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以目前使用较多、主尺度为周长50 m、深8 m的HDPE圆形重力式网箱为研究对象,通过在主尺度为90 m×6 m×3 m的试验水池内的模型试验,研究其在不同配重、两种排布方式、不同排布间距条件下网箱的容积保持率变化。结果表明:\"一字型\"的网箱排布方式时,不同的排布间距对第一只网箱的受流影响不大;第二、第三和第四只网箱由于前一只网箱的减流作用,网箱间距越小,其作用越明显,容积保持率越高。\"田字型\"的网箱排布方式时,由于并排网箱产生的涡流的影响,第一只和第二只网箱在相同流速下其容积保持率较\"一字型\"排布方式减小,且网箱排布间距越小,涡流的作用越明显,容积保持率越低。模型网箱的容积保持率均随着配重的增加而增加,高流速下配重的调节作用减弱。根据实验数据以及在实际海上作业情况,建议\"一字形\"排布、25%间距方式设置网箱,可适当增加迎流第一只网箱的配重,其它网箱建议可采用700 kg配重。 相似文献
该研究旨在综合探讨不同网箱周长、浮管管径、网衣高度及网目大小对整体网箱受力变形的影响,为网箱的科学合理选型提供数据参考。设定的网箱周长40—80m,浮管管径250~630mm,网衣高度6~20m,网目大小45~115mm。通过数值模拟方法对4种规格高密度聚乙烯圆形网箱在不同组合条件下网箱锚绳受力、波流力以及容积损失率进行了数值计算。结果表明,大规格网箱的锚绳受力、波流力更大,容积损失率更小,锚绳数量的增加可以大大降低锚绳受力。相比浮管管径,网衣高度和网目大小对网箱受力变形的影响更显著。整体网箱的受力变形随着网衣高度的增加而增大,随网目的增大而减小。 相似文献
采用网箱模型试验,以周长50 m、深8 m的HDPE双管圆形重力式网箱为研究对象,研究不同沉力条件下流速对网箱容积的影响.结果表明,网箱随着流速的增加,水面下网衣出现后移、提升,流速越大,其影响的幅度越大;增加沉力可以减小网箱内容积的损耗,但网箱阻力增加;网箱内容积损耗率η与流速V的关系可以通过"逻辑斯蒂方程"拟合;在沉力配置分别为9 408 kN、7 840 kN和6 586 kN时,其方程式分别为η1=1/[1+exp(2.624-1.356 2V)]、η2=1/[1+exp(2.613 6-1.541V)]和η3=1/[1+exp(2.508 7-1.532V)]. 相似文献
选择广东省湛江市深水网箱养殖基地作为实测地点.通过实测试验测量深水网箱在实际海流条件下的锚绳受力状况,给出了单个网箱和组合网箱分别在3种不同网衣方案情况下的锚绳受力结果,旨在为深水网箱的设计及其锚泊系统的优化提供重要参考数据.结果表明,锚绳力随流速的增大而增大,锚绳受力与流速具有一定的正比关系;在3种不同网衣方案条件下,小网目网衣方案(网目40 mm)的锚绳受力最大,单个网箱的锚绳力峰值和锚绳合力分别为3.73 kN和5.01 kN,组合网箱的锚绳力峰值和锚绳合力分别为5.67 kN和20.83 kN;单纯浮架受力在整体网箱的受力中所占比重较小.结论认为,鉴于实际海况下网箱同侧各道锚绳的受力差异较大,在评价锚绳的安全性能时,应取各道锚绳受力峰值中的最大值作为单锚绳的允许受力值. 相似文献
运用线性波浪理论和刚体运动学原理,建立了波浪作用下网箱浮架系统的计算模型.在不同波高(H=4.2~7.0 m)和周期(T=7.2、8.6 s)条件下,采用计算机数值模拟方法,分别对浮架系统所受的锚绳力、波浪力以及合力矩进行了数值计算.通过计算结果的比较及分析表明,三者都随波高的增大而有所增大,其中迎浪侧锚绳力和水平波浪力与波高都有显著的正比关系.在各种不同波况下,迎浪侧锚绳力要大于背浪侧锚绳力,水平波浪力要大于垂直波浪力. 相似文献
重力式深水网箱模型构建是开展网箱力学特性仿真分析的基础,在网箱仿真过程中占据绝大部分的工作量。为解决仿真过程中网箱建模过程繁琐、效率低下的问题,针对重力式深水网箱提出了一种参数化快速建模方案。首先根据网箱各部件特点进行参数化设计,然后编制建模程序并开发相应的操作界面,最终在OrcaFlex软件中实现重力式深水网箱模型的快速构建。工程应用实例测试表明,该程序能大幅提高网箱建模效率,方便开展重力式深水网箱工程计算,研究可为多规格重力式深水网箱仿真模型的快速构建及计算分析提供借鉴。 相似文献
本文针对常见的重力式、碟形和拟碟形网箱在不同下潜深度状态下的锚绳受力特性进行了试验研究.结果表明:重力式网箱的配重形式及下潜形式对网箱的受力具有重要影响.在纯流条件下,重力式网箱采用沉降圈及单管灌水的下潜方式实现下潜时,锚绳受力不但没有衰减,反而呈现较大幅度的增加;在波浪条件下也较其它网箱更为不利.因此从受力的角度来看,实际应用中不宜采用这一配重形式及下潜方式.总体上,碟形网箱及拟碟形网箱在相同条件下的锚绳受力大于重力式网箱,拟碟形则大于碟形网箱的锚绳受力.在综合比较网箱价格和性能的前提下,作者认为选用重力式网箱将更符合实际. 相似文献
深水网箱养殖是海洋牧场建设的重要手段之一,在其发展及应用过程中出现了多种结构形式,其中以重力式和碟形深水网箱应用最为普遍,国内外关于网箱的水动力特性已进行了不少研究,但结果存在较大差异。Colboume等曾对多种配重形式和锚碇形式的重力式网箱的水动力特性及运动特性进行试验, 相似文献
通过在圆柱形网箱箱体深度的1/2处设置一个中环,将原来的圆形重力式网箱改造成新型自减流低形变网箱(改造后的新型实物网箱周长50 m、中环周长75 m、深8 m)。通过在东海水产研究所内主尺度为90m×6 m×3 m的试验水池对新型自减流低形变模型网箱进行模型试验,研究其箱体内容积和流速的变化。模型试验结果表明,新型网箱的容积保持率明显优于原型网箱,在流速1kn时容积保持率仍能达到90.4%。不同流速下,新型网箱的减流效果比原型网箱提高5.8%~13.9%,内部流速比箱体外界流速减小25.0%~31.2%。该新型网箱可有效降低箱体内的海水流速、提高箱体的容积保持率,为养殖鱼类提供更为良好的生存、生长环境。 相似文献
为了给沉降式网箱的设计、选型以及养殖区域选址等提供数据参考,以中国水产科学研究院东海水产研究所设计的沉降式网箱为研究对象,在主尺度为90mx6mx3m的试验水池内进行模型试验,将模型网箱固定在拖车前端,采用拖动模型网箱的方法研究网箱在浮、沉两种状态时的阻力性能.结果显示:网箱箱体浮态和沉态的整体受力均随流速增加而增大,... 相似文献
