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名特优稀水果——会理青皮软籽石榴 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
青皮软籽石榴是会理县特优珍稀品种,1995年在第二届全国农业博览会上获得金奖,被专家们称为国内第一流的石榴品种。为了进一步了解这一特优石榴品种的栽培、气候、土壤和发展情况,1985年8月和1997年1月,笔者两次赴会理县并对该县的果元、红旗、鹿厂、通安、黎溪、关河和木古等乡(镇)进行了实地考察,现将结果介绍:1会理县青皮软籽石榴产区的自然条件概况会理县地处四川省西南部,凉山州的最南端,东连会东、西邻攀枝花,北接德昌,南傍金沙江与云南的禄劝、武定和元谋等县隔江相望。地理坐标于北纬26°5’~27°… 相似文献
为了探讨结缕草在盐碱地上的种子直播建坪应用,通过施用石膏改良盐碱土并增加播种量进行了结缕草草坪建植试验研究,结果表明:土壤石膏改良后草坪的出苗数(8058.5株/m2)、密度(7511.2株/m2)、高度(46.2mm)及盖度(92%)均显著地高于对照,分别是对照的1.6、1.7、1.6及1.4倍;改良后增加播种量(33%)的草坪的出苗数(8058.5株/m2)和密度(7511.2株/m2)显著地提高,成坪时间提前至少7天。 相似文献
Grain yield, and dry matter and nitrogen accumulation and remobilization in durum wheat as affected by variety and seeding rate 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
The influence of crop density on the remobilization of dry matter and nitrogen from vegetative plant parts to the developing grain, was investigated in the durum wheat (Triticum durum Desf.) varieties Creso, Simeto and Svevo cultivated in the field at three seeding rates, 200, 250 and 400 seeds m−2. Variety × seeding rate interaction was unsignificant for all recorded characters. Grain yield declined in the order Svevo > Simeto > Creso. Yield differences mainly depended on the different number of kernels per unit land and, secondly, on mean kernel weight. Spike components differed among varieties: Svevo and Simeto showed more kernels per spikelet and Creso more spikelets per spike. Grain yield was highest with 400 seeds m−2 primarily due to the higher number of spikes per unit area, and secondly, to the higher mean kernel weight. Post-heading dry matter accumulation was highest in Svevo and lowest in Creso, but varieties showed a reverse order for dry matter remobilization and contribution of dry matter remobilization to grain yield. The increase of seeding rate increased both the post-heading dry matter accumulation and the dry matter remobilization from vegetative plant parts to grain. Nitrogen uptake of the whole crop and N content of grain was higher in Simeto and Svevo than in Creso. The N concentration of grain did not vary among varieties, but Svevo showed a markedly lower N concentration and N content of culms at maturity, which may be consequence of the high N remobilization efficiency performed by this variety. The N uptake by the crop was highest with 400 seeds m−2, but the N concentration of culms, leaves and even grain was slightly lower than with the lower seed rates. The post-heading N accumulation was by far higher in Simeto and Svevo than in Creso, whereas remobilization was highest in Svevo and lowest in Simeto. The percentage contribution of N remobilization to grain N was by far higher in Creso than in the other two varieties. Post-heading N accumulation and N remobilization were highest with the highest plant density, but the contribution of N remobilization to N grain content did not differ between seeding rates. 相似文献
培养基及植物激素对烟草原生质体再生植株的影响 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
本文研究了不同基本培养基、培养方法及培养基中不同激素浓度配比对烟草叶肉细胞细胞原生质体再生植株的影响.结果表明,利用MS基本培养基进行琼脂糖固体平板培养,对烟草叶肉原生质体的发育速度、分裂频率及愈伤组织形成效果最佳;培养基(1/2 MS NAA 0.5 mg/L 2,4-D 1.0mg/L 6-BA0.5 mg/L 1.2%LMA) (1/2MS 2,4-D2.5mg/L KT0.5mg/L)的培养效果最好,再生细胞团的数目及愈伤组织最多;用1/2 MS IAA 2.0 mg/L KT 0.5 mg/L和1/2 MS IAA0.5 mg/L KT 2 mg/L两种培养基对愈伤组织诱导分化时出芽率高;在再生芽诱导生根时直接用不含任何激素的MS基本培养基效果最理想. 相似文献
Component analysis of duration from seeding to heading in rice by the basic vegetative phase and the photoperiod-sensitive phase 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
