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The data on the microbial communities and biochemical properties of forest soils obtained in the course of long-term studies in the region of the Kostomuksha ore mining and processing enterprise are presented. The changes in the parameters investigated caused by the anthropogenic impact were revealed. It was concluded that the microbial-biochemical characteristics may be used as an indicator of the state of soils exposed to aerial pollution.  相似文献   

The Quaternary deposits on the Tersk coast of the White Sea are represented by marine deposits (the Tersk sands) enriched in the sea-sorted eluvium of the red Tersk sandstone. These deposits and the soils developed from them are characterized by the predominance of the fine sand fraction and the absence of gravel and the coarser fractions. The sediments derived from the red Tersk sandstone have an impoverished chemical composition (the silica content reaches 75–80%). The iron-illuvial podzols developed from them are characterized by the slightly pronounced differentiation of the main oxides and by the eluvial-illuvial redistribution of the amorphous Al and Fe compounds. Sandy soils—psammozems—with undifferentiated soil profiles are developed from windblown sands subjected to afforestation and from coastal marine sands under a relatively thin natural plant cover. Iron-illuvial podzols buried under a thin sand layer preserve the Al-Fe-humus type of the profile differentiation. In the recently deposited sand layer, the eluvial-illuvial redistribution of the chemical elements is absent.  相似文献   

Global and regional increases in atmospheric mercury (Hg) concentrations have previously been identified as the cause of increased mercury accumulation rates in north temperate lakes in Sweden, Wisconsin, and Minnesota. Atmospheric deposition can often account for elevated Hg concentrations in fish from these systems. Mercury levels in sportfish collected from some areas of the Florida Everglades and Savannas Marsh exceed limits that are acceptable for human consumption. Forty five soil cores and soil grab samples were retrieved from the Everglades and Savannas Marsh wetlands. Eighteen sediment cores were dated radiochemically with210Pb and137Cs using γ-ray spectroscopy to determine modern and historic mercury accumulation rates for these subtropical wetland systems. Recent (“post-1985”) Hg accumulation rates averaged 53 μg m?2 y?1 (23 to 141, n=18) corresponding to an average rate increase of 4.9 times (1.6 to 19.1) over those observed around the turn of the century. This accumulation seems to result more from either global or regional atmospheric deposition rather than from lateral transport via overlying surface water. The trends for mercury accumulation match those reported for lakes in Sweden and the northern United States, even though these systems are distinctly different in their climate, vegetational composition, and location. We provide the first data on accumulation of mercury in subtropical wetland systems, and demonstrate the feasibility of radiochemical dating of wetland sediment.  相似文献   

Fen peatlands are specific wetland ecosystems containing high soil organic carbon (SOC). There is a general lack of knowledge about the microbial communities that abound in these systems. We examined the microbial activity and community structure in two fen soils differing in SOC content sampled from the Ljubljana Marsh under different seasonal conditions. Substrate-induced respiration and dehydrogenase activity were used as indicators of total microbial activity. Both methods indicated higher microbial activities in the fen soil with the higher SOC content on all dates of sampling. To determine whether the differences in microbial activity were associated with differences in the microbial community structures, terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism (T-RFLP) of bacterial 16S rRNA genes was performed. Comparison of the T-RFLP profiles revealed very similar community structures in both fens and in the two seasonal extremes investigated. This suggested a stable community structure in the two fens, which is not affected by the SOC content or seasonal variation. In addition, a bacterial 16S ribosomal RNA gene based clone library was prepared from the fen soil with the higher SOC content. Out of 114 clones analysed, approximately 53% belonged to the Proteobacteria, 23% to the Acidobacteria, 21% to a variety of other taxa, and less than 3% were affiliated with the Firmicutes.  相似文献   

Temperate saltmarshes are a potential source of atmospheric methane. We have measured the concentration and emission of methane in typical saltmarsh soils (Salic Fluvisols) and humus-rich saltmarsh soils (Thionic Fluvisols) from the German North Sea coast. We also measured the methane production rates of the latter. The methane content of typical saltmarsh soils reached 12.0 μmol 1?1, although values of 1–4 μmol 1?1 were usual. The sulphate concentrations of the pore-water were about 10 mm , which means sulphate reduction is not limited and methanogenesis would be suppressed. Methane concentrations were generally largest in summer. Independent of the redox potential and the degree of soil development, methane concentrations were smallest in those soils poorest in humus. Methane emission rates were almost zero. In the humus-rich saltmarsh soils, methane concentrations were roughly a thousand times larger than those in typical saltmarsh soils, reaching values of 23 mmol 1?1 The sulphate concentrations of the pore-water were often less than 1 mM, indicating limited sulphate reduction. Methane production was up to 80 μg cm?3 day?1 and was not inhibited when we added sulphate. Methane emission rates reached up to 190 μg m?2 day?1 in summer, with values up to 20 μg m?2 day?1 at other times. The two kinds of saltmarsh soil behave quite differently: the typical saltmarsh soils act as a sink for methane; the humus-rich saltmarsh soils are a source.  相似文献   

