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我国发展低碳渔业的经济政策探析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
<正>2009年哥本哈根气候大会后,国内外掀起低碳经济的浪潮。从国家到地方,各级渔业主管部门在碳汇渔业、低碳渔业及低碳渔业经济等方面进行了大量的调研、理论研究和实践探索。本文对我国低碳渔业的实践与理论进行简要评价,梳理出发展低碳渔业的经济政策与措施,并提出今后我国发展低碳渔业经济的政策途径。  相似文献   

随着现代低碳经济和低碳技术的发展,标志着"低碳时代"已经到来,在低碳经济时代,对于渔业大国的中国来说,只有积极转变渔业发展方式,倡导绿色环保,以节能减排为重点,大力发展低碳渔业,这才是实现我国现代化渔业的战略选择。  相似文献   

研究了太湖乌鳢的生长与食性,探讨了乌鳢在太湖渔业中的生态地位,并对其渔业现状进行了评价。作者认为,乌鳢对太湖经济鱼类危害不大,且能抑制野杂鱼的过渡繁殖,因而提出了保护和增殖乌鳢的措施。  相似文献   

个人能干富一户,村委能干它一村,转变经济增长方式富一片",这是最近形成于太湖的一条经验。90年代初,江苏省太湖渔密会在全体委员会议上多次强调,发展名、特、优水产品养殖是今后太湖渔业的发展方向。经多年努力,1997年太湖养压产值已首次超过捕捞产值。据调查统计,1997  相似文献   

银鱼是太湖主要经济鱼类之一,它的盛衰直接关系到太湖渔业经济的效益和渔民收入,在这种形势下,对于银鱼资源的增殖保护就显得更为重要本文作者结合太湖湖区实际情况,从增殖保护的角度对太湖银鱼资源可持续发展提出一些确实可行的具体措施和建议。  相似文献   

发展低碳经济是我国顺应国际潮流,实现科学发展和可持续发展的重大机遇。根据天津市的总体规划,低碳渔业在构建天津市生态型宜居城区规划中占有重要地位,低碳渔业发展要与天津市的总体规划相协调,要坚持生态协调平衡,实现经济效益、生态效益和社会效益的统一。笔者就天津低碳渔业发展现状和发展对策谈几点体会。  相似文献   

科学养鱼使东太湖鱼丰民富水清近年东太湖坚持科学养鱼,围网养殖一年一个台阶,1995年养殖产量达3360吨,已占渔业总产量的15%;养殖总产值达3499万元,占渔业总产值的30%;养殖的亩均利润达756元,成为东太湖渔民的主要经济收入。吴江市宛坪镇19...  相似文献   

太湖捕捞渔业现状及其可持续发展对策的探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
统计结果表明,近年来太湖捕捞渔业年均产量为3.3~3.6万吨,高于据太湖渔业生产能力计算所得的理论年可捕捞量。本文通过分析太湖渔业资源利用现状、存在问题,积极探索先进可行的捕捞制度,以期在保护和养护好太湖渔业资源的同时,实现太湖捕捞渔业的可持续健康发展。  相似文献   

随着低碳经济的兴起,碳汇渔业实践已成为一个新的重大课题。2010年11月,中国工程院召开“碳汇渔业与渔业低碳技术”工程科技论坛。同年12月,全国渔业工作会议提出“要积极开展碳汇渔业与渔业低碳技术的研究与实践,为建设资源节约、环境友好型渔业提供技术支撑”。2011年1月,我国首个碳汇渔业实验室在黄海水产研究所成立。碳汇渔业这一战略性新兴产业正逐渐成为加快推进渔业转型升级的重大动力。作为首个以海洋经济为主题的国家级新区,浙江舟山群岛新区在辽阔海域上先行先试探索发展碳汇渔业具有非常独特的战略价值。  相似文献   

