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Selection strategies to reduce invasive potential in introduced plants   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Summary The crop domestication process is examined from plant collection to product release for various junctures at which deliberate breeding, selection, and crop transformation may occur to prevent invasive potential. Four primary juncture opportunities for research on techniques and development of selection procedures for non-invasiveness include: The Plant Exploration Phase, Initial Trial Phase, Fast-Tracking Phase, Selection and Improvement Phase. Avoiding the collection of germplasm that appears weedy during plant exploration is an obvious, yet cost-effective way to reduce invasiveness in a selection program. During initial trials, comparing genotypic differences in traits related to invasiveness should allow plant breeders to identify cultivars that pose the least risk before undertaking comprehensive field trials. Genotypes with high commercial value, considered candidates for “fast-tracking”, should only advance quickly to product release if they exhibit a minimum level of invasive risk, i.e., species with low dispersal capacity and that have little potential to impact ecosystems. Fast-growing taxa, those with high seed production, ones likely to be rapidly dispersed by wind, animals, water or people, and others that can significantly alter nutrient or light levels are examples of species that should not be “fast-tracked”. Field trials that have typically been used to evaluate performance of genotypes across a broad range of cultivated environmental conditions need to be expanded to adequately evaluate invasive potential during the selection and improvement phase. Testing in environments that mimic conditions where introductions could naturalize is crucial, as are evaluations of competition with indigenous species. The time and resource investment needed to conduct adequate trials at this stage is potentially very high; more research is needed to ensure the trials conducted are targeting important information gaps for decision-making. Additional research is also needed to develop modeling approaches that effectively forecast long-term dynamics of introductions and to assist in developing field testing priorities. Minimizing invasive potential could significantly reduce introductions that cause inadvertent damage to landscapes and ecosystems. The strategy proposed here will require further development, especially in the context of understanding and assessing risks of pre- and post-release strategies for minimizing damage from invasive species. Scientific Paper No. 051210156 of the Department of Horticultural Science.  相似文献   

The two species under genus Echinochloa, Efrumentacea (Indian barnyard millet) and Eesculenta (Japanese barnyard millet), are cultivated for food and fodder by hilly and tribal communities in Asia particularly in India, China and Japan. The crop has wide adaptability and occupies a special place in marginal rainfed areas because of its short life cycle. Although the area under the crop has come down drastically in last 50 years, the crop ability to survive under harsh conditions makes it a better choice during famine years. In the Indian Himalayan region, the crop was traditionally used as a substitute for rice. It has been identified as a suitable choice for climate‐resilient agriculture. High nutrient content and antioxidant effects make it to be considered as a functional food crop. Recently, the demand of the crop has increased due to its highly nutritious grains. Thus, it has the potential to provide both food and nutritional security particularly in hills where nutritional deficiencies are in abundance. Despite enormous potential, the crop has not gained the popularity among masses and is still considered as poor man's food. This work therefore is an attempt to compile the meagre information available on crop history, evolution, crop breeding and present status to make the crop competitive and revamp its cultivation.  相似文献   

Teodoro Cardi 《Plant Breeding》2016,135(2):139-147
Plant genetic resources (PGR) represent valuable sources of genetic variability for crop breeding. The development of novel biotechnologies is necessary for increasing the efficiency of their use in pre‐breeding and breeding work. The genome sequencing of hundreds of genotypes and the mining of allele diversity in major crops and populations of landraces and wild relatives allow the isolation of genes underlying characters of interest and their precise modification or transfer into targeted varieties. The technological developments and applications of new plant breeding techniques (NPBT) that maximize the similarity with gene transfer by crossing (cisgenesis/intragenesis) or the accuracy of biotechnological approaches (genome editing) are reviewed. Their potentialities and current limitations as well as the possible advantages of using them separately or combined for the exploitation of PGR in crop breeding are also discussed. Above‐mentioned NPBT tackle some objections to the application of biotechnologies in agriculture and are under review worldwide to assess the possible exclusion from the current regulation systems for genetically modified plants.  相似文献   

