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通过对世界发达国家现行林业科研体制进行系统梳理,从林业科研管理体系、科研经费来源、科研计划制定等5个方面对中外林业科研体系进行比较研究,总结发达国家科研管理经验,就改革和完善我国现行的林业科研体制提出一些对策性建议。  相似文献   

经区党委办公厅批准,由区林业局主持召开的全区林业科研计划会议,经过九天的反复讨论修改,集思广益,制订了全区一九七八年林业重点项目科研计划、三年、八年林业科研规划和二十三年林业科研规划设想.这个计划和规划,是从我区林业生产的实际需要出发,抓住关键问题,使科研走在生产建设的前面;全面规划,统筹安排,以  相似文献   

今年6月12~16日林业部科技司在成都市召开了全国林业科研计划工作会议,共有110余名科研管理负责同志参加了会议。会议传达了全国科技工作会议精神,总结了“七五”国家科技攻关林业项目的执行情况,通报了“八五”国家科技攻关林业项目的开展情况,讨论了1992年林业部重点科研计划项目的安排意见。会议期间,蔡延松副部长做了“发展科  相似文献   

云南省世行贷款林业项目的管理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
世界银行贷款林业项目是云南省90年代初期最大的引进外资项目,其管理与国际接轨。通过对组织、计划、财务、科研、质量、信息、物资和债务等8个方面的管理作系统的总结分析,以此介绍云南省世行林业项目在管理上所取得的成效。为强化林业管理,提高效益提供了有益的借鉴。  相似文献   

云南省世行贷款林业项目管理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
世界银行贷款林业项目是云南省90年代初期最大引进外资项目,其管理与国际接轨。通过对组织、计划、财务、科研、质量、信息、物资和债务等8个方面的管理作系统的总结分析,以此介绍云南省世行林业项目在管理上所取得的成效。为强化林业管理,提高效益提供了有益的借鉴。  相似文献   

从林业科研计划管理和林业科技成果管理2个方面,详细分析了省级林业科研管理的现状,阐述了林业科研管理创新的必要性,提出了树立以人为本的管理观念、引入科研质量全面管理、营造协同攻关的氛围、具备参与国际竞争的意识等林业科研创新思路。  相似文献   

<正> 科研单位计划财务管理是科研工作重要组成部分。科研课题的建立,科研经费的计划使用是科研计划财务管理的重要内容。林业科研课题的生产,材业单位如何承担科研课题,有关部门如何搞好科研合作,以及成果的签定和推广等是林业科研的系列工程。为了加强科研经费的管理,合理和有效地使用科研经费,推动科学技术工作要面向经济建设的主战场,  相似文献   

<正> 林业科研管理是林业科研及管理部门的一项重要工作,成果管理是林业科研管理的重要内容之一,为更快地促进科研成果的转化和推广,更好地发挥其在林业科研、生产中的作用,有必要对科研成果进行有效的管理。为适应目前成果管理的需要,利用Visual FoxPro 6.0作为开发工具,研建了林业科研成果管理系统,本系统使用简单方便,大大提高了工作效率。该文将简要介绍林业科研成果管理系统的开发与使用,以期为科研管理工作提供借鉴。  相似文献   

1985~1992年,新西兰林业研究所由一个政府全额拨款的科研单位,逐步过渡转变为一个自主经营、自负盈亏的科研股份公司,政府不再下拨行政等费用。为此,该科研公司对研究室和管理部门进行了一系列机构重组,促使各个研究室与工业界更加密切合作;学术(顾问)组更加注重市场预测,及时提供有关林业和林产品的市场走向,研究动态等;管理部门更加全面地制定计划,协调内外关系、调整资源配置、增强公司的整体竞争力。转变为科研公司后,其每年的科研经费平均50%来自政府的科研基金,50%来自工业界。  相似文献   

