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Bluetongue (BT) is an infectious, non-contagious disease of wild and domestic ruminants. It is caused by bluetongue virus (BTV) and transmitted by Culicoides biting midges. Since 1998, BT has been emerging throughout Europe, threatening not only the na?ve ruminant population. Historically, South American camelids (SAC) were considered to be resistant to BT disease. However, recent fatalities related to BTV in captive SAC have raised questions about their role in BTV epidemiology. Data on the susceptibility of SAC to experimental infection with BTV serotype 8 (BTV-8) were collected in an animal experiment. Three alpacas (Vicugna pacos) and three llamas (Lama glama) were experimentally infected with BTV-8. They displayed very mild clinical signs. Seroconversion was first measured 6-8 days after infection (dpi) by ELISA, and neutralising antibodies appeared 10-13 dpi. BTV-8 RNA levels in blood were very low, and quickly cleared after seroconversion. However, spleens collected post-mortem were still positive for BTV RNA, over 71 days after the last detection in blood samples. Virus isolation was only possible from blood samples of two alpacas by inoculation of highly sensitive interferon alpha/beta receptor-deficient (IFNAR(-/-)) mice. An in vitro experiment demonstrated that significantly lower amounts of BTV-8 adsorb to SAC blood cells than to bovine blood cells. Although this experiment showed that SAC are generally susceptible to a BTV-8 infection, it indicates that these species play a negligible role in BTV epidemiology.  相似文献   

In 2007, bluetongue virus serotype 8 (BTV-8) re-emerged in the Netherlands and a large number of farmers notified morbidity and mortality associated with BTV-8 to the authorities. All dead cows in the Netherlands are registered in one of the three age classes: newborn calves <3 days, calves 3 days to 1 year, and cows >1 year. These registrations result in a complete data set of dead cattle per herd per day from 2003 until 2007. In this study, the mortality associated with BTV-8 for the Dutch dairy industry was estimated, based on this census data. Default, mortality associated with BTV-8 was estimated for the confirmed notification herds. Moreover, an additional analysis was performed to determine if mortality associated with BTV-8 infection occurred in non-notification herds located in BTV-8 infected compartments. A multivariable population-averaged model with a log link function was used for analyses. Separate analyses were conducted for the three different age groups. Confirmed notification herds had an increased cow mortality rate ratio (MRR) (1.4 (95% CI: 1.2-1.6)); calf MRR (1.3 (95% CI: 1.1-1.4)); and newborn calf MRR (1.2 (95% CI: 1.1-1.3)). Furthermore, in non-notification herds in BTV-8 infected compartments, mortality significantly increased 1.1 times (95% CI: 1.1-1.1) in cows, 1.2 times (95% CI: 1.2-1.2) in calves and 1.1 times (1.1-1.1) in newborn calves compared with BTV-8 non-infected months. Using objective census data over a 5-year period, the MRRs indicated increased mortality associated with BTV-8 infection not only in herds of which the farmer notified clinical signs but also in non-notification herds in infected compartments.  相似文献   

Three camels aged 4–5 years were experimentally infected with Bluetongue virus serotype 1 (BTV-1) and were observed for 75 days. No clinical signs of disease were observed throughout the experiment, however all three animals seroconverted and developed BTV-1 specific neutralising antibodies after challenge. All three camels developed a viraemia from 7 days post infection albeit at a lower level than that usually observed in experimental infections of sheep and cattle. Virus was isolated from the blood of all three animals suggesting that camels may act as a reservoir for BTV and play an important role in its transmission.  相似文献   

Bluetongue virus (BTV) is an arthropod-borne virus infecting domestic and wild ruminants. Infection in cattle is commonly asymptomatic and characterised by a long viraemia. Associated with the emergence and the recrudescence of BTV serotype 8 (BTV-8) in Northern and Central Europe, remarkable differences have been noticed in the transmission and in the clinical expression of the disease, with cattle showing clinical illness and reproductive disorders such as abortion, stillbirth and fetal abnormalities. Several investigations have already indicated the putative ability of the European BTV-8 strain to cross the bovine placenta and to cause congenital infections. The current epidemiological and pathological findings present an unusual picture of the disease in affected bovines.  相似文献   

