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为研究冬虫夏草采挖区与非采挖区的土壤生态化学计量学特征,本研究以青海省7个地区冬虫夏草生长地土壤样本为试验材料,分别采用重铬酸钾-外加热法、凯氏定氮法、碱熔法、碳酸氢钠浸提-比色法、酸溶法、1 mol·L-1乙酸铵浸提-火焰光度计法、碱解-扩散法、邻菲啰啉比色法、火焰原子吸收分光光度法对土壤样本的养分与理化指标进行了测定,并对其化学计量特征进行了分析。结果表明,除XH(青海省海南藏族自治州兴海县)地区采挖区与非采挖区在全氮含量上存在显著性差异(P<0.05),其他各地区采挖区与非采挖区在土壤各指标含量上均无显著性差异,不同地区采挖区与非采挖区C∶N的范围是18.24~32.79,C∶P是155.53~562.78,N∶P是4.85~24.00,C∶K是4.51~11.52,K∶N是2.55~7.17,K∶P是31.44~81.86;采挖区与非采挖区的C∶P与N∶P之间均具有极显著相关性(P<0.01)。因此,本研究发现采挖冬虫夏草对其生长环境的土壤化学性质无显著性影响,为冬虫夏草采挖对生态环境的影响评估提供数据支撑。  相似文献   

巢脾是蜜蜂贮存食物和培育幼虫的场所。储存过食物和培育幼虫的巢脾 ,由于蜂胶、花粉及茧衣的积累使得颜色变暗 ,甚至近乎黑色。蜂蜡的主要成分是碳氢化合物及酯 ,这些成分易吸附别的物质 ,包括细菌、霉菌、杀虫剂以及重金属 ,从而对蜂群构成威胁。随着吸附物的积累 ,加上每次幼虫化蛹时蜕下的茧衣都留在蜂房内 ,使蜂房的内径变小 ,巢脾的组分由单一的蜂蜡变为多种。研究表明 ,旧巢脾由于巢房空间较小 ,从中培育出来的蜜蜂个体也较小 ,比新巢脾培育的蜜蜂体重约轻 19%。那么 ,巢脾的新旧到底对蜂群有什么影响呢 ?美国学者J .A .Berry经过 …  相似文献   

采挖期和采挖深度对人工甘草品质和产量效益的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在人工栽培条件下研究了不同采挖期和采挖深度对甘草Glycyrrhiza uralensis品质和产量效益的影响。结果表明,在不同年限、不同深度采挖,对人工甘草产量和品质的影响都达极显著水平,从品质、产量和单位面积年均纯收入综合测定,以4年期采挖最为适宜,采挖深度以40 cm为宜。  相似文献   

柞蚕幼虫接种冬虫夏草菌试验初探   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
冬虫夏草(Cordyces sinensco)是指真菌的菌丝体通过各种方法侵染昆虫,以昆虫体内的物质行寄生生活,通过不断的发育和分解后最终伸出昆虫体表,而形成的一种真菌与虫体外壳共存的生物体.由于真菌外部伸出部分很象植物中的草,而取名虫草.天然虫草是草属真菌寄生蝙蝠蛾类而形成的结合体,其内的菌不是一种而是复杂的真菌系.冬虫夏草是一种名贵的中草药,与鹿茸、人参同列为我国中药的三大珍品,具有滋肺补肾、止血化痰的功效,近年又发现有抗缺氧、抗炎症、抗生及抑制细胞分裂的作用,成为抗癌新药.虽然虫草在国际市场上有很好的发展前景,但由于它的天然形成不易,不能满足需求.目前虫草已从野生转到人工栽培,已成功地做成了蚕蛹虫草,而且其成分与天然虫草基本一致,有的甚至优于天然虫草.现以柞蚕、桑蚕幼虫为寄生接种虫草菌,以期找到新的寄主和最佳接种方式.而蚕幼虫较蛹所需时间短,节省劳动力,成本低,可取得更可观的经济效益,从而为蚕业发展开拓一个新领域.  相似文献   

