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附着生物对栉孔扇贝生长及存活的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
王光花  岳斌 《水产养殖》2005,26(3):9-11
对荣成市桑沟湾崖头养殖场扇贝养殖笼上附着生物的种类组成、消长规律、附着生物量的季节变化以及附着生物对扇贝生长存活的影响方面进行了调查研究。结果表明:扇贝养殖笼上附着生物的种类主要有海鞘(玻璃海鞘、柄海鞘、史氏菊海鞘、紫拟菊海鞘)、水螅(主要是鲍枝螅)、多管藻、海绵等;8月份附着生物总生物量达到最高峰,9月份开始逐渐下降;倒笼次数对栉孔扇贝的生长有较大影响:在实验养殖期中,每月倒笼1次组的体重增长最快,但死亡率最高;综合个体、体重增长以及死亡率来看。以每2个月倒换网笼1次、高温季节不倒笼为最佳。  相似文献   

对网笼养殖的栉孔扇贝壳上污损生物的数量进行了研究,发现9~11月贝壳上污损生物的湿重分别为1.47、0.49和2.09g,与上壳重的比值分别为28.16%、10.24%和31.29%。通过在栉孔扇贝上壳添加上壳干重0.5、1、2和3倍重的水泥,用以模拟附着在扇贝壳上的污损生物,设不添加水泥的对照组,对贝壳上污损生物的重量对栉孔扇贝生长和存活的影响进行了研究。结果表明,实验组扇贝壳长、闭壳肌和剩余软体组织的特定增长率及存活率与对照组均没有显著差异(P〉0.05),说明贝壳上的污损生物的重量没有影响扇贝的生长和存活。  相似文献   

栉孔扇贝生物沉积作用的研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
2001年3~9月,在自然养殖状态下对栉孔扇贝(Chlamys farreri)的生物沉积及其对物质输运的影响进行研究.结果表明,栉孔扇贝能加速海洋中颗粒物质的沉积,生物沉积率分别为小个体(壳长30~40 mm)72.31~109.85 mg·ind-1·day-1、中等个体(壳长50~60 mm)103.49~207.77 mg·ind-1·day-1和大个体(壳长60~70 mm)120.05~237.65 mg·ind-1·day-1.栉孔扇贝的生物沉积与其壳长呈正相关线性关系,与其干组织重呈正相关的指数关系,而单位重量的生物沉积则与壳长和干组织重分别为负相关的线性和幂指数关系.海水温度和环境中饵料数量是影响栉孔扇贝的生物沉积的重要因子.  相似文献   

柄海鞘对栉孔扇贝养殖的危害和预防措施   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
笔者通过试验比较,认为大长山海域柄海鞘附着高峰期在7月上,中旬、主要附着于5m以上水层;由于西柄海鞘的大量附着,使栉孔扇贝的养殖产量降低了28%左右,产值降低了38%左右;通过不同试验对比发现,采取分苗后直接下沉养殖水层及西风海鞘附着高峰期过程后上提网笼到适宜养殖水层的处理方法,对于预防柄海鞘的附着栉孔扇贝养殖的危害问题是一种极为有效的技术措施。  相似文献   

利用中心复合实验设计法研究了温度和盐度两个环境因子对华贵栉孔扇贝幼虫存活的影响。采用响应曲面分析法确立了存活的二次回归方程,同时进行优化处理得到温度、盐度的最佳组合。结果显示在华贵栉孔扇贝幼虫存活中温度与盐度在一定的范围内的互作效应不显著,其中温度效应较为明显。温度对存活率影响的一次项效应和二次项效应均达到显著水平(P0.0001)。盐度对存活率影响的一次项效应不显著(P0.05),然而,盐度对存活率影响的二次项效应达到显著水平(P0.0001)。响应曲面法对华贵栉孔扇贝幼虫存活率不同日龄同时进行优化,其结果显示最佳温度、盐度组合为24.68℃和28.03,此条件下20日龄存活率为48.25%,其满意度函数值达到93.04%。  相似文献   

