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Histology of the tongue, including apex, root and body, in four adult Caspian miniature horses was examined. Serial sections with 6 mum thickness were stained with haematoxylin-eosin and Masson trichrome and studied under light microscope. The tongue was covered by stratified squamous epithelium. It was thick and keratinized bearing numerous lingual papillae on the dorsum, mostly filiform with a very fine keratinized thread projecting above the surface and bending backward. The fungiform papillae were sparsely scattered among the filiform papillae and covered with keratinized squamous epithelium. Few taste buds were detected on it. The two very large vallate papillae were detected on the dorsum, just rostral to the root, which were covered with stratified squamous epithelium with relatively high amounts of taste buds in the epithelium of the surrounding grooves. The foliate papillae were present near the palatoglossal arch and had a few taste buds. The epithelium covering the ventral surface of the tongue was thin and keratinized. The lingual muscle core consisted of transverse, longitudinal and perpendicular bundles of skeletal muscle fibres. Clusters of minor salivary glands were present between the muscle fibres and lamia propria. Most of the lingual glands were mucous and most of the gustatory ones were serous type. The mid-dorsal special structure of the tongue (dorsal lingual cartilage) contained sparse skeletal muscle fibres and was rich in white adipose tissue. Hyaline cartilage, routinely observed in this structure in the horses, was not detected in Caspian miniature horse.  相似文献   

The tongue of the Florida manatee (Trichechus manatus latirostris) was studied macroscopically, light and electron microscopically. The tongue was slender, muscular and firmly fixed in the oral cavity; only the cranial tip was free and mobile. Numerous filiform papillae were distributed over the dorsal surface of the rostral tongue. Multiple raised, round fungiform-like papillae were distributed over most of the dorsum. Typical fungiform papillae were restricted to the lateral margins of the tongue. Foliate papillae, presenting as multi-fossulate openings, were noted on the caudolateral margins. Open pits were located on the dorsocaudal surface and lateral walls. Microscopic examination showed that most of the lingual dorsum was covered with a thick stratified squamous epithelium. Open pits led to well-developed mucous salivary glands. Glands within the foliate papillae were mostly mucous, although some seromucous glands were present. Taste buds were restricted to the epithelium of the foliate papillae. Throughout the tongue, striated muscle was abundant below the epithelium. Blood vessels, lymph channels and nerve fibres were freely distributed throughout the intermuscular stroma. Nerve fibres reacted positively with neurone specific enolase (NSE) antibody throughout the tongue, including nerve bundles, glands and taste buds. Clear to translucent vacuoles were found juxtaposed to nuclei in the stratum spinosum in the foliate papillae epithelium.  相似文献   

The dorsal lingual surfaces of infant Japanese macaque (Macaca fuscata) and adult savanna monkey (Cercopithecus aethiopus) were examined by scanning electron microscopy. Filiform, fungiform, foliate and vallate papillae were found. The filiform papillae were distributed over the entire dorsal surface of the tongue. The fungiform papillae were round in shape, and more densely distributed on the lingual apex. The foliate papillae were seen on the dorsolateral aspect of the tongue. The three vallate papillae were arranged like a triangle with the apex of the triangle directing caudally. Each papilla was surrounded by a groove. The rudiments of the fungiform, foliate and vallate papillae were visible earlier than those of the filiform papillae.  相似文献   

With 4 figures The Italian lizard (Podarcis sicula) is the most diffused reptile in Italy, but it is also present in other European countries. This lizard belongs to the Lacertidae family, lives near walls, slants and along the borders of the paths; its diet includes bugs and aracnids. No data are so far available in literature about the three‐dimensional morphology of the tongue of Podarcis sicula, therefore the aim of the present paper was to study by scanning electron and light microscopy the three‐dimensional characteristics of the dorsal lingual surface and moreover the presence of chemosensory receptors like the taste buds in the oral cavity. Our results demonstrate that the Podarcis sicula tongue is a triangular muscular membranous organ, dorsoventrally flattened and that three different areas can be observed: a bifid apex, a body and a root. No papillae were observed in the apex, characterized by a flattened mucosa and by two deep median pouches. In the body cylindrical papillae with a flat surface are present, aborally gradually substituted by imbricated papillae. Foliate‐like papillae were observed in the lateral parts of the tongue body. No sensory structures were showed on the lingual dorsal surface, while they were numerous in the oral cavity, particularly on the gingival epithelium. The light microscopy shows, on the dorsal surface, a stratified pavimentous not keratinized epithelium, conversely keratinized along the ventral surface. Many caliciform cells on the lateral parts of the papillae, deputed to the secretion of mucus, were also observed. Therefore, the results obtained in this paper could give a contribution to the knowledge of the tongue anatomy in a species widely diffused in different European countries and could be of help for clinical purposes in reptiles.  相似文献   