本文通过在东海水产研究所,主尺度为90m×6in×3In的试验水池内进行模型试验,试验网箱是以圆柱形网箱为基础,在网箱箱体深度的1/2处设置了一个中环,将原来的圆形重力式网箱改造成新型自减流低形变网箱,网箱周长为50m、中环周长75m、深8m,研究其箱体内流速的变化。试验结果表明新型网箱的减流效果比原网箱提高5.8%一13.9%,自减流低形变离岸深水网箱的箱体内部流速比箱体外界流速平均减小25.3%,可有效降低箱体内的海水流速,减小养殖鱼类在网箱内长时间顶流游泳的强度,为养殖鱼类提供良好的生存、生长环境。 相似文献
深海网箱作为现代海洋渔业拓展外海养殖空间的重要养殖装备,其布设环境一般较近海更为复杂恶劣,对于保障其安全性和稳定性提出了更高的要求。本研究针对一种单点系泊潜浮式船型桁架网箱开展了模型比尺为1︰40的波浪流水池试验,重点围绕该网箱在不同吃水深度受波浪作用的系泊受力、升沉、纵摇和横摇等水动力学特性进行了比较分析。试验结果显示,波高为7.5~12.5 cm时(原型3~5 m),网箱漂浮状态即可以满足养殖需求,其系泊力及运动响应均较小,具备较高的安全性和稳定性;恶劣海况时,即本试验中波高为15.0和17.5 cm (原型6 m和7 m),通过整体下潜的方式网箱具有良好的避浪性能,其中,系泊力减幅达70%以上,升沉、纵摇和横摇等运动分量减幅也达20%~60%;波流试验中,海流对网箱避浪性能存在一定的影响,但总体上仍然具有较好的避浪效果。研究结果可为单点系泊潜浮式深海网箱的安全运行与日常管理提供理论依据和数据参考。 相似文献
The objective of the work is to improve the design rules of rectangular aquaculture tanks in order to achieve better culture conditions and improve water use efficiency. Particle tracking velocimetry techniques (PTV) are used to evaluate the flow pattern in the tanks. PTV is a non-intrusive experimental method for investigating fluid flows using tracer particles and measuring a full velocity field in a slice of flow. It is useful for analysing the effect of tank geometries and water inlet and outlet emplacements. Different water entry configurations were compared, including single and multiple waterfalls and centred and tangential submerged entries. The appearance of dead volumes is especially important in configurations with a single entry. Configuration with a single waterfall entry shows a zone of intense mixing around the inlet occupying a semicircular area with a radius around 2.5 times the water depth. A centred submerged entry generates a poor mixing of entering and remaining water, promoting the existence of short-circuiting streams. When multiple waterfalls are used, the distance between them is shown to have a strong influence on the uniformity of the velocity field, increasing noticeably when the distance between inlets is reduced from 3.8 to 2.5 times the water depth. The average velocities in configurations with multiple waterfalls are very low outside the entrance area, facilitating the sedimentation of biosolids (faeces and non-ingested feed) on the tank bottom. The horizontal tangential inlet allows the achievement of higher and more uniform velocities in the tank, making it easy to prevent the sedimentation of biosolids. 相似文献
ABSTRACT: The physical properties of 49 commercial kamabokos were measured by the puncture and stress relaxation tests. The principal component analysis was applied to the physical parameters of both tests, and their cumulative contribution ratios were over 90% with the first and second principal components, respectively. The comparison among the kamabokos was carried out using the synthetic physical parameters. The kamabokos