SUMMARY Viraemic blood from an ox naturally infected with Australian bluetongue (BLU) virus serotype 16 was passaged twice in sheep. Twelve 2- to 4-years-old Merino ewes, negative in a bluetongue agar gel Immunodiffusion test, were Inoculated with viraemic blood from the second sheep passage. They were examined for 18 days and compared with a control group. Significant changes in haematological measurements, namely packed cell volume, total white cell count and lymphocyte count, and in plasma enzyme concentrations, namely aspartate transaminase and creatine kinase, occurred in the infected sheep. All Infected sheep became sick. The antibody response, and clinical and necropsy findings were consistent with other reports of mild to moderate disease with Australian BLU serotypes.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Bluetongue virus serotype 8 (BTV-8), which caused an epidemic in ruminants in central Western Europe in 2006 and 2007, seems to differ from other bluetongue serotypes in that it can spread transplacentally and has been associated with an increased incidence of abortion and other reproductive problems. For these reasons, and also because BTV-8 is threatening to spread to other parts of the world, there is a need for more information on the consequences of infection during pregnancy. The aim of the present study was to investigate whether hatched (i.e. zona pellucida-free) in vitro produced bovine blastocysts at 8-9 days post insemination are susceptible to BTV-8 and whether such infection induces cell death as indicated by apoptosis. Exposure of hatched in vitro produced bovine blastocysts for 1 h to a medium containing 103.8 or 104.9 TCID50 of the virus resulted in active viral replication in between 25 and 100% of the cells at 72 h post exposure. The infected blastocysts also showed growth arrest as evidenced by lower total cell numbers and a significant level of cellular apoptosis. We conclude from this in vitro study that some of the reproductive problems that are reported when cattle herds are infected with BTV-8 may be attributed to direct infection of blastocysts and other early-stage embryos in utero.  相似文献   

Inactivated virus vaccines have been widely used to control bluetongue after introduction of serotype 8 of the bluetongue virus (BTV) in northern Europe in 2006. To evaluate vaccination, quantitative knowledge of its possible side effects is needed. One current adverse reaction with inactivated vaccines is a rise in body temperature, which could reduce cow reproductive performance. The objective of this study was to quantify a possible side effect of vaccination on fertility before the implantation of the embryo of dairy cows under field conditions. The study was performed on herds that were not exposed to BTV. Fertility was assessed by return-to-service following artificial insemination (AI). Biological assumptions for a possible side effect of vaccination were conception failure and embryonic death. Associations between return-to-service rates and vaccine injections were assessed using mixed-logistic regression models and survival analysis. Two models were considered: a 3-week-return-to-service model comparing cows vaccinated between 3 days before and 16 days after AI and unvaccinated cows (assuming an effect on conception failure or early embryonic death), and a 90-day-return-to-service model comparing cows vaccinated between 3 days before and 42 days after AI and unvaccinated cows (assuming an effect on conception failure, early or late embryonic death). Only cows receiving a second vaccine injection between 2 and 7 days after AI had a significantly higher risk of 3-week-return-to-service (RR=1.19 [1.07-1.33]). This corresponds to an increase of return-to-service by 4 percentage points. A side effect of vaccination could be due to early embryonic death. The slight side effect on fertility associated with vaccination was low compared to effects of BTV-8 exposure on fertility.  相似文献   

Eleven maiden Merino ewes, free of antibody to bluetongue virus serotype 20 (BTV-20) in agar gel immunodiffusion and serum neutralisation tests, were mated once with a ram. Ten ewes were inoculated with BTV-20 35 to 42 days after service, and one ewe was left as an uninoculated control. One of the inoculated ewes and the control ewe remained uninfected throughout the experiment. Eight of the remaining 9 ewes showed clinical signs ranging from mild to moderate, and the other showed no clinical signs of infection. BTV-20 viraemia was detected in ewes between days 3 and 11 post inoculation, and the serum antibody response was followed. The control ewe and 5 of the 9 infected ewes were pregnant when examined 90 to 97 days after service. Each of these animals produced a normal lamb. There was no evidence of abortion in the remaining 5 ewes, and no transplacental transfer of virus was detected in the lambs of the 5 infected ewes. At necropsy, 46 days after the birth of the last lamb, no gross or microscopic lesions were observed in either the ewes or lambs.  相似文献   

