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Wound repair in horse limbs is often complicated by excessive fibroplasia and scarring. Occlusion of the microvessels populating the granulation tissue appears to be involved in the excessive accumulation of extracellular matrix during the repair of limb wounds. This study aimed to determine whether endothelial cell hypertrophy or hyperplasia, or both, contribute to microvascular occlusion and whether the pericyte is involved in this anomaly. We created 5 wounds, each 2.5 x 2.5 cm, on both forelimbs and on the body of 6 horses. One limb was bandaged to stimulate excessive wound fibroplasia. Weekly biopsy specimens were evaluated by transmission electron microscopy to measure microvessel luminal diameters and the surface area of endothelial cells and to count endothelial cells and pericytes. Microvessels were occluded significantly more often in limb wounds than in body wounds. The surface area of endothelial cells lining occluded microvessels (mean +/- standard error, 28.4013 +/- 1.5154 microm2) was significantly greater (P = 0.05) than that of cells lining patent microvessels (26.2220 +/- 1.5268 microm2). Conversely, neither the number of endothelial cells nor the number of pericytes differed between patent and occluded microvessels or between limb and body wounds. Furthermore, the wound location and the status of the microvessels (patent or occluded) did not alter the ratio of endothelial cells to pericytes. These data suggest that endothelial cell hypertrophy might play a role in the microvascular occlusion present in granulation tissue of limb wounds in horses, but the contribution of the pericyte remains obscure.  相似文献   

Triceps intracompartmental pressure was measured in the lowermost limb of the recumbent horse during the initial period of recumbency during elective surgical procedures in 11 horses. Intramuscular pressure, using an IM catheter, was measured with the thoracic limbs in 4 different positions, including (I) table-contact limb unadvanced-unsupported free limb, (II) table-contact limb unadvanced-supported free limb, (III) table-contact limb advanced cranially, unsupported free limb, and (IV) table-contact limb advanced cranially, supported free limb. Pressure was measured in the 4 positions with and without padding. The highest pressure was measured in position I without padding. The lowest pressure was measured with position IV with padding and was significantly lower than all pressures in other positions (P less than 0.05). Foam mattress padding significantly decreased muscle pressure in each position.  相似文献   

This experiment was conducted to evaluate if consumption of endophyte-infected fescue alters digital circulation in the distal thoracic limb of the horse and to assess if soundness of the hooves of horses is affected by consumption of endophyte-infected fescue. Twelve American Quarter Horses (mean initial BW 459 ± 31 kg), 6 mares and 6 geldings, were used in this 90-d study that comprised high-endophyte (E+) and low-endophyte (E-) treatment groups. Fescue seed was integrated into the E+ diet at a rate sufficient to bring total ergovaline to 200 μg/kg, and endophyte-free fescue seed was incorporated into the E- diet from d 0 to 90. From d 30 to 60, native prairie hay was replaced with high- or low-endophyte fescue hay, bringing total dietary ergovaline to 280 μg/kg (E+) and 18 μg/kg (E-). From d 61 to 90, fescue seed was ground to decrease particle size. On d 0, 30, 60, and 90, Doppler ultrasonography and thermographic imaging were used to measure the diam. of the medial palmar artery, velocity of blood flow, and surface temperature of the hoof as indicators of digital circulation. Lameness examinations were conducted on the same days. There were no consistent treatment differences observed when evaluating measurements of digital circulation. On d 60, horses in the E+ treatment group showed increased hoof sensitivity in the left limb (P = 0.02). These horses tended to have increased hoof sensitivity when both thoracic limbs were averaged (P = 0.06), and they demonstrated increased lameness during longeing (P = 0.08). Data indicated that mares may have increased digital circulation, regardless of treatment, compared with geldings (P ≤ 0.05). Heavier horses also had greater arterial diam., velocity of blood flow, and hoof temperature than lighter BW horses (P ≤ 0.05) on d 30, 60, and 90 at time points that ranged from 90 to 180 min after feeding. Although horses consuming the E+ diet demonstrated increased lameness, especially on d 60, compared with horses consuming the E- diet, the measures of digital circulation did not support the hypothesis that digital circulation was reduced. Because of observed lameness issues, limiting the access of horses to endophyte-infected fescue may be prudent.  相似文献   