The blue-tongue lizard ( Tiliqua scincoides ) is a variety of large skink common throughout Australia. There are seven species of Tiliqua and all of them have long bodies, short limbs and short and robust tails. T. scincoides occurs in a wide range of habitats; its diet is omnivorous. When threatened, it opens the mouth and protrudes its characteristic large fleshy cobalt blue tongue. It is currently found as a popular species and also as a pet animal in the European countries. No data are available in literature about the morphology of the tongue of T. scincoides ; therefore, the aim of the present study was to investigate by means of scanning electron microscopy and light microscopy, the anatomy of the dorsal lingual surface. Our results demonstrate the presence of a tongue tip with a smooth surface without papillae. The foretongue was characterized by a stratified epithelium with foliate-like papillae and deep inter-papillar spaces in the middle part and cylindrical papillae with a flat surface in the lateral parts. All the posterior area of the tongue was characterized by more compacted papillae and the inter-papillar spaces were very narrow. Light microscopy showed the presence of melanin throughout the tongue. No taste buds were recognized on the lingual dorsal surface. Therefore, the papillae probably have a mechanical function showing an important role in the swallowing phase. The morphology of the tongue surface can be correlated to the diet and, different roles, as in other examined species, can be hypothesized for different areas.  相似文献   

The ocelot (Leopardus pardalis) is a Felidae of wide geographical distribution and food flexibility; therefore, it is essential to understand the morphology of the species. Thus, we aimed to describe its lingual morphology in order to gain information regarding the anatomy of this carnivore's digestive system. The tongues ??were removed for ex situ macroscopic and morphometric analyses, as well as for light microscopy and scanning electron microscopy, of fragments of the different lingual regions. The tongue of L. pardalis had an elongated form that was subdivided into the apex, body and root, in which four papillary types were observed: filiform, fungiform, circumvallate and conical. It presented with a stratified, keratinized squamous epithelium, followed by loose and dense connective tissues, as well as a skeletal striated musculature that comprised most of the organ. In addition, in scanning electron microscopy the filiform papillae showed a complex with multiple layers of keratin with triangular shape projected caudally in oral cavity. The fungiform papillae were distributed among the filiform and showed a rounded shape with some gustatory pores, and are keratinized but in a lower intensity if compared with filiform. The vallate papillae, located in lingual root, showed an oval format, had a deep groove surrounded the papillae and some gustatory pores. The conical papillae are located in lingual root and are similar to the filiform. The tongue of L. pardalis resembles other carnivorous species, mainly among felids. However, it differed in relation to the quantity of vallate papillae and the absence of foliate papillae.  相似文献   

The present study was carried out on the oropharyngeal cavity of the hooded crow to investigate the gross and microscopic structures via gross anatomy, light microscopy and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The gross anatomy clarified the elongated triangular shape of the oropharyngeal cavity with a non-protruding tongue with a bifid apex. The lingual body contained median groove rostrally and separated caudally from the root by a transverse papillary crest. The laryngeal mound located posterior to the lingual root, contained midline laryngeal cleft and bounded caudally by a transverse row of pharyngeal papillae. The palate contained choanal cleft rostrally and infundibular slit caudally in addition to five palatine ridges. By light microscopy, the dorsal lingual epithelium was highly keratinised stratified squamous with a lingual nail in the most rostral part of the apex. Then, the thickness of the keratin layer decreased caudally, while in the ventral surface, the lining epithelium became non-keratinised. The entoglossum supported the lingual body and root, but not extended to the apex. The lining epithelium of the palate was also keratinised stratified squamous and became none-keratinised at the oral side of the choanal cleft. There were numerous lobules of polystomatic salivary glands in the lingual root and the palate. SEM revealed the arrangement of different types of papillae covering both the floor and the roof of the oropharynx besides numerous openings of salivary glands in the lingual root, laryngeal mound and the palate. These findings reflect the functional relationship of the oropharyngeal cavity of the hooded crow during feeding.  相似文献   

