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The objective of this field questionnaire survey was to describe the productivity and socio-economic profile of dairy cattle farmers in northern Vietnam considering regional differences in rural smallholder farming communities which have been targeted by a governmental dairy development policy. Using two-stage cluster sampling, a total of 99 dairy farming households (11 per commune) were recruited from 9 of 32 communes in Ba Vi District, Ha Tay Province, northern Vietnam. The results from this study indicate that there were regional differences in relation to basic management practices such as effective utilisation of agricultural by-products for feeding and hygiene practices. These can be explained by variation amongst the regions with respect to environmental factors affecting agricultural activities such as constraints on land use and access to water resources. There were also regional differences in the use of governmental support such as agricultural extension services and financial institutions. These can be attributed to proximity of the communities to each of the extension institutions as well as the phased and community-specific approach to the provision of governmental financial support for dairy development.  相似文献   

In this paper, three approaches (Markov processes, discrete-event simulation, and differential equations) to modeling intramammary infections (IMI; focusing on the dynamic changes between uninfected, subclinical, and clinical udder-health states) are described. The objectives were to describe the various approaches to modeling intramammary infections, determine if simulations of the examples of the three approaches yield stable prevalences, and discuss the approaches' limitations. The literature review showed that there is no agreement on the proportion of animals that change health states. The approach of discrete-event simulation modeling included the most cow-level risk factors and udder-health states (hence, was judged to replicated best the dynamics of the infection process) and yielded stable prevalences for all udder-health states. However, there remain parts of the dynamics that need further research. These include the pathogen-specific probabilities and times of occurrence for: regression of clinical IMI to subclinical IMI, flare-up of subclinical IMI to clinical IMI, and incidence of subclinical IMI. Also, the assumption in all current approaches of homogenous mixing is violated because the primary contact structure for contagious pathogens during milking is either between cows through residual infectious milk in the milking machine or within a cow by vacuum fluctuations or teat-cup liner slips. Better contact structures should be incorporated so that the effects of control strategies can be better-estimated. Moreover, the three modeling approaches discussed assumed that all non-infected quarters are susceptible to infection—which might be denied by work in genetic resistance.  相似文献   

The prevalence and intensity of infection with abomasal nematodiasis was studied in dairy cattle of Hokkaido, northern Japan, for successive two years. During the period of March in 1985 to September in 1987, a total number of 393 abomasa of Holstein-Friesian cows was examined for nematode parasites. Nematodes were detected from 75% of the cows. The prevalence of nematode species detected was Ostertagia ostertagi 250 (63.6%), Mecistocirrus digitatus 181 (46.1%), Trichostrongylus axei 85 (21.6%) and Haemonchus sp. 1 (0.3%). The prevalence and population composition of each growth stage varied seasonally in O. ostertagi and M. digitatus. The large percentage of arrested larvae, early L4 O. ostertagi and immature L5 M. digitatus, detected during the mid-winter and the increasing percentage of matured adult populations of both species in early spring revealed the occurrence of the autumn associated arrested development (hypobiosis) phenomenon in bovine abomasum nematodes of Japan.  相似文献   

The survey was done to determine the incidence and seasonal prevalence of the gastrointestinal helminths infecting Maine dairy cattle. Approximately equal groups of calves, heifers, and cows from 13 dairy farms, managerially and geographically representative of dairying in the state, were sampled at regular 2-month intervals over the period of a year. On the basis of fecal egg counts and identification of cultured larvae, the following results were obtained: Of the 94 adult cows, 78 heifers, and 91 calves sampled continuously in the course of the survey, 95.7%, 98.7%, and 96.7%, respectively, were strongylorid positive (infected with Ostertagia, Cooperia, Trichostrongylus, Haemonchus, and Oesophagostomun), with an overall incidence of 97%. Strongyloides papillosus eggs were in 64.6% of the cattle, Bunostomum in 40.3%, Nematodirus in 27.8%, Trichuris in 27.0%, Capillaria in 9.5%, Moniezia in 25.1%, and Dictyocaulus viviparus larvae in 2.7%. Worm burdens, as reflected by mean nematode egg production per gram of feces, varied. The greatest worm burdens were in the calves, followed by the heifers and the cows. A marked variation in egg production related to season was observed, particularly with the strongylorid worms. Peak strongylorid egg production was observed in the May-June sampling period. After the peak period, worm burdens decreased in all groups of cattle to their lowest point during the winter period of January-February. This pattern of egg production was similar to that reported by workers in other parts of the world. Farm management practices were shown to be related to the degree of parasitism existing in these herds. Those herds classed as poorly managed had significantly higher levels of parasitism in young animals than those classed as having fair or good management.  相似文献   

