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This study examined the effect of ration level and time of delivery of a single daily meal on the growth performance of rainbow trout held under constant water temperature and a natural photoperiod. Two similar trials were conducted, the first from March to July, 1992, using ration levels of 0.5, 1.5 and 2.5% BW d–1 and the second from August 1992 to January 1993, using ration levels of 1.5, 2.0 and 2.5% BW d–1.In five of the six treatment groups (three ration levels × two seasons), when the daily meal was presented in the post-dawn period the growth rate was lower than in trout fed at either mid-light or pre-dusk. No time-of-feeding effect was found when trout were fed excess rations. Specific growth rate (SGR) was not affected by feeding time, but was correlated with ration level; furthermore, there was a significant increase in SGR during the first section of the first trial and a significant decrease in the SGR throughout the duration of the second trial.Ration level was significantly correlated with condition factor, carcass visceral adipose tissue content and skeletal muscle lipid content, but there was no effect of the timing of the daily meal on these variables.  相似文献   

The effect of high levels of ascorbic acid (AA) delivered through enriched live food has been verified through the successful culture of larval giant freshwater prawn, Macrobrachium rosenbergii. Two successive feeding trials were set up using a control (550 g AA g–1 DW) and two different AA-enrichment levels in Artemia (1300 and 2750 g AA g–1 DW). Under standard culture conditions, no differences in growth nor survival could be observed demonstrating that the nutritional requirements are below 550 g AA g–1 DW, which is the normal level occurring in freshly-hatched Artemia. However, a significantly positive effect could be demonstrated on the physiological condition of the postlarvae, measured by means of a salinity stress test, when vitamin C-boosted live food was administered. Since the AA levels in the predator larvae are linked with the enrichment levels in the live prey, it may be assumed that a positive influence on stress resistance was caused by feeding vitamin C-enriched Artemia. It is expected that under suboptimal conditions, supplementation of high vitamin C levels might also enhance production characteristics.  相似文献   

An 8-week feeding experiment was conducted to investigate the effects of different dietary macronutrient level and feeding frequency on the growth, feed utilization, and body composition of juvenile rockfish. Triplicate groups of fish (body weight of 4.1 g) were fed the experimental diets containing either high levels of carbohydrate (HC, 35%), lipid (HL, 13%), or protein (HP, 55%) at different feeding frequencies (twice daily, once daily, and once every 2 days). Weight gain was affected by feeding frequency but not by dietary composition. Weight gain of fish fed the diets once every 2 days was significantly (P < 0.05) lower than that of other groups. Daily feed intake and energy intake were affected by both dietary composition and feeding frequency. Daily feed intake of fish fed the HC diet was significantly (P < 0.05) higher than that of fish fed the HL and HP diets at the same feeding frequency. Feed efficiency and protein efficiency ratio were affected by both dietary composition and feeding frequency and decreased with increasing feeding frequency in the same dietary composition. Feed efficiency and protein efficiency ratio of fish fed the HC diet were significantly (P < 0.05) lower than those of fish fed the HL diet at the same feeding frequency. Whole-body lipid content of fish fed the HL diet was significantly (P < 0.05) higher than that of fish fed the HC and HP diets at the same feeding frequency. These results indicate that an increase of dietary lipid level compared with dietary carbohydrate level may have the advantage of a protein-sparing effect at same feeding frequency, and a once-daily feeding regime is more effective than twice daily or one feeding every 2 days to improve growth performance of juvenile rockfish grown from 4 to 21 g.  相似文献   

The effect of an abrupt change in the live diet of shrimp larvae was investigated by replacing Artemia with Moina micrura. The control treatment consisted of feeding Artemia throughout the rearing period (regime A), while in the other treatments the onset of Moina feeding was arbitrarily chosen at larval stages iv (A3M), vi (A5M), viii (A7M) and x (A9M). No significant differences ( = 0.05) were observed among the treatments during larval production, mean stage development (MSD) and growth of postlarvae. The mean (SD) yields of postlarvae (PL) were 11.97 (1.98), 15.10 (2.92), 14.72(1.56), 13.51 (1.74) and 12.70 (1.40) PL l–1 respectively for the feeding regimes A3M, A5M, A7M, A9M and A. Up to stage v, the ingestion rate in the Moina treatment was as low as 0.01–0.47 larva–1 h–1 compared with that in the Artemia treatment (0.29–1.77 larva–1 h–1). However, the ingestion of Moina increased from stage vi–vii onwards.  相似文献   