Potential vertical transmission of wild-type bluetongue virus serotype 8 (BTV-8) in cattle was explored in this experiment. We demonstrated transplacental transmission of wild-type BTV-8 in one calf and oral infection with BTV-8 in another calf. Following the experimental BTV-8 infection of seven out of fifteen multi-parous cows eight months in gestation, each newborn calf was tested prior to colostrum intake for transplacental transmission of BTV by RRT-PCR. If transplacental transmission was not established the calves were fed colostrum from infected dams or colostrum from non-infected dams spiked with BTV-8 containing blood. One calf from an infected dam was born RRT-PCR positive and BTV-specific antibody (Abs) negative, BTV was isolated from its blood. It was born with clinical signs resembling bluetongue and lived for two days. Its post-mortem tissue suspensions were RRT-PCR positive. Of the seven calves fed colostrum from infected dams, none became infected. Of the six calves fed colostrum from non-infected dams spiked with infected blood, one calf became PCR-positive at day 8 post-partum (dpp), seroconverted 27 days later, and remained RRT-PCR and Abs positive for the duration of the experiment (i.e., 70 dpp). This work demonstrates that transplacental transmission in late gestation and oral infection of the neonate with wild-type BTV-8 is possible in cattle under experimental conditions.  相似文献   

Three groups of 4 cows at 84 to 95 days, 100 to 160 days, and 170 to 180 days pregnant were inoculated both intradermally and subcutaneously with bluetongue virus serotype 20 (BTV20). Clinical observations and the viraemic and serological responses of the cows were followed for 9 to 17 weeks after inoculation. Viraemia developed in 9 of the 12 cows and was first detected 4 to 9 days after inoculation. Viraemia was detected for 4 to 21 days and in some animals only intermittently. The titre of the viraemia was obtained in 4 cows and ranged from detectable only, to 10(1) to 10(2.8) 50% tissue culture infecting doses per ml. Both serum neutralising and precipitating antibodies were detected in 11 of the 12 cows within 2 to 8 weeks after inoculation. No clinical responses were seen and one cow (516) did not develop a viraemia or produce detectable antibodies to the virus. The cows, calves and foetuses were necropsied following either parturition or slaughter between 200 and 270 days of pregnancy. No virus isolations were made from a wide range of tissues from the cows, calves or foetuses and no immunoglobulins or serum neutralising antibodies were detected in the serums of precolostral calves or foetuses at necropsy. No gross or histopathological lesions were seen in the cows, calves or foetuses, and there was no evidence that BTV20 crossed the bovine placenta or infected the foetus.  相似文献   

Sixteen bulls ranging in age from 2 to 11 years were experimentally inoculated with bluetongue virus to investigate the frequency and duration of seminal shedding of the virus. All bulls developed typical viremia, lasting 21 to 58 days, and they seroconverted 2 to 3 weeks after inoculation. Virus isolation was attempted from a total of 232 ejaculates, 163 (70%) of which were collected during the period of viremia. Bluetongue virus was not isolated from any of the ejaculates collected from 11 of the 16 bulls. Virus was isolated from 9 of 52 ejaculates collected from the other 5 bulls during the period of viremia. In no instance was virus isolated from semen without concurrent isolation from blood.  相似文献   

Clinical disease of bluetongue (BT) in sheep may differ depending on breed, age and immunity of infected sheep and may also vary between serotype and strain of BT virus (BTV). Since there are no data available on the susceptibility of Swiss sheep breeds for BT, we performed experimental infection of the 4 most common Swiss sheep breeds and the highly susceptible Poll Dorset sheep with the BTV serotype 8 (BTV-8) circulating in Northern Europe since 2006. Clinical signs were assessed regarding severity, localisation, progression and time point of their appearance. The results clearly show that the Swiss sheep breeds investigated were susceptible to BTV-8 infection. They developed moderate, BT-characteristic symptoms, which were similar to those observed in Poll Dorset sheep. Regardless of breed, the majority of infected animals showed fever, swelling of the head as well as erosions of the mouth and subcutaneous haemorrhages.  相似文献   

To test the hypothesis that development of a BTV-specific IgE response plays a role in clinical disease manifestation, the humoral immune response of cattle to inactivated and virulent BTV was studied. Three calves received three sensitizing immunizations of inactivated BTV, 3 weeks apart. The BTV-sensitized animals, two non-sensitized BTV-seropositive and 4 BTV-seronegative control cattle. were challenge-exposed with BTV-11, UC8 strain. All cattle inoculated with inactivated BTV developed group-specific non-neutralizing and serotype-specific neutralizing antibodies. The development of post-challenge-exposure neutralizing antibody titers was inversely correlated with protective immunity. None of the BTV-challenged animals showed clinical disease. The levels of IgE were greatest in the sensitized calves after virus challenge in comparison with control groups. The sequential development, specificity and intensity of virus protein-specific humoral responses were evaluated using immunostaining. After challenge exposure of BTV-sensitized and non-sensitized cattle, total and IgE antibodies reacted consistently within BTV structural proteins VP2, VP5 and VP7. Although no correlation was found between clinical disease and IgE, results add support to the hypothesis that IgE may be involved in the pathogenesis of clinical disease, since infection with BTV causes an increase in serum IgE levels. However, these results suggest that the levels of virus-specific reactivity may be an important factor in determining whether or not clinical disease manifestation occurs.  相似文献   

