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The macromorphology, micromorphology and chemical nature of illuvial material in podzol B horizons and subsoils can be explained by contributions from two different migrating species: (a) a positively-charged mixed Al2O3-Fe2O3-SiO2-H2O sol incorporating minor amounts of adsorbed organic matter and silicate clay, and (b) negatively charged organic sols and solutions, carrying minor amounts of Al, Fe and clay. These species can also be generated within B horizons of high root activity. An alternative theory, that requires allophane to be formed in situ in the B horizon by microbial decomposition of precipitated organic complexes, fails to predict the observed distribution of allophane.  相似文献   

In thin sections of a cemented Bs horizon, allophane is present as isotropic, or weakly anisotropic, transparent, yellow, commonly fluorescent gel deposits, which line or fill voids, cement sand and silt, and form pseudomorphs of root structures. Atomic ratios of Si: Al range from 1: 2.2 to 1: 3.7 in pale deposits, but drop to 1: 8.8 in regions of organic staining. Fe: Al atomic ratios in transparent deposits range from near zero to 0.4. The local uniformity of the gels indicates that the allophane, with associated iron oxides, is deposited from solution, and is not formed in situ from a precipitated organic complex, or by weathering of minerals in situ. Mineralogical evidence indicates that the origin of the allophane is related to intense acidic weathering of plagioclase and biotites in the Eg and Bhg horizons. A fibrous morphology indicative of imogolite is seen under the scanning electron microscope only in critical point dried specimens. It is proposed that the cracked coatings characteristic of cemented Bs horizons can be interpreted as allophanic deposits, associated with varying amounts of clay and iron oxide, and impregnated with varying amounts of fulvic acids. Such deposits cannot be taken as evidence for the migration of Al and Fe as organic complexes.  相似文献   

Chemistry of aqueous Al in a podzol on a Norway spruce (Picea abies [L.] Karst.) site in the Black Forest (SW Germany) and changes induced by experimental applications of MgSO4 were studied. Soil solution taken from the O, E and BC horizons were analyzed for the fractions ‘labile monomeric Al’, ‘non-labile monomeric Al’, and ‘acid-reactive Al’. The activities of ‘inorganic monomeric Al’ species and the saturation indices (SI) of the soil solution with respect to Al-bearing minerals were calculated using the equilibrium speciation model WATEQF. On the untreated plot, soil leachates are characterized by Altot concentrations of 0.1 mg L?1 (mineral soil). In the O horizon, the fractions ‘acidsoluble Al’ and ‘non-labile monomeric Al’ (mainly organically complexed Al) together comprise 80% of Altot. In the leachates from the mineral soil Al3+ prevails, being 50% of Altot. Al-F-complexes make up 5 to 10% in all horizons. MgSO4 and (NH4)2SO4 treatments resulted in an intense Al mobilization up to 50 mg L?1. In this situation, 60% of Altot is covered by Al3+ and 40% by non-phytotoxic Al-SO4-complexes. After rainfall events, mobilized Al is quickly translocated into the subsoil, with water flow through macropores then appearing to be an important mechanism. In both treatments, soil solution chemistry was favorable for the precipitation of the Al(OH)SO4-type minerals alunite and jurbanite. However, a control of Al solubility by this process is not likely due to kinetic restraints. Application of MgSO4 was followed by an increase of the Mg/Al molar ratio in the soil solution, whereas the Ca/Al ratio decreased. After treatment with (NH4)2SO4 both the Ca/Al and the Mg/Al ratios deteriorated.  相似文献   

Bonding of Fe(III)-ions to humic substances of a humic podzol are reported with regard to pH (range 2.5 - 6.4). A separation technique is used involving a pyrophosphate extraction, whereby dissolved, precipitated, and organically bound iron can be separated. The necessity of iron speciation results from the fact that the amount of Fe bound to organic matter is overestimated if conventional methods are used. The estimation of formation constants for iron actually bound to organic matter leads to a corrected maximum value of log K'f(org) = 1.64, whereas for the total eliminated Fe this maximum value is 2 units higher (log K'f= 3.70).  相似文献   