<正> 由河北省标准计量局下达计划,委托河北省林业厅提出,河北省林业科学研究所编写完成的“林业科研档案管理”标准课题,于1991年12月27日通过函审鉴定。该标准是依据《科学技术档案工作条例》、《中华人民共和国档案法》,结合林业科研的特点和我省林业科研档案管理现状制定的。在编写过程中,广泛征求了所学术委员和广大科技人员,以及省科技档案馆、各地、县林业局、林科所等单位的多方意见,反复修改完善,完成了“林业科研档案管理”标准的送审稿。本标准重点制定了林业科研档案材料的形成、积累、收集、整理、保管、利用,归档范围,归档时间和归档制度,编写了整理方法和格式。本标准填补了我国林业科研档案管理标  相似文献   

我国林业科技的发展趋势与对策   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
阐述了我国林业科技在林学主要学科、林业科学研究、林业科技推广与开发、国际林业科技合作与交流、林业科技管理等5个方面的发展趋势。针对我国林业科技发展趋势,论述了深化科技体制改革;增加科技投入;建设一支高水平的科技队伍,加速跨世纪人才的培养;创造有利于科技发展的政策环境;扩大国际合作与交流;加强林业科技管理等6大对策。  相似文献   

社区林业是一种社区总体营造理念与操作方式,鼓励社区主动提出计划与林务单位共同合作,在整个计划执行过程中充分与公众沟通并达成共识,与社区公众及组织形成伙伴关系,共同维护生物多样性及发挥环境资源的生态系统服务价值,达到森林永续经营的目标,并能有效改善所在社区的经济与环境状况,特别是与原住民部落的关系。文中以中国台湾"林务局"编定的8个"林区管理处"2011-2020年森林经营计划书为基础,分析台湾地区社区林业计划的内容,包括"推动社区林业及伙伴关系的建立""雇用原住民及与原住民社区合作共同巡护措施""原住民传统领域森林产物采取"及"森林游乐区公共参与及伙伴关系"等4个议题,以期总结台湾社区林业经营规划的过程、内容及进展,供专家学者进行社区林业相关计划编制或研究时参考。  相似文献   

为正确总结过去,探索我国自己的林业调查规划道路,本文提出要历史、辨证地看待过去近40年的工作,并从几个方面列举事实,说明成绩是主要的,教训是深刻的。在总结经验教训的基础上,提出了调查规划工作的目标:及时查清森林资源;建立和管好资源档案;掌握森林消长动态,摸清变化规律;积极、有计划地开展林业区划、规划设计、各种专业调查,为科学经营提供依据;不断引进新技术,实现调查规划现代化。为实现上述目标,必须建立适合我国国情的资源调查管理体系——统一标准、分级调查、分级管理,将林业调查规划列为进行林业生产建设的法定程序,统一管理好我国的森林资源。  相似文献   


Forestry planning relies on decision support systems for predicting and evaluating the outcomes of different management options. The accuracy of data describing the initial state of the forest will inevitably affect the projections of forest development and, hence, the quality of management decisions. As data acquisition is expensive, there is a trade-off between improving management plans and the increasing cost of gathering more data. This review attempts, from a critical perspective, to summarize research on how the quality of forestry data affects the results of forestry planning and decision making. It is structured as follows: first, the attempts to evaluate forestry data for forestry planning purposes are described, including methodology and main conclusions; secondly, some generic questions concerning how important aspects of this research area can be handled are posed and discussed; and finally, some conclusions are drawn, including methodological recommendations. It is concluded that research in this area is scarce, which is in contrast to the fields of forestry planning and forest data acquisition. The inherent complexity of forestry planning is probably the reason why those who seek to evaluate forestry data often oversimplify the problems.  相似文献   

通过对芬兰林业政府管理机构、民间管理机构和林业管理理念的分析,总结了芬兰林业管理在满足林主需求、建立林主组织和科研服务生产方面的经验做法,提出了我国在集体林区加强森林资源管理的3点建议:1)强化森林管理和科技服务部门之间的密切合作;2)鼓励民间建立林农合作组织;3)加强林业实用性技术研究和成果推广。  相似文献   