Performance of phyllosoma of thesouthern rock lobster (Jasus edwardsii)was examined after feeding Artemia-baseddiets. Survival and growth of newly-hatchedlarvae cultured to Stage III were lower(p < 0.05) when fed 0.8 mm Artemia than1.5 mm or 2.5 mm Artemia alone or 1.5 mmArtemia in combination with pieces ofmussel (Mytilus edulis planulatus) gonad.This could not be attributed to deficiencies inthe composition of fatty acids but appeared tobe due to the inability of larvae to capturesufficient appropriate-sized, enrichedArtemia for their nutritional requirements.There was an indication that survival andgrowth were higher between Stages III and Vwhen fed 2.5 mm Artemia than 1.5 mmArtemia alone or in combination with musselpieces. However, Stage VI larvae grew to asimilar size at Stage VIII when fed 1.5 mm or2.5 mm Artemia. Unexpectedly, larvae fedthe combination of 1.5 mm Artemia plusmussel supplement had lower survival than foundpreviously, and generally lower than when fed 1.5 mm Artemia alone. This was despitean apparent nutritional profile (lipid contentand fatty acid composition) of mussel more akinto that of newly-hatched phyllosoma thanenriched Artemia. On the other hand,survival and growth to Stage VIII were higherwhen larvae were fed alginate pelletscontaining Artemia than when fed 1.5 mmor 2.5 mm Artemia alone.  相似文献   

In order to assess the most suitable feeding schedule for pirarucu, Arapaima gigas, we placed groups of seven fish in 12 1-m3 cages and investigated various feeding variables in a 2 × 2 factorial design. The feeding variables analyzed were one feeding (OC) or two feedings (TW), feeding daily (1D) or every other day (2D), and their interactions: one feeding once per day (OC/1D), two feedings per day (TW/1D), one feeding every other day (OC/2D) and two feedings every other day (TW/2D). The experiment lasted for 45 days, and the fish were maintained on a commercial extruded diet. The results showed similar final weights between fish maintained on feedings OC and TW, but higher ones in fish fed 1D than 2D. Weight gain was higher when the fish were fed TW and 1D. Apparent feed conversion was not affected in fish fed OC or TW and 1D or 2D. Daily feed consumption was also higher for the feeding schedules of TW and 1D. The combination of feeding schedules produced higher final weights and weight gains for fish fed OC/1D and TW/1D. The apparent feed conversion value was higher only in fish fed TW/1D. Daily feed consumption values were significantly higher in fishes fed TW/1D. The lowest value was recorded for OC/2D.  相似文献   

嗜盐古菌存在于高盐水体中,是高盐环境微生物种群的重要组成部分。本研究利用从日晒盐场结晶池卤水中分离得到的3株红色嗜盐古菌,分别命名为Haloarcula sp.HG-1、Haloferax sp.KN-4和Halorubrum sp.IT-5。采用悉生实验系统,探讨不同盐度(30、100和150)条件下3株古菌能否作为卤虫(Artemia)的唯一饵料,并比较其作为饵料对卤虫存活、生长和抗鳗弧菌(Vibrio anguillarum)感染能力的影响。结果表明,在盐度30的悉生系统中,投喂3株古菌组卤虫存活率和体长均保持较高水平;鳗弧菌攻毒条件下,卤虫存活率有所下降,其中投喂Haloferax sp.KN-4菌株组卤虫抗鳗弧菌感染能力最强。正常和攻毒条件下,在盐度100和盐度150悉生系统中分别投喂3株古菌,卤虫均保持较高存活率和体长,其中投喂Haloarcula sp.HG-1菌株组卤虫具有最高存活率和最长体长,但攻毒组卤虫存活率和生长普遍优于未攻毒组,这可能与高盐条件下V.anguillarum毒力下降有关。本研究利用"卤虫-古菌"悉生实验系统,证实了3株嗜盐古菌均可作为卤虫的唯一饵料,为卤虫提供营养;利用"卤虫-古菌-致病菌"攻毒实验系统,证实3株嗜盐古菌均可以增强卤虫抗鳗弧菌感染能力。本研究结果为研究古菌在高盐环境食物链中的作用提供了基础数据。  相似文献   