Regional limb perfusion (RLP) is a technique widely used for the treatment of limb infections in horses. The objective is to deliver high concentrations of an antimicrobial to a focal region to optimise the bacterial kill with minimal systemic effects. However, experimentally, realising these objectives has been unreliable because conflicting methodologies have produced highly variable results. The aim of this study is to review all of the experimental and clinical literature on RLP between 1990 and 2019 to determine whether there is evidence that RLP has a consistent and practical application for the treatment of distal limb infections in equine practice. A large number of reports have been published on RLP in the horse; however, there are many variations in the technique including the drug used, dose, volume and concentration of perfusate, dosing interval, the type, method and duration of application of the tourniquet and whether the procedure is performed standing or anaesthetised. Prospective clinical studies are lacking, retrospective studies are limited by their nature, while wide differences in treatment regimen and methodology in retrospective and experimental studies have complicated the interpretation of the findings and make it difficult to rationalise an approach that provides a reliable and repeatable outcome. The optimal method of performing RLP has not been established, so the apparent clinical benefits of the technique are often difficult to confirm and quantify. Future studies need to standardise methodologies to enable meaningful comparisons.  相似文献   

REASONS FOR PERFORMING STUDY: The recommended duration of cryotherapy in horses is currently extrapolated from human medicine. Prolonged, continuous cryotherapy (days rather than minutes) may be of therapeutic value if it is safe and well tolerated. OBJECTIVES: To evaluate the effect of prolonged, continuous application of ice and water to the equine distal limb. METHODS: A slurry of ice and water was applied to the right forelimb of 4 Standardbred horses for 48 h. Hoof temperature, ambient temperature and ice boot temperature were logged continuously and clinical observations recorded every 2 h. Lameness examinations were performed prior to application and 1 week, 6 months and 1 year after removal of the ice boot. RESULTS: Continuous cryotherapy was well tolerated and resulted in marked cooling of the treated foot. No significant variation in clinical parameters was noted, and no lameness or gross pathology noted in the treated limbs at any examination period. CONCLUSIONS: The continuous application of ice and water is a safe and effective means of cooling the equine distal limb. The extremely low, constant temperatures achieved may be of benefit in the management of various distal limb conditions. POTENTIAL RELEVANCE: Providing clinicians and research workers with a potent therapeutic/prophylactic modality for disorders of the equine distal limb.  相似文献   

The avian skeleton is significantly different from the mammalian skeleton, and these differences are important when providing fracture repair and postoperative care for the avian patient. Successful repair depends on an understanding of fracture management and healing and of the anatomical, physiologic, and behavioral concerns of avian patients. Having knowledge of fracture repair without an understanding of the unique needs of avian patients' results in a disappointing treatment response.  相似文献   

The clinical and post mortem features of 11 cases of lymphosarcoma involving the thoracic cavity are reviewed. The clinical findings included inappetence, weight loss, pectoral oedema, dyspnoea, pleural effusion and distension of the jugular veins. Dysphagia was present in three cases. At post mortem examination lesions were found in the abdomen as well as the chest in eight cases; clinical signs of abdominal disease were present in two cases. The features of nine other similar cases recorded in the literature are reviewed.  相似文献   

The effects of feeding on blood flow to the equine foot are poorly understood. In a temperature-controlled room, duplex Doppler ultrasonographic observations were made pre- and postprandially of the lateral proper palmar digital artery of 5 horses, randomly assigned to twice and 4 times daily feeding in an unbalanced 2 period crossover design. Arterial diameter and blood velocity were measured over 4 h and additional observations made of heart rate, blood pressure, total plasma protein, packed cell volume, plasma glucose and insulin. There was no effect of the feeding regimen on any variable. Postprandially, there were significant increases in arterial diameter, blood velocity, total plasma protein, plasma glucose and insulin; the other variables were unchanged. It appeared that the normal postprandial response was an increase in blood flow to the foot. The value of ultrasonography for noninvasive investigation of the peripheral vasculature of the conscious horse was established; and in the future it may have a role in the diagnosis of vascular diseases of the foot.  相似文献   

In neonatal calves, maternal immunoglobulin (Ig) is transferred into respiratory secretion which contributes to protection against pathogens. The early predominance of IgG1 in respiratory tract secretions is progressively reduced in favor of IgA by age but in the lower, bronchoalveolar system secreted IgG remains the dominant secreted Ig even in adulthood. The trans-epithelial transport of secretory IgA into mucosal secretions is carried out by the polymeric Ig receptor. However, the mechanism by which IgG crosses epithelial cells to provide defense on mucosal surfaces is still unknown. In order to investigate the possibility that the neonatal Fc receptor, FcRn is involved in this transport we have first analyzed the localization of this receptor in the upper and lower respiratory tracts. Consistent with the in situ hybridization data, immunohistochemistry showed undetectable expression in the tracheal epithelial cells, relatively weak expression in epithelial cells of the bronchi, apparent staining those lining the bronchioli and randomly scattered signal over the alveolar tissue. The bovine FcRn may thus play a role in IgG transport across mucosal epithelial barriers as a trafficking receptor and ensure IgG predominance in the lower respiratory tract.  相似文献   

