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新催化剂让二氧化碳变身低成本液态燃料美国加州理工学院和瑞士科学家携手研制出了一种太阳能反应器。该太阳能反应器采用了低成本的新型催化剂,可集中太阳的热量,通过热化学循环方法,将水和二氧化碳转变为氢气和一氧化碳,而大量的氢气和一氧化碳结合在一起可形成液态燃料,为汽车、手提电脑和全球定位  相似文献   

赖欣 《技术与市场》2010,(6):105-105
二氧化碳认为是造成温室效应的主要来源,常温下它是一种无色无味气体,溶于水生成碳酸。液态二氧化碳蒸发时吸收大量的热而凝成固体二氧化碳,俗称干冰。目前,有科学家研制了一种新型的、能捕捉二  相似文献   

指出了页岩气是一种清洁、高效的非常规天然气能源,已逐渐成为全球油气勘探开发的新热点,水力压裂技术是目前页岩气开发的核心技术之一,其开采过程需消耗大量的水资源,并产生大量的油基钻井废物及高含盐污水,如何有效做到油基钻井废物无害化处理与资源化利用,以及有效处理页岩气反排液处理是至关重要的问题。分析了页岩层的结构特点,列举了油基钻井废物无害化处理技术和压裂反排液处理技术,以期为页岩气开采及大范围应用提供参考。  相似文献   

<正>多功能水(气)发生器利用低温等离子技术,以空气中的氧、氮为原料,辅之以碳酸盐产生多种有利于农林作物生长的物质,如硝态氮、二氧化碳及活性氧、臭氧等,使水中氧含量大增。该仪器内装有两套电路,根据需要切换开关,可产生高浓度臭氧水或液态、硝态氮肥。经陕西、贵州、甘肃、山东等6省、市多点生产应用表明,在农林方面的作用主要有:(1)处理种子,能提高种子发芽率,出苗整齐,苗壮苗旺,抗逆性强,对有些植  相似文献   

在分析山西水资源现状基础上,提出了修订林业发展目标,选择耐干旱、低耗水树种、应用节水技术、合理确定林草种结构和植被恢复方式以实现水资源可持续利用和林业可持续发展。  相似文献   

液态地膜在榆林沙区造林中的应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在干旱半干旱地区制约林木成活和生长的关健因子是水分条件。为了进一步提高植树造林成活率,促进造林幼树的长势,增强抵抗自然灾害的能力,通过采取对比试验示范,分析探讨液态地膜在榆林沙区及公路护坡中的作用效果,利用液态地膜的保水保墒、增温增肥等功能,来改善植物立地条件,提高苗木造林成活率、保存率。提出适合榆林沙区不同树种、不同立地条件下,液态地膜的最佳处理方法、使用技术。结果显示,在榆林沙区可以大面积推广液态地膜。  相似文献   

葡萄营养配方经济施肥技术研究结果表明,在亩产鲜葡萄1500kg的情况下,增施1kg纯氮,增产15~20kg;增施1kg纯钾,增产18~22kg;增施1kg五氧化二磷,增产10~12kg。氮素肥料是决定产量的主要因素。增施磷、钾肥,果实中的vc含量可提高14.3~27.8%。施肥时,氮、磷、钾的配比以2:1:1效果最好。  相似文献   

增产菌是一种新型生物菌剂,具有提高作物产量,改进品质,抑制病害的作用,在多种作物上应用,均有增产效果。为了探索增产菌在西瓜上的应用技术及增产效果,我们开展本项试验。现将结果初报如下: 一、应用材料和方法  相似文献   

指出了水文水资源监测是一项专业性较强的工作,通过该项工作能够为水资源管理部门相关工作的开展提供依据。GPS技术以其自身诸多的优势,被广泛应用于多个领域。简要阐述了水文水资源监测的重要意义,分析了GPS技术的定位原理及其应用优势,论述了水文水资源监测中GPS技术的应用,以期能够对水文水资源监测效率及质量的提升有所帮助。  相似文献   