冬虫夏草是生长在特殊海拔、植被和土壤类型环境下的稀有物种。随着社会的发展,虫草价格飞涨,当前已成为那曲虫草产区县农牧民群众增收致富的重要渠道之一。冬虫夏草资源不断地被开发和利用,其生存环境遭到了严重破坏,就西藏那曲冬虫夏草产区县草地植被退化与恢复问题进行了分析与探讨。  相似文献   

旨在研究日粮中添加不同比例的黑水虻幼虫粉对育肥猪盲肠食糜主要微生物数量和代谢产物的影响。本试验选取72头130日龄、健康且初始体重相近((76.0±0.56)kg)的杜×长×大三元杂交猪,随机分为3个处理组,每组8个重复,每个重复3头猪。对照组饲喂基础日粮,试验组分别饲喂含有4%(4%组)和8%(8%组)的黑水虻幼虫粉,通过调整日粮配方,3组日粮的蛋白含量和代谢能一致。于正式试验的第42天,每个重复选取1头体重接近平均体重的猪进行屠宰,取盲肠食糜用于相关指标的测定。结果表明:1)与对照组相比,日粮添加4%的黑水虻幼虫粉显著增加了盲肠食糜BifidobacteriumLactobacillusPrevotellaClostridium cluster IV和Roseburia的数量(P<0.05),而降低了Escherichia coli的数量(P<0.05);日粮添加8%的黑水虻幼虫粉显著增加了PrevotellaBifidobacterium的数量(P<0.05)。2)与对照组相比,日粮添加4%和8%的黑水虻幼虫粉显著增加了盲肠食糜中乳酸、总短链脂肪酸和乙酸的浓度(P<0.05),同时,日粮添加8%黑水虻幼虫粉还降低了戊酸的浓度(P<0.05);对于氮代谢产物而言,与对照组相比,日粮添加4%的黑水虻幼虫粉显著降低了盲肠食糜中总生物胺、尸胺、腐胺、精胺、对甲酚和苯酚的浓度(P<0.05),而日粮添加8%的黑水虻幼虫粉显著降低了尸胺和苯酚的浓度(P<0.05)。综上所述,本试验条件下,在日粮中添加4%的黑水虻幼虫粉可增加育肥猪盲肠食糜中部分有益微生物的数量和有益代谢物的浓度,降低潜在致病菌的数量和氮代谢化合物的浓度,表明一定比例的黑水虻幼虫粉可作为优质的蛋白质饲料原料应用于养猪生产中。  相似文献   

宁夏滩羊放牧系统草群数量特征对不同放牧强度的响应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2003年5~10月在宁夏盐池荒漠草地类型进行滩羊放牧强度试验,结果表明:(1)不同季节草群植物密度对不同放牧强度的响应程度不同,且以放牧季初期、末期最为强烈,雨水较多的夏季较弱.(2)放牧强度与草群盖度间呈极显著负相关,且随放牧强度增大,草群盖度的"谷值"、"峰值"出现时间有提前趋势;(3)整个放牧季,草地植物盖度呈现先下降后上升再下降趋势;不同放牧强度下草群盖度与时间的回归方程可统一表示为:Y=a-b1X+b2X2-b3X3;放牧扰动使草群结构简单化,草群盖度动态拟合更容易;(4)在整个放牧季,草地牧草现存量变化呈单峰曲线变化趋势,且草地牧草现存量与放牧强度之间存在显著负相关;(5)宁夏盐池荒漠草地类型滩羊适宜放牧强度为0.450只/hm2.  相似文献   

李瑞 《中国饲料》2021,1(12):5-8
本研究旨在评估林蛙幼虫暴露在不同水平的铝和铜环境下对其死亡率、阶段发育所需时间以及重量的影响.将孵化后48 h的林蛙幼虫暴露于10、100、500、1000和2000μg/L铝或1、10、50、100和200μg/L铜,对照组林蛙幼虫饲养在自来水中.在整个幼体发育期间,对死亡率、畸形、达到特定发育阶段的时间、这些阶段的...  相似文献   

