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Fertilizer combinations designed to study the effects of phosphorus, potassium and sulfur on yield, early tuber yields, and quality of potatoes were tested in each of three consecutive years at two sites in northeastern Saskatchewan. Yield responses to fertilizers varied from 0 to 136 cwt/acre and averaged 73 cwt/acre. Phosphorus fertilizer requirements of potatoes were lower for the Nipawin soil type (0–35 lb P/acre) than for the Melfort soil (35–140 lb P/acre) and were related to available phosphorus levels in the soil. Fertilizer containing potassium (50 lb K/acre) consistently increased early tuber yields at both sites. Yields of potatoes harvested at maturity were significantly increased by potassium at Nipawin. At Melfort, potassium fertilizer did not increase yields when potatoes were harvested at maturity. Over-fertilization with nitrogen reduced early tuber yields at Nipawin on two occasions. All fertilizer combinations significantly reduced specific gravity of potatoes, compared to the unfertilized checks. Increasing the rates of phosphorus and adding potassium generally decreased specific gravity. These effects were, however, not significant in the three-year averages. Differences in specific gravity of up to 0.006 were not reflected in overall quality ratings for boiled or baked potatoes. The addition of sulfur from gypsum did not affect early yield, final yield, or specific gravity at either site.  相似文献   

A Field experiment withSolanum andigena (cv. Renacimiento) at three levels of fertilization was conducted in the Mantaro Valley (Central Sierra) of Peru during the 1967–68 growing season. Dry matter and nutrient accumulation in tops and tubers of Renacimiento potatoes were determined at 3-week intervals between 72 and 172 days after planting (42 and 142 days after emergence). Tuber initiation took place during the interval 116–137 days after planting, and top growth reached its maximum shortly thereafter. Total growth rates of 200 kg/ha/day4 (178 lb/a/day) where estimated under medium and high fertilization, and tuber dry matter accounted for 70–75% of the total dry matter produced. Final tuber yields (fresh, 21% dry matter) ranged from 10m.t./ha (89 cwt/a) without fertilizer to 41 m.t/ha (366 cwt/a) when fertilized with 160 kg each of N, P2O5 and K2O/ha (143 lb/a). Under high fertilization, total N, P, and K accumulation was estimated at 141, 19, and 403 kg/ha (126, 17 and 359 lb/a), respectively, with 77 kg (68 lb/a) of N, 14 kg (12 lb/a) of P, and 224 kg (200lb/a) of K being removed in the tubers.  相似文献   

Rates of N applied to sandy loam soil with wheat as the preceding years crop was studied as to the influence on tuber yields of potatoes grown for early summer harvest in Southwestern Indiana. Most of the yield response was to the first 75 lbs/acre (84 kg/ha) increment of N which increased the yield of US #1 potatoes 61 cwt/acre in 1967 and 52 cwt/acre in 1968. The total solids were not significantly decreased by the first increment of N applied which was also the N range of rapid yield increase. N fertilization increased the N content of the foliage from 3.0 to 4.0% in 1967 and 3.97 to 5.17 in 1968 and the tubers from 1.36 to 2.96 in 1968. The first 75 lbs N increment was efficiently converted to crude protein, 48% incorporation, but the succeeding increments were poorly converted.  相似文献   

Potato plants of Russet Burbank, Oromonte and Red McClure varieties were studied in the San Luis Valley of Colorado to determine their dry matter and nutrient accumulation. The following observations were made in the 1967 growing season.
  1. Growth patterns for the three varieties were similar, but average growth rate of Oromonte and Red McClure was higher than that of Russet Burbank.
  2. Top growth reached its peak in 61, 55, and 50 days after emergence for Russet Burbank, Oromonte and Red McClure, respectively.
  3. In the 3 weeks before killing forst, tuber growth equalled 50% of maximum tuber dry weight for Russet Burbank and about 61% for Oromonte and Red McClure.
  4. Total N uptake with a yield of 300 cwt per acre was about 127 lb for each variety, assuming a linear relationship between tuber yield and nitrogen uptake. The tubers contained about 71% of the total N uptake.
  5. Total P uptake with a yield of 300 cwt per acre was about 16 1b for each variety, assuming a linear relationship between tuber yield and P uptake. The tubers contained about 83% of total P uptake.
  6. Total K uptake with a yield of 300 cwt per acre was 132, 187, and 147 lb (not significantly different) for Russet Burbank, Oromonte and Red McClure, respectively, assuming a linear relationship between tuber yield and K uptake. The Russet Burbank tubers contained 63% of the total K uptake and Oromonte and Red McClure about 52%.
  7. Tuber dry matter per cent increased during the season until 2 weeks before a killing frost (65 to 69 days after emergence). At harvest, the dry matter approximated 21% for the varieties studied.

