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Inadequate financing for the delivery of animal health services in many developing countries has been blamed for lack of efficiency and effectiveness of veterinary services. There are no reports of how the delivery of veterinary services in Ghana is financed. The aim of this paper is to provide information on the funding of veterinary services in Ghana to help in decision making on resource allocation.Various indicators and measures were used in assessing the adequacy of financing and resource allocation from 1990 to 1995. These measures were the veterinary budget as proportions of the national budget, GDP and AGDP; the proportions of the veterinary budget allocated to salaries; the ratios of salaries to non-staff expenditure and of non-staff expenditure to veterinary livestock units and technical staff; coefficient of efficacy; and R- ratio. These generally declined or worsened over the period, deviating from recommended norms where such norms exist. This confirmed the paucity of financing and resource allocation for the delivery of veterinary services. Revenue generation from cost recovery over the 1993–95 period was a potential source of funding, exceeding 100% of non-staff expenditure for 1993 and 1994. However, the revenue generated was not channelled back to veterinary services but went to the national coffers. This served as a disincentive.There is an urgent need to review how veterinary services are financed in Ghana, if the delivery of services is to improve in efficiency and effectiveness.  相似文献   

A study was designed to identify factors perceived by veterinarians and veterinary technicians as likely to promote private veterinary practice in Ghana. The participatory appraisal approach was used. The response rates were 88% (n = 90), 100% (n = 9) and 86% (n = 200) for government field veterinarians, private veterinarians and government veterinary technicians, respectively. Significant proportions of government field veterinarians (67%, n = 79), and veterinary technicians (64%, n = 167) were willing to go into private practice if the necessary push was given. Factors perceived as likely to motivate them to go into private practice included availability of capital to cover start-up costs; provision of a vehicle; prospect of higher income; availability of loans with low interest rates; availability of credit facilities from suppliers; stable macroeconomic environment with low interest and inflation rates; high pet, poultry and livestock populations at locations earmarked for private practice; leasing of vacant government premises for use as clinic and for accommodation; and enforcement of legislation on private practice, especially that against moonlighting by government veterinarians and technicians. These should be considered and used in the promotion of private veterinary practice in Ghana.  相似文献   

Using the participatory appraisal approach, a study was designed to assess the perceptions of livestock owners on private delivery of veterinary services in two districts in the major livestock-producing area in Ghana. A significant proportion (74%, n = 180) were willing to patronize locally established veterinary practices. However, the respondents emphasized that the fees charged had to be reasonable and affordable. Factors identified as likely to discourage the use of the private provider included the inability of the provider to speak the local language; non-availability of credit facilities for services rendered by the provider; unreliability of personnel; poor interpersonal skills; lack of technical know-how; inability of the provider to make house calls or farm visits; and poor personal and work ethics. These findings provide information for prospective private veterinarians on the expectations of their clients and could be used in the preparation of veterinarians for private practice.  相似文献   

This paper presents a profile of veterinary practice and veterinarians in Ghana, as assessed through secondary data and a questionnaire. In all, 123 veterinarians responded, giving a response rate of 85% (123/145). Analysis of the secondary data from 1986–95 revealed that Veterinary Livestock Units (VLU) per veterinarian ranged from 10000 to 16000 and VLU per technical support staff ranged from 2000 to 3000. However, the distribution of the staff within the country was poor, resulting in very high ratios for the Northern, Upper East, Upper West and Volta Regions and low ratios for Central, Ashanti and Eastern Regions. The bulk of the respondents (78%) had 15 or fewer years of experience, with the overall mean being 12 years. The most common animal species handled were small ruminants and the most common activities were prevention/treatment of worms, surgery and giving advice. Lack of transport ranked highest among the constraints to veterinary work. The perceived determinants of effective and efficient service delivery were the availability and efficiency of means of transport, adequacy of logistics, remuneration for staff in rural posts and farmer education in husbandry practices. The respondents perceived poor management techniques of farmers and lack of credit as major factors hindering livestock production in Ghana. The implications of these and other findings are discussed. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Increasing fiscal constraints on the government, a lackadaisical performance by public sector animal health and breeding services and pressure from donor partners have prompted the governments of various developing countries to rethink the role of the public sector in the provision of veterinary services. Various countries have started to implement, or have already implemented, privatization of some veterinary services. The results are mixed. It is established that private provision alone is not optimal, and a blend of private and public sector veterinary services is required to utilize the virtues of both.The privatization process has also begun in India. Certain state governments in India are pursuing a cost recovery approach and are encouraging private practitioners to cope with the financial constraints and to deliver broad and effective animal health and breeding services. This paper considers the global aspects of the privatization of veterinary services as well as the scenario in India, so as to gain an insight into the very complex and debatable issue of privatization of veterinary services.  相似文献   