用5%、10%、20%复方“蜂产品制品首乌蜜浸泡桑叶4小时,对家蚕(BombyxmoriL.)进行添食试验。结果表明,添食5%、10%、20%首乌蜜溶液分别能使家蚕幼虫寿命较对照组(以蒸馏水代替首乌蜜)延长7.72、7.68、4.82小时,统计学上差异极显著(新复极差检验法;P<0.01)。由此证实,首乌蜜具有抗衰老作用。同时,没有发现家蚕因添食首乌蜜而死亡,说明首乌蜜没有毒性。  相似文献   

试验旨在研究不同碳水化合物添加剂对中间锦鸡儿(Caragana intermedia)青贮发酵品质、营养成分和微生物数量的影响,为利用碳水化合物添加剂调制优质中间锦鸡儿青贮饲料提供科学依据。试验以孕蕾期和盛花期的中间锦鸡儿为原料,设置无添加(对照,CK)、葡萄糖(G)、蔗糖(S)和淀粉组(A)处理,添加量皆为1.5%,室温下青贮60 d后,取样测定其发酵品质、营养成分和微生物数量。结果表明:1)盛花期对照组和处理组pH值与乙酸含量均极显著低于孕蕾期(P<0.01);而盛花期对照组和处理组粗蛋白(CP)含量、处理组氨态氮占总氮含量均极显著高于孕蕾期(P<0.01)。2)与对照组相比,3种碳水化合物添加剂均极显著降低了孕蕾期中间锦鸡儿青贮饲料pH值以及孕蕾期和盛花期中间锦鸡儿青贮饲料乙酸含量(P<0.01);极显著增加了盛花期中间锦鸡儿青贮pH值以及孕蕾期和盛花期中间锦鸡儿青贮氨态氮占总氮含量、乳酸菌数量(P<0.01)。综合发酵品质和营养成分含量,盛花期中间锦鸡儿添加1.5%蔗糖后,其青贮品质最佳。  相似文献   

The effects of host age and immune suppression on abomasal parasitic infection in sheep were investigated following single experimental oral infections with MHco3 (ISE), MHco4 (WRS) and MHco10 (CAVR) strains of Haemonchus contortus in naïve 5-month-old crossbred lambs (n = 1 per group) and 15-month-old Greyface sheep treated with methyl prednisolone acetate (n = 2 per group) or without corticosteroid treatment (n = 2 per group). Adult female H. contortus in 5-month-old lambs (n = 1 per group) shed on average 6.5, 3.1 and 8.0 times more eggs than in 15-month-old sheep (n = 4 per group) following infection with MHco3 (ISE), MHco4 (WRS) and MHco10 (CAVR) strains of H. contortus, respectively, over a period of 28 days following the commencement of patency. There was no obvious effect of age of sheep or corticosteroid treatment on the abomasal establishment of H. contortus or on in vitro assays for egg hatching or larval feeding at different concentrations of anthelmintics, although statistical analysis could not be performed due to the small group sizes.  相似文献   

硒对家禽繁殖、蛋肉品质的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
王健 《中国家禽》2003,25(8):27-30
随着对硒生物学功能的了解日趋广泛,消费者保健意识的增强,人体饮食结构由传统的补充能量和蛋白质日趋转向功能性、保健性新内涵。本文通过探讨硒对家禽生产的影响,来揭示硒对于生物体的有益作用及机理,以增强人们对富硒食品的认识。  相似文献   