分析了中国水资源短缺的现状,探讨了虚拟水和水足迹理论,指出了该理论为水资源的研究提供了新的方向,详细地阐述了水足迹理论在中国的应用研究,为研究虚拟水和水足迹理论提供参考。  相似文献   

Nocturnal water flux has been observed in trees under a variety of environmental conditions and can be a significant contributor to diel canopy water flux. Elevated atmospheric CO(2) (elevated [CO(2)]) can have an important effect on day-time plant water fluxes, but it is not known whether it also affects nocturnal water fluxes. We examined the effects of elevated [CO(2)] on nocturnal water flux of field-grown Eucalyptus saligna trees using sap flux through the tree stem expressed on a sapwood area (J(s)) and leaf area (E(t)) basis. After 19 months growth under well-watered conditions, drought was imposed by withholding water for 5 months in the summer, ending with a rain event that restored soil moisture. Reductions in J(s) and E(t) were observed during the severe drought period in the dry treatment under elevated [CO(2)], but not during moderate- and post-drought periods. Elevated [CO(2)] affected night-time sap flux density which included the stem recharge period, called 'total night flux' (19:00 to 05:00, J(s,r)), but not during the post-recharge period, which primarily consisted of canopy transpiration (23:00 to 05:00, J(s,c)). Elevated [CO(2)] wet (EW) trees exhibited higher J(s,r) than ambient [CO(2)] wet trees (AW) indicating greater water flux in elevated [CO(2)] under well-watered conditions. However, under drought conditions, elevated [CO(2)] dry (ED) trees exhibited significantly lower J(s,r) than ambient [CO(2)] dry trees (AD), indicating less water flux during stem recharge under elevated [CO(2)]. J(s,c) did not differ between ambient and elevated [CO(2)]. Vapour pressure deficit (D) was clearly the major influence on night-time sap flux. D was positively correlated with J(s,r) and had its greatest impact on J(s,r) at high D in ambient [CO(2)]. Our results suggest that elevated [CO(2)] may reduce night-time water flux in E. saligna when soil water content is low and D is high. While elevated [CO(2)] affected J(s,r), it did not affect day-time water flux in wet soil, suggesting that the responses of J(s,r) to environmental factors cannot be directly inferred from day-time patterns. Changes in J(s,r) are likely to influence pre-dawn leaf water potential, and plant responses to water stress. Nocturnal fluxes are clearly important for predicting effects of climate change on forest physiology and hydrology.  相似文献   

重组竹制造工艺的研究   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
本文是作者在施胶量、热压温度和热压时间三个主要因子对重组竹性能影响的初步研究基础上又进一步探讨了施胶方式、竹纤维束水洗、胶种以及胶的浓度等因素对产品性能的作用。研究结果表明:竹纤维束水洗有较显著的作用;水溶性酚醛胶比醇溶性酚醛胶更适用于重组竹的制造,胶液浓度过稀不仅自身性能差,而且还会使重组竹性能降低;采用浸胶方法虽有利于胶液的均勻分布,但对IB未产生明显的作用。  相似文献   

We developed a new microelectrode technique for measuring CO2 concentration ([CO2]) in xylem sap of trees. This technique enabled us to make rapid and continuous measurements of xylem sap [CO2] in situ. In this report, we discuss the methodology and establish the feasibility of the technique. We also describe calibration procedures, temperature sensitivity, field use and other characteristics of the microelectrodes. An example of data collected in the field is provided. Microelectrode calibration was accomplished at constant temperature in air of known [CO2]. When sampling temperature differed from calibration temperature, correction was necessary. We developed an equation to correct for temperatures between 15 and 35 degrees C when calibration was conducted at 25 degrees C. Equations based on Henry's Law were used to convert measured gas phase [CO2] (%) to concentration of all products of CO2 dissolved in sap (mmol l(-1)). We inserted microelectrodes into stems of three tree species to measure diurnal changes in [CO2] in the xylem sap. A diurnal pattern with depression during the day and elevation at night was observed. Mean daily [CO2] ranged from 1.6 to 10.3 mmol l(-1). Microelectrodes were suitable for making diurnal measurements for up to 7 days without recalibration. We also used the microelectrodes to measure [CO2] of soil in situ. Soil [CO2] ranged from 1 to 4% (gas phase), with little diurnal variation.  相似文献   

