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Lotus corniculatus L., a leguminous plant containing condensed tannins, is now being evaluated in Sweden as a component of mixed pastures. This is because of its high nutritive value, palatability, modest requirement for water, calcium and phosphorous and particularly because it has the ability to survive harsh weather conditions that typify northern Scandinavia. This trial was undertaken to assess the possible parasitological benefits of using L. corniculatus when fed as a minor component in a mixed pasture sward to young sheep. This was compared with similar sheep that were fed pasture with a comparable legume content consisting of Trifolium repens L. Separate groups of lambs, maintained in pens and provided with fresh pasture cuts containing either L. corniculatus or T. repens each day, were trickle-dosed with infective larvae of mixed parasite species. For each pasture type, groups of 6 lambs had either established worm burdens only, received incoming infections only, or had the combination of both adult and incoming infections. Worm burdens were monitored by serial faecal egg counts and at the termination of the study, all animals were slaughtered for worm recovery, identification and enumeration. The results showed that there were no differential effects between L. corniculatus and T. repens on the different stages of development for a range of nematode parasite species recovered from these lambs. Several reasons may account for this: such as the low level of condensed tannins in the L. corniculatus variety tested, the minor proportion of this plant in the diet and/or the variety of L. corniculatus used in this trial which do not provide any benefits to controlling parasites of sheep.  相似文献   

In a 2-yr study a total of 120 Suffolk and Suffolk-cross ewe lambs, approximately 3 mo of age, were assigned within weight strata to one of three treatments: 1) control, pasture only (C), 2) .09 kg soybean meal/(hd.d) (SBM) plus pasture or 3) .45 kg whole shelled corn/(hd.) plus pasture to compare growth and reproductive performance and to determine lamb selectivity of forage quality and type. Each year, supplements were offered from June through the 3rd wk in November. Ewe lambs were managed as one flock on Kentucky bluegrass (Poa pratensis L.) and tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea Schreb.) pastures except for a brief daily supplementation period when all lambs were brought into a corral and sorted into treatment groups for the feeding. Ewe lambs were exposed to fertile rams from October 1 through the 3rd wk of November each year. Growth rates of ewe lambs grazing pasture alone were slower than those of corn-supplemented ewe lambs and were comparable to those of SBM-supplemented ewe lambs, but reproductive performances were similar (P greater than .05). Date of first detected rise in serum concentrations of progesterone and date of first observed estrus and lambing performance were similar (P greater than .05) among treatments for each year. Compared to hand-clipped forage, forage samples collected by esophageally fistulated lambs were higher (P less than .05) in crude protein and lower (P less than .05) in acid detergent fiber each year, indicating that lambs selectively grazed higher-quality forage. These data indicate that neither protein nor energy limited growth or reproductive performance of these ewe lambs.  相似文献   

A total of 28 trials utilizing 2,262 steers and heifers were conducted to evaluate a sustained monensin2 ruminal delivery device (RDD) on the daily gain of grazing cattle. Five series of trials, with four to eight trials per series within a grazing season, were conducted to evaluate the daily gain response under different environmental conditions and locations. Pastures grazed included both summer (cool- and warm-season grasses and native range) and winter (rye, ryegrass and wheat) growing pastures. The experimental design for all trials in each of five series was a randomized complete block with initial weight or breed as the blocking factor. The treatments compared in series I, III, IV and V (20 trials) were a control and a single RDD, whereas in series II (eight trials), a 2 x 2 factorial was utilized that compared RDD and estradiol 17-beta controlled release implants. In the five series of trials, the monensin RDD increased daily gain .04 (P = .002), .03 (P = .07), .09 (P = .01), .05 (P = .10) and .08 kg (P = .04) compared with the controls. Use of the RDD provided an effective method of achieving consistent monensin delivery and weight gain improvement without requiring the extra labor needed to administer monensin via hand-feeding or self-feeding supplements, blocks or loose mineral.  相似文献   