山东长岛县海珍品试验场于1974年栉孔扇贝的春季自然采苗取得成功。几年来采得可供养殖的5~20毫米栉孔扇贝苗258万多个,提供了养殖苗种。但舂季也正好是其他附着生物的主要附着期,因而经常遭致稚贝附着困难或附着不牢,影响生长,而且敌害生物严重,  相似文献   

采用室内实验生态学方法研究了栉孔扇贝对藻类生长的间接促进作用,结果显示,栉孔扇贝对浮游植物有明显的促长作用,并且浮游植物的增长与栉孔扇贝的密度呈正相关,符合如下模式:Y=40.85lnX 44.87(r^2=0.979,p=0.05,n=15)。栉孔扇贝对浮游植物的促长作用随藻类种类的不同具有较大的差别,主要取决于藻类对营养盐的需求量。  相似文献   

杂交栉孔扇贝试养技术   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
王伟  唐玉卿 《水产科学》2003,22(2):37-37
杂交栉孔扇贝(又称蓬莱红)是青岛海洋大学与山东省蓬莱市长飞海珍品育苗有限公司用国外栉孔扇贝与山东当地栉孔扇贝杂交培育的新品种。该品种具有生长快、耐高温、成活率高等特点。大连晟鑫海产有限公司2001年7月末引进壳高约0 6cm的杂交栉孔扇贝幼贝60万枚,通过采取暂养  相似文献   

栉孔扇贝生殖活动前后的滤食和生长   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
在桑沟湾用模拟现场流水法对栉孔扇贝的摄食生理进行了比较研究。结果表明,栉孔扇贝在进行生殖活动前后滤水率无明显的差异,但进行生殖活动前的摄食量较大。尽管栉孔扇贝的滤水率和摄食量随着个体的增大而增加,它的吸收率却与个体大小无关。在300 ̄600ml/min的水流范围内栉孔扇贝的滤水率没有明显的变化,水流小于300ml/min时扇贝的滤水率则明显降低。根据实验数据,用计算机模拟得出了栉孔扇贝在生殖活动前  相似文献   

Zhikong scallop (Chlamys farreri Jones et Preston 1904) is one of the most important aquaculture species in China. The development of a genetic linkage map would provide a powerful tool for the genetic improvement of this species. Amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) is a PCR‐based technique that has proven to be powerful in genome fingerprinting and mapping, and population analysis. Genetic maps of C. farreri were constructed using AFLP markers and a full‐sib family with 60 progeny. A total of 503 segregating AFLP markers were obtained, with 472 following the Mendelian segregation ratio of 1:1 and 31 markers showing significant (P<0.05) segregation distortion. The male map contained 166 informative AFLP markers in 23 linkage groups covering 2468 cM. The average distance between markers was 14.9 cM. The female genetic map consisted of 198 markers in 25 linkage groups spanning 3130 cM with an average inter‐marker spacing of 15.8 cM. DNA polymorphisms that segregated in a 3:1 ratio as well as the AFLP markers that were heterozygous in both parents were included to construct combined linkage genetic map. Five shared linkage groups, ranging from 61.1 to 162.5 cM, were identified between the male and female maps, covering 431 cM. Amplified fragment length polymorphism markers appeared to be evenly distributed within the linkage groups. Although preliminary, these maps provide a starting point for the mapping of the functional genes and quantitative trait loci in C. farreri.  相似文献   