Little is known about the nature of organic sulfur (S) in soils of the Marsh in Schleswig‐Holstein, Northern Germany. In addition to total and inorganic S, we determined two organic S fractions (ester sulfate‐sulfur and carbon‐bonded sulfur) in 14 aerated mineral top horizons of two salt marshes and ten dyked polder soils of different age. All soils developed from marine sediments. Total S concen‐trations ranged from 153 to 950 mg kg—1. Organic S was the main S constituent (range from 53 to 99% with a median of 97%). Higher inorganic S levels were found only in the salt marshes due to soluble sulfate (15 to 47%). The younger marsh soils (salt marshes and soils of a polder dyked in 1978) had unique high S contents of 0.9 to 2.4% in their organic matter, whereas the S contents of the organic matter in older marsh soils were at only 0.6%. This S‐rich organic matter is a heritage of a former anoxic marine environment. In most horizons the carbon‐bonded S was the dominant sulfur form. However, both carbon‐bonded S and ester sulfate‐S did not relate to soil age. This limits the benefit of the wet chemical fractionation procedure used for studying the fate of organic S in marsh soils.  相似文献   

Parameters of water and KCl extracts from organic horizons of arctic soils on the coast of Khaipudyr Bay of the Barents Sea, in which the values of pH are 3.8–4.3 and 2.7–3.5, respectively, have been compared. It has been found that the content of water-extractable organic carbon is 0.2–0.5 g/dm3; the contents of low-molecular-weight carbohydrates and acids are 1–24 and 6 mg/dm3, respectively, and the content of Fe3+ ions is 1–4 mmol/dm3. The increase in the ionic strength of solution reduces the extraction efficiency of total organic carbon in 1.2 times and that of acids and carbohydrates in 3 times on the average at the simultaneous increase in the content of iron ions in the liquid phase in 7–15 times. It has been shown that organic acids and iron compounds are the main sources of acidity in salt extracts from organic soil horizons. The low contents of Ca2+ and Mg2+, which participate in the neutralization of acids, favor the high acidity of the studied horizons.  相似文献   

The White River Plateau erosion surface (Miocene-Pliocene) at an elevation of approximately 2850 m (9500 ft) is dominated by weakly developed Holocene soils which commonly possess simple A-C horizonation. However, Pre-Wisconsin soils occur on the surface in isolated areas at both high and low topographic sites, most notably in Triangle Park. These Pre-Wisconsin soils consist of composite, polygenetic profiles having truncated, clayey subsoils which are overlain by stone or pebble lines, colluvium, soil creep, and probable local eolian deposits Truncation of the paleosols preceded development of the Holocene soils, which have formed on bedrock surfaces and have been superposed on the truncated, buried paleosols Soil distribution and character, in relation to structure of bedrock on the erosion surface, indicate that the surface as it now exists is structurally controlled and has a topography generated in late Tertiary to Pre-Wisconsin time.  相似文献   

中国渤海海岸盐碱土及非盐碱土中土壤生物多样性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A plethora of information is available on the effects of salinity on plant growth and soil physico-chemical properties,but the effects on soil organisms are often neglected.Thus,a systematic investigation of how soil biodiversity,including bacteria,nematodes,mites,and earthworms,changes along saline gradients was conducted along the Bohai Sea coast at Laizhou City,Shandong Province,China,with 30 soil samples randomly selected and classified by salinity into two categories:saline and non-saline.Testing revealed a significantly higher abundance of the surveyed organisms in non-saline soils.The redundancy analysis showed that a negative correlation was observed between electrical conductivity and soil organism abundance in saline soil,but not in non-saline soil.Soil organic matter,available nitrogen,and total nitrogen all positively affected organism abundance in both saline and non-saline soils.The richness and Shannon diversity of nematodes were significantly higher in non-saline soils,but were not significantly different between soil types for other organisms.None of the environmental factors surveyed was obviously related to soil organism diversity.Consequently,our results suggested that soil electrical conductivity only negatively affected soil organisms in saline soil,while soil fertility positively affected soil organisms in both saline and non-saline soils.  相似文献   

