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Seasonal changes in amino acids, protein and total nitrogen in needles of 30-year-old, fertilized Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) trees growing in Northern Sweden were investigated over two years in field experiments. The studied plots had been fertilized annually for 17 years with (i) a high level of N, (ii) a medium level of N, or (iii) a medium level of N, P and K. Trees growing on unfertilized plots served as controls. In control trees, glutamine, glutamic acid, gamma-aminobutyric acid, aspartic acid and proline represented 50-70% of the total free amino acids determined. Arginine was present only in low concentrations in control trees throughout the year, but it was usually the most abundant amino acid in fertilized trees. Glutamine concentrations were high during the spring and summer in both years of study, whereas proline concentrations were high in the spring but otherwise low throughout the year. In the first year of study, glutamic acid concentrations were high during the spring and summer, whereas gamma-aminobutyric acid was present in high concentrations during the winter months. This pattern was less pronounced in the second year of investigation. The concentrations of most amino acids, except glutamic acid, increased in response to fertilization. Nitrogen fertilization increased the foliar concentration of arginine from < 1 micromol g(dw) (-1) in control trees to a maximum of 110 micromol g(dw) (-1). Trees fertilized with nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium had significantly lower arginine concentrations than trees fertilized with the same amount of nitrogen only. Protein concentrations were similar in all fertilized trees but higher than those in control trees. For all treatments, protein concentrations were high in winter and at a minimum in early spring. In summer, the protein concentration remained almost constant except for a temporary decrease which coincided with the expansion of new shoots. Apart from arginine, the amino acid composition of proteins was similar in all treatments.  相似文献   

Naturally seeded Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) trees, age 25-30 years, were subjected to two soil-nitrogen-supply regimes and to elevated atmospheric CO(2) concentrations by the branch-in-bag method from April 15 to September 15 for two or three years. Gas exchange in detached shoots was measured in a diffuse radiation field. Seven parameters associated with photosynthetic performance and two describing stomatal conductance were determined to assess the effects of treatments on photosynthetic components. An elevated concentration of CO(2) did not lead to a significant downward regulation in maximum carboxylation rate (V(cmax)) or maximum electron transport rate (J(max)), but it significantly decreased light-saturated stomatal conductance (g(sat)) and increased minimum stomatal conductance (g(min)). Light-saturated rates of CO(2) assimilation were higher (24-31%) in shoots grown and measured at elevated CO(2) concentration than in shoots grown and measured at ambient CO(2) concentration, regardless of treatment time or nitrogen-supply regime. High soil-nitrogen supply significantly increased photosynthetic capacity, corresponding to significant increases in V(cmax) and J(max). However, the combined elevated CO(2) + high nitrogen-supply treatment did not enhance the photosynthetic response above that observed in the elevated CO(2) treatment alone.  相似文献   

A gradient survey was carried out in order to compare peroxidase activity in Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) needles in relation to distance from the industrial centre of Monchegorsk, on the Kola Peninsula in north-western Russia. Apoplastic and total peroxidase activity and sulphur (S), nickel (Ni) and copper (Cu) content in the needles of mature trees were measured on seven plots located between 10 and 110 km from the pollution source. Peroxidase activities in both current- and previous-year needles increased towards the smelters and showed a positive correlation with needle S, Cu and Ni concentrations. Total peroxidase activities showed a more obvious relationship to the pollution gradient in winter than in autumn. The element contents in the current year needles averaged 1649 ppm (S), 128 ppm (Ni) and 118 ppm (Cu) close to the smelters, 1212 ppm (S), 37 ppm (Ni) and 67 ppm (Cu) at a distance of 40 km and 831 ppm (S), 7 ppm (Ni) and 1 ppm (Cu) at the most distant sampling plot.This study showed that both the apoplastic and total peroxidase activities responded to heavy metal and sulphur pollution up to 40 km from the smelters in winter, which indicated an increased oxidative stress in this area. The harsh climate conditions and the high pollution levels may have had additive effects. However, as peroxidases are considered a general indicator of stress, it is not possible to evaluate the extent to which single pollutants contribute to this enzyme activity.  相似文献   