《现代渔业信息》杂志编委会第十四届专题学术报告会于2003年11月5~7日在江苏省苏州市隆重召开。本届专题学术报告会由《现代渔业信息》杂志协办单位江苏省海洋与渔业局主持、江苏省太湖渔业生产管理委员会具体承办,参加会议有17个单位和部门(其中包括三个书面交流单位),共有24位代表。会议收到论文报告14篇,其中包括书面交流5篇。会议进行了学术交流与介绍各地有关渔业改革经验相结合,同绕一条红线——开发无公害化渔业,共同探讨二十一世纪开发无公害化渔业的发展形势和发展前景。会议期间,与会代表实地考察了太湖东、两山生态渔业,并参观了太湖渔业生产管理委员生产基地——太湖中华绒螯蟹水产有限公司。与会代表一致认为,本届主题鲜明,会议开得活泼,隆重,达到了预期的目的。  相似文献   

Indicators to support an ecosystem approach to fisheries   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Indicators are needed to support the implementation of an ecosystem approach to fisheries (EAF), by providing information on the state of the ecosystem, the extent and intensity of effort or mortality and the progress of management in relation to objectives. Here, I review recent work on the development, selection and application of indicators and consider how indicators might support an EAF. Indicators should guide the management of fishing activities that have led to, or are most likely to lead to, unsustainable impacts on ecosystem components or attributes. The numbers and types of indicators used to support an EAF will vary among management regions, depending on resources available for monitoring and enforcement, and actual and potential fishing impacts. State indicators provide feedback on the state of ecosystem components or attributes and the extent to which management objectives, which usually relate to state, are met. State can only be managed if the relationships with fishing (pressure) and management (response) are known. Predicting such relationships is fundamental to developing a management system that supports the achievement of objectives. In a management framework supported by pressure, state and response indicators, the relationship between the value of an indicator and a target or limit reference point, reference trajectory or direction provides guidance on the management action to take. Values of pressure, state and response indicators may be affected by measurement, process, model and estimation error and thus different indicators, and the same indicators measured at different scales and in different ways, will detect true trends on different timescales. Managers can use several methods to estimate the effects of error on the probability of detecting true trends and/or to account for error when setting reference points, trajectories and directions. Given the high noise to signal ratio in many state indicators, pressure and response indicators would often guide short‐term management decision making more effectively, with state indicators providing longer‐term policy‐focused feedback on the effects of management action.  相似文献   

苏萌 《水产学报》2015,39(8):1264-1272
考虑到生态系统状态对渔业的重要影响,渔业生态系统方法(Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries,EAF)把对生态的关注加入渔业管理框架中,并以生态系统管理和渔业管理2个理论为基础,扩展了传统渔业管理的框架:以生态系统健康与人类福利的依存关系为基础,关注多物种管理,均衡生态、人文和制度3个维度的目标,实现渔业的可持续发展。本研究介绍了EAF的由来、定义、基本原则以及功能要素,概述了EAF的实践基础和模型构建的技术路径,对比了EAF与EBFM的异同。虽然EAF的理论和实践仍处于完善和发展阶段,但确为渔业管理的发展方向,介绍EAF对促进我国渔业可持续发展具有重要意义。  相似文献   

关于促进渔民增收的几点思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
渔民收入倍增既然是一项工程,必然要历经复杂、漫长的过程,并不是一朝一夕就能实现的;但实现这一目标也并非遥遥无期,这个期限是按照“两个率先”的时序要求,实现全面小康目标确定的。要实现这一目标关键是渔业经济要得到快速发展,渔民劳动力转移要有新的突破。  相似文献   

Patterns of rearing several compatible aquatic food species together (polyculture) in fresh, brackish and salt water are discussed. Emphasis is on technologies that seize on compatibilities of the organisms for spatial and/or temporal cohabitation and on adaptation to different markets. In fresh water, use of avian or mammalian stock is included. Constraints discussed comprise water quality and quantity as well as some aspects of technical infrastructure. Also, present land and water management conditions in tropical Asia whence most examples are taken, except for Japan, suggest that best gains can be made not by creating new installations but by upgrading existing ones through large scale establishment of hatcheries and through the improvement of management skills.  相似文献   

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