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Verstraete SJ Cardon GM De Clercq DL De Bourdeaudhuij IM 《Public health nutrition》2007,10(5):477-484
OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the effects of a comprehensive physical activity (PA) promotion programme in elementary schools on children's total PA levels, leisure-time PA, physical fitness and psychosocial correlates of PA. DESIGN: A pre-test-post-test design over two school years. SETTING AND SUBJECTS: Sixteen elementary schools (764 children, mean age: 11.2 +/- 0.7 years) were randomly assigned to the intervention condition (n = 8) and the control condition (n = 8). The intervention included a health-related physical education programme, an extracurricular PA promotion programme and classroom-based PA education lessons. In the total sample, leisure-time PA, psychosocial correlates of PA and physical fitness were measured using a PA questionnaire and the Eurofit test battery. In a sub-sample, total PA levels were measured using an accelerometer. RESULTS: According to accelerometer data, children's moderate PA and moderate-to-vigorous PA (MVPA) levels decreased less in the intervention schools than in the control schools (P < 0.01). The average time spent on MVPA decreased by 9 min per day in the intervention schools compared with 33 min per day in the control schools. Children in the intervention schools reported significantly more moderate PA in leisure time than the controls (P < 0.05). No overall improvement of physical fitness and no effects on the psychosocial correlates of PA were found. CONCLUSIONS: The comprehensive PA promotion programme was successful in preventing a decline in children's total activity levels. Furthermore, the intervention increased children's PA engagement in leisure time. Therefore, implementation needs to be encouraged. 相似文献
Type of kindergarten and other potential determinants of overweight in pre-school children 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
OBJECTIVE: The study aimed to assess the relationship of various types of kindergarten differing in length of care and food availability with the development of overweight in pre-school children. DESIGN, SETTING AND SUBJECTS: A cross-sectional study was carried out in 2002 in Stuttgart, Germany, as part of the school entrance examination. Height and weight of 2140 children (participation 70.2%) were measured and information on type of kindergarten and other potential determinants of overweight was collected by a parental questionnaire. Change in relative body mass index (BMI) position between the ages of 4 and 6 years was assessed using medical records. RESULTS: The prevalence of overweight or change in relative BMI position did not differ according to the type of kindergarten. For the prevalence of overweight in German children, adjusted odds ratios (OR) comparing institutions that open only in the morning with those opening in the morning and afternoon or for the full day were 0.86 (95% confidence interval (CI) 0.40, 1.83) and 0.63 (95% CI 0.25, 1.58), respectively. Parental BMI and duration of television watching were positively associated, and maternal educational status and duration of breast-feeding were negatively associated, with overweight and/or change in relative BMI position. The prevalence of overweight was substantially higher among non-German than among German children (adjusted OR 2.17 (95% CI 1.53, 3.07)). CONCLUSIONS: These data show no association between different types of kindergarten and the development of overweight in early childhood. Duration of television watching and breast-feeding, as well as the relatively high prevalence of overweight in ethnic minorities, deserve further attention. 相似文献
Ayoya MA Bendech MA Baker SK Ouattara F Diané KA Mahy L Nichols L Touré A Franco C 《Public health nutrition》2007,10(11):1241-1246
OBJECTIVES: To assess vitamin A supplementation (VAS) coverage of children aged 6-59 months and the factors that favour or limit this coverage during the National Nutrition Weeks in Mali. DESIGN: Cross-sectional study. Interviews about demographic factors and children's adherence to the vitamin A capsule distribution programme were conducted. Professionals' knowledge of vitamin A and various aspects related to the supplementation strategy were assessed. SETTING: Five regions out of the eight regions in the country, in addition to Bamako District. Three rural communes were selected in three regions to represent rural areas. SUBJECTS: Parents or caregivers of children under 5 years of age, health agents who participated in the weeks, and community and administrative leaders. RESULTS: At least 80% of the children received the supplement. More 'traditional' communication channels (town criers, friends and family members) appeared to be more effective in reaching the target groups than modern methods, i.e. radio and television. Mothers' possession of a radio (Pearson chi2 = 5.03; P = 0.025) and fathers' education (Pearson chi2 = 19.02; P < 0.001), possession of a radio (Pearson chi2 = 8.93; P = 0.003) and listening to it (Pearson chi2 = 7.62; P = 0.006) all appeared to be statistically and significantly associated with children's coverage. In multivariate logistic regression analysis, only the study site (urban/rural) (P = 0.004), 'traditional channels' (P = 0.02) and fathers' education (P = 0.04) were significantly associated with children's coverage. Knowledge about VAS was high among community and administrative leaders, and health professionals. The planning and implementation of activities at the district level were found to be good in general. CONCLUSION: National Nutrition Weeks provide a successful example of a periodic VAS strategy with high coverage among children aged 6-59 months in Mali. Campaigns aimed at informing and sensitising populations during the Nutrition Weeks should also target children's fathers. 相似文献
