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崔敬希 《植物保护》1980,6(4):37-38
敌灭灵亦叫G696于1973年沈阳化工研究院试制成功。化学名称为2,4二甲基一5—甲酰替苯胺噻唑。经我院测定,纯品对小白鼠急性口服LD_(50)3900—5381mg/kg,对wister大白鼠急性口服LD_(50)2700—5100mg/kg。工业品对小白鼠口服LD_(50)4700—5200mg/kg,经皮毒性LD_(50)4700mg/kg。  相似文献   

中华鼢鼠(Myospalax fontaneri MilneEdwards)又名瞎瞎,是一种营地下生活,危害的农田、草原、森林害鼠。环县每年约70万亩粮田,数百万亩草地和森林遭到鼢鼠破坏。据调查,此鼠平均密度为9.1头/公顷以上。因中华鼢鼠危害,全县每年约损失720多万公斤粮食,是全县27万人口近一个月的口  相似文献   

天水市中华鼢鼠发生特点及防治对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
天水市地处甘肃省东南部,境内沟壑纵横、山峦起伏,属暖温带半干旱、半湿润气候的过渡地带,海拔755~3120m,年均气温5~12℃,年降雨530mm左右。全市粮田面积460万亩,小麦、玉米、马铃薯为三大主要农作物。自1993年以来,全市持续干旱少雨的气候条件,极有利于鼠类繁殖为害。据统计,全市年发生鼠害面积约250万亩,占粮田面积的50%左右,年损失粮食约3000万kg。农田害鼠主要种类有中华鼢鼠、金花鼠、鸣声鼠、大家鼠、小仓鼠等,特别是中华鼢鼠发生范围广、为害面积大,造成的损失严重。仅小麦田中华鼢鼠年发生面积平均达150万亩,年损失粮食1000万kg以…  相似文献   

安全剂AD-67保护玉米免受单嘧磺隆药害的作用及其机理   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
采用生物测定法研究了安全剂AD-67对除草剂单嘧磺隆造成玉米伤害的保护作用,并对其作用机理进行了初步探讨。结果表明:单嘧磺隆在浓度0.025~0.050mg/kg时,对玉米的生长有较为强烈的抑制作用;当AD-67的浓度在0.5~10mg/kg时,能不同程度地缓解单嘧磺隆对玉米的药害。当单嘧磺隆毒土浓度为0.025mg/kg,使用1mg/kgAD-67浸种处理,玉米的主根长和株高分别是对照的107.3%和100.82%;AD-67浸种处理的玉米,幼苗中谷胱甘肽(GSH)含量和乙酰乳酸合成酶(ALS)活性分别是对照的109.76%和113.33%。  相似文献   

中文通用名:甲酰氨磺隆(建议用名)英文通用名:foramsulfuron农药登记名称和商品名称:2.25%康施它油悬浮剂(重量/容量)理化性质:甲酰氨磺隆原药(含量>94%)外观为浅灰棕色固体;熔点199.5℃;蒸气压1.3×10-10Pa(25℃);溶解度(20℃,g/L):水中为3.293(pH7),正庚烷中<10;在碱性条件下比酸性条件下稳定。制剂常温下稳定。毒性:甲酰氨磺隆原药对大鼠急性经口LD50>5000mg/kg,急性经皮LD50>2000mg/kg,急性吸入LC50>5.04mg/L;大鼠(13周)亚慢性喂饲试验无作用剂量为1677mg/kg/d;致突变试验:Ames试验为阴性,而人淋巴C细胞染色体畸变试验是弱阳性,其…  相似文献   

中文通用名称:呋喃虫酰肼(暂定)英文通用名称:(暂缺)农药登记名称和商品名:10%呋喃虫酰肼悬浮剂(福先)理化性质:呋喃虫酰肼为我国自主创制新农药,属双酰肼类杀虫剂。纯品外观为白色或灰白色固体;熔点146~148℃;蒸气压(20℃)<9.7×10-8Pa;溶解度(20℃,g/L):水0.27,乙醇250,正己烷<0.01;稳定性:毒性:呋喃虫酰肼原药和10%呋喃虫酰肼悬浮剂对雄、雌性大鼠急性经口LD50均>5000mg/kg,急性经皮LD50均>5000mg/kg,对兔皮肤、眼睛均无刺激性;对豚鼠皮肤致敏试验结果均属弱致敏物。原药大鼠90d亚慢性试验最大无作用剂量为180mg/kg饲料。致突变试验:A…  相似文献   

