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本研究以国内分离的牛源坏死梭杆菌F4基因组DNA为模板,应用PCR方法扩增BSBSE片段,克隆到pMD18-T载体上,鉴定并测序正确后,构建pET32a-BSBSE表达质粒,转化E.coli BL21(DE3)经IPTG诱导、SDS—PAGE检测重组蛋白表达、Western blot检测重组蛋白反应原性。以该重组蛋白免疫兔制备抗血清,经间接ELISA检测抗血清效价。结果表明,PCR扩增得到1100bp的BSBSE片段,以此片段构建了pET32a—BSBSE表达质粒,经诱导后获得了目的蛋白表达,以Western blot检测该重组蛋白证明为本研究的目的蛋白,并且与抗体具有反应原性。以间接ELISA检测该重组蛋白免疫兔制备的抗血清效价达10^5。研究结果将为坏死梭杆菌毒力因子(1kt)的深入研究奠定了物质基础。  相似文献   

坏死梭杆菌白细胞毒素(Lkt)是一组对反刍动物白细胞特别是多形性白细胞(PMNs)有特异性毒性作用的细胞外毒素,被认为是坏死梭杆菌感染动物的主要毒力因子。白细胞毒素的物理稳定性较低,高温或极端pH环境中都能使白细胞毒素活性丧失。研究发现,白细胞毒素开放阅读框(ORF)全长9 726bp,由3个基因(lktB、A和C)组成,结构基因是第2个基因(lktA)。白细胞毒素对白细胞的毒性作用有剂量依赖性,并且溶血活性较低,不能在豚鼠猪皮肤上形成皮肤坏死症状。  相似文献   

Five virulent strains of Fusobacterium necrophorum resembled a single strain examined earlier by possessing little or no immunogenicity: severe subcutaneous infections cured with metronidazole failed to increase the resistance of mice to subcutaneous challenge 22 days after the cessation of treatment.  相似文献   

The ultrastructural features and molecular components of 18 strains of Fusobacterium necrophorum biovars A, AB and B, isolated from animal and human infections, were examined by electron microscopy, multilocus enzyme electrophoresis (MEE) and by sodium dodecyl sulfate-gradient polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE). High resolution scanning electron microscopy revealed that the strains possessed a convoluted surface pattern. Transmission electron microscopy showed that all strains possessed a cell wall structure typical of gram-negative bacteria. Bleb formation was not uncommon. Numerous extracellular materials, resembling lipopolysaccharide (LPS) fragments, surrounded cells of both human strains and biovar B animal strains. Biovar A field strains revealed capsules as stained by ruthenium red whereas a stock culture strain showed the capsule only when immunostabilized with hyperimmune serum. Starch gel electrophoresis showed all strains to possess adenyl kinase, glutamate dehydrogenases and lactate dehydrogenase; each enzyme migrated uniformly (monomorphic) among the strains and represented an electrotype. However, SDS-PAGE indicated differences in the protein profiles between all of the strains; the most distinctly different was a human isolate (FN 606). Silver staining to detect LPS showed extensive "ladder" patterns among the majority of biovar A strains but not in the animal biovar B strains. Immunoblotting of LPS with a rabbit antiserum prepared against phenol extracted LPS from a biovar A animal isolate (LA 19) suggested marked variability in the LPS antigens among the isolates studied.  相似文献   

The effects of the collagenolytic cell wall component (CCWC) of Fusobacterium necrophorum subsp. necrophorum on bovine hepatic cell and cytoskeletons were investigated. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) demonstrated that CCWC damaged the cell surfaces, forming tiny holes on the cell membranes. Sodium dodecyl sulphate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) profiles revealed that CCWC degraded bovine cytokeratin and vimentin and by indirect fluorescent antibody (IFA) method, it was shown that CCWC caused the deformation of hepatocellular vimentin. This suggested that CCWC contributes to bovine hepatic injury and it may be as important pathogenic factor in the development of bovine hepatic abscesses.  相似文献   

