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Summary Assessments of freezing tolerance, estimated in terms of temperature at which 50% mortality occurs (=LT50), were obtained for 86 Lolium perenne accessions using a glycol bath test on naturally hardened field plants. Significant correlations were obtained between LT50 and both heading dates of accessions and minimum temperature of the coldest month near their sites of origin. The effects of temperature and reproductive development on the hardening/dehardening of plants and their growth after freezing are discussed. 相似文献
Summary A method of testing spaced plants in swards of another grass crop is described. The procedure provides information on sward performance at each stage of the breeding scheme. A large number of entries may be included, together with whatever cutting frequency.When used for perennial ryegrass, the method favours the selection of productive and persistent plants. 相似文献
Summary The extent of mitochondrial DNA restriction fragment length polymorphisms among individual plant samples of perennial ryegrass was determined. A total of 72 plants from three cultivars Yorktown II, S23 and Riikka were surveyed using three restriction enzymes (BamHI,EcoRI andHindIII) and three mitochondrial gene probes (coxI, coxIII andnad9). Polymorphisms were noted within each of the two cultivars Yorktown II and S23, whereas in Riikka no variation was detected. It seems most likely that the mitochondrial genome diversity within the same cultivar has resulted from non-homogeneous ancestor cytoplasms. The hybridization-based assay employed is simple to perform, gives unambiguous results, and may thus be used in mass screening of perennial ryegrass populations for breeding purpose. 相似文献
M. O. Humphreys 《Euphytica》1989,41(1-2):99-106
Summary When breeding for good winter hardiness a broad range of adaptations must be considered. Such a multitrait approach requires some understanding of physiological and genetical relationships between relevant traits.Fourteen winter related characters were measured on field grown plants from 86 perennial ryegrass accessions originating from a wide range of climates. Genetic components of variance and covariance were extracted from the data and a principal components analysis carried out. The first three independent components accounted for 80% of the variance represented by the genetic correlations and were broadly identified as winter growth, winter hardiness and early spring activity factors. None of the accessions exhibited a combination of extreme winter growth and winter hardiness although several with excellent winter hardiness showed better than average winter growth. Amounts of water soluble carbohydrate maintained through the winter appeared important for good survival.It was concluded that a selection index approach may prove useful in future breeding programmes as further information concerning physiological relationships becomes available. 相似文献
Toshihiko Yamada 《Euphytica》2001,122(2):213-217
Interspecific hybrids between self-compatible species, Lolium temulentum L. and self-incompatible species, L. perenne L. were obtained using embryo rescue. Two cycles of backcrossing of interspecific hybrids with L. perenne were carried out. A 1: 1 segregation ratio of self comatibility and incompatibility was observed in backcross generations.
These segregation data confirmed that self-compatibility of L. temulentum was controlled by a single gene. It suggested that the self-compatible gene of L. temulentum could be introduced to self-incompatible plants of L. perenne through interspecific hybridization. It appears that utilization of a self-compatible gene of L. temulentum would be useful for production of inbred lines of L. perenne. The possibility of breeding procedures of perennial ryegrass using a self-compatible gene was discussed.
This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date. 相似文献
B. S. Ahloowalia 《Euphytica》1982,31(1):103-111
Summary Aneuploid plants of perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.) with 2n=15 to 30 chromosomes were obtained by crossing a near-triploid (2n=3x+1=22) with a diploid or on open-pollination with diploids and tetraploids. Aneuploids occurred with a frequency of 83% in near triploid × diploid progeny and 92% on open-pollination with diploid and tetraploid plants. Aneuploid plants with 15 to 18 chromosomes resembled diploids in morphology and those with 19 to 30 chromosomes were akin to tetraploids. Meiotic studies suggested that most aneuploid plants resulted from transmission of aneuploid egg cells (n=8 to 23). Aneuploid plants with 2n=27 to 30 chromosomes in the progeny of 22×14 cross originated from unreduced egg cells. Plants with 19 to 21 chromosomes were recovered only by immature seed culture. Aneuploid plants with 26 to 30 chromosomes and triploids (2n=21) had higher pollen fertility and bigger seeds than plants with 15 to 22 chromosomes. 相似文献
A. Elgersma 《Euphytica》1990,51(2):151-161
