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Separate assay methods have been developed for the 2 components of an 80 + 20 drug blend of bevantolol and hydrochlorothiazide (HCT) in admixtures with animal feed. Drug/diet admixtures are extracted with methanol for reverse phase ion-pair liquid chromatographic (LC) assay of bevantolol, and with acetonitrile for ultraviolet spectrophotometric assay of HCT. Bevantolol, a cardioselective beta blocker, is separated from soluble feed components with an RP-18 column, using methanol-water-acetic acid (60 + 40 + 1) containing 0. 005M octane-sulfonic acid, sodium salt, as ion-pairing reagent. HCT is determined spectrophotometrically in acetonitrile extracts, using a suitable blank extract as reference. Average recovery of HCT from an admixture of 0.5 mg blend/g diet is 94.5% +/- 4.3 RSD and at 2.0 mg/g, 101.5% +/- 3.5 RSD. Bevantolol recovery from the same admixtures is 101.8% +/- 2.7 RSD and 99.0% +/- 3.5 RSD, respectively, using the method as described.  相似文献   

Isocoumarin or 6-methoxymellein (6-MM) was extracted from carrot tissue using alkali saponification to solubilize the lactone portion of its structure into an aqueous phase. Acidification and subsequent organic solvent extraction allowed isolates to be quantified and verified as 6-MM by spectrophotometric determination. 6-Methoxymellein was analyzed in carrot cross sections, as a function of depth and before and after thermal processing. A natural propensity for 6-MM accumulation was observed in root tip sections exposed to ethylene, and levels increased as a result of wounding. Consecutive layer peeling demonstrated that small-diameter roots accumulated greater amounts of 6-MM in periderm tissue compared to large roots. Processing carrots into a puree resulted in 10-25% greater extraction of 6-MM than grinding fresh carrot samples, whereas steam-cooked and thermally processed purees had 15% greater extraction than unheated purees. This analytical technique will allow carrot processors to accurately estimate raw and processed products for the bitter compound 6-MM.  相似文献   

A sensitive spectrophotometric assay has been developed for flavonoids based on their binding with molybdenum, antimony, or bismuth. Acetylation of the hydroxyl group of flavonoids abolished metal binding, thus suggesting a direct role of the hydroxyl groups. From a comparison of several related flavonoids differing in the position of hydroxyl substitutions, the hydroxyl group at position 3 was found to be an important requirement for the formation of a yellow complex. This flavonoid metal complex showed that a specific and significant bathochromic shift in the visible spectrum of the native flavonoid and the corresponding lambda(max) value was used for the colorimetric assays with different metal salts. The molybdenum complex was found to yield higher absorbance compared to antimony and bismuth complexes of various flavonoids. The present method offers a sensitive assay in the 5-25 nM range for these flavonoids and gave comparable results with HPLC quantitative determination.  相似文献   

In the method described, ochratoxin A is eleaved into ochratoxin alpha (free isocoumarin chromophore) and phenylaline, using carboxypeptidase. Detection is based on the difference in fluorescence excitation spectra of ochratoxin A (380 NM, maximum) and ochratoxin alpha (340 nm, maximum). The quantitation of ochratoxin A is based on the loss of fluorescence intensity at 380 nm. The method has been used for the quantitative determination of as little as 4 mug ochratoxin A/kg barley and barley meal but it could be extended to other products.  相似文献   

A method is described for the determination of an organic tin insecticide, Vendex or hexakis(2-methyl-2-phenylpropyl)distannoxane (HMPD). Tin compounds are extracted from the sample homogenate with ethyl ether containing 1% acetic acid. HMPD and its degradation products are separated through a silica gel column, and analyzed by an atomic absorption spectrophotometer coupled with a heated graphite atomizer. By this technique, as little as 5 ng HMPD and its degradation products can be determined with an average recovery of 67-96%.  相似文献   