This study was conducted to examine the light microscopy (LM) and scanning electron microscopic (SEM) structures of mechanical papillae on the tongue in the Angora goat (Capra hircus). As study materials, the tongues of four adult female Angora goats were used. The samples were collected from the dorsal surfaces of the apex, body, root and torus of the tongue and the ventral surfaces of the lingual apex for light and scanning electron microscopic examinations. Three types of mechanical papillae were seen in Angora goat tongue: papilla filiformes, papilla lentiformes and papilla conicae.The filiform papillae were detected in the dorsal surface of the tongue from lingual apex to lingual torus, and in the ventro-lateral of the lingual apex and on both sides of the lingual torus. The morphological differences were observed in filiform papillae according to their location in the tongue. The lenticular papillae settled on the centre of the lingual torus. Two types of these papillae, irregular-round and pyramid-shaped were identified. The conical papillae were scattered all over the lingual torus, except for the central part and were also seen on the root of the tongue. In the light microscopic examination, it was found that mechanical papillae had a stratified squamous epithelium and a varying degree of keratin layer on epithelial surfaces. In this study, by examining the light and scanning electron microscopic structure of the mechanical papillae in the Angora goat tongue, their similarities and differences with other domestic and wild ruminant species were determined.  相似文献   

The dorsal lingual surface of a black rhinoceros (Diceros bicornis) was examined by scanning electron microscopy. The tongue was about 30 cm in length. There were about 60 vallate papillae on both sides. Filiform, fungiform and vallate papillae were found. The filiform papillae were distributed over the entire dorsal surface of the tongue. The papillae had a hair-like shape. The fungiform papillae were round in shape, and more densely distributed on the lingual apex. No foliate papillae were seen on the dorsal surface. The vallate papillae were located on both sides of the posterior end of the lingual body. Each papilla was surrounded by a groove.  相似文献   

This study described the morphological features of the Persian leopard (Panthera pardus saxicolor) tongue using light and scanning electron microscopy techniques. The keratinized filiform papillae were distributed all over the entire dorsal surface of the tongue and contained small processes. They were changed into a cylindrical shape in the body and conical shape in the root. The fungiform papillae were found on the apex and margin of the tongue. Few taste pores were observed on the dorsal surface of each papilla. The foliate papillae on the margins of the tongue were composed of several laminae and epithelial fissures. Taste buds were not seen within the non‐keratinized epithelium. The vallate papillae were six in total and arranged in a “V” shape just rostral to the root. Each papilla was surrounded by a groove and pad. Taste buds were seen within their lateral walls. Lyssa was visible on the ventral surface of the tongue tip and was found as cartilaginous tissue surrounded by thin connective tissue fibres. The core of the tongue was composed of lingual glands, skeletal muscle and connective tissue. These glands were confined to the posterior portion of the tongue and were composed of many serous cells and a few mucous cells. The results of this study contributed to the knowledge of the morphological characteristics of the tongue of wild mammals and provided data for the comparison with other mammals.  相似文献   