理化性质纯品为白色结晶,具有轻微的硫醇味,难溶于水,可溶于丙酮、苯、氯仿等大多数有机溶剂,在酸性介质中稳定,在碱性介质中易分解.对铜和黄铜有腐蚀性. 毒性大白鼠急性口服LD_(50)为135-163毫克/公斤;小鸡LD_(50)为32毫克/公斤;兔LD_(50)为1000-2000毫克/公斤;毒死蜱溶液对兔的急性经皮LD_(50)为2000毫克/公斤.对小虾和鱼有毒.对蜜蜂有较高的毒性,对眼睛有轻微的刺激作用.  相似文献   

安全剂AD-67减轻单嘧磺隆对高粱药害的作用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
采用生物测定的方法对安全剂AD-67保护高粱免受单嘧磺隆药害进行研究,并对其保护作用的机理进行了初步探讨。结果表明:单嘧磺隆在浓度0.05~0.2mg/kg时,对高粱的生长有较为强烈的抑制作用;当AD-67的浓度在0.5~10mg/kg时,能不同程度地缓解单嘧磺隆对高粱的药害。在单嘧磺隆毒土浓度为0.05mg/kg时,使用5mg/kgAD-67浸种处理,高粱的主根长、株高和谷胱甘肽(GSH)含量分别是对照(CK)的118.45%、107.47%和108.33%。AD-67能够提高单嘧磺隆处理后的高粱幼苗中的GSH含量,促进单嘧磺隆与GSH的轭合作用,这是安全剂AD-67保护高粱免受单嘧磺隆药害的重要途径之一。  相似文献   

本文首次报道,用沙门氏菌的营养缺陷型细菌琼雷株作为生物杀鼠剂。以三种方法:毒饵法、鼠的同类残食法和饮水传染法,对害鼠作了毒杀效果观察。结果表明:对灰仓鼠和草原兔尾鼠的致死效果均超过95%;小家鼠70%左右;柽柳沙鼠最低。对鸡、兔、羊的安全试验表明:该菌具有相对不易感染的安全性。  相似文献   

对黄兔尾鼠生态的一些观察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
黄兔尾鼠(Lagulus lutells Eversmann)广泛分布在新疆天山以北的荒漠草原,其栖息环境是畜牧业生产的春秋草场。黄兔尾鼠数量波动极大,高数量年份使草场成片毁灭,已成为新疆草原上危害最为严重的害鼠之一,国内外对黄兔尾鼠的分布和生态学研究已有一些报道(赵中石,1960;Исмагилов,1969;金善科等,1979;马勇等,1982;乔璋,1982;王思博等,1983),但均缺乏全年性的系统资料。作者于1983—1984年在沙湾县博尔通古地区设点作定期观察,获取一些黄兔尾鼠的生态资料,现简要报告如下。  相似文献   

烟草霜霉病(Peronospora tabacina Adam)是烟草作物的一种毁灭性病害,蔓延很广,遍及世界许多国家。鉴于我国无烟草霜霉病分布,因此,杜绝此病的传入,保护烟草生产,对来自疫区的烟叶实施检疫很有必要。烟草霜霉病传病的主要来源是分生孢子和卵孢子,但分生孢子与卵孢子比较,其抗逆能力差,寿命短,烟叶经晒干、贮藏、航运、加工等过程,随烟叶携带霜霉病分生孢子传病的可能性少。关于卵孢子,尽管萌发的具体情况不甚清楚,传播流行所起作用认  相似文献   

The toxicity of three second-generation rodenticides to Barn Owls (Tyto alba Scop.) has been investigated. Brodifacoum, difenacoum and flocoumafen were separately fed to owls over a period of 15 days via rodenticide-fed mice to simulate the potential route of exposure in the wild. The owls survived a cumulative dose of each rodenticide of at least 1.9 mg kg?1 owl body weight over 15 days. This is equivalent to the consumption of two 25 g mice with a rodenticide residue of 1 mg kg?1 each day for 15 days. Residue analysis confirmed that the liver is the organ which retains the largest residue of ingested rodenticide.  相似文献   