produced in same area showed the peculiar distribution. The relative positional relation of kamabokos measured by the stress relaxation test was different from that by the puncture test for many of the kamabokos. Physical property evaluation using a principal component analysis is very effective for intensiveness of many measurement parameters. If much more kamabokos were measured by this method, regional characteristics of kamabokos would be clarified. 相似文献
A feeding trial using five semi-purified diets (50% crude protein) was conducted to investigate the effects of different dietary amino acid patterns on growth and body composition of juvenile Japanese flounder. The control diet contained casein and gelatin as intact protein sources and four other diets contained 30% casein–gelatin (2:1, w/w) and 20% crystalline amino acids (CAA). CAA were added to the diets to simulate the amino acid pattern found in red sea bream egg protein (REP), Japanese flounder larvae whole body protein (FLP), Japanese flounder juvenile whole body protein (FJP), and brown fish meal protein (BFP), respectively. The test diets were fed to triplicate groups of juveniles (2.75±0.05 g) twice a day for 40 days to evaluate weight gain, survival, feed conversion efficiency (FCE), protein efficiency ratio (PER), and apparent protein utilization (APU). The apparent retention of total dietary amino acids in the whole body and A/E ratios of the whole body were also evaluated. The highest weight gain was observed in fish fed the diet containing the dietary amino acid pattern of BFP followed by fish fed the control, FJP, FLP and the REP diets. Percent survival, FCE, PER and APU were also significantly ( P<0.05) affected by the amino acid pattern in the diets, indicating the highest value in fish fed the BFP diet. Except for a few amino acids, the amino acid composition of the whole body did not show marked differences with different dietary amino acid pattern. Results suggest that BFP could be more suitable as a reference amino acid pattern in the diet of juvenile Japanese flounder compared to the amino acid pattern of FLP, FJP or REP. 相似文献
The effect of chitosan, a polymer of glucosamine obtained by the deacetylation of chitin, on growth, survival and stress tolerance was studied in postlarval Litopenaeus vannamei. An experiment was performed with postlarval shrimp (mean initial wet weight 1.2 mg) fed five isoenergic and isonitrogenous diets containing five supplemented levels of chitosan (0, 0.5, 1, 2 and 4 g kg ?1 diet, respectively). The five compound diets (C0, C0.5, C1, C2 and C4) sustained shrimp growth throughout the experiment. Growth performance (final body weights; weight gain; SGR: specific growth rate) in shrimp fed diet C2 was