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In the present market, veterinarians with a strong background in career development, practice management, and business skills have a clear advantage in achieving financial success. Although there is ample evidence that the scientific and clinical skills of veterinary college graduates are high, there are also data that suggest that additional capabilities in the business realm may promote greater economic success. As noted in the KPMG executive summary, the field of veterinary medicine must make changes in its "current business practices and attitudes" to be successful in the future. Furthermore, the KPMG study found that 36% of industry employers reported that some jobs within their companies had specific job requirements that were not met by a veterinarian with only a veterinary medical degree. The areas of additional training most often cited included business, administration, personnel management, sales and marketing, and financial skills. Yet, Lewis and Klausner found that veterinarians reported challenges in the business realm, such as "how business works and how business goals are translated into action. This challenge held true for veterinarians in industry, academia, government, and private practice." The present gender trends in the field of veterinary medicine provide additional impetus to make career development and business skills training more prevalent. Presently, women comprise >65% of the veterinary student population and approximately 45% of all practicing veterinarians. In some areas of practice, the rate is much higher. For example, in 2002, women comprised 48.2% of all small animal exclusive private practitioners. Unfortunately, the KPMG study found that female veterinarians in private practice report lower self-evaluation of business management and financial skills, compared with their male cohorts. Female veterinarians in nonprivate practice report lower self-evaluation in communication, personnel management, business management, and marketing skills than that reported by males. As a result of these pressing needs, CSU CVMBS has undertaken a major initiative to improve the veterinary practice management and business skills training of veterinary students by offering a variety of options to gain this knowledge: a combined MBA/DVM degree program, a Business Certificate Program for Health Professions, and core curriculum courses. In this way, students can select the amount of focus they want to place on career development and business skills as they earn their DVM degree, to best ensure that they become successful veterinarians.  相似文献   

The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign College of Veterinary Medicine (UIUC-CVM) and the University of Illinois-Chicago School of Public Health (UIC-SPH) are in the fourth year of a collaborative Doctor of Veterinary Medicine and Master of Public Health dual-degree program. The two campuses, one urban and one rural, are 150 miles apart but are sister schools within the University of Illinois system. This article describes the origin of the program, how the program functions across two campuses, its academic focus, required coursework, and research projects designed to fulfill the program's capstone requirements. The article shows how two campuses can be linked through a combination of online and on-site didactic coursework, briefly describes innovative proposals for projects within the United States and abroad, and highlights faculty committed to educating cross-trained public-health professionals while addressing the national need for veterinarians trained in public health. The authors also discuss how the dual-degree program has led to the formation of the Illinois Center for One Medicine, One Health (ICOMOH), an intra-university collaboration focusing on the interface of human, animal, and ecosystem health.  相似文献   

To meet long-term needs, many veterinary colleges and schools are participating in dual-degree DVM/MPH programs. Auburn University's College of Veterinary Medicine and the School of Public Health at the University of Alabama at Birmingham have developed a coordinated-degree curriculum in which the DVM and the MPH are not necessarily awarded simultaneously. Other opportunities at Auburn include Public Health Careers Day, trips to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, several elective courses related to veterinary epidemiology, and online access to the Emerging and Exotic Diseases of Animals course available from the Veterinary Information Network. We have been able to increase our students' exposure to the role of the veterinarian in public health and to develop a program to augment their training in public practice.  相似文献   

The University of Wisconsin-Madison (UWM) launched a new Master of Public Health (MPH) degree program in 2005. This 42-credit MPH degree consists of 18 core and 14 elective course credits, two seminar credits, and eight field project/culminating experience credits. Unique strengths of the program include its strongly interdisciplinary philosophy, encompassing both health science (human medicine, veterinary medicine, pharmacy, nursing) and social science units on campus, and its emphasis on service learning through instructional and field project ties to the public-health community of the state and beyond. To date, the program has admitted 87 students, including full-time students as well as part-time students who continue to work in the health care and/or public-health sectors. The program is currently proceeding with the process for accreditation through the Council for Education in Public Health. In 2007, a formal dual DVM/MPH program was approved to allow students to integrate DVM and MPH training and complete both degrees in a total of five years. Nine MPH students over the first three years of admissions have been individuals affiliated with veterinary medicine (five DVM students and four post-graduate veterinarians).  相似文献   