The introduction of threatened marsupials to islands affords a high degree of translocation success due to the lack of exotic species on islands, or the feasibility of eradicating them. The dibbler Parantechinus apicalis is a small marsupial endemic to the southwest of Australia. It is listed under international and national legislation as Endangered, and has been the focus of a successful conservation strategy to introduce captive-bred individuals to an island as a security measure, and as part of a formal Interim Recovery Plan. A total of 88 individuals were released in four groups on Escape Island from 1998 to 2000. The population was monitored using radiotelemetry and trapping techniques from 1998 to 2001. Breeding and dispersal of young occurred within the first year of release. Three years after the initial release, the third generation of wild-born dibblers had entered into the population. The total cost of this translocation exercise approximated $AUS 0.6 million. The conservation effort to give additional security to dibblers has been successful, at least in the short term, due to the collaboration between four organisations and a commitment to support a monitoring program of the released population over time.  相似文献   

Stability of allophane with positive and/or negative charges in the presence of gum xanthan (GX) was mainly investigated at three pH levels. At pH 4.5, allophane showed polymeric iocculation (PFL) at low GX concentrations, and polymeric stabilization (PST) at medium GX concentrations. Flocculated allophane (i.e.p.) at pH 6.5 showed polymeric weak-stabilization (PWST) at extremely low GX concentrations, besides PFL and PST described above. At pH 8.5, allophane did not exhibit any change in stability with GX addition. The PFL and PWST can be regarded as charge neutralization between allophane and GX. Allophanic clay with i.e.p. at pH 10 exhibited both PFL and PST but no PWST, even at pH 8.5. The PWST can be explained by the disintegration of the floc when interparticle attraction was weakened by the adsorption of GX. The lower PWST and PST of allophane-halloysite mutual floc strongly suggested the presence of a more stable arrangement among these dissimilar particles. Stability of crystalline clays was also studied for comparison. The above behavior was analyzed on the basis of (i) the suspended microaggregate of allophane, and (ii) the double-stranded wormlike structure of GX, which was taken in this study as a model substance of anionic microbial polysaccharide.  相似文献   

The foam stability of beer is one of the important key factors in evaluating the quality of beer. The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between the level of malt modification (degradation of protein, starch, and so on) and the beer foam stability. This was achieved by examining foam-promoting proteins using two-dimensional gel electrophoresis (2DE). We found that the foam stability of beer samples brewed from the barley malts of cultivars B and C decreased as the level of malt modification increased; however, the foam stability of cultivar A did not change. To identify the property providing the increased foam stability of cultivar A, we analyzed beer proteins using 2DE. We analyzed three fractions that could contain beer foam-promoting proteins, namely, beer whole proteins, salt-precipitated proteins, and the proteins concentrated from beer foam. As a result, we found that in cultivar A, some protein spots did not change in any of these three protein fractions even when the level of malt modification increased, although the corresponding protein spots in cultivars B and C decreased. We analyzed these protein spots by peptide mass finger printing using matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry. As a result, all of these spots were identified as barley dimeric alpha-amylase inhibitor-I (BDAI-I). These results suggest that BDAI-I is an important contributor to beer foam stability.  相似文献   

The maturation of Madeira wines usually involves exposure to relatively high temperatures and humidity levels >70%, which affect the aroma and flavor composition and lead to the formation of the typical and characteristic bouquet of these wines. To estimate the levels of sotolon [3-hydroxy-4,5-dimethyl-2(5H)-furanone] and their behavior over time, 86 aged Madeira wines samples (1-25 years old), with different sugar concentrations, respectively, 90 g L(-)(1) for Boal, 110 g L(-)(1) for Malvazia, 25 g L(-)(1) for Sercial, and 65 g L(-)(1) for Verdelho varieties, were analyzed. Isolation was performed by liquid-liquid extraction with dichloromethane followed by chromatographic analysis by GC-MS. The reproducibility of the method was found to be 4.9%. The detection and quantification limits were 1.2 and 2.0 microg L(-)(1), respectively. The levels of sotolon found ranged from not detected to 2000 microg L(-)(1) for wines between 1 and 25 years old. It was observed that during aging, the concentration of sotolon increased with time in a linear fashion (r = 0.917). The highest concentration of sotolon was found in wines with the highest residual sugar contents, considering the same time of storage. The results show that there is a strong correlation between sotolon and sugar derivatives: furfural, 5-methylfurfural, 5-hydroxymethylfurfural, and 5-ethoxymethylfurfural. These compounds are also well correlated with wine aging. These findings indicate that the kinetics of sotolon formation is closely related with residual sugar contents, suggesting that this molecule may come from a component like sugar.  相似文献   