significantly higher than that in shrimp fed diets C0, C0.5 and C1 ( P < 0.05), diet C4 treatment provided intermediate growth result. The survival in shrimp fed diet C1 was significantly higher than that in shrimp fed C0 diet ( P < 0.05), other diets treatments gave the intermediate survival results. No significant differences were found in growth and survival between diet C2 and C4 treatments. After 9 days of a stress tolerance test, survival in shrimp fed diets C1, C2 and C4 was significantly higher than that in shrimp fed diets C0 and C0.5. We concluded from this experiment that the incorporation of a moderate dietary chitosan was beneficial to the development of postlarval L. vannamei. Considering the effect of chitosan on both growth and survival of postlarval L. vannamei, second‐degree polynomial regression of SGR and survival indicated optimum supplement of dietary chitosan at 2.67 and 2.13 g kg ?1, respectively, so the level of chitosan supplemented in the diet should be between 2.13 and 2.67 g kg ?1. 相似文献
The study was conducted to determine the effect of dietary supplementation of vitamin C on anti‐acid stress ability in juvenile soft‐shelled turtle. The soft‐shelled turtles were fed vitamin C supplemented diets at levels of 0, 250, 500, 2500, 5000 and 10 000 mg kg ?1 for 4 weeks. The results showed that the phagocytic rate of blood cell in the group fed vitamin C deficient diets, the serum bacteriolytic activity in the two groups fed vitamin C supplemented diet at 0 and 250 mg kg ?1 and the serum bactericidal activity in all groups after acid stress significantly decreased compared with those of before stress ( P < 0.1). The phagocytic rate of blood cells in the two groups fed vitamin C supplemented diet at 2500 and 5000 mg kg ?1 were significantly higher than those of the four groups fed at 0, 250, 500 and 10 000 mg kg ?1 ( P < 0.01). The serum bacteriolytic activity in the groups fed vitamin C supplemented diet at 500, 2500, 5000 and 10 000 mg kg ?1 were significantly higher than that of the group fed vitamin C deficient diets ( P < 0.05), and the two groups fed vitamin C at 2500 and 5000 mg kg ?1 were significantly higher than those of the groups fed at 250 and 10 000 mg kg ?1 ( P < 0.05). The serum bactericidal activities in the four groups fed vitamin C supplemented diet at 500, 2500, 5000 and 10 000 mg kg ?1 were significantly higher than those of the two groups fed at 0 and 250 mg kg ?1 diet ( P < 0.01), and the two groups fed vitamin C at 2500 and 5000 mg kg ?1 were significantly higher than those of the two groups fed at 500 and 10 000 mg kg ?1 ( P < 0.1). These results suggest that supplementation of vitamin C higher than 250 mg kg ?1 is necessary to reduce the adverse effects of acid stress. 相似文献