选取同一种饵料设置4个饲喂频率水平(分别为1次/d、2次/d、4次/d、6次/d),采用静水连续充气养殖系统,在盐度为26.0~27.0、温度为26.8~24.5℃的条件下对黑鲷成鱼和鱼种进行为期40d的生长实验。结果表明:(1)摄食率不受饲喂频率的显著影响,饲喂频率影响黑鲷的生长是由饲料转化率的改变引起的。(2)黑鲷成鱼和鱼种的水分含量随饲喂频率的增高而增加,黑鲷成鱼脂肪含量随饲喂频率的增高而下降,黑鲷鱼种脂肪含量随饲喂频率的增高而增加。(3)在本试验条件下,适宜饲喂频率随着黑鲷鱼体重的增加而提高,黑鲷鱼种的适宜饲喂频率为2次/d,黑鲷成鱼的适宜饲喂频率为4次/d。  相似文献   

为研究改变投饲频率后晶体蛋氨酸吸收利用的效率,实验以凡纳滨对虾为研究对象,以高鱼粉组为正对照组,以低鱼粉且不添加蛋氨酸组为负对照组,添加晶体蛋氨酸(MET)组为实验组,配制3种等氮等脂的饲料。MET组日投饲频率分别为2(7:00和21:00)、4(7:00,12:00,18:00和21:00)和6次(7:00,9:30,12:00,15:00,18:00和21:00),正对照组和负对照组日投喂4次。将初重为(1.27±0.01)g的对虾随机分为3组,每组3个重复,每重复30尾虾,养殖5周,水温29~30℃。结果显示,日投喂6次的MET组增重率和正对照组相比差异不显著,全虾粗蛋白含量显著高于日投喂4次的,MET组总蛋白酶活性随投喂次数增加而增加,日投喂4次和6次的处理组与正对照组差异不显著。结果表明,投饲频率由4次增加至6次,晶体蛋氨酸组凡纳滨对虾的增重率、体蛋白的沉积和总蛋白酶的活性得到改善,增加投喂频率有利于提高游离氨基酸的利用效率。  相似文献   

The suitability of the harpacticoid copepodTisbe holothuriae as a diet for larval and juvenile Dover sole (Solea solea) was assessed by rearing groups of sole for 42 days under a range of dietary regimes. Larval sole, approximately 1 week old, were reared onTisbe, Artemia, or a mixedTisbe-Artemia diet for 13 days. No significant differences in length between sole larvae from any diet were found after this time, but larvae offeredArtemia alone showed a significantly higher frequency of malpigmentation than those offered the other diets. After metamorphosis (day 16), survivors of this experiment were reared for a further 29 days on various diets to give the following dietary sequences:Tisbe-fed larvae, fed onArtemia as juveniles (Tis.-Art.);Artemia-fed larvae, fed onArtemia as juveniles (Art.-Art.);Artemia-fed larvae, fed onTisbe as juveniles (Art.-Tis.) and mixed diet fed larvae, fed on a mixed diet as juveniles (AT-AT). At the end of this period AT-AT and Tis.-Art.-fed juveniles were significantly larger than those on the Art.-Art. dietary regime. Juveniles from the Tis.-Art. dietary regime consumed more prey items than the Art.-Art group. AT-AT juveniles consumed similar amounts of food to Art.-Art. juveniles but were significantly larger after 29 days culture. This was attributed to the presence ofTisbe in their diet. Overall, the best larval and juvenile diet appeared to be a mixed diet throughout the culture period.  相似文献   

A 10 week experiment was conducted to determine theeffects of feeding rate on growth, feed utilizationand body composition of the tropical bagrid catfish,Mystus nemurus. Catfish fingerlings with anaverage initial body weight of 12 g were fed apractical diet (36.2% protein, 16.5 kJ/g diet) atrates of 1, 2, 2.5, 3, 3.5, 4 or 5% of their bodyweight (BW) per day in two equal meals. Watertemperature was approximately 29 °C throughoutthe experiment. Percent weight gain increased almostlinearly with increasing feeding rates up to 2.5%BW/day beyond which no significant (P > 0.05)improvement in weight gain was observed. The specificgrowth rate of catfish fed rations of 1% BW/day was0.72%/day and this increased significantly to anaverage of 1.39%/day for catfish fed 2.5% BW/day andbeyond. Feed utilization did not differ significantly(P > 0.05) between fish fed 1.0 to 2.5%BW/day but decreased when rations were increased to3.0% BW/day and above. Feed efficiency ratio was0.79 for catfish fed 1.0% BW/day compared to a ratioof 0.27 for fish fed at 5% BW/day. Catfish fed 1.0%BW/day had the lowest condition factor, hepato- andviscerosomatic indices, but the highest carcass tobody weight ratio. These fish also had lowerproportions of whole body dry matter, lipid andprotein, carcass dry matter and lipid, and visceraldry matter and lipid than fish in other groups. Therewere no significant differences in either conditionindices or relative body composition of fish fedrations of 2.0 to 5.0% BW/day. Based on the growth,feed efficiency and body composition data obtained, afeeding rate of 2.5% BW per day is recommended forM. nemurus fingerlings raised at 29 °C.  相似文献   