Short-term exposure to high concentrations of SO2 caused a temporary decrease in the photosynthetic rate, while both short-term and long-term exposure to low concentrations of SO2 increased photo-synthesis after the exposure. Low SO2 concentrations did not cause any change in peroxidase activity. Thus peroxidase activity does not seem a suitable method in monitoring latent injury caused by low SO2 concentrations.  相似文献   

Kolari KK  Sarjala T 《Tree physiology》1995,15(11):747-752
From March to October, acid phosphatase activity and phosphorus (P) concentration were measured in four needle age classes of the upper and lower crowns of fertilized and unfertilized Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) trees. Negative correlations between acid phosphatase activity and P concentration were observed in current-year needles and in needles in the upper part of the crown, whereas there was a positive correlation between enzyme activity and P concentration in older needles and in needles in the lower part of the crown. In May and October, needles of all ages showed increased acid phosphatase activity. The most sensitive response of acid phosphatase activity to phosphate supply and phosphorus status of the whole tree was seen in current-year needles on the first whorl where a 300% increase in acid phosphatase activity was observed in response to a decrease in foliar P concentration of 1.7-1.8 mg P g(DW) (-1).  相似文献   

We examined the effects of three foliar potassium concentrations (high, intermediate and low) on the morphology, ultrastructure and polyamine concentrations of current-year and 1- and 2-year-old needles of 30-year-old Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) trees. Foliar K concentration had only a slight effect on needle morphology. The sclerenchyma cell walls were thinner, the xylem area was larger, and the resin ducts were smaller in needles with a low K concentration than in needles with a high or intermediate K concentration. In addition, the bundle sheath cells were collapsed in needles having a low K concentration. The secondary growth of phloem tissue and the mesophyll area were greater in needles with a high or intermediate K concentration than in needles with a low K concentration, possibly indicating greater production of photoassimilates in these trees. At the ultrastructural level, mesophyll cells with enlarged central vacuoles and small vacuoles containing electron-dense material were common in needles having a low K concentration. Enlargement of the central vacuole coincided with an exponential increase in putrescine concentration in needles with a low K concentration, suggesting that the central vacuole may function as a storage site for putrescine.  相似文献   

We estimated carbon allocation to belowground processes in unfertilized and fertilized red pine (Pinus resinosa Ait.) plantations in northern Wisconsin to determine how soil fertility affects belowground allocation patterns. We used soil CO(2) efflux and litterfall measurements to estimate total belowground carbon allocation (root production and root respiration) by the carbon balance method, established root-free trenched plots to examine treatment effects on microbial respiration, estimated fine root production by sequential coring, and developed allometric equations to estimate coarse root production. Fine root production ranged from 150 to 284 g m(-2) year(-1) and was significantly lower for fertilized plots than for unfertilized plots. Coarse root production ranged from 60 to 90 g m(-2) year(-1) and was significantly lower for fertilized plots than for unfertilized plots. Annual soil CO(2) fluxes ranged from 331 to 541 g C m(-2) year(-1) and were significantly lower for fertilized plots than for unfertilized plots. Annual foliage litterfall ranged from 110 to 187 g C m(-2) year(-1) and was significantly greater for fertilized plots than for unfertilized plots. Total belowground carbon allocation ranged from 188 to 395 g C m(-2) year(-1) and was significantly lower for fertilized than for unfertilized plots. Annual soil CO(2) flux was lower for trenched plots than for untrenched plots but did not differ between fertilized and unfertilized trenched plots. Collectively, these independent estimates suggest that fertilization decreased the relative allocation of carbon belowground.  相似文献   

