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Several modern electron microscopy techniques were used to examine Pasteurella haemolytica (biotype A, serotype 1) (strain B122) recovered from experimentally infected cattle and in situ within the lung tissue of experimentally infected cattle. Glycocalyx four to five times thicker than that seen on P. haemolytica grown in vitro was evident on bacterial cells recovered from live infected calves by pulmonary lavage. Fimbriae were also present on cells recovered by lavage. A thick glycocalyx was also seen on P. haemolytica-A1 within the lungs of experimentally infected cattle at necropsy. In summary, cells of P. haemolytica-A1 in experimentally infected cattle have fimbriae and glycocalyx on their cell surfaces and these structures appear to be important in bacterial colonization of the bovine respiratory tract and pathogenesis of shipping fever (Pasteurella) pneumonia.  相似文献   

Histopathological study was made of 12 Merino sheep - five splenectomized and seven intact - experimentally infected with Babesia ovis. Non-purulent encephalitis; initially exudative and subsequently interstitial pneumonia; pericarditis, myocarditis and haemorrhagic endocarditis; centrilobular necrotic hepatitis; hyperplasia of the lymphoreticular system; necrosis and vascular changes in adrenal glands were observed. The kidney was the most severely affected organ, exhibiting acute tubular necrosis typical of kidney shock syndrome. The lesions observed were suggestive of hypovolemic shock culminating in haemorrhagic diathesis owing to consumptive coagulopathy. Additionally, the massive release of catabolites from lysis and necrosis apparently produced endotoxic shock.  相似文献   

The anterior nasal mucosa of 21 cattle had small closely-packed polypoid nodules. These had a distribution pattern similar to that of inhaled particles. Acute inflammatory changes consisting of eosinophil infiltration, mast cell and globule leucocyte hyperplasia, and oedema were frequent in the epithelium, terminal gland ducts and adjacent lamina propria. Epithelium over nodules was metaplastic to non-keratinising stratified squamous, whilst epithelium of terminal gland ducts was metaplastic to mucus-secreting pseudostratified columnar. Focal accumulation of granulation tissue between gland ducts caused herniations of the superficial lamina propria to form the nodules.  相似文献   

Scouring and vomiting was induced in piglets by experimental infection with a field strain of rotavirus. Virus or viral antigen was detected in the small intestine by the fluorescent antibody technique and virus could also be demonstrated in infected tissue culture cells by immuno-fluorescence. Progeny particles in the epithelial layer of the small intestine were identified by electron microscopy. Three morphological types could be distinguished, often associated with electron-dense inclusion, and infected cells, though small in number, were present throughout the length of the small intestine.  相似文献   

Equine protozoal myeloencephalitis (EPM) is a serious neurological disease of horses in the Americas. The apicomplexan protozoan most commonly associated with EPM is Sarcocystis neurona. A direct agglutination test (SAT) was developed to detect antibodies to S. neurona in experimentally infected animals. Merozoites of the SN6 strain of S. neurona collected from cell culture were used as antigen and 2-mercaptoethanol was added to the antigen suspension to destroy IgM antibodies when mixed with test sera. Mice fed sporocysts of S. speeri or S. falcatula-like sporocysts from opossums did not seroconvert in the SAT. The sensitivity of the SAT was 100% and the specificity was 90% in mice.  相似文献   

In this study one spleen-intact dog (A) and two splenectomised dogs (BSE, CSE) were infected with Babesia canis. All animals developed an acute disease characterised by fever, haemoglobinuria and anaemia, the latter being more severe in the splenectomised dogs. Fever and parasitised red blood cells were detected for three days after imidocarb treatment in the splenectomised animals. Haematological abnormalities included regenerative anaemia, thrombocytopenia and leukopenia (due to neutropenia and lymphopenia) in the acute phase, soon followed by leukocytosis, neutrophilia and left shift a few days later. Acute hepatopathy was detected in all dogs with elevated ALT activity, which was more seriously altered in the splenectomised dogs. Diffuse changes in liver structure and hepatomegaly were seen by ultrasonography. Liver biopsy and histology revealed acute, non-purulent hepatitis in the splenectomised dogs. Both splenectomised dogs were successfully cured after collection of 400 ml highly parasitised blood, proving that large-amount antigen production is possible with rescuing the experimental animals. Whole blood transfusion, imidocarb and supportive care with infusions, antipyretics, glucocorticoids and diuretics were applied. The spleen-intact dog clinically recovered after receiving supportive treatment, with no imidocarb therapy. Microbial infections developed in both splenectomised animals (BSE: haemobartonellosis, CSE: osteomyelitis caused by Escherichia coli), probably as a consequence of immunosuppression after splenectomy and glucocorticoid therapy.  相似文献   

Mycobacterium bovis, the causative agent of bovine tuberculosis, persists within granulomas. Formation of granulomas involves a complex array of immune activation and cellular migration. To examine temporal changes in granuloma development, we inoculated 32 cattle with M. bovis of deer origin. Tissues from 4 calves each were examined at 15, 28, 42, 60, 90, 180, 270, and 370 days after inoculation. Granulomas in the medial retropharyngeal lymph node were staged (I-IV) on the basis of cellular composition and the presence or absence of necrosis and peripheral fibrosis. Immunohistochemistry for inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS), CD68, CD4, CD8, and gamma/delta T cells was performed. Fifteen days after inoculation only stage I granulomas were seen, while between 28 and 60 days, there was a steady progression through granuloma stages such that by day 60, granulomas of all 4 stages were seen. Acid-fast bacilli were present in moderate-to-large numbers in stage I granulomas 15-60 days after inoculation. Stage IV granulomas contained large numbers of acid-fast bacteria. Abundant iNOS immunoreactivity was associated with granulomas from day 15 through day 60 but was minimal from day 90 to the termination of the experiment. The relative number of CD4+ and CD68+ cells remained constant throughout the study. In contrast, at time points >60 days, numbers of CD8+ and gamma/delta T cells diminished. Tuberculous granulomas are dynamic lesions that follow an orderly progression through disease stages. Diminished expression of iNOS and reduced numbers of CD8+ and gamma/delta T cells late in the progression of tuberculous granulomas may represent a failure of the host response to control infection.  相似文献   

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