Summary Effects of three rates of fertilizer nitrogen, viz. 80, 160 and 240 kg N/ha, on tuber yield and dry-matter percentage in potato cv. Record were compared in two experiments. Crop nitrogen uptake increased with application rate but total uptake differed between experiments. Tuber yield was highest following application of 160 or 240 kg N/ha but differences between these two rates were not significant. Tuber dry-matter percentage was reduced in one experiment with increasing nitrogen rate, but in the second experiment final dry- matter percentage was highest following application of 240 kg N/ha. In all treatments, positive linear relationships were found between dry matter percentage and mean fresh weight of tubers >30 mm, but within experiments, the regression coefficients were generally reduced by increased crop nitrogen uptake.  相似文献   

Over three years, eight replicated experiments were conducted in which winter wheat was sown after a ley with and without seedbed applications of P and K. Fertilizer N was applied at 0, 45, 90 and 135 lb per acre in one dressing in early spring. Observations were made on tiller counts, grain size and yield.
There were no significant interactions between N and mineral fertilizer. Mineral fertilizer had no important effect on tillering or grain yield. Consideration of the previous fertilization of the pastures showed that there was probably an adequate reserve of P and K in the soil, although soil analysis did not always reveal it.
Nitrogenous fertilizer significantly increased fertile tiller numbers and raised yield of grain up to an application of 45 lb N per acre in 1960 and 90 lb N per acre in 1961 (after a wet winter). The average responses to 90 lb per acre of N after leys were 74, 6·3 and 101 cwt grain per acre in 1959, 1960 and 1961, respectively. In 1961 the corresponding response in an arable field was 16·3 cwt.
It is concluded that after a well-fertilized ley neither mineral fertilizers nor N are necessary in the seed bed and that the ley contributes about 45 lb N per acre towards the succeeding crop. The practical advantages of autumn drilling without fertilizer are stressed and reference is made to the importance of considering fertilizer applications for the rotation as a whole.  相似文献   

The results from 10 years of grassland research at the Peatland Experimental Station, Glenamoy, are summarized.
Grass and legume species were introduced by surface seeding, without cultivation or by direct seeding after rotavation, depending on the specific situation. The rate of establishment was dependent on pretreatment and the management of grazing animals before and after sowing.
The most suitable species were Trifolium repens, Lolium perenne, Festuca arumlinacea, Festuca rubra and Holcus lanatus .
A level of fertility suited to the introduced species must be reached initially and subsequently maintained. The requirements (per/ac) for Ca, P, K, N, Cu and Co were: 2240 lb (1016 kg) ground limestone, 36 lb (16 kg) P, 112 lb (51 kg) K, 20 lb (9 kg) N, 20 lb (9 kg) CuSO4 and 2 lb (0–91 kg) CoSO4 at sowing, with 27 lb (12–25 kg) P and 56 lb (254 kg) K annually.
Dry–matter yields of 6000 lb/ac (6720 kg/ha) were obtained from grass–clover swards without fertilizer N, and approximately twice this quantity where 400 lb N/ac (448 kg/ha) had been applied annually. A liveweight gain of 526 lb/ac (589–12 kg/ha) and a starch equivalent output of 2946 lb (3299–5 kg) were obtained with sheep. The relationship between these results and those on peat soils abroad are discussed.  相似文献   

马铃薯平衡施肥及钾肥效应研究   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5  
在甘肃高海拔干旱区采用马铃薯高产栽培技术和平衡施肥技术,马铃薯产量为35 350 kg.hm-2,超过当地平均产量1.2倍,配施钾肥马铃薯可增产16.7~2 916.7 kg.hm-2,增幅0.1%~9.0%,每千克K2O可增收马铃薯0.2~19.4 kg,增产增收效益好。施钾后马铃薯薯块数增加29.3%,薯块重增加7.7%,增产以增加穴薯为主,其次是增加薯块重,同时马铃薯品质也有较大改善。试验表明,在施入适量有机肥和氮磷基础上,高产高效的K2O用量为150 kg.hm-2。  相似文献   