Forestry organizations around the world are increasingly emphasizing forest restoration as a management goal. This reflects a progression in mission away from commodity production towards ecosystem management. A key question is how to promote organizational change to support current management objectives. In 2012, the US Forest Service reorganized its budget and performance measurement structure to support the agency's current emphasis on restoration. We report the results of a survey designed to understand whether this policy change contributed to organizational change and whether the approach was accompanied by key factors known to support successful organizational transitions. We received completed surveys from 1210 agency employees (47% response rate). Although results were mixed, we found that the new approach resulted in some changes to planning approaches and staff roles. Approximately half of those in leadership positions said prioritization and integration had improved. Staff identified a need for improved communication and reported that effective leadership was central to success. These results provide some indication that similar tools can be employed to shift organizational structure and behavior to support the evolving missions of forestry agencies. Future research should investigate how to promote organizational change and learning beyond individual actors via effective leadership, communication, and evaluation.  相似文献   

森林可持续经营与林业的可持续发展   总被引:32,自引:3,他引:29  
里约大会以后,森林可持续发展进入了实质性阶段,一些主要林业国家的政府和绝大部分国际林业组织,都开始研制森林可持续经营的标准与指标体系、进行实验性实施.21世纪将是世界实现森林可持续经营目标和走上林业可持续发展道路的关键时期,如何面对这个挑战,应进行什么研究实践来实现这个世纪目标.文中从“可持续发展”思想产生的背景和森林可持续经营活动的国际组织运作框架进程等方面综述了林业可持续发展的进展,讨论了21世纪的森林研究任务.  相似文献   

This paper examines how Swedish forest owners’ associations are adapting their strategies to fit the changing needs of current and future members, and assesses how this development affects the organizations’ profile and relationship with members. To explore this issue eight semi-structured, face-to-face interviews with chairmen and senior managers from three associations and the Federation of Swedish Family Forest Owners were performed. Results showed that associations have identified an increasing need for management-support activities among members due to their decreasing familiarity with the basics of forestry. Help is increasingly needed both for setting up goals and objectives for their forest ownership, and to practically manage their properties. The associations’ education programmes are also being improved and adapted to suit members’ varying understanding of forestry by the introduction of A-, B- and C-level courses. Education campaigns have proved to be a successful tool for affecting members’ management objectives. Further, the associations see an increasing need for political activity to counter calls for stricter management regulations being made by the media, politicians and environmental organizations and thereby protect members’ ownership rights. Initiatives within the organizations for more efficient governance processes and the professionalization of working procedures within the member organizations may, however, come to reduce individual member involvement in the associations. Members may thus increasingly come to act as customers of service in their interaction with the organizations.  相似文献   

Community forestry is practiced in various countries throughout the world, with respect to both native forests and plantations, for livelihood and forest protection purposes and also for urban amenity values. While forests have been managed to some extent by communities for thousands of years, modern models of community forestry have been practiced widely for only about 30 years. Community forestry takes many forms; there is no unique definition or categorisation, although a number of characteristics are frequently present. There is in general, involvement of a local community in forest planning as well as management, for a form of forestry which is usually relatively small-scale, motivated by multiple objectives, and receiving some financial support and organisational assistance by government and non-government organisations. Where plantations are established, these may be managed as common property, individual property rights may apply, or there may be a combination of both. Analysis of the specific research studies included in this issue reveals that community forestry systems have been refined over time as experience is gained in program designs, and notable successes have been achieved. However, ‘the jury is still out’ on whether community forestry has lived up to the optimistic expectations of its proponents.  相似文献   

Advocates of regulatory reform have argued for performance-based regulation that focuses on the objectives being pursued rather than the means or process by which they are achieved. The great promise of performance-based approaches is that they are believed to provide a more cost-effective approach to achieving desired objectives. This article examines the challenges in designing performance-based regulatory approaches in forestry by analyzing the case of regulatory reform in British Columbia, Canada, in the 2000s. A key barrier to achieving a more performance-based regime includes the inherent challenge of identifying measurable objectives when the underlying causal mechanisms between forestry and environmental values are so poorly understood. The distinguishing feature of the new framework in British Columbia is not that it is performance-based, but that it provides greater flexibility to foresters in achieving policy goals through management planning. The design challenge is to find performance standards specific enough to be meaningful and enforceable but not so specific that they eliminate the very flexibility in means that performance-based regulation is trying to promote. In forestry in British Columbia, this challenge has proven sufficiently daunting that its new system of forest practices has proven to be far less performance-based than initially envisioned.  相似文献   

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