Microorganisms play a dominant role in Antarctic ecosystems, yet little is known about how fungal diversity differs at sites with considerable human activity as compared to those that are remote and relatively pristine. Ross Island, Antarctica is the site of three historic expedition huts left by early explorers to the South Pole, Robert F. Scott and Ernest Shackleton. The fungal diversity of these wooden structures and surrounding soils was investigated with traditional culturing methods as well as with molecular methodology including denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) using the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) regions of ribosomal DNA for identification. From historic wood and artifact samples and soils adjacent to the huts as well as soil samples obtained from the Lake Fryxell Basin, a remote Dry Valley location, and remote sites at Mt. Fleming and the Allan Hills, 71 fungal taxa were identified. The historic huts and associated artifacts have been colonized and degraded by fungi to various extents. The most frequently isolated fungal genera from the historic woods sampled include Cadophora, Cladosporium and Geomyces. Similar genera were found in soil samples collected near the huts. Sampling of soils from locations in the Transantarctic Mountains and Lake Fryxell Basin at considerable distances from the huts and with different soil conditions revealed Cryptococcus spp., Epicoccum nigrum and Cladosporium cladosporioides as the most common fungi present and Cadophora species less commonly isolated. DGGE revealed 28 taxa not detected by culturing including four taxa which possibly have not been previously described since they have less than 50% ITS sequence identity to any GenBank accessions. Fungi capable of causing degradation in the wood and artifacts associated with the expedition huts appear to be similar to those present in Antarctic soils, both near and at more remote locations. These species of fungi are likely indigenous to Antarctica and were apparently greatly influenced by the introduction of organic matter brought by early explorers. Considerable degradation has occurred in the wood and other materials by these fungi.  相似文献   

环渤海缺水区盐碱地改良利用技术研究   总被引:10,自引:4,他引:6  
针对淡水资源匮乏制约盐碱地改良利用难题,自1982年以来,中国科学院遗传与发育生物学研究所农业资源研究中心在环渤海低平原和滨海平原开展了缺水盐渍区盐碱地改良利用研究与示范工作,取得了以下研究成果:1)研究明确了低平原缺水盐渍区盐碱地改良的浅层地下水埋深调控深度,建立了井灌代排、蓄雨淋盐的盐碱地改良技术模式;2)揭示了咸水结冰融水咸淡水分离在滨海盐土的入渗规律,发明了冬季咸水结冰灌溉改良滨海重盐碱地技术;3)提出了耦合盐碱区土壤水盐运移-气候条件-植物生长发育规律的盐碱地改良思路,建立了微域降盐、秸秆隔盐的盐碱地农艺改良技术模式;4)探讨了盐生植物适应盐渍环境的机理,建立了滨海盐碱地盐渍资源高效利用技术模式。形成了以咸水、雨水、耐盐植物高效利用为核心的工程措施、农艺措施与生物措施相结合的盐碱地改良利用技术体系,为环渤海缺水盐渍区农业发展和生态环境建设提供了科技支撑。  相似文献   

土壤碳酸盐对现代大气CO_2的截存与土壤中的硅酸盐矿物组成、盐基元素供给、有机碳含量等因子密切相关。该文结合土壤理化性质和碳同位素分馏特性,以新疆艾比湖为例,探讨了干旱区尾闾盐湖滨岸盐碱土中碳酸盐的固碳效应和影响因素,研究结果表明:1)土壤碳酸盐是干旱区最重要的碳库,艾比湖滨岸土壤碳酸盐的平均碳密度是有机碳的4.05倍;2)艾比湖滨岸盐碱土中的δ13CSCC介于-7.9‰~0.3‰之间,δ13CSCC与HCO3-存在良好的线性负相关关系,决定系数高达0.669 9,大气碳以重碳酸盐形式存在是次生碳酸盐淀积的关键环节之一;3)土壤δ13CSCC值与硅酸盐矿物阳起石、绿泥石、伊利石存在着良好的线性负相关关系,δ13CSCC值随着富Ca、Mg、Fe矿物的含量增加明显向负向漂移;4)土壤中有机碳含量越高,生物风化过程越强烈时,δ13CSCC负向漂移越大,土壤碳酸盐截存较多大气中的轻碳;当土壤含盐量超过一定程度时,有机过程受到抑制,土壤碳酸盐则截存较多大气中的重碳。因此,干旱区存在着有机-无机耦合固碳效应,提高干旱区植被覆盖,可以增加有机碳库储量,同时,经有机过程分馏转移到土壤中的CO_2可进一步促进土壤硅酸盐矿物风化,使这部分CO_2不再返回大气,而是以碳酸盐形式被长久固存。  相似文献   