Different liposome formulations, includingseveral combinations of membrane composition,type of vesicle (multilamellar and largeunilamellar vesicles), preparation method, andvehiculated nutrient, have been assayed asbioencapsulation products to enrich Artemia nauplii with nutrients for feeding fish larvae.The stability of the liposome preparationsunder conditions of use as enrichment producthas been tested using water soluble fluorescentmarkers as leakage indicators. The content ofthe fatty acids and lipid classesbioencapsulated in Artemia nauplii withliposomes has been analyzed by gas and thinlayer chromatography, respectively, andcompared with other enrichment products. Theeffect of the liposome enriched Artemianauplii used as food for fish larvae has beenevaluated in sea bass cultures. Liposomes withhigh content in polyunsaturated fatty acidsleak out more than 50% of their aqueous phasein less than 2 hours, unless they arestabilized with cholesterol and formed as largeunilamellar vesicles. Such vesicles hold70% of the encapsulated material for 8 hours.Liposome enriched nauplii in this study reflectthe influence of the enrichment products,however, they are far from the commercialemulsion (Super Selco) in terms ofdocosahexaenoic acid content, except for thenauplii enriched with liposomes made of purekrill phospholipid extract by the method ofdetergent solubilization. The liposome enrichednauplii show a higher amount of polar lipids incontrast to the feed enriched with emulsions.The larvae fed liposome enriched nauplii haveonly a slightly lower docosahexaenoic acidcontent than those fed emulsion enrichednauplii. The results obtained confirm thesuitable potential use of liposomes as foodsupplement in larviculture. Problems andadvantages are discussed.  相似文献   

Considering that the use of decapsulated Artemia cysts as direct food for juvenile crayfish could be an alternative to live nauplii, a 100-day experiment was carried out under controlled conditions to evaluate the effects of cysts, comparing with nauplii, as supplement to a dry diet for salmonids on the survival and growth of juvenile signal crayfish (Pacifastacus leniusculus) from the onset of exogenous feeding (stage 2). The reduction of feeding frequency was also tested. According to a bifactorial design, six treatments, differing in the supplement and feeding frequency, were tested: the dry diet supplemented with Artemia nauplii or decapsulated cysts was supplied once a day, once every two days and once every three days. Survival rates ranged from 56.7% to 81.7%, rising significantly with increasing the feeding frequency. The highest growth (12.94 mm carapace length and 593.08 mg weight) was reached by the crayfish that received the dry diet supplemented with cysts once a day, with significant differences from the rest of the treatments. Considering the supplement, the cysts supported significantly higher growth than the nauplii. Regarding the feeding frequency, growth was higher when the food was supplied once a day, showing significant differences from the other two frequencies (once every two days and once every three days). This study shows that decapsulated cysts are better dietary supplement than live nauplii. In crustacean culture, this is the first report of successful use of Artemia cysts from the onset of exogenous feeding.  相似文献   

An eight-week experiment was carried out to evaluate the effects of different protein sources (fish and haemoglobin meal, soybean meal and torula yeast), in practical diets, on growth, body composition and gut morphology of fingerling grey mullet (Mugil cephalus). Weight gain (%), SGR, FCR, N retention, PER, PGR, FDR and carcass composition of fish were not significantly affected by the dietary protein source. Fish fed the torula yeast based diet showed reduction in growth performance. Histological examinations performed on the alimentary tract of the fish showed a normal structural pattern in the experimental groups, as fundamental histological and histochemical aspects were similar if compared to the control group. The lower growth performance observed in fish fed a torula yeast based diet may be tentatively correlated with the presence of some detrimental morpho-functional aspects in the gut of these fish if compared to fish fed the other diets. Further studies are necessary to confirm this hypothesis.  相似文献   