This study investigated the recent demise of a koala population at Iluka in eastern Australia and demonstrates the potential role of population viability analysis (PVA) in the recovery and management of similar small populations. Information about the Iluka population was reconstructed from various sources, including community knowledge, wildlife carer data, and from a radiotracking program. Modelling scenarios were constructed to identify which factors may be critical to the survival of the Iluka population and which management options could provide the most effective means of its recovery. The model suggested that even substantial improvements in mortality and fertility alone do not prevent the modelled population declining towards extinction. Rebuilding of the koala population is likely to require guaranteed regular immigration of animals of both sexes in conjunction with considerable improvements in population mortality and fertility. This highlights the importance of the metapopulation for recruitment, an outcome that was not expected prior to modelling. These modelling outcomes suggest that the management of small, local populations of koalas will need a concerted management effort focusing on multiple causes of population change. Local management actions, such as reducing road deaths and managing habitat and fire, must be accompanied by knowledge of the larger geographical population.  相似文献   

Dryland salinity is an increasingly serious land degradation problem in many parts of the world. Bare salinised ground leads to accelerated rates of sheet, rill and gully erosion; decreasing plant productivity; and declining surface water quality. In a given geological, climatic and land use situation, rainfall patterns may influence the changing extent of dryland salinity. This possibility was investigated for an area in Australia with long‐term rainfall records. Changes in salinisation were recorded using nine sets of aerial photographs. Saline sites fluctuated in size between photo‐years but their number and extent increased between 1958 and 1996, with sites along wash lines being especially responsive to rainfall variations. Saline areas generally decreased in size and number during the wet period from 1958 to the early 1970s, extended during drought years in the early 1980s, then increased markedly to 1996 during a period of above average rainfall. Three saline sites showed a broad inverse relationship between salinity (bare ground) extent and rainfall in the pre‐drought period but post‐drought trends showed increasing rainfall associated with increasing salinisation. Short‐term variations in salinity were superimposed on longer‐term expansion. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Austral bracken Pteridium esculentum contains three unstable norsesquiterpene glycosides: ptaquiloside, ptesculentoside, and caudatoside, in variable proportions. The concentration of each of the glycosides was determined in this study as their respective degradation products, pterosin B, pterosin G and pterosin A, by HPLC-UV analysis. Samples of P. esculentum collected from six sites in eastern Australia contained up to 17 mg of total glycoside/g DW, with both ptaquiloside and ptesculentoside present as major components accompanied by smaller amounts of caudatoside. Ratios of ptaquiloside to ptesculentoside varied from 1:3 to 4:3, but in all Australian samples ptesculentoside was a significant component. This profile differed substantially from that of P. esculentum from New Zealand, which contained only small amounts of both ptesculentoside and caudatoside, with ptaquiloside as the dominant component. A similar profile with ptaquiloside as the dominant glycoside was obtained for Pteridium aquilinum subsp. wightianum (previously P. revolutum ) from northern Queensland and also P. aquilinum from European sources. Ptesculentoside has chemical reactivity similar to that of ptaquiloside and presumably biological activity similar to that of this potent carcinogen. The presence of this additional reactive glycoside in Australian P. esculentum implies greater toxicity for consuming animals than previously estimated from ptaquiloside content alone.  相似文献   

Dugongs can be efficiently censused and observed from a light aircraft. The existence of herds of substantial size in Australian waters has been confirmed, and a programme of aerial surveys designed to evaluate the status of the species on the Australian coasts initiated.  相似文献   

Specific pathways of the ecological impact of invasive species remain poorly known. Although the spread of toxic cane toads (Bufo marinus) through tropical Australia is widely believed to have caused extensive mortality of native reptiles and mammals, effects of toad ingestion on native anurans have been virtually ignored. Our studies on the Adelaide River floodplain show that the most numerous vertebrate victims of toad invasion are native tadpoles that die when they attempt to consume toad eggs. We documented 11 episodes of mass mortality, totalling >1300 tadpoles of 10 species, in five waterbodies within a single wet-season shortly after the toads invaded. A causal link between toad breeding and tadpole mortality is supported by observations that: (1) in at least 9 of the 11 waterbodies involved, toads bred immediately prior to mortality events; (2) water quality was indistinguishable from that of control ponds, and tadpoles placed in that water remained healthy; (3) dead tadpoles showed no sign of disease; and (4) laboratory trials showed rapid, 100% mortality in native tadpoles exposed to freshly-laid toad eggs. Despite these high mortality rates, toad invasion does not appear to threaten the viability of anuran populations because frogs often breed in ponds not used by toads, and because density-dependent growth and survival within tadpole communities mean that additional mortality may not reduce the total effective recruitment of metamorph frogs from a waterbody.  相似文献   