A 37-day-old male Japanese black calf showing marked salivation and leucocytosis died and was examined the tissues histologically. Histological lesions were characterized by severe focal necrotic glossitis on the ventral side of the root of the tongue. Immunohistochemically, Fusobacterium necrophorum subsp. necrophorum antigen was detected in the necrotic tissues and its distribution corresponded to that of the gram-negative, nonsporeforming, long filamentous organisms. Ultrastructural similarities between the organism and F. necrophorum subsp. necrophorum, but not subsp. funduliforme were observed. These findings clearly demonstrated that the fatal necrotic glossitis was caused by F. necrophorum subsp. necrophorum. This is the first report of bovine fatal necrotizing glossitis with leucocytosis caused by F. necrophorum subsp. necrophorum infection, and this organism may be an important fatal pathogen in calves with glossal lesions.  相似文献   

Fusobacterium necrophorum, a Gram-negative, non-spore-forming anaerobe, is a normal inhabitant of the alimentary tract of animals and humans. Two types of F. necrophorum, subspecies necrophorum (biotype A) and funduliforme (biotype B), have been recognized, which differ morphologically, biochemically, and biologically. The organism is an opportunistic pathogen that causes numerous necrotic conditions (necrobacillosis) such as bovine hepatic abscesses, ruminant foot abscesses and human oral infections. The pathogenic mechanism of F. necrophorum is complex and not well defined. Several toxins, such as leukotoxin, endotoxin, haemolysin, haemagglutinin and adhesin, have been implicated as virulence factors. Among these, leukotoxin and endotoxin are believed to be more important than other toxins in overcoming the host's defence mechanisms to establish the infection. F. necrophorum is encountered frequently in mixed infections and, therefore, synergisms between F. necrophorum and other pathogens may play an important role in infection. Several investigators have attempted to induce protective immunity against F. necrophorum using bacterins, toxoids, and other cytoplasmic components. Generally, none of the immunogens has afforded statisfactory protection against Fusobacterium infections. Because of the unavailability of suitable immunoprophylaxis, the control of F. necrophorum infection has depended mainly on the use of antimicrobial compounds.Abbreviations CFU colony-forming units - DNA deoxyribonucleic acid - DNase deoxyribonuclease - Eh redox potential - ELISA enzyme-linked immunosorbance assay - LPS lipopolysaccharide - MPN most-probable number - PMN polymorphonuclear cells - rRNA ribosoma ribonucleic acid - SDS-PAGE sodium dodecyl sulphate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis - subsp. subspecies  相似文献   

结直肠癌(CRC)是全球第三大流行癌症,对人类的健康危害很大.大量研究证明,结直肠局部微生态改变与CRC的发生有关.通过宏基因组学及高通量测序技术运用,发现CRC患者的肿瘤微生态环境和粪便样本富集了大量具核梭杆菌.因此,具核梭杆菌被认为是CRC发生、发展的危险因素之一.迄今为止,具核梭杆菌引起CRC的发生机理还不清楚....  相似文献   

The effects on rabbit tissue-cultured cells of collagenolytic cell wall component (CCWC) from Fusobacterium necrophorum subsp. necrophorum were investigated. Scanning electron microscopy demonstrated that CCWC damaged the cell surfaces of the rabbit granulocytes and hepatocytes but the effects of the cells differed from each other. Granulocytes appeared smooth and morphologically irregular whereas hepatocytes looked rough and had tiny holes in the cell membranes. Differences in cell viability were observed in MTS (3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-5-(3-carboxymethoxyphenyl)-2-(4-sulphophenyl)-2H-tetrazolium, inner salt) assay. The findings suggest that cytotoxic activity in vivo may well contribute to the establishment of an initial injury in visceral tissues, and the action of CCWC could increase the chances of survival for an invading F. necrophorum subsp. necrophorum at the first stages of infection.  相似文献   