Yield response curves were developed for potatoes (Solanum tuberosum cv. Russet Burbank) with sprinkler-applied N fertilizer on a high-frequency schedule. The potatoes were grown on a Quincy sand to loamy sand (mixed, mesic, Xeric Torripsamments) typical of sandy-textured soils of the center-pivot irrigated areas of the Columbia River Basin of Oregon and Washington. These soils require daily irrigation at peak evapotranspiration because of low water-holding capacity. Yields were measured for total quantities of N, ranging from 100 to 665 kg N/ha, applied in small frequent increments as a urea-NH4NO3 solution. Maximum tuber yields ranged from 67 to 85 Mg/ha in 6 experiments over a period of 6 years. Economically optimum yields were obtained at fertilizer rates between 300 and 400 kg N/ha depending on cost-price ratio of N fertilizer and potatoes. Fertilization in this range should optimize tuber yield and quality with fertilizer N efficiency and economic return on fertilizer investment.  相似文献   

Applying less N on Russet Burbank potatoes (Solanum tuberosum L.) at planting time may reduce the potential loss of N from sandy soil by wind erosion and leaching early in the season. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of rate and time of N fertilization on potato production. Potatoes were grown in outdoor pot cultures with N rates of 75,150 and 300 ppm and in field plots with N rates from 112 to 448 kg N/ha applied in single and split applications. The results from pot cultures harvested after one month’s growth showed that yield of tops increased and tuber yield decreased as applied N at planting increased from 75 ppm to 150 or 300 ppm. Field results showed that the yield of potatoes was as high or higher when N applications were split between planting and when plants were 15 to 20 cm tall (early tuberization) as with the same amount of N applied at planting. Generally 112 kg N/ha at planting time was sufficient when additional N was applied after emergence. Split application of N resulted in more second growth on tubers than when all of the N was applied at planting.  相似文献   

Russet Burbank and Kennebec potatoes were evaluated over 5 years at 3 planting dates, 3 plant spacings, and 3 nitrogen rates. Delayed planting significantly reduced Russet Burbank yield, but did not effect Kennebec yield. Both varieties exhibited reduced specific gravity of tubers with delayed planting. Spacings between 38 and 56 cm for Russet Burbank and 20 and 38 cm for Kennebec had no significant effect on yields of “A” size tubers, but wider spacing reduced specific gravity of tubers. No yield advantage occurred with nitrogen application greater than 134 kg N/ha. Increased nitrogen application reduced specific gravity of tubers. Significant differences in the N, P, and K levels of leaves, petioles, and tubers were observed due to some treatments.  相似文献   

The influence of two antitranspirant materials on yield and grade distribution of potatoes was studied during 1975 and 1976. An experimental material (AmChem 74-A335)3 was tested in 1975 at 1:9 concentration in water and 150 gal. of spray per acre (1402 1/ha). Yields of >8 oz. Norgold Russet tubers were increased by 96 cwts per acre (10741 Kg/ha) with no change in total yield. The yield increase was due to an increase in tuber size, as total numbers remained unchanged. Formulation problems rendered the material unavailable for tests in 1977. In 1976 a different antitranspirant (Folicote)3 was studied at Lubbock and Hereford at 1:100 and 1:50 concentrations in 50 gal. water (1402 1/ha). Applications were made at bloom and four weeks later. The Lubbock trial included two irrigation regimes and in each trial both Red LaSoda and Norgold Russet response was studied. The antitranspirant resulted in yield increased of >8 oz. grade Norgold Russet potatoes at Lubbock with no effect on total yield. Total yield of Red LaSoda potatoes was increased by 135 cwts in plots irrigated less frequently at Lubbock with no increase in more frequently irrigated plots at Lubbock and Hereford. Antitranspirants reduced peak soil moisture tension levels by 10–15 centibars (cb) for several weeks after application indicating the potential for extending the period between irrigations.  相似文献   

在马铃薯块茎的形成和增长过程中 ,小薯不断地形成、退化或转化成大中薯 ,其中出苗2 8d以后的 2~ 3周是决定大中薯数的关键期。在不同密度及施肥处理下 ,马铃薯块茎体积及干重的增长均呈S型曲线变化。单株块茎体积随密度增加而减少 ,适量施用氮、磷、钾 ,可增加块茎体积、单株结薯数和大中薯数 ,其中磷钾肥可使结薯时间提前 ,过量氮肥则推迟结薯时间 ;随密度的增加 ,块茎日增重逐渐降低 ,适量增施磷、钾肥可提高库的充实度 ,增加产量。在本试验因素中量 (适量 )组合 ,底西芮品种单株块茎体积最大增长速率为 2 5 7392ml d ,块茎干重的最大增长速率为 10 6 82 6 g d ;种植密度 4 5 0 0株 6 6 7m2 时 ,单株结薯数为 13 5个 ,大中薯数平均为 10个 ,单产可达 30 0 0kg 6 6 7m2 以上  相似文献   