Two trials were undertaken with lambs grazing selenium deficient pasture to determine if copper would enhance liveweight and fleece-weight responses to selenium supplementation. In the first trial, lambs given selenium or selenium plus copper gained significantly more weight and had higher fleece-weights after 260 days than did control lambs or lambs given copper alone. Copper given alone or together with selenium had no significant effect on liveweight or fleece-weight when compared with control lambs and lambs that were given selenium alone respectively. This finding was confirmed in a second trial when growth and fleece-weights of selenium and selenium plus copper treated lambs were compared and no significant differences found. In both trials copper significantly raised liver copper levels. In selenium supplemented but not in selenium deficient sheep, copper significantly increased blood selenium levels.  相似文献   

The temporary dentitions of 18 to 39-week-old lambs with a very light or a very heavy parasite burden are compared. The heavily parasitised lambs developed longer temporary incisors which tended to protrude further forward in relation to the upper dental pad. They showed absolute hypocalcaemia and hypoalbuminaemia and relative hypophosphataemia and hypoproteinaemia and in the alveolar bone of the mandible there was a reduction in ash and matrix densities and matrix mineralisation. The incisor protrusion and lengthening may have been a consequence of the loss of supporting bone, but inappetance was likely to have been a factor contributing to the lengthening.  相似文献   

A winter grazing experiment was conducted to evaluate the effects of stocking rate and corn gluten feed supplementation on forage mass and composition and the BW and BCS of bred 2-yr-old cows grazing stockpiled forage during winter. Two 12.2-ha blocks containing Fawn, endophyte-free, tall fescue and red clover were each divided into 4 pastures of 2.53 or 3.54 ha. Hay was harvested from the pastures in June and August of 2003 and 2004, and N was applied at 50.5 kg/ha at the initiation of stockpiling in August. On October 22, 2003, and October 20, 2004, twenty-four 30-mo-old Angus-Simmental and Angus cows were allotted by BW and BCS to strip-graze for 147 d at 0.84 or 1.19 cow/ha. Eight similar cows were allotted to 2 dry lots and fed tall fescue-red clover hay ad libitum. Corn gluten feed was fed to cows in 2 pastures to maintain a mean BCS of 5 (9-point scale) at each stocking rate and in the dry lots (high supplementation level) or when weather prevented grazing (low supplementation level) in the remaining 2 pastures at each stocking rate. Mean concentrations of CP in yr 1 and 2 and IVDMD in yr 2 were greater (P < 0.10) in hay than stockpiled forage over the winter. At the end of grazing, cows fed hay in dry lots had greater (P < 0.05) BCS in yr 1 and greater (P < 0.10) BW in yr 2 than grazing cows. Grazing cows in the high supplementation treatment had greater (P < 0.10) BW than cows grazing at the low supplementation level in yr 1. Cows in the dry lots were fed 2,565 and 2,158 kg of hay DM/cow. Amounts of corn gluten feed supplemented to cows in yr 1 and 2 were 46 and 60 kg/ cow and did not differ (P = 0.33, yr 1; P = 0.50, yr 2) between cows fed hay or grazing stockpiled forage in either year. Estimated production costs were greater for cows in the dry lots because of hay feeding.  相似文献   

Spring born lambs grazing in initially clean pasture for two successive years acquired low levels of Nematodirus species infection which showed a progressive increase in the level of arrested development, reaching 70 to 90 per cent of the total worm burden in lambs slaughtered in November. Similar levels were recorded in worm free tracer lambs allowed only one month access to contaminated pastures. Results suggested that both seasonal environmental conditions and host age may play an important role in larval inhibition for this genus and that this phenomenon was not density dependent, nor associated with host immunity.  相似文献   

SUMMARY: Effects of a controlled-release albendazole capsule (CRC) on nematode parasitism and production of Merino ewes and lambs were Investigated in a replicated grazing experiment between August 1986 and July 1989. The experiment was conducted on a site where the naturally occurring parasites were benzimidazole-resistant, with double the recommended dose of oxfendazole reducing faecal egg counts of Trichostrongylus colubriformis by less than 50%. Two CRC treatments were compared with a minimal treatment control and the widely-used strategic control program, Wormkill.
Egg counts and worm burdens of major parasite species of ewes and of lambs before and after weaning were significantly reduced by use of the CRC in ewes before lambing or in lambs at weaning. These parasitological effects were reflected in increased productivity of CRC ewes and lambs. Ewes given CRCs lost less weight and grew more wool during lactation than ewes given Wormkill or control treatments, while their lambs gained more weight and had heavier fleeces than lambs from Wormkill or control treatments. Where lambs were weaned by removing ewes from the lambing paddock, administration of the CRC at weaning to lambs whose dams had also been treated with the CRC did not result in improved production when compared with lambs from ewes dosed with CRCs and treated after weaning according to the Wormkill program. Some possible uses for the CRC in ewes and lambs were identified.  相似文献   