As a result of the growing need for public-health veterinarians, novel educational programs are essential to train future public-health professionals. The University of Minnesota School of Public Health, in collaboration with the College of Veterinary Medicine, initiated a dual DVM/MPH program in 2002. This program provides flexibility by combining distance learning and on-campus courses offered through a summer public-health institute. MPH requirements are completed through core courses, elective courses in a focus area, and an MPH project and field experience. Currently, more than 100 students representing 13 veterinary schools are enrolled in the program. The majority of initial program graduates have pursued public-practice careers upon completion of the program. Strengths of the Minnesota program design include accessibility and an environment to support multidisciplinary training. Continued assessment of program graduates will allow for evaluation and adjustment of the program in the coming years.  相似文献   

The Combined Master of Public Health program at Tufts University unites medical and veterinary medical students in a four-year curriculum that integrates students' clinical studies with simultaneous studies on population health. Thirty years ago, Tufts University adopted a "One Medicine" approach to teaching health professionals. That perspective has been updated as "One Health" and is now being applied in a university environment that emphasizes interdisciplinary education, a global outlook, and civic engagement.  相似文献   

A 15-month-old female German Shepherd dog showing compulsive tail chasing was treated with a treatment protocol of pharmacological therapy (using clomipramine) in conjunction with behavioral and environmental management. The responses to the treatment protocol were assessed once a week for 7 weeks in respects to behavioral conditions and the frequency of bouts and its duration. The behavior history including mother, father, and her littermates were also evaluated for the apparent diagnosis. The compulsive tail chasing of the patient dog was improved on the aspect of behavioral condition and gradually decreased in the frequency and duration of bouts. However, in the mid of treatment, the animal showed an aggressive behavior as a concurrent sign associated with compulsive tail chasing.  相似文献   

Strategic planning is a common pathway used by state wildlife agencies to adapt to financial constraints and changing societal needs; both are accelerating developments. Yet evaluations of organizational change because of strategic planning, especially from perspectives of agency personnel, are not well reported in wildlife literature. We provide a template for capturing employee perceptions toward an organizational change initiative within one state wildlife agency. We used an organizational change framework to recognize outcomes and create a customized employee survey to evaluate attitudes toward changes as part of the long term strategic plan. Positive employee reactions to organizational changes were evident throughout the agency. Areas for organizational improvement identified included enhancing communications about change efforts and diffusing strategies working in collaboration with stakeholder groups. Employees identified more with their individual work groups than with the agency as a whole. Insights provide a basis on which to improve future change processes.  相似文献   

1996年,美国农业部食品安全检验署(the Food Safety and Inspection Service,FSIS)第一次公布了沙门氏菌执行标准(之后被称为Mega-Reg标准).十二年后,通过大量艰苦的工作和从鸡场到餐桌各个环节相关企业的努力,除两家屠宰加工厂未达标外,其余的均达到了该标准.  相似文献   

Twenty-one dogs with hyperadrenocorticism were studied. Six dogs had functioning adrenocortical tumors and 15 had pituitary-dependent hyperadrenocorticism. Each dog was evaluated, using endogenous plasma ACTH, ACTH stimulation, dexamethasone screening, dexamethasone suppression, and combined dexamethasone suppression/ACTH stimulation tests. The ACTH stimulation portion of the combined test was less reliable as a screening test in diagnosing hyperadrenocorticism than was the isolated ACTH stimulation test or the dexamethasone screening test. The dexamethasone suppression portion of the combined test was less reliable in distinguishing dogs with adrenocortical tumors from those with pituitary-dependent hyperadrenocorticism than was the endogenous ACTH or isolated dexamethasone suppression test. The combined test is not recommended for use. The ACTH stimulation test is the recommended screening test because of its diagnostic reliability and its subsequent importance as a base line in determining success of mitotane therapy.  相似文献   

基因组选择、标记辅助选择、基因组扫描、基因修饰生物(Genome Modified Organisms,GMO)、基因组测序,所有这些均是现在经常流行的技术,且它们都需要我们拥有较高的知识,并利用DNA的信息.  相似文献   

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