Summary The invasive potential of a species can be assessed by propagule pressure, which measures the chances for propagules of a species to find a suitable habitat for establishment and reproduction. Seeds, fruits, and vegetative structures that contribute to the propagule pressure are morphologically, physiologically and genetically different from one another, thus each kind should have a specific way of contributing to a successful invasion. In this paper we review plant traits that contribute to the propagule pressure. Seed production provides an estimate of the potential multiplication rate of the weed. However, it is gap-sensing mechanisms of seeds based on dormancy termination and germination requirements, which significantly contribute to the naturalization and invasion processes assuring a successful seedling establishment in environments of high competition. Dispersal of propagules reduces competition, mating with a sibling, and subsequent inbreeding depression, and increases colonization opportunities and range of expansion. Some of those benefits can be achieved in a population by existence of dormancy mechanisms and thus, the existence of a seed bank. Finally, vegetative propagation may ensure expansion of local populations when seedling establishment is low. Broadening the scope of traits that are considered in the breeding programs aimed at commercial production of plant propagules, to include those related to propagule pressure, is essential for adequate evaluation of invasive potential.  相似文献   

Cañahua (Chenopodium pallidicaule Aellen) is a semi‐domesticated relative of quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa Willd.) with high nutritious quality. It is tolerant to frost, drought, saline soils and pests. One seed yield limitation is seed loss during the maturity stages. Two greenhouse experiments in Denmark and field experiments in Bolivia were carried out to determine seed shattering in landraces and cultivars with different growth habits. 15–21 % of the seed shattering in the fields took place whilst the plants still were flowering and 25–35 % during physiological maturity. Seed shattering varied between locations on the Bolivian Altiplano. Cañahua types with the semi‐prostrate growth (‘lasta’) had the highest seed shattering rate in the greenhouse experiments. The Umacutama landrace had lower seed shattering (1 %) than the cultivar Kullaca (7.2 %) both of the ‘lasta’ type. Under field conditions, the cultivar Illimani with the erect growth (‘saihua’) had the highest seed shattering rate (6.4–33.7 %) at both locations and at four different sowing dates. The Umacutama had the lowest rate (0.5–1.5 %). There were no significant differences between plants of the ‘lasta’ and the ‘saihua’ types. The landrace had significantly less seed loss than the cultivars. However, in the greenhouse, the landrace yield was approximately 25 % lower than the yields of the cultivars. In general, cañahua cultivars had higher yield compared to landraces, but also a higher seed shattering rate. Landraces may be used in breeding programmes to develop high‐yielding cultivars with reduced seed shattering.  相似文献   

Winkel et al. (2012) have written a note called ‘The sustainability of quinoa production in southern Bolivia: from misrepresentations to dubious solutions. A reply to S. Jacobsen’, which is arguing against my paper (J. Agron. Crop Sci. 197, 2011, 390). In the following, I will respond to their main points.  相似文献   

Quinoa offers a promising alternative for staple food, considering its outstanding nutritional value and tolerance to abiotic stresses. To develop breeding programmes in quinoa, a reliable crossing method for increasing the genetic variation is required. In the following study, we aimed to develop segregating populations in quinoa. We tested the efficiency of three different crossing methods (hand emasculation, warm water emasculation and no emasculation). Moreover we developed a two-stage selection strategy based on morphological traits and molecular markers for the selection of hybrid plants. We reported hand emasculation to be the most efficient crossing method, followed by warm water emasculation and no emasculation. Our results demonstrated that crosses in quinoa can be successfully performed, despite its complicated flower structure and high self-pollination rate. Additionally, we developed 30 segregating populations from crosses between accessions of different origins with varying phylogenetic relationship, which offers a promising perspective for quinoa breeding programmes in the future.  相似文献   

One of major objectives of crop breeding is conferring resistance to diseases and pests. However, large-scale phenotypic evaluation for many diseases and pests is difficult because strict controls are required to prevent their spread. Detection of disease resistance genes by using DNA markers may be an alternative approach to select potentially resistant accessions. Potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) breeders in Japan extensively use resistance gene H1, which confers nearly absolute resistance to potato cyst nematode (Globodera rostochiensis) pathotype Ro1, the only pathotype found in Japan. However, considering the possibility of accidental introduction of the other pathotypes, breeding of resistant varieties is an important strategy to prevent infestation by non-invading pathotypes in Japan. In this study, to evaluate the prevalence of resistance genes in Japanese genetic resources, we developed a multiplex PCR method that simultaneously detects 3 resistance genes, H1, Gpa2 and Gro1-4. We revealed that many Japanese varieties possess not only H1 but Gpa2, which are potentially resistant to other pathotypes of potato cyst nematode. On the other hand, no genotype was found to have the Gro1-4, indicating importance of introduction of varieties having Gro1-4. Our results demonstrate the applicability of DNA-marker assisted evaluation of resistant potato genotypes without phenotypic evaluation.  相似文献   

