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Human growth hormone (hGH) forms a 1:2 complex with the extracellular domain of its receptor-binding protein (hGHbp) as studied by crystallization, size exclusion chromatography, calorimetry, and a previously undescribed fluorescence quenching assay. These and other experiments with protein engineered variants of hGH have led to the identification of the binding determinants for two distinct but adjacent sites on hGH for the hGHbp, and the data indicated that there are two overlapping binding sites on the hGHbp for hGH. Furthermore, the binding of hGH to the hGHbp occurred sequentially; a first hGHbp molecule bound to site 1 on hGH and then a second hGHbp bound to site 2. Hormone-induced receptor dimerization is proposed to be relevant to the signal transduction mechanism for the hGH receptor and other related cytokine receptors.  相似文献   

Liu X  Yue Y  Li B  Nie Y  Li W  Wu WH  Ma L 《Science (New York, N.Y.)》2007,315(5819):1712-1716
The plant hormone abscisic acid (ABA) regulates many physiological and developmental processes in plants. The mechanism of ABA perception at the cell surface is not understood. Here, we report that a G protein-coupled receptor genetically and physically interacts with the G protein alpha subunit GPA1 to mediate all known ABA responses in Arabidopsis. Overexpressing this receptor results in an ABA-hypersensitive phenotype. This receptor binds ABA with high affinity at physiological concentration with expected kinetics and stereospecificity. The binding of ABA to the receptor leads to the dissociation of the receptor-GPA1 complex in yeast. Our results demonstrate that this G protein-coupled receptor is a plasma membrane ABA receptor.  相似文献   

Identification of a thyroid hormone receptor that is pituitary-specific   总被引:45,自引:0,他引:45  
Three cellular homologs of the v-erbA oncogene were previously identified in the rat; two of them encode high affinity receptors for the thyroid hormone triiodothyronine (T3). A rat complementary DNA clone encoding a T3 receptor form of the ErbA protein, called r-ErbA beta-2, was isolated. The r-ErbA beta-2 protein differs at its amino terminus from the previously described rat protein encoded by c-erbA beta and referred to as r-ErbA beta-1. Unlike the other members of the c-erbA proto-oncogene family, which have a wide tissue distribution, r-erbA beta-2 appears to be expressed only in the anterior pituitary gland. In addition, thyroid hormone downregulates r-erbA beta-2 messenger RNA but not r-erbA beta-1 messenger RNA in a pituitary tumor-derived cell line. The presence of a pituitary-specific form of the thyroid hormone receptor that may be selectively regulated by thyroid hormone could be important for the differential regulation of gene expression by T3 in the pituitary gland.  相似文献   

Human growth hormone (hGH) elicits a diverse set of biological activities including lactation that derives from binding to the prolactin (PRL) receptor. The binding affinity of hGH for the extracellular binding domain of the hPRL receptor (hPRLbp) was increased about 8000-fold by addition of 50 micromolar ZnCl2. Zinc was not required for binding of hGH to the hGH binding protein (hGHbp) or for binding of hPRL to the hPRLbp. Other divalent metal ions (Ca2+, Mg2+, Cu2+, Mn2+, and Co2+) at physiological concentrations did not support such strong binding. Scatchard analysis indicated a stoichiometry of one Zn2+ per hGH.hPRLbp complex. Mutational analysis showed that a cluster of three residues (His18, His21, and Glu174) in hGH and His188 from the hPRLbp (conserved in all PRL receptors but not GH receptors) are probable Zn2+ ligands. This polypeptide hormone.receptor "zinc sandwich" provides a molecular mechanism to explain why nonprimate GHs are not lactogenic and offers a molecular link between zinc deficiency and its association with altered functions of hGH.  相似文献   

Thyrotropin (TSH), luteinizing hormone (LH), and chorionic gonadotropin (CG) are structurally related glycoprotein hormones, which bind to receptors that share a high degree of sequence similarity. However, comparison of the primary amino acid sequences of the TSH and LH-CG receptors reveals two unique insertions of 8 and 50 amino acids in the extracellular domain of the TSH receptor. The functional significance of these insertions were determined by site-directed mutagenesis. Deletion of the 50-amino acid tract (residues 317 to 366) had no effect on TSH binding or on TSH and thyroid-stimulating immunoglobulin (TSI) biological activities. In contrast, either deletion or substitution of the eight-amino acid region (residues 38 to 45) abolished these activities. This eight-amino acid tract near the amino terminus of the TSH receptor appears to be an important site of interaction for both TSH and TSI.  相似文献   

A complementary DNA clone derived from rat brain messenger RNA has been isolated on the basis of homology to the human thyroid hormone receptor gene. Expression of this complementary DNA produces a high-affinity binding protein for thyroid hormones. Sequence analysis and the mapping of this gene to a distinct human genetic locus indicate the existence of multiple human thyroid hormone receptors. Messenger RNA from this gene is expressed in a tissue-specific fashion with highest levels in the central nervous system.  相似文献   