A cDNA probe to the alpha subunit of the murine acetylcholine receptor was used to demonstrate restriction fragment length polymorphism in an acetylcholine receptor gene in the horse. Three different patterns of polymorphism have been observed with fragment sizes of 4.3 and 2.9 kilobases (kb) (pattern 1), 4.3 and 2.5 kb (pattern 2) and 4.3, 2.9 and 2.5 kb (pattern 1,2). Analysis of a three generation pedigree has suggested that patterns 1 and 2 represent two allelic forms of the gene encoding the alpha subunit of the acetylcholine receptor. These data provide a basis for the examination of the genetic control of neuromuscular function in the horse.  相似文献   

Toll-like receptors (TLR) are engaged by ligands on microbial pathogens to initiate innate and adaptive immune responses. Little is known about TLR involvement during infection with Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis (M. ptb), the cause of Johne's disease in ruminants, although there is a profound immunopathological response in affected animals. We have analyzed the expression of 10 TLR genes relative to validated reference genes at predilection sites in ileum, jejunum and associated lymph nodes as well as in peripheral blood, to determine if TLR expression is altered in response to infection with M. ptb in outbred sheep. Previously unexposed animals from two flocks and animals from three naturally infected flocks were used with restricted maximum likelihood linear mixed modeling applied to determine significant differences. These were related to the pathologies observed at different stages of infection in exposed sheep, after allowing for other sources of variation. In most cases there were differences in TLR expression between early paucibacillary and multibacillary groups when compared to uninfected sheep, with most TLRs for the paucibacillary group having lower expression levels than the multibacillary group. Increased expression of TLR1-5, and 8 was observed in ileum or jejunum, and TLR1-4, 6, and 8 in mesenteric lymph nodes. There was a trend for increased expression of TLR1, 2, and 6-8 in PBMCs of exposed compared to non-exposed animals. Further study of TLR expression in Johne's disease in ruminants is warranted as these observed differences may help explain pathogenesis and may be useful in the future diagnosis of M. ptb infection.  相似文献   

The drainage of the thoracic limb of the Van cat was performed by the superficial and deep vein systems. The superficial system was constituted by the cephalic vein and its branches. The deep vein system was constituted by the axillary vein and its branches. The two vein systems anastomosed with each other at various points along their courses. The cephalic vein emerged from the external jugular vein together with the superficial cervical vein. The axillary vein continued the subclavian vein. It ran caudoventrally and gave off the subscapular vein, at the level of the shoulder joint, then gave off two independent branches, which were the external thoracic veins. Then the rest of the vessel continued as the brachial vein. The thoracodorsal vein was formed by the communicate ramus vein which arose between the subscapular vein and the brachial vein. The cranial circumflex humeral vein arose double from the subscapular vein. One of them anastomosed with the deep brachial vein and the other one drained the biceps and the deep pectoral muscles. The cranial interosseous vein from the caudal aspects of the brachial vein and passed the interosseous space of the antebrachium then ran to the lateral aspect of the forearm. The caudal interosseous vein arose from the ulnar vein (in two specimens) and the median vein together with the ulnar vein (in two specimens) or independently from the median vein (in one specimen). Although many similarities were found in the veins of the thoracic limb of the Van cat as compared with the domestic cat, some significant differences were noted in the origin, course, anastomosing and ramification of veins of the thoracic limb.  相似文献   

We report a 5-year-old gelding with a rare benign tumour of 2-month duration in the subcutis of the hind limb that presented with lameness. Physical examination revealed normal vital signs. Laboratory findings were within normal ranges. No bone abnormalities were detected on radiographic examination of the affected area. Bloody fluid was obtained by aspiration. Through an I-shape skin incision the tumour was excised en-block. Microscopic study showed a vascular hamartoma characterized by cavernous haemangiomatous tissue and proliferation of multiple vessels of variable diameter. This report highlights the importance of limb vascular hamartoma, as an infrequent lesion, in the differential diagnosis of lameness in the horse.  相似文献   

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