Stem respiration in 20-year-old Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) trees was examined following 5 years of exposure to ambient conditions (CON), elevated atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration ([CO2]) (ambient + 350 micromol mol(-1), (EC)), elevated temperature (ambient + 2-6 degrees C, (ET)) or a combination of elevated [CO2] and elevated temperature (ECT). Stem respiration varied seasonally regardless of the treatment and displayed a similar trend to temperature, with maximum rates occurring around Day 190 in summer and minimum rates in winter. Respiration normalized to 15 degrees C (R15) was higher in the growing season than in the non-growing season, whereas the temperature coefficient (Q10) was lower in the growing season. Annually averaged R15 was 0.36, 0.43, 0.40 and 0.44 micromol m(-2) s(-1) under CON, EC, ET and ECT conditions, respectively, whereas the corresponding values for total stem respiration were 6.55, 7.69, 7.50 and 7.90 mol m(-2) year(-1). The EC, ET and ECT treatments increased R15 by 18, 11 and 22%, respectively, relative to CON, and increased the modeled annual total stem respiration by 18, 15 and 21%. The increase in modeled annual stem respiration under EC and ECT conditions was caused mainly by higher maintenance respiration (22 and 25%, respectively, whereas the increase in growth respiration was 9 and 12%). Growth respiration was unaltered by ET. The treatments did not significantly affect the respiratory response to stem temperature; the mean Q10 value was 2.04, 2.10, 1.99 and 2.12 in the CON, EC, ET and ECT treatments, respectively. It is suggested that the increase in stem respiration was partly a result of the increased growth rate. We conclude that elevated [CO2] increased the maintenance component of respiration more than the growth component.  相似文献   

For two Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) ecosystems in S Germany with different atmospheric N deposition (Pfaffenwinkel, intermediate N deposition; Pustert, large N deposition), the supply with phosphorus (P) has been monitored for unfertilized and fertilized plots over more than four decades by foliar analysis (1964–2007). Additionally, topsoil concentrations and stocks of total P and plant-available P (citric-acid-extractable phosphate) were quantified in 10-year intervals (1982/1984, 1994, 2004). At both sites, fertilization experiments, including the variants control, NPKMgCa + lime, PKMgCa + lime + introduction of lupine, corresponding to an addition of 75 and 90 kg ha−1 P in Pustert and Pfaffenwinkel, respectively had been established in 1964. Our study revealed different trends of the P nutritional status for the pines at the two sites during the recent four decades: At Pustert, elevated atmospheric N deposition together with small topsoil P pools resulted in significant deterioration of Scots pine P nutrition and in an increasingly unbalanced N/P nutrition. At Pfaffenwinkel a trend of improved P nutrition from 1964 to 1991 was replaced by an opposite trend in the most recent 15 years. For our study sites, which are characterized by acidic soils with thick O layers, the forest floor stock of citric-acid-extractable phosphate showed a strong and significant correlation with the P concentration in current-year pine foliage, and thus was an appropriate variable to predict the P nutritional status of the stands. Total P stocks as well as the concentrations of total P in the forest floor or in the mineral topsoil were poorly correlated with pine foliar P concentrations and thus inappropriate predictors of P nutrition. P fertilization in the 1960s sustainably improved the P nutritional status of the stands. At Pfaffenwinkel, foliar P concentrations and topsoil stocks of citric-acid-extractable phosphate were increased at the fertilized plots relative to the control plots even 40 years after fertilization; at Pustert, foliar P concentrations were increased for about 20 years.  相似文献   

Single Scots pines (Pinus sylvestris L.), aged 20–25 years, were grown in open-top chambers and exposed to elevated temperature (Elev. T), elevated CO2 (Elev. C) and a combination of elevated CO2 and temperature (Elev. C + T) for 4 years. The vertical distribution of needle nitrogen concentration was measured simultaneously with gas exchange of attached shoots. Based on the measurements, the dependencies on needle nitrogen concentrations of four photosynthetic parameters, i.e., RuP2 (ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate)-saturated rate of carboxylation (Vcmax), maximum potential electron transport (Jmax), the rate of respiration in the light (Rd) and light-use-efficiency factor (δ), were determined. Using a crown multilayer model, the performance of daily crown photosynthesis in Scots pine was predicted. Compared to the control treatment, the mean concentration of nitrogen in the foliage decreased by 20% and by 17% for trees grown under Elev. C and under Elev. C + T, respectively, but increased by 4% for trees grown under Elev. T. However, the total content of foliage nitrogen per unit ground area increased by 25% for trees grown under Elev. C, by 19% for trees grown under Elev. C + T and by 6% for trees grown under Elev. T; these were due to the increase in the total needle area index. Regressions showed that the foliage grown under Elev. C and Elev. C + T had steeper slopes representing the responses of Vcmax, Rd and δ to leaf nitrogen concentrations, while Elev. C + T and Elev. T had steeper slopes representing the response of Jmax to needle nitrogen concentrations. Predictions showed that, on a typical sunny day, the daily total of crown photosynthesis increased 22% and 27%, separately for Elev. C and Elev. C + T, and by only 9% for Elev. T alone. Furthermore, the increased daily crown photosynthesis, resulting from treatments involving elevated CO2, can be attributed mainly to an increase in the ambient CO2 concentration and the needle area index, while modification of the intrinsic photosynthetic capacity had only a marginal effect. Based on the current pattern of crown nitrogen allocation, the prediction showed also that the relationship between daily crown photosynthesis and crown nitrogen content was strongly dependent on the daily incident PAR and air temperature. The CO2-elevated treatments led to an increase in the sensitivity of daily crown photosynthesis to changes in crown nitrogen content, daily incident PAR and temperature, while the temperature-elevated treatment had the opposite effect on the sensitivity.  相似文献   