Demographic, familial and trait predictors of fruit and vegetable consumption by pre-school children 总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6
Cooke LJ Wardle J Gibson EL Sapochnik M Sheiham A Lawson M 《Public health nutrition》2004,7(2):295-302
OBJECTIVE: To examine the contribution to fruit and vegetable eating in children of potential predictive variables within the domains of demographics, parental feeding practices and personality traits. DESIGN: Cross-sectional survey. SETTING: Questionnaires were distributed to parents through 22 London nursery schools. SUBJECTS: Questionnaires were completed and returned by 564 parents or principal caregivers of 2-6-year-old children. RESULTS: Significant predictors of children's fruit and vegetable intake emerged from all three domains examined. Demographic variables associated with child's vegetable consumption were mother's education and child's age and gender. Only ethnicity was significantly associated with fruit consumption. Parental consumption, breast-feeding and early introduction to fruit and vegetables were related to intake of both. Family meal times were associated with higher intake of vegetables, but not of fruit. Two characteristics of children themselves (food neophobia and enjoyment of food) were strongly related to the consumption of fruit and vegetables. Subsequent multivariate analyses revealed that parental intake and child food neophobia independently predicted intake of both foods. In the presence of these, fruit consumption was affected by breast-feeding and early introduction to fruit, whereas vegetable consumption was related only to child's gender and enjoyment of food. CONCLUSIONS: These findings may be used to inform future interventions aimed at increasing children's consumption of fruit and vegetables. Parents should be made aware of the possible impact of their own behaviour on the eating habits of their children. 相似文献
Several ectomycorrhizal fungi, including Hebeloma cylindrosporum, actively release large quantities of phosphatase enzymes into their growth medium. We fractionated the phosphatase activity of the ectomycorrhizal association between H. cylindrosporum and its host plant, Pinus pinaster, with the aim to quantify its spatial and temporal variation in response to contrasting soil phosphorus conditions. Seedlings were grown in mini-rhizoboxes and the phosphomonoesterase activity of rhizosphere soil, released by roots, surface-bound to roots or mycelium was determined spectrophotometrically with the p-nitrophenyl phosphate method or microscopically with the ELF-method as a function of culture time. We showed that acid phosphatase activity of the soil and the root increased with mycorrhizal association. We also observed that the phosphatase activity associated with ectomycorrhizal plants was related to soil type. All phosphatase fractions decreased over culture time, except the proportion of hyphae exhibiting phosphatase activity in the extramatrical mycelium, which increased over time. The specific fractions of phosphatase activity associated with the mycorrhizal plants were clearly related to the soil phosphorus type and content. Soils showed an increase in acid phosphomonoesterase activity with mycorrhizal association, supporting a role for this enzyme in the degradation of soil bound phosphorus. The gradually increasing proportion of hyphae in the extramatrical mycelium exhibiting alkaline phosphatase activity, particularly under low phosphorus conditions, indicates an induction of alkaline phosphatase activity by phosphorus limitation. 相似文献
OBJECTIVE: To investigate the socio-economic and dietary factors associated with overweight and obesity, respectively, in southern France. DESIGN: Cross-sectional analysis of socio-economic, lifestyle and nutritional characteristics of a representative population sample. A questionnaire elicited information on anthropometric measurements, socio-economic factors, physical activity, tobacco use, and alcohol and food intakes. Non-parametric tests, multiple linear regression models and correspondence factorial analysis (CFA) were used to estimate the association of the various factors with overweight and obesity. SETTING: French Southwest and Mediterranean areas. SUBJECTS: In total, 1169 subjects (578 women and 552 men), aged 30-77 years, were recruited at random. RESULTS: Overweight and obesity were associated with age and education in both genders, reproductive factors in women and tobacco use in men. A few dietary factors were identified (high energy intake and low intake of carbohydrates), but all these variables explained little of the variation (18.5% in women and 14.6% in men). The CFA further investigated the association of lifestyle and nutritional factors, giving more weight to nutritional behaviour for overweight men and women. Factors for obesity differed from those for overweight by being different in men and women, possibly related to psychological behaviour, and there were fewer of them, suggesting an insufficient coverage by the usual questionnaires. CONCLUSIONS: Overweight and obesity appear as two different entities. Energy imbalance induced by various lifestyle factors plays a major role in the development of overweight, whereas obesity represents a more complex entity where psychological and genetic factors that are difficult to assess may be more important. General nutritional guidelines appear more adapted to the prevention of overweight than to that of obesity, and individual counselling to the prevention of obesity. 相似文献