在鸭茅(Dactylis glomerata)+白三叶(Triflium repens)草地型肉牛放牧系统内,实施全日制划区轮牧、载畜量季节性调控、维持肥施用、草地除杂、枯草期补饲等优化措施,对草地的土壤养分、牧草生长强度、现存量、组分、养分及肉牛体质量、日增体质量等指标进行了监测。结果表明,采用全日制放牧,在草地年平均载畜量1.4牛单位/hm2下,牧草的生长量超过8 077 kg/hm2,肉牛体况得到明显的改善,单位草地面积经济效益可达1 135元/hm2,草地实现可持续利用。同时,针对草地肉牛放牧系统中存在的问题,提出了有效改进的合理化建议。  相似文献   

In a replicated trial, parasitological and antibody responses of grazing weaner Merino sheep were assessed following vaccination with gut membrane proteins prepared from adult worms of the gastrointestinal nematode, Haemonchus contortus. Each vaccinated animal received 100 microg native H11 and 100 microg native H-gal-GP combined together in 5mg Quil A administered intramuscularly on days 0, 34, 80 and 127. Control animals received 5mg Quil A alone on the same days. Vaccinated and unvaccinated control animals grazed pastures contaminated with the parasite from day 34 of the trial, and levels of parasitism were monitored by worm-egg counts (WECs) in faeces and packed cell volumes (PCVs) in blood. The level of larval contamination on pasture was estimated from the worm counts of tracer sheep introduced monthly to the paddocks. WECs and anaemia were significantly reduced in vaccinated animals, and, in contrast to vaccinates, all control sheep required salvage treatment with anthelmintic. By the last 2 months of the trial, pastures grazed by vaccinated animals had significantly lower contamination with H. contortus larvae. Vaccinated animals had high levels of vaccine antigen-specific IgG1 and IgG2 antibodies in plasma, whereas those responses in the control sheep were very low. IgG1 titres in the vaccinated group, but not IgG2 titres, were inversely correlated with worm-egg counts. The levels of systemic IgA and IgE remained low but increased in both groups towards the end of the experiment most probably from exposure to the natural infection from pasture. The results showed that H11 and H-gal-GP behaved like "hidden" antigens producing high levels of protection that were probably mediated through mechanisms involving antibodies, and in particular, IgG1. It was concluded that if similar protective effects could be obtained with recombinant versions of the proteins present in either H11 or H-gal-GP, then the prospects for a commercial Haemonchus vaccine were real.  相似文献   

A dose and move to clean pasture strategy for nematode control in weaner sheep was compared to a move only strategy. Sixteen ewes with twin lambs (2-3 weeks old) were turned out on infected pasture on 4 May 1999. On 1 July, the lambs were allocated to four groups of eight and weaned on to clean pasture. Two groups (DM1+2) were treated with anthelmintics, while the other two (M1+2) were not treated. Each group was allocated to a separate paddock and set stocked until 27 September when all the animals were slaughtered to perform worm counts.Moving the weaned lambs to clean pasture reduced the faecal egg counts to less than one third within 4 weeks while the treatment reduced it to zero for 4 weeks. Faecal egg counts of the dose and move groups remained significantly lower for 6 weeks (P<0.0001) after moving to the clean pasture. After this period the differences were not significant as the dose and move groups started shedding eggs in faeces. The pasture infectivity was lower in the paddocks grazed by groups (DM1+2). The weight gains and the serum albumin levels were comparable in all four groups. O. circumcinta and Trichostrongylus vitrinus were the major species recovered. The total worm counts were significantly lower in (DM1+2) compared to M1+2, particularly the mean counts in the small intestines (T. vitrinus) (P<0.01). It was concluded that weaning lambs at the beginning of July and moving them before the expected mid-summer rise in herbage infection to a clean pasture will prevent parasitic gastroenteritis and achieve good production whether the move is accompanied by anthelmintic treatment or not. The effects will be subject to prevailing nematode species, local climatic conditions and length of the grazing season.  相似文献   