Experiments with 11 N rates were conducted 3 years with Kennebec potatoes on Bodenburg silt loam in the Matanuska Valley of Alaska. Fertilizer placed in the row was compared with that mixed with the soil in the row for 2 years. Foliage and tuber samples were analyzed for chemical content. Stand reduction and decreased vigor occurred when row placed N exceeded 120–160 1b per acre. Foliage dry matter decreased 2 years as rate of N increased. Tuber dry matter was decreased one year by N rates exceed ing 100 1b per acre. U. S. No. 1 yield and dry matter with row placement of fertilizers at 40–80 1b N were highest in 2 years. When fertilizer was mixed with soil, both US No. 1 and dry matter yields increased each year with each N increment through 160 1b per acre. Increasing amounts of N tended to increase the N in foliage and tubers, the Mn in foliage but to decrease the Ca, Mg, Al, Ba, and Sr in foliage. Mixing the fertilizer with the soil as compared to placement in the row increased the Ca, Mg, Al, Ba, Fe, and Sr in foliage, and the tuber uptake of N, K, Mg, and Sr and decreased foliage N. Alaskan potato growers have doubled or tripled their rate of application of fertilizer over the past 15 years. At digging time potato plants are usually green and some growers have felt these higher fertilizer rates were supplying an excess of N which was delaying tuber maturity and decreasing tuber quality.  相似文献   

Early potatoes are typically produced using less nitrogen than a full season potato crop as high rates of nitrogen may delay tuber set and lead to excessive vine growth that is difficult to terminate prior to harvest. Bintje and Ciklamen potato cultivars were grown with preplant soil nitrogen levels of 34 to 38, 67, and 101 kg N ha-1 in 2013 and 2014 near Paterson, Washington. Nitrogen rate had little impact on the number of tubers and stems per plant of both cultivars, but increasing nitrogen rate tended to increase leaf area of both cultivars. Vine desiccation of Bintje with diquat was less complete as nitrogen rate increased, while Ciklamen vine kill was reduced by higher nitrogen in 1 of 2 years. Tuber skinning injury, tuber weight loss, and tuber size distribution were not affected by nitrogen rate. Tuber skinning injury and tuber weight loss were reduced in both cultivars by harvesting at 4 weeks after initial vine kill compared to harvesting at 2 weeks after vine kill. Total tuber yield was lower for both Bintje and Ciklamen in 1 of 2 years at the 34 to 38 kg N ha-1 rate. Tuber nitrogen and zinc levels tended to increase with increasing nitrogen rates, while most other nutrients, vitamin C, total phenolics, and antioxidant capacity showed little response. It appears that 67 kg N ha-1 provides adequate nitrogen to produce a good tuber set and yield of small tubers while not producing excessive vine growth that may be more difficult to kill.  相似文献   

宁夏南部山区马铃薯施肥现状与评价   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为解决宁夏南部山区旱地马铃薯养分资源管理存在的问题。2012年,采用农户抽样调查方法,分析评价了3个县区100户宁夏南部山区旱地马铃薯的施肥现状和产量情况。结果表明,宁夏南部山区马铃薯当季纯N,P2O5,K2O平均总用量分别为249,95,60 kg/hm2,其中,N、P2O5养分输入以化肥为主(分别占57%和69%),而K2O输入以有机肥为主(占98%以上)。氮肥基施和追施平均用量分别为196和53 kg/hm2,基追比约为8︰2。施氮量与产量分布不同步,施氮200300 kg/hm2的农户数最多(占36%),但其平均产量仅12.7 t/hm2。随着施磷量的增加,马铃薯平均产量提高。随着施钾量的增加,马铃薯的产量呈先增加后降低的趋势,施K2O 100300 kg/hm2的农户数最多(占36%),但其平均产量仅12.7 t/hm2。随着施磷量的增加,马铃薯平均产量提高。随着施钾量的增加,马铃薯的产量呈先增加后降低的趋势,施K2O 100150 kg/hm2的平均产量最高(达16.6 t/hm2)。58%的旱地马铃薯种植户氮肥总投入过量,50%以上的磷肥和钾肥用量不足。因此,宁夏南部山区马铃薯要遵循有机无机配施,控氮、增磷、补钾的原则,有机肥用量为22.5150 kg/hm2的平均产量最高(达16.6 t/hm2)。58%的旱地马铃薯种植户氮肥总投入过量,50%以上的磷肥和钾肥用量不足。因此,宁夏南部山区马铃薯要遵循有机无机配施,控氮、增磷、补钾的原则,有机肥用量为22.530.0 t/hm2,化肥N、P2O5、K2O用量分别不超过150,90,40 kg/hm2为宜。  相似文献   