OBJECTIVE: This study examines the relationship between family-work conflicts with food habits and physical activity, and whether the relationship is dependent on family structure and work-related factors. DESIGN AND SETTING: Cross-sectional postal surveys were carried out in 2001 and 2002 among employees of the City of Helsinki, Finland, aged 40-60 years (n = 5346, response rate 66%; for women 70% and for men 60%). Dependent variables in logistic regression analyses were nationally recommended food habits and physical activity. Independent variables were work-family conflicts and family-work conflicts. Covariates included age, marital status, number of children, occupational class, working hours, time travelling to work, and physical and mental work load. RESULTS: Women reporting strong work-family conflicts were more likely to follow recommended food habits (odds ratio (OR) and 95% confidence intervals 1.49 (1.19-1.86)), but this relationship weakened when adjusting for work-related factors (OR 1.20 (0.93-1.55)). Women and men with strong family-work conflicts were less likely to report recommended food habits after adjusting for family structure and work-related factors (women OR 0.75 (0.61-0.92), men OR 0.57 (0.34-0.96)). Women and men with strong work-family conflicts were less likely to follow the recommended amount of physical activity (women OR 0.76 (0.60-0.96), men OR 0.54 (0.34-0.87)). Additionally, women with strong family-work conflicts were less likely to follow the recommended amount of physical activity (OR 0.77 (0.63-0.94)). Adjusting for family and work-related factors did not affect these associations. CONCLUSIONS: Conflicts between paid work and family life are likely to constitute barriers for a physically active lifestyle and possibly also for healthy food habits. Improving the balance between work and family may provide a route for promoting health-related behaviours. 相似文献
Schümann K Romero-Abal ME Mäurer A Luck T Beard J Murray-Kolb L Bulux J Mena I Solomons NW 《Public health nutrition》2005,8(6):572-581
OBJECTIVE: Combating iron deficiency in toddlers with iron-fortified food has proved difficult in countries with phytate-rich diets. For this purpose, a new haem iron preparation was developed. The study compared changes in iron status after administration of refried beans with beans fortified with a haem iron preparation or ferrous sulphate (FeSO4). DESIGN: In a masked, stratified-randomised intervention trial, children received five 156-g cans of refried black beans per week for 10 consecutive weeks. The beans-only (control), FeSO4 and haem iron groups were offered a cumulative dose of 155 mg, 1625 mg and 1700 mg of iron from the bean intervention, respectively. Haemoglobin (Hb) and ferritin concentrations were determined at baseline and after 5 and 10 weeks. Compliance was examined weekly. SETTING: A low-income community in Guatemala City. SUBJECTS: One hundred and ten children aged 12-36 months with initial Hb values between 100 and 115 g l(-1). RESULTS: The cumulative intake of beans was approximately 80% of that offered, signifying an additional approximately 1300 mg of either haem or inorganic iron in the corresponding treatment groups over 10 weeks. Hb concentrations increased by the order of 7.3-11.4 g l(-1) during the intervention, but without significant differences across treatments. Average ferritin concentrations were unaffected by treatment assignment. However, post hoc analysis by subgroups of initial high ferritin and initial low ferritin found the Hb increments after 10 weeks in the haem iron group (13.1+/-7.7 g l(-1)) to be significantly greater than the respective increases (6.8+/-11.2 and 6.4+/-8.5 g l(-1)) in the inorganic iron and beans-only groups. CONCLUSIONS: Canned refried beans are a candidate vehicle for fortificant iron. Given the improved colour and organoleptic properties imparted by haem iron added to refried beans, its additional potential for benefiting the iron status of consumers with iron deficiency may recommend it over FeSO4. 相似文献
BACKGROUND: Longitudinal research has shown that eating fruit and vegetables during childhood has a positive impact on long-term health outcome from heart disease and asthma. However, recommendations for fruit and vegetable intakes in pre-school children are not as explicit as those for adults and few data exist on actual intakes of fruit and vegetables in this particular age group. AIMS: To describe fruit and vegetable intakes in the daily diets of a sample of pre-school children in Bradford, West Yorkshire, and to compare the findings with existing national UK data. SUBJECTS: Pre-school children aged 3 and 4 years (n = 207). All subjects attended nurseries in the Airedale and Bradford South and West regions at the time of the study.Design: Dietary data were collected using the pre-validated CADET (Child and Diet Evaluation Tool) diary. All children were also seen individually in order to assess their awareness and preference for a range of fruit and vegetables. RESULTS: Intakes of fruit and vegetables in this sample of pre-school children were below recommended levels. Only 16% of children in this sample were successfully eating fruit and vegetables on five occasions a day and conversely 14% ate no fruit and vegetables at all. Vegetable intakes were far lower than fruit intakes with 39% of the sample consuming no vegetables. There were statistically significant differences in median fruit and vegetable intakes between children with different demographic and lifestyle variables, such as which nursery they attended and what the highest educational qualification in the household was. Children's awareness of and preferences for different fruit and vegetables significantly affected their median intakes of fruit and vegetables. CONCLUSION: Fruit and vegetable intakes in this sample of pre-school children were far lower than the recommended levels of 5 portions a day. A greater diversity of intakes should be encouraged and these data suggest that this may be attained by increasing children's awareness by exposing them to a wider range of fruit and vegetables. 相似文献