Groups of Merino wethers treated with 2 doses of zeranol (6 mg and 12 mg), or testosterone cyclopentyl propionate (150 mg) and untreated controls were grazed at 2 sites, one an oestrogenic subterranean clover (Trifolium subterraneum) pasture and the other a low oestrogen medic (Medicago truncatula) pasture. The influence of oestrogenic subterranean clover on these treatments was assessed by measuring changes in teat length, bulbourethral gland weight and pathology, bodyweight, carcase weight, dressing percentage and greasy and clean fleece weights. Teat lengths were increased by all treatments except 6 mg of zeranol where increases were not significant, and although increased by exposure to oestrogenic pasture this effect were not additive. Bulbourethral gland weights were increased by both of the zeranol treatments and by oestrogenic pasture, and these effects appeared to be additive. Differences observed histologically indicated that testosterone protected whereas zeranol exacerbated the influence of oestrogen. The bodyweights of all treated groups were heavier than the controls, but carcase weights were not significantly different. However an effect was seen in the group given the 6 mg dose of zeranol on the low oestrogen site, where the dressing percentage was significantly lower than in the control and testosterone treated groups. Differences in greasy and clean fleece weights were not significant except that the washing yield of the testosterone-treated group was significantly lower at the low oestrogen site.  相似文献   

Groups of 10 three-and-a-half-month-old Suffolkcross lambs were infected daily, five times a week, for 12 weeks with either zero, 500, 1500, 3000 or 5000 larvae of Ostertagia circumcincta and grazed together on a series of 'clean' paddocks. All the lambs were moved at seven to 10 day intervals to a fresh paddock to prevent autoinfection and were killed after 14 weeks. Another group was killed at the outset as a control for carcase analysis. Mean O circumcincta populations were 34 (grazing control) and 1224, 473, 1092 and 4331 for the groups receiving 500, 1500, 3000 and 5000 larvae per day respectively. The percentage of fourth stage larvae increased with increasing larval intake. Extensive abomasal damage with mucosal hypertrophy and depletion of parietal cells occurred in the lambs receiving 3000 and 5000 O circumcincta larvae per day. Intakes of 1500 larvae per day and above depressed growth rate by 24 to 37 per cent, reduced the deposition of protein in the carcase by 34 to 52 per cent and lowered calcium/phosphorus deposition by 23 to 48 per cent. Plasma pepsinogen concentrations were consistently elevated in lambs receiving 3000 or 5000 larvae per day and may be a useful aid to recognising abomasal damage sufficient to affect productivity.  相似文献   

Angus x Hereford heifers (n = 50) were randomly assigned to bahiagrass pastures treated with biosolids varying in mineral content and evaluated for mineral status, with special attention to Cu. Biosolids and NH4NO3 were all applied at the rate of either 179 kg N/ha (X) or twice this (2X). Fertilizer was applied to .81-ha pastures for the following treatments: 1) Baltimore biosolids (1X = 179 kg N/ha); 2) Baltimore biosolids (2X = 358 kg N/ha); 3) Tampa biosolids (1X = 179 kg N/ha); 4) Tampa biosolids (2X = 358 kg N/ha); or 5) control NH4NO3 (1X = 179 kg N/ha) applied at two times. Pastures were divided into five blocks with each treatment represented once in each block. Copper loads varied from 8.8 to 42.2 kg/ha, and Mo loads varied from .27 to 1.11 kg/ha. Heifers (two per pasture) grazed their assigned pastures exclusively for 176 d. Liver biopsies were taken from all animals at d 1, 99, and 176, and blood samples on d 1, 50, 99, 135, and 176. Liver and plasma were analyzed for selected mineral contents, and blood was analyzed for hemoglobin and hematocrit. Experimental animals were generally low in mineral status when assigned to pastures and deficient in Se and P. By d 50, plasma Ca, Mg, Se, P, and Zn were adequate for all treatments. Plasma Cu declined (P < .03) for all treatments from d 50 to 176. Plasma Cu reflected depleted liver Cu storage, with the two Tampa and highest Baltimore treatment means lower in plasma Cu than the control at 176 d. Liver Fe concentrations were adequate for all treatments, and Mo concentrations (< 2.18 mg/kg) did not approach levels indicative of toxicity. Liver Cu declined (P < .05) with time for all treatments. By d 99, animals receiving the two Baltimore treatments and the lowest Tampa application rate had lower (P < .05) liver Cu than the control, and all treatments were lower at 176 d. The decline of animal Cu status (liver and plasma) reflects the low Cu status of bahiagrass and the possibility of high forage S (.30 to .47%) interfering with Cu metabolism. Forage Mo was low but was slightly higher in biosolids-treated pastures. High levels of biosolids applications to bahiagrass pastures were not detrimental to mineral status except Cu, which had a tendency to decline in plasma and for all biosolids treatments declined in liver.  相似文献   