The effects of different combinations of nutritional background, feeding regimes and dietary compositions on growth responses of the Atlantic cod have been examined. Alternating short periods (1–3 weeks) of food deprivation with unlimited provision of food depressed growth below that of controls, but cod that were fed on alternate weeks (1:1) were larger than those that were exposed to 2 or 3 week periods of deprivation and feeding (2:2 or 3:3). Thus, periods of food deprivation of short duration were insufficient to induce any marked compensatory growth response. When cod were deprived of food for longer periods a compensatory growth response was observed. On receiving excess food supplies following 8 weeks of food deprivation the fish grew more rapidly than the controls and had completely recovered body weight within 12 weeks. The greatest compensatory growth response was shown by cod in poor condition (lowest condition factor), because at the end of an 18 week growth trial there were no differences in body weight between fish irrespective of their initial condition. Both sexes displayed a compensatory growth response.  相似文献   

The effects of aquarium background colour and feed colour on survival, growth rates and feed utilization efficiency of thinlip mullet (Liza ramada) larvae (0.035 g) were investigated in two experiments. In the aquarium background colour trial, 50 larvae were stocked in duplicates in 120 L glass aquaria filled with dechlorinated tap water. The outside walls and bottoms of each pair of the aquaria were covered with coloured paper sheets to achieve one of six colours (white, black, red, green, yellow and blue), while noncoloured aquaria served as a control. The fish were fed an experimental diet (35% crude protein) at a daily rate of 5% of their body weight (BW), twice a day for 8 weeks. The best growth rates, feed efficiency and survival were achieved in larvae reared in light‐coloured aquaria (white, noncoloured and yellow). Fish performance was significantly retarded in larvae reared in dark‐coloured aquaria (red, green, black and blue). Body composition was not significantly affected by aquarium colour. In a feed colour trial, duplicate groups of larvae (0.035 g) were stocked at 50 fish per 120 L aquarium and fed a test diet (35% crude protein) with six different colours [dark blue, red, yellow, light brown (control), light green and dark brown] at a daily rate of 5% BW, twice a day for 8 weeks. The best performance and survival were achieved in fish fed on dark‐coloured diets (red, dark blue and dark brown). Light‐coloured diets (yellow, light green and light brown) resulted in inferior performance. Body composition was not significantly affected by feed colour. These results suggest that light‐coloured tanks should be used for rearing thinlip mullet, L. ramada larvae, while dark‐coloured diets are more preferable to light‐coloured diets.  相似文献   

研究不同投喂频率(1次/d,2次/d,3次/d,4次/d)对福瑞鲤(FFRC strain common carp)幼鱼摄食与生长的影响,试验周期为30 d。结果显示:当投喂频率从1次/d增加到4次/d时,福瑞鲤幼鱼的摄食率逐步提高,1次/d组的摄食率显著低于其他组(P0.05);体重增长率、体长增长率和特定生长率随投喂频率的增加均有不同程度提高,在4次/d时达到最高;饲料转化率逐步升高,1次/d组显著低于其他组(P0.05)。各试验组福瑞鲤幼鱼的个体体重/体长差异随着投喂频率的增加而先升后降,最终幼鱼的规格趋于一致。综合本试验结果,投喂频率对福瑞鲤幼鱼的摄食与生长存在显著影响,在4次/d的投喂频率下其摄食水平、生长性能、饲料转化效率及大小分化差异系数等均表现出较好状态。  相似文献   

Twoexperiments were conducted to determine the effects ofArtemia sp. or mysids on growth and survival ofS. officinalis hatchlings, and their effect throughout thelife cycle. For experiment I, for the first 20 days, one group was fed adultArtemia sp. and the other was fed mysid shrimp(Paramysis nouvelli). Eggs laid by females in both groupswere counted and weighed, and hatchlings were weighed, to determine differencesin both groups. For experiment II, during the first 10 days, one group was fedArtemia sp. and the other was fed mysids (P.nouveli). After the period of differentiated feeding, the 2 groupsinexperiment I were fed grass shrimp (Paleomonetes varians)to 70 days old, and dead crabs (Carcinus maenas)afterwards. Cuttlefish in experiment II were fed grass shrimp from day 10 untilthe end of the experiment. For both experiments, hatchlings fed mysids grewsignificantly bigger (p < 0.01) and survival was higher. For experiment I,eggs laid by females fed mysids and the hatchlings born from these eggs werebigger (p < 0.001) compared to the group fed Artemiasp.initially. Individual fecundity was slightly higher for females in the groupfedArtemia sp. (163 eggs female–1) than forthe group fed mysids (144 eggs female–1). Egg laying startedatthe age of 125 days and lasted 45 days in both groups. Time between first egglaying day and first hatchlings to be born was 21 days. The last female to die(after spawning) in both groups was 167 days (less than 6 months old).  相似文献   

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