Total reliance on herbicides for weed control is unsustainable with the spread of herbicide resistance and the environmental need to reduce pesticide use. Strongly competitive wheat crops that have high tolerance to weed pressure and therefore maintain high yields in the presence of weeds are a low-cost option for reducing dependence on herbicides. We examined the feasibility of selecting for wheat tolerance to weeds by crossing varieties differing for traits associated with competitiveness. Competitive ability and yield potential must be treated as separate traits for selection. Current measures of crop tolerance to weed competition do not separate the two traits so that selection based on these measures is often synonymous with selection for yield potential rather than pure tolerance. We propose a new measure, termed Incremental Crop Tolerance (ICT) that reflects the incremental yield difference between genotypes associated with tolerance, over and above differences in underlying yield potential.  相似文献   

Intensification of cropping systems in recent decades has increased their productivity but affected air, soil and water quality. These harmful environmental impacts are exacerbated in Maize Monoculture (MM) and hasten the need for solutions to overcome the trade off between crop yield and environmental impacts. In a three-year cropping systems experiment, a conventional intensive maize monoculture (MMConv), with a winter bare fallow, deep soil tillage, non-limiting irrigation was compared to three Low Input Cropping Systems (LI-CS) designed as alternatives to the conventional system. They were managed with decision-rules implemented to reach specific objectives of input reduction. The LI-CS designed with Integrated Weed Management (IWM) techniques and other sustainable cropping practices, were:(i) MMLI—an IWM Low Input MM; (ii) MMCT—a Conservation Tillage combined with cover crop MM; and (iii) Maize-MSW—an IWM maize grown in rotation with soybean and wheat. A comprehensive multi-criteria assessment was carried out to quantify the agronomic, economic, social, and environmental performances of each system. A canonical discriminant analysis of performance metrics revealed large differences between the four systems. Yields were significantly higher in MMConv (11.0 Mg ha−1) and MMLI (10.3 Mg ha−1) than in Maize-MSW (8.6 Mg ha−1) and MMCT (7.8 Mg ha−1). MMCT had the largest weed infestation (density and biomass) despite the greatest use of herbicides. The Herbicide Treatment Frequency Index (HTFI), used to indicate differences in herbicide use, revealed that the MMLI (HTFI = 1.0) and Maize-MSW (1.1) halved the herbicide use as compared to the MMConv (2.1), despite having similar weed abundance levels. The LI-CS, especially MMCT, produced high biomass winter cover crops and then less nitrogen fertilization was required as compared to MMConv. Gross margins in the MMLI (1254 € ha−1) and MMConv (1252 € ha−1) were higher than the MMCT (637 € ha−1) and Maize-MSW (928 € ha−1). MMLI and MMConv had similar labour requirements. Water drainage, pesticide leaching, energy use, and estimated greenhouse gas emissions were higher in MMConv than in the LI-CS in most years. Results from this research show good potential for the MMLI to reduce the environmental impacts of MMConv while maintaining its economic and social performance.  相似文献   

Changing global climatic conditions and irrigation water shortages impose water stress conditions on crops. To develop genotypes tolerant to water stress necessitates reliable high‐throughput methods to study plant water status and water stress tolerance mechanisms. We report the use of a non‐destructive, automated, precise and rapid system for assessing real‐time water status in canola plants. Leaf patch clamp pressure probes were clamped on the leaves of four different genotypes of canola grown under field conditions. The data generated diurnal curves characterizing the pattern of turgor pressure maintenance within the leaves. A novel methodology termed ‘inverse hysteresis’ was developed to measure relative water stress levels in plants using the probe‐derived data. The inverse hysteresis data show that genotypes CT12 and CT15 had a higher ability to withstand water stress and were more tolerant to water stress than DS23 and DS35. The chlorophyll content and seed yield were also higher in CT12 and CT15. This novel analytical tool for monitoring water status in canola plants will be of great benefit in other crop species to efficiently screen genotypes for water stress tolerance.  相似文献   