Natriuretic peptides (NPs) are vasoactive cyclic-peptide hormones important in blood pressure regulation through interaction with natriuretic cell-surface receptors. We report the hormone-binding thermodynamics and crystal structures at 2.9 and 2.0 angstroms, respectively, of the extracellular domain of the unliganded human NP receptor (NPR-C) and its complex with CNP, a 22-amino acid NP. A single CNP molecule is bound in the interface of an NPR-C dimer, resulting in asymmetric interactions between the hormone and the symmetrically related receptors. Hormone binding induces a 20 angstrom closure between the membrane-proximal domains of the dimer. In each monomer, the opening of an interdomain cleft, which is tethered together by a linker peptide acting as a molecular spring, is likely a conserved allosteric trigger for intracellular signaling by the natriuretic receptor family.  相似文献   

以促卵泡素受体(FSHR)基因作为影响鸡繁殖性状的候选基因,采用PCR-SSCP技术结合测序对编码FSHR胞外区部分的第1外显子(exon1)至第9外显子(exon9)共9个外显子区域进行单核苷酸多态性(SNPs)分析,寻找与鸡繁殖性能相关的遗传标记,为高繁殖力的标记辅助选择提供科学依据。结果表明:在exon2、exon4、exon6、exon8区域存在SNPs位点,分别在exon2片段中编码区5′端-49 bp处的C→T突变;exon4片段中编码区43 bp处的T→C突变,但未引起氨基酸的改变;exon6片段中编码区3′端+12 bp处的A→G突变;距exon8编码区3′端+38 bp处的G→T突变。经适合性检验,各基因的基因频率在群体内的分布均处于Hardy-Weinberg平衡状态(P0.05)。FSHR是促卵泡素的特异性受体,这些位点的多态为进一步研究FSHR基因多态性对文昌鸡繁殖性能的遗传效应奠定了基础。  相似文献   

Liu et al. (Reports, 23 March 2007, p. 1712) reported that the Arabidopsis thaliana gene GCR2 encodes a seven-transmembrane, G protein-coupled receptor for abscisic acid. We argue that GCR2 is not likely to be a transmembrane protein nor a G protein-coupled receptor. Instead, GCR2 is most likely a plant homolog of bacterial lanthionine synthetases.  相似文献   

Concentrations of prolactin and growth hormone in the serum of rats were significantly increased by morphine. Dose response studies demonstrated that maximum prolactin release required lower doses of morphine than those needed for the maximum growth hormone response. Selective blockade of mu 1 (high affinity) opiate receptor with the irreversible antagonist naloxazone reduced morphine-induced peak concentrations of prolactin by 80 percent while increasing peak growth hormone levels by 250 percent. These results suggest different receptor mechanisms for the opiate modulation of the two hormones. The mu 1 (high affinity) receptor sites appear to mediate the morphine-induced release of prolactin but not growth hormone.  相似文献   

为了解绵羊季节性繁殖关键基因促甲状腺激素受体(Thyroid-stimulating hormone receptor,TSHR)的研究现状,对近年来国内外相关文献进行了整理与分析,总结TSHR基因特征及其调控动物卵巢功能和季节性繁殖的分子机制.结果表明:TSHR基因及其蛋白结构在动物中高度保守,并在动物多种组织中广泛...  相似文献   

应用PCR技术从鸡输卵管组织基因组中扩增出0.35kb的鸡卵清溶菌酶5′端激素受体结合位点的基因片段.序列分析表明,该区域含有2个睾酮激素受体识别位点和2个皮质酮激素受体识别位点,具备输卵管定位表达调控增强能力,为构建融合定位表达启动子调控外源基因在鸡输卵管定位表达奠定了基础.  相似文献   

类固醇激素作为一类典型的环境内分泌干扰物,具有很强的内分泌干扰作用,对生态和环境危害极大,其主要来源于包括人类在内的脊椎动物的排放,目前已在环境中被不断检出。通过综述进入环境后类固醇激素发生的吸附、降解、迁移等环境行为的特征,从类固醇激素自身的性质和环境暴露量浓度、环境中的有机质、矿物质以及环境介质的理化性质、共存的有机污染物和微生物等方面对其影响因素进行了归纳和总结。  相似文献   

山羊FSHR基因5′端侧翼序列多态性对产羔性状的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了研究山羊FSHR基因对产羔性状的影响,用RFLP-PCR法对多胎和单胎布尔山羊、关中奶山羊和萨能奶山羊母羊FSHR基因5′端侧翼序列进行了多态性检测。结果发现,FSHR基因5′端侧翼序列经PstⅠ、HaeⅢ、SinⅠ和TaqⅠ酶切,在多胎母羊和单胎母羊群体中均未表现出多态性;不同山羊群体FSHR基因5′端侧翼序列中各存在一些碱基的差异,但这些差异均未影响FSHR基因的转录和山羊的产羔性状。说明所检测的FSHR基因5′端侧翼序列这些酶切位点与山羊的产羔性状之间没有遗传连锁关系。  相似文献   