1997年6月-1998年5月用现场方法测定了烟台四十里湾海区栉孔扇贝Chlamys(Azumapecten)farreri肥满度和生长度与TPM(总颗粒物质)和POM(颗粒有机物)现存量,饵料质量POM/TPM,Q)栉孔扇贝同位化率(AE)和同化量(AR)的关系,结果表明;(1)TMM对软体部干重的瞬时生长率IGR2并没有影响,而没有影响,而对于干贝指数IA,干内脏指数IV以及壳高的瞬进生长率IGR1却有显明的影响,其中,IA和IV与TPM呈正相关关系,回归议程分别为IA=5.2149(TPM)^0.2478,IV=5.262(TMM)^0.4405,而IGR1与TPM 负相关关系,回归议程分别为IGR=6.0756(TPM)^-0.4405, 而IGR1与TPM呈负相关关系,回归方程分别为IGR=6.0756(TPM)^-2.436,(2)POM对栉孔扇贝所有的肥满度指标和瞬时生长率指标均有明显的影响,并且都呈正相关关系,回归议程分别为IA=6.1278(POM)^0.2749,IV=7.1837(POM)60.6086,IGR1=0.1160(POM)^1.8586,IGR2=0.1708(POM)^2.4994,(3)Q对IV没有明显的影响,而对于IA以及所有瞬时生长率指标都有明显的影响,,回归方程分别为IA=8.2881(Q)^0-3211,IGR1=1.8428(Q)^1.7807,IGR2=6.4216(Q)^2.0404.(4)AE只对IA和IGR1有显著影响,回归议程分别为IA=20.7280(AE)^-0.3137,IGR1=0.0068(AE)^1.1193,AE对于IGR1有显著影响,(5)AR对于栉孔扇贝的肥满度和瞬时生长率指标都有显著影响,并且都呈正相关关系,回归方程分别为IA=7.0289(AR)^0.2052,IV=9.1800(AR)^0.2868,IGR1=0.5357(AR)^1.0351,IGR2=1.5236(AR)^1.0386.  相似文献   

A Zhikong scallop (Chlamys farreri Jones and Preston 1904) tryptophan 2,3‐dioxygenase (TDO) gene fragment, down‐regulated by Vibrio anguillarum challenge, was isolated using mRNA differential display in our previous work. In this paper, the full‐length TDO gene was cloned by 5′‐RACE. Chlamys farreri TDO gene consists of 1292 nucleotides encoding an expected polypeptide of 383 amino acids with an estimated molecular weight of 44.8 kDa and an isoelectric point of 6.35. The deduced amino acid sequence is 54–61% homologous to TDOs from Caenorhabditis elegans, Mus musculus, Danio rerio, Homo sapiens and Drosophila melanogaster, and shares several histidine residues important for the enzyme function in other species. Chlamys farreri TDO is expressed in the mantle, gill, digestive gland, testis, adductor muscle and kidney. Immunohistochemical analysis showed that C. farreri TDO was located mainly in the cytoplasm of most cell types. The non‐specific distribution of C. farreri TDO suggests that it is involved in various cellular processes.  相似文献   

三倍体栉孔扇贝的生殖腺观察   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在栉孔扇贝(Chlamys farreri)的繁殖季节,对人工诱导的三倍体栉孔扇贝的生殖腺进行了外观,组织学及电镜观察,结果表明,三本栉孔扇贝的生殖腺外观呈透明状,分不出雌雄,组织切片观察,三倍体雌性的生殖腺滤泡细胞数量少,为一大的空腔,沿滤泡壁排列着单层不连续的卵原细胞,呈不规则形态,另外有许多三倍体的生殖腺组织内含有大量的不定性细胞,可能是尚未分化的生殖细胞,分布在稀少的滤泡内及及其周围,未发现卵原细胞和精原细胞,无法根据滤泡的组织学牧场生区分雌雄,在检查的样品中未发现雄性个体,电镜下观察到了三倍体的精母细胞,细胞结构呈梭形,核开始收缩,细胞质内线粒体较发达,但与二倍体相比细胞及线粒体数量稀少,说明三倍体栉孔扇贝存在着雄性个体,生殖细胞增殖分化出精原细胞和少数初级精母细胞后即停止了发育。  相似文献   