Summary Inheritance of the duration from seeding to heading in rice was analyzed by dividing the vegetative growth period into the basic vegetative phase (b.v.p.) and the photoperiod-sensitive phase (p.s.p.). Concurrent determination of the two physiologic phases on pure lines and hybrids was facilitated by testing vegetative tillers of the same plant under two photoperiods.In nine crosses of photoperiod-sensitive by insensitive arieties where the parents differed appreciably in b.v.p. estimates obtained under a 10-hour photoperiod, two to three Ef genes of relatively discrete effect controlled the F2 variation in b.v.p. Short b.v.p. was controlled by dominant genes of cumulative but unequal effect. In three other sensitive × insensitive crosses where the parents differed less in b.v.p., the F2 segregation could be ascribed to two to four pairs of metrical alleles with equal or unequal effect.Concurrent data obtained from sensitive × insensitive crosses grown under a 16-hour photoperiod indicate the action of one or two (duplicate) dominant Se genes in controlling strong sensitivity to a long photoperiod. One insensitive variety appeared to carry a recessive inhibitor, i-Se. The Se gene(s) is epistatic to the Ef genes in the expression of earliness under a short photoperiod. Pooled data also suggest an association between photoperiod sensitivity and a short b.v.p. in a large proportion of F2 plants.Field data on the two principal components of the vegetative growth period obtained under natural daylength generally indicated agreement with duplicate plantings grown under controlled photoperiods. Segregation for the optimum photoperiod and critical photoperiod under a changing photoperiod in the field plantings probably resulted in modified expression of the Se and Ef genes.Research supported in part by grant GB-2417 from the U.S. National Science Foundation. 相似文献
组培绿苗成活率及成活质量问题涉及驯化基质与环境条件。本文重点对此方面研究进展作了分析及介绍,以期为植物组培技术的产业化应用创造条件。 相似文献
Summary Studies were made on the effect of the size of a seeding population on the performance of progeny of the winter cabbage variety Cambridge Drumhead. Clones were produced from 80 selected plants and separate seed lots were derived by seeding the genotypes in one group of 80, two groups of 40, four groups of 20, eight groups of 10 and sixteen groups of 5. When comparing records of head weight and quality of the various progenies, the effect of the size of the seeding group was separated from the effect of the different genotypes in the groups.Mean performance was best in the progeny of the 40-plant groups and variability was greatest in either those of the 80- or in the 40-plant groups, both factors declining with reduction in size of the seeding group. In spite of the phenotypic similarity of the original selected parents, there was clear evidence that superior (and inferior) genotypes or combinations of genotypes existed for weight and grade of head. As the size of the seeding group was progressively reduced, these genotypes could be traced by their influence on the performance of the particular group in which, by chance, they had been included. 相似文献
《Soil Technology》1991,4(3):221-231
The electrical conductivity (EC) and sodium adsorption ratio (SAR) of irrigation water significantly affect water transmission properties of soil. Commercially produced polymers which are soluble in water may potentially mitigate the negative consequences of water quality on infiltration rate. Waters were synthesized to have combinations of EC equal to 0.5, 2.0 and 5.0 dS m−1 and SAR of 5, 15 and 25. These waters were applied through a laboratory scale rainfall simulator to 12 × 20 cm trays containing soil. Untreated and treated waters with 10 mg L−1 concentration of a cationic polysaccharide were used in the study. Untreated waters were applied to uncovered soil or to soil covered with fiberglass sheets 0.5 cm above the soil to disrupt the impact energy. The polymer treated waters were only applied to uncovered soil. The steady state infiltration rates were significantly affected by SAR and EC with the trend toward increasing infiltration rate with increasing EC and/or decreasing SAR under all conditions. Impact energy greatly reduced the infiltration rate as compared to no impact energy. The polymer treatment significantly increases the infiltration rate for each water. The relative beneficial effects of polymer tended to be greater with increasing EC and/or decreasing SAR. The clay in runoff and leachate had several significant interactions between waters and treatments. Treatments that tended to produce more fine particulates leading to crust formation and reduced infiltration rate tended to have less clay in the runoff and leachate. Apparently crust formation partially inhibits clay migration. 相似文献