杀鼠嘧啶(crimidin)的靶谱广,0.1~0.4%毒饵的接受性和灭鼠效果与1.5%氟乙酰胺相当。该药的优势特性是蓄积毒性微弱,对非靶动物不易引起二次中毒,维生素B_6对它的解毒能力(完全保护)可达30LD_(50)。所以,杀鼠嘧啶具备接替氟乙酰胺等有机氟化合物消灭野鼠的基本条件。但作为人为化学毒物引入自然界的生态学效应还要深入研究。  相似文献   

R. M. POCH 《EPPO Bulletin》1988,18(2):323-330
A series of toxicological, residue, secondary hazard, and environmental fate studies were completed with bromadiolone. The compound was eliminated rapidly after ingestion by Rattus norvegicus and Mus domesticus. In R. norvegicus, 75% of the bromadiolone was eliminated within 4 days. Dead rodents collected from field trials using bromadiolone had residue levels of 1.92 in R. rattus, 1.17 in M. domesticus, and 0.49 ppm in Spermophilus beecheyi. The LD50 for bromadiolone in beagle dogs was calculated at 8.1 mg kg-1 (10.7 for males and 6.3 mg kg-1 in females). The approximate LD50 in Canis latrans was 10 mg kg-1. Dietary LC50 determination compound in Putorius putorius furo was 9.8 ppm. Secondary hazard studies showed the rodenticide to have little potential to snakes and birds of prey if used properly. Field tests with grain and pelleted baits over 21 days demonstrated that the active ingredient degraded by 78 and 45%, respectively.  相似文献   

Widespread use of warfarin, and other multiple-dose anticoagulants, selected populations of warfarin-resistant rodents in the UK and in other countries. The effectiveness of rodent control was dramatically reduced when the resistant animals formed a large proportion of a population. The second-generation anticoagulants were developed to overcome these practical control problems with warfarin and were considered to be effective rodenticides against warfarin-resistant populations. In the UK, however, difenacoum showed reduced efficacy for controlling an established warfarin-resistant Rattus norvegicus population covering a substantial area of farmland in southern England. Continued use of difenacoum selected for difenacoum-resistant animals, so that the rodenticide is now ineffective for controlling rats in three counties. Brodifacoum was subsequently used to control some infestations and there is evidence that these treatments selected for animals with an increased level of resistance to brodifacoum. Anticoagulant resistance in Mus domesticus is less of a practical problem because of the availability of non-anticoagulant rodenticides for the control of this species. There is evidence, however, of bromadiolone resistance in M. domesticus trapped on farms in the UK. Recent investigations of the mechanism of anticoagulant resistance in R. norvegicus have indicated that vitamin K3 (menadione) is an antidote to anticoagulants in resistant animals. This form of the vitamin is included as a dietary supplement in poultry and pig food and would aid the survival, and therefore increase the selection, of resistant animals when anticoagulants are used exclusively.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Plateau pikas ( Ochotona curzoniae , Hodgson, 1858) are viewed as a pest in the Tibetan Plateau meadow ecosystem when their population densities are high. Traditional culling using rodenticides often poses a high risk to non‐target species and even to humans. In this study, an investigation was made of the infertility effects of quinestrol (E), levonorgestrel (P) and a combination of the two (EP, ratio E:P = 1:2) on plateau pikas during 2007 and 2008. RESULTS: Treatment with E or EP significantly decreased the pregnancy rate of female pikas in 2007. In 2008, there was a cross‐year effect that still suppressed male reproduction in treated groups. Treatment with E obviously reduced the reproduction of pikas but not their population abundance in 2007; the reduction in population size was significant in 2008. CONCLUSIONS: Single baiting of quinestrol in early breeding season reduced the reproduction and population size of pikas throughout 2007. The effect of infertility lasted into the next breeding season through a cross‐year effect, which resulted in a significant reduction of population size in 2008. Quinestrol is a very promising non‐lethal approach to managing pika populations; however, several factors need to be investigated further to improve the practicality of this method. Copyright © 2012 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