Summary Seed yield in perennial ryegrass is low and selection criteria for high seed production are lacking. Indirect selection in spaced plants would be efficient, but spaced-plant traits need to be identified that correlate with seed yield in drilled plots. Spaced plants were studied of nine perennial ryegrass cultivars with a different seed production when grown in plots. Genotypic variation within cultivars for seed yield components and other traits was assessed in four environments in replicated clonal experiments. Extensive genotypic variation for most traits was present within each cultivar. Based on cultivar means of 25 or 50 genotypes, significant differences among cultivars were found for most traits. Cultivar-year interactions were found for most traits, but no significant cultivar-location interactions were generally found. Spaced-plant traits in general showed poor correlation to corresponding traits in drilled plots. Cultivars with contrasting seed yield in plots could not be distinguished on the basis of their spaced-plant traits and therefore no criteria for indirect selection for seed production in drilled plots could be identified in spaced plants. 相似文献
Twenty populations of Lolium perenne originating from a range of habitats in Europe were compared for isoenzyme polymorphisms
and agronomically important quantitative traits in order to establish relationships of the levels of diversity with the origin
of each population and to assess their suitability to be included in the European core collection of Lolium germplasm. Forty
genotypes from each of the twenty populations and each genotype represented by three clonal propagules, were field planted
in a fully randomized spaced plant design and fifteen quantitative characters including yield, persistency, reproductive and
disease resistence characters were evaluated over a period of two years. Seven putative isozyme loci were assayed to compare
the allozyme divergence of populations. The results of the isozyme survey indicate that 71–100% of the loci were polymorphic,
2.3–3.0 alleles/locus and the gene diversity was varying from 0.234–0.410. Of the total allelic diversity 94% remained within
populations (Hs) whilst only 6% was distributed among populations (Dst). The differences between populations were determined on the basis of allele frequencies and multivariate analyses of quantitative
characters. Populations significantly differed in their allele frequencies at all loci analysed. Random mating was predominant
in all populations at most of the loci. The study revealed that the German accession BA 10998 was clearly distinct from the
rest both in quantitative characters and allele frequencies. German accession BA 11015 with the lowest gene diversity showed
the highest genetic variation for quantitative characters. However, no strict relationship was found between the genetic distance
and the geograpical distribution of the populations. Among the quantitative characters, flowering time showed a strong relationship
with the type of management practised at the collection site than their place of origin.
This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date. 相似文献
In vitro tillers of over 1000 genotypes from nine contrasting Lolium perenne cultivars were cultured on various media containing the synthetic cytokinin, 6-benzylaminopurine (BAP), in order to determine the effect on tillering. The cultures were assessed after seven weeks for survival, tiller production, size and vigour. Added auxins 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D) and -napthaleneacetic acid (NAA) had no consistent beneficial effects.A significant relationship was found between in vitro tiller production and cultivar heading date. Genotypes of early-heading, less persistent cultivars produced more tillers than genotypes from late heading more persistent cultivars. This was consistent with the generally higher in vitro tiller production in the biennial species Lolium multiflorum cultured on similar media. 相似文献
A. Elgersma 《Euphytica》1990,51(2):163-171
Summary Seed yield in perennial ryegrass is low and unpredictable. Spaced-plant traits suitable for indirect selection for total seed yield in drilled plots would be very useful. The objectives of this investigation were to evaluate genetic variation for seed yield components and other traits among clones from three perennial ryegrass cultivars differing in seed yield and their open-pollinated progenies. Per cultivar, a random set of 50 genotypes was cloned and on each genotype seed was generated by open pollination. Clonal ramets of the parents were observed for 17 traits in 1986 at two locations. In 1987 and 1988, parents and progenies were observed as single plants in a randomized complete block design with two replications. There was little cultivar-environment interaction for most traits. The parents differed significantly for almost all traits. Half-sib (HS) families differed for only three to five traits. Broad-sense heritabilities (h2
b), based on variance components of the parents, were moderate to high; earliness had the highest hb
2. Narrow-sense heritabilities (h2
n), based on variance components among HS-families, were low to moderate and mostly not significant; for most traits h2
n estimates varied between years and cultivars. Flag leaf width and date of first anthesis showed the highest h2
n. Narrow-sense heritability estimates from parent-offspring regressions (h2
nPO) ranged from non-significant to high, depending on year and cultivar; they were generally higher than the corresponding h2
n estimates. Generally, h2
nPO was highest for earliness, flag leaf width, ear length and the number of spikelets per ear. Breeding methods that capitalize on additive genetic variance, such as mass selection, should result in improvement for these traits. 相似文献
