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利用统计和调查数据,对我国兽用中化药供给总量规模、产能利用率、供给结构、技术创新等进行了分析,提出了兽用中化药供给侧存在的主要问题,分析了结构性矛盾的主要成因,并提出了政府公共服务方式转变的政策建议。  相似文献   

预防兽医学分子生物学技术发展概况   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
概括介绍了分子生物学理论、技术的发展,重点从病原学、免疫学和疫病预防与控制学三方面阐述了分子生物学在预防兽医学中的应用、发展及其贡献。同时,阐明了预防兽医学对分子生物学的贡献和促进作用。  相似文献   

As an excellent pharmaceutical carrier,liposomes exhibit characteristics of wide drug loading range,high efficiency and low toxicity.Besides increasing stability and solubility of loading drugs,liposomes can ascribe targeting and sustained release features to loading drugs.Meanwhile,it can improve bioavailability of loading drugs.Based on the above characteristics,liposomes is becoming hot spot of research and application.This article reviewed construction methods of liposomes based on structure,particle design and chosen of preparation method.Combined with application and demands of veterinary medicine,research progress on application of liposome in the field of veterinary medicine was submitted.It is expected that this article will provide reference for the development of new drug delivery systems used in the field of veterinary medicine.  相似文献   

脂质体作为一种优良的药物载体,具有载药范围广、高效、低毒等特点,能增加包载药物的稳定性和溶解度,赋予药物靶向和缓释的递药特性,并能有效提高药物的生物利用度,是近年来多领域研究和应用的热点。作者从脂质体的结构、粒径设计及制备方法筛选层面总结脂质体的构建思路,结合兽药应用特点和用药需求归纳脂质体递药系统在兽药领域的研究进展,以期为新型递药系统在兽药领域的研发应用提供参考。  相似文献   

建立了定性检测止痢散、白头翁散、苍术香连散、银翘散和清瘟败毒散五种中兽药散剂中违规添加的氯霉素的高效液相色谱法。根据《中国兽药典》2000年版二部规定的处方配制五种中药散剂,根据氯霉素禁用以前的临床治疗量和中药散剂的临床治疗量,在配制的中药散剂中定量加入氯霉素作为样品;用丙酮提取,高效液相色谱——二极管阵列检测器进行定性测定。试验表明,该方法快速、简便.可用于上述五种中兽药散剂中违规添加氯霉素的定性检测。  相似文献   

A common feature of human and veterinary pharmacokinetics is the importance of identifying and quantifying the key determinants of between‐patient variability in drug disposition and effects. Some of these attributes are already well known to the field of human pharmacology such as bodyweight, age, or sex, while others are more specific to veterinary medicine, such as species, breed, and social behavior. Identification of these attributes has the potential to allow a better and more tailored use of therapeutic drugs both in companion and food‐producing animals. Nonlinear mixed effects (NLME) have been purposely designed to characterize the sources of variability in drug disposition and response. The NLME approach can be used to explore the impact of population‐associated variables on the relationship between drug administration, systemic exposure, and the levels of drug residues in tissues. The latter, while different from the method used by the US Food and Drug Administration for setting official withdrawal times (WT) can also be beneficial for estimating WT of approved animal drug products when used in an extralabel manner. Finally, NLME can also prove useful to optimize dosing schedules, or to analyze sparse data collected in situations where intensive blood collection is technically challenging, as in small animal species presenting limited blood volume such as poultry and fish.  相似文献   

科技资源的布局和配置对于畜牧兽医领域科技创新和产业发展具有重要支撑作用。"十三五"科技计划改革组建了全新的国家重点研发计划,设置"畜禽重大疫病防控与高效安全养殖综合技术研发"等国家重点研发专项对畜牧兽医领域科技创新进行支持,在动物疫病防控、高效安全养殖、养殖环境处理、养殖装备等方面进行了布局,按照基础研究、重点关键技术研发、集成示范进行"全链条设计、一体化实施"。本文以该专项为主,介绍并分析"十三五"国家重点研发计划畜牧兽医类项目实施背景和立项情况,对我国畜牧兽医领域的科技布局进行阐述并提出评述与展望。  相似文献   

The Coombs' test, also known as the antiglobulin test, is used most frequently in veterinary medicine as an aid in the diagnosis of immune-mediated hemolytic anemia. The test also is used widely in human medicine to screen for red blood cell alloantibodies. Polyspecific reagents for veterinary use typically contain anti-IgG, anti-IgM, and anti-C3. Monospecific reagents also are available. False-positive and false-negative test results can be obtained. Inadequate sensitivity of the standard test in human and veterinary medicine has necessitated development of alternate, more sensitive technologies.  相似文献   

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