The present work was carried out to describe morphological features of the tongue and laryngeal entrance of the Common pheasantPhasianus colchicus, using light and scanning electron microscopy. The lingual apex was taper-shaped with a shallow median sulcus. A V-shaped papillary crest with 15–20 caudally directed conical papillae was located between the radix and corpus linguae. The second row of papillae consisting of three caudolaterally directed conical papillae was arranged caudal to the main papillary crest. The mons laryngealis was equipped caudally with a double-layer of large conical papillae as pharyngeal crest, and few small conical papillae were seen around the glottis. Scanning electron microscope (SEM) observation showed that the apex linguae and corpus were covered with compact filiform papillae, while the radix linguae were free of papillae. Numerous openings of salivary gland can be seen on the radix linguae and mons laryngealis at higher magnification. On histological sections, all parts of the tongue and mons laryngealis were covered with a keratinised stratified squamous epithelium. The keratinised layer became thinner rostro-caudally. The simple alveolar salivary glands were distributed in the submucosa from the apex linguae to the radix linguae as well as the mons laryngealis. PAS staining revealed mucin-secreting activity of this glands. According to the findings, although the tongue and laryngeal entrance of the Common pheasant is characteristics of a galliform bird, it has some features similar to passeriformes and falconiformes.  相似文献   

The African giant pouched rat is a nocturnal, fossorial and omnivorous wild rodent widely distributed in sub‐Saharan Africa. The morphology of lingual surface has not previously examined and was investigated by gross dissection, stereomicroscopy, scanning electron and light microscopy. Grossly, it was elongated and dorso‐ventrally flattened with rounded tip. It measured 3.48 ± 0.33 cm in length, with a median groove of 1.4 ± 0.1 cm in length and well‐developed lingual prominence. Stereomicroscopically, filiform, fungiform and vallate papillae were indicated in the apex, body and root. Fungiform papillae intermingled with filiform on the ventral and dorsal surface of the apex and body. Three vallate papillae were located in triangular arrangement on the root. The surface ultrastructural features distinguished four types of filiform which varied in size, shape and distribution: first type with long pointed process was preponderant on the apex and body of tongue; the second with robust base was located on central lingual prominence; the third (caudal body) was conically shaped with pointed process; and the fourth type (root) had forked filamentous process. Large oval‐shaped fungiform papillae were apparent. Each vallate was surrounded by a circumferential groove into which taste pores opened. Histologically, the tongue surface displayed moderately keratinized stratified squamous epithelium, and lamina propria that varied in places. Fungiform and vallate showed spindle‐shaped taste buds. Serous and mucous acini containing neutral and acidic mucins were observed in lamina propria of root. The structural adaptations of the tongue to omnivorous diet and food manipulation in oral cavity were comparatively discussed.  相似文献   

The morphology of the tongue of an adult Formosan serow was examined to compare it with that of the Japanese serow by macroscopical and scanning electron microscopical observations. The tongue was 13.5 cm in length and 82 g in weight. The apex showed a U-shaped outline. There were 340 fungiform papillae and 23 vallate papillae on both sides. Filiform, fungiform, conical and vallate papillae were found. Annular pads surrounding the vallate papillae were poorly developed. No lenticular or foliate papillae were seen on the dorsal surface. These findings indicate that the tongue of the Formosan serow is smaller and less complex morphologically than that of the Japanese serow.  相似文献   

The Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) is a freshwater and marine fish of the family Salmonidae, widely farmed in aquaculture facilities in several countries. The salmon are carnivorous, but in aquaculture, alternative foods have been experienced. It is well known that feeding in captivity should cause adaptation and modifications of the morphological characteristics of the oral cavity, especially of tongue; therefore, the aim of this study was to investigate, by light, laser confocal and scanning electron microscopy, the morphological characteristics of the tongue dorsal surface, considering the importance of the correlations between feeding habits and the anatomy of the tongue. Scanning electron microscopy demonstrates the presence of caniniform teeth with oro-aboral orientation surrounded by numerous filiform papillae, single, fused or arranged in row. Oro-aborally, the papillae show an appearance like a rosette and they disappear at level of the root. Light and laser confocal microscopy demonstrates that the mucosa is covered by a non-keratinized stratified pavement epithelium with, in the deepest layer, the presence of a triangular structure whose apex is cranially directed and base facing aborally. In this structure, spindle-shaped cells are present, with a vimentin immunoreactivity, that for their characteristics could be adult mesenchymal stem cells. The obtained data could be useful not only for further studies on the nutrition, but it is interesting the detection of tissues typical of the embryo-fetal phase in the adult specimens tongue, thus giving a basis for studies of potential applications, if any, regarding cell therapies for different clinical indications.  相似文献   