Suspension culture performance in commercial varieties of perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.) 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Summary Suspension culture performance in commercial varieties of perennial ryegrass was studied to assess the effect of variety on suspension culture response and plant regeneration. 179 suspension cultures were established from embryos of mature seeds of 21 varieties and one breeding population. Of these, 123 suspensions were morphogenic (21 varieties) and 66 suspensions (18 varieties) regenerated green plants. A number of suspension lines, originating from two different suspensions, retained the capacity for green plant formation for almost four years. Replicates performed with seed lots of different ages indicated that suspensions initiated from young seeds (1 year) were of better quality than suspensions initiated from older seeds (2–4 years). Varieties differed in their capacity to form morphogenic suspensions and suspensions capable of regenerating green plants, although the effect of variety was relatively small. It was concluded that responsive genotypes can be found within most varieties of Lolium perenne. 相似文献
Ulrich K. Posselt 《Euphytica》1993,71(1-2):29-33
Summary SI-hybrids were produced by crossing 30 partially inbred lines in 3 sets of 5×5 factorial crosses. Annual dry matter yields from 3 successive years and 2 locations were on average 9.5 T/ha for the hybrids compared to 8.9 T/ha for their parental lines, with the best hybrid yielding 10.3 T/ha. Heterosis was up to 20%. Problems and prospects of SI-hybrid production in grasses are discussed.This paper is dedicated to Prof. Dr. F.W. Schnell on the occasion of his 80th birthday. 相似文献
Veerle Lamote Joost Baert Isabel Roldán-Ruiz Marc De Loose Erik Van Bockstaele 《Euphytica》2002,123(2):159-164
Several genotypes of Lolium perenne (2n = 2x = 14) were screenedfor the production of 2n eggs. In each cross a diploid genotype, used asfemale parent, was pollinated with a tetraploid genotype. All interploidycrosses were made in isolation cages. Flow cytometrical analysis of theprogeny of 154 diploid plants revealed 28 tetraploid descendants. Theseoffspring plants were harvested on 15 different diploid mother plants.Amplified Fragment Length Polymorphism (AFLP) markers were used tocheck the parenthood of these tetraploids. Two seedlings died, theremaining plants could, after AFLP fingerprinting, be identified as meiotictetraploids. The results obtained allowed to conclude that the tetraploidprogeny plants harvested on 15 diploid mother plants were the result ofthe fertilisation of an unreduced egg by a reduced pollen grain of thetetraploid plant. 相似文献
Summary Co-adaptation between neighbouring genotypes of Lolium perenne was examined in a pot experiment over an 18 month period. Competitive interactions in pure and mixed stands were examined using 9 genotype pairs (established as neighbours from electrophoresis data), 7 from a 10 year-old, and 2 from a 40+ year-old pasture. Combinations of each pair of neighbours grown together, and each grown with 5 randomly chosen alien (non-neighbour) genotypes sampled from the same pastures were also assessed. Seven harvests of green matter produced above 20 mm were made, and 50–135 kg N ha-1 was administered after each harvest. Data for dry weight at each harvest for pure and mixed stands, and Relative Yield Totals (RYT) were obtained for neighbours and aliens in each treatment.In 6 of the 9 pairs of neighbours grown as pure stands, the yields of neighbours did not differ significantly at the final harvest. In 8 of the 9 pairs grown as mixtures of pairs of neighbours, the yield of one of the neighbours was significantly reduced and one neighbour had been eliminated. Over the last 5 harvests, yields from (alien + neighbour) mixtures had the greatest dry matter yields. No suppression of one component by the other was recorded for this (alien + neighbour) combination.Based upon RYT estimates, neighbours did not yield more when grown together than when grown separately with aliens. There was no relationship between original genotype size in their fields of origin and dry matter yield in this experiment.This experiment provides no evidence for he evolution of co-adaptation between surviving neighbours in the two pastures from which these individuals were sampled. The genotypic architecture of pasture would seem to be the product of random and/or competitive exclusion of individual genotypes, rather than the evolution of co-adapted groups of individuals through time. The consequences of extreme depletion of genetic variation in the first two years after establishment, the very low rates of seedling establishment in established pastures, and the impact of the grazing animal would suggest that there is little likelihood of or potential for, co-adaptation evolving between neighbours. 相似文献
K.M. Guthridge M.P. Dupal R. K?lliker E.S. Jones K.F. Smith J.W. Forster 《Euphytica》2001,122(1):191-201
Amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) analysis has been used to measure genetic diversity in perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.) and to relate intra- and interpopulation variation to breeding history. Cluster analysis of AFLP data from contrasting
populations showed features consistent with the origins of these varieties. Significant differences in intrapopulation diversity
were detected and partial separation of different cultivars was observed. Restricted base cultivars, derived from small numbers
of foundation clones, were suitable for this type of study, allowing near complete discrimination of closely related cultivars.