The response of free polyamines (putrescine, spermidine and spermine) in needles of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) to varying needle potassium concentrations was investigated in two potassium fertilization experiments on drained peatlands. A significant negative correlation was observed between putrescine and potassium concentrations in needles. Putrescine responded more sensitively to decreasing needle K concentrations during the growing season than during the winter. Putrescine accumulation started when needle potassium concentrations were above 5.5 mg g(dw) (-1) in summer and above 5.0 mg g(dw) (-1) in winter. A decrease in needle potassium concentrations below 4.3 mg g(dw) (-1) in summer and below 3.5 mg g(dw) (-1) in winter resulted in an exponential increase in putrescine concentrations. Putrescine accumulation was initiated well above the needle potassium concentrations generally considered indicative of deficiency. The exponential increase in putrescine concentrations in winter occurred within the range of needle potassium concentrations that has been identified as indicating severe potassium deficiency.  相似文献   

Stumps are the largest coarse woody debris component in managed forests, but their role in nutrient cycling is poorly understood. We studied carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) dynamics in Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris), Norway spruce (Picea abies), and silver birch (Betula pendula) stumps, which had decomposed for 0, 5, 10, 20, 30 and 40 years after clear-cutting in southern Finland. Carbon and N were released significantly faster from birch stumps than from conifer stumps. In 40 years, conifer stumps lost 78% and birch stumps 90% of their initial C. In contrast, the amount of N in stumps increased, indicating that external N accumulated in the stumps. After 40 years of decomposition, the amount of N was 1.7 and 2.7 times higher than the initial amount in pine and spruce stumps, respectively. Nitrogen was released from birch stumps, but only after they had decomposed for 20 or more years. On average, 59% of N stored in birch stumps was released during 40 years. The results indicate that the stumps of the major tree species in Fennoscandian forests are long-term C and, especially, N pools which serve as N sinks, thus potentially diminishing N leaching into ground water and watercourses after harvesting. This suggests that the removal of stumps for bioenergy production may markedly affect the nutrient status and nutrient cycling of boreal forests.  相似文献   