刘婧丹 《林业科技情报》2021,53(1):104-105,107
随着科学技术的不断发展,我国的建筑工程正朝着智能化的方向发展。在智能建筑中对于电气自动化系统的设计与应用,不仅能够实现对设备的全过程管理与监控,同时还能进一步提高建筑工程的经济性和环保性,有助于建筑工程可持续发展目标的实现。在对智能建筑电气自动化系统进行概述的基础上,分析了智能建筑电气自动化系统的设计思路,进而就节能建筑中不同控制系统的设计应用展开了探讨,以供相关人士参考借鉴。  相似文献   

指出了CO2浓度与温室效应之间的关系,CO2捕集是有效的解决方案之一。常用的捕集方法有:溶剂吸收法、富氧燃烧法、空气捕集、膜分离法、变压吸附(PSA)法等。分析比较了各种捕集方法的优缺点:溶剂吸收法吸收剂易被分解且再生能耗高,对设备腐蚀大;富氧燃烧法在制备氧气时能耗高,只能去除可燃性杂质;从空气中捕集CO2,浓度较低空气洗涤器规格过大,焙烧CaCO2时能耗高;膜分离法对原料气的要求较高;变压吸附法需要2次加压,能耗高,运行成本大。提出了C02捕集技术的发展方向与建议。  相似文献   

We report field observations of oxygen isotope ((18)O) discrimination during nocturnal foliage respiration ((18)Delta(R)) in branch chambers in two forest ecosystems: a Sitka spruce (Picea sitchensis (Bong.) Carr.) plantation in Scotland; and a beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) forest in Germany. We used observations and modeling to examine the impact of nocturnal stomatal conductance on the (18)O/(16)O (delta(18)O) signatures of foliage gas exchange at night. We found that nocturnal stomatal conductance can influence the delta(18)O signature by affecting: (1) the bidirectional diffusion of CO(2) into and out of the leaf (with isotopic equilibration); and (2) the (18)O enrichment of the foliage water with which the CO(2) equilibrates. Both effects were manifest in high apparent (18)Delta(R) values and enriched delta(18)O signatures of foliage water at night. The effects were more pronounced for Sitka spruce because of its higher nocturnal stomatal conductance and higher specific leaf water content compared to beech. We found that taking the effects of nocturnal stomatal conductance into account may change the sign of the delta(18)O signature of nocturnal foliage respiration, generally thought to decrease the delta(18)O of atmospheric CO(2). We conclude that nocturnal stomatal exchange can have a profound effect on isotopic exchange depending on species and environmental conditions. These effects can be important when using delta(18)O signatures of canopy CO(2) to distinguish foliage and soil respiration, and when modeling the delta(18)O signature of CO(2) exchanged between ecosystems and the atmosphere.  相似文献   

生物吸水胶应用于育苗造林研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在人工控制条件下,研究了生物吸水胶对土壤含水量的影响,胶土水分交换动态,吸水胶×肥料对土壤水分和苗木生长的影响,并进行了多地点大田育苗,造林和农作物试验。基本搞清了吸水胶吸水保水性能的特点。吸水胶用于育苗,造林和农作物的技术要点是:(1)育苗以每个容器(1株苗)0.3~0.7克为宜。苗木生长量增加10.18%~12.65%。(2)用于造林应当在整地后,先施吸水胶,待下雨后栽植。用量1~4克/株。施肥作业应先施吸水胶,待下过雨,胶吸足水之后进行。  相似文献   