畜禽养殖产业的快速发展也导致养殖中的疾病问题开始逐渐凸显,防治畜禽养殖中疾病兽药的使用量也不断提高,兽药的不规范使用易导致残留的情况,对于畜产品中兽药的残留问题受到广泛的关注。畜产品中兽药的残留会影响畜产品的质量,对消费者的机体健康带来负面影响,同时部分兽药的残留会导致生态环境的污染,进而影响人类健康。该文对畜禽养殖中畜产品兽药残留出现的原因,造成的危害及改进和防控措施进行论述。  相似文献   

为了解基层畜牧兽医机构队伍改革情况,对2015—2020辽宁省畜牧兽医机构队伍建设情况进行了综合分析。辽宁省机构改革后,市、县、乡三级畜牧兽医机构以及工作人员、专业人员及村级动物防疫员等的数量均呈下降趋势,基层动物防疫体系和体制机制受到冲击。建议在深化兽医机构改革中坚持机构"瘦身与健身"相结合,体制创新与继承相结合,改革目标与实效相结合,以期为基层畜牧兽医机构队伍建设提供参考。  相似文献   

近年来,河南省努力推进动物卫生监督暨畜牧兽医执法标准化建设,在工作机制、机构建设、队伍建设、工作实效等方面取得了显著成效,但也存在着资金投入不足、工作开展不均衡、执法难度大等难题。本文从标准研究、财政支持、队伍管理、执法办案等提出发展建议,以期为深化综合执法改革,全面提升基层执法能力提供参考。  相似文献   

Since the liberalization of animal health services in Kenya in the early 1990s, community-based animal health workers (CBAHWs) have become an important alternative animal health delivery channel in the country's marginal areas. However, professional veterinary practitioners have questioned the effectiveness of CBAHW programmes in animal health service delivery in Kenya. This is partly due to lack of information about their performance and partly because CBAHW programmes were implemented before the necessary changes in the existing legal, policy and institutional frameworks had been made. This study was designed to provide such information. In this regard, the productivity of livestock herds among farmers who utilized the services of CBAHWs was compared to that of livestock belonging to farmers who utilized the services of professional veterinarians. The annual live births per mature female (birth ratio) and the proportion of young stock to mature females (breeding index) was computed over a period of 3 years in cattle and goat herds under care of CBAHWs and professional veterinarians. The birth ratios in cattle and goats under CBAHWs were not significantly different from those under the care of professional veterinarians (p > 0.05). Furthermore, the breeding index of cattle and goats under the two categories was not statistically different. Besides the CBAHWs providing clinical services, they also created positive externalities through participatory learning enjoyed by neighbouring livestock keepers, who later dispensed with their services. Policy attention is therefore needed to enhance the participation of CBAHWs in animal health service delivery and to appropriately integrate their activities into the existing formal animal health delivery system in Kenya. Interventions that improve the professional development of these workers, with emphasis on areas pertaining to care of young stock, would not only promote the sustainability of CBAHW programmes but would also improve livestock productivity in the country's marginal areas.  相似文献   

伴随全球化格局下世界政治经济社会自然环境发生的巨变,特别是“同一世界,同一健康”理念影响的深入,兽医工作的复杂程度显著增加。世界动物卫生组织(OIE)开展的兽医体系效能(PVs)评估和差距分析,意在帮助成员提升兽医体系能力,实现保护全球动物卫生、兽医公共卫生、生态环境,保障动物源性食品供给与安全,减少贫困的职责目标。本文通过解析PVS评估和差距分析方法中蕴含的现代公共管理理念、原理和方法,探讨应用时可能出现的干扰因素,提出了我国实行良好兽医管理、完善兽医体系、强健履职能力、保障兽医工作成效全面提升的措施建议。  相似文献   

《活兽慈舟》(清·李南晖)是继《元享疗法马集》之后,受到我国畜牧兽医界普通重视的一部清代中兽医专著,也是我国现存中兽医古书中内容比较全面的一部著作。《活兽慈舟》继承和发扬了中医药事业,辩证正确,立法恰当,遵循自然规律,集诊治牛、马、羊、猪、犬、猫等六畜疾病和它们的正确饲养方法,及相牛和相马常识于一体,主要流传于四川南部,甘肃通渭县乃至全国,为畜牧养殖生产发展保驾护航,一直为中兽医爱好者和学者提供兽疾病治疗的思路和方法。  相似文献   