The morphology of tongue in straw-coloured fruit bat from tropical forests was evaluated in relation to frugivorous diets and in comparison with other species that consumes other food types. Gross, stereomicroscopy, scanning electron microscope and histological methods were used. The tongue was relatively long with round tip, which closely fitted into oral cavity. Five types of mechanical papillae included crown-like and trifid filiform papillae. Also bulky, cone-shaped papillae and long conical papillae were identified. These mechanical types also showed variations in shape, size and number of processes of papillae. Transitional forms of these mechanical papillae were present. Fungiform papillae with taste pores were interposed amongst filiform types in apex and body; three ovoid-shaped vallate papillae were in triangular arrangement on root and displayed taste pores. Some bulky, cone-shaped papillae surrounded the vallate papillae. Histologically, mechanical filiform types showed highly keratinized stratified squamous epithelium and dense connective tissue core with secondary papillae. Taste buds appeared in fungiform and vallate papillae. Neutral and acidic secretions were identified in lingual glands of root. The presence of prominent filamentous processes of filiform papillae and conical papillae of the tongue in conjunction with gustatory papillae ensures adaptation to copious fruit diets. The gross morphometric and histometric parameters of the tongue did not differ remarkably from previous values obtained for some fruit bats with comparable weight. This investigation showed similarities with fruit bats such as large flying fox and Egyptian fruit bat and reflect common diet and feeding habits but varied from insectivorous and nectivorous bats.  相似文献   

On the root of the tongue in the rabbit there are two symmetrically located vallate papillae, covered by nonkeratinized stratified squamous epithelium. The epithelium is characterized by variable thicknesses, forming epithelial streaks of different length and irregular shape. Taste buds are found both in the epithelium covering the papillae and in the epithelium of the outer walls of the papillae from the side of the furrows. The outer wall of the vallate papillae is gradually transformed with no visible boundary into the surface of the root of the tongue devoid of papillae. The surface of the vallate papillae is uneven. The connective tissue core of the papillae is formed by numerous, irregularly shaped connective tissue papillae, between which epithelial streaks are arranged. Around the connective tissue core of the papillae there is a circular connective tissue fold, with a furrow located on its circumference and the core of the outer wall of the vallate papillae. Numerous excretory ducts of the posterior serous lingual glands (Ebner's glands) open on the fundus of the circular furrow of each vallate papilla. Sometimes excretory ducts of these glands open directly onto the surface of a vallate papilla and then in their vicinity taste buds are found. The results of this study show the structure of vallate papillae on the tongue of adult rabbits, at the same time indicating differences in their structure in comparison to the vallate papillae of other animal species.  相似文献   

This work was conducted to describe the morphological characters of the tongue of Egyptian water buffalo (Bubalus bubalis). The lingual root and the dorsal middle region of apex and body in addition to the dorsal and ventral surface of lingual tip were devoided from any fungiform papillae. The lingual tip contains conical papillae only. The ventral surface of lingual apex was divided into two portions by the U‐shaped fungiform line into papillary and non‐papillary region. Histological investigation on the lingual surface epithelium and lamina propria submucosa reflects differences in these layers in different parts of the tongue. By SEM, there are two subtypes of filiform papillae: caudally directed papillae on dorsal surface and rostrally directed papillae on the lateral region of ventral surface of lingual apex. There are two subtypes of conical papillae: small slightly rostrally directed papillae on dorsal and ventral surface of lingual tip and large posteromedially directed papillae on dorsal surface of lingual root. The rounded circumvallate papillae consisted of round bulb surrounded by deep circular groove, which surrounded by circular pad. Higher magnification of filiform papillae indicates the presence of microcrests separated by microgrooves, and these microgrooves consisted of microrodes. The fungiform surface having micropores on the tip of elevated tubercle for taste buds pores. All these observed structures (microcrests, microgrooves, microrodes, tubercles, microridges) in a higher magnification allow animals to transport food particles through the oral cavity and help in the defensive behaviour. There are strong correlations between the tongue anatomical characteristics and its functions.  相似文献   

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