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杨梅褐斑病诊治   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杨梅褐斑病是杨梅叶片主要病害之一,危害严重的林地可造成颗粒无收。着重论述了其发病症状、规律和防治措施。  相似文献   

杨梅腐烂病是由核果壳囊孢(Cytospora leucostoma Sacc.)危害所致[1].该病主要危害杨梅主干分叉处,引起树干皮层腐烂和枝枯.据调查,杨梅腐烂病在湖南省发生普遍,危害严重,株发病率一般达20%~50%,病情指数15~25;发病严重的地区株发病率达50%以上,病情指数30~40,严重地影响了杨梅产业的发展.为有效地防治该病,作者2004年选择了12种药剂对杨梅腐烂病进行了大田防治试验.  相似文献   

为了探讨杨梅褐斑病发生流行规律与防控技术,在黄山市屯溪区占川杨梅园进行田间试验。结果表明:5月初,病菌借助风、雨水传播,主要侵染杨梅春梢萌发的新叶,该时期为病害侵染的高峰期。7-8月高温干旱,病菌进入潜育期。9-10月病害症状明显,病叶枯死脱落,杨梅春梢的叶片发病较重,夏稍叶片发病较轻。该病害1年发生1次,无再侵染。防治试验结果表明:不同杨梅褐斑病害防治措施的效果有所差异,其中定期施肥并清除枯枝落叶+1:2:200的波尔多液+60%唑醚·代森联水分散粒剂的方法对病害的相对防效达到90.71%,防治效果最好。对杨梅褐斑病采用农业防治与药剂防治的综合防治措施,在该病害防治中具有良好的推广应用价值。  相似文献   

杨梅是杨梅科杨梅属植物的统称,为多年生常绿乔木或灌木,我国主要有1属4种,即杨梅、毛杨梅、青梅和矮杨梅4个种类,分布在长江以南地区和西南地区。杨梅在市场上很受欢迎,但长期以来,杨梅在云南大都是零星种植,或者就是野生状态。近年来,  相似文献   

木洞杨梅抗逆性较强,病虫害较少,原产地靖州县群众素有不施农药的习惯。但由于生长环境的变迁和大范围的苗木交流,导致病虫害的传播和危害。因此,做好病虫害的防治,对于营造木洞杨梅大面积纯林尤为重要。一、主要病害及防治1.杨梅癌肿病(俗称杨梅疮)是杨梅小枝及树干的主要病害。病部肿大,表面形成粗糙的肿瘤,瘤以上的枝条枯死,树干患病,树势早衰,重者引起全株死亡。防治方法:①药剂防治:3 ̄4月份,在肿瘤中的病菌传出以前,用利刀刮除病斑,涂“402”抗菌剂200倍液效果很好。②剪除并烧毁发病的枝条,要求在新梢抽生前进行。③加强杨梅树的培育…  相似文献   

杨梅嫁接技术研究初报   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
3~4年生枝条作接穗,采用切根法和掘根法接杨梅,杨梅嫁接成活率达到90%以上;解决了杨梅嫁接成活率低的重大难题,使杨梅的结果提早2~3年,为杨梅嫁接提供了新技术。  相似文献   

杨梅,别名龙晴、圣生梅、白蒂梅、珠红、树梅。因其形似水杨子、味道似梅子,而名杨梅。夏至杨梅满山红,小暑杨梅要生虫,杨梅一般夏至上市,到小暑落市。端午过后,杨梅便开始挂满树枝。杨梅圆圆的,和桂圆一样大小,通体长满了小刺,但是这些刺  相似文献   

杨梅的用途和栽培技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杨梅是杨梅科杨梅属(Myrica)的常绿乔木。该属的种质资源,我国共有4种和1变种,本省分布有青杨梅(Myrica adenophora)、毛杨梅(Myrica esculenta)和杨梅(Myrica rubra)3种,但较常见的、用途较广的、栽培历史较悠久的乃是杨梅(别名红杨梅、珠红等,古称机子)这个种。本文旨在综述杨梅的多种用途和栽培技术,为进一步利用开发这个树种资源,提供点滴参考。一、杨梅的用途杨梅是一种多用途的经济树木。古人曾有“五月杨梅已满林,初疑一棵值千金。味方河溯葡萄重,色比沪南荔枝深。”等咏杨  相似文献   

洪江市是杨梅产区。近年来,杨海资源遭到严重破坏,新造杨梅林面积甚少,导致产量下降,价格上涨。笔者根据洪江杨梅生产现状,对其发展与对策进行探讨。杨梅生产现状洪江市杨梅目前的结果树多为野生,全市20多个乡镇都产杨梅,一般分布在海拔500米以下,海拨500米一800米的地方常有生长,但结果的树甚少。人工栽培的大多采用实生繁殖零星栽植,培育了一些园艺品种,目前栽培的主要品种有野杨梅、红杨梅、水晶杨梅、乌杨梅、光叶杨梅、糖杨梅等。全市的杨梅产量,70年代约10-20万公斤,其中优质品种乌杨梅、水晶杨梅、光叶杨梅占20%左右…  相似文献   

6月,又到杨梅飘香时,在"中国杨梅之乡"——湖南省靖州苗族侗族自治县,令人垂涎欲滴的杨梅缀满枝头,慕名而来的游客络绎不绝,忙不停歇的梅农们笑逐颜开。品牌:实力铸就盛名靖州县是全国4大杨梅产区(浙江、福建、湖南、广东)之一,有着1200多年的杨梅栽培历史,是杨梅老产区,也是"色冠群梅,味甲江南"的木洞杨梅的原产地。2012年底,靖州全县杨梅栽培面积达3300多公顷,产量超过6万吨,产值达3.5亿元,是我国中西部地区最大的杨梅产区,辐射广西、  相似文献   

