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观赏植物试管苗无土栽培营养技术的研究 总被引:9,自引:1,他引:8
观赏植物花叶芋和金苞花试管苗的无土栽培试验结果表明:无土栽培花叶芋基质以蛭石+砂为好;金苞花应选用蛭石+砂、珍珠岩+煤渣、煤渣。营养液供试质量分数对花叶芋的生长反应不敏感;金苞花开花最适营养液的质量分数为5‰。 相似文献
以春季、尚未木质化的樱桃茎尖或茎段为外植体,探讨了樱桃的初代培养和继代培养过程中的玻璃化现象,试验结果表明,通过降低水势、减少培养基中外源激素的含量(尤其是BA、GA的含量),可以有效减轻试管苗的玻璃化。 相似文献
多效唑及光温条件对丝石竹试管苗生长的影响 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
试验结果表明:多效唑对丝石竹试轩有明显的矮化和延缓生长作用。它与生长素(NAA)配合使用,能加快成苗速度,且其苗健壮,与6-BA配合使用可有效提高分化芽的增殖系数,分化芽粗壮,叶色深绿移栽成活率高。光照和温度对丝石竹试管苗壮苗生长也有明显影响,光照度大,光照时间长,温度低,具有明显壮苗作用,移栽成活率高。 相似文献
The effects of species mixture on the growth and yield of mid-rotation mixed stands of Scots pine and silver birch 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
The effect of tree species mixture on stand volume yield and on tree-species-specific diameter and height growth rates were analysed in managed mixed stands of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) and silver birch (Betula pendula Ehrn.).Data were obtained from 14 repeatedly measured stands located in Southern Finland on mineral soil sites with varying admixture of Scots pine and silver birch. Statistical analysis was carried out for studying the effect of species mixture on the development of stand characteristics. For the analysis, the plots were categorised into three groups (plot types) according to the species dominance. In order to analyse species-specific growth rates, individual-tree mixed linear growth models for tree diameter and height growth were developed for both tree species.The results clearly show that the yield of the managed mid-rotation, mixed stands was greater for stands dominated by Scots pine than for stands dominated by birch, and the stand volume increment decreased with an increasing proportion of silver birch. Analysis of diameter and height growth by tree species revealed that the main reason for this pattern is the negative impact of birch competition on the growth of pine trees. The increase in diameter of pine was clearly hampered if the proportion of birch was high. An abundance of birch also slightly decreased the growth in height of Scots pine, although the effect was less than on diameter growth. Species mixture did not affect the diameter growth of birch but did have a significant effect on height development. Height growth of birch was considerably greater in pine-dominated stands than in birch-dominated stands. In pine-dominated mixed stands, the height growth of birch was quite close to that of dominant pine trees, and birches can endure in competition with pines for light.The results apply for even-aged and single-storey managed stands, where stocking density and structure are controlled with pre-commercial and commercial thinnings. The results are not applicable to unmanaged mixed stands undergoing self-thinning. This study provides new information on mixed stands from a silvicultural perspective, which can be applied in decisions involving the management of mixed stands. 相似文献
人工复合基质对微型盆栽月季生长发育影响的研究 总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6
比较系统地研究了7种不同无土人工复合基质对微型盆栽月季(Rosa hybrida ‘Miniature Pink’)生长与发育的影响。结果表明,100%泥炭,70%泥炭 30%珍珠岩,70%珍珠岩 30%泥炭这3种基质比较理想,其对微型盆栽月季的株高、枝叶鲜样质量及干样质量、叶面积、平均根长、最长根长、根鲜样质量及干样质量、现蕾日期、开花日期、花朵直径等均表现为显著的促进作用;微型盆栽月季无土基质的优化物理性状为:容重O.12~0.19g/cm^3,比重1.6~1.9g/cm^3,含水量(风干基质)6%~16%,总孔隙度90%~94%。 相似文献
HU Zeng-hui ZHAO Ling YANG Di SHEN Ying-bai SHEN Fan-yi 《林业研究》2006,17(4):277-280
Introduction The interplant signal transduction has been hypothesized for many years (Baldwin and Schultz 1983; Rhoades 1983). It has been found that the resistance to insects is induced not only in damaged plants but also in the neighboring undamaged ind… 相似文献
从制约林业科研成果转化效率的因素分析,对提高林业科研成果转化效率提出建议,并对科研成果推广模式进行探讨. 相似文献
气候和立地条件对板栗生长结果的影响 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
对影响板栗生长结果的主要因素———气候和立地条件进行分析和阐述。明确了依气候差异及板栗生物学特性划分为六个产区,并在同样的气候条件下,立地条件对板栗产量和品质起更重要的作用。板栗适宜种植在花岗岩、片麻岩发育的棕壤和淋溶褐土上;土壤pH值、土壤有机质和营养元素含量及质地等理化性质与条件是影响板栗产量的因素,而铁、锰、硼等微量元素的含量则是影响板栗品质的重要因素。 相似文献
抚育间伐强度对华北落叶松中幼林林分生长的影响 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
以河北省木兰围场国有林场管理局克勒沟林场华北落叶松中幼林为研究对象,通过在林场选择样本区域和对照区域,对不同间伐强度下华北落叶松中幼林林分的生长状况进行分析,得到不同间伐强度下森林生长情况的具体参数,结果表明:通过对保留密度分别为400株/hm2、500株/hm2、600株/hm2、700株/hm2的8块样地和2块对照样地中林分的生长情况进行分析,得出各样地中林分的胸径、冠幅、树高、材积的大小除了树高外,都随着抚育强度的增加而呈现显著递增的趋势;通过与对照地做对比得出,在保留密度为500株/hm2时,材积增长率和蓄积增长率最大,但各样地中林分蓄积量小于对照样地中的蓄积量。 相似文献