Weeds are a major constraint to canola (Brassica napus L.) production, reducing grain yield and quality. The repeated use of pre- and post- emergent herbicides to control several grasses and broadleaf weeds has escalated the problem of herbicide resistance in weeds. The development of herbicide-tolerant canola cultivars has increased the flexibility of weed management but has also increased the risks of outcrossing with wild relatives and weed shifts to resistance. Herbicide-resistant weed species, and the related biological repercussions, pose a major threat to sustainable weed management. These developing risks have led researchers to examine integrated weed management (IWM) techniques for sustainable weed control. Weed control strategies using non-chemical tactics have valid roles for managing weeds. However, in broad-acre commercial fields, the effectiveness of several non-chemical selections are less proven than commercial chemical herbicides. Canola competition and allelopathy for weed suppression are potential components for integrated weed management in canola. This review examines current chemical and non-chemical options available for developing IWM strategies for profitable canola production, as well as future research directions.  相似文献   

Mondial Gala apples were harvested at commercial maturity and stored at 1 degrees C under either air or controlled atmosphere (CA) conditions (2 kPa O2/2 kPa CO2 and 1 kPa O2/1 kPa CO2), where they remained for 3 or 6 months. Data on emission of selected volatile esters, alcohol precursors, and activity of some aroma-related enzymes in both peel and pulp tissues were obtained during subsequent shelf life of fruit and submitted to multivariate analysis procedures. CA storage caused a decrease in the emission of volatile esters in comparison to storage in air. Results suggest that lessened ester production was the consequence of modifications in activities of alcohol o-acyltransferase (AAT) and lipoxygenase (LOX) activities. For short-term storage, inhibition of lipoxygenase activity in CA stored fruit possibly led to a shortage of lipid-derived substrates, resulting in decreased production of volatile esters in spite of substantial ester-forming capacity that allowed for some recovery of fruit capacity for ester emission during the shelf life. For long-term storage, strong inhibition of AAT activity in CA stored fruit in combination with low LOX activities resulted in unrecoverable diminution of biosynthesis of volatile esters.  相似文献   

Journal of Soils and Sediments - The disposal of drill cuttings (DCs) in landfills is one of the major impacts of oil extraction on the environment. The DC composition is predetermined by the type...  相似文献   

Iridomyrmex purpureus F. Smith is common in southern Australia and nests in conspicuous. often gravel-covered mounds. The effects of the ant on some properties of soil in its nests, and the effects of soil type on the distribution of the ant were studied by comparing the distribution of particle sizes in soil of nests and undisturbed soil profiles. Particle size analysis was used also to determine the relationships of nests and more or less truncated profiles on a naturally eroding, lateritic podzolic soil. Nests are constructed by excavation of gallery systems in the upper part of the profile, with a few shafts extending downwards for 1 metre or more. Excavated material is incorporated in the mound which is usually composed of soil from the A horizon with additions from the B horizon and imported gravel. The density and rate of turnover of nests both appear to he too low for I. purpureus to have any significance to pedogenesis. But soil texture and consistency do influence the distribution of the ant. for nests are not constructed in sands or in very loose, structureless soils. Examination of the distribution of particle sizes in material from nests on the lateritic podzolic soil suggests that establishment of some existing mounds may have pre-dated erosion which has, subsequently, removed more than 20 cm of A horizon. The erosion process would probably require at least hundreds of years, and. if the interpretation of these nests is correct, suggests that they are very old. This is not inconsistent with other observations on rates of change in this population of I. purpurens.  相似文献   

Digitally enhanced Landsat imagery was used to locate a habitat suitable for the re-introduction of rufous hare-wallabies Lagorchestes hirsutus, presently known only from one location in central Australia. By remote sensing, it was possible to survey 65 000 km2 and locate three potential sites which were then checked in the field. The method reported here required two weeks for computer enhancement of the imagery and two for field survey. It is thus appropriate to the rapid assessment of rare animal habitat distributions over large areas.The ecological setting of the region in general and the habitat of the rare macropods are examined first in terms of local topography and fire history. The second section reviews techniques for the use of satellite imagery and describes the specialised enhancements utilised. The results of field investigations of sites selected from the Landsat imagery are then reported.  相似文献   

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