The physiological processes leading to the expression of the resilient phenotype, which allow animals to maintain a relatively higher production level during infection, have been investigated in lambs from a closed flock selected for 40 generations for high fleece weight (HFW), but with higher FEC and worm burdens than their unselected control (C) flock run in parallel. After recovery from surgery to implant abomasal cannulae, eight parasite-naïve lambs from each flock were infected intraruminally at 4.5 months-of-age with 50,000 Teladorsagia circumcincta L3. Blood, abomasal fluid and faecal samples were collected daily for measurement of serum gastrin and pepsinogen concentrations, blood eosinophils, abomasal pH and FEC. Four lambs from each flock were euthanased on Day 8 post-infection and the other four on Day 28 post-infection. At necropsy, abomasal contents and tissues were collected for worm counts, abomasal lymph nodes and fundic tissue for cytokine gene expression and fundic tissue for histopathology. Expression of resilience appeared to be age-dependent as there were no significant differences in either FEC or worm burden between lambs from the two flocks, unlike older HFW lambs in a previous study. Abomasal secretion did not differ between flocks. Histopathological changes were typical of parasitism: inflammatory cells, mainly eosinophils and lymphocytes, were numerous in nodular areas and there were fewer TGF-α positive parietal cells, many of which were vacuolated. By Day 28 p.i., globule leucocytes were present. Mucosal thickness was significantly greater on Day 8 than Day 28 p.i. (p = 0.000) and in C than HFW lambs. There were fewer parietal cells on Day 28 than on Day 8 p.i. (p = 0.003) for pooled data. Circulating eosinophil counts increased moderately in both groups, significantly less in the HFW lambs. Fewer tissue and blood eosinophils in the HFW than C group on Day 8 p.i. were consistent with cytokine gene expression patterns, particularly lower IL-5 levels. Worm count decreased by 90% by Day 28 p.i., along with declining tissue eosinophil counts and IL-13 gene expression and increasing IL-10 and IL-4 gene expression. Food intake was depressed less in the HFW lambs, suggesting that maintenance of appetite could be an important aspect of the physiological basis for resilience. Although the resilient phenotype was not apparent at the younger age, lesser effects on food intake, differences in ALN cytokine profiles and lower blood and tissue eosinophil numbers in the HFW lambs may lead to the expression of resilience when older.  相似文献   

为了解诺氟沙星在环境中残留对土壤细菌的影响,在诺氟沙星作用于土壤后第35天对纯培养法分离的土壤细菌进行计数,并对土壤细菌进行抗菌药物敏感性试验。结果表明,添加药物组的细菌总数均低于对照组,且药物浓度越高,细菌数量越少;在供试的20种抗菌药中,诺氟沙星敏感菌对其中18种药物的敏感性与诺氟沙星耐药菌差异不显著(P>0.05)。  相似文献   

研究柴胡皂苷(SSA)对体外发酵指标及发酵液中菌群变化的影响。采用完全随机试验设计,在0.5 g全混合日粮(TMR)中分别添加0,0.125,0.25和0.5 mg的SSA,通过AGRS-III微生物发酵微量产气自动记录仪在39℃条件下进行48 h体外发酵,并通过实时定量PCR(RT-PCR)检测发酵液中菌群相对含量的变化。结果表明,0.25 g/kg的SSA提高了干物质降解率(DMD,P=0.08)和总产气量(GP,P<0.05),并提高了发酵液中挥发酸(VFA)的含量(P<0.05),而0.5和1.0 g/kg的SSA对GP和DMD没有显著的影响,但是提高了乙酸和TVFA的含量(P<0.05)。SSA提高了白色瘤胃球菌和牛链球菌的相对含量(P<0.05);但降低了短普雷沃氏菌和噬淀粉瘤胃杆菌的相对含量(P<0.05)。因此,SSA提高了体外GP和VFA浓度,并改变发酵液中细菌的含量,这表明SSA有利于调控微生物体外发酵参数。  相似文献   

