚洲国际博览馆邀请到美国贵妇犬会评判员负责评审工作本届比赛于2010年7月31日在香港举行.是香港首次举办之国际宠物美容比赛,为纪念北美洲  相似文献   

随着社会经济的发展和城市化进程的加速,家庭中的宠物对于主人而言完全是一种情感需要,人们养宠物是为了排解心中的寂寞。越来越多的人将宠物作为自己家庭的一部分,因此产生的宠物消费也越来越丰富。随着宠物数量的不断增加,宠物店除了提供宠物犬,还提供猫、鸟、鱼、爬行类等其他宠物;有宠物美容、宠物寄养、宠物摄影等服务;还提供宠物的衣、食、住、行、玩等。作为新兴产业,经营宠物店铺的前景非常乐观。  相似文献   

随着社会经济发展和人们生活水平的不断提高,工作之余,人们对休闲娱乐生活的需求越来越大。作为人们的主要伴侣动物-家养宠物,正日渐成为人们日常娱乐、放松的一种形式,特别是在大、中城市,宠物饲养数量越来越大,与宠  相似文献   

北美宠物产业发展概况   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
作者概述了北美宠物业的基本概况及发达的宠物业带来的经济和社会效益.  相似文献   

The petit rat (pet/pet) is a new semi-lethal dwarf mutant with anomalies in the thymus and testes, defects inherited as a single autosomal recessive trait. At birth, these pet/pet rats show low birth weight and extremely small thymuses; at 140 days of age, their thymuses show abnormal involution. In the present study, we examined early postnatal development of hypoplastic pet/pet thymuses. In addition to being hypoplastic at birth, pet/pet thymus growth was almost completely impaired during the early postnatal period. As shown by cellular incorporation of BrdU, the mitotic activity was lower in pet/pet than in normal thymuses, and terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase dUTP nick end labeling assays showed that apoptosis occurred more often in pet/pet than in normal thymus cells during the first few days after birth. These results indicate that postnatal development of the hypoplastic pet/pet thymus is defective due to the reduced proliferation and increased apoptosis of thymic cells.  相似文献   

世界宠物食品的概况及对中国宠物食品发展的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
<正>2005年世界宠物食品的年销售额达到421亿美元(Euromonitor international),预计2010年将达到515亿美元(Tim Philips),专家预测,宠物食品在经济发达地区例如北美和西欧所占有的市场份额将逐渐降低,而在亚洲(特别是中国)、拉丁美洲的市场会迅速增长。中国经济的发展和宠物数量的增长为宠物食品带来了巨大商机,但中国的宠物食品发展的趋势是我们思考的问题。  相似文献   

欧美宠物市场发展新趋势   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
1欧洲宠物市场欧洲的宠物市场不再仅仅局限于西欧了,还包括中欧地区(含俄罗斯),上述两个地区的发展历程、特点和前景完全不同。它们各自的主要发展情况怎样?今后几年的形势将如何?1.1现状大多数西欧国家的宠物市场基本稳定,平均销售额以年均3%的速度增长。这足以满足市场消费需求吗?答案是否定的。事实上,3%的增长率大约相当于平均通货膨胀率。另外,相关情况清楚表明,西欧部分国家(如意大利、法国和西班牙)的宠物数量仍在上升,除此之外,其他国家甚至包括中欧地区宠物数量处于稳定状态。基本上,欧洲国家的宠物调制食品指数(PPF指数)都在上…  相似文献   


Aims: To describe the demographics of and predictors for pet ownership, reasons for visiting a veterinarian, and pet-related expenditure in pet owners in New Zealand.

Methods: A cross-sectional online survey was conducted from 18–22 June 2015 using a permission-based panel of New Zealand residents aged ≥18 years. Questions included demographics of respondents, number of pets and reasons for owning or not owning pets, number of visits and reasons for visiting a veterinarian, and pet-related expenditure.

Results: Of the 1,572 respondents who completed the survey, 1,013 (64.4%) owned ≥1 pet. Of these, 443 owned dogs, 696 cats, 32 horses, 103 birds, 55 rabbits, and 159 owned fish. Companionship was the most common reason for getting dogs, cats, and birds; horses were mostly owned as a hobby, rabbits to provide fun for children, and fish as a source of relaxation. The majority of dog, cat, and rabbit owners considered their pets to be family members; horse owners almost equally considered their horses a hobby or a family member. The odds of pet ownership increased for respondents from a rural region, having a higher household income, having children and being female. Overall, 711/1,013 (70.2%) pet-owning respondents had taken ≥1 animal to the veterinarian in the previous year, with the most common reasons being for vaccination or annual check-ups or health issues. Respondents who considered their pets trusted companions, had a higher income, and owned dogs or cats compared with other species, were most likely to have taken their pet to a veterinarian. The greatest pet-related expenditure for all species was food. The median yearly veterinary expenditure was $200–499 by dog owners, $100–199 by cat owners, and <$100 by horse, bird, rabbit, and fish owners. The best source of information for pet-related issues was considered to be veterinarians by 724/1,001 (72.3%) owners, and the internet by 509/1,001 (50.8%) owners.

Conclusions: Among survey respondents, pet ownership was common and pets filled a variety of roles in the household. Pet owners reported spending considerable amounts of money on their pets each year, but some of them may be underutilising veterinary services despite veterinarians being considered as valuable sources of information about pet-related issues.  相似文献   

世界宠物食品企业排名及全球宠物食品市场现状   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1世界排名前40名宠物食品企业垄断是世界宠物食品生产的特点之一。根据“欧洲透视”(全球消费市场调查研究权威机构)的调查,2003年,世界排名前5位的宠物食品生产企业其市场份额占全球的65.1%,同比增加0.4%;销售额占全球的65.3%,同比增加0.42%。2003年全球宠物食品销售额为35亿美元,同比增加10.78%(表1)。表1世界排名前40名宠物食品企业的市场份额和销售额公司市场占有率/%零售额/百万美元玛氏雀巢宝洁高露洁D el M onte Foods C o.N utro Products Inc.A grolim en SAM eow M ix C O.U ni-Charm C orp.N isshin Flour M illing C o…  相似文献   

Raccoon-variant rabies was confirmed in 7 pet rabbits and 1 pet guinea pig in New York State, and postexposure treatment was required in several adults and children. To prevent rabies virus infection, domestic rabbits and pet rodents should be protected from contact with wild animals, including double-cage housing when housed outside. Pet rabbits or rodents with any possible contact with a wild animal, particularly if the rabbit or rodent had wounds of unknown origin, should be quarantined for 6 months for observation, to prevent escape, and to avoid contact with humans, who will require treatment if the rabbit or rodent develops rabies. Bites and scratches to humans from rodents and lagomorphs should be evaluated for potential rabies exposure on an individual basis, with consideration of whether the animal was caged outside or permitted outdoors unsupervised.  相似文献   

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