Forested wetlands and peatlands are important in boreal and terrestrial biogeochemical cycling, but most general-purpose forest process models are designed and parameterized for upland systems. We describe changes made to Biome-BGC, an ecophysiological process model, that improve its ability to simulate poorly drained forests. Model changes allowed for: (1) lateral water inflow from a surrounding watershed, and variable surface and subsurface drainage; (2) adverse effects of anoxic soil on decomposition and nutrient mineralization; (3) closure of leaf stomata in flooded soils; and (4) growth of nonvascular plants (i.e., bryophytes). Bryophytes were treated as ectohydric broadleaf evergreen plants with zero stomatal conductance, whose cuticular conductance to CO(2) was dependent on plant water content. Individual model changes were parameterized with published data, and ecosystem-level model performance was assessed by comparing simulated output to field data from the northern BOREAS site in Manitoba, Canada. The simulation of the poorly drained forest model exhibited reduced decomposition and vascular plant growth (-90%) compared with that of the well-drained forest model; the integrated bryophyte photosynthetic response accorded well with published data. Simulated net primary production, biomass and soil carbon accumulation broadly agreed with field measurements, although simulated net primary production was higher than observed data in well-drained stands. Simulated net primary production in the poorly drained forest was most sensitive to oxygen restriction on soil processes, and secondarily to stomatal closure in flooded conditions. The modified Biome-BGC remains unable to simulate true wetlands that are subject to prolonged flooding, because it does not track organic soil formation, water table changes, soil redox potential or anaerobic processes.  相似文献   

中国热带次生林生产潜力与经营模式研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在完成对中国热带地区次生林现状、经营情况的相关资料分析和重点地区的实地调查后认为:从目前次生林的生态效益来看,对比人工林,次生林在涵养水源、保持水土、维持地力等方面表现出较好的效益;与原始林比较,次生林在吸收CO2和释放O2和改良土壤的功能相对强,而固土效益和蓄水效益则较低。在经济效益方面,通过样地的调查分析,由于缺乏经营,次生林的木材生产能力相当低,单位面积平均蓄积量约仅78m^3/hm^2,为世界平均森林蓄积水平的68%左右。通过经营,中国次生林有较大的生态和经济潜力开发空间。由于中国经济仍然比较落后,特别是在农村,环境保护和生存问题都很突出。因此,要保护和发展次生林,只有选择生态和经济效益同时兼顾的经营模式,才能实现其可持续性。通过一年的调研,根据中国的经营传统和结合现实状况,归纳出目前在中国可以普遍推广的三个主要经营模式,即:社区综合经营模式、天然林的恢复与重建模式和经济物种套种经营模式。  相似文献   

Traits that promote rapid growth and seedling recruitment when water is plentiful may become a liability when seedlings encounter drought. We tested the hypothesis that CO2 enrichment reinforces any tradeoff between growth rate and drought tolerance by exaggerating interspecific differences in maximum relative growth rate (RGR) and survivorship of drought among seedlings of five woody legumes. We studied invasive species of grasslands that differ in distribution along a rainfall gradient. Survivorship of drought at ambient CO2 concentration ([CO2]) was negatively related to RGR in well-watered seedlings in one of two experiments, but the relationship was weak because interspecific differences in RGR were small. Contrary to our hypothesis, there was no significant relationship among well-watered seedlings between RGR at ambient [CO2] and either the relative or absolute increase in RGR at elevated [CO2]. As predicted, however, CO2 enrichment reinforced interspecific differences in survivorship of seedlings exposed to similar rates of soil water depletion. Doubling [CO2] improved seedling survivorship of the most drought-tolerant species throughout the period of soil water depletion, but did not consistently affect survivorship of more drought-sensitive species. Midday xylem pressure potentials of drought-treated seedlings were less negative at elevated [CO2] than at ambient [CO2], but no other measured trait was consistently correlated with improved survivorship at high [CO2]. Carbon dioxide enrichment may not reinforce species differences in RGR, but could exaggerate interspecific differences in drought tolerance. To the extent that seedling persistence in grasslands correlates with drought survivorship, our results indicate a positive effect of CO2 enrichment on recruitment of woody legumes that are currently tolerant of drought.  相似文献   

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