Gastro-intestinal parasitism of creole cows and calves, Limousin x creole cross calves and Brahman x creole cross calves was recorded during seasons of calving in a native grazing system in Guadeloupe, a wet tropical area. Calvings were pooled during the dry season for two herds and during the rainy season for two other herds. For each calving season, calves of one herd were drenched monthly with anthelmintic. A marked periparturient rise in egg excretion was observed in cows. Coccidial infection was always present in calves, but no clinical signs were observed. The main parasites during the first 2 months of life were Strongyloides papillosus and Toxocara vitulorum. Then, Haemonchus placei, Trichostrongylus spp. and Cooperia spp. were the dominant species encountered. Brahman cross calves were the most heavily infested animals. There was no clear relationship between third stage larvae (L3) population size on pasture and worm burdens in calves, except during the second month of life. Despite medium levels of infestation, parasitism inhibited the growth of creole calves: -10.5 kg of bodyweight at weaning (-59 g day-1 of daily bodyweight gain from birth to weaning). The pathological effects of subclinical parasitism were confirmed by a lower packed cell volume and albuminaemia in parasitized calves than in treated calves.  相似文献   


Forty crossbreed hair lambs (19.1 kg body weight; 8 months of age) grazing on a Cynodon plestoctachyus pasture without supplementation or supplemented with 300 g of concentrate containing different levels of crude protein (CP) were randomly assigned to treatments defined as follows: control (without supplementation); CP130 (concentrate 130 g CP/kg), CP150 (concentrate 150 g/kg), CP170 (concentrate 170 g/kg), and CP190 (concentrate 190 g CP/kg). Lambs fed supplements had higher final body weight (BW), total gain, average daily gain (ADG), total dry matter intake (DMI), total tract digestion, and carcass dressing than lambs in control treatment. Final BW, total gain, ADG, total DMI, feed conversion, and total tract digestion were improved linearly as protein level in concentrate increased. Meat of lambs fed supplements was lighter, redder, and less yellow than meat of lambs in control treatment. It is concluded that supplementation improved ADG, feed conversion, carcass dressing, and meat color.  相似文献   

This study was undertaken to determine if breeding ewe lambs (hoggets) would influence subsequent two-year-old (two-tooth) ewe liveweight and reproductive performance and their lamb's performance to weaning. Two-tooth Romney ewes that had been bred and lambed as a hogget (n = 505) were compared with those of 196 ewes that were bred as a hogget but did not lamb and 235 ewes that were not presented for breeding as a hogget. Hogget lambing resulted in reduced (P < 0.05) two-tooth liveweight and body condition score at breeding although still present this liveweight difference was reduced by two-tooth lamb weaning. Two-tooth ewes that had previously lambed as a hogget had greater (P < 0.05) returns to service rates and lower (P < 0.05) fecundity (multiple-bearing/two-tooth bred) than those that were bred for the first time. Two-tooth lamb liveweights were unaffected by hogget lambing. These results show that hogget lambing had a small negative effect on subsequent two-tooth reproductive performance. This was most likely caused by reduced liveweight at two-tooth breeding and indicates that farmers need to ensure management practices are in place to reduce the impact of hogget lambing on two-tooth liveweight.  相似文献   

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