Cover plants are one of the means to increase the functional biodiversity of fields and to enhance the ecological functions of the communities. However, the design of cropping systems including cover plants relies largely on expert knowledge. There is a lack of methods to select the best suited cover plants according to their role in the agrosystem. We propose to use functional traits to select cover plants suited to sustain ecological services in the banana agrosystems of the French West Indies. Our objectives were (i) to characterize a collection of cover plants on a trait basis, according to their potential to provide the services expected in a banana agrosystem and (ii) to discuss the potential use of this characterization for the design of innovative multi-species banana cropping systems. In these systems, four main services are targeted, i.e. controlling weeds, controlling plant-parasitic nematodes, improving soil fertility and particularly N availability, and avoiding competition with banana for resource acquisition. Three experiments were conducted, under field and controlled conditions, to evaluate the potential of a collection of 28 tropical cover plants to achieve the functions related to these services. For each cover plant, a functional profile was constructed from a combination of plant traits that are easy to assess experimentally. It described plants’ potential to achieve the functions expected in a banana agrosystem. Functional profiles required for cover plant usages were also identified. The comparison of the plant functional profiles and the functional profiles required for their usages enabled us to select the best suited plants for each usage. However, these functional profiles rarely corresponded, meaning that a cover plant is rarely sufficient to achieve all the functions required for a usage. Functional complementarities obtained by the mixture of different species of cover plants are thus often required. Compared to classical approaches of innovative cropping system design based on the experimental testing of spatial and temporal plant combinations, such a trait-based approach saves time by focusing on a shortlist of cover plants best suited according to their functions in the agrosystem.  相似文献   

Potato leaves infected with Phytophthora infestans produced a serine protease inhibitor (PLPKI) with specificity for microbial proteases. Sequencing of the first twenty residues at the NH2‐terminus of the mature PLPKI polypeptide demonstrated that PLPKI is a novel member of the potato protease inhibitor I family. PLPKI inhibited the activity of extracellular proteases produced by two pathogens of potato, P. infestans and Rhizoctonia solani, but was inactive against proteases secreted into the culture media by the binucleate Rhizoctonia N2, a non‐pathogenic fungus for potato. Western blot analysis showed a positive correlation between the levels of PLPKI and the degree of horizontal resistance, showing its highest accumulation in clone OKA 5632.11, which has been described as highly resistant. This correlation, together with the ability of PLPKI to completely abolish the secreted serine protease activity of P. infestans, suggests that PLPKI may have an active role in protecting potato plants from this pathogenic oomycete and that it could be used as a suitable biochemical marker to help breeders in the selection of cultivars with high degree of horizontal resistance.  相似文献   

Farmer participation is increasingly seen as a key to develop technologies which are more relevant to farmers' communities. In plant breeding, farmer participation is seen as key to increase the probability of adoption of new varieties. This paper addresses the issue of selection efficiency in participatory plant breeding by testing the effect of selection environment and of who did the selection in one cropping season (1997) on the performance of the selected lines in the following cropping season (1998). Selection environment had a larger effect on response to selection than who did the selection, confirming the importance of decentralized selection. Selections made by the breeder and the farmers in 1997, differed in 1998 for a number of traits, but seldom for grain yield. When the difference for grain yield was significant, breeder's selection was more effective on station, while farmers' selection was more effective in farmers' fields. The results of this study indicate that it is possible to organize a plant breeding program with the objective of adapting crops to a multitude of both physical and socio-economic environments: such a breeding program will, at the same time, increase productivity and stability, enhance biodiversity and produce environmentally friendly cultivars. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Formal plant breeders could contribute much to collaboration with farmers for improving crop varieties for local use. To do so outside researchers must have some understanding of local selection practices and their impact on crop populations in terms of the genetic theory underlying plant breeding. In this research we integrated methods from social and biological sciences to better understand selection and its consequences from farmers' perspectives but based on the concepts used by plant breeders. Among the households we worked with, farmers' selection practices were not always effective yet they understood the reasons for this and had no expectations for response to selection in some traits given the methods available to them. Farmers' statements, practices and genetic perceptions regarding selection and the genetic response of their maize populations to their selection indicate selection objectives different than may be typically assumed, suggesting a role for plant breeder collaboration with farmers. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

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