Effects of needle water potential (Psi(l)) on gas exchange of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) grown for 4 years in open-top chambers with elevated temperature (ET), elevated CO(2) (EC) or a combination of elevated temperature and CO(2) (EC + ET) were examined at a high photon flux density (PPFD), saturated leaf to air water vapor pressure deficit (VPD) and optimal temperature (T). We used the Farquhar model of photosynthesis to estimate the separate effects of Psi(l) and the treatments on maximum carboxylation efficiency (V(c,max)), ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate regeneration capacity (J), rate of respiration in the light (R(d)), intercellular partial pressure of CO(2) (C(i)) and stomatal conductance (G(s)). Depression of CO(2) assimilation rate at low Psi(l) was the result of both stomatal and non-stomatal limitations on photosynthetic processes; however, stomatal limitations dominated during short-term water stress (Psi(l) < -1.2 MPa), whereas non-stomatal limitations dominated during severe water stress. Among the nonstomatal components, the decrease in J contributed more to the decline in photosynthesis than the decrease in V(c,max). Long-term elevation of CO(2) and temperature led to differences in the maximum values of the parameters, the threshold values of Psi(l) and the sensitivity of the parameters to decreasing Psi(l). The CO(2) treatment decreased the maximum values of V(c,max), J and R(d) but significantly increased the sensitivity of V(c,max), J and R(d) to decreasing Psi(l) (P < 0.05). The effects of the ET and EC + ET treatments on V(c,max), J and R(d) were opposite to the effects of the EC treatment on these parameters. The values of G(s), which were measured simultaneously with maximum net rate of assimilation (A(max)), declined in a curvilinear fashion as Psi(l) decreased. Both the EC + ET and ET treatments significantly decreased the sensitivity of G(s) to decreasing Psi(l). We conclude that, in the future, acclimation to increased atmospheric CO(2) and temperature could increase the tolerance of Scots pine to water stress.  相似文献   

Five-year-old Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) seedlings were grown in open-top chambers at ambient and elevated (ambient + 400 &mgr;mol mol(-1)) CO(2) concentrations. Net photosynthesis (A), specific leaf area (SLA) and concentrations of nitrogen (N), carbon (C), soluble sugars, starch and chlorophyll were measured in current-year and 1-year-old needles during the second year of CO(2) enrichment. The elevated CO(2) treatment stimulated photosynthetic rates when measured at the growth CO(2) concentration, but decreased photosynthetic capacity compared with the ambient CO(2) treatment. Acclimation to elevated CO(2) involved decreases in carboxylation efficiency and RuBP regeneration capacity. Compared with the ambient CO(2) treatment, elevated CO(2) reduced light-saturated photosynthesis (when measured at 350 &mgr;mol mol(-1) in both treatments) by 18 and 23% (averaged over the growing season) in current-year and 1-year-old needles, respectively. We observed significant interactive effects of CO(2) treatment, needle age and time during the growing season on photosynthesis. Large seasonal variations in photosynthetic parameters were attributed to changes in needle chemistry, needle structure and feedbacks governed by whole-plant growth dynamics. Down-regulation of photosynthesis was probably a result of reduced N concentration on an area basis, although a downward shift in the relationship between photosynthetic parameters and N was also observed.  相似文献   

Liu S  Teskey RO 《Tree physiology》1995,15(6):351-359
Branches of field-grown mature loblolly pine (Pinus taeda L.) trees were exposed for 2 years (1992 and 1993) to ambient or elevated CO(2) concentrations (ambient + 165 micro mol mol(-1) or ambient + 330 micro mol mol(-1) CO(2)). Exposure to elevated CO(2) concentrations enhanced rates of net photosynthesis (P(n)) by 53-111% compared to P(n) of foliage exposed to ambient CO(2). At the same CO(2) measurement concentration, the ratio of intercellular to atmospheric CO(2) concentration (C(i)/C(a)) and stomatal conductance to water vapor did not differ among foliage grown in an ambient or enriched CO(2) concentration. Analysis of the relationship between P(n) and C(i) indicated no significant change in carboxylation efficiency of ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase during growth in elevated CO(2) concentrations. Based on estimates derived from P(n)/C(i) curves, there were no apparent treatment differences in dark respiration, CO(2) compensation point or P(n) at the mean C(i). In 1992, foliage in the three CO(2) treatments yielded similar estimates of CO(2)-saturated P(n) (P(max)), whereas in 1993, estimates of P(max) were higher for branches grown in elevated CO(2) than in ambient CO(2). We conclude that field-grown loblolly pine trees do not exhibit downward acclimation of leaf-level photosynthesis in their long-term response to elevated CO(2) concentrations.  相似文献   