为了明确羊蛔虫的分类学地位,本研究首先对羊蛔虫的线粒体基因组全序列进行测定和分析,并基于其蛋白编码基因序列构建了种系发育关系。结果表明,羊蛔虫的线粒体基因组序列全长14 288bp,编码36个基因,包括12个蛋白质编码基因(cox1-3、nad1-6、nad4L、atp6和cytb)、22个tRNA基因、2个rRNA基因和2个非编码区,其与人蛔虫和猪蛔虫的线粒体基因组核苷酸序列的相似性分别为98.7%和98.2%,种系发育树显示,羊蛔虫、人蛔虫和猪蛔虫位于同一进化支,亲缘关系很近。这些研究结果提示羊蛔虫、人蛔虫和猪蛔虫可能属于同一物种。本研究为羊蛔虫在分类、演化、分子流行病学和控制等方面的基础研究提供了基本数据。  相似文献   

The 16S-23S rRNA intergenic spacer regions (ISRs) of five strains of "Fusobacterium pseudonecrophorum" which had been proposed as a new species, were compared with those of F. varium ATCC 8501T. All the strains of "F. pseudonecrophorum" exhibited of sequence similarities of 97.7% to 100% to the strain of F. varium in their 16S-23S rRNA ISR sequences. This indicates that the strains of "F. pseudonecrophorum" and the type strain of F. varium are identical at the species level.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to determine which of the two species, Fusobacterium necrophorum or Dichelobacter nodosus, are associated with hoof thrush in horses. Fourteen hoof samples, collected from eight horses with thrush and 14 samples collected from eight horses with healthy hooves, were examined for the presence of F. necrophorum, Fusobacterium equinum and D. nodosus. Only isolates with phenotypic characteristics representing Fusobacterium could be cultured. Total DNA extracted from the 28 hoof samples was amplified by using DNA primers designed from gene lktA, present in F. necrophorum subsp. necrophorum, F. necrophorum subsp. funduliforme and F. equinum, and gene fimA, present in D. nodosus. The lktA gene was amplified from five of the 14 infected hoof samples and from one hoof sample without thrush. The DNA sequence of the amplified ltkA gene was identical to the lktA gene of the type strain of F. necrophorum (GenBank accession number AF312861). The isolates were phenotypically differentiated from F. equinum. No DNA was amplified using the fimA primer set, suggesting that F. necrophorum, and not D. nodosus, is associated with equine hoof thrush. Hoof thrush in horses is thus caused by F. necrophorum in the absence D. nodosus. This is different from footrot in sheep, goats, cattle and pigs, which is caused by the synergistic action of F. necrophorum and D. nodosus.  相似文献   

试验根据坏死梭杆菌白细胞毒素基因序列的特异性,设计1对引物FLP并建立了PCR检测方法.试验结果表明,引物FLP具有相对较高的特异性和敏感性,其敏感性达到了48.5pg.对现地采集奶牛蹄部病料进行PCR检测,发现引物FLP具有很好的特异性,能够准确诊断出坏死梭杆菌的存在.  相似文献   

试验旨在筛选坏死梭杆菌(Fusobacterium necrophorum,Fn)外膜蛋白(outer membrane protein,Omp)中的候选抗原蛋白,为Fn的亚单位疫苗研究奠定基础。采用Uniprot对Fn Omp序列进行预测,基于预测结果筛选拟表达蛋白,并根据GenBank中登录的Fn Omp相应基因序列设计特异性引物,以QL03株为模板进行PCR扩增、原核表达,以及SDS-PAGE和Western blotting分析,并通过血清杀菌试验和小鼠免疫攻毒保护试验,鉴定重组蛋白的免疫原性,筛选最佳候选蛋白。结果显示,预测得到121个蛋白,顺次命名为1-Fn~121-Fn,根据预测结果筛选出8-Fn、11-Fn、41-Fn、95-Fn和102-Fn 5个候选蛋白,其PCR扩增产物大小分别为672、1 164、570、1 059、729bp。SDS-PAGE和Western blotting分析显示,除8-Fn未表达外,其余4个蛋白均成功表达,大小分别为60、39、59、44ku,命名为P11-Fn、P41-Fn、P95-Fn和P102-Fn,均能与Fn阳性血清反应。血清杀菌试验结果显示,4个重组蛋白均有一定杀菌效果,其中抗P102-Fn血清的杀菌效果最佳,杀菌率可达40.49%。小鼠免疫保护试验结果显示,P11-Fn、P41-Fn、P95-Fn和P102-Fn对小鼠均具有一定的保护效果,其中P102-Fn保护效率最高,达60%。结果表明,P11-Fn、P41-Fn、P95-Fn和P102-Fn均具有良好的免疫原性,其中P102-Fn的免疫原性及诱导机体产生保护免疫反应能力最佳,最有望成为Fn亚单位疫苗的候选蛋白。  相似文献   