The data now at hand show that specificity among biologically active peptides is probably not as exquisite as might have been deduced from experiences with some of the water-soluble vitamins. It is plain that a given biological effect can be evoked by peptides which differ considerably. It is likewise plain that the effect cannot be evoked by a number of other peptides. There is apparently some specificity, but more is involved than that incorporated in the classical view.  相似文献   

绵羊GnRHR基因部分序列PCR-SSCP分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用PCR-SSCP技术,用两对引物分析了GnRHR基因外显子2和外显子1部分序列在小尾寒羊、多赛特羊2个绵羊品种中的多态性.结果表明,对于引物1扩增片段,2个绵羊品种均只检测到AA基因型.对于引物2扩增片段,2个绵羊品种均检测到AA、AB基因型;小尾寒羊AA、AB基因型频率分别为0.83和0.17,多赛特羊AA、AB基因型频率分别为0.60和0.40.引物2的多态片段测序分析表明,位于GnRHR基因cDNA第230处发生了碱基的改变(G→C),该突变导致了氨基酸的改变(甘氨酸→半胱氨酸).  相似文献   

【目的】探讨不同繁殖季节牦牛睾丸促黄体生成素受体(LHR)在牦牛睾丸的定位与表达变化,为牦牛繁殖季节性调控研究提供依据.【方法】用特殊染色结合生物显微技术观察不同繁殖期成年牦牛睾丸组织学特征变化,应用免疫组化法检测LHR在牦牛睾丸组织的分布和定位.【结果】光镜观察表明,不同繁殖期成年牦牛睾丸组织结构差异不明显,生精上皮及间质PAS阳性表达明显,AB主要在生精小管基膜阳性表达,PAS及AB均为繁殖期表达强于繁殖间期.免疫组化结果显示,LHR在繁殖期牦牛睾丸leydig细胞及生精上皮均为弱阳性分布,而在繁殖间期仅强表达于leydig细胞.【结论】高原地区牦牛睾丸组织繁殖间期以酸性粘多糖为主,繁殖活动增强主要与中性粘蛋白关系密切,LHR参与了不同繁殖期牦牛睾丸功能变化的调控.  相似文献   

Simon AF  Shih C  Mack A  Benzer S 《Science (New York, N.Y.)》2003,299(5611):1407-1410
Ecdysone, the major steroid hormone of Drosophila melanogaster, is known for its role in development and reproduction. Flies that are heterozygous for mutations of the ecdysone receptor exhibit increases in life-span and resistance to various stresses, with no apparent deficit in fertility or activity. A mutant involved in the biosynthesis of ecdysone displays similar effects, which are suppressed by feeding ecdysone to the flies. These observations demonstrate the importance of the ecdysone hormonal pathway, a new player in regulating longevity.  相似文献   

为了探讨甲状腺激素受体TRαA基因在牙鲆不同变态发育阶段中的表达差异,以及甲状腺激素T4和硫脲处理对TRαA基因表达的影响,采用了半定量RT-PCR法测定牙鲆不同发育阶段头部甲状腺激素受体TRαA mRNA水平。结果显示,牙鲆不同变态发育阶段甲状腺激素受体TRαA基因表达存在明显差异,从受精卵到变态期TRαA表达量呈缓慢增加趋势,到24日龄出现第一个表达高峰,随后表达量下降,30日龄之后随日龄增加表达量又逐渐增加,至变态高峰期38日龄出现第二个表达高峰,而且高于第一个表达高峰,至成鱼表达量再次下降至较低水平。甲状腺激素T4处理组和硫脲处理组与同日龄正常组相比,TRαA的表达也有明显差异,在甲状腺激素T4处理组中TRαA表达降低,而在硫脲处理组中TRαA表达反而增高。甲状腺激素T4对变态期牙鲆TRαA基因转录可能有下降调节作用。  相似文献   

为了探讨甲状腺激素受体TRαA基因在牙鲆不同变态发育阶段中的表达差异,以及甲状腺激素T4和硫脲处理对TRαA基因表达的影响,采用了半定量RT-PCR法测定牙鲆不同发育阶段头部甲状腺激素受体TRαA mRNA水平。结果显示,牙鲆不同变态发育阶段甲状腺激素受体TRαA基因表达存在明显差异,从受精卵到变态期TRαA表达量呈缓慢增加趋势,到24日龄出现第一个表达高峰,随后表达量下降,30日龄之后随日龄增加表达量又逐渐增加,至变态高峰期38日龄出现第二个表达高峰,而且高于第一个表达高峰,至成鱼表达量再次下降至较低水平。甲状腺激素T4处理组和硫脲处理组与同日龄正常组相比,TRαA的表达也有明显差异,在甲状腺激素T4处理组中TRαA表达降低,而在硫脲处理组中TRαA表达反而增高。甲状腺激素T4对变态期牙鲆TRαA基因转录可能有下降调节作用。  相似文献   

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