We examined effects of a first nitrogen (N) fertilizer application on upper-canopy needle morphology and gas exchange in approximately 20-m-tall loblolly pine (Pinus taeda L.) exposed to elevated carbon dioxide concentration ([CO(2)]) for 9 years. Duke Forest free-air CO(2) enrichment (FACE) plots were split and half of each ring fertilized with 112 kg ha(-1) elemental N applied in two applications in March and April 2005. Measurements of needle length (L), mass per unit area (LMA), N concentration (N(l)) on a mass and an area basis, light-saturated net photosynthesis per unit leaf area (A(a)) and per unit mass (A(m)), and leaf conductance (g(L)) began after the second fertilizer application in existing 1-year-old foliage (F(O)) and later in developing current-year first-flush (F(C1)) and current-year second-flush (F(C2)) foliage. Elevated [CO(2)] increased A(a) by 43 and 52% in F(O) and F(C1) foliage, respectively, but generally had no significant effect on any other parameter. Fertilization had little or no significant effect on L, LMA, A or g(L) in F(O) foliage; although N(l) was significantly higher in fertilized trees by midsummer. In contrast, fertilization resulted in large increases in L, N(l), and A in F(C1) and F(C2) foliage, increasing A(a) by about 20%. These results suggest that, although both needle age classes accumulate N following fertilization, they use it differently-current-year foliage incorporates N into photosynthetic machinery, whereas 1-year-old foliage serves as an N store. There were no significant interaction effects of elevated [CO(2)] and fertilization on A. Elevated [CO(2)] increased the intercept of the A:N(l) relationship but did not significantly affect the slope of the relationship in either foliage age class.  相似文献   

In foliage of Pinus sylvestris, Populus euramericana, and Picea abies the fatty acid composition was analyzed. Whereas clonal material of pine and poplar in controlled ozone fumigations did not show any significant differences as compared to controls, such differences were obtained in fieldgrown spruces showing needle loss.  相似文献   

We examined the effect of supplemental UV-B radiation (290-320 nm) on photosynthetic characteristics of different aged needles of 3-year-old, field-grown loblolly pine (Pinus taeda L.). Needles in four age classes were examined: I, most recently fully expanded, year 3; II, first flush, year 3; III, final flush, year 2; and IV, oldest needles still present, year 2. Enhanced UV-B radiation caused a statistically significant decrease (6%) in the ratio of variable to maximum fluorescence (F(v)/F(m)) following dark adaptation only in needles from the youngest age class, suggesting transient damage to photosynthesis. However, no effects of enhanced UV-B radiation on other instantaneous measures of photosynthesis, including maximum photosynthesis, apparent quantum yield and dark respiration, were seen for needles of any age. Foliar nitrogen concentration was unaffected by UV-B treatment. However, the (13)C/(12)C carbon isotope ratios (delta(13)C-a time integrated measure of photosynthetic function) of needles in age classes II and IV were 3% (P < 0.01) and 2% (P < 0.05) more negative, respectively, in treated plants than in control plants. Exposure to enhanced UV-B radiation caused a 20% decrease in total biomass and a 4% (P < 0.05), 25% (P < 0.01), and 9% (P < 0.01) decrease in needle length of needles in age classes I, II, and IV, respectively. The observed decreases in delta(13)C, and F(v)/F(m) of the needles in the youngest needle age class suggest subtle damage to photosynthesis, although overall growth reductions were probably a result of decreased total leaf surface rather than decreased photosynthetic capacity. Needles of age class IV had lower light- and CO(2)-saturated maximum photosynthetic rates (39%), lower dark respiration (34%), lower light saturation points (37%), lower foliar nitrogen concentration (28%), and lower delta(13)C (14%) values than needles of age class I. Apparent quantum yield and F(v)/F(m) did not change with needle age. The observed changes in photosynthesis and foliage chemical composition with needle age are consistent with previous studies of coniferous trees and may represent adaptations of older needles to shaded conditions within the canopy.  相似文献   

Dobrowolska  Dorota 《Forestry》2006,79(5):503-513
The main task of the study was to find out if spontaneous oakregeneration can play an important role in conversion processesof mixed Scots pine stands to native broadleaved forests. Thepaper examines the amount and structure of oak natural regenerationunder different gap sizes and defines the optimal gap size forinitiation, growth and development of oak regeneration. Theinvestigation was conducted in managed forests in the GarwolinForest District in the central part of Poland. All gaps, definedas openings in the canopy  相似文献   

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