Analysis of bulked samples was based on the pooling of genomic DNA from 20 individuals from 6 selected populations. Cluster
analysis of AFLP data from bulked samples produced a phenogram showing relationships consistent with the results of individual
analysis. AFLP profiling provides an important tool for the detection and quantification of genetic variation in perennial
This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date. 相似文献
Summary The extreme resistance to ryegrass mosaic virus (RMV) of a clone of Lolium perenne L. was due to a combination of two distinct types of resistance: resistance to infection and resistance to multiplication and movement of virus within the plant. Resistance to infection was quantitatively inherited and highly effective against three strains of RMV, while resistance to multiplication and movement was controlled by two complementary recessive genes and was effective against only two of the three RMV strains. 相似文献
Seed yield related to crop development and to yield components in nine cultivars of perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.) 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
A. Elgersma 《Euphytica》1990,49(2):141-154
Summary We had previously found differences for seed yield among nine perennial ryegrass cultivars which were not associated with variation for seed weight. To detect the physiological basis of these genetic differences for seed yield, growth analyses were carried out. We related crop development and components of seed yield to seed yield during three years on clay and sandy soil. No significant differences occurred among cultivars for accumulation and partitioning of dry matter or the pattern of tiller production. Seed yield of the cultivars was not associated with ear number or total dry matter yield of the seed crop. Seed yield was more correlated with the number of seeds per unit area than with seed weight. The number of seeds as calculated after harvest from seed yield and seed weight was much lower than the number of seeds as estimated prior to harvest from seed yield components. The number of spikelets differed significantly among the cultivars, but the ranking was different from that for seed yield. The physiological basis of the genetic differences for seed yield is not clear. Implications for breeding perennial ryegrass are discussed. 相似文献
B. P. Loos 《Euphytica》1993,74(1-2):97-107
Summary Twenty-one Dutch Lolium perenne populations, fifteen European populations and six L. perenne cultivars were compared for morphological variation. Dutch populations clearly differed from the European populations and the cultivars. Dutch populations generally had reduced plant length and smaller leaves. For other characters, e.g. date of ear emergence, the Dutch populations showed as much variation as the European populations and cultivars they were compared with in this trial. Correlations between morphology and environmental factors at the site of origin were significant in several cases but were generally weak, and dependent on the set of populations studied. In order to maximize the phenotypic differences between the collected populations, soil type and management type appeared to be the most important factors for the choice of collection sites in the Netherlands. To determine suitable collection sites all over Europe, other factors like precipitation, latitude, altitude and temperature factors were also important. For subsampling of the locations, variation in management type within the location determined whether or not phenotypic different samples could be collected. The extensive use of cultivars in the Netherlands does not seem to have prevented the formation of distinct populations. Therefore in situ conservation of grassland seems a good alternative for genetic conservation of L. perenne in the Netherlands.Also associated with the WAU Department of Plant Taxonomy, P.O. Box 8010, 6700 ED, Wageningen, The Netherlands 相似文献
Summary Thirty five individuals from each of nine perennial ryegrass populations were sampled from set-stocked and zero-grazed swards and from an old permanent pasture. The swards were 6, 18, 30 months and 11 years old when sampled. The permanent pasture was at least 40 years old.Dry matter digestibility (DMD) and organic matter digestibility (OMD) were determined for green leaf material harvested 4 days after ear emergence. Significant differences were found between the populations, but genotypic differences were found only for OMD. The largest proportion of the total variation was due to differences between blocks. In the zero-grazed populations, DMD and OMD declined significantly with increasing sward age. This was not found for the set-stocked swards. Two sets of pair crosses, from which mid-parent, progeny regressions could be determined, were carried out.The regressions of offspring on mid-parent for set-stocked and zero-grazed swards were used to assess the presence of additive genetic variation and to estimate narrow sense heritability of DMD. The coefficients of correlation, 0.122 and 0.226 respectively, were non-significant, indicating an absence of additive genetic variation. 相似文献
Summary The size of pollen grains is commonly used to indicate the ploidy level of pollen grains. In this paper observations of the diameter of pollen grains are evaluated from one diploid accession of perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.), which was expected to produce diploid (unreduced) pollen grains in addition to haploid pollen grains. The considerable overlap of the diameter distributions of haploid and diploid pollen grains severely hampers the accurate estimation of the proportion of diploid pollen grains. To overcome this problem we develop in this paper a statistical normal mixture model and we describe a method to test for the production of diploid pollen grains from a diploid parent, and to estimate the proportion of diploid pollen grains. 相似文献