A new bluetongue virus serotype isolated in Kenya.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
An apparently new strain of bluetongue virus was first isolated in Kenya in 1965 and since, has been obtained on 7 further occasions from diseased sheep during clinical outbreaks of disease. It proved to be serologically different from the 16 bluetongue virus strains then held at this laboratory. The virus was modified by passage in embryonated hens eggs to produce a live virus strain suitable for inclusion in a polyvalent vaccine. Recent neutralisation tests, carried out with 24 guinea pig immune sera prepared at Pirbright against the currently known World serotypes, have confirmed the earlier results and show that it is different from any of the existing serotypes.  相似文献   

Two groups of 10 pregnant cows were inoculated with bluetongue virus type 11 at either 40 or 60 days of gestation. All the cows became infected as judged by the detection of viraemia and seroconversion but they showed no clinical signs. Seventeen of the cows produced live calves none of which showed any evidence of prenatal infection. After challenge with the same virus all the calves became viraemic and seroconverted. The response to challenge of the two groups did not differ from that of a control group challenged at the same time. It was concluded that the infection of pregnant cows in early gestation with this virus did not result in the transplacental infection of the fetuses and did not produce immunotolerant, latently infected calves.  相似文献   

In August 2000, bluetongue virus (BTV) appeared for the first time in Sardinia and, since then, the infection spread across Sicily and into the mainland of Italy involving at the beginning serotypes 2 and 9 and then, from 2002, 4 and 16. To reduce direct losses due to disease and indirect losses due to new serotype circulation, the 2004 Italian vaccination campaign included the modified-live vaccines against BTV-4 and 16 produced by Onderstepoort Biological Product (OBP), South Africa. Few months after the end of the campaign, BTV-16 was reported broadly in the country and the need of differentiating field from the BTV-16 vaccine isolate became crucial. In this study, the gene segments 2, 5, 6 and 10 of both the Italian and vaccine BTV-16 strains were sequenced and their molecular relationship determined. As sequences of segment 5 were those showing the highest differences (17.3%), it was possible to develop a new diagnostic tool able to distinguish the Italian BTV-16 NS1 gene from that of the homologous vaccine strain. The procedure based on the use of a RT-PCR and the subsequent sequencing of the amplified product showed a high degree of sensitivity and specificity when samples from either BTV-16 vaccinated or infected sheep were tested.  相似文献   

Isolation of bluetongue virus was attempted from 85 semen samples taken from 3 long-term seropositive bulls and 9 short-term seropositive bulls in an artificial breeding service unit. Two types of cell cultures susceptible to bluetongue virus were used for virus isolation. Extended sonication, centrifugation of specimens, and treatment of cell cultures with dimethyl sulfoxide and diethylaminoethyl-dextran were used to enhance virus attachment and infection of cell cultures. Virus isolation results were negative on all specimens. These results indicate that at the limits of the methods used, bluetongue virus-seropositive bulls do not have long-term latent bluetongue virus in their semen.  相似文献   

Because no suitable products are at the moment available to safely control the spread of BTV-16 in Europe, an inactivated vaccine was produced from the reference field isolate of bluetongue virus serotype 16. One group of six sheep was vaccinated subcutaneously with the inactivated vaccine twice, on days 0 and 28, whereas a second group of eight sheep was inoculated with saline solution and used as mock-vaccinated control animals. Seventy-eight days after the first vaccination, all sheep were inoculated subcutaneously with a suspension containing 10(6.3) TCID(50) of a virulent reference BTV-16 isolate. Apart from a transient inflammatory reaction at the injection site, no adverse effects were reported following vaccination. All vaccinated animals developed high titres (7.3-9.3log(2)(ED50%/50 microl)) of virus-specific neutralising antibodies and were resistant to challenge with BTV-16. Conversely, following challenge, control animals developed hyperthermia and long lasting high-titre viraemia.  相似文献   

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