Community animal health services (CAHS) have been promoted since the 1970s by aid organizations in low-income countries to improve the health of animals. They are also thought to improve directly the wealth and health or livelihood of their owners. We have systematically searched for observational studies of basic preventive and curative animal health services provided by a community animal health worker in communities in low-income countries. The objective was to summarize the available research on the effects of CAHS on indicators for household wealth and health. Studies for inclusion were assessed independently according to predefined eligibility criteria, the methodological quality of the studies examined, and data extracted. Fourteen studies of varying methodological quality met the inclusion criteria. The results were unclear in four studies, and in the remaining studies it was difficult to summarize the results because they reported different outcomes. However, the studies report that CAHS has a considerable potential for improving human health and wealth as well as animal health and productivity. Given the amount of money and time invested in this area, these observations need to be confirmed in the context of a well-designed study using standard pragmatic outcomes.  相似文献   

建立完善的兽药残留监控体系势在必行   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
动物源食品中兽药残留问题越来越受到人们的重视,它对人民健康的危害和给我国造成的经济损失不容忽视。中国已经加入WTO,面临更大的市场竞争,动物源食品中的药物残留问题严重阻碍了我国畜产品的出口,损害了我国畜产品在国际上的地位和声誉。因此,我们必须采取一系列措施加强对动物源食品中兽药残留的监测。本文就兽药残留的引发原因、危害及对此应采取的措施作一综述,以引起人们的注意。  相似文献   

经皮给药具有能够避免肝脏的首过效应、有效延长药物释放时间和减少动物应激等优点,可实现局部和全身治疗效果。而角质层作为皮肤的最外层,是影响药物向皮肤渗透的主要屏障。醇质体作为一种纳米递送载体,能够有效改善药物的经皮渗透效果,且制备工艺简便、关键组分(短链醇、磷脂和水)价廉易得、对人员专业素养及设备要求低,是兽医临床上极具应用前景的经皮递送系统。本文总结了醇质体的特性、组成和制备方法,并对醇质体在动物临床用药中的研究及其经皮渗透机制进行了概述,以期为高效经皮递送兽药产品的开发提供理论基础。  相似文献   

畜禽产品兽药残留危害现状与分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近20年来,随着养殖业的集约化、规模化发展,各种动物疫病不断暴发,养殖场为预防和控制动物疫病,大量使用各种兽药。然而,滥用兽药和非法使用违禁药物的现象时有发生,严重影响了畜禽产品的质量和食品安全。因此,开展兽药残留的检测与调查,对于提高人民健康水平,加强畜禽产品的市场竞争力有着重要意义,也为兽药残留的科学研究提供了基础性资料。  相似文献   

对应用于兽用疫苗研发的病毒载体,包括痘病毒载体、疱疹病毒载体、腺病毒载体、杆状病毒载体、副粘病毒载体、弹状病毒载体、甲病毒载体、冠状病毒载体、反转录病毒载体、黄病毒载体等DNA和RNA病毒载体的研究进展进行了综述,以期为我国基因工程活载体疫苗研发工作提供参考.  相似文献   

因特网中预防兽医学资源及其开发利用   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Intemet中预防兽医学资源包括虚拟图书馆和信息资源中心、虚拟兽医院和虚拟实验室、学术研究机构、学术组织和团体、学术期刊和电子出版物、学术论坛及网络教育等类型,本文给出了许多精选的网络资源地址,并讨论了有关开发利用的一些问题。  相似文献   

在畜禽饲养管理过程中使用违禁药物或滥用药物,使用饲料添加剂或超量用药,不遵守休药期规定等均可引起畜产品兽药残留。同时饲养环境遭到污染也能致使药物残留,并且我国关于食品安全的法律法规不健全、监管力度不够等,致使畜产品中药物残留问题更加严重。人体摄入存在药物残留的食品后,不仅会引起急性、慢性或蓄积性中毒,还会致使机体细菌产生耐药性,甚至污染整个生活环境等。  相似文献   

为了加强高职院校实验室管理,通过制订和完善实验室管理制度,如实验室技术人员管理、仪器设备的采购和实验用药品的管理、对学生的管理、创新实验项目的实验室管理、实验室网络平台和实验室对外技术服务的管理、病原微生物的保存与处理、病死动物的无害化处理、实验室应急事件处理等措施,实现统筹规划和资源共享,培养学生的实验兴趣,使学生初步掌握畜牧兽医专业实验研究的基本方法和实验操作的基本技能,促进实验室的科学化、规范化、制度化的管理,以达到全面提升学生实践操作技能的目的。  相似文献   

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