为了解甘肃地区奶牛肠道寄生虫感染情况,共采集甘肃12个地区2 276份奶牛新鲜粪便样品,通过水洗沉淀法、卢戈氏碘液法、饱和蔗糖漂浮法进行检测。结果:共检测出7种肠道寄生虫,总感染率为37.4%(851/2276)。以阿米巴原虫为优势虫种,感染率为23.6%(537/2276),球虫、隐孢子虫、贾第虫、圆线虫、鞭虫、绦虫感染率分别为14.5%(329/2276)、1.8%(42/2276)、0.1%(2/2276)、2.2%(49/2276)、0.8%(18/2276)、0.2%(4/2276)。奶牛肠道寄生虫的感染率随着年龄增加而减,有腹泻症状的断奶前犊牛感染率高于无症状断奶前犊牛,同时,奶牛也感染人兽共患原虫隐孢子虫和贾第虫,因此应加强甘肃地区奶牛肠道寄生虫的防治工作。  相似文献   

Comparative studies on the prevalence of infections caused by Coxiella burnetii (C. burnetii) and Chlamydia were carried out with 592 cattle older than 2 years and 234 cattle younger than 2 years. Of these 477 originated from 24 dairy herds with considerable fertility problems (positive herds) and 349 from 14 dairy herds without major fertility problems (control herds). For the direct detection of these pathogens in the genitals capture ELISAs were employed, for the demonstration of antibodies the complement fixation test (CFT). Direct detection of C. burnetii and Chlamydia single as well as mixed infection revealed significant higher values for cattle from positive herds compared with those from the control herds. Animals revealing insemination ratios of > or = 2 showed significantly more frequent excretion of Chlamydia via the genitals and antibodies against C. burnetii than cattle with an insemination ratio of < 2. Investigations of cows which had had an abortion showed no indications of significantly more frequent C. burnetii or chlamydial infections. Inseminated but non-pregnant cows excreted significantly more C. burnetii and Chlamydia than pregnant cows. Clinical signs of endometritis were associated with an enhanced excretion of Chlamydia. Animals younger than 2 years excreted significantly more frequently C. burnetii but not Chlamydia via the genitals than animals older than 2 years. Indirect test showed results vice versa.  相似文献   

Mycoplasma bovis causes mastitis in dairy cows and is associated with pneumonia and polyarthritis in cattle. The present investigation included a retrospective case–control study to identify potential herd-level risk factors for M. bovis associated disease, and a prospective cohort study to evaluate the course of clinical disease in M. bovis infected dairy cattle herds in Switzerland. Eighteen herds with confirmed M. bovis cases were visited twice within an average interval of 75 d. One control herd with no history of clinical mycoplasmosis, matched for herd size, was randomly selected within a 10 km range for each case herd. Animal health data, production data, information on milking and feeding-management, housing and presence of potential stress- factors were collected. Composite quarter milk samples were aseptically collected from all lactating cows and 5% of all animals within each herd were sampled by nasal swabs. Organ samples of culled diseased cows were collected when logistically possible. All samples were analyzed by real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR). In case herds, incidence risk of pneumonia, arthritis and clinical mastitis prior to the first visit and incidence rates of clinical mastitis and clinical pneumonia between the two visits was estimated. Logistic regression was used to identify potential herd-level risk factors for M. bovis infection. In case herds, incidence risk of M. bovis mastitis prior to the first visit ranged from 2 to 15%, whereas 2 to 35% of the cows suffered from clinical pneumonia within the 12 months prior to the first herd visit. The incidence rates of mycoplasmal mastitis and clinical pneumonia between the two herd visits were low in case herds (0–0.1 per animal year at risk and 0.1-0.6 per animal year at risk, respectively). In the retrospective-case-control study high mean milk production, appropriate stimulation until milk-let-down, fore-stripping, animal movements (cattle shows and trade), presence of stress-factors, and use of a specific brand of milking equipment, were identified as potential herd-level risk factors. The prospective cohort study revealed a decreased incidence of clinical disease within three months and prolonged colonization of the nasal cavity by M. bovis in young stock.  相似文献   