We studied precipitation chemistry at the Rhode River on the western shore of the Chesapeake Bay. We sampled on an event basis, beginning in 1973 for some constituents in bulk precipitation. Beginning in 1981, we also sampled wet precipitation separately from bulk precipitation. In this report, we examine temporal variability of precipitation chemistry at different time scales. Several constituents showed long-term trends. In bulk precipitation, hydronium concentration increased by 27% of its mean concentration per decade, calcium by 67%, ammonium by 28%, and nitrate by 25%, while organic nitrogen decreased by 41%, organic phosphorus by 31%, and organic carbon by 16%. In wet precipitation, ammonium increased by 33% and calcium by 100%, while magnesium decreased by 78% per decade. Concentrations differed greatly among precipitation events, increasing as the volume of precipitation decreased and as the interval since the previous event increased. Most constituents also showed marked seasonal variation. We used a regression model to predict concentrations for each event from month, precipitation volume, and the time since the previous event. We evaluated how much of the interannual variability could be explained by these factors. The event-scale model accounted for almost half of the variability among annual means for ammonium, sodium, and magnesium in bulk precipitation, and for potassium in wet precipitation. This suggests that much of the interannual variability of concentrations may result from interannual variation in the temporal distribution of precipitation.  相似文献   

Hydrocarbon spills on Antarctic soils occur mainly near settlements where fuel is stored and aircraft and vehicles are refuelled. To investigate those factors that may preclude hexadecane mineralization activity in long-term hydrocarbon-contaminated soils from the Ross Sea Region, samples were collected from Scott Base, the site of former bases (Cape Evans, Marble Point, Vanda Station), and two oil spill sites in the Wright Valley (Bull Pass and Loop Moraine). The soils had low levels of nitrogen (<0.1% total N) and a high C/N ratio (>24) reflecting hydrocarbon contamination. Following soil water adjustment to 10% (v/w), the influence of nutrient addition (250 mg/kg N added as monoammonium phosphate) and inoculation (spiking with Antarctic soil containing high numbers of hydrocarbon degraders) as required on hexadecane mineralization activity was determined. Hexadecane mineralization activity occurred in contaminated soils from Marble Point, Cape Evans and one sample from Vanda Station without nutrient addition. In contrast soils from Scott Base, Cape Evans, another sample from Vanda Station and Loop Moraine required nutrients, whereas Bull Pass soil required inoculation and nutrients before hexadecane mineralization proceeded. Hydrocarbon degrader numbers were highest in coastal soils from Scott Base and Marble Point (107 per gram) and less prevalent in inland soils from Wright Valley (<105 per gram). The bacterial community structure of the soils differed between sites, but soils from the same sites tended to cluster together more closely, except for those from Vanda Station. Addition of nutrients did not cause large shifts in the soil bacterial communities. Results from this study indicate that hydrocarbon degradation may occur at some sites in summer when water is available. Long-term hydrocarbon-contaminated Antarctic soils may provide a valuable resource of hydrocarbon-degrading bacteria that can serve as inocula for more recent oil spills on land.  相似文献   

沼液灌溉对土壤质量的影响   总被引:28,自引:1,他引:27  
倪亮 《土壤》2008,40(4):608-611
通过田间试验研究了不同沼液灌溉量对土壤质量和生态安全的影响.结果表明在N、P、K养分相等条件下,完全沼液灌溉和与化肥配合施用均能改善土壤肥力,重金属等有害元素在国家土壤环境质量指标内,但沼液长期灌溉对土壤质量的影响还需进一步研究.  相似文献   