From May 2007 to May 2008 we have examined by otoscopy a total number of 214 cats, aged between 0 and 6 months, brought in for their first veterinary examination to a private veterinary clinic. All cats were of urban origin. In all positive cats we performed a washing of the ear using warm paraffin oil in order to determine intensity of infection. Statistical analysis was performed using the Chi-square test. A total number of 30 cats were found to be infected with Otodectes cynotis (prevalence 14.02%). Prevalence of infection was significantly (p < 0.05) higher in cats aged between 3 and 6 months (17.58%) than in cats aged below 3 months (11.38). Intensity of infection ranged between 7 and 85 (mean intensity 35.60) mites per infected cat. The same age group of cats between 3 and 6 months had significantly (p < 0.05) higher mean intensity (47.19) compared to cats aged under 3 months (22.36). No statistical significance was found between males and females for neither prevalence nor intensity. Differences and similarities with other studies are discussed.  相似文献   

The influence of a dietary supplementation with Saccharomyces cerevisiae (SC) during the first and the second phase of lactation on dry matter (DM) intake, organic matter digestibility, milk yield and quality and haematological profile was evaluated in buffalo cows. Lactating buffaloes (n = 190), 118.7 days in milk (DIM), were randomly divided into Group C (control, n = 95) and Group T (fed diet supplemented with 98 billion CFU of S. cerevisiae, n = 95). Eight buffaloes for each group (Groups T1 and C1), 85.4 DIM, were used to study the in vivo digestibility and the haematological profile. No differences were found for DM intake (16.5 kg·day− 1) and haematological profile. The SC supplementation increased milk yield (7.9 ± 0.2 vs. 7.4 ± 0.2; P < 0.01) but did not affect milk fat and protein. SC supplementation increased OM digestibility, mainly, in the first phase of lactation (< 135 days), thus allowing a higher energy availability for milk yield and reduced fat mobilization.  相似文献   

通过研究青海玉树地区气候变化规律,确定牦牛适宜的补饲阶段,并在此基础上通过牦牛生长性能测定和经济效益计算验证补饲效果,为放牧条件下牦牛的养殖提供理论依据和参考,从而减少牧民的经济损失。结果表明,玉树地区2013年气温、相对湿度和WCT指数呈先升高后下降的趋势;气温、相对湿度和WCT指数最高的月份为6~8月,最低的为12月和1月;2013年青海玉树地区牦牛有217d于冷应激,牦牛适宜的补饲阶段为10~12月和来年的1~4月;犊牦牛和青年牦牛在10~12月和来年的1~4月处于持续掉膘期,总增重分别为-17.51kg/头和-49.47kg/头;补饲可以使犊牦牛增重多增加37.66kg/头,增重率提高215.03%,获利多增加703.39元/头;使青年牦牛增重多增加81.39kg/头,增重率提高164.51%,获利多增加1590.21元/头。综上所述,合理的补饲可显著降低季节性冷暖交替对牦牛生长和发育的影响,提高牦牛的生长性能,增加经济效益。  相似文献   

Ostertagia circumcincta larvae were administered to adult immune ewes either during the breeding period or around parturition to investigate whether reproductive performance was affected. Two groups of 25 ewes were given water or 12,000 ostertagia larvae three times weekly for five weeks before and five weeks after breeding to synchronised oestrus. Plasma pepsinogen levels were raised in the larval-challenged ewes during the treatment period but no significant effect of treatment was observed on ovulation rate or plasma progesterone concentration. Neither ewe live-weight nor body condition score differed between groups throughout gestation or for four weeks post partum and there was no effect from larval challenge during the breeding period on lambing rate, lamb birthweight or liveweight at four weeks old. A second experiment involved 20 twin-bearing immune ewes which were administered 17,000 ostertagia larvae three times weekly for three weeks before and three weeks after parturition. Plasma pepsinogen concentration was elevated during the larval challenge period and nematode eggs were detected in the faeces after parturition but there was no effect from treatment either on ewe liveweight and body condition score or on lamb birthweight and lamb liveweight at four weeks old. These results indicate that larval challenge with ostertagia larvae at dose rates comparable to larval intake from heavily contaminated pasture did not affect the general well being and reproductive performance of immune Greyface ewes.  相似文献   

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