Titrimetric and spectrophotometric titration methods are described for the quantitative determination of acetylenic hypnotics ethchlorvynol, ethinamate, and meparfynol carbamate as pure substances and in dosage forms. The methods involve the use of different brominating agents. A known excess of the reagent is added and, after the specified time, the residual reagent is determined iodometrically. These procedures permit semimicro determination (1-20 mg) of the drug. Recoveries ranged from 98.48 +/- 0.76 to 102.74 +/- 2.60%. The procedures have been successfully applied to pharmaceutical dosage forms; the results agree well with those for compendial methods.  相似文献   

Proteins and other interfering substances are precipitated from soy sauce, using sodium tungstate under acidic conditions. After centrifugation, the supernate is successively extracted with ethyl ether to isolate the benzoic acid in the organic solvent. The ethyl ether extract is washed with dilute HCl. Benzoic acid is then quantitatively determined by ultraviolet spectrophotometry. Recovery of sodium benzoate added to soy sauce ranged from 94 to 104%.  相似文献   

An atomic absorption spectrophotometric method, using the vapor generation technique for the determination of selenium in animal feed premixes containing 0.4-0.002% selenium, is described. After the sample was digested in perchloric acid and hydrogen peroxide and reduced with 6M HCl, 3 aliquots of sample, each containing about 0.4 mug Se, were taken for analysis by the standard addition method. Sodium borohydride pellets were used for the generation of selenium hydride. The relative standard deviation of a single determination averaged +/- 19%.  相似文献   

A simple method, requiring no chromatographic separation, is presented for the determination of the total and non-phenolic alkaloids in ipeca and its preparations. The complex formed between the alkaloid and methyl orange at pH 5.0 is extracted with chloroform and treated with 0.1N NaOH. The liberated dye, determined at 460 nm, is a measure of the total alkaloids. The chloroform phase remaining is treated with 0.1N H2SO4, and the acid extract is measured at 283 nm for the non-phenolic alkaloids, calculated as emetine. The proposed method was successfully applied to samples of ipeca powder, ipeca tincture, and 3 British Pharmaceutical Codex mixtures containing ipeca tincture, namely, ipecacuanha mixture, pediatric; ipecacuanha and ammonia mixture, pediatric; and belladonna and ipecacuanha mixture, pediatric. The proposed method compares favorably with the Egyptian Pharmacopoeia, British Pharmacopoeia, and USP methods and has a relative standard deviation of 1.54%. The present procedure is less time-consuming and requires about 45 and 90 min for the assay of ipeca tincture and powder, respectively. Only a small sample (0.2 mL tincture of 1.0 g powder) is required.  相似文献   

A rapid and simple spectrophotometric method is described for the estimation of microgram quantities of algal polysaccharides following the formation of soluble complexes with methylene blue dye. The binding of the dye to algal polysaccharides causes the absorption maximum (664 nm) to decrease, which is almost linear over the range of 0-30 microg for the algal polysaccharides studied. The absorbance at 664 nm can be measured immediately after the mixing of algal polysaccharides and dye solution and is stable over a period of 2 h. No heating, centrifugation, lengthy equilibration, or sophisticated instrumentation, which hamper other methods, is required. The interference due to individual monosaccharides, neutral polysaccharides, bovine serum albumin, sodium dodecyl sulfate, and high concentrations of inorganic salts is discussed.  相似文献   

Oxidation of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) has been implicated in atherogenesis. Antioxidants that prevent LDL from oxidizing may reduce atherosclerosis. This study investigated LDL antioxidant activity in edible plant products for development of dietary supplementation to prevent atherosclerosis. Fifty-two kinds of edible plants were extracted using 70% aqueous ethanol solution, and the antioxidant activity of the extracts, which inhibit human LDL oxidation induced by copper ion, was determined on the basis of the oxidation lag time and represented as epigallocatechin 3-gallate equivalent. 1,1-Diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) radical scavenging activity and total phenolic content were also measured for comparisons with antioxidant activity in LDL. Plant products showing the greatest activity in LDL oxidation assay were akamegashiwa (Mallotus japonicus) leaf, Japanese privet (Ligustrum japonicum) leaf, green tea [Camellia sinensis (L.) O. Kuntze], and astringent persimmon (Diospyros kaki). The present study revealed high levels of LDL antioxidant activity in plant products for which such activity levels are underestimated in the DPPH radical scavenging assay and Folin-Ciocalteu assay.  相似文献   