选取退耕还湿火烧当年的土壤,研究了火烧和未烧对照0-10 cm,10-20 cm和20-30 cm土壤有机碳(SOC)、微生物量碳(MBC)、微生物量氮(MBN)、基础呼吸(BR)、呼吸势(PR)、微生物商(Cmic/Corg)和代谢商(qCO2)的变化规律。结果表明,火烧0-10 cm土壤微生物量碳、微生物氮、基础呼吸、微生物商和代谢商分别增加6.7%,26.8%,23.1%,18.7%和15.4%,火烧0-10 cm土壤有机碳低于未烧对照,且差异显著,而火烧0-10 cm土壤呼吸势与对照无明显差异;火烧对10-20 cm和20-30 cm土壤无明显影响;火烧增加了0-10 cm土壤可利用的营养物质,增强0-10 cm土壤微生物活性,同时,土壤微生物利用基质的能力下降;而火烧对10-20 cm和20-30 cm土壤的微生物活性无明显影响。  相似文献   

三江平原沼泽湿地水文水资源环境变化分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对沼泽湿地所特有的水文特征和水量平衡方程的研究,详细地分析了三江沼泽湿地变化的影响因素。指出人类活动的干扰直接导致沼泽湿地水文水资源环境的变化,湿地面积不断的减少,使湿地生态功能不断下降。应采取必要的措施控制三江平原地区湿地生态环境恶化。  相似文献   

The de-esterification of high methoxyl pectin by thermostable pectinmethylesterase (TS-PME) from Marsh grapefruit was studied at pH 7.5, in a temperature range between 25 degrees and 50 degrees C and in the presence of various cations. Arrhenius plots were constructed for CaCl(2) (5 to 20 mM), SrCl(2) (5 to 20 mM), and spermidine (2.5 to 10 mM) added reactions. Enthalpy (DeltaH()) and entropy (DeltaS()) of activation changed with cation type and concentration. The presence of cations modified the free energy of the resulting enzyme/substrate complex. The entropy of activation was positive at all concentrations of CaCl(2) studied, and negative in the same concentration range with SrCl(2). Reactions with spermidine showed negative entropy of activation at concentrations <5 mM and positive values of entropy at higher concentrations.  相似文献   

三江平原典型湿地土壤腐殖质的剖面分布及其组成特征   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
以三江平原腹地挠力河、别拉洪河、浓江河流域自然沼泽湿地为研究对象,研究了典型湿地土壤腐殖质的剖面分布及其组成特征,并探讨了土壤腐殖质与植被类型及土壤全氮含量的关系。三江平原典型湿地土壤草根层和泥炭层中胡敏酸(HA)和富里酸(FA)的累计含量在整个剖面总量中的比例均大于70%,各组分相对含量分别高于35%总有机碳和23%总有机碳,其剖面分布与土壤有机碳(SOC)的变化趋势一致,由表层向下层逐渐减少。除小叶章湿地土壤草根层HA/FA值为0.97外,三江平原典型湿地土壤HA/FA均大于1,其剖面均值为1.4~2.5,表明三江平原湿地为胡敏酸型土壤.腐殖质各组份含量及其HA/FA值因植被类型而异,而与土壤全氮含量呈显著线性相关(p<0.05)。  相似文献   

Factual materials on salt-affected soils in the Barguzin Depression (Buryat Republic) are generalized. A geomorphic map of the depression has been developed. The distribution of salt-affected soils and the specificity of salinization in different geomorphic regions are characterized. These soils tend to be developed within the low lacustrine–alluvial plain of the depression, on the floodplain of the Barguzin River and its tributaries. Smaller areas of salt-affected soils are found on the river terraces. They are virtually absent on ancient sandy ridged terraces (kuituns). The genesis and chemistry of soil salinization are mainly related to the discharge of slightly saline deep water along tectonic faults and fissures. An additional source of soil salinity is represented by surface water flows. The presence of permafrost preventing the leaching of salts and the cryoarid climate favoring the migration of salts toward the soil surface during the dry spring and early summer periods and during the soil freezing in the winter contribute to the soil salinization. Slightly saline hydromorphic solonchakous soils predominate among salt-affected soils of the depression; the portion of semihydromorphic saline soils is smaller. Automorphic saline soils rarely occur in the depression. Strongly saline soils— solonchaks—are widespread within lacustrine depressions around salt lakes. Soils of the soda and sulfate salinization predominate. The content of chlorides is small; their increased amounts, as well as the presence of sulfates, are indicative of the discharge of dee ground water onto the surface. The soda type of salinization is also related to the discharge of deep stratal water with further transformation of salt solutions during freeze–thaw cycles. Under anaerobic conditions, the formation of soda is favored the processes of sulfate reduction.  相似文献   

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