根据2002和2003年对山东荣成桑沟湾栉孔扇贝养殖海区的水温、盐度、pH、氨氮浓度、亚硝氮浓度等环境因子和扇贝血清中的蛋白浓度、酸性磷酸酶活力、碱性磷酸酶活力、超氧化物歧化酶活力和过氧化氢酶活力等免疫学指标及栉孔扇贝养殖密度和死亡率的监测数据,运用人工神经网络(ANN)的原理和误差反相传播(BP)网络的方法,利用MATLAB软件初步建立养殖栉孔扇贝夏季大规模死亡的BP人工神经网络预测模型。预测模型经过300次的学习训练,误差平方和由67.46下降至0.0091。该预测模型对未参与模型构建的样本预测的结果与实际监测结果的符合率达到87.5%。本研究首次将人工神经网络与水产动物病害死亡的预测相结合,建立的预测模型具有对数据适应能力强,可适时学习,预测结果准确等突出优点,为水产养殖动物病害死亡程度的预测提供了一个新的研究方法。  相似文献   

The effect of chronic (2 weeks) temperature (19, 22, 25, 28 and 31°C) on certain non‐specific immune parameters of two species of scallops, Argopecten irradians (Lamarck 1819) and Chlamys farreri (Jones & Preston 1904) were studied. The survival ratio of the two species of scallops at 31°C was the lowest. Haemocyte concentration of C. farreri in the 19 and 22°C treatment groups was significantly lower than that of the 25 and 28°C treatment groups but significantly higher than that of the 31°C treatment group. With elevation of seawater temperature, the alkaline phosphatase (ALP) and acid phosphatase (ACP) activities in sera of two scallop species increased and reached the peak at 25°C and then decreased. However, the specific activity of ALP and ACP of the 31°C treatment group was the highest. The results demonstrated that temperature of seawater significantly affected immunity of scallops. The concept that the stress of high environmental temperature on C. farreri may be partially responsible for the mass mortality of the organism is also introduced.  相似文献   

贝藻混养互利机制的初步研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
20 0 1年 3月 ,在中国水产科学研究院黄海水产研究所小麦岛实验基地 ,用实验生态学方法 ,进行了栉孔扇贝 (Chlamys farreri)和海带 (L aminaria japonica) 3种配比模式 (栉孔扇贝密度分别为10、2 0、10粒 / m2 ,海带密度分别为 1.0、1.0、2 .0棵 / m2 )混养实验 ,定期观测环境和营养盐的变化 ,浮游植物消长情况以及栉孔扇贝、海带的存活和生长状况等。实验表明 ,模式 较模式 、 中 TIN、Si O4- Si、PO4- P的浓度低 ,其 TIN中 NH4- N含量较其余两种模式低 ;同时 ,模式 中浮游植物数量减少 13.872× 10 3 cell/ L,叶绿素含量减少 1.96 mg/ m3 (模式 浮游植物减少 6 .0 4 5× 10 3 cell/ L、叶绿素减少 1.79mg/ m3 ;模式 浮游植物减少 12 .995× 10 3 cell/ L、叶绿素减少 1.78mg/ m3 ) ,下降幅度最大。而模式 的 DO含量相对较高 ,其栉孔扇贝生长显著 ,壳高较实验初始时的壳高存在显著差异。故在本实验条件下模式 的混养配比较合理 ,其生态互利作用较好  相似文献   

We examined the growth, survival and immune response of the scallop, Chlamys farreri, during a 1‐year period in deep water of Haizhou Bay. Scallops were cultured using two methods: (1) in lantern nets at a 5 m depth and (2) in a bottom culture system (sleeves) on the seabed at about a 25 m depth. Shell heights, meat dry weight and immune activities in the haemolymph (superoxide dismutase and myeloperoxidase) were measured bimonthly or quarterly from July 2007 to June 2008. Survival was measured at the end of the study and environmental parameters in the experimental layers were monitored during the experiment. The growth and immune activities of scallops were lower when the water temperature was high, which was consistent with the main mortality occurring in summer. The growth and immunity of scallops were higher in the suspended culture than in the bottom culture during the experiment, with the exception of shell growth during the last study period. Survival of scallops in the suspended culture (54.6±12.3%) was significantly lower than that in the bottom culture (86.8±3.5%) at the end of this study. We conclude from our results that the high mortality of C. farreri can be prevented by culturing them in a bottom culture system before November of the first year, and then transferring them to a suspended culture to improve scallop production.  相似文献   

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