A cross-sectional study was carried out from July to September 1989 in Kaloleni Division, Coast Province, Kenya to estimate the prevalence of vector-transmitted diseases in small-holder dairy cattle and to identify the risk factors associated with different management systems. One hundred and thirty of the 157 herds with dairy cattle in Kaloleni Division were surveyed. These were from three agro-ecological zones (coconut-cassava, cashew nut-cassava and livestock-millet), comprised two management systems (stall-feeding and herded grazing) and were herds with either dairy cattle only or with Zebu and dairy cattle. A formal questionnaire sought answers to questions on cattle health and management practices. A total of 734 dairy and 205 Zebu cattle in 78 dairy and 52 mixed (dairy and Zebu) herds were sampled and screened for haemoparasites (Trypanosoma, Anaplasma, Babesia, and Theileria infections). Sera were tested for antibodies to Theileria parva, using the schizonts-antigen indirect fluorescent-antibody (IFA) test and to antibodies for Babesia bigemina and antigens to Anaplasma marginale by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Packed-cell volume (PCV) also was measured. Tick-control measures were practised by all except three of the farmers. Despite this, overall seroprevalence to T. parva was >70%--suggesting either that control practices were not strictly implemented or they were ineffective. The seroprevalence of T. parva in adult cattle kept in stall-feeding systems in the coconut-cassava zone was significantly lower (57+/-8% (S.E.)) than in herded-grazing systems (79+/-3%) and there was no association between antibody prevalence and age of cattle in this zone. Antibody prevalences in cattle in the cashew nut-cassava and the drier livestock-millet zone increased with age. Cattle in herded-grazing systems had an overall lower seroprevalence of T. parva infection in the livestock-millet zone (45+/-6%) than in the other two zones.Analysis was confined to the coconut-cassava zone for B. bigemina and to the coconut-cassava and cashew nut-cassava zones for A. marginale. Mean prevalences of B. bigemina were 40.9+/-9 and 73+/-6% for dairy cattle under stall-feeding and herded-grazing systems, respectively, and increased with age. Antigen prevalences of A. marginale were over 80% in all age groups of cattle in the coconut-cassava and cashew nut-cassava zones. Overall trypanosome prevalence in cattle was <1%. Trypanocidal treatment was uncommon. The variations in antibody prevalence associated with risk factors such as feeding system, agro-ecological zone and age of animal suggest that management system influenced exposure to tick-borne infection (particularly, T. parva infections) in small-holder dairy cattle in coastal Kenya.  相似文献   

The prevalence of infections with three feline retroviruses; feline leukemia virus (FeLV), feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV) and feline foamy virus (FeFV), was examined in domestic cats (Felis catus) and leopard cats (Felis bengalensis) in southern Vietnam in 1998. We then compared this data with our previous study in northern Vietnam in 1997. None of the cats had FeLV antigens in both the northern and southern areas. In contrast, there is a great distinction in the seropositivity of FIV. Twenty-two percent of domestic cats had FIV antibodies whereas no FIV positive cats were detected in northern area. FIV may have entered southern Vietnam recently and spread rapidly. FeFV infections were found in both areas, suggesting that FeFV might be present in the cat populations in Vietnam from the earliest time.  相似文献   