The toxicity of the anticoagulant brodifacoum to the field rodent species Microtus guentheri (Danford & Alston) and Meriones tristrami Thomas was tested in the laboratory. Brodifacoum 0.05 g kg?1 whole-wheat bait was offered to the animals without additional food. The LD50 calculated for M. guentheri was 2.28 mg kg?1 body weight. Brodifacoum was found to be more toxic to M. tristrami; the LD50 was c. 0.8–0.9 mg kg?1 body weight. The toxicity data served to plan the doses of bait to be broadcast in the field.  相似文献   

Developing additional techniques for reducing animal feed contamination by rodents and controlling rodent populations is critical to efforts aimed at reducing the occurrence of Salmonella spp infection on poultry farms. Capsaicin, a compound found in chili peppers of the genus Capsicum, produces a burning sensation in the mouth of mammals and is used effectively as an animal deterrent for some pest species. Applied to poultry feed, capsaicin may be effective as an aversive agent to deter rodent feeding and enhance acceptability of rodenticide baits. We tested capsaicin-treated poultry diets (2000 and 3000 Scoville Heat Units, SHU) in no-choice feeding trials at four active New York farms in the winter of 1997-1998. At all farms, consumption of the 2000 SHU diet by rodents (Norway rats, Rattus norvegicus (Berk), and house mice, Mus musculus L) was significantly less than consumption of a control diet. Consumption of the 3000 SHU diet by rodents was significantly less than consumption of a control diet at three of the four farms. Overall, consumption of treated diets was 58-97% and 55-98% less than consumption of the control diet, for the 2000 and 3000 SHU diets, respectively. These reductions appeared to be related closely to the availability of alternative feed sources at these farms. Two-choice feeding trials involving a rodenticide bait (0.05 g kg(-1) brodifacoum) and the 3000 SHU diet demonstrated that Norway rats preferred the rodenticide to the capsaicin-treated poultry feed. Overall, rodenticide bait acceptance was high (95.6%) when offered simultaneously with capsaicin-treated poultry feed. Although poultry managers must utilize several techniques to manage rodent pests, the use of capsaicin-treated diets to reduce feed losses and increase rodenticide bait acceptance appears promising. Use of capsaicin-treated feed on poultry farms may substantially reduce feed contamination by rodents and ultimately the incidence of Salmonella infection in poultry.  相似文献   


The toxicity and efficacy of the acute rodenticide zinc phosphide (Zn3P2) was evaluated in the laboratory against the lesser bandicoot rat (Bandicota bengalensis), from Rangoon, Burma. The acute LD50 and LD95 doses of orally-administered zinc phosphide for B. bengalensis were found to be 25.0 mg/kg and 113.0 mg/kg of body weight respectively. When caged bandicoots were given a choice between plain and poison baits, the optimum rodenticidal concentrations in the bait was found to be 2.5%. Symptoms of poisoning appear from 32 minutes to 3 hours after feeding starts, giving individual animals time to consume from 10 to over 27 LD50 doses of 25% zinc phosphide before feeding stops. Death occurred in a minimum of 4 to 5 hours following either oral dosing or free choice feeding. There appears to be aversion to the poison at higher concentrations in food baits. The relative merits of zinc phosphide and pyriminyl as rodenticides against the lesser bandicoot in Rangoon will have to be determined in a series of comparative field trials.  相似文献   

黄土高原甘肃鼢鼠、中华鼢鼠综合防治技术的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
1986—1990年在陕西、山西两省进行了甘肃鼢鼠和中华鼢鼠综合防治的研究。在化学防治基础上,采取加强农田基本建设蓄积天然降水、作物轮作倒茬、使用化学除草剂铲除田间杂草等生态措施进行综合防治。结果表明,药物灭鼠可迅速将害鼠密度降至防治阈值(3.1只/公顷)以下,其他几项生态措施对害鼠种群数量恢复亦有一定抑制作用,避免了连年使用化学药物防治的弊端。  相似文献   

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