柳树辽宁壳多胞菌溃疡病系我国新发生的一种柳树溃疡病,〔1〕病原菌经鉴定为一新种,定名为辽宁壳多胞菌StagonosporaliaoningensisZ.K.ZhongetZ.W.Yuan。〔2〕本病于4月下旬发病,5月中下旬分生孢子成熟,6月中下旬为孢子飞散和发病高峰期。病原菌以菌丝体在侵染枝干表皮下越冬,为翌年4月发病的初侵染源。  相似文献   

杨树是我国常见树种,不仅用途广泛,例如,防风固沙、原材料供应等,而且还可以将其作为景观树.只有质量优异、数量充足的苗木才能保障杨树实现广泛种植,从而发挥其作用.在杨树育苗过程中,常见病害主要有叶锈病、腐烂病、黑斑病、溃疡病、灰斑病等,倘若未能有效防治病害,那么就会影响到苗木质量.基于此,将着重针对这几种常见病害的防治技...  相似文献   

人参土壤养分与土壤酶研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
综述了人参土壤养分、土壤酶及二者关系的研究成果,从土壤养分对人参产量、质量、病害等的影响,土壤酶及其与土壤养分的关系等方面进行了总结,并在此基础上提出了人参土壤养分、土壤酶及病害防治研究的新思路。  相似文献   

灵武长枣规范栽培技术   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
本文总结归纳了灵武长枣苗木繁殖的断根促萌育苗、根蘖苗归圃育苗、嫁接育苗,枣园土肥水管理,树体整形修剪、花期管理,以及主要病虫害的农业防治、化学防治等系列规范栽培技术。  相似文献   

READ  D. J. 《Forestry》1967,40(1):84-97
The winter frost hardiness level of Corsican Pine buds in northernEngland is found to range from –16° C to –20C (+3° F to –4° F). Buds in the lower parts ofthe tree are more susceptible to frost damage than those nearerthe leader, and buds at a given position in the canopy on anorth-facing slope are less hardy than those in a correspondingposition on a tree in a south aspect. The symptoms produced by artificial freezing are distinct fromthose found in dieback disease, and temperature measurementsin diseased and healthy stands suggest that frosts are not severeenough to account for the disease. The lower hardiness levelsin disease susceptible areas are therefore considered to beof secondary importance and are probably a result of a weakenedphysiological condition in the tree. Diseased slopes are chiefly characterized by high humidities,low light intensities, and only slightly reduced air and soiltemperatures when compared with nearby healthy areas.  相似文献   

千岛无核柿的病害调查   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
调查了千岛湖地区无核柿的病害种类,并对主要病害-炭疽病的病原生物学和发病规律进行了研究,结果表明,病害的发生与柿树的树龄,嫩梢抽梢速度,气温,湿度,降雨量和雨日等有一定的相关性。  相似文献   

杨树溃疡病发生因素的调查研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
通过对辽宁省朝阳县羊山镇1990~1998年间营造的各类品种杨树发生溃疡病情况的调查,结果表明:栽植时一次性浇足水分(150 kg.穴-1)发病率仅为0.48%。说明浇水不足是引发生杨树溃疡病的重要因素;起苗时苗木根系损伤严重的,发病率较高;不同品种类型的苗木杨树溃疡病发生率有明显差异;欧美杂交杨和新疆白杨派抗病能力强,青杨派树种抗杨树溃疡能力差。  相似文献   

A water soluble inhibitor of germination is present on the surfaces of freshly collected spores of Marssonina brunnea (Ell et Ev.) P. Magn. Spores of this pathogen have a high potential for germination even in the absence of external substrates. Among the poplar clones examined there was no correlation between spore germination on leaf discs and the disease reaction of the discs under controlled conditions. However under these conditions the disease development on leaf discs taken from clone I-69/55 was correlated with the high resistance of this clone to Marssonina leaf spot in the field.  相似文献   

READ  D. J. 《Forestry》1966,39(2):151-161
In north Yorkshire the earliest symptoms of disease appear atthe base of the bud in January. A small area of tissue in theregion of the lowest leaf primordium becomes necrotic, the protoplastsbeing damaged and the cells filled with resin. This stage isrevealed externally by bleeding of fresh, clear resin on tothe outer bud scales. From the bud the necrosis extends intothe shoot and into the needle bases. Buds of the lower branches are the most susceptible, the diseaseproceeding upwards through the crown and usually killing onlycurrent year shoots. An analysis of distribution of disease reveals that north-facingslopes are heavily infected while trees on south aspects aregenerally vigorous and healthy. A distinction is made between dieback disease which occurs inpoorly ventilated, sheltered stands and debility resulting fromexposure, or from nutritional disorders.  相似文献   

Fixed quadrates were established in different stands. In continued six years, the occurring period, occurring amounts and the relation between epidemic disease and environmental factors were investigated according to spraying laws of spores and accounting measures of disease ranking. The occuring peak period of the disease was from the last ten days of May to the second ten days of June. The epidemic period was from the last ten days of June to the second ten days of July and the initial decease period was from the last ten days of July to the beginning of September. The change of the disease depended on air temperature, relative humidity and precipitation. A multiple linear regression model was established using computer, which can predict the disease index(Y) of 10 days later, with more than 95% reliability (Responsible Editor: Chai Ruihai)  相似文献   

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