A potentially infectious aetiology for digital dermatitis in dairy cattle was investigated and centred on the possible involvement of spirochaetes. An enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) was developed to detect bovine anti-Borrelia burgdorferi (B31) and anti-Treponeme (USA bovine isolates) antibodies in the sera of cows; sera were further tested for antigen specificity by Western blotting. Compared to normal cows, those with digital dermatitis had a much higher seropositivity rate to B. burgdorferi and the treponemes. Significant correlations were shown between antibodies to B. burgdorferi and to Treponemes (P < 0.001), suggesting strong cross-reacting epitopes shared by these spirochaetes. In Western blotting of B. burgdorferi antigens, the main band detected by ELISA positive sera was the 41 kDa flagellar protein; lesser frequency of staining was seen with 34 (OspB), 39 and 55 kDa bands. For the USA treponeme antigens, ELISA positive sera gave reactions to the 34-kDa band and also bands at 41 and 55 kDa. Polyclonal antibodies to Treponema denticola and T. vincentii showed reactions with the bovine treponemes which were predominantly to the 34-kDa antigen. Monoclonal antibodies to B. burgdorferi flagella (41 kDa) antigen and OspA (31 kDa) did not detect any treponeme bands in Western blotting. The study has provided serological evidence that spirochaetes (which are related to human treponemes) may be involved in the pathogenesis of digital dermatitis.  相似文献   

《The Veterinary record》2010,167(25):957-960
Parasitic bronchitis (lungworm, husk) in cattle Lead poisoning in cattle associated with bonfire ash Deaths of ewes associated with faulty administration of boluses Streptococcus suis associated with respiratory and nervous disease in pigs Blackhead and mycoplasmosis causing losses in turkeys These are among matters discussed in the Veterinary Laboratories Agency's (VLA's) disease surveillance report for October.  相似文献   

After conducting a preliminary survey, a feeding trial was carried out to determine the effect of urea-molasses-multinutrient block (UMMB) and urea-treated rice straw (UTRS) as a feed supplement on the productivity of dairy cows. Sixty Holstein-Friesian crossbred cows on 11 smallholder farms were divided equally into control, UMMB and UTRS supplementation groups. Milk yield and feed intake were recorded daily. Milk fat content, body weight and body condition score (BSC) of each cow were determined at two week intervals. Milk samples for progesterone analysis were collected once a week commencing one month after parturition. Data were recorded for date of onset of ovarian activity, estrus, insemination, and conception rate. Milk production increased by 10.3-11.9% and milk fat content increased by 3-5%, therefore, profit for farmers increased by US $0.55-0.73 per cow per day (exchange rate US $1 = VN $11,000). The intervals from calving to onset of ovarian activity (91-94 days), to estrus (110-114 days), to conception (121-122 days) and the calving interval (13.4-13.6 months) in the trial groups were significantly shorter than those in the control group (112, 135, 152 days and 14.4 months, respectively.  相似文献   

Bulk milk samples from 220 dairy herds were collected at 9 public milk collection centres in the northeastern and northern Thailand, and a subset of 11 herds was selected for individual testing. The samples were tested for presence of antibodies to BVDV and BHV-1 using an indirect ELISA. The results from the bulk milk testing demonstrated a moderate level of exposure to BVDV and BHV-1 (73% and 67%, respectively). However, the low proportion of herds with high BVDV antibody-levels (13%) and the low within-herd seroprevalence of BVDV and BHV-1 in the 11 herds (24% and 5%, respectively), particularly among the young stock (15% and 0%, respectively), demonstrated a low prevalence of active BVDV infection and a low rate of reactivation of latent BHV-1. The presence of a self-clearance process was also indicated by the results from the individual testing. Moreover, a surprisingly low prevalence of BVDV and BHV-1 antibody-positive herds at one of the milk centres was found. This centre was established 5-10 years before the others. Our impression is that this reflects the self-clearance process, where consecutive replacement of imported infected animals without further spread has resulted in a nearly total elimination of the infections. Based on our experiences and on these results we are convinced that this process can continue if there is awareness of herd biosecurity. This is especially important in the context of a future intensification of the dairy production.  相似文献   

Pseudocowpox in dairy cattle   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

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