Irrigation and nitrogen management are two of the most important factors affecting production efficiency and environmental quality in potato cropping systems. Field studies were conducted in 1990 and 1991 to determine the interactive effects of irrigation amount and N timing on potato yield, quality and nitrate leaching potential. Sprinkler irrigation was applied at approximately 1.0, 1.2 or 1.4 times estimated evapotranspiration (ET) to Russet Burbank potatoes grown on a silt loam soil. Following tuber initiation, a total of 132 kg N/ha was applied through the irrigation system to N treatment subplots using either six weekly 22 kg N/ha applications or 3 biweekly 44 kg N/ha applications. Excessive irrigation reduced root zone and petiole NO3-N concentrations during substantial portions of the tuber bulking period. Biweekly 44 kg N/ha applications in 1991 produced higher and more consistent earlyseason root zone NO3-N concentrations in the 1.2 and 1.4 ET plots than did the weekly 22 kg N/ha applications. Late-season tuber dry weight, total plant dry weight and plant N uptake were not affected by irrigation rate or N timing. However, excessive irrigation reduced U.S. No. 1 yield and yield of tubers >284 g in both 1990 and 1991 and reduced total yield in 1990. Biweekly N applications produced higher U.S. No. 1 yields than weekly N applications at all irrigation levels. Excessive irrigation also reduced NO3-N remaining in the top 60 cm of soil at the end of the growing season. These results show that irrigating at optimal rates and applying split N at two week intervals on a silt loam soil can maximize Russet Burbank yield and quality while minimizing NO3-N losses.  相似文献   

A survey was undertaken to investigate the nitrate-nitrogen (NO3-N) content of potatoes grown on different soil types with different fertilizer and irrigation treatments. Tuber nitrate-N contents were determined immediately after harvest and after periods of storage of up to 210 days. Nitrate-N in tubers (dry weight basis) ranged from low values of 82 to 122 ppm for low nitrogen fertility levels to a maximum of 192 to 285 ppm at the highest nitrogen rates, where irrigation was applied at optimum levels. The average nitrate-N in tubers under such conditions was 150 to 160 ppm. Where irrigation management was less than optimum, the nitrate-N content of tubers increased, reaching an average maximum value of 786 ppm at the highest fertilizer rate. The study showed that the nitrate-N level in tubers increased with nitrogen fertilization rates, although there was not a linear relationship between N fertilizer rate and tuber nitrate-N. The highest nitrate-N levels obtained in the tubers under proper irrigation management, even with 800 lb N/A, did not exceed 300 ppm nitrate-N and were usually less than 200 ppm. Data collected from this study suggest that improper irrigation, especially with high nitrogen fertilizer rates, results in a dramatic increase in nitrate-N level in the tubers. Some individual tubers contained over 1200 ppm nitrate-N. There was an apparent slight increase in nitrate-N in the tubers with storage, although this increase was not consistent.  相似文献   

Antitranspirants (AT) were applied to greenhouse, field research plots and commercial plantings of Norgold Russet potato plants. In the greenhouse AT (Folicote and Vapor Gard) reduced water uptake by plants by 20–40%. In field trials at the Texas Agricultural Experiment Station, Halfway, similar concentrations increased yield of Norgold Russet potatoes by 21–45 cwts per acre (2352–5040 kg/ha). In a commercial trial on 20 acres of potatoes, 2% Folicote applied 5 and 3 weeks prior to vine kill increased total yield by 47 cwts per acre (5264 kg/ha) and increased yield of premium grade potatoes by 100%. Gross crop value at harvest was increased $500 per acre ($1125/ha). Significantly higher soil moisture levels existed in soils of treated plots between irrigations.  相似文献   

氮肥基追肥比例对马铃薯微型薯生产的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为探讨马铃薯微型薯合理的氮肥施肥方式,以‘早大白’马铃薯脱毒试管苗为材料,在温室内进行了氮肥不同基施和追施比例对马铃薯微型薯生产影响的试验。结果表明:在施氮肥量为纯氮105 kg/hm2条件下,单株结薯方面,基追比为5:2时,单株结薯最多,全部做基肥的处理,单株结薯最低;单粒重方面,基追比为2:1时,单粒重最大,全部追肥的处理最低。可见氮肥基施和追施配合有利于提高单株结薯率及平均单粒重。因此,微型薯生产重视氮肥基施同时配合追施比较符合移栽的试管苗对氮肥的吸收规律。  相似文献   

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