The phylogenic relationships of two subspecies of Fusobacterium necrophorum were investigated by randomly amplified polymorphism DNA-polymerase chain reaction (RAPD-PCR). With each of the 12 random primers, the DNA fingerprints generated were subjected to cluster analysis for dendrograms. The analysis indicated that twelve strains were organized into two major clusters, and that all strains of each subspecies were confined to one cluster. Furthermore, two of the random primers examined each generated a unique band in F. n. necrophorum strains. We cloned these specific bands and determined the nucleotide sequences. A search for amino acid sequence homologies revealed that the two specific fragments had significant homology to the rpoB gene of Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis and the hemagglutinin-related protein gene of Ralstonia solanacearum, respectively. New specific primers designed for the rpoB gene were able to amplify 900bp fragments from both subspecies. However, the specific primers designed for the hemagglutinin-related protein gene amplified only a 250bp fragment of the genome of the F. n. necrophorum strains, suggesting that this gene is unique to F. n. necrophorum. These results were further confirmed by dot blot hybridization. Finally, a one-step duplex PCR technique in a single tube for the rapid detection and differentiation of the F. necrophorum subspecies was developed.  相似文献   

从坏死梭杆菌(Fusobacterium necrophorum,FN)中提取外膜蛋白(outer membrane protein,OMP)并分析免疫原性。采用无菌心脑浸液(BHI)肉汤培养基培养坏死梭杆菌,用20mmol/L HEPEs-LiCl缓冲液提取外膜蛋白,经SDS-PAGE、Western blot和接种小鼠病理学检测分析表明,具有唯一条带,分子质量为44.5ku,具有良好的免疫活性并有一定毒性,研究结果为坏死梭杆菌亚单位疫苗研制奠定了基础。  相似文献   

Three strains of Fusobacterium necrophorum biovar C were injected into mice intraperitoneally and intraportally. All the mice survived. In one mouse out of 15 mice injected intraperitoneally, a few focal abscesses were formed in the liver. The microorganisms were recovered from the liver abscess and the tissue of liver with abscess. No changes were observed in the organs of other 14 mice and no bacteria were recovered from them. In the 15 mice injected intraportally, no liver abscesses and no macroscopic changes in the organs were formed. However, the inoculated bacteria were recovered from the liver of four mice. The pathogenicity of F. necrophorum biovar C was weaker than that of other two biovars.  相似文献   

本研究对具核梭杆菌(F.nucleatum)感染鼠巨噬细胞进行共同培养之后,分别在10个时段采取上清液和巨噬细胞,用ELISA、qRT-PCR法和扫描电镜检测TNF-α、 IL-1α、 IL-6和IL-8细胞因子,并观察巨噬细胞的超微形态变化。结果显示,4种细胞因子均有高水平表达;IL-8在共培养6~72 h呈高水平表达;IL-6和TNF-α表达水平也较高;IL-1从3 h表达,12 h达最高值,48 h后无表达。qRT-PCR检测结果显示,TNF-α的RNA表达呈波浪式,分别于6,60 h各出现1个高峰值;IL-1α和IL-6呈现正态表达,从3 h开始明显表达至60 h达峰值,此后缓慢下降;IL-8从6 h逐渐上升,至72 h仍呈高水平表达。超微形态观察显示,在F.nucleatum感染的前24 h,巨噬细胞呈收缩状,其表面和周围有大量发育良好F.nucleatum,并呈团块状黏附,巨噬细胞逐渐伸出伪足。30 h后F.nucleatum逐渐发育不良,小而细,而巨噬细胞表面粗糙,有许多大小不一的结节,伪足变粗大。48 h巨噬细胞表面出现胞吐孔,少量细小的F.nucleatum仍然黏附于...  相似文献   

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