The proposed method is based on the reaction of salsolidine HCl with carbon disulfide and ammoniacal copper sulfate. The resulting salsolidine-copper-dithiocarbamate complex is extracted with benzene and measured spectrophotometrically at 448 nm. The method is applicable for the detection of 40-500 mug salsolidine/5 ml.  相似文献   

On the basis of numerous studies on the mechanism of formation of acrylamide (AA) from asparagine and reducing sugars, the decarboxylated Schiff base [ N-( d-glucos-1-yl)-3'-aminopropionamide] and its corresponding Amadori product [ N-(1-deoxy- d-fructos-1-yl)-3'-aminopropionamide) are considered to be possible direct precursors in addition to 3-aminopropionamide (AP). Furthermore, the mechanism of decarboxylation of the initially formed N-( d-glucos-1-yl)asparagine to generate the above-mentioned precursors also remains to be confirmed. To identify the relative importance of AA precursors, the decarboxylated Amadori product (AP ARP) and the corresponding Schiff base were synthesized and their relative abilities to generate AA under dry and wet heating conditions were studied. Under both conditions, the N-( d-glucos-1-yl)-3'-aminopropionamide had the highest intrinsic ability to be converted into AA. In the dry model system, the increase was almost 4-fold higher than the corresponding AP ARP or AP; however, in the wet system, the increase was 2-fold higher relative to AP ARP but >20-fold higher relative to AP. In addition, to gain further insight into the decarboxylation step, the amino acid/sugar reactions were analyzed by FTIR to monitor the formation of the previously proposed 5-oxazolidinone intermediate known to exhibit a peak in the range of 1770-1810 cm (-1). Spectroscopic studies clearly indicated the formation of an intense peak in the indicated range, the precise wavelength being dependent on the amino acid and the sugar used. The identity of the peak was verified by observing a 40 cm (-1) shift when [(13)C-1]-labeled amino acid was used.  相似文献   

Two colorimetric methods are described for the estimation of strychnine and brucine in nux vomica. The first is a modification of the Karawya and Ghourab method for the determination of strychnine, in which the sensitivity of the color is increased by changing certain conditions of the method. The second was developed for the determination of brucine and is based on measuring the intensity of the violet color produced by treating brucine with nitric acid and methanolic stannous chloride. In the presence of large amounts of strychnine, brucine is isolated prior to colorimetric analysis by a quantitative thin layer chromatographic technique.  相似文献   


Knowledge of metal concentration in soils, plant material, and fertilizers is important both for plant nutrition as for environment contamination studies. In this paper, an automated spectrophotometric method using Flow Injection Analysis (FIA) for copper (Cu) determination was studied. That method was based on the catalytic effect of Cu2+ ions in the color fading of the red‐purplish complex formed when iron (Fe3+) and thiosulfate (S2O3 2‐) ions react. The principal feature of the studied method is its high selectivity, which allowed the Cu determination in a complex matrix as nitrogen (N):phosphorus (P):potassium (K) fertilizer mixtures without effect of interference. Soil and plant tissue samples were also analyzed with good precision and accuracy when compared with atomic absorption spectrophotometry.  相似文献   

A method is described for the quantitative determination of morphine, codeine, cryptopine, thebaine, papaverine, and narcotine in opium by high-performance liquid chromatography. The alkaloids are isolated from a dilute acid extract by adsorption on an Amberlite XAD-2 resin column and eluted first with methanol and then with chloroform-methanol (3+1). After solvent removal by reduced pressure evaporation, the alkaloids are redissolved in chloroform-methanol (3+1). The sample solution, plus brucine as an internal standard, is injected onto a Corasil II column and eluted with hexane that is gradient programmed with a solution of chloroform-methanol-diethylamine (100+300+1). The absorbances of the separated alkaloids are continuously monitored at 254 nm